Brainstorming Session

My group members and I decided on an experiment, Exploring Wind Turbine, and we were excited to start the project. However, the wind turbine kit could have not been found. Literally, my group and Dr.Shatz had to think of new techniques to still use the fan to generate voltage. We went from one idea to another and basically tried to figure out how to tape the flashlight to blade of fan. I pushed the blade of the fan just to see the voltage energy on the voltmeter. I was determined not to look for a new experiment. Thanks to Bassam and his brains he figured out a great idea. We took three strong magnets and taped it to each of the fan’s blade. Then, I took the inside part of the flashlight where the coil is located and Dr.Shatz held it from the fan. One of group members  turned on the fan and the voltmeter showed it was generating voltage energy. I do like this experiment because it relates to Faraday’s law and wind turbine. From the fan, it is possible to change the speed and distance.  Overall, we will continue this experiment.


2 thoughts on “Brainstorming Session

  1. aoranczak

    This seems like it will be avery interesting experiment! I like how you gave credit to Bassam for coming up with a plan for you guys to do this experiment. Good job!

  2. hpeavey12

    I like your idea for the experiment a lot! Prof. Shatz will like that you are directly correlating the experiment to something we did in class! I think the high school students will love it!


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