Before watching this movie, I was completely against nuclear power plants because I thought they were harmful and dangerous to society. After this movie, my entire perspectives of nuclear changed. Pandora’s Promise showed both views of people who were anti-nuclear and pro-nuclear. People that were anti-nuclear did not have background of science to explain why they thought nuclear wasn’t safe. The movie displays news reporters would state levels of radiation that meant nothing to folks who did not understand Iodine or units of microsieverts. People that were anti-nuclear had negative views about them because of the Three Miles Island power plant. However, pro nuclear understood nuclear was safer than coal due to the low mortality rate and how it was used to generate electricity. Gwyneth Cravens (pro nuclear) said many women’s group did not know coal killed at least 13,000 people in United States per year and three million killed in the world per year. The movie basically stated nuclear can be used for the good of our people and it shouldn’t be banned from United States or even the world. For example, the French government used 80% of energy from nuclear and it had less fossil fuel combustion (5 tons) than Germany. Pandora’s Promise stated what happened to Chernobyl and how it was designed. Nuclear power plants in United States were not built the exact same as Chernobyl. This was what people against nuclear did not acknowledge in their protests. The entire film did the best job to describe the usage of nuclear power plants and actually considers the negative opinions about them.The negative views started because nuclear was used to create bombs, which some people today still believe. I am extremely happy I was able to watch this film because it changed what I once believed. I did not have facts to corroborate why I was against it at first. I definitely recommend this movie to anyone; it is educational and inspirational!
I like how you explained reasoning to why you now do agree with nuclear power. Good points were made, and it was easy to understand. It was informative as well as persuasive to explain how nuclear power is not a terrible thing. Good job!
Wow i feel like i wrote this myself. I couldnt agree with you more. I had the same exact feeling before the movie, and my attitude changed at the end. Great job explaining what the movie is trying to convey.