Debate Of Genetically Modified Crops

Around May 2013, there was a meeting about the use of GMO in Hawaii. There were positive and negative views about genetically modified crops. The over use of pesticides caused cancer in rats and childhood allergies. However, farmers favored GMO because it actually prevented the spread of ring spots virus in papayas. This was called Rainbow Papaya that was created by Margaret to aid the farmers. Margaret Willie, who majored in cultural anthropology, wanted to limit the use of pesticides in Kona, Hawaii. The crux of the debate is to grow healthy food without destroying the crops chemically.

Although GMO may prevent diseases, plants can have resistance to herbicides. When new plants are growing, they can have a resistant gene to herbicides.The resistant gene can spread throughout the field and GMO won’t be effective anymore. This is another concern about genetic modified crops. I understand why some people are against GMO because they are concern what’s in their food. I,personally, do not like genetically modified crops since they are not grown naturally. I feel there is an alternative way to avoid the spread of virus. Organic crops sound healthier than non-organic food, but there are expensive to buy. I notice GMO helps farmers’ productions, but it harms the folks who are buying the food. More companies are taking the easy way to make more money than to grow healthy crops. Even chicken and cows are given something genetically to increase their growth.
*to learn more about debate of GMO check this page:


2 thoughts on “Debate Of Genetically Modified Crops

  1. Emily

    I like how you addressed both sides of the argument. Also I like that you included the top ten genetically modified foods and the chart about farmers. Good job!

  2. akimmel

    It’s nice to see the pros and the cons of GMOs put together because usually people are on one side or the other. I think you have a lot of facts to back up your reasoning and overall it’s really clear what points you’re trying to make.


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