The United States Environmental Protection Agency proposed a plan in June 2, 2014 to cut carbon pollution from the power plants. Power plants are the biggest waste of carbon emissions and 1/3 of domestic green house emissions. The purpose of the Clean Power Plant is to protect health of the citizens in United States. The people are breathing in these toxins, which makes them vulnerable to illness. Mostly elderly and children are easily to get sick based on the climate range like heat stress and air pollution. Around the year of 2030, the federal government want to cut down on smogs and soot by twenty-five percent. The plan will lead to climate and health benefit changes that worth $55 billion to $93 billion. Therefore, this will avoid 2,700 to 6,600 premature deaths; 140,000 to 150,00 asthma attacks in children. The plan will help the Americans to work more, which decreases the pollution of electricity system and shrinks electricity bills by eight percent in 2030.
The federal government gives the state flexibility with their set goals for 2030. The EPA says the four building block can reduce carbon emissions. The first one is make fossil fuel power plants efficiently because it improves the heat rate for coat steam electric generating units by six percent. The fewer usage of fossil fuel to create electricity decreases carbon pollution. The usage of low-emitting power sources lessens carbon emissions. The third plan is using more zero and low emitting power that creates new nuclear generations. Solar and winds are renewable sources to decrease carbon pollution. The last plan describes the usage of electricity to reduce power plants that saves consumers money; 1.5% demand of energy efficiency. The Clean Power Plants will reduced 424,000 to 471,000 of sulfur dioxide; 4571,000 to 428,000 of nitrogen dioxide will be lessened from the plan. At least 47states will use demand energy efficiency program, 38 will use renewable portfolio goals, and 10 states will plan out market- based greenhouse gas emission programs. I believe this make the country healthier for the people living in it and I hope EPA sticks to the plan. It is important that the is cleaner to prevent illnesses.
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