Germany has become to be known as the leader in renewable energy. With the amount of electricity produced using renewable energy at 25%, they have rightfully earned that title. According to Germany’s Federal Environment Agency, CO2 emissions have fallen by 2.4% since 2010 and this is only the start of their longtime energy plan. With hopes of hitting targets of 35% renewable energy by 2020 and 80% by 2050, some experts believe that the German government may be setting the bar too high to reach. Whatever the predictions for the future are, environmentalists around the globe are using Germany as an example of innovation and campaigning for similar changes across the globe.
The German energy policy may be the new poster child for environmental movements but if you were to talk to consumers in Germany, a much different picture is painted. As nuclear energy has been phasing out and renewable energy has rapidly increased, German households have seen prices soar. An estimated 800,000 households are unable to pay their energy bills as prices have increased 85% in the last decade and are estimated to increase anywhere between 30% and 50% in the next decade. Another negative impact of this energy policy is making the German land an unattractive home to businesses who take cost into serious consideration. If energy prices continue to soar, companies may look to other countries as a source of operations.
The balance between leading the charged towards renewable energy and keeping costs at an affordable rate must be found in order for Germany to be a success story. It is agreed that renewable energy standards like Germany’s will immensely help our environment and that every country should create long term energy plans. But if these plans do not address the financial burden put on consumers, these changes will not be sustainable.
Germany's Energy Policy: Man-Made Crisis Now Costing Billions