
Acceleration vs Mass
Power vs Power
Battery vs Mass
Acceleration vs Force

In this lab we were testing Newton’s first Law, law of inertia, which states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. It may be seen as a statement about inertia, that objects will remain in their state of motion unless a force acts to change the motion. As well as exploring Newton’s 2nd Law i.e., the law of conservation of energy, velocity and acceleration and power. We used the Lego Mindstorm motor to lift weights with a pulley. We set the power level of the motor which will set the toque on the motor wheel which will result in a particular force used to lift the masses. The higher the power level, the greater the force to explore Newton’s 2nd Law we kept the power level fixed and changed the mass. We took note of whether the acceleration varied with the mass or remained constant. Then we kept the mass fixed and change the power level and took note of the same thing. To explore the Law of Conservation of energy we computed, potential energy=mgh with h as the height that the center of mass of the weights travel. With the power level fixed, we studied how the battery energy drainage changes as a function of mass. Since the energy of the battery is converted to the potential energy of the masses, you would expect that the greater the masses, the greater is the battery drainage. However, the battery level reading is not that accurate. We calculated the average power used by the motor which equals power used = potential energy/time =mgh/time, for each of your experiments. For the same mass, plotas a function of the power level of the motor. We added a linear trend line (with equation and R2 indicated). My conclusion was that force is set by power level. When force is increased the acceleration is also increased but when mass is increased the power remains the same. Basically work equals force times parallel distance, work also equals force(distance)=mass(gravity)(height) or w=f(d)=mgh giving you Joules. In order to compute kinetic energy you calculate 1/2mv^2 which leads us back to the more mass=more battery discharge. Energy lost in frictional lost overwhelms the energy used to lift up the masses. That being said it can throw off your data as shown in my attached graphs.

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