Homemade Light Bulb Experiment


My group is creating a Light bulb to determine the amount of energy produced in the graphite based off the number of batteries used. We are starting with 6 D batteries and then 8, and then 10 batteries to see how the light is affected. We are following this procedure listed below:
1. Using electrical tape, fix eight D-sized batteries together, end-to-end, with the positive ends connected to the negative ends.
2. Place a clear shot glass inside of a mason jar or other clear glass.
3. Tape one positive and one negative alligator clip to the top of the shot glass. Make sure the clip is facing up, away from the rest of the shot glass.
4. Carefully clip a mechanical pencil refill between the two alligator clips. The pencil refill needs to be in one piece, so be gentle.
5. Place a mason jar or clear glass over the top of the shot glass.
6. Touch the other positive and negative ends of the alligator clips to the ends of your batteries.
7. Give the circuit a moment to circulate the electricity the pencil refill begins to glow.
The idea behind this experiment is to see an electrical circuit which is a closed path where electrons from a power source flow. Electricity freely flows through a closed circuit, on a battery from the negative side to the positive side. By connecting multiple batteries, you increase the voltage. In the experiment, the clips complete the circuit. The graphite gives off light energy because it is made of carbon molecules and as electricity passes through it, the molecules gain energy. After gaining a lot of energy, it gets released as heat and light energy. (Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xre81ZuqyEg).

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