Annotated Bibliography of Fiction Set in Boston IVb

Page I: Bibliographies, Scholarly and Popular Studies, Anthologies, Multi-Century Sagas, 17th Century and 17th-18th Centuries

Page II: 18th Century and 18th-19th Centuries

Page III : 19th Century and 19th-20th Centuries

Page IV a: 20th Century A – Q authors     Page IV b: 20th Century R – Z authors

Page V:  21st+ Century (and 20th-21st Centuries)


Radish, Kris. The Year of Necessary Lies: A Novel (SparkPress, 2015) (contemporary discovers story of her

1903 “naive, beautiful Boston socialite” great-grandmother) (Animal rights activists; Socialites)

Rand, George Hart. Sherman Hale: The Harvard Half-Back (New York: R. F. Fenno, 1910) (Bail 291: despite title, no

real Harvard–“a mild melodrama and detective story involving a supposedly forged check, the conviction of the

innocent Sherman, incarceration in Concord Reformatory, escape, etc.”)

Randall, Thomas, pseud. The Twelfth Step (Scribner, 1957) (alcoholics return from rehab to normal life; some


Ray, Jeanne. Julie and Romeo (Harmony Books, 2000) (two competing florist families parallel Shakespeare;

Somerville; lovers in their 60s; Jewish Rosemans and Italian Cacciamanis) (Family-owned business

enterprises; Florists; Vendetta)

—. Julie and Romeo Get Lucky (Pocket Books, 2005) (Boston area florists) (Family-owned business enterprises;

Flower vending; Vendetta; Domestic)

Raye, Kimberly. Christmas, Texas Style (Harlequin, 1999) (in Harlequin Duets 15; romance; heroine lives in Boston)

(Grandparent and child; Seniors; Matchmakers; Mate selection; Divorced men; Christmas; Boston; Texas)

Raymond, John. Who Done Houdini?: A New Adventure of Sherlock Holmes (North Star P of St. Cloud, 2015) (1926;

in part spiritualism in Boston) (Holmes, Sherlock; Houdini, Harry, — 1874-1926; Journalists; Murder —

Investigation; Spiritualists)

Read, Piers Paul. The Professor’s Daughter (Lippincott, 1971) (Harvard; 50s-60s) (Fathers and daughters; College

teachers; Social ethics; England)

Redfearn, James. The Rising at Roxbury Crossing (Olde Stony Brook Publishing, 2012) (1919; Irish immigrants;

Boston Police; Irish Brotherhood)

Reed, Barry. The Choice (Crown, 1991) (Sequel to The Verdict: Galvin takes on drug companies; Portuguese

Americans; Fall River) (Trials (Products liability; Legal stories) (Amazon and Google Books))

—. The Deception: A Novel (Crown, 1997) (Tennis player; Archdiocese of Boston; Suicide) (Trials (Malpractice))

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Indictment (Crown, 1994) (Irish Americans; hero, Boston attorney; FBI) (Surgeons — Massachusetts — Boston;

Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Verdict (Simon & Schuster, 1980) (Paul Newman movie; Boston Roman Catholic Church) (Trials (Malpractice))

(Google Books)

Reed, Kevin L. Rookie Year: Journey of a First-Year Teacher: A Novel (Peralta Pub., 1999) (Boston school teacher)

(African American teachers; Urban schools) (Amazon, especially Front Flap)

Reeves, Robert Nicholas. (Detective–Thomas Theron, a history professor at fictional Wesley College [Harvard?]

in Boston)

—. Doubting Thomas (Crown, 1985) (Wesley College = Harvard; Combat Zone; Suffolk Downs racetrack)

(Google Books)

—. Peeping Thomas (Crown, 1990) (Combat Zone; Feminists) (Pornography) (Amazon and Google Books)

Reid, P. Carey. Swimming in the Starry River: A Novel (Hyperion, 1994) (Parents of terminally ill children — Boston,

Massachusetts; Children — Death — Boston, Massachusetts; Father and daughter — Boston, Massachusetts;

Home schooling — Boston, Massachusetts; Househusbands — Boston, Massachusetts; Parents of disabled

children — Boston, Massachusetts; Two-career couples — Boston, Massachusetts; Boston, Massachusetts)

Reilly, Rick. Missing Links (Doubleday, 1996) (“the most exclusive private course in all of Boston” Back Cover

[Amazon]; Dorchester; Canton) (Golf–Betting; Golfers)

—. Shanks for Nothing: A Novel (Doubleday, 2006) (sequel to Missing Links) (Golfers)

Rendell, Preston. Room Full of Killers (, Barnes and Noble, Albris, 2019) (“Against the backdrop of a

1960s mob war in Boston’s North End” [Globe ad 23 Jun. 2019, N14]; boxing; bullying)

Rennert, Maggie. Circle of Death (Prentice-Hall, 1974) (murder in “posh Elm Circle at a Cambridge-like university near

Boston” [Kirkus Reviews]) (Google Books)

Reynolds, John Lawrence. (“The irascible Joe McGuire, Lieutenant in the Boston police department, takes readers through a series

of compelling and chilling mysteries” John Lawrence Reynolds’ web site Internet Wayback Machine].)

—. And Leave Her Lay Dying (Viking, 1990) (Google Books)

—. Gypsy Sins (HarperCollins, 1994) (Cape Cod) (Google Books)

—. Haunted Hearts (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2003) (Google Books)

—. The Man Who Murdered God (Viking, 1989) (priest killer) (Google Books)

—. Solitary Dancer (HarperCollins, 1994) (McGuire as suspect) (Google Books)

—. Whisper Death (Viking, 1992) (Schantz, Ollie (Fictitious character); Vance, Edward Henry (Fictitious character);

McGuire, Joseph Peter (Fictitious character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Rice, John Andrew. “Aunt Lettie and the Absolute.” The New Yorker 3 Mar. 1945: 56-61 (eccentric, bossy Bostonian

aunt) (Keywords: Florida)

Rice, Luanne. Summer Light (Bantam, 2001) (romance; male, Boston Bruins’ hockey star) (Single-parent families;

Weddings — Planning; Mothers and daughters; Fathers and sons; Hockey players; Summer)

Rice, Richard. “The Einstein Award.” The Third Coast: Contemporary Michigan Fiction, ed. James Tipton and Robert E.

Wegner. Wayne State U P, 1982: 183-204 (1936-1940s; MIT; Dorchester; South Boston; Polish immigrants; Irish


Riddle, Barbara. The Girl Pretending to Read Rilke (Renaissance Sound and Publication, 2000) (romance and female

summer intern in Cambridge in the early 60’s before the feminist movement impact on academia; Molecular lab)

Rimmer, Robert H. The Resurrection of Anne Hutchinson (Prometheus Books, 1987) (Hutchinson reappears in more

liberated 1985) (Hutchinson, Anne Marbury; Massachusetts — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775;

Puritans — Massachusetts)

—–. That Girl from Boston (Challenge P, 1962) (late 50s; Radcliffe; Harbor Islands; sex and romance)

Rivers, Caryl. Intimate Enemies (Dutton, 1987) (fictional Boston small college in the 80s with love and tension between

former 60s protestor and ROTC Vietnam vet amputee officer)

Robbins, Harold. Tycoon: A Novel (Simon & Schuster, 1997) (Jewish, Harvard grad, broadcast mogul to be marries Boston

Brahmin heiress; media empire starts in Boston; 1930s-70s) (Broadcasting executives; Jewish businessmen and

businesswomen; Rich people; Corporate acquisitions; Television executives)

Roberts, Nora. Birthright (Putnam, 2003) (three-month-old baby girl abducted; shady Boston adoption) (Women

archaeologists; Excavations (Archaeology) — Maryland; Birthmothers — Identification; Adoption — Corrupt

practices; Boston (Mass.))

—. Tempting Fate (Silhouette Books, 1985) (romance; heroine, Proper Bostonian) (Lawyers; Boston (Mass.))

Robinette, Joseph. The Paper Chase: A Full-Length Play Based on the Novel by John Jay Osborn, Jr. (The

Dramatic Publishing Co., 1981)

Robinson, Francine. It Didn’t Happen (Trafford Pub., 2003) (heroine “grew up in a working class section of Boston”

[Back Cover, Amazon]; working class; mixed-race family; date rape/amnesia drugs)

Robinson, Henry Morton. The Cardinal (Simon &Schuster, 1950 [1943?]) (in part modeled on New York’s Francis

Cardinal Spellman, but much Boston with poor Boston boy rises to Cardinal by Boston-born author,

including controversial position of Boston College) (Cardinals; Clergy) (Review, Time 3 Apr. 1950, Internet

Wayback Machine)

Robison, James. The Illustrator (Summit Books, 1988) (title character Boston-based) (Illustrators; Man-woman


—. “The Line” The New Yorker 30 Aug. 1982: 32-33 (“Boston man . . . tells story of his day” Abstract) (Keywords:

Husbands; Boston, Mass.; Separation)

—. “Set Off” The New Yorker 27 Sep. 1982: 42- 44 (high school student in “a wealthy Boston suburb” Abstract)

(Keywords: Architects; Families; Adolescents; Boston, Mass.)

Rofihe, Rick. “Boys Who Do the Bop” The New Yorker 6 Jun. 1988: 34-37 (male narrator spends night with a woman

friend in Boston) (Keywords: Songs; Boston; Friends)

Rogers, Moira. Building Sanctuary (Samhain Pub., 2011) (Main character’s home Boston; werewolves; paranormal;


Rollins, Bryant. Danger Song (Doubleday, 1967) (African Americans; Roxbury)

Rollins, Montgomery. illus. Frank T. Merrill. The Banker at the Boardinghouse (Lothrop, Lee & Shepherd, 1918

HathiTrust) (Pinckney Street) (Bankers; Boardinghouses)

Ronnow, Robert. “Overlooking Boston.” White Waits (Barnwood P, 1985) (poem)

Ropes, Bradford. Mr. Tilley Takes A Walk (Austin-Phelps, 1951) (Boston Irish mailman)

Rose, Sienna. Bridge Ices Before Road (Nut House Pub., 2012) (1970; “a blue-collar suburb of Boston”; two

11-year-old heroines) (Homophobia; Racism; Feminism; Child sexual abuse by clergy; Bildungsromans;

Boston (Mass.))

Rose, Stephen C. Panflick: The Boston Car Wars (iUniverse, Inc. 2006 [originally published online 1997]) (late

1980s; hero Adam Panflick; anti-automobiles) (See Panflick. Internet Wayback Machine)

Rosenfield, Eric. “Firearms: a Comedy in One Act” (1998; linternet Archive Wayback Machine)  (High school

student; Back Bay)

Ross, Ciaran [pseud. of Allan Littell]. Corruption: A Novel of a Boston Newspaper ( Pub., 2002)

(“a fictional Beantown that lies somewhere between 1923 and 2003” [Seth Porges])

Ross, David. That Boy’s Seven Kinds of Love (Trafford, 2003) (Tufts; Museum of Fine Arts; Ashmolean Museum,

Oxford, England; Stanford University; Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Ross, W[illiam].E[dward].D[aniel]. The House on Mount Vernon Street (Lenox Hill P, 1972) (“a young woman at a

mansion on Boston’s Beacon Hill and a ghost who went back to the Middle Ages” WorldCat)

—. One Louisburg Square (Lenox Hill P, 1974) (Beacon Hill) (Brief Summary, [accessed 15 Mar. 2008])

Roth, Philip. The Plot Against America (Houghton Mifflin, 2004) (1942; pp. 261-62 set in South Boston and Dorchester,

Gov. Saltonstall) (Antisemitism; Jewish families; Jews; Presidents — Election)

Rothber, Ellen. “Boston December.” Bitterroot 27.94 (FA 1988): 60) (poem)

Rovit, Earl H. The Player King (Harcourt, Brace & World,1965) (main character lives in Boston; Jewish Americans;

literary world)

Rubin, Charles. Leaning on Thin Air: A Novel of Boston, 1969 (New Century Publishers, 2017) (Copy writers —

Massachusetts — Boston)

Ruggiero, L. A. Burning Sand: A Novel (Beaconridge P, 2001) (starts in North End with small-time crime family) (Volleyball

players; Identity (Psychology); Criminals; Adoptees; Orphans; Amnesia)

Russcol, Herbert, and Margalit Banai. Philharmonic (Coward McCann & Geoghagen, 1971) (roman à clef; Leonard

Bernstein) (Symphony orchestras — Massachusetts — Boston; Conductors (Music) — Massachusetts — Boston)

Ryan, Connall. House of Cards (Knopf, 1989) (“professional gambler . . . helps problem kids around Boston” [Publisher’s

Weekly, Amazon] (Pokerplayers, Problem youth; Boston (Mass.))

Sallis, James. Potato Tree (Host Publications, 2007) (short stories written over 40 years, including “Insect Men of Boston”

[1974 “in New Worlds; pp. 125-28] and “The Very Last Days of Boston” [1970 “in Quark, ed. Samuel R. Delany

and Marilyn Hacker”; pp. 145-49])

Sandy, Stephen, “The Destruction of Bulfinch’s House” (The Thread: New and Selected Poems [LSU P, 1998], pp.

14-15) (8 Bulfinch Place; dest. Sept. 1961)

Sappington, K. C. “Boston Baby.” The New Yorker 17 Jun. 1933: 52 (brief poetic satire)

Sargent, Colin W. Boston Castrato (Barbican P, 2015) (Lowell, Amy, — 1874-1925; Authors, American — Maine;

Boston (Mass.) — History — 20th century)

Sarno, Peter. Visions of Johanna (PFP Publishing, 2023) (1980s) (“Revere-and not Boston-. . . one of the underlying

attractions in Visions of Johanna” Google Books)  (Boston (Mass.); Feminism United States History 20th century;

Man-woman relationships; Music critics Northeastern States; Secrecy; Social conflict United States History 20th

century; Women artists Northeastern States)

Sarton, May. Anger: A Novel (Norton, 1982) (art, temper, and conventionality in Boston) (Anger)

—. The Birth of a Grandfather (Rhinehart, 1957) (Cambridge; Maine in the summer) (Back Cover 1989 ed.)

—. The Education of Harriet Hatfield: A Novel (Norton,1989) (Lesbian feminist opens bookstore in Somerville;

Homophobia; Working class) (Booksellers and bookselling; Feminists; Women)

—. Faithful Are the Wounds (Rinehart, 1955) (based on F.O. Matthiessen) (University of Cambridge; Harvard

University; Death; College teachers; Anti-Communist movements; Gay men–Psychology; Sucide victims) (

Back Cover 1997 ed. Amazon)

—. A Reckoning: A Novel (Norton, 1978) (heroine, Boston publishing editor) (Terminally ill; Women editors; Cancer;


—. Shadow of a Man (Rinehart, 1950) (Boston man finds first love in Paris after emotional turmoil in Boston) (French-

Americans; Mothers — Death; Romantic love — Paris, France; Stepfathers — Boston, Massachusetts; Stepsons;

Boston, Massachusetts; Paris, France; Young men — United States — Psychology; Psychological)

Savage, Elizabeth. The Last Night at the Ritz: A Novel (Little, Brown, 1973) (Terminally ill; Friendship; Women)

Savage, Sam. Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife (Coffee House P, 2006) (1960s; Scollay Square; Urban

renewal; rat learns to read in used bookstore) (Rats)

Savery, Pancho. “Racism in Boston.” (Hanging Loose (1988): 19) (poem)

Sawler, Harvey. The Penguin Man (General Store, 2001) (first third Lowell/Dracut; later Boston bars and New England

Aquarium) (Bartenders; Boston (Mass.)) (Pub. Des. [Internet Wayback Machine])

Sawyer, Kim Vogel. Where the Heart Leads: A Novel (Bethany House, 2008) (early 20th-c. Mennonite male college grad

torn between Boston and native Kansas) (God (Christianity) — Will; Mennonites; Christian men; Purpose in life;

Men– Decision-making; Nineteen hundreds; Men/women relations; Kansas; Boston; Christian fiction; Christian love


Sayles, John. “Home for .” The Anarchist’s Convention and Other Stories (Nation Books, 2005: 3-22 [Google Books]) (“a

lonely woman temping in Boston” Back Cover; 1980s?)

—. Union Dues (Little Brown, 1977) (runaway West Virginia son; revolutionary group in Boston; Fall 1969) (Miners; Labor

unions; Working class; West Virginia)

Scarlett, Roger (pseud. of Dorothy Blair and Evelyn Page).

—. The Back Bay Murders (Pub. for the Crime Club by Doubleday, Doran, 1930)

—.  The Beacon Hill Murders (Pub. for the Crime Club, Inc. by Doubleday, Doran, 1930)

—.  Cat’s Paw (Pub. for the Crime Club, Inc. by Doubleday, Doran, 1931) (wealthy recluse murdered in his Fenway

mansion Google Books) (Inheritance and succession; Truthfulness and falsehood; Murder — Investigation; Police;


—. In the First Degree (Pub. for the Crime club, Inc., by Doubleday, Doran, 1933) (Criminal intent; Identity theft; Murder —

Investigation; Boston)

—. Murder Among the Angells (Pub. for the Crime club, Inc., by Doubleday, Doran, 1932) (Police; Boston)

Schalet, Randi. Lunch: A Novel (Clothespin Fever P, 1994) (“with a vivid evocation of a Pride March” [Stone and

Wofsey 1996]) (Lesbians; Boston (Mass.))

Schiff, Pearl. Scollay Square (Rinehart, 1952) (Beacon Hill; Brahmins; Jewish Americans; Italian Americans; North End;

1945-46) (World War, 1939-1945) (Tom Long, “Pearl Schiff; novelist depicted Hub night life” (Boston Globe 30 Jul.

2005) [accessed 15 Mar. 2008])

—. Walk a Narrow Line (London: Muller, 1966) (“a single mother raising a daughter in Boston” Wikipedia)

Schmahmann, David. Empire Settings: A Novel (White Pine P 2001) (South African white male main character

now lives in Boston; 1970s Durban; 1978-98 Boston; 1998 South Africa; Interracial love) (Apartheid; First

loves; South Africa) (Review [Internet Wayback Machine])

Schorer, Mark. “The End of the Beginning.” The New Yorker 31 Mar. 1945: 21-24 (quarrels in Boston) (Keywords:

Quarrels; Professors)

Schulman, Audrey. The Cage (Algonquin Books, 1994) (Boston-based woman photographer photographs polar bears in

northern Manitoba; early scenes in Boston) (Photography of animals; Women photographers; Wilderness survival;

Polar bear; Manitoba)

Schwartz, John Burnham. Claire Marvel: A Novel (Nan A. Talese, 2002) (liberalism, romance, and Harvard; New York)

(Political science teachers; Americans–France; Graduate students; Loss (Psychology); France)

Scott, Kimberly. On the Bus: A Novel of Families Trapped by Forced Busing (Martin and Lawrence, 2004) (African

Americans; white family; 1975; Roxbury; Charlestown) (Race relations; Busing for school integration)

Seaburg, Carl. A Boston Brew (Zebra, 1984) (Light verse about history and present)

Segal, Eric. The Class (Bantam, 1985) (Class of 1958; 25th reunion) (Class reunions; Harvard University; College


—. Doctors (Bantam, 1988) (Harvard Medical School class of 1962)

—. Love Story (Harper & Row, 1970) (Social classes; Difference (Psychology); Cambridge; Terminally ill; Harvard

University; Radcliffe College; Fathers and sons; College students)

—. Oliver’s Story (Harper & Row, 1977) (Sequel to Love Story; much of it set in Boston) (Grief; Widowers)

Self-made man, 1853-1915 (pseud. J. Perkins Tracy [James Perkins]). From a Cent to Fortune, or, A Chicago Boy’s

Great Scoop (New York: Harry E. Wolff, 28 Sep. 1923. 28 pgs.) (Series: Fame and fortune weekly; no. 939)

(East Boston) (Boston (Mass.); Capitalists and financiers; Young businesspeople) (Edward T. LeBlanc

Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois U)

—. The Ladder of Fame, or, From Office Boy to Senator (New York: Frank Tousey, 6 Aug. 1915. 30 pgs.) (Series: Fame

and fortune weekly; no. 514) (Clerks; Boston (Mass.)) (Edward T. LeBlanc Collection. Rare Books and Special

Collections, Northern Illinois U)

—. A Lucky Penny, or, The Fortunes of a Boston Boy (New York: Frank Tousey, 1905. 28 pgs.) (Series: Fame and

fortune weekly; no. 11) (Fortune; Success)

—. Striking It Rich, or, From Office Boy to Merchant Prince (New York: Frank Tousey, 24 July 1908) (Fame and fortune

weekly; no. 147) (Edward T. LeBlanc Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois U) (26 pgs.;

South Boston [26], Boston [21]) (Boston (Mass.); Merchants)

Senna, Danzy. Caucasia (Riverhead Books, 1998) (racially mixed marriages and children; see her mother’s novels,

Howe, Fanny) (Racially mixed children; Interracial marriage)

Sexton, Linda Gray. Rituals (Doubleday, 1982) (“dangerous dependencies of . . . upper-caste Boston WASP family”

[Kirkus Reviews])

Shabazz, Ilyasah, and Kekla Magoon. X: A Novel (Candlewick P, 2014) (Juvenile; novelization of Malcolm X’s life

to age 20 co-written by daughter) (X, Malcolm, — 1925-1965 — Childhood and youth; Black Muslims — Biography;

African American Muslims — Biography)

Shapiro, Barbara A. Blameless (Avon, 1995) (“psychological thriller set in Boston’s Back Bay” WorldCat)  (Women

psychotherapists; Forensic psychology; Murder — Investigation)

—. See No Evil I (Avon, 1996) (1692; 20th c.; “A modern day Boston doctoral student finds herself caught up in the

terror of the Salem witch trials”) (Murder; Reincarnation; Witches; Cambridge)

—. Shattered Echoes (Avon, 1993 [Internet Archive]) (“the story of the house at 240 Beacon Street” p. 3;

“psychological thriller about murder, madness, and the supernatural in Boston’s historic Back Bay” WorldCat)

Shapiro, Dana Adam. The Every Boy (Houghton Mifflin, 2005) (adolescence in Boston suburb; present–1989) (Teenage

boys–Death; Diaries; Loss (psychology); Fathers and sons; Separated people; New York; Grief)

Shapiro, Gail R.  To Sisterhood! (BookLocker, 2024) (May 4, 1969-August, 1972; main characters include “Radcliffe student,”

“factory worker in Cambridge,” and “journalist . . . covering the Boston Black Panther Party” WorldCat) (Boston (Mass.) 20th century;

Female friendship Massachusetts 20th century;  Feminism History 20th century)
Shapiro, Jane. “Mousetrap.” The New Yorker 13 Apr. 1992: 32-36; rpt. Snapshots: 20th Century Mother-Daughter Fiction,

ed. Joyce Carol Oates and Janet Berliner. David Godine, 2000: 174-84[?]) (mother lives in Union Square in South

End) (Keywords: Boston; Mothers; Old Age; Plastic Surgery)

Shapiro, Lisa. Endless Love (Naiad P, 1998) (College teachers; College athletes; Problem families; Boston (Mass.);

New Hampshire; Jewish lesbians)

Shattuck, Jessica. The Hazards of Good Breeding (Norton, 2003) (Concord and Roxbury) (Young women; Children of

divorced parents; Women college graduates; Parent and adult child; Upper class parents; Housekeepers)

Shea, Christina. Moira’s Crossing (St. Martin’s, 2000) (Ireland –> Boston –> Maine) (Ireland — Emigration and

immigration; Irish American women; Boston (Mass.); Immigrants; Sisters; Maine) (1921-90s)

Sheehan, Bill. “The Bill Collector.” Electic Acorn 9 c. 2000 [Internet Wayback Machine] (Short story; West Roxbury


Sheehan, Edward R. F. The Governor: Being an Embittered and Bemused Account of the Life & Times of the Brother of

the Irish Christ (World Pub. Co.,1970) (Governor of Massachusetts; Political, family, and moral problems; Charles

Street Underground Parking Garage)

Sheffer, Susan. In Boston (Poets On 36 (Dec. 1995): 29) (poem)

Shekleton, John. A Jesuit Tale (Rutledge Books, 2000) (two straight Jesuits, one gay; St. Paul, Minn.; Guatemala;

some Cambridge)

Shem, Samuel [pseud. of Stephen Bergman]. Fine: A Novel (St. Martin’s/Marek, 1985) (struggles of a Boston


Shepard, Lucius. “Sports in America.” In Beast of the Heartland, and Other Stories (Four Walls Eight Windows, 1999:

179-204) (“mean streets of contemporary Boston” [Publishers Weekly]; short stories–fantasy/science fiction/

speculative fiction)

Sherman, Homer. Brass Tacks: The Soul of New England Turned Wrong Side Out (Boston: Miller Pub., 1918 [Google

Books]) (IX Jimmie Goes to Boston, X The Hub of the Universe)

Sherwood, Shamus. Paris Promises (, 2008) (Vietnam war and agitation; mainly Paris but begins with

Boston bank robbery) (Robberies — Boston; France — Paris; Male friendship)

Shiefman, Vicky. Good-bye to the Trees (Macmillan, 1993) (Juvenile) (1907; Russian girl and then her family move to

Cheslea) (Emigration and immigration; Russian Americans; Jews)

Shoemaker, Rob. The Final Game (Featherland P, 1995) (Red Sox, 1933-99)

Sholl, Betsy. The Red Line (U of Pittsburgh P, 1992) (poems)

Shoule, Michael. My Daddy Loves Boston College Football (Read Together Books, 2009) (Juvenile; age 4+; 20 pages)

Shreve, Anita. The Last Time They Met: A Novel (Little, Brown, 2001) (last part set in Hull, adolescence of characters)

(Married people; Women poets; Forgiveness; Adultery; Poets)

—. The Pilot’s Wife (Little, Brown, 1999) (Bostonians summer on N.H. coast) (Aircraft accidents; Widows; Grief; Adultery;

Domestic fiction; Psychological fiction); Identity (Psychology))

Shreve, Susan Richards. Ghost Cats (Random House, 1997) (Juvenile–ages 8-12) (family newly settled in Boston)

(Animal ghosts; Ghosts; Cats; Pets; Brothers and sisters)

Shriver, Michele. Heart of Glass (SMC Publishing, 2024) (in part, “intense, ill-fated love in 1970s Boston” WorldCat) (Lesbians)

Shute, Jenefer. Sex Crimes (Doubleday, 1996) (Back Bay clubs, connections to Albert DeSalvo and film Basic Instinct;

38 year-old Harvard-trained Boston lawyer) (Sex crimes; Women lawyers)

Sides, Marilyn. The Genius of Affection: A Novel (Harmony Books, 1999) (Jane Austen; Boston-area college)

(College teachers; Middle aged women; Motherhood; Man-woman relationships; Intercountry adoptions;

Life change events) (Brief summary WorldCat)

—. The Island of the Mapmaker’s Wife and Other Tales (Harmony, 1996) (“The Island of the Mapmaker’s Wife” [1990]:

1-20– Boston-based antique map dealer heroine in Amsterdam; “Temporary Tatoos”: 21-40–main character

Boston business woman; “The Master of the Pink Glyphs”: 123-274 –main character Cambridge female school

teacher) (Collectors and collecting)

Silver, Don. Backward-facing Man: A Novel (Ecco, 2005) (radical Boston/MIT in 60s; repercussions in 90s) (Loss

(Psychology); Betrayal)

Silverman, Paul. “The Blue Scar.” (orig. pub. The Tampa Review) (Jewish Americans; schoolboys; 1930s-40s [?];

Roxbury; Charlestown)

Simmons, Rona. Postcards from Wonderland: A Novel (Deeds Publishing, 2015) (Amusement parks —

Massachusetts; Organized crime — United States; Wonderland Amusement Park (Mass.); Revere (Mass.))

Simms, Dale Bruce. Slowburn.Thesis (M.F.A.)–Emerson College, 1988 (Fathers and sons; Young men; Boston (Mass.))

Simons, Paulina. Light at Lavelle (Wavesound, 2023)  (Bankers;  Boston (Mass.) Social conditions 20th century;  Families;  Immigrants

Massachusetts Boston;  Man-woman relationships;  Secrecy;  Stock Market Crash, 1929;  Ukraine History Famine, 1932-1933;

Ukrainians United States)

Sinclair, Upton. Boston: A Novel (A. & C. Boni, 1928) (Sacco-Vanzetti Trial, Dedham, Mass., 1921)

Singer, June Falum. The President’s Women (Crown, 1988) (Complicated wealthy Boston family ties in last half of the

twentieth century)

Singer, Katie. The Wholeness of a Broken Heart (Riverhead Books, 1999) (four generations of Jewish women,

including a great-granddaughter in Cambridge, 1989) (Jews — New York (State) — New York; New York (N.Y.))

Sissman, L[ouis]. E[dward]. “Going Home, 1945.” The New Yorker 24 Jun. 1967: 31-33 (Harvard sophomore)

—. Hello Darkness: The Collected Poems of L. E. Sissman (Little, Brown, 1978) (Many poems on Boston from 1940s

to 1970s)

—. “Love Day, 1945.” The New Yorker 5 May 1973: 42-43 (Cambridge scenes show dead serviceman’s wife and lover,

and funeral) (Keywords: Death; U.S. Navy; Cambridge, Mass.; Hecht, Anthony; World War II; Imprimis, in her

shower in Quincy Street)

—. “New England: Dead of Winter.” The New Yorker 18 Feb. 1967: 42 (Keywords: Harvard; Professors; Winter; Brooks,

Van Wyck; “Augustin Dunster Saylor Sayward now”; “The Flowering Of New England”)

—. “New Year’s, 1948 (Boston: Washington and Dover Streets).” The New Yorker 28 Dec. 1968: 34-35

—. “Scattered Returns: Three Derivative Poems.” The New Yorker 18 May 1968: 41 (Keywords: Boston; Travel;

International Business Machine; Peck & Peck; A Crowd Flowed Over Boylston Street, So many; Binfield,

Mass; Boylston Street, Boston; Scattered Returns, Three Derivative Poems; Gare Du Midi; Town’n Gown

Motel; Coming Up For Air)

—. “Two Happenings in Boston.” The New Yorker 8 Oct. 1966: 58 (Keywords: Artists; New York; Boston; Drugs;

Alliance of the Arts; “Did Shriner die or make it to New York”; “Hernando Milton, scion of the gray”)

—. “A War Requiem.” The New Yorker 3 May 1969: 37-43 (some Boston, e.g., sections “15 East Cambridge, 1949”

and “24 A Walk in Roxbury, 1964”)

Slampyak, Ted. Jazz Age Chronicles (Caliber Comics, 1989-91 and 1993) (Graphic Novel; 1926 Boston) (Kevin Burton

Smith, “Ace Mifflin”. Thrilling Detective Web Site. Web. [Internet Wayback Machine]; “If Scollay Square can

be said to be alive today, then it is in the pages of . . . The Jazz Chronicles” [David Kruh, Always Something

Doing: Boston’s Infamous Scollay Square. Rev. ed. Northeastern U P, 1999: 150])

Slavitt, David R. Turkish Delights (Louisiana State U P, 1993) (20th c. story, modern Jewish writer, Cambridge)

(Jewish-American authors — Cambridge, Massachusetts; Family relationships)

Small, David. The River in Winter (Norton, 1987) (Mainly Maine, but some Boston and Revere)

Smith, Daniel. A Walk in the City (World Pub., 1971) (successfully [barely] growing up black in Boston)

(African Americans)

Smith, Deborah. Sweet Hush (Little, Brown, 2003) (in part Harvard students) (Harvard University — Students; College

students — Cambridge, Massachusetts; Love)

Smith, Gary. Happy Hours (Harmony Books, 1987) (alcoholics; partly, male main character at college in Boston in

60s; mainly elsewhere)

Smith, Gordon Arthur. The Crown of Life (Scribner’s, 1915 [Google Books]) (part Boston, e.g., “Book I Boston”)

(rebellious young woman with “love affairs in Boston . . . to the verge of scandal” The New Outlook 27 Oct.

1915[?]: 525 [Google Books])

Smith, Helen Michele. Charles Street: A Student Guide; and The Survivor’s Closet (Thesis (M.A.)–Emerson College,

1992) (Beacon Hill (Boston, Mass.); Teenage girls; Suicide; Suicide victims– Family relationships)

Smith, J. P. The Discovery of Light (Viking, 1992) (hero Boston author) (Authors, American — Boston, Massachusetts;

Husband and wife — Boston, Massachusetts; Husband and wife; Men/women relations — Boston metropolitan

area; Extramarital relations — Boston, Massachusetts; jealousy in men — Boston, Massachusetts; Judges — New

York City; Judges’ wives — New York City)

Smith, Robert. One Winter in Boston (Simon and Schuster, 1950)

Snyder, Don J. Fallen Angel (Simon and Schuster, 2001) (in part, one character “homeless and living on the streets

of Boston” Kirkus Reviews)

—. Night Crossing: A Novel (Knopf, 2001) (pregnant 42-year-old Boston housewife plunges into Northern Ireland’s

troubles; 1998) (Northern Ireland; Intellignece officers; Political violence; Bombings) (Pub. Des. WorldCat)

Sokolov, Raymond. Native Intelligence (Harper & Row, 1975) (author, class of ’63 ; “in large measure about Harvard

and its mentality in the early days of the Kennedy meritocracy,” Nick Lemman, The Harvard Crimson 19 Mar.

1976) Review, Nick Lemman, Internet Wayback Machine)

Soria, Destiny. Iron Cast (Amulet Books, 2016) (High School) (1919 Boston; paranormal) (Criminals; Gangsters;

Magicians; Nightclubs; Prejudices; Massachusetts — Boston)

Sparks, Nicholas. Message in a Bottle (Warner, 1998) (heroine is Boston newspaper columnist) (Ocean bottles;

Widowers; Divorced women)

Spence-Ash, Laura.  Beyond That, the Sea (Celadon, 2023) (11-year-old English girl lives with Boston family 1940-45)

(World War, 1939-1945 — Children;  World War, 1939-1945 — Evacuation of civilians — Great Britain)

Spitio, K. Time Has a Way: Another Work of Fiction (Writer’s Showcase, 2002) (Boston/Brighton) (Battered women;

Italian American families)

Spooner, John D. The Foursome (Houghton Mifflin 1993) (1950-90s; Boston suburb of Brookwood (Brookline)) (Upper

class — Boston, Massachusetts; Millionaires — Boston, Massachusetts; Businessmen and businesswomen —

Boston, Massachusetts; Golfers — Boston, Massachusetts; Competition in men; Ambition in men)

Staffier, Jane Sarah. Casey and the Boston Freedom Trail (B.A.B., 1999) (Juvenile–Ages 9-12) (Cats)

—. Casey the Beacon Hill Cat Coloring Books #1-4 (B.A.B., 1999) (Juvenile) (Cats; Freedom Trail)

Stafford, Jean. Boston Adventure (Harcourt, Brace, 1944) (1930s; immigrant families; Winthrop; Beacon Hill; Pinckney

Street; Back Bay schools)

—. The Catherine Wheel: A Novel (Harcourt Brace, 1952) (upper-class Bostonians; Maine)

—. “The Liberation.” The New Yorker 30 May 1953: 22-30 (heroine plans to move to Boston) (Keywords: Teachers; Old

Age; Engagement; Colorado)

—. “The Wedding: Beacon Hill.” Harper’s Bazaar Aug. 1944, pp. 272-

Standish, Burt. Dick Merriwell’s Heroic Players, or, How theYale Nine Won the Championship I (New YorK: Street &

Smith, 1912) (Series: New medal library, no. 790) (Juvenile) (“CHAPTER XXXV BOSTON WANTS ITS

REVENGE. –” WorldCat) (Baseball)

Stapleton, Leo [former Boston Fire Commissioner]. Billy Simpson’s Journals (DMC Associates, 2004) (lightly fictionalized

history) (Holden, Donald–fictional character) (Boston, MA; Fire Chiefs ) (Summary, AdmiralFire-Police-Rescue

[Internet Wayback Machine])

—. Cap’n (DMC Associates) (Fire fighters — Massachusetts — Boston; Fire extinction — Massachusetts — Boston;

Action; Adventure)

—. Deputy: A Novel (DMC Books, 2006) (Fire fighters; Fire extinction) (Holden, Donald–fictional character) (Fire fighters

— Massachusetts — Boston; Fire extinction — Massachusetts — Boston) (Summary, [Internet

Wayback Machine])

—. DFC (DMC Books, 2002) (“concludes soon after . . . September 11th, 2001” Summary, AdmiralFire-Police

-Rescue [Internet Wayback Machine]) (Holden, Bill–fictional character; Fire fighters — Massachusetts — Boston;

Fire extinction — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Fire and Water (DMC Associates, 1992) (“post World War II . . . through the 1970s” [Biblio]; arson investigations

in Boston during the 70’s) (Fire fighters — Massachusetts — Boston; Fire extinction — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Jakes (DMC Associates, 1994) (“‘Jakes’ is a term Boston Firefighters use to refer to one another” [Hamm]) ((Fire

fighters — Massachusetts — Boston; Fire extinction — Massachusetts — Boston) (Ron Hamm, Brief Summary,

The Dispatch July/August 2006:11 [accessed 16 Mar. 2008])

—. Lufts (DMC Associates, 1998) (“Lieutenant in the Boston Fire Department” [Booger McCaul, Wicked Good Guide

to Boston English, accessed 16 Mar. 2008]) (Fire fighters — Massachusetts — Boston; Fire extinction —

Massachusetts — Boston)

Stapp, Emilie Blackmore. The Little Streets of Beacon Hill (J.F. Olsson & Co, 1928)

Starbuck, George. “Aspects of Spring in Greater Boston.” The New Yorker 12 Apr. 1958: 48 (Keywords: Spring;


—. “Communication to the City Fathers of Boston.” The New Yorker 24 Oct. 1959: 47

—. “The Unhurried Traveller in Boston.” The New Yorker 15 Oct. 1960: 46 (poem)

Steel, Danielle. Kaleidoscope (Delacorte, 1987) (one sister raised partly in Charlestown) (Sisters; Family life;

Adoption; Paris)

—. Lone Eagle (Delacorte, 2001) (starts Christmas time 1940 with heroine a 17-year-old Boston debutante and

ends in the 70s) (Aeronautical engineers; Air pilots)

Stern, Richard G. Other Men’s Daughters (Dutton, 1973) (Harvard) (Cambridge (Mass.); Middle-aged men; College

teachers; Biology teachers; Young women)

Stewart, Edward. Orpheus on Top (Putnam, 1966) (“one major section . . . based in Boston, specifically in Cambridge,

at a thinly disguised Harvard. . . . references to a Cabot House anticipate the existence of such a residence by

a couple of decades” [Charles Husbands, personal email 3 Nov. 2009]

Stone, Andrew K. All Flowers Die: A Novel (So There Books, 1999) (Boston music scene in the mid 80s)

—. Disappearing into View: A Novel (So There Books, 2001) (“on the streets of Boston” WorldCat) (Homeless persons;

Fathers and sons)

Stone, Jean. Places by the Sea (Bantam, 1997) (romance; heroine, Boston TV celebrity; mainly Martha’s Vineyard)

Stone, Katharine. Love Songs (Zebra, 1991) (mainly Long Island, but some Boston area, e.g., “Chapter Fifteen

Cambridge, Massachusetts September 1974″) (Long Island (N.Y.))

Stone, Phoebe. Sonata #1 for Riley Red (Little, Brown, 2003) (Elementary and junior high school) (Cambridge; early

1960s) (Emotional problems; Family problems; Animals–treatment; Elephants; Pianos; Apartment houses;

Boston (Mass.))

Storey, Gail Donohue. God’s Country Club: A Novel (Persea Books, 1996) (heroine, raised in Boston projects, now

librarian in Houston; romance; mainly Houston) (Women librarians — Houston, Texas; Cohabitation —

Houston, Texas; Divorced men — Houston, Texas; Emergency physicians — Houston, Texas; Extramarital

relations — Houston, Texas; Rich men — Houston, Texas; Adult children of dysfunctional families; Divorce;

Children of divorced parents; Single women — Houston, Texas; Sweeney, Colleen; Houston, Texas)

Stout, Rex. Fer-de-lance: The League of Frightened Men (Bantam Dell, 1934) (Harvard prank and reunion years later)

(Private investigators; Wolfe, Nero (Fictitious character); New York (State) — New York)

Stover, John H. The Road Runner: An American Odyssey (, 2002) (lots of Boston passages; author

born in Brockton) (Family problems; Substance abuse; Hitchhiking)

Stover, Marjorie. Patrick and the Great Molasses Explosion (Dillon P, 1985) (Juvenile: Grades 1-3) (Molasses; 1919)

Stratton, Robin L. Raising the Pentagon: Three Ancient Socerers Caught in a Time Warp Find Themselves in 20th

Century Boston: A New Age Adventure (Mockingbird Square, 1990) (science fiction; fantasy)

Strauss, Elle. Clockwork Crazy (ESB Publishing, 2015) (1929 and 1775 Boston) (Time travel; High

school students)

Strauss, Lee. Death at King’s Chapel (La Plume P, 2024) (1932) (Boston (Mass.);  Hawke, Samantha (Fictitious character); Higgins,

Haley (Fictitious character);  Murder Investigation)

—. Death at the Tavern: A Cozy Historical 1930s Mystery (Kelowna, British Columbia: La Plume P, 2019) (Series: A

Higgins & Hawke mystery, 1) (“man is found dead inside Boston’s oldest tavern” WorldCat) (Hawke, Samantha,

(Fictitious character);  Higgins, Haley, (Fictitious character);  Murder Investigation;  Prohibition;  Sex role;  Women

forensic pathologists;  Women journalists)

—. Death by Dancing (Kelowna, BC, Canada: La Plume P, 2021) (Series: A Higgins & Hawke mystery, 4) (“a Dance

Marathon in the North End of Boston in 1932″ WorldCat)

—. Death on Hanover (Dreamscape Media, 2023) (North End; Higgins & Hawke)

—. Death on the Tower: A Cozy Historical 1930s Mystery (Kelowna, BC, Canada: La Plume P, 2019) (Series: A Higgins

& Hawke mystery, 2) (“body . . . found at the base of the common house [Custom House?] tower in Boston”

WorldCat) (Hawke, Samantha, (Fictitious character);  Higgins, Haley, (Fictitious character);  Murder Investigation;

Sex role;  Women forensic pathologists;  Women journalists)

—. Death on Tremont Row (La Plume P, 2023) (Series: A Higgins & Hawke mystery, five) (“spring of 1932” WorldCat) (Boston (Mass.); Murder

Investigation; Women forensic pathologists; Women journalists)

Strong, Jonathan. The Old World: A Novel (Zoland, 1997) (Somerville; 1961 to the age of AIDS)) (Gay men;

Teacher-student relationships; Caribbean area)

—. Secret Words: A Novel (Zoland, 1992) (29-year-old working class Italian-American woman leaves family home

to live on her own) (Italian- American women — Boston, Massachusetts; Racism — Boston, Massachusetts;

interracial romance — Boston, Massachusetts; Self-confidence in women; :Self-actualization (Psychology))

Stuart, Sarah Payne. Men in Trouble (HarperCollins, 1988) (late 60s; from Concord to Radcliffe)

—-. The Year Roger Wasn’t Well (HarperCollins, 1994) (Heroine is Harvard grad from WASP liberal Concord) (Young

women; Married people)

Sulkin, Sidney. The Family Man (Robert B. Luce, 1962) (Jewish Dorchester Depression-1950s) (Kirkus Review)

Sullivan, J. Courtney. Saints for All Occasions: A Novel (Knopf, 2017) (Irish immigrant sisters; in part, “thrilled by

their new life in Boston and besotted with the fashionable dresses and dance halls on Dudley Street” Abstract;

1957- 2009) (Family life)

Sun, Chyng Feng (Lolly Robinson illus.). Mama Bear (Houghton Mifflin, 1994) (Juvenile–pre-kindergarten-third

grade) (Mother and daughter — Boston, Massachusetts; Chinese-Americans — Boston, Massachusetts;

Chinese-American girls — Boston, Massachusetts; Money-making schemes for children; Cookie sales;

Chinese restaurants — Boston, Massachusetts; Christmas presents; Teddy bears; Girls and toy animals;

Determination in girls; Resourcefulness in girls; Chinatown, Boston, Massachusetts; Christmas stories)

Sundin, Sarah. Anchor in the Storm: A Novel (Revell, 2016) (sabotage; romance) (Pharmacists; World War,

1939-1945 — United States; Destroyers (Warships); Christian fiction; Boston (Mass.))

Sutton, Barbara. “The Send-Away Girl” Agni Online 55 (May 2002) (short story; Brookline; Central Square)

Swann, E. L. Night Gardening (Hyperion, 1999) (Cambridge Bridges of Middlesex County) (Cerebrovascular

disease — Patients; Landscape architects; Middle-aged persons; Cambridge; Widows)

Swasey, Robert. Kendall’s Sister (Little, Brown, 1922 [Google Books]) (Back Bay, Marlborough Street, South End;

“Boston society, its atmosphere and its temperament” Pub. adv. (The Publishers Weekly 18 Feb 1922: 426

[Google Books])

Sycamore, Matt Bernstein, Pulling Taffy (Suspect Thoughts Press, 2003) (Starts mid-90s Boston; Gay men;

autobiographical fiction)

Sycamore, Mattilde Bernstein. Sketchtasy (Arsenal Pulp P, 2018) (“the perils of queer world-making . . . Boston in

1995″ WorldCat; Combat Zone; Dorchester; AIDs)

Talamini, Tia. Mrs. Iacapucci and the Right Combination (Somerville: Tia Talamini Project, 1991)) (Short stories, North End,

East Boston,Somerville) (Italian Americans)

Talley, Linda. Emily Breaks Free (Primary school) (MarshMedia, 2000) (Freedom Trail) (Dogs; Bullies; Boston (Mass.))

Tapley, Brendan JFG. Besieged in Boston (Thesis (M.F.A.)–Emerson College, 1998) (Screenplay; comedy of manners)

Tarshis, Lauren. The Great Molasses Flood, 1919 (also under the title I Survived the Great Molasses Flood, 1919)

(Scholastic Audiobooks, 2019) (Juvenile) (Italians — Massachusetts — Boston; Industrial accidents; Floods)

Tavares, Matt. Zachary’s Ball (Candlewick P, 2000) (Juvenile; ages 7-12) (Baseball; Boston Red Sox (Baseball team))

Taylor, Liza Nash. In All Good Faith (Solon, OH: Findaway World, 2022) (1932; in part “a cold-water West End Boston

tenement” and “the Boston Public Library” WorldCat)  (Self-realization in women; Depressions — 1929;  Mentally

ill women; Anxiety in adolescence; Families; Bonus Expeditionary Forces; Boston (Mass.); Virginia)

Taylor, Mildred D. All the Days Past, All the Days to Come (Listening Library (Audio), 2020) (Secondary (senior high)

school) (in part, law school in Boston) (African Americans; Prejudices; Mississippi — Race relations)

Taylor, Phoebe Atwood [often published under pseud. Alice Tilton] (sleuth, Leonidas Witherall, a retired academic and

secret pulp fiction author, in Dalton, a fictional town near Boston)

—. Beginning with a Bash: Leonidas Witherall Investigates (Norton, 1937) (murder in Boston second-hand bookstore)

(Google Books)

—. Cold Steal: A Leonidas Witherall Mystery (Norton, 1939) (Boston train; fictional town of Dalton, near Boston) (Witherall,

Leonidas (Fictitious character) — Fiction.; Authors — Massachusetts –Boston) (Google Books)

—. The Cut Direct: A Leonidas Witherall Mystery (Norton, 1938) (fictional town of Dalton, near Boston) (Authors —

Massachusetts –Boston) (Google books

—. Dead Ernest: A Leonidas Witherall Mystery (Norton, 1944) (fictional town of Dalton, near Boston) (Witherall, Leonidas

(Fictitious character); College teachers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. File for Record (Norton, 1943) (fictional town of Dalton, near Boston) (Google Books)

—. The Hollow Chest: A Leonidas Witherall Mystery (Norton, 1941) (fictional town of Dalton, near Boston)

(Wikipedia, accessed 29 Dec. 2011)

—. The Iron Clew: A Leonidas Witherall Mystery (Norton, 1947) (also published as The Iron Hand [London, Published

for the Crime Club by Collins, 1947]) (fictional town of Dalton, near Boston) (Witherall, Leonidas (Fictitious

character); College teachers) (Google Books)

—. The Left Leg: A Leonidas Witherall Mystery (Norton, 1940) (fictional town of Dalton, near Boston) (Wikipedia,

accessed 29 Dec. 2011)

—. “The Swan-Boat Murder” (1942). Rept. in Murder and Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn Rössel Waugh, Martin H.

Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (New York: Dember Books, 1987): 186-244.

Tea, Michelle. The Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America (Semiotexte; Smart Art P,

1998) (Chelsea; working class) (Lesbians)

—. Rent Girl (Last Gasp, 2004) (Prostitution; Chelsea girl) (Lesbians; Lesbians — Comic books, strips, etc.;

Sex-oriented businesses — United States — Comic books, strips, etc.)

Tessaro, Kathleen. Rare Objects: A Novel (HarperCollins, 2016) (rebellious Irish immigrant and upper class young

women) (Young women — Massachusetts — Boston; Depressions — 1929 — Massachusetts — Boston; Upper

class families; Female friendship)

Thayer, Nancy. Between Husbands and Friends (St. Martin’s, 1999) (1981-1998; Sussex, a fictional Boston suburb;

Nantucket; “finale, set in Boston’s Children’s Hospital” [Publishers Weekly, Amazon]) (Marriage; Female

friendship; Man-woman relationships)

—. Custody: A Novel (St. Martin’s P, 2001) (Cambridge/Boston; Middlesex County Family Court) (Custody of

children; Women judges)

—- Family Secrets (Viking, 1993) (in part radical/bohemian Radcliffe in 1939-40s; FBI) (Mothers and daughters;


—. Nell (Morrow, 1985) (38-year-old divorced woman in Boston)

—. Spirit Lost (Scribner’s, 1988) (main characters “move from an apartment in Boston to a Victorian house on

Nantucket” [Publishers Weekly, Amazon]; ghost story; one return trip to Boston)

Theo, John. Business Casual (unpublished [?] screenplay; new CEO living on Beacon Hill) (Writing

[Internet Wayback Machine])

—. Cape Ann (unpublished [?] murder mystery involving Cambridge software company) (Writing [Internet

Wayback Machine)

—. Seasons Change (unpublished [?] comic play; two high school boys growing up north of Boston in the 1980s)

(Writing [Internet Wayback Machine’)

Theroux, Paul. Doctor DeMarr In Half Moon Street: Two Short Novels (last half of Alice McDermott’s review

“Ravishing Witch, Ph.D” New York Times Book Review 28 Oct. 1984: 35 [accessed 16 Mar. 2008])

—. “A Judas Memoir.” In The Stranger at the Palazzo d’Oro and Other Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 2004: 111-224)

(four short stories about growing up in Medford in the 50s)

—. Picture Palace: A Novel (Houghton Mifflin, 1978) (love; Cape Cod, mainly, and elsewhere, but two key Boston

scenes, pp. 56-57 at Symphony Hall and 121-33–South Station, Atlantic Avenue, rowing on Charles with photos

of event, p. 140) (Women photographers; Older women; Art)

Thomas, Julia. The Radcliffe Ladies’ Reading Club: A Novel  (Sourcebooks Landmark, 2023) (“Cambridge Bookstore”;

1954 WorldCat) (Book clubs (Discussion groups); Booksellers and bookselling; Female friendship; Radcliffe


Thomas, Maria. “Back Bay to the Bundu.” The New Yorker 22 Apr. 1991: 36-41 (old Boston woman moves to Kenya)

Thomas-Graham, Pamela. (sleuth, Nikki Chase, a black economics professor in Cambridge, Massachusetts)

—. Blue Blood: An Ivy League Mystery (Simon & Schuster, 1999) (Harvard Professor goes to New Haven to solve

murder) (African American women college teachers; Women law teachers — Crimes against; Economics teachers;

Chase, Nikki (Fictitious character); New Haven (Conn.); Yale University) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. A Darker Shade of Crimson: An Ivy League Mystery (Simon & Schuster, 1998) (African American women college

teachers; Harvard University; Murder; Cambridge (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)


(Keywords: Africa; Old Age; Kenya; Miracles)

Thomson, Maynard F. Breaking Faith: Featuring Nason Nichols, P.I. (Pocket Books, 1996) (Boston politics; murdered African

American Yale student; Roxbury) (Private investigators) (Amazon and Google books)

—. Dreams of Gold (Warner, 1999) (red-haired daughter of Japanese mother and American father leaves Boston to

train in Japan; Japanese culture; Japanese gangsters; Romance) (Women figure skaters; Olympics; Americans


—. Trade Secrets (Pocket Books, 1993) (Boston, subs) (Nason Nichols) (Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

Thon, Melanie Rae. First, Body: Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 1997) (some set in Combat Zone; note also “Xmas, Jamaica

Plain” 89-97)

—. Girls in the Grass: Stories (Random House, 1991) (11 stories; “Sisters” Combat Zone murder 225-56)

Tilton, Alice [pseud. of Phoebe Atwood Taylor]. See Taylor, Phoebe Atwood.

Title, Elise. Chain Reaction: A Novel of Sexual Addiction (Little, Brown, 1998) (Women psychiatrists —

Massachusetts — Boston;Murder — Massachusetts — Boston; Murder — Investigation — Massachusetts

— Boston) (Google Books)

Toma, T.L. Border Dance: A Novel (Southern Methodist U 1996) (Boston businessman in Mexico) (Middle-aged men

— Boston, Massachusetts; Middle-aged men — Mexico; Midlife crisis in men; Young women — Mexico;

Men/women relations; Businessmen and businesswomen — Mexico; Americans in Mexico; Men’s dreams; Loss

(Psychology); Alcoholic men; Middle-aged men — Relations with younger women; Disillusionment in men;

Interethnic relations; Travelers, American — Mexico; Intergenerational relations)

Torra, Joseph. Gas Station: A Novel (Zoland, 1996) (60s; Medford; working class) (Service stations; Fathers and sons;


Train, Arthur [Cheney]. Ambition (Scribner’s, 1928) (hero, Harvard Class of 1924 [good 30 pages (Bail 317-18]; later

Law School instructor; mainly New York) (Man-woman relationships; Legal stories; Marriage; New York (N.Y.))

(Brief Summary/Review, Time 26 Mar. 1928 [Internet Wayback Machine])

Travers, Jack. The Price of Love (PageFree, 2002) (Somerville; Irish; Italian) (Friendship; Love stories; Criminals)

Tremaine, Kate. Jared Sams, illus. The Stolen Kraken (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Torch Graphic P, 2020) (Series: The Secret

Society of Monster Hunters) (Elementary and junior high school) (“time travel to 1950s Boston” WorldCat) (Secret

societies; Time travel; Scientists)

Trench, P. S. Le Poer. “Progress in Boston.” The New Yorker 12 Sep. 1936: 78 (brief poem) (Keywords: Boston


Tribune, George. “The New Boston (1).” (San Fernando Poetry Journal 18.4 (1996): 29) (poem)

Trubiano, Louis. What Once Was Promised (MINDSTIR MEDIA, 2024) (North End, 1914-post-WWII, “Italian immigrants . . . multigenerational

saga . . . with the gritty realities of politics and organized crime” WorldCat)

Tucker, Kerry. Drift Away: A Libby Kincaid Mystery (HarperCollins, 1994) (New York-based woman photographer

detective; murdered Boston woman lawyer) (Kincaid, Libby (Fictitious character); Women photographers) (

Amazon and Google Books)

Tuckman, Bruce W. Long Road to Boston (Cedarwinds, 1987) (“Inspired by his own racing experience, this author and

avid runner creates a passionate story about a man’s race from Hopkinton to Boston.” The Ultimate Guide to the

Boston Marathon 10 Jan. 2007) (Marathon running)

Tunis, John Roberts. The Duke Decides (Harcourt, Brace, 1939) (1938 Olympic Games) (Track and field; Olympics;

Harvard University; Running) (Bail 341-42)

—. Iron Duke (Harcourt, Brace, 1938) (Juvenile–secondary school) (western school boy and Harvard prep

traditions) (Universities and colleges; Track and field) (Bail 333-36)

Turner, Jennifer Smith. Child Bride: A Novel (Phoenix, Arizona: SparkPress, 2019) (“mid-1900s” WorldCat) (Abused

wives; Adultery; African American women; Child marriage; Man-woman relationships; Married people; Triangles

(Interpersonal relations); Boston)

Turtledove, Harry. The Great War: American Front (Del Ray/Ballantine, 1998) (one major character Boston

fisherman; alternative history of World War I; Confederacy fights on allies’ side, U.S. on German side) (World War,

1914-1918 — United States–Fiction; United States — History — Civil War, 1861-1865–Fiction)

Updike, John. “Blessed Man of Boston, My Grandmother’s Thimble, and Fanning Island.” Pigeon Feathers, and Other

Stories (Knopf, 1962: 227-46) (old Chinese man seated at Fenway Park)

—. “The Christian Roommates.” The New Yorker 4 Apr. 1964: 44-74 (Harvard roommates in early 50s) (Keywords:

Religion; Harvard University; College Students)

—. “Domestic Life in America.” The New Yorker 13 Dec. 1976: 43-49 (divorce and romance in Boston and suburbs)

(Keywords: Divorce; Christmas; Families; Boston, Mass.)

—. “Elsie By Starlight.New Yorker 5 May 2004 (accessed 14 Jan. 2008) (MIT;Sex; Love)

—. “Giving Blood.” The New Yorker 6 Apr. 1963: 36-41 (suburban Maples give blood in Boston) (Keywords: Marriage;

Boston; Blood Donors)

—. “Here Come the Maples.” The New Yorker 11 Oct. 1976: 38-43 (divorce in Cambridge) (Keywords: Divorce; Marriage;


—. “From the Journal of a Leper.” The New Yorker 19 Jul. 1976: 28-33 (leper in Boston) (Keywords: Potters; Love;

Lepers; Boston, Mass.; Journals; Psoriasis; Skin Disease)

—. “Gesturing” (Playboy Jan. 1979; rept. The Best American Short Stories of the Century. Ed. John Updike and Katrina

Kenison. Houghton Mifflin, 1999: pp. 565-75) (view of Hancock Building with its falling windows)

—. “Leaf Season.” The New Yorker 13 Oct/ 1986: 47-72 (four Boston families in Vermont) (Keywords: New England;

Vermont; Autumn; Families; Weekends)

—. “Marching Through Boston.” New Yorker 22 Jan. 1966: 34-38 (accessed 14 Jan. 2008) (Keywords: Negroes; Boston,

Mass.; Civil Rights Movement)

—. “My Lover Has Dirty Fingernails.” The New Yorker 17 Jul. 1965: 28-31 (visit to psychiatrist in Boston) (Keywords:

Boston; Psychiatrists; Adultery)

—. Roger’s Version (Knopf, 1986) (parallels Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter) (Religious educators; God–Proof–Data

processing; Computer hackers; Man-woman relationships; Adultery)

Valdes-Rodriguez, Alisa. Dirty Girls On Top (St. Martin’s, 2008) (sequel to below; same main characters; one main

character Boston Herald columnist) (Hispanic American women; Female friendship; Boston (Mass.); New Mexico)

(Review/Summary, Tantor Unabridged Audibooks [acessed 30 Apr. 2008])

—. The Dirty Girls Social Club (St. Martin’s, 2003) (Boston University students and ten years later) (Hispanic

American women; Female friendship)

See Valdes 2010 in 21st Century for later novel in series.

Valjan, Gabriel. Liar’s D) ice (Level Best Books, 2023)  (Series: A Shane Cleary Mystery 4) (PI Vietnam vet) (Boston (Mass.) Social life and

customs 20th century;  Murder investigation; Nineteen seventies;  Private investigators)

Vanderbilt, Gloria. The Memory Book of Starr Faithfull (Knopf, 1994) (historically based; child sexual abuse by Boston

Mayor Andrew J. Peters beginning in 1917) (Girls; Young women; New York)

Van Vorst, Marie. Tradition (Small, Maynard, 1921) (partly Boston)

Vassanji, M. G. Amriika (McClelland & Stewart, 1999) (in part, international students in Cambridge; 1968+) (Africans in

the United States; Foreign students — Cambridge, Massachusetts; Vietnam War, 1961-1975 — Protest


Verghese, Abraham. “Needs.” The New Yorker 14 Oct. 1991: 52-58 (hero battles AIDS in Boston) (Keywords: Boston;

Robberies; Homosexuals; Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

Vincent, Lawrence M. Levinson of Harvard (2023) (Granfather, early 20th c. “young Jewish immigrant living in the North End of Boston” WorldCat) 

(Grandfathers; Grandsons; Harvard University; Jewish college students)

Visco, Gerry. “Bras and Girdles.” (Quarto: 101-107; Columbia University. Writing Division.Thesis (M.F.A.), 1990) (short

story; male narrator sells bras and girdles in Combat Zone shop in 1966 with flashback to Scollay Square in 1961)

Vivante, Arturo. “The Waiting Room.” The New Yorker 20 Mar. 1965: 40-45 (Boston Lying-In Hospital) (Keywords: Death;

Boston; Hospitals; Pregnancy)

Vroom, Barbara. “Weekend Confrontation with the Soc. Rels.” The New Yorker 2 Dec. 1967: 199-212 (junior faculty,

Harvard [fictional?] “Social Relations Department”) (Keywords: Colleges; Harvard University; Visits; Hippies;

Social Relations)

Wadsworth, Ann. Light, Coming Back: A Novel (Alyson Books, 2001) (Cambridge; dying husband and developing

lesbian love) (Hospital patients; Terminally ill; Lesbians)

Wagner, Charles Abraham. “Miracle in Boston.” (The North America Book of Verse. Henry Harrison, 1939: 375) (poem;

Sacco and Vanzetti)

Wahtera, John. Love in a Proper City: A Novel (Morrow, 1982) (poor decaying Brahmins struggling in the Back Bay)

Wainwright, Virginia. A Boston Artist in Quebec: And Other Love Stories (Brookline, MA : V. Wainwright, 1922 [Google

Books]) (Upper-class; 36 pages))

Waite, Lesley Meiroitz. Jezebel: A Coming-of-age Novel (Manasa P,  2023) (“the happening Boston/Cambridge music scene and the South Shore

beaches of Hull and Provincetown” WorldCat) (Nineteen seventies; Young adult fiction)

Wakefield, Dan. Home Free (Delacorte/Seymour Lawrence, 1977) (Combat Zone; late 60s; starts in Boston but

mainly elsewhere)

—. Starting Over (Delacorte/Seymour Lawrence, 1973) (1979 film; male main character starts over in Boston)

(Divorced men; Remarried people)

Wald, Diane. Gillyflower: A Novel (Los Angeles: She Writes Press, 2019) (“Boston, 1984”) (Actors; Women artists)

Walker, Elizabeth Neff. Antique Affair (Silhouette, 1983) (Boston antique dealer and Boston Brahmin conflict;

romance) (Antique dealers; Divorced people; Upper class; Architecture — Conservation and restoration;

Man-woman relationships)

Walker, Mildred. The Orange Tree. Ed. Carmen Pearson (U of Nebraska P, 2006) (1970s; two families in Boston)

(Married people; Older couples; Marriage)

Walker, Walter. The Appearance of Impropriety (Pocket Books, 1993) (Boston owner of SF team; Boston lawyer/agent

hero; defenestration in Boston) (Professional basketball teams — San Francisco, California; Basketball team

owners — Boston, Massachusetts; Jewish-American lawyers — Boston, Massachusetts; Professional basketball

— Corrupt practices; Sportswriters — San Francisco, California)

—. A Dime to Dance By (Harper and Row, 1983) (fictional Boston suburb of Portshead) (Suburbs — Boston,

Massachusetts; Lawyer-detectives; Defense attorneys — Boston, Massachusetts; Political corruption —

Boston, Massachusetts) (Google Books)

Wallace, David Foster. “An Interval.” The New Yorker 30 Jan. 1995: 80-85 (hero, “a member of the live-in Staff at Ennet

House, a detox center in Boston” Abstract) (Keywords: Alcoholics Anonymous; Alcoholics; Drug Addicts; Detox


Wallace, Peter. Harry Fig’s Boston (Covered Bridge P, 1995) (“Drawn from the popular cartoon strip that ran in Boston

from 1986-1990.” 96 pages) (Fig, Harry (Fictitious character) — Comic books, strips, etc.; Boston (Mass.) — Comic

books, strips, etc.; Boston (Mass.) — Humor)

Wallens, Scott. Betrayal (Puffin, 2002) (Series: Sevens, Week 6; in part, Boston College football) (Brothers;

Teenagers — Conduct of life; Friendship)

Wamboldt, Michelle. Birth Road (Halifax, Nova Scotia: Vagrant P, 2022) (“early twentieth-century . . .from the woodlands

of rural Nova Scotia to the city streets of Boston and back again” WorldCat)

Ware, Richard Darwin. Rollo’s Journey to Washington: A Narrative of Contemporaneous Travel and Adventure, with

Descriptions of Episodes Occurring During a Sojourn in the Capital City of Our Country in Time of War,

Particularly Adapted to the Perusal of Youthful Persons of Any Age (Page, 1919 [Google Books]) (“Chapter

III At the Parker House”; “Chapter IV In Boston”; satire; World War I) (Pub. Des. [Google Books])

Ware, Shirley Gerald. Somebody Too (Publisher’s Circulation, 1998) (alcoholics in downtown Boston) (Alcoholics;


Warner, Peter. Loose Ends (McGraw-Hill, 1972) (hero, Boston newspaper reporter; Mafia) (Google Books)

Warren, Constance M. The Phoenix (Houghton Mifflin, 1917 [Google Books]) (marriage and [thoughts of ?] infidelity on

Beacon Hill and less reputable wards) (Pub. Des. Atlantic Monthly Mar. 1917: 273 [Google Books])

Warren, Pat. A Home for Hannah (Silhouette, 1996) (Romance) (Family; Agency (Law); Lawyers; Boston (Mass.))

(Brief Review, RTBookReviews [Internet Wayback Machine])

Warren, Rosanna. “Island in the Charles.” The New Yorker 21 Sep. 1998: 90 (Keywords: Death; Mothers; Night;

Evening; Charles River; Boston, Massachusetts; Mind; Crashaw, Richard; Taking the well-worn path in

the mind though dusk encroaches; Alleys)

Warsh, Lewis. Agnes & Sally (Fiction Collective, 1984) (Mainly elsewhere, but Agnes studies acting at Emerson College

for three years and marries in Boston)

Wartski, Maureen Crane. The Face in My Mirror (Fawcett Juniper, 1994) (Juvenile–ages 11+) (Vietnamese in Boston;

Restaurant; Iowa) (Adoption)

Wasley, Ric [for Richard?]. Shadow of Innocence (Largo, FL: Kunati, 2007) (1968; Harvard Square; Newport; Boston

detectives; drugs; music) (Nineteen sixties; Newport (R.I.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Wasley, Richard S. Acid Test: A McCarthy Family Mystery (New York; Lincoln, NE: IUniverse, 2004) (Boston/

Cambridge/Cape/Newport music scene in 60’s) (Vietnam War, 1961-1975–Veterans) (Amazon and Google


Weale, Anne. All My Worldly Goods (St. Martin’s, 1987) (several major Boston characters, including an heiress;

romance; marriage; inheritance and guardianship; also set in New York, England, Paris, Barbados) (Women

— England; Aristocracy — England; Love stories, English; Orphans; Married people)

Weber, Janice. Devil’s Food (Warner, 1996) (the Fenway; mainly Boston, but also Manhattan, New Hampshire, and

Los Angeles) (Women cooks; Actresses; Sisters; Twins; Cookery) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Frost the Fiddler (St. Martin’s, 1992) (some Boston; MIT character; spy thriller, mainly Germany) (Violinist)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Secret Life of Eva Hathaway (Donald I. Fine, 1985) (husband’s family, wealthy, proper Bostonians)

(Women composers; Singers)

Weber, Katharine. The Music Lesson (Crown, 1998) (daughter of Boston-cop, art historian first inspired by Isabella

Gardner Museum; stolen fictitious Vermeer; IRA; mainly not Boston) (Art historians; Art thefts; Cousins;

Romance; Irish Republican Army; Theft from museums; Vermeer, Johannes; Women art historians) (Amazon

and Google Books)

Wechsberg, Joseph. “The Sleepy Piano Player.” The New Yorker 13 May 1944: 25-28 (Boston widow) (Keywords:

Musicians; French Steamers)

Weeks, Jonathan. The Bridgeport Hammer (Black Rose Writing, 2014) (1942; Boston Wrangler’s pitching sensation a

Nazi spy) (Baseball; World War, 1939-1945; Spy)

Weeks, Sara; illus. Eric Von Schmidt. Tales of a Common Pigeon (Houghton Mifflin, 1960) (Juvenile) (Animals; City and

town life; Boston Common (Boston, Mass.))

Weinstein, Debra. Apprentice to the Flower Poet Z (Random House, 2004) (mainly set in NY, but “one of the . . . best

scenes” occurs “at a Boston poetry retreat” [Lisa Zeidner, “‘Apprentice to the Flower Poet Z.’: Live Poets’ Society,”

New York Times Book Review 8 Feb. 2004: 4) (Poets; Mentoring; Young women; New York)

Weir, Hugh Cosgro. “Cinderella’s Slipper.” Miss Madelyn Mack, Detective (Page, 1914: 101-56 [Google Books]) (New

York based female detective, murder in Boston, Senator)

Weitzman, Jacquline. You Can’t Take a Balloon into the Museum of Fine Arts (Dial Books for Young Readers, 2002)

(Juvenile–ages 4-8) (many Boston sites) (Museum of Fine Arts; Balloons; Stories without words)

Weld, Elizabeth. “Morning.” Shenandoah 52.4 (Winter 2002): ) (short story; 18-year-old in Boston; lottery) (

Weld, William. Mackerel by Moonlight (Simon & Schuster, 1998) (political suspense novel; former Brooklyn prosecutor

runs for Boston D.A.) (Public prosecutors; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Weller, George. Not to Eat, Not for Love (Smith & Haas, 1933) (Harvard from a student’s point of view) (Bail 321-26)

Welles, Patricia. Babyhip (Dutton, 1967) (partly set in the 60s in Harvard Square/Cambridge; rebellious female teenager;

Detroit; Jewish Americans)

Wells, Amos Russel. “On Boston Common.” (The Collected Poems of Amos R. Wells Christian Endeavor World,

1921: 30) (poem)

Wells, Rosemary. illus. Christopher Denise. Following Grandfather (Candlewick, 2012) (Juvenile; mice characters–

Revere Beach, Beacon Hill snobbery) (Grandfathers; Grief; Mice; Italian Americans; Boston (Mass.))

Wells, Tobias (pseud. of [DeLoris] Stanton Forbes). (Boston Police Detective Knute Severson; in later novels

Police Chief in Wellesley [Check.])

—. Dead by the Light of the Moon (Popular Library, 1967) (opens with murder of elderly woman in Boston

apartment during November 1965 blackout) (Google Books)

—. A Die in the Country (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1972) (Severson and pregnant wife move from

“wharf apartment in Boston” [9] to Wellesley)

—. Die Quickly, Dear Mother (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1969)

—. Dinky Died (Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1970) (Google Books)

—. The Foo Dog (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1971) (pub. 1973 as The Lotus Affair) (Kirkus Reviews,

accessed 29 Dec. 2011)

—. How To Kill a Man (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1972) (Google Books)

—. Murder Most Fouled Up (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1968) (Boston male police detective; La Femme

Beauty Salon) (Google Books)

—. What To Do Until the Undertaker Comes (Doubleday, 1971)

—. The Young Can Die Protesting (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1969) (Knut goes undercover as hippie)

Wensberg, Peter C. The Last Bastion (Permanent P, 1995) (Comedy) (Men–Massachusetts–Boston–Societies

and clubs; Sex discrimination against women)

Werlin, Nancy. The Killer’s Cousin (Delacorte, 1998) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Cambridge) (Emotional problems;

Cousins; Guilt; Murder; Family problems) (Amazon and Google Books)

West, Dorothy. “At the Swan Boats” (“circa 1940”) (Where the Wild Grape Grows: Selected Writings, 1930-1950. Ed.

Verner D. Mitchell and Cynthia J. Davis. U of Massachusetts P, 2005: 57-62)

—. The Living Is Easy (Houghton, Mifflin, 1948) (1865-1919; present [1914-19] in Boston, past in South and Springfield;

Beacon Hill; West End; South End; Brookline-Roxbury line; African-American elite) (African Americans)

—. “Prologue to a Life.” Saturday Evening Quill April 1929; rpt. Ebony Rising: Short Fiction of the Greater Harlem

Renaissance Era, ed. Craig Gable [Bloomington and Indiana U P, 2004: 287-96]) (“prototype” to The

Living Is Easy (Sharon Lynette Jones, Rereading the Harlem Renaissance: Race,  Class, and Gender in the

Fiction of Jessie Fauset, Zora Neale Hurston, and Dorothy West, Greenwood, 2002: 135 [Google Books])

Westlake, Donald E. “Never Shake a Family Tree.” Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine 1961. Rept. in Murder and

Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn Rössel Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (New York:

Dember Books, 1987): 108-19 (narrator 73-year old grandmother interested in geneology lives on Newbury

Street; black widow ancestor and black widower husband)

Westman, Barbara. A Beacon Hill Christmas (Houghton Mifflin, 1976) (Juvenile; Filene’s Basement; trolley; Museum of

Fine Arts) (Snow; Shopping; Parties; Skating; Baking; Christmas trees; Christmas in art)

Wheelwright, John. “Boston in summer, with a confession.” Selected Poems (New Directions, 1941) (Series: Poet of the

month, 1941, no. 6)

White, E[lwyn].B. “Boston Is Like No Other Place in the World Only More So.” The New Yorker 1 Oct. 1949: 32 (poem)

—. The Trumpet of the Swan (Harper & Row, 1970) (Juvenile–ages 8-12) (Chapters 14-15 take place in Boston; Swan

boats; Public Garden; Ritz Carlton) (Trumpeter swans; Swans)

—. “A Weekend with the Angels.” The New Yorker 22 Jan. 1944: 18-20 (surgery in Boston) (Keywords: Hospitals)

White, Eliza Orne. The Wares of Edgefield (Houghton Mifflin, 1909) (“conventional girl from Boston . . . [c]ontrasts of

life in town and country” [Ernest Albert Baker, A Guide to the Best Fiction in English 1913 (Google Books,

accessed 14 Jul. 2009)])

White, Ellen Emerson. Where Have All the Flowers Gone?: The Diary of Molly Mackenzie Flaherty (Scholastic,

2002) (Elementary and junior high school) (15-year-old Boston high school student) (Christmas 1976 [1967?]

-May 1968) (Vietnam War, 1961-1975; Nineteen sixties; Brothers and sisters; Diaries)

White, Ned. The Very Bad Thing (Viking, 1990) (Boston software factory; Beacon Hill; Athenaeum) (Autobiographical

fiction; Vietnam War, 1961-1975 — Veterans; Vietnam War, 1961-1975; Psychological fiction) (Google Books)

Whitefeather, Sheri. Sleeping with Her Rival (Silhouette, 2003) (PR scandal in Boston; romance) (Scandals;

Public relations personnel)

Whitney, Don[ald Patrick]. Leather Lungs & Wheat Lights. In The Loo (DMC Associates, 2001) (Short novel in

collection with other stories; Fire Dept.: “members of Engine 4 and Ladder 3 during the late 1950s” [publisher])

(Fire Service; Portland, ME.; Firefighters) (Boston connection?)

Whitty, Francis F. Crossings (Emerson C. Thesis/dissertaion, 1995) (Irish immigrant heroine in “turn-of-the-century

Boston and Ireland”) (Man-woman relationships — Massachusetts — Boston; Man-woman relationships — Ireland;

Adultery; Mothers and sons; Love stories)

Wild, Patricia. Swimming In It (Flower Valley P, 1998) (battered women’s shelter in Davis Square, Somerville)

(Summary/Interview, Doug Holder [Internet Wayback Machine])

Willet, Sabin. The Deal (Random House, 1996) (Legal thriller; Boston law firm) (Lawyers) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Williams, Dennis A. Somebody’s Child: A Novel (Simon & Schuster, 1997) (“A family drama centering on two

estranged brothers reunited by tragedy during a turbulent period for race relations, 1970’s Boston.”

[Evanston {IL} Public Library]; Busing crisis) (African American families; African Americans; Stepfathers)

Williams, Joy Patricia. In Search of Boston, and Other Stories (Thesis (M.F.A.) – University of Iowa, 1965) (short


Willis, Julia. Reel Time (Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998) (Motion picture projectionists; Cambridge (Mass.);


Wilson, Sloan. All the Best People (Putnam, 1970) (two families from 1920 on; early history Lake George)

(Romance; Boston (Mass.))

—. “Bearer of Bad Tidings.” The New Yorker 8 Mar. 1947: 86-89 (failed Harvard doctoral student) (Keywords:

Colleges; Veterans)

—. Ice Brothers: A Novel (Arbor House, 1979) (hero drafted from Boston University into Coast Guard in 1941) (World

War, 1939-1945)

—. “We’ve Got to Do Something.” The New Yorker 11 May 1946: 74-79 (veteran at Harvard) (Keywords: Colleges;

Veterans; American Veterans Committee)

Wilson, William E. Every Man Is My Father (Saturday Review P, 1973) (1650-, but some Boston and Harvard in

1930s-40s) (Family — United States; United States — History)

Winer, Delsa. Almost Strangers: A Novel (Simon & Schuster, 2000) (one main character, 40-year-old Boston/Cambridge

woman; Boston-Athens plane crash; return to Boston near end) (Survival (after airplane accidents, shipwrecks,

etc.); Parents — Death; Women — Psychology; Women amnesiacs; Women book collectors; Women — Cambridge,

Massachusetts; Triangle(Interpersonal relations); Extramarital relations — Cambridge, Massachusetts; Cambridge,


Wings, May. She Came Too Late[: An Emma Victor Mystery] (LondoJerrinen: Women’s P, 1986) (lesbian detective; Boston

women’s health clinic) (Women private investigators; Lesbians; San Francsico) (Amazon, esp. Back Cover,

2000 printing, and Google Books)

Wire, Jerrine. Beatchik (2nd, ed. Outskirts P, 2024) (1962) (Beats (Persons); Bohemianism Women; Counterculture United States History

20th century; Women Massachusetts Boston)

Wise, Robert W. Redlined: A Novel of Boston (Adelaide Books, 2019) (1974) (Community organization; Murder —

Investigation; Veterans; Boston — Jamaica Plain)

Wisor, Erica. “Heist” (one-act play; “America’s greatest art heist at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum – Rembrandt,

Vermeer, Manet, Degas out the door! Reward – $10,000,000″) (performed Suffolk U, Oct. 12-15, 2017)

Wittenstein, Barry. Illus. London Ladd. Waiting for Pumpsie (Charlesbridge, 2017) (Primary school) (1959) (Green,

Pumpsie–1933; Boston Red Sox (Baseball team); Discrimination; African Americans)

Wittlinger, Ellen. Hard Love (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1999) (Secondary (senior high) school)

(male straight and lesbian teenager friends; parental divorce; zines; unrequited love; Boston’s Tower

Records; Cape Cod) (Authorship; Underground press publications; Divorce; Identity (Philosophical concept))

Wolf, Robert [Leopold]. Springboard (Albert & Charles Boni, 1927) (Harvard in the teens; Bail 314-15) (Brief Review,

F.L.M., The M.I.T. Tech 27 May 1927: 2  [accessed 3 May 2008])

Wolfe, Swain. The Lake Dreams the Sky: A Love Story (Cliff Street Books, 1998) (1990’s businesswoman from Boston

returns to Montana; post World War II romance) (Drifters; Demographers; Crow Indians; City and town life;


Wolfe, Thomas. Look Homeward, Angel: A Story of the Buried Life (Modern Library, 1929) (Partly Harvard and Boston)

(North Carolina; Mountain life; Boys)

—. Of Time and the River: A Legend of Man’s Hunger in His Youth (Scribner’s, 1935 [Project Gutenberg,

Australia]) (in part Wolfe as grad student; “much about Wolfe but little about Harvard” [Bail 346])

Wolff, Larry. The Boys and Their Baby (Knopf, 1988) (Starts in Boston but mainly San Francisco; English teacher) (Gay

men; San Francisco; Gay fathers; Domestic fiction; San Francisco (Calif.))

Wong, Peter. The Contaminated Case of the Cooking Contest (Tumblehome Learning, 2015) (Juvenile) (“Chapter 9:

Percy Spencer and Microwaves — Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1942″) (Cooking contest; Science fiction; Food

poisoning; Food — Safety measures; Time travel)

Wood, Ira. The Kitchen Man (Crossing P, 1985) (Jewish “Best Waiter in Boston” and would be playwright; romantic


Wood, R.H. Lightning Crashes (iUniverse, 2003) (science fiction; much of the action takes place in Boston)

Woods, Sherryl. Love (“Originally published October 1992 in Silhouette Special Edition #769”  Sherryl Woods)

(Graphic artists; Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.) )

—. Ryan’s Place (Silhouette, 2002) (Brothers; Bars (Drinking establishments; Boston (Mass.))

(Nancy Wallace, Summary, [accessed 17 Mar. 2007])

—. Sean’s Reckoning (Silhouette, 2002) (Single mothers; Firefighters; Boston (Mass.)) (Nancy Wallace,

Summary, [accessed 17 Mar. 2008])

—. A Vow to Love (Silhouette, 1994) (series: Men in uniform; romance) (Grandfathers; Boston (Mass.); Police)

Woodward, Solon Timothy. “The Sleepwalker’s Map.” Shenandoah 50.2 (Summer 2000): (academics in Cambridge/

Boston; African Americans) [Litfinder]

Wright, Franz. “East Boston, 1996.” [Internet Wayback Machine] God’s Silence: Poems (Knopf, 2006) (personal

poem, not intimately tied to place)

Wright, T. M. Goodlow’s Ghosts (TOR, 1993) (live psychic detective explores, in part, supernatural Boston women;

ghost of BostonI. Sam Goodlow) (Ghost stories; Psychics)

Yglesias, Jose. Home Again (Arbor House, 1987) (Boston-based Cuban writer returns to Tampa roots after death of his

Brahmin wife) (Cuban American families; Authors; Inheritance and succession; Young men)

—. Tristan and the Hispanics (Simon and Schuster, 1989) (sequel to Home Again; WASP Boston family vs. Hispanic

Florida family) (Cuban-American families; Cuban Americans; Inheritance and succession; Tampa; Young men)

Yoshikawa, Mako. Once Removed (Bantam, 2003) (Hiroshima 1945; Boston/England c. 2000) (Stepsisters;

Female friendship; Japanese Americans)

Young, Alex (pseud. of Michael McDowell). Wicked Stepmother (Avon, 1983) (proper Bostonian deceased

husband, Brookline mansion) (Stepmothers; Inheritance and succession; Murder; Widows)

Young, Karen. Full Circle (MIRA, 1999) (suspense/romance; heroine, trauma physician in ER of Boston hospital, but

mainly her native Louisiana with past and present mysteries) (Medical fiction; Louisiana)

Young, Marguerite. Miss MacIntosh, My Darling (Scribner, 1965) (Cousin Hannah, Boston feminist, and many

references to Boston; main setting, New England coast)

Zabarsky, Marsha. Free Fall (Banned Books, 1990) (Lesbians — Massachusetts — Boston; Sexual abuse victims)

Zaroulis, Nancy. Certain Kinds of Loving (Doubleday, 1986) (romance with baggage in Boston and Cambridge)

(Vietnam veterans — Boston, Massachusetts; Divorced women — Boston, Massachusetts; Single-parent family

— Boston, Massachusetts; Family — Boston, Massachusetts; Mother and child)

Zavarine, Carolyn. Unsafe Haven: A Novel (Trafford, 2006 c.2001) (elderly residents of Boston nursing home regain

their identities)

Zelazny, Roger. Damnation Alley (Putnam, 1969) (post-apocalyptic war U.S., mission to deliver anti-plague serum from LA to

Boston; on road, except pp. 18-21, 34-37, and end 154-57) (Epidemics; Good and evil; Survivalism)

Zheng, Hong. Nanjing Never Cries: A Novel (MIT P, 2016) (opening chapter “The story of Chen May. The best student

at MIT”) (Nanking Massacre, Nanjing, Jiangsu Sheng, China, 1937; College teachers — China — Nanjing

(Jiangsu Sheng); College students — Massachusetts — Cambridge; Chinese — United States)

Zuker, David. Uncle Carmello (Macmillan, 1993) (Ages 5-9; North End) (Uncles; Italian Americans)