Annotated Bibliography of Fiction Set in Boston V

Page I: Bibliographies, Scholarly and Popular Studies, Anthologies, Multi-Century Sagas, 17th Century and 17th-18th Centuries

Page II: 18th Century and 18th-19th Centuries

Page III : 19th Century and 19th-20th Centuries

Page IV a: 20th Century A – Q authors     Page IV b: 20th Century R – Z authors

Page V:  21st+ Century (and 20th-21st Centuries)



21st+ Century (and 20th-21st Centuries)

826 Boston.  We Think You’re Old Enough to Know. Foreward Steve Carell (Boston, 2011) (“a book of 61

‘coming-of-age’ short stories from students at The John D. O’Bryant high school in Roxbury, MA”)

(Check individual stories)

826 Boston’s Youth Literary Advisory Board. This Side of the Hill: Poetic Maps of Our Neighbporhoods. Forewards Alondra

Bobadilla and Collin Knight (Boston 2022) (“a kaleidoscope portrait of Boston, reckoning with one of the great themes: what

it is to call a place home” [Nina MacLaughlin, “A hometown, mapped in verse,” New England Literary News, Globe 2 July

2022: N10])

Abdelmegid, Bahaa. Trans. Chip Rossetti. Saint Theresa; and, Sleeping with Strangers (American U in Cairo P, 2010)

(Two novelas–Sleeping main character “torn between Cairo and Boston” WorldCat) (Young women — Egypt —

Cairo; Friendship; Egyptians — United States; Prisoners — United States; Egypt — Social conditions — 20th

century; Egypt — Politics and government — 20th century)

Aborn, Russ. “Turn Speed” (in Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (New York: Akashic, 2009)) (“North Quincy bank

robbers” [Michael Patrick Brody Internet Wayback Machine])

Abramowitz, Adam. Bosstown (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s P, 2017) (Gangsters — Massachusetts — Boston;

Bicycle messengers)

—. Bosstown. 02: A Town Called Malice (St. Martin’s P, 2019) (Bicycle messengers; Dysfunctional families;

Gangsters; Boston)

Abreau, Julie. Web of Secrets: Never Say Never (iUniverse, 2004) (Ireland; Portugal; 20th century Irish immigrants in

Boston) (Lawyers; Immigrants; Organized crime)

Adams, Cora Blue. You Never Get It Back (U of Iowa P, 2021) (“linked stories” set mainly elsewhere, but in part

“Boston in winter” WorldCat)

Adams, Elizabeth. Hidden Meaning (Guideposts, 2014) (Series: Secrets of Mary’s bookshop) (In part “a women’s shelter

in Boston” Worldcat) (Booksellers and bookselling; Family secrets; Mothers and daughters)

Addison Jane. The Way We Lie (Insatiable P, 2024) (Series: Boston bad boys 1) (“Boston’s most eligible billionaire” WorldCat) (Romance)

Adrian, Lara. Crave the Night (New York: Delacorte Press, 2014) (heroine, “member of a prominent Breed family in

Boston” Worldcat) (Man-woman relationships; Romance / Paranormal; Fantasy; Vampires)

—. Kiss of Crimson (Constable & Robinson, 2011) (Vampire/romance in Boston) (Vampires; Boston (Mass.))

—. Kiss of Midnight (Dell, 2007) (Vampire/romance in Boston)

—. Midnight Awakening (Bantam, 2007) (Vampires — Massachusetts — Boston; Revenge)

Ahearn, Celia. Rosie Dunne [UK title Where the Rainbow Ends or Where Rainbows End?] (Hyperion, 2005) (starts in

Dublin, but main characters later move [separately] to Boston; epistolary, including e-mail) (Best friends;

Separated friends, relatives, etc; Teenage girls; Teenage boys; Women — Ireland; Men — Ireland; Pregnant

teenagers; Single mothers; Unwanted pregnancy; Teenage boy/girl relations; Men/women relations; Friendship;

Separation (Psychology); Fate and fatalism; Life change events; E-mail correspondence; Dublin, Ireland; Boston,

Massachusetts; Letters; Humorous stories; Chick lit)

Ahern, Cecelia. Love, Rosie (Hyperion, 2005) (Love stories; Friendship; Man-woman relationship; Electronic mail

systems; Letters; Dublin (Ireland); Boston (Mass.)) [Same as Ahearn above.]

Ahlgren, Gregory. Prologue: A Novel (Bradenton, Fla.:, 2011) (2nd ed.) (Massachusetts Institute of

Technology; Cambridge; College teachers; Intelligence officers; Space and time; Time travel; Soviet Union)

Ahmad, A. X. This Is Not Your Country: Stories (Kansas City, MO: BkMk P, 2021) (at least one story “set in Boston” WorldCat)

Ajmeri, Shaukat. Keepers of the Faith: A Novel (Toronto: Mawenzi House, 2020) (in part, Indian Shia Muslim woman

“married off . . . and goes to live . . . in Boston, as a bored and frustrated wife and mother” WorldCat)

Akart, Bobby. Illus. Steven Konkoly. Cyber Attack (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015) (Series: The

Boston Brahmin, bk. 2) (Cyberterrorism; Oligarchy; Economic history; Social conditions)

—. The Loyal Nine (Brahmin Merchandising, 2015) (Series: The Boston Brahmin, bk. 1) (Post-apocalyptic thriller,

starts August 2016 Martha’s Vineyard; not much Boston?; “takes its name from nine patriotic Bostonians who

chose freedom over the tyrannical rule of Great Britain”; “fan-dedicated website

(Economic history; Oligarchy; Social conditions)

Alaoui, Mhani. Aya Dane (Northampton, MA: Interlink Books, 2019) (“Aya Dane creates mixed media paintings and writes

a diary in her studio above a strange, old Cambridge townhouse”) (Artists; Immigrants; Moroccans; Painting,

Moroccan; Boston)

Alarik, Scott. Revival: A Folk Music Novel (Songsmith, 2011) (Boston/Cambridge folk music scene) (Composers; Folk

musicians; Folk music)

Alibrandi, Jana. Mystical Souls (Trafford Publishing, 2005) (“a short story with poems”; romance; Italian Medford)

Alcorn, Alfred. The Love Potion Murders in the Museum of Man: A Norman de Ratour Mystery (Hanover, NH: Zoland Books, 2009)

(Aphrodisiacs) (Amazon)

Alenyikov, Michael.  Sorrow’s Drive: A Quartet (Spectrum, 2022) (title story “retired history professor in San Francisco driving cross country

to the Boston of his youth, remembering his early struggles with being gay, while a star baseball player in high school and college in the

40s and 50s’s” WorldCat) (Gay men; Reminiscing)

Allan, Dale. A Prayer for the Devil (Austin, TX: Emerald Book Co., 2013) (Boston priest main character) (Twin brothers —

United States; Priests — United States; Faith; Murder — Investigation; Presidents — United States — Elections;


Allison, Ivory. The Family Jewels: A Gay Comedic Mystery (iUniverse, 2004) (Antiquarians;  Back Bay (Boston, Mass.):

Gay men; Legacies)

—. Naughty Astronautess: Glamour Galore: A Novel (iUniverse, 2007) (“a demented farce” Amazon) (Gay

men; Boston (Mass.))

Altes, Steve, Andy Fish, and Veronica Fish. Geeks & Greeks: A Graphic Novel (Relentless Goat Productions, 2016) (MIT

students, pranks and more) (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; College wit and humor)

Amenta, Christopher. The Cold Hard Light (Blackstone, 2022) (“[s]et in present-day Boston” “and its modern-day service economy that chews up

exhausted gofers without a second thought” WorldCat) (Fathers;  Hockey players; Revenge)

Anam, Tahima. The Bones of Grace: A Novel (HarperCollins, 2016) (mainly Bangladesh, but “Zubaida Haque falls in

love with Elijah Strong, a man she meets in a darkened concert hall in Boston”) (Culture conflict; Self-actualization

(Psychology) in women; Self-realization in women)

Anders, Deanne.  A Surgeon’s Christmas Baby (Harlequin Books, 2023) (“Boston’s best children’s surgeon” WorldCat)

(Boston, Mass.; Man-woman relationships; Physicians; Romance)

Andersen, Jessica S. Meet Me at Midnight (Toronto; New York: Harlequin, 2007) (romance; Boston blackout;

kidnapping, and bomb threat) (Secret service; Women computer scientists; Vice-Presidents — Crimes against;

Kidnapping; Electric power failures — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.)) (Google Books)

—–. Secret Witness (Toronto; New York: Harlequin, 2004) (romance) (Divorced mothers; Laboratory technicians;

Detectives; Kidnappings; Murders; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Andrews, V[irginia] C. Fallen Hearts (Simon & Schuster, 2019) (Family secrets; Married people; Rich people; Boston)

Angell, Jeannette L. Madam (Permanent Press, 2005) (fictionalized account by author who has written a memoir of

being a Boston call-girl by night and teacher in the day) (Sex-oriented businesses; Escort services;


Ann, Jewel E. Idle Bloom: A Novel (2014) (Harvard; Red Line) (Young women; Young men; Man-woman

relationships; Secrecy; Boston)

Anonymous. “Boston Pride” (Hard Road, Easy Riding: Lesbian Biker Erotica, ed. Sacchi Green and Rakelle Valencia,

Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park P, 2007. pp. 112-16) (short story; parade) (Motorcycling; Women motorcyclists)

Anscombe, Roderick. The Interview Room (St. Martin’s P, 2005) (fictional Sanders Institute in Boston)

(Psychotherapist and patient; Children of the rich; Prison psychologists; Prisoners; Stalkers) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—–. Virgin Lies (St. Martin’s P, 2007) (Girls–Crimes against; Kidnapping; Boston (Mass.); Psychiatrists) (Amazon

and Google Books)

Archer, Alex. Labyrinth (Don Mills, Ont.: Worldwide Library, 2012) (Boston mansion; environmental terrorism) (Creed,

Annja (Fictitious character); Women archaeologists; Rare books; Antiquities; Kidnapping; Labyrinths; Mansions)

Arellano, Robert. Fast Eddie, King of the Bees (Akashic Books, 2001) (“near-future dystopia, a future Boston” [Greco])

(Orphan; Oedipus-like orphan situation) (Revolutionaries) (Diane Greco, Future Boston PIF Magazine [Internet

Wayback Machine])

Aretha, David. The Treasure Hunt Stunt at Fenway Park (Speeding Star, 2015) (Elementary and junior high school)

(Boston Redsox (Baseball team); Contests)

Armendáriz, Luisana Duarte. Julieta and the Diamond Enigma (Lee & Low Books, 2020) (Elementary and junior high

school) (Art museums; Stealing; Hispanic Americans; Boston (Mass.); Paris (France); Mystery and detective


Armington, Peter Z. The Rental (Baltimore: PublishAmerica LLLP, 2007) (South Boston; Chicago) (Wife abuse; Gangsters)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Armstrong, Derek. The Game (Largo, FL: Kunati, 2007) (mainly Vermont and California, but some Boston, e.g. “Chapter 11

January 18, 8:11 pm Beacon Hill, Boston”) (Serial murderers; Television actors and actresses; Reality television

programs) (Amazon and Google Books)

Armstrong, Kelley. Cursed Luck (K.L.A. Fricke, 2021) (paranormal + romance) (Antique dealers; Blessing and cursing;

Cursed objects; Kidnapping; Man-woman relationships; Boston)

Arnold, JoAnn. Journey of the Promise (Springville, Utah: Horizon Pub., 2005) (Christian romance/suspense; opens with

BU graduation) (Rich people; Husband and wife; African Americans; Murder; Drug dealers; Mormons; Boston

(Mass.); Wyoming) (Amazon)

Archambault, Front cover image for Fausse balle : une enquête de Gaétan TanguayMikaël . Fausse Balle: Une Enquête de Gaétan Tanguay (Éditions de Mortagne, 2024) (Fanny Poulin seeks to be the first Major
league female baseball player [WorldCat]) (Boston (Mass.); Joueuses de base-ball; Journalistes; Menaces de mort;  Québécois États-Unis;
21e siècle;  Thrillers)

Ash, Kimberley. Breathe (Crimson Romance, 2018) (Man-woman relationships; Boston)

Ashbless, Janine. Cover Him with Darkness: A Romance (Swansea: Insatiable Press, 2014) (birthmother in Boston)

(Angels; Prisoners; Good and evil; Man-woman relationships)

Ashe, Joy. Gene Defense: A Fictional Genetic Thriller (Bloomington, IN: Xlibris, 2010) (“Boston-based attorney Paeton

Weaver” WorldCat) (Genetics; Genetic code)

Ashenden, Jackie. Raw Power: An 11th Hour Novel (Kensington Books, 2018) (“the Globe, Boston’s newest and most

exclusive nightclub” Chapter 2) (Romance; Bodyguards; Children of politicians; Man-woman relationships;


Ashman, S. T. We Kill Killers (Timeless Papers, 2024) (Boston (Mass.);  Murder Investigation;  Murderers;  Serial murderers;  Thrillers

Federal Bureau of Investigation Officials and employees Fiction

Atkins, Ace. Robert B. Parker’s Angel Eyes (Harpenden : No Exit P, 2020) (Spenser — (Fictitious character); Private

investigators — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Bye Bye Baby (Putnam, 2022) (Spenser — (Fictitious character; Private investigators; Women

legislators; Political campaigns; Death hreats; Threats of violence; Boston)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Cheap Shot: A Spenser Novel (Putnam, 2014) (Football players; Kidnapping; Private

investigators; Spenser (Fictitious character))

—. Robert B. Parker’s Kickback (Putnam, 2015) (Harbor Islands for profit juvenile center) (Spenser (Fictitious

character); Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston; Sentences (Criminal procedure); Judicial

corruption; Corporations — Corrupt practices; Corrections — Contracting out)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Little White Lies (Putnam, 2017) (Spenser (Personnage fictif); Detectives — Massachusetts

— Boston; Personnes disparues; Boston (Mass.))

—. Robert B. Parker’s Lullaby (Putnam, 2012) (South Boston) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Mothers — Crimes

against; Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Old Black Magic. (Putnam, 2018) (Fictionalized Gardner heist) (Spenser — (Fictitious character);

Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Slow Burn (Putnam, 2016) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators —

Massachusetts — Boston; Arson)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Someone to Watch Over Me (Putnam, 2021) (Spenser — (Fictitious character); Private

investigators — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Wonderland (Putnam, 2013) (Planned casino at Wonderland dog track; Revere) (Spenser

(Fictitious character); Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston; Political corruption)

—. Spenser Confidential (Harpenden: No Exit P, 2020) (Series: Spenser novel, 42) (Revere Beach) (Spenser —

(Fictitious character); Amusement parks; Boxing trainers)

Atkins, Lucy. The Other Child (Quercus Books, 2016) (“psychological thriller”; British photographer heroine moves to

Boston with new surgeon husband) (Mothers and sons; Family secrets; Boston (Mass.))

Austin, Claire. Angel’s Share (Wild Rose P, 2010) (Series: The Fadó trilogy, bk. 2; Romance) (Irish — United States;

Women musician; Revenge; Boston (Mass.))

Avery, Mike. Murder in Blue (Fearless Advocates P, 2023) (Red Sox fan suspect) (Boston (Mass.); Legal fiction; Murder; Police)

Avitabile, Tom. The God Particle (The Story Plant, 2014) (sci-fi; in part “the grit of Boston’s South of Roxbury”

WorldCat) (Particles)

Azzi, Gina. The Sweet Talker (Three Cities Publishing, 2024) (Series: Boston Hawks Hockey, 1) (Romance, Sports)

B., Tana. This Game Called Love: A Boston Love Story (Leo Sullivan Presents, 2017) (Abusive men; Man-woman

relationships; Street life; Triangles (Interpersonal relations)

Backalenick, Paul. Empty Luck (2024) (two brothers “chase[d] . . . back to their native Boston” WorldCat) (Crime; Psychological fiction; Thrillers)

Baggott, Julianna. The Prince of Fenway Park (HarperCollins, 2009) (Ages 8-12) (multi-racial boy about to turn

12 breaks curse; Fall 2004) (Boston Red Sox (Baseball team); Baseball; Orphans; Fathers and sons;

Time travel; Supernatural; Fenway Park)

Baird, Ginny. The Matchmaker Bride (Parker, CO: Entangled Pub., 2021) (heroine, “[s]uccessful Boston matchmaker and

television personality” WorldCat) (Dating services; Interpersonal relations; Truthfulness and falsehood)

Bajpa, Nandini. Sister of the Bollywood Bride (Little, Brown, 2021) (Hurricanes; Boston (Mass.); East Indian Americans;

Brides; Sisters; Weddings)

Baker, Scott M. The Vampire Hunters (Chadron, Neb.: Pill Hill P, 2010) (Series: Vampire hunters trilogy, bk. 1) (Mainly

Washington, D.C., but some flashbacks to heroes’ Boston experience) (Vampires — Washington (D.C.); Serial

murderers — Washington (D.C.); Ex-police officers — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Vampyrnomicon (Chadron, Neb.: Pill Hill Press, 2011) (Mainly Washington, D.C., but some flashbacks to heroes’

Boston experience) (Vampires — Washington (D.C.); Serial murderers — Washington (D.C.); Ex-police officers

— Massachusetts — Boston)

Balliana, Tamara. Bay Village series of romances, 3 volumes so far, in French, Spanish translations but not English.

—. Coup de foudre & Quiproquos (Paris: Éditions de Noyelles, DL 2019) (“coffee shop in Boston’s bay village”

WorldCat for Spanish trans.) (Businesswomen; Choice (Psychology); Coffee shops; Man-woman relationships;

Missing persons)

—. Diamant & Mauvais Karma (Paris: Éditions de Noyelles, DL 2019) (Single women; Rings; Fortune; Jewelry; Female


—. Fashion Victime & Volte-Face (Gennevilliers (Hauts-de-Seine): Editions Prisma, 2019) (Fashion; Victim; Criminal


Bang, Brittany, Illus. Caitlyn Knepka. Little Mouse’s Adventures at Fenway Park (Curly Q P, 2014) (Juvenile; Red

Sox) (Fenway Park (Boston, Mass.; Mice)

Bannatyne, Lesley. “Corpse Walks into a Bar.” (21st Century Ghost Stories: Volume II, ed. Paul Guernsey [Wyrd

Harvest, 2021]) (“set in Dorchester, . . . a distinctly Boston humor and atmosphere” [Nina MacLaughlin, New

England Literary News: Snap shots,” Globe 3 Oct. 2021: N10])

Bara, Jenni. The Fake Out (2024) (“Boston Revs Baseball Club”)  (Baseball players; Man-woman relationships; Romance; Roommates)
—. The Fall OutI (2024) (Series: Boston Revs Three Outs) (“romance … between hot-headed baseball pitcher and the animal-
-loving heroine” WorldCat)
Baran, Ari. Home Ice Advantage (Carina P., 2024) (Series: Penalty Box 3) (Boston Beacons” fictional pro-hockey team) (Gay athletes; Hockey
players; Romance)

Bardsley, Ralph Josiah. Brothers (Bold Strokes Books, 2015) (South Boston) (Authors; Brothers; Guardian and ward;

Male friendship; Orphans; Single parents; Boston)

—. A Careful Heart (Bold Strokes Books, 2017) (Boston) (Gay men; Male friendship)

Barillot, Erwan. Moi, Omega (Boquins, 2022) (“Tout commence au début des années 2000 à Harvard” WorldCat)

Bar-Lev, Helen. “Sunset in Boston.” Ibbetson Street 21 (June 2007): 30 (poem)

Barnes, Diane. Mixed Signals (Kensington Publishing, 2016) (Heroine, ex Boston radio personality) (Man-woman


Barnes, Linda. Heart of the World: A Carlotta Carlyle Novel (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2006) (Women private investigators;

Missing children; Teenage girls; Kidnappinng; Bogotà (Colombia)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Lie Down with the Devil (Carlotta Carlyle Mysteries) (Minotaur, 2008) (Brief Summary, author web page [accessed

20 Mar. 2008])

Barnes, Rusty. Knuckledragger: A Novel (Charleston, WV: Shotgun Honey, 2017) (“living the life in Revere, MA”

WorldCat) (Noir; Racketeering)

Barrasso,Sibylle. Dark Waters: A Macy Adams Mystery (Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning, 2008) (Women private

investigators — Massachusetts — Boston) (Amazon and Google Books)

Barrett, Jeffrey. Armageddon 2019: Jesus is come, the Pope of Rome is fallen, perfection is preached in Boston

(Hawaii: Jeffrey Barrett, 2012) (“including: The Boston Red Sox; Larry Bird; Whitey Bulger; . . . and the art heist

at The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum” WorldCat) (Bible. — Revelation; Anti-Catholicism)

Barrett, Ruby. The Romance Recipe (Carina P, 2022) (romance “at a Boston restaurant” Olivia Waite, Rev. NYTBKR

2 Oct. 2022: 8) (Bisexual characters; Lesbian characters; Reality television programs; Restaurateurs;  Women cooks)

Barry, Bruonia. The Map of True Places (William Morrow, 2010) (heroine, Boston psychotherapist; witches;

supernatural) (Women psychotherapists; Suicide victims; Children of suicide victims; Fathers and daughters;

Salem (Mass.))

Bartolomeo, Christina. Snowed In (St. Martin’s Press, 2004) (Mainly Portland, Maine, but some scenes in Boston) (Marital

conflict; Mothers-in-law; Portland (Me.); Married women; Women artists)

Bass, M. T. Murder by Munchausen (Electron Alley, 2017) (includes “DNA from a hundred-year-old murder in Boston”

Worldcat) (Criminal investigation; Dystopias; Murder — Investigation; Robots)

Bauer, Sydney. Pseud. of Bill Ten Eyck. Alibi (Jove, 2008) (Fictional Boston Deane U; Boston defense

attorney; murder)

—. Gospel (Pan Macmillan Australia, 2007) (Boston defense attorney and Boston police detectives) (Murder


—. Move to Strike (Pan Macmillan Australia, 2009) (Murder) (Beacon Hill (Boston, Mass.); Families)

—. Undertow (Madison Park P, 2007) (legal thriller) (African American women lawyers; Single mothers; Drowning

victims; Legislators; Boston (Mass.))

Bayne, Jerry. The Gatherer (BookSurge Publishing, 2008) (Murderers; Murder; Suspense; Occult;Private

investigators; Boston (Mass.))

Beacham, I. Sanctuary (Bold Strokes, 2009) (fight for control of Boston fashion design house; romance) (Women fashion

designers; Lesbians; Businesswomen; Boston (Mass.))

Beck, Jim. “Timeslip” (Allsorts: A Lockdown Writing Collection, UK?: Calum’s Legacy Books, 2022) (“a visit to Boston for

an award ceremony,” “time travel” WorldCat)

Beechwood, Beth. Check It Out (Disney Press, 2007) (Juvenile) (#5 in The Suite Life of Jack and Cody Series) (Boston

hotel) (Twins; Hotels; Boston, (Mass.))

Beechwood, Beth, Danny Kallis, and Jim Geoghan. Side by Side (Disney P, 2008) (Juvenile) (Zack and Cody; TV

series) (Twins; Hotels; Boston (Mass.))

Beer, Kitty. Human Scale: A Novel (Plain View Press, 2010) (“2062 . . . Boston underwater . . . futuristic eco-thriller”

[Paula de Fougerolles, Amazon, accessed 21 May 2013]) (Climatic changes)

Bellamy, Edward. Equality (D. Appleton, 1897 [Google Books]) (sequel to Looking Backward) (Two thousand, A.D.;

Social problems; Utopias; Socialism)

—. Looking Backward, 2000-1887 (Ticknor, 1888 [Google Books 1889 ed.]) (Two thousand, A.D.; Social problems;

Time travel; Utopias)

Ben Shaul, E.M. Flying Without a Net (Interlude Press, 2016) (Main character “software engineer in Boston” Summary)

(Gay men; Israelis — United States; Orthodox Judaism; Boston (Mass.); Homosexuality — Religious aspects —


Bens, Jeff. W. The Mighty Oak (Solon, Ohio: Findaway World, 2021) (main character “called back to Boston by his

mother’s death . . . roam[s] cold streets from Castle Island to Quincy Point” WorldCat) (Assault and battery;

Fathers and daughters; Hockey players; Man-woman relationships; Mothers — Death; Opioid abuse.; Sports

injuries; Women lawyers)

Benson, Christine Melanie.  Marrying Myself: A Novel (Black Rose Writing, 2022)  (heroine, “a stalled artist living
Boston’s old world Italian neighborhood, the North End” WorldCat) (Artists; Man-woman relationships)
Benson, Jeannie. Chameleon Maze (Renfrew, Ont.: General Store Pub. House, 2011) (next to last chapter, “Boston
chase”) (Death; Governmental investigations)
Bernard, Mike.  Gaelic & Garlic: A Novel (2024) (East Boston Italian guy and Charlestown Irish girl) (Ethnic relations; Irish

Americans; Italian Americans; Man-woman relationships; Romance)

Best, James D. The Shut Mouth Society (Tucson, AZ: Wheatmark, 2008) (mainly elsewhere but quite a bit of Boston;

modern detective; newly discovered Lincoln document) (Civil war; Secret societies; Reconstruction (U.S. history,

1865-1877)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Bexley, Lucy. Howl (Tantor Media, 2023) (Series: I Heart SapphFic Pride 7) (“the only surviving queer bar in Boston” WorldCat) (Romance)

Bhattacharya, Keron. Boston Brahmin’s Widow (Jay Publishers, 2015) (no Mass.; despite title, Bengali writer

in England)

Bhuvaneswar, Chaya. “Asha in Allston” (r.k.v.f.y Quarterly Literary Journal) (short story)

Biewald, Connie. Truth like Oil (Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Vine Leaves, 2021) (“two mothers in Boston” WorldCat)

Bird, Jessica. An Irresistible Bachelor (Ballantine Books, 2004) (romance; John Singleton Copley painting in Boston

mansion) (Art restorers; Sisters; Political candidates)

Birdy, Chris. The Girl in Black Pajamas (North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014)

(Series: The murder mystery series, Book 2) (Murder — Investigating; Cyberterrorism; Private investigators;

Boston (Mass.))

Birken, Randy . A Harvard death, and Other Stories (Nevada City, CA: Pelican Pond Pub., 2006) (Medical fiction)

Bishop, Alan. Laws, Lies & Lawyers (S.l.: CreateSpace, 2010) (“against the backdrop of Boston” WorldCat) (Legal

stories; Detective and mystery stories; Boston (Mass.))

Black, Molly. Behind Her Lies (2024) (Series: Elise Close Psychological Thriller 1) (“household on Boston’s exclusive

Beacon Hill”  WorldCat) (Detective and mystery; Women)

Blacke, Olivia.  A New Lease on Death (Minotaur Books, 2024) (“Ruby Young’s new Boston apartment comes with . . . a ghost,” murder [WorldCat])

(Paranormal; Apartment dwellers;  Boston (Mass.);  Ghosts;  Murder Investigation)

Bladon, Deborah. Vain: The Complete Series (2014) (heroine, “back in her hometown of Boston”) (Man-woman


Blair, Sandy. A Highlander for Christmas (Zebra Books, 2007) (18th-c. highlander ends up in 21st-c. female Boston antique

dealer’s bed) (Women antique dealers; Knights and knighthood; Magic; Magic boxes; Time travel (Future);

Christmas; Warriors — Scotland; Clans — Highlands, Scotland; Men/women relations; Sexual attraction; Boston;

Scotland — History — 18th century; Paranormal romances; Time travel romances)

Blanchet, T.M. Herrick’s End (North Port, FL: Tiny Fox P, 2022) (Boston; Magic; Underworld; Witches;

Urban fantasy, American)

Blase, Ernest F. Hostage Boston (PublishAmerica, 2007) (heroine, woman, former STASI operative) (Terrorism;

Boston (Mass.))

Boatner, E. B. M-o-t-h-e-r Spells Murder (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, Inc., 2012) (Jamaica Plain) (Dysfunctional

families; Secrecy; Murder)

Bokat, Nicole Suzanne. HappinessThief: A Novel (Bekrley, CA: She Writes P, 2021) (“Boston” based heroine “a food

photographer and single mother” WorldCat) (Families; Happiness; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Stepsisters;

Traffic accidents)

Bonar, Andrew. Back Bay Murders (New Hampshire: Andrew Bonar, 2020) (Private investigators; Serial murderers)

Bond, D. Stephenson. Healing Lily: A Novel of Hope (Alternative Views Publishing, 2010) (Grief; Man-woman

relationships; September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001; Terrorism victims’ families; Widows; Psychoanalysts;

Boston (Mass.))

Boniface, Allie. One night in Boston (Samhain Publishing, 2008) (Romance) (Occult; Love; Boston)

Booraem, Ellen. Texting the Underworld (Scholastic, 2015) (Elementary and junior h.s.) (main character lives at

“36A Crumlin Street, South Boston”) (Paranormal; Supernatural; Banshees; Death; Families; Future life;

Middle schools)

Boris, Laurie. A Sudden Gust of Gravity (Createspace Independent Pub, 2015) (Medical students; Magicians;

Boston (Mass.))

Boroson, Melinda R. illus. Gary R Phillips. 86 Years: The Legend of the Boston Red Sox (Brown House Books, 2005)

(Juvenile; rhyming) (Boston Red Sox; Baseball)

Bova, Ben. The Green Trap (Forge, 2006) (crime “trail from California to Cambridge” Front Flap)

(Microbiologists — Crimes against; Cyanobacteria; Hydrogen as fuel — Research) (Amazon and

Google Books))

—. Transhuman (Tor Books, 2014) (medical/sci fi thriller starts in Boston) (Biologists; Cancer — Patients; Genetic

engineering; Grandparent and child; Massachusetts — Boston; Oregon)

Bovalino, Tori. Not Good for Maidens (Salem: Page Street, 2022) (Chapter 1 Boston, Present Day; YA) (Blessing and cursing;

Goblins; Horror; Kidnapping victims; Markets New York (State); Witches)

Bowes, Richard. Streetcar Dreams: And Other Midnight Fancies (PS Publishing, 2005) (six stories; gay; some with

Boston settings–check) (Fantasy)

Bowers, John M. End of Story: A Novel (Santa Fe: Sunstone P, 2010) (1914-9/11, in part. “Princeton and Cambridge,”

“happy-ending” WorldCat) (Gays — United States)

Bowker, Richard. Dover Beach (Bantam Books, 1987) (Boston detective in 21st century after nuclear war; cloning)

—. Where All the Ladders Start (EPublishing Works!, 2015) (“post-nuclear Boston”) (Man-woman relationships)

Bowman, Conor. The Redemption of George Baxter Henry (Clockwork P, 2008) (mainly France) (Middle-aged men

— Family relationships; Midlife crisis; Dysfunctional families — Travel; Americans — France; Life change

events; Boston (Mass.))

Boyne, Paul. Body of Water: A Novel (Lyons P. 2023) (“murder on the Charles River in Cambridge” WorldCat)  (Harvard

University Rowing)

Bracken, Alexandra.  Silver in the Bone (Listening Library, 2023)  (“sorceresses and Hollowers . . . populate the

magical underground of Boston”  WorldCat; Young Adult) (Blessing and cursing;  Magic; Siblings)

Bradley, Celeste, and Susan Donovan. A Courtesan’s Guide to Getting Your Man (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2011;

republished 2013 as Unbound) (Romance; heroine Boston museum curator) (Courtesans — England —

London; Museum curators — Massachusetts — Boston; Diaries; Man-woman relationships; Women museum


Brady, Ali. Battle of the Bookstores (Berkley Romance, 2025)  (two ” bookstores on the same Boston street” WorldCat)


Brandner, Cindy. Mermaid in a Bowl of Tears (Canada Starry Night Press, 2012) (Families; Ireland — History — 20th

century; Boston (Mass.))

Brannen, Sarah S. Paige of Beacon Hill (Beacon Hill Books, 2022) (“a young squirrel lives in an abandoned building in

Beacon Hill” WorldCat; Juvenile) (Bookstores;  Squirrels)

Brasset, Rose-Line. illus. Geraldine Charette.  Juliette à Boston (Hurtubise, 2023) (Juvenile) (Boston, Harvard, Newbury Street, Salem


Braver, Gary. Rumor of Evil: A Novel (Oceanview, 2023) (“reported suicide of a Cambridge woman’ WorldCat) (Cambridge (Mass.); Cold cases

(Criminal investigation); Murder Investigation; Paranormal; Secrecy; Thrillers)

—.  Skin Deep (Forge, 2008) (Detectives — Boston, Massachusetts; Crimes against plastic surgery — Patients;

Serial murderers; Police wives; Plastic surgery; Psychological suspense stories) (Amazon and Google Books)

—-. Tunnel Vision (Forge, 2011) (Northeastern grad. student vision while in coma; Boston street bike accident) (Coma

— Patients; Miracles; Neuroscientists; Near-death experiences — Research; Future life — Research; Life —

Religious aspects — Christianit; Psychological suspense; Police proceduarl) (Amazon and Google Books)

Breazeale, Ron. Reaching Home: A Novel About Conquering Fear (New Words Press, 2006) (terrorist cell in Boston)

(Nuclear power plants; People with disabilities; Nuclear terrorism; Bioterrorism; Southern states; Boston (Mass.);


Breen, Christine. Her Name Is Rose (St. Martin’s Press, 2015) (Irish adoptee, birth mother in Boston) (Young women —

Ireland; Adoptive parents; Birthmothers; Mothers and daughters; Ireland; Boston (Mass.))

Brehm, Katelyn.  Her Dark Salvation (2024) (Series: Bonded in Blood 1) (heroine “tied . . . to the Boston underworld for almost a century,”

“Paranormal Mafia Romance” [WorldCat]) (Organized crime; Vampires)

Brewka-Clark, Nancy. “Boston Bouillabaisse.” Malice Domestic. #11, Murder Most Conventional, edited by Verena

Rose, Barb Goffman, and Rita Owen (Wildside Press, 2016), pages 222-30.

Briggs, Patricia. Fair Game (New York: Ace Books, 2012) (Werewolves help Boston FBI) (Werewolves; Serial murderers)

Bridgeman, Hallee. Greater Than Rubies: A Novella (Olivia Kimbrell P, 2012) (Christian romance; Boston wedding)

(Christian fiction; Man-woman relationships;Weddings)

Briottet, Alain. Boston, Un Hiver Si Court: Nouvelles (Monaco and Paris: Éd. du Rocher, 2007) (“touching short stories

of a Frenchman’s perspective of life in New England” WorldCat)

Brockmann, Suzanne. All Through the Night: A Troubleshooter Christmas (Ballantine Books, 2007) (Series:

Troubleshooters, Book 12; gay FBI agent marries his lover at Christmas time in Boston; complication; love

conquers all) (Christmas; United States. — Navy. — SEALs; Weddings; Stalkers — Massachusetts —

Boston; Boston (Mass.))

Brody, David. The Wrong Abraham (Groton, MA: Martin & Lawrence P, 2006) (Jewish/Muslim terrorist plots in Boston)

(Legal stories; Terorrism) (Amazon and Google Books)

Brophy, Aislinn. Spells to Forget Us (Putnam, 2024) (one main character, “the most powerful witch in Magical Boston” WorldCat)

(African Americans; Interpersonal relations; Magic; Memory)

Brown, Andi. Animal Cracker (2013) (“Boston’s venerable [fictional] Animal Protection Organization” WorldCat) (Animal

shelters; Women public relations personnel)

Brown, Dale. Act of Revenge: A Novel (HarperCollins, 2018) (The Puppetmaster Series, Book 2) (Terrorism —

Massachusetts — Boston; Military robots; Political kidnapping; Revenge)

Brown, Dan. Origin (Leicester: Thorpe, Charnwood, 2019) (Harvard University — Employees; Langdon, Robert (Fictitious

character); Scientists — Crimes against; Barcelona (Spain))

Brown, Daryle L. Suerette’s Letter: A Novel (Fandash Publishing, 2009) (Teenage girls — Massachusetts; Teenage

pregnancy — Massachusetts; Teenagers — Suicidal behavior –Massachusetts; Teenagers — Sexual behavior

— Massachusetts; Sexual orientation — Massachusetts; Roxbury (Boston, Mass.))

Brown, Jeff. The Midnight Ride of Flat Revere (2016) (Series: Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures #13) (Juvenile) (family

visits Boston including “Duck Tour, . . . lunch at Quincy Market, and . . . Fenway Park . . . [and] a reenactment of

. . Paul Revere’s famous midnight ride” WorldCat)

Brown, Tara. My Side (Tara Brown Publishing, 2013) (Northeastern Law School) (Women law students; Alternative rock

musicians; Boston (Mass.))

Bruen, Ken, and Reed Farrel Coleman. Tower (Busted Flush Pr., 2009) (Mostly NYC, Belfast, Mexico, but some Boston)

(Organized crime; Informers)

Bryant, Annie. Bad News/Good News (Simon and Schuster, 2008) (Juvenile–ages 9-12) (multi-cultural Beacon Street

Girls of Brookline) (Teenage girls; Friendship; Junior high schools)

—. Katani’s Jamaican Holiday (Simon and Schuster, 2008) (Beacon Street Girls)

—.Out of Bounds (Simon and Schuster, 2008) (Beacon Street Girls)

—. Worst Enemies/Best Friends (Simon and Schuster, 2008) (Beacon Street Girls)

Bulos, Suhail. Land of Dreams (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013) (Residents (Medicine) —

Massachusetts — Boston; Admission of nonimmigrants — Massachusetts — Boston; Lebanese —

Massachusetts — Boston; Man-woman relationships — Massachusetts — Boston)

Burgoa, Claudia Y. Where Life Takes You (Literally Alpacas Illustrations, 2013) (Dysfunctional families; Man-woman

relationships; Stepsisters; Massachusetts — Boston)

Burke, Katherine Packert. Still Life: A Novel (Norton, 2024) (“protagonist has briefly returned to Boston . . . where she lived after college”

Angela Lashbrook, NYTBkR  6 Oct., 2024: 19) (Authors; Queer fiction; Sexual minorities;  Transgender people)

Burke, Marcus. Team Seven: A Novel (Doubleday, 2014) (Milton/Boston) (Coming of Age; African American

teenagers; Basketball players; Drug traffic; City and town life — Massachusetts; Inner cities)

Burke, Rachel K. Sound Bites: A Rock & Roll Love Story (HarperImpulse, 2013) (Romance) (Women journalists;

Musicians; Boston (Mass.))

Burke, Stephen. The Chieftains of South Boston ([United States]: The Author, 2012) (Whitey Bulger?) (Fugitives from

justice; Undercover operations; Irish Americans)

Burns, Eric A. Superguy: The League #1 Banter Latte (first issue of online serial; superhero, set partly in Boston/North

End, with reader blog comments) (26 Oct. 2007; accessed 17 Mar. 2008)

Buslek, Kurt; John Paul Leon; Todd Klein, Creature of the Night (Burbank, CA: DC Comics, 2021) (“the good people of

Boston” in danger [Worldcat])) (Batman; Superheroes; Vigilantes)

Butcher, James. Cold Iron Case (Ace, 2025) (hero, “a novice Auditor in Boston’s Department of Unorthodox Affairs” WorldCat)

—. Dead Man’s Hand (Ace, 2022) (Series: The unorthodox chronicles, 1) (“On the streets of Boston” WorldCat)

—. Long Past Dues (Ace, 2023) (“Boston’s Department of Unorthodox Affairs” WorldCat) (Boston (Mass.);  Homicide;

Hunters;  Magic;  Murder Investigation;  Parasnormal;  Undeground; Werewolves; Witches)

Butler, Erin K. Punch Line (Epic Press, 2017) (Series: Freshmen (Minneapolis (Minn.)) (fictional “Swimmer College

in Boston”) (College students; Identity (Philosophical concept); Interpersonal relations)

Byrnes, Michael. The Genesis Plague (Simon & Schuster, 2010) (Relics — Iraq; Mercenary troops — Iraq;

Archaeologists — Massachusetts — Boston; Intelligence officers — Massachusetts — Boston)

Cage, James. Back from the Bardo: Three Short Stories (James Cage, 2006) (second story “September 11, 2001”

takes place in part in and around Boston (in 2002); biotech firms) (Amazon and Google Books)

Cail, Tony. The Christmas Puppy: Lost in Boston (Morgan James, 2024) (” lost in a raging blizzard on the snow-

covered streets of Boston” WorldCat) (Adoption; Puppies)

Camden, Nicole. A French Whipping (Pocket Star, 2015) (Series: Billiuonaire Tricjsters of Boston 2) (Magicians;

Man-woman relationships)

—. Lie in the Moment (Pocket Star Books, 2016) (Series: Billionaire Tricksters of Boston 3) (Lead female, Boston

detective) (Billionaires; Man-woman relationships; Policewomen)

Cameron, Dana. Site Unseen: An Emma Fielding Mystery (Avon Books, 2002) (female detective/archeologist

teaches and digs in Maine, but lives with husband in Somerville; mostly Maine) (Fielding, Emma (Fictitious

character); Women archeologists; Excavations (Archaeology) — Maine; Maine)

Cameron, T. R. Witch with a Badge (Tantor Audio, 2023) (Series: Witch Warrior 1) (Murder investigation; Witches)

—. Witch with a Challenge (Tantor Audio, 2023) (Series: Witch Warrior 7) (“Boston and Ireland” WorldCat)

(Dragons; Witches)

—. Witch with a Grudge (Tantor Audio, 2023) (Series: Witch Warrior 2) (Murder investigation; Witches)

—. Witch with a Problem (Tantor Audio, 2023) (Series: Witch Warrior 6) (“newest member of Boston’s US Marshals”

WorldCat) (Dragons; Shapeshifting; Witches)

—. Witch with a Target (Tantor Audio, 2023) (Series: Witch Warrior 4) (“Boston’s magical underworld” WorldCat)

(Dragons; Witches)

—. Witch with an Enemy (Tantor Audio, 2023) (Series: Witch Warrior 3) (Boston (Mass.);  Witches)

Campbell, Colin. Beacon Hill (Denver, Colorado: Wildblue P, 2017) (Grant, Jim — (Fictitious character); Boston (Mass.).

— Police Department; Criminal investigation; British)

—. Jamaica Plain: A Resurrection Man Novel (Midnight Ink, 2013) (Resurrection man, #1; “political intrigue . . . in

Jamaica Plain” WorldCat) (Police — England — Yorkshire; British — Massachusetts — Boston)

Campbell, Judith. An Unholy Mission (Mainly Murder P, 2012) (heroine detctive Rev, Olympia Brown, Boston hospital

chaplain) (Psychopaths; Women Sleuths)

Canale, Suzie. Illus. Roberto Almanza. Boston, You’re My Home (Mascot Books, 2014) (Juvenile)

Canterbary, Kate. Necessary Restorations (Amazon, 2016) (romance in Boston; male architect, female musician)

Cappa, Paula. Greylock (Crispin Books, 2016) (“Boston [classical] music scene”) (Horror; Pianists)

Caple, Natalie. Mackerel Sky: A Novel (St. Martin’s P, 2004) (mainly Montreal, but one main character returns after

twenty years in Boston, which appears in references and his stories) (Triangles (Interpersonal relations);

Fathers and daughters; Counterfeiters; Birthfathers; Canada)

Cardello, Ruth. He Said Always (Grand Haven, MI: Brilliance Audio, 2021) (Italian-Americans; romance; “the

Boston area” WorldCat) (Families; Man-woman relationships; Rich people; Wagers)

Cardillo, Linda. Across the Table (Harlequin, 2010) (Romance; multi-generation; Italian-American; Salem St.)

(Restaurateurs; Mothers and daughters; Veterans; World War, 1939-1945; Boston (Mass.))

Carey, Ella. From a Paris Balcony (Lake Union Publishing, 2016) (Heroine, 21st c. “Boston art curator”; mainly Paris

in 1890s, not Boston in 2015) (Aristocracy (Social class); Art museum curators; Divorced women; Letters;

Suicide; France; Boston)

Carlan, Audrey. April (Brilliance Audio, 2016) (Escort services; Single women; Rich people; Basketball [or Baseball?]

players; Man-woman relationships; Debt; Boston (Mass.))

Carlisle, Lisa. Bloodlust and Metal (Akron: Ellora’s Cave Publishing, 2013) (Series: Ellora’s Cave., Twilight.;

Underground encounters, bk. 4) (Vampire heroine singer in Boston; Romance) (Vampires; Shapeshifting)

Carota, Joanne. The Docks (Neptune Books, 2019) (Murder; South Boston Waterfront (Boston, Mass.))

Carr, Howie. Hard Knocks (Forge, 2013) (Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston; Murder — Investigation)

—. Killers (Forge, 2015) (Gangsters; Organized crime; Political corruption; Boston)

Carr, R.E., and Rick Gualteri. Sins of the Past (Ashland, OR: Blackstone, 2022) (“deep beneath Boston, . . . the ruins of a

former vamp stronghold” WorldCat) (Vampires)

Carr, Roberta R. The Bennett Women (Roberta R. Carr, 2015) (youngest, cello student at New England Conservatory)

(Businesswomen; Cellists; Mothers and daughters; Women artists)

Carr, Shelly Dickson.“The Beacon Hill Suicide”  (Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, January-February 2019) (“showcas[es] historic

Boston” Amazon)

Carrell, Jennifer Lee. Interred with Their Bones (Dutton, 2007) (Partly set in Cambridge, Mass./Harvard; 2004) (Murder;

Shakespeare, William; Globe Theatre (London, England: 1996-)

Carter, Ally. Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover (Disney/Hyperion Books, 2009) (Democratic National Convention in Boston)

(Teenage girls; Boarding schools; Spies; E spionage; Morgan, Cammie (Fictitious character); Fifteen-year-old girls;

Humorous fiction; Teenage boy/girl relations; Mothers and daughters) (Google Books)

Carter, Stephen L. New England White (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007) (a small part of the murder investigation takes

place in Boston) (African American college teachers; New England) (Amazon and Google Books)

Caruso, John. Lightbearer (New York: Bold Strokes, 2009) (Starts with Lucifer atop Prudential Building) (Devil; Michael

(Archangel); Cults — Massachusetts — Boston; Salvation; Fantasy; Lesbian; Romance) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Casavant, Jessica. Imperfect Past (Boston Friends’ Series 3) (Nederland, Tex.: Yellow Rose Books, 2004) (Boston

detectives) (Lesbians) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Twist of Fate  (Nederland, Tex.: Yellow Rose Books, 2003) (Boston Friends’ Series 1) (Lesbians; Legislators;

Presidents — Election)

—. Walking Wounded  (Nederland, Tex.: Yellow Rose Books, 2004) (Boston Friends’ Series 2) (Women detectives;

Lesbians; Murder; Cambridge) (Amazon and Google Books)

Cass, Richard J. In Solo Time (Farmington: Encircle Publications, 2017) (Series: The Elder Darrow Mysteries) (Murder

in Boston bar; “arson in . . . three-decker in Mattapan” WorldCat)

—.  Mickey’s Mayhem (Farmington, ME: Encircle Publications, 2021) (“another Boston adventure with Dan Burton and

Elder Darrow” WorldCat) (Murder — Investigation; Organized crime; Private investigators)

Cassidy, Carla [pseud. of Carla Bracale]. Rules of Engagement (Silhouette Books, 2004) (Businessmen; Sex in the

workplace; Boston (Mass.))

Castellini, Michael A. Darkness over Boston (Montgomery, AL: E-BookTime, LLC, 2009) (Amazon)

Castillo, Javier. El día que se perdió la cordura (Barcelona: Suma de letras, 2018) (Spanish; police thriller; “Centro de

Boston, 24 de diciembre” WorldCat)

Cayto, Samantha. Mating Dance (Lincoln: Pride Publishing, 2019) (Boston cop hero) (Aliens; Gay men; Police)

—. Cuffed & Collared (Adams Basin, NY: Scarlet Rose/Wild Rose Prees, 2015) (Boston’s brave, book 3) (Sexual

dominance and submission; Bondage (Sexual behavior); Police; Serial murders)

—. Double the Risk (Adams Basin, NY: Scarlet Rose, 2014) (Boston’s brave, bk. 2) (Police — Massachusetts — Boston;

Medical examiners (Law) — Massachusetts — Boston; Triangles (Interpersonal relations) — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Internal Affair (Scarlet, 2015) (Police; Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.))

Celeste, Undine, and Donna Giancola. Her Undeground: An Eco-friendly Mystery (Solstice Publishing, 2012) (Connects

“Eleusis, Greece, 585 B.C.E.” and “The Big Dig: Boston. Massachusetts, 2010 C.E,” female Suffolk Law Prof. main

character; co-author Suffolk Philosophy Prof.)

Center, Katherine. Everyone Is Beautiful: A Novel (Ballantine Books, 2009) (unhappy wife of a grad student) (Married

women; Cambridge)

—. Things You Save in a Fire (St. Martin’s Press, 2019) (Women fire fighters; Man-woman relationships; Mothers and

daughters; Boston)

Chadbourn, Mark and Michael Mignola. Hellboy: The Ice Wolves (Milwaukie, Or.: Dark Horse Books, 2009) (“Boston’s

Beacon Hill and the Grant Mansion, . . . the most haunted house in New England” WorldCat) (Demonology;

Hellboy (Fictitious character: Mignola))

Chamberlin, Holly. Babyland (Strapless/Kensington Books, 2005) (Boston professional singles in their 30s) (Pregnant

women; Mate selection)

—. Back in the Game (Strapless/Kensington Books, 2006) (four divorcées in Boston) (Divorced people; Dating

(Social customs))

—. The Friends We Keep (Kensington, 2007) (divorced woman returns to Boston and old friends) (Advertising

executives; Divorced women; Friendship)

—. The Summer of US (Strapless, 2004) (three 29+ single young women residents of Boston summer on

Martha’s Vineyard; romance; Jewish American; PBS; Upperclass; Chicklit) (Single women; Mate selection; Dating

(Social customs); Female friendship; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.))

Chambers, Brian R. Arthur’s Soul Adventure (O Books, 2010) (Great Depression) (Near-death experiences; Heaven;

Poor — Massachusetts — Boston; Spirituality ; Self-realization; Visionary and metaphysical)

Chance, Jennifer. Want It (Loveswept, 2014) (Romance/adventure; mainly elsewhere, but heroine works in “a Boston

art gallery”) (Mother and child; Man-woman relationships)

Chancy, Myriam J. A. What Storm, What Thunder (Portland, OR: Tin House, 2021) (one main character, “emigrant

musician who drives a taxi in Boston” WorldCat) (Port-au-Prince Bay (Haiti); Earthquakes.)

Chandler, Richard. Streets of Rage (Weymouth, MA: Sweet Dreams Pub. of Massachusetts, 2010) (Crime —

Massachusetts — Boston)

Chaplick, John. The Rivergrass Legacy: A Novel (Cricket Cottage Publishing, 2015) (Mainly Florida, but main character

“years before . . . yielded to parental pressure and rejected Sarah Jane Jankovic, his true love from the slums of

South Boston” Summary) (Business consultants; Drug traffic — Investigation; Fish hatcheries; Man-woman

relationships; Money laundering investigation; Florida — Everglades)

Chapman, Scott R. Leaves of Red and Gold: The Journey of Matthew Schipani (San Jose; New York: Writers Club P,

2002) (first openly gay Massachusetts Attorney General; legal thriller; stalking; Harvard) (Public prosecutors —

Massachusetts; Gay men) (Amazon and Google Books)

Chari, Sheela. Karthik Delivers (New York: Amulet, 2022) (Elementary and junior high school) (Acting; Family-owned

business enterprises; Bernstein, Leonard, — 1918-1990; Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009; East Indian Americans;

Boston (Mass.))

Charles, Natalie. When No One Is Watching (Harlequin Romantic Suspense, 2014) (Boston PD) (Criminal profilers;

Police; Serial murders)

Chase, Ashlyn. Hooked on a Phoenix (Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2018) (Series: Phoenix Brothers) (Romance /

Paranormal / Shifters; Bank tellers; Fire fighters; Phoenix (Mythical bird); Shapeshifting; Boston)

—. I Dream of Dragons (Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2016) (Romance) (Apartment dwellers; Dragons; Boston)

—. My Wild Irish Dragon (Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2016) (Romance) (Animals, Mythical; Dragons; Families; Fire

fighters; Man-woman relationships; Phoenix (Mythical bird); Shapeshifting; Women fire fighters)

—. A Phoenix Is Forever (Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2019) (Paranormal romance; Missing children;

Phoenix (Mythical bird); Police; Psychics; Shapeshifting: Boston)

—. Strange Neighbors (Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2010) (Romance) (Shapeshifting; Vampires; Werewolves; Supernatural;

Man-woman relationships; Paranormal; Boston (Mass.)) (Google Books)

—. The Vampire Next Door (Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2011) (Romance) (Vampires; Witches; Man-woman relationships;

Boston (Mass.); Brownstone buildings)

—. The Werewolf Upstairs (Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2010) (Romance; main character, Boston public defender) (

Werewolf; Public defenders; Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.); Women lawyers)

Chiavaroli, Heidi. Freedom’s Ring (Tyndale House, 2017) (connects Boston marathon bombing and Boston

Massacre) (Victims of terrorism; Boston Marathon Bombing, Boston, Mass., 2013 ; War victims; Boston

Massacre, 1770; Loss (Psychology)); Faith)

Chiaverini, Jennifer. Christmas Bells: A Novel (New York: Dutton, 2015) (Part Christmas 1863; part Christmas

c. 2015) (Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, — 1807-1882; Women teachers)

Child, Lee. Persuader: A Jack Reacher Novel (Delacorte P, 2003) (key encounter in Boston; mainly Maine)

(Reacher, Jack (Fictitious character); Military police; Missing persons; Drug traffic; Maine)

Chouraqui, Élie. illus. Serge Fino. L’Étrangleur de Boston (Soleil, DL 2009) (Dossiers tueurs en serie, 3; Serial killer;

comic book)

Chyna L. Risking It All for My Hustla. 2 (Grand Penz Publications, 2017) (main character moves from Atlanta home

to Boston) (African American women; African Americans; Man-woman relationships; Street life)

Chynoweth, Michele. The Faithful One: A Novel (Morgan James Pub., 2017) (“based on the Book of Job” WorldCat)

(Families; Boston (Ma.); Christian/Suspense; Religious; Romance/Suspense)

Ciance, Judi. A Black Rose: A Detective Mike Mastro Mystery (North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent

Publishing Platform, 2017) (“body of a young woman . . . on Revere Beach” WorldCat) (Serial murders)

Citro, Joseph A. Deus-X: The Reality Conspiracy (Hanover, N.H.: University P of New England, 2003) (fantasy/thriller;

occult; paranormal; some Boston, e.g., “Chapter 1 Tribulation Boston, Massachusetts Thursday, November

12 08:05 hours,” “Chapter Mr. Splitfoot Boston, Massachusetts Friday, June 17,” “Chapter 5 The Widening Gyre

Boston, Massachusetts,” “Chapter 8 The Foolish Fates Boston, Massachusetts,” etc.) (Conspiracies) (Amazon

and Google Books)

Clark, Catherine. The Alison Rules (HarperTempest, 2004) (mainly suburban Boston, but some Boston scenes)

(secondary (senior high) school) (Death; Grief; Best friends; Friendship; Newspapers; High schools; Schools)

Clark, Hannah L. Cobbogoth (Pleasant Grove, UT: KinStone Publishing, 2011) (Series: Cobbogoth, bk. 1) (Harvard

University; Fantasy; Elementalists; Magic stones; Iceland)

Clark, K.D. Hating the Bratva (K.D Clark, 2021) (“Russian mafia,” “corrupt Senator,” “the Boston brotherhood”)

(Legislators; Mafia)

Clark, Kevin M. The Smell of Baseball (Publish America, 2009) (Fenway Park) (Baseball; Fathers and sons; Baltimore

Orioles (Baseball team); Boston Red Sox (Baseball team))

Clark, Mary Higgins. Just Take My Heart (Simon and Schuster, 2009) (heroine, professor at Boston’s fictional Layman

College) (Heart — Transplantation — Patients; Murder — Investigation; Cape Cod Bay (Mass.)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Clark, Seneca, and Sandy Giardi. Lily + the Imaginary Zoo (Three Bean Press, 2005) (Juvenile) (“five actual [Boston]

public pieces of art” Amazon Rev.) (Boston (Mass.); Animals)

–. illus. Julie Decedue. Frankie Goes to Fenway: the Tale of the Faithful, Red Sox-loving Mouse (Three Bean Press,

2008) (Juvenile) (New England mouse vs. New York cat) (Boston Red Sox (Baseball team); Fenway Park

(Boston, Mass.); Mice)

Clarke, Richard A. Breakpoint (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2007) (Terrorists in Cambridge/Boston+ in 2012) (Terrorism;


Clarke, Stephen. Merde Happens: A Novel (Bloomsbury USA, 2008) (in part, British satire of Boston) (British — United


Claycomb, Ann. The Mermaid’s Daughter (William Morrow, 2017) (in part “twenty-five-year-old opera student in Boston”)

(Andersen, H. C. — (Hans Christian), — 1805-1875. — Lille havfrue — Adaptations; Mermaids; Family secrets;

Singers; Opera; Suicide victims — Family relationships; Blessing and cursing; Ireland)

Clayton, John Jacob. Kuperman’s Fire (Sag Harbor, NY: Permanent Pr Pub Co, 2007) (Hero and family flee Boston)

(Domestic fiction; Family Life; Jewish families) (Google Books)

Clerici, Louisa. “Baker Street, Boston.” Red Dawn: Best New England Crime Stories, edited by Mark Ammons, et al.

Level Best Books, 2015.

Clements, Ray. Zor: Philosophy, Spirituality, and Science (CreateSpace, 2012) (Conduct of life; Interpersonal relations;

Male friendship; Positive psychology; Massachusetts — Boston)

Clotho, Lara Z. (pseud. of Lara Zielinsky). Boston Public (Ronnie/Margaret) Stories (; accessed 17 May 2009)

(fan fiction based on T.V. series with added character(s); Romance)

–. “Coming Home” (c. 2005 Internet Wayback Machine)

—. “Last Night Out” (c. 2005 Internet Wayback Machine)

—. “Conflict of Interest” (2006 Internet Wayback Machine)

Clouther, Kevin. “Puritan Hotel, Boston” (We Were Flying to Chicago: Stories. Black Balloon Publishing, 2014)

Cody, Paul. Shooting the Heart (New York: Viking, 2004) (ex-Boston teacher hero in mental asylum fears he killed

his wife) (Married men; High school teachers; Psychiatric hospital patients; Missing women; Married people;

Amnesia; Murder suspects; Serial murderers; Adult children of dysfunctional families; Self-mutilation; Manic-

depressive men; Boston, Massachusetts; Psychological suspense stories; Missing persons; Amnesia) (Amazon

and Google Books)

Cohen, Keith. Illus. Roberta Paul. Henry and Lola: A Puppy Love Story (Three Bean Press, 2015) (Juvenile)

(“fancy Boston hotel”) (Hotels — Massachusetts — Boston; Friendship; Puppies)

Cohen, Leah Hager. House Lights (Norton, 2007) (Boston family; theatre; therapists) (Family secrets)

Cohen, Tish. Little Black Lies (Egmont, 2009) (Juvenile–senior high school; working class teenage girl at Boston

posh high school) (Popularity; Social classes; High schools; Family problems; Obsessive-compulsive disorder;

Janitors; Popularity; Social classes)

—. Town House (HarperCollins, 2007) (Beacon Hill) (Agoraphobia; Inheritance and succession; Single fathers; Women

real estate agents; Foreclosure)

Cole, Teju. Tremor (Random House, 2023) (in part, “stolen artworks in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston” Brian Dillon,

Rev., NYTBR 29 Oct. 2023: 13; Harvard U.) (College teachers; Identity (Psychology); New England; Nigerians;

Photography; Racism)
Coles, K. Evan. Third Time’s the Charm (Lincoln: Pride Publishing, 2019) (Series: Boston Seasons # 1) (Gay men;

Male friendship)

Colette, Marcia. Stripped (Macon, GA: Samhain Pub., 2010) (“trails lead to Boston” WorldCat) (Werewolves;

Stripteasers; Amnesia)

Colgate, Betty Joyce. Homily Grits and All the Fixin’s, or, Nuthin’ Interestin’ Ever Happens ‘Round Here (Wheatmark, 2007)

(last story set in Boston and Southeastern Massachusetts) (City and town life; Women; Georgia)

Coller, Michael A. Bruno Johnson: Private Investigator (Place of publication not identified: MAC Publishing, 2014)

(“light-hearted” WorldCat) (Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston — Fiction)

Collier, Leon. Fountain of Love (America Star Books, 2007) (“main character transferred from Harvard University to

Jackson State University” WorkdCat) (African American college students; Courtship; Mississippi)

Colwin, Laurie.  Happy All the Tim e: A Novel (Vintage, 2021) (Friendship; Man-woman relationships; Marriage;

Massachusetts — Cambridge)

Conant, Susan. All Shots: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime, 2007) (Women dog owners; Dog trainers;


—. Bride & Groom: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime, 2004) (Winter, Holly (Fictitious character); Cambridge

(Mass.); Women journalists; Women dog owners; Serial murders; Dog trainers; Weddings; Dogs)

—. The Dogfather: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime, 2003) (Cambridge; Women journalists; Women dog

owners; Organized crime; Dog trainers; Mafia; Dogs)

—. Gaits of Heaven: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime, 2006) (Cambridge; Dog trainers; Dogs)

—. Scratch the Surface: A Cat Lover’s Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime, 2005) (Boston-area heroine/sleuth writes cat

mysteries) (Women novelists; Apartment houses; Detective and mystery stories — Authorship; Cats)

—. Sire and Damn: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (2015) (Dog trainers; Massachusetts — Cambridge)

—. The Wicked Flea: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime, 2002) (Newton) (Cambridge; Women journalists;

Women dog owners; Dog trainers; Alaskan Malamute; Dogs)

Conant-Park, Jessica and Susan Conant. Cook the Books (Berkley Prime Crime, 2010) (Carter, Chloe (Fictitious

character); Cooks; Boston (Mass.))

—–. Fed Up (New York: Berkley Prime Crime, 2009) (Carter, Chloe (Fictitious character); (Cooks; Boston

(Mass.)) (Amazon)

—–. Simmer Down: A Gourmet Girl Mystery (New York: Berkley Prime Crime, 2007) (Brighton) (Restaurants)

(Google Books)

—–. Steamed: A Gourmet Girl Mystery (New York: Berkley Prime Crime, 2006) (culinary based detective series;

Brighton) (Women graduate students; Cooks) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Turn Up the Heat: A Gourmet Girl Mystery (New York: Berkley Prime Crime, 2008) (Brighton) (Restaurants;

Waitresses–Crimes against) (Amazon and Google Books)

Connelly, Cara. The Wedding Date: A Christmas Novella (Avon Impulse, 2014) (Romance) (Emergency physicians;

Women real estate agents; Weddings; Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.))

Connelly, Michael A. Blue Collar Boston Cool: Schraft Street Shenanigans (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2012) (murder

mystery) (Neighborhoods)

—. The Schraft Street Historical Preservation Society: Still Blue Collar Boston Cool (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2013)

(sequel to Blue Collar Boston Cool)

Connelly, Susan. A Brother’s Gift (Bloomington, IN: Iuniverse Inc, 2009) (Classics; Greek vase) (Women private

investigators; Boston (Mass.))

Conrath, Richard. A cold Copper Moon (St. Petersburg, FL: Gulf Shore P, 2021) (in part “Boston’s Chinatown”

WorldCat) (Missing persons; Private investigators; Florida)

Contugno, Katie. Hemlock House: A Novel (Delacorte, 2024) (detective, freshman at Harvard) (Boston (Mass.); Friendship;

Murder; Universities and colleges)

Cook, Claire. Multiple Choice: A Novel (Viking, 2004) (South Shore) (Middle-aged women; Young women; Women

college students; Mother and daughter; Parents of college students; Adult education; Universities and colleges;

Community colleges; Internship programs; Radio stations; Radio talk show hosts and guests; Family

relationships; Husband and wife; Married people; Massachusetts; Boston; Humorous stories; Domestic fiction)

—. Summer Blowout (Hyperion, 2008) (heroine works in her Boston-based family hair and make-up salon chain)

(Beauticians; Divorced women; Family problems; Family businesses; Love stories (Comedy); Chick lit)

Cook, Robin. Charlatans (Putnam, 2017) (fictional Boston Memorial Hospital) (Residents (Medicine); Patients —

Death; Medical ethics)

—. Crisis (Putnam, 2006) (malpractice case against Boston physician) (Physicans–Malpractice: Boston


—. Seizure (Macmillan, 2002) (Cloning) (Physicians; Cambridge (Mass.); Political fiction; Convulsions; Legislators;

Biotechnology; Suspense)

—. Shock (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2001) (Harvard coed egg donors) (Women graduate students; Fertility clinics; Cloning)

Cooke, Elizabeth. A Road through the Mountains: A Novel (Open Road Media, 2015) (“Anna Russell lies in a coma in

a Boston hospital”) (Asperger’s syndrome — Patients; Birthfathers; British; Coma; Mothers and daughters; Single

mothers; Women painters)

Cooney, Kevin. The Brotherhood (, 2005) (partly Boston, e.g., chapters “7 Somerville, Massachusetts,” “15

Harvard Square,” “17 Boston”) (Espionage; Suspense; Thrillers) (Google Books)

Cooper, Glenn. The Lost Pope (Grand Central, 2023) (thriller; in part, Cambridge and a Harvard professor)

—. Near Death (Lascaux Media, 2014) (Boston FBI as well as Milan and England) (Murder — Investigation —

Great Britain; Serial murderers; Traffic accidents)

Córdova, Zoriada. Luck on the Line: On the Verge – Book One (Diversion Books, 2014) (“Boston’s next hot restaurant”

WorldCat) (Cooks; Restaurants; Man-woman relationships)

Corgiat, Jerri. Take Me Home (Signet Eclipse, 2007) (romance) (Young women — Massachusetts — Boston; Widows;

Missouri) [Plenty of Missouri (also name of daughter), but check for Boston.]

Front cover image for Hemlock HouseCornwell, Patricia Daniels. At Risk (G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2006) (Male Boston police detective and female D.A.)
(Public prosecutors; DNA fingerprinting; Crimninal investigation; Tennessee; Government investigators)

—. The Bone Bed (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2012) (murdered woman in Boston harbor) (Scarpetta, Kay (Fictitious

character); Medical examiners (Law); Forensic pathologists; Women physicians; Paleontology)

—. Chaos (Morrow, 2016) (murdered woman along Charles River in Cambridge) (Scarpetta, Kay — (Fictitious

character); Cyberbullying; Forensic pathologists; Medical examiners (Law); Women physicians)

—. Depraved Heart: A Scarpetta Novel (Thorndike Press, 2015) (Forensic pathologists; Scarpetta, Kay — (Fictitious

character); Women pathologists)

—. Dust (Putnam, 2013) (murdered MIT student; post Newton, Conn.) (Scarpetta, Kay (Fictitious character); Medical

examiners (Law); Forensic pathologists; Serial murders — Washington (D.C.); Cambridge (Mass.); Washington


—. Flesh and Blood (Series: A Kay Scarpetta thriller) (Harper, 2015) (Murder in Cambridge) (Krimi [“Krimi (genitive

Krimis, plural Krimis) A crime story, a crime thriller. (figuratively) An exciting event, a course of events whose

expected outcome changes often” Wiktionary)]

—. The Front (G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2008) (1962; Boston Strangler maybe; 2000s; blind British woman victim in

Watertown; Cambridge) (Government investigators — Massachusetts; Police)

—. Port Mortuary (Putnam, 2010) (Cambridge computer forensic center; Harvard Medical School) (Scarpetta, Kay

(Fictitious character); Medical examiners (Law); Forensic pathologists; Women physicians; Terrorism —

Prevention; United States. — Dept. of Defense; Cambridge (Mass.))

—-. Predator (G.P. Putnam’s sons, 2005) (Scarpetta, Kay (Fictitious character); Forensic pathologists; Women

physicians; Serial murders; Florida; Boston (Mass.))

Corricelli, Lloyd. Chasing Curves: A Ronan Marino Mystery (Nashua, NH: Sons of Liberty Publishing, 2010) (

Baseball; Back Bay (Boston, Mass.); Murder)

Corriveau, Art. 13 Hangmen (Amulet Books, 2012) (Elementary and junior h.s.) (“13 Hangmen’s Court in Boston”)

(Mystery and detective stories; Supernatural; Family life — Massachusetts — Boston; Moving, Household;

Brothers; Twins)

—. How I, Nicky Flynn, Finally Get a Life (and a Dog): A Novel (also published as How I Got a Life and a Dog)

(Amulet Books, 2010) (Juvenile– elementary and junior high; inner-city Boston boy and guide dog)

(German shepherd dog; Dogs; Guide dogs; Divorce; Moving, Household; Boston (Mass.))

Cory, Susan. Conundrum (Susan Cory, 2012) (“Cambridge architect,” “murderer at her Harvard reunion” WorldCat)

(Women architects; Cambridge)

Costello, Jane. The Nearly-Weds (W.F. Howes, 2016) (Nanny in Boston) (nannies; Widowers)

Cotugno, Katie. Hemlock House: A Novel (Delacorte P,  2024) (Series: A Liar’s Beach Novel; Young adult) (Boston (Mass.);

Detective and mystery; Friendship; Murder;  Universities and colleges)

Cox, Christopher R. A Good Death (Minotaur Books, 2013) (Boston PI in Thailand) (Murder — Investigation —

Thailand — Bangkok)

Craig, Philip R. (Jeff Jackson, ex-Boston cop and Vietnam vet; many references+ to Boston)

—. Dead in Vineyard Sand: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2006) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Murder at a Vineyard Mansion: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2004) (early June before vacation season)

(Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s  Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google


—. Vineyard Chill: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2008) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private i

nvestigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.))

—. Vineyard Deceit: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Avon Books, 2003) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Vineyard Enigma: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2002) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.); Art–Collectors and collecting; Art thefts) (Amazon and Google


—. Vineyard Prey: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2005) (December) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Vineyard Shadows: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2001) (South Boston) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character);

Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Vineyard Stalker: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2007) (Vietnam vet) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character);

Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.); Recluses) (Amazon and Google Books)

Craig, Philip, and William G. Tapply. First Light: The First Ever Brady Coyne/J.W. Jackson Novel (Scribner, 2002)

(Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character); Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Second Sight: A Brady Coyne and J.W. Jackson Mystery (Scribner, 2005) (Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character);

Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard; Terrorism; Missing persons) (

Amazon and Google books)

—–. Third Strike: A Brady Coyne and J.W. Jackson Mystery (Scribner, 2007) (Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character);

Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators — Massachusetts — Martha’s Vineyard; Martha’s

Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Crandall, Susan. Promises to Keep (Warner Forever, 2005) (romance; in part, woman Boston pediatrician moves to small

town Indiana with baby of murdered patient; opens in Boston) (Women physicians; Mother and child; False


Crane, Megan. Frenemies (5 Spot, 2007) (Boston heroine betrayed by boyfriend and best girlfriend) (Female

friendship; Love stories)

Crawford, C.N. A Witch’s Feast (C.N. Crawford, 2015) (Series: Memento Mori series, bk.2) (High schools; Magic;

Witches; Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Witches of the Deep (C.N. Crawford, 2016) (Bk. 3, Memento Mori Series) (High schools; Magic; Witches;

Massachusetts — Boston)

—. The Witching Elm: Book 1 of the Memento Mori Series (Lexington, MA: C.N. Crawford, 2014) (Witches; Magic; High

schools; Fantasy; Boston (Mass.))

Cross, Claire. One More Time (Berkley Sensation, 2006) (romance; troubled marriage in Boston and New York)

Crouse, David. Copy Cats: Stories (U of Georgia P, 2005) (Collection of short stories, two set in Boston: “Kopy Kats”

1-18 [Boston copy center and more] and “Code” 163-87 [?]) (Pyschological fiction, American; Alienation (Social


Crowne, Mackenzie. The Billionaire’s Con (The Wild Rose Press, 2013) (Heroine chef opens new Boston restaurant)

(Man-woman relationships)

Crowther, John, Josh Cracraft, and Kim Holmes. The Unofficial College Guide to Harvard– with Murder: Everything

You Ever Wanted to Know about Harvard But Were Too Dead to Ask (Spark Pub., 2006 Internet Archive) (Harvard

University; College students; Cambridge)

Cruikshank, Jeffrey. Murder at the B-School (New York: Mysterious P, 2004) (Harvard Business School; Puerto Rico)

(Business teachers; Police; Children of the rich; Cambridge; Drowning victims; Policewomen; College teachers) (

Amazon and Google books)

Cunningham, Andrew. Blood Lies (Andrew Cunningham, 2020) (Series: “Lies” mystery series, #5) (Attempted murder;

Authors; Boston)

Curry, John A. A Lapse of Memory: A Novella (Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse, 2007) (1950s; present; Mafia; hitman;

Alzheimer’s) (Boston, (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. More Shorts in the Dark (Authorhouse, 2004) (Short stories and sketches; e.g., “The Bus to Foxwoods”)

(Short stories; Boston (Mass.))

—. Running in Lane One (Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse, 2009) (“largely Boston’s North Shore,” 1950s-60s and

the aughts [Amazon]) (Amazon)

—. Some Shorts in the Dark (1st Books Library, 2004) (Short stories; Boston (Mass.))

—. Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue (Authorhouse, 2006) (short stories, at least

“An Afternoon in Boston,” set in Boston) Google Books)

—. Two and Out (Bloomington, IN: 1st Books Library, 2001) (Boston and North Shore) (Crime) (Leane M. Ellis, Review,

Wakefield Library 20 Feb. 2002 [Internet Wayback Machine])

Dade, Ayla.  Whispers: die Wahrheit wird dich zerstören: Roman (Penguin Verlag, 2024) (German)  (Boston (Mass.); Games;

Greek letter societies; Harvard University;  Homicide; Mobile apps;  Secrecy; Thrillers)

Daily Dish (pseud). The Boston Chambers (, 2015) (starts “Cargo Coffeehouse, off Cambridge on

Charles St.”)

Daley Kevin Vincent. The Dandy Vigilante (Tucson, Arizona: Anaphora Literary P, 2014) (hero, “a present-day Boston

reporter”; murder [WorldCat])

Damas, Precious D.  Mask Off.  Two Faces (Redemption Story Publishing, 2023) (African American families; African American women;

Boston (Mass.); Siblings; Street life)
Front cover image for Mask off. Two faces
D’Amuk, Nanisi Barrett. Jordan’s Kiss (Valley Falls, NY: Bold Strokes, 2021) (Band musicians; Bondage (Sexual behavior);

Lesbians; Boston)

Daniel, Ray [a.k.a. Ray Salemi]. Child Not Found: A Tucker Mystery (Midnight Ink, 2016) (“largely [set] in Boston’s North


—. Corrupted Memory: A Tucker Mystery (Midnight Ink, 2015) (Family secrets; Hackers; Murder — Investigation; Boston)

—. Terminated (Woodbury, Minnesota: Midnight Ink, 2014) (“high-tech espionage thriller set in downtown Boston” Hallie

Ephron, “Best Served Cold,” Globe 31 Aug. 2014: N 17) (Software engineering; Murder)

Daniels, J.D. A Gift of Oleander (Savvy P, 2018) (in part, “snowy sidewalks of Boston” back cover) (Women

detectives; Florida)

Darcy, Kyle. Under Current Conditions (2nd ed. Canton, MA: Dennett P, 2011) (“[b]egin[s] in Boston in 1999”)

(Northern Ireland; Boston)

Data, Kamalā. Bôsṭana: vo dina: upanyāsa (“Novel based on author’s experiences during her stay in Boston”  WorldCat; Hindi) (Boston (Mass.)

Davey, John Patrick. Dark Side of Bunker Hill (Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse, 2011) (murder in Charlestown;

Freedom Trail)

Davidson, Mary Janice. Sleeping with the Fishes (New York: Jove Books, 2006) (Series: Mermaid novels, 1) (New

England Aquarium; Mermaids; Marine biologists; Water — Pollution; Aquatic ecology; Fishes; Aquatic animals;

Environmental crimes; Aquariums, Public; Men/women relations; Boston; Paranormal romances) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Davidson, Mary Janice. Dead and Loving It (Berkley Sensation, 2006) (four novellas; “Santa Claws”–werewolf falls in

love with plump Santa on Boston street corner: 1-60; “Monster Love”–“From the private papers of Richard Will,

Ten Beacon Hill, Boston, Massachusetts”: 61-149; “There’s No Such Thing as a Werewolf”– heroine lives in

shelter on Beacon St.: 151-221) (Werewolves; Vampires)

Davies, Brenda K. Relentless (Monee, Illinois: Brenda K. Davies, 2020) (heroine, “Living in Boston” WorldCat)

(Romance) (Vampires)

Day, Karen. A Million Miles from Boston (Wendy Lamb Books, 2011) (Elementary and junior high school) (Vacation

homes; Summer; Single-parent families; Friendship; Dogs; Family life — Maine; Maine)

Deabler, Justin. Lone Stars (St. Martin’s P, 2021) (in part “queer migrations to Cambridge” WorldCat)

Deane, Gladdie.  He Never Liked Dogs (partially set in Boston) (Alabama; Women bankers; Boston (Mass.); Dog trainers;

Female friendship; Investment bankers; Man-woman relationships)

Decter, Michael.  Shadow Life (Toronto: Cormorant, 2022) (in part, travels “to Sydney, Boston, and Dublin” WorldCat)

Deere, Dicey. (Amateur detective Torrey Tunet, a 28-year-old translator from Boston, Massachusetts, stuck in

Ballynagh, Ireland)

—. The Irish Cairn Murder (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2002) (even fewer Boston references than Cottage) (Women

translators; Americans–Ireland; Ireland) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Irish Cottage Murder (St. Martin’s P, 1999) (a few Boston references, but mainly Ireland) (Women

translators; Ireland) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Irish Manor House Murder (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2000) (just about no Boston connection) (Americans–I

reland; Women translators; Ireland) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Irish Village Murder (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2004) (very few Boston references) (Historians–Crimes against;

Americans–Ireland; Women translators; Villages; Ireland) (Amazon and Google Books)

DeFazio, Paul C. ,and Michael DeFazio. Pros & Cons: A Thriller (Jacksonville Beach, Fla.: High-Pitched Hum Pub., 2008)

(Dominican gangs) (Immigrants — Massachusetts — Boston; Detectives — Massachusetts — Boston; Crime —

Massachusetts — Boston)

Dekker, Ted. Eyes Wide Open, the Full Story. Books 1-4 (Brentwood, TN: Worthy Publishing, 2014) (Boston mental

hospital) (Identity (Psychology); Teenage girls; Massachusetts — Boston)

Delaney, Gail R. Precious Things (Wings ePress Books, 2005) (romance in the financial district; deaf male;

American Sign Language) (Man-woman relationships) (RT Book Reviews [Internet Wayback Machine])

Delaney, Jennifer. Illus. Rachael Balsaitis. Swan Boat Season in Boston (Curly Q Press, 2016) (Juvenile) (Public Garden

(Boston, Mass.); Boats and boating)

Delaney, Matthew. Jinn (St. Martin’s Press, 2003) (Bougainville, May, 1943; Boston, July 2008) (Police; Serial murders)

(Amazon and Google Books)

de la Pena, Michael. The Coyote Wars (S.l.: M. de la Pena/CreateSpace, 2013) (Boston FBI office) (United States. —

Federal Bureau of Investigation; Terrorism; Terrorists)

Delbos, Stephan. Small Talk (Dos Madres, 2021) (poems, including at least one on Boston Marathon bombing)

De Leon, Jennifer. Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From (Simon & Schuster Audio, 2020) (“diverse inner-city Boston

neighborhood” WorldCat)

Del Franco, Mark. Uncertain Allies (Ace Books, 2011) (Grey, Connor (Fictitious character))

—. Undone Deeds (Ace Books, 2012) (“druid consultant for Boston PD” WorldCat; Fantasy) (Grey, Connor

(Fictitious character))

—. Unfallen Dead (Ace Books, 2009) (3rd Conner Gray; paranormal) (Google)

—. Unquiet Dreams (Ace, 2008) (“Celtic fairies and Teutonic elves battle” “in an alternate Boston” [Amazon]) (Boston

(Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Unperfect Souls (Ace, 2010) (series: Connor Grey novel 4) (Grey, Connor; Detective and mystery stories; Zombies;

Murder — Investigation; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Unshapely Things (Berkley Pub. Group, 2007) (“the alleys of the decrepit Boston neighborhood known as the Weird”

[Google Books]; fantasy) (Serial murder investigation; Fairies; Druids) (Amazon and Google Books)

Delinsky, Barbara. Blueprints (St Martins Pr, 2015) (“Set in suburban Boston” author’s web page) (Middle-aged women;

Mothers and daughters; Television programs; Women architects; Boston)

Del Mar, Anna. At the Brink (Carina P, 2016) (wife sold to Boston billionaire; kinky (?) romance) (Erotic stories; Man-

woman relationships)

Demetrios, Heather. Little Universes (Henry Holt, 2020) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Parents — Death; High school

students; Adoption; Dating (Social customs); Families; Sisters; Substance abuse; Tsunamis; Boston)

Depaolo, Pat. The Beijing Games (AuthorHouse, 2007) (most of the action takes place elsewhere, but several scenes

in Boston) (Amazon and Google Books)

Deppermann, Stephen. The Melcovitch Coverup (Victoria, B.C.:Trafford, 2006) (several Boston scenes) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Devane, Terry (pseud. of Jeremiah Healey). (Boston Irish-American female attorney Mairead O’Clare and Jewish-American

attorney Sheldon A. Gold)

—. Juror Number Eleven: A Novel (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2002) (Suffolk County Court House; Jewish Americans; Irish

Americans) (Women lawyers; Trials (Murder); Jury) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. A Stain Upon the Robe (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2003) (Catholic priest; women judges) (Women lawyers) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. Uncommon Justice (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2001) (legal thriller) (Women lawyers; Trials (Murder); Homeless persons) (

Amazon and Google Books)

Devaughn, Lashonda. A Hood Chick’s Story (Lushena Books; Streetdreamz Publications, 2007) (Dorchester/Mattapan)

(African Americans) (accessed 22 Feb. 2008)

Deveault, Janney.  Tromper Les Apparences: Romance (Saint-Jean, 2024) (Boston (Mass.); Hockey Gardiens de but; Hockey Tournois;
Hôpitaux Personnel féminin:  Jeunes femmes;  Mensonge;  Romans érotiques)

De Winter, Rebecca. Best Friends (Storm, 2023) (main charact., “in Boston, I’m struggling” WorldCat) (Man-woman relationships;


Dhanoa, Beliner. “A Boston Brahmin” (She Writes: A Collection of Short Stories, ed. Microsoft Network) (Random

House India, 2012)

Dianne, Shannon. Forever (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014) (Series: This. Is. Not. Over., book #3)

(Romance; “Welcome back to Boston!” WorldCat)) (Man-woman relationships)

Diaz, Johnny. Boston Boys Club (Kensington, 2007) (Gay men; Gay journalists; Gay bars)

—. Beantown Cubans (Kensington, 2009) (Miami high school teacher transplant in Boston) (Cuban Americans; Gay

men — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.) — Social conditions)

Di Giovanni, Norman Thomas. Tillie and the Tailor (Abandoned Bookshop, 2017) (writing and romance in the North

End) (Authors; Man-woman relationships)

Dionne, Erin. Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking: A 14 Day Mystery (Dial Books for Young Readers, 2013) (13 year-old

detective; Gardner heist; elementary-junior high) (Grandfathers; Art thefts; Gangsters)

—. Ollie and the Science of Treasure Hunting: A 14 Day Mystery (Dial Books for Young Readers, 2014) (Camps; Buried

treasure; Vietnamese Americans; Racially mixed people; Boston Harbor Islands (Mass.))

DiPietro, Francis. “Legacy of a Teacher: Henry R. Selvitella and the Mustang.” In Swarm of Five (iUniverse, 2006: 55-106)

(short stories; hero of story Suffolk University grad; high school teacher; journalism)

Diveley, Robert. Finding Bin Laden: The Ultimate Reporting Assignment (iUniverse, Inc., 2005) (main character,

orphaned female reporter from South Boston; many scenes set in Boston) (Bin Laden, Osama; Journalists;


Dixon, Dianne. The Book of Someday (Sourcebooks Landmark, 2013) (includes “a brilliant Boston photographer named

Micah”) (Dreams; Self-realization; Secrets; FICTION / Psychological; Contemporary Women)

Dobbyn, John [F.]. Fatal Odds: A Novel (Oceanview Publishing, 2016) (“the barrio of Jamaica Plain” book jacket;

Suffolk Downs) (Animal welfare; Criminals; Organized crime; Rain forest animals; Amazon River Region;

Brazil; Puerto Rico)

—. Frame-up: A Novel (Oceanview Pub., 2009) (Boston lawyer/Boston mob; in part, “the seediest parts of Boston”

WorldCat) (Art — Forgeries)

—. High Stakes (Sarasota, Florida: Oceanview Publishing, 2019) (“shuttle between Boston and Romania” WorldCat)

(Criminals; Organized crime; Stradivarius violin; Treasure troves)

—. Neon Dragon (UP of New England, 2007) (African Americans; Chinatown; detective is “former Latino street kid”

/Harvard Law/federal prosecutor [Amazon]) (Lawyers)

Doctorow, Cory. Eastern Standard Tribe (Tor, 2004 [Google Books]) (computer science fiction; hero nominally employed

by Mass. Turnpike Authority; insane asylum outside Boston) (Time — Systems and standards; Business

consultants; Americans — Europe; Secret societies; Sleep-wake cycle; Conspiracies; Young men; Europe;

Science fiction)

Dorset, Skylar. The Boy with the Hidden Name (Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks Fire, 2014) (Series: Otherworld, v. 2.)

(high school) (Prophecies; Fairies; Imaginary creatures; Boston (Mass.); Paranormal)

—. The Girl Who Never Was (Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks Fire, 2014) (High school) (Prophecies; Supernatural;

Mothers and daughters; Fairies; Imaginary creatures; Boston (Mass.); Princesses; Fantasy)

Dorsey, C. Michele. Gone But Not Forgotten (Severn House, 2023) (Family secrets; Law students Massachusetts Boston;

Suspense; Thrillers)

Doucette, Gene. The Apocalypse Seven (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2021) (“life in Cambridge, Massachusetts gets

stranger and stranger” WorldCat) (Climatic changes; Disappeared persons; Dystopias; Life change events)

Douglass, Sonny. Best Laid Plans (, 2010) (Art thefts — Massachusetts — Boston; Theft from museums —

Massachusetts — Boston; Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum)

Douglass, Traci.  Home Alone with the Children’s Doctor (Harlequin, 2023) (Series: Boston Christmas Miracles 3) (Autism;

Boston (Mass.);  Hanukka; Man-woman relationships)

Dovey, Ceridwen. In the Garden of the Fugitives (Penguin Random House Australia, 2018) (epistolary/email, one main

character, “elderly wealthy man nearing the end of his life in Boston,” unnamed Harvard, S. Kirk Walsh, “With

Love, Royce,” NYT Bk, Rev., 2 Sep. 2018, p. 14) (Benefactors; Guilt; Interpersonal relations; Pompeii (Extinct


—. Life After Truth (Strawberry Hills, NSW: ReadHowYouWant, 2021) (Harvard University — Alumni and alumnae;

Friendship; Interpersonal relations; Class reunions; Middle age; Death)

Downer, Ann. The Dragon of Never-Was (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2006) (Juvenile–Elementary and

junior high) (heroine based in Boston, but mainly Scotland) (Wizards; Dragons; Magic; Scotland)

—. Hatching Magic (Atheneum Books, 2003) (Juvenile–ages 10-14) (13th-century magician in 21st-century Boston)

(Eleven-year-old girls; Oglethorpe, Theodora; Wizards; Dragons; Girls and dragons; Dragon babies; Time travel;

Magic; Space and time; Chocolate; Father and daughter; Games; Nannies; Twenty-first century; Boston,

Massachusetts; Fantasy fiction, American)

Downey, Annie. Hot and Bothered (Algonquin Books, 2006) (divorced mother in Cambridge looking for romance and

direction) (Divorced mothers — Massachusetts; Identity (Psychology))

Downing, Michael. Still in Love: A Novel (Counterpoint, 2019) (gay Boston creative writing teacher)

Drake, Brenda. Thief of Lies: A Library Jumpers Novel (Fort Collins, CO: Entangled Teen, 2016) (Series: A Library

jumpers novel; Juvenile) (Plot begins when “Arik, a leather clad hottie in the Boston Athenaeum, suddenly

disappears”; romance) (Libraries; Magic; Witches)

Dresser, Richard. Johnny Baseball (unpublished, 2010) (Boston Red Sox; baseball; racial discrimination; 1919-2004;

musical; A.R.T.; music by Robert Reale; lyrics by Willie Reale) (Red Sox curse due to racism, not to selling of

Babe Ruth) (ART)

Droney, Susan K. The Stalker (The Fiction Works, 2005) (victim and stalker and murders move from Pittsburgh to Boston)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Druckman,  Neil, Faith Erin Hicks (author, artist), Clem Robins, and David Blatt. The Last of Us (Series: American dreams 1 Part of 4) (Dark Horse

Comics, 2022) (28 pgs.; “Boston, one of the last remaining quarantine zones” WorldCat)

—.  The Last of Us (Series: American dreams 2 Part of 4)

—. The Last of Us (Series: American dreams 3 Part of 4)

Dubeau, J-F. The Life Engineered (San Francisco: Inkshares, 2016) (“year 3594 . . . Dagir, a [female] Boston cop, lies

dying in the line of duty only to be reborn the next moment” as a robot [“back cover”]) ( Artificial intelligence; Civil

war; Dystopias; Reincarnation; Robots)

Duffy, Suzy. Wellesley Wives (The Writer’s Coffee Shop, 2012) (Wellesley (Mass.) — Social life and customs; Rich people;

Socialites — Massachusetts — Boston)

Duffy, Troy, J B Love, and Guus Floor. Boondock Saints. [Volume 1] In nomine patris. (Pelham, AL: 12-Gauge Comics,

2011) (Boondock Saints, Wikipedia, 29 Dec. 2014, accessed 6 Jan. 2015) (Vigilantes — Comic books, strips, etc.;

Mafia; Boston (Mass.); Ireland; New York (N.Y.))

Dufresne, John. “Cross-eyed Bear” (in Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (New York: Akashic, 2009)) (South Boston;

“pedophile priest”)

Duggan, Gerry. Artist, Ryan Stegman; color artist, Richard Isanove & Antonio Fabela; penciler, Carlos Pacheco; inker,

Mariano Tribo, Dave Meikis & Scott Hanna; Clayton Cowles, letterer. Uncanny Avengers, Unity. Vol. 1, Lost

Future (Marvel Worldwide, 2016) (“Boston faces devestation”) (Spider-Man — (Fictitious character); Avengers

(Fictitious characters); Superheroes)

—, John McCrea (artist), Michael Spicer (colourist), Joe Sabino (letterer), Will Dennis (editor). Dead Eyes. Volume one.

(Portland, OR: Image Comics, 2020) (“stick-up man and hoodlum in Boston in the 1990s” and later retired life

WorldCat) (Crime; Midlife crisis)

Durcan, Liam. Garcia’s Heart (Macmillan, 2007) (neurologist main character now based in Boston, but mainly Montreal,

Honduras, and The Hague; 1980s-2000s) (Neurologists; Physicians; War crime trials)

Durham, Paul. The Last Gargoyle (Crown Books for Young Readers, 2018) (“Boston apartment building”) (Gargoyles;

Spirits; Good and evil; Boston (Mass.); Fantasy)

Dutton, Peter. 6AMUGH (Thesis (M.A.) in English–University of Maine, 2010) (“the crew of a classic rock radio station

morning show in Boston during October and November of 2001.”–Abstract)

Dye, Dale A. Beirut File (North Hills, CA: Warriors Pubishing Group, 2013) (mainly elsewhere but involves Boston

Marathon bombing) (Syria; Beirut (Lebanon); Multinational Force in Lebanon; Weapons of mass destruction)

Earley, Pete. The Apocalypse Stone (Forge, 2006) (Some Boston, e..g., “Chapter 5 Boston, Massachusetts”) (Vatican;

Supernatural) (Judges) (Amazon and Google Books)

Edwards, Johanna. Your Big Break (Berkley Books, 2006) (Romance; Boston agency facilitates breakups) (Man-woman

relationships; Rejection (Psychology); Separation (Psychology))

Egan, Kate. Illus. Macky Pamintuan. The Midnight Ride of Flat Revere (HarperCollins, 2016) (Juvenile) (Revere, Paul,

— 1735-1818; Fenway Park (Boston, Mass.))

Eidson, Bill. The Mayday: A Jack Merchant and Sarah Ballard Novel (Kate’s Mystery Books; National Book Network,

2005) (See The Repo.) (Boats and boating; Missing persons)

—. One Bad Thing (Forge, 2000) (Gardner art theft; Newburyport; Carribean) (Smuggling; Sailing)

—. The Repo: A Jack Merchant and Sarah Ballard Novel (Kate’s Mystery Books; National Book Network, 2003)

(Jack Merchant, an ex-DEA agent, living on his retirement plus his photography on the sloop Lila, and Sarah

Ballard, running her father’s business repossessing boats for banks; Charlestown, Massachusetts)

(Repossession; Boats and boating; Missing persons)

Elison, K. J. The Secret of Her Success (Liquid Silver Books, 2016) (Male lead “runs a top ad agency in Boston”)

(Romantic comedy)

Elizabeth, Ashley. Before I Tell You (2023) (Adult children of alcoholics; Anxiety in women; Boston (Mass.); College students; Fathers and sons;

Man-woman relationships: Romance; Secrecy; Sexual abuse victims)
Elizabeth, Carolyn.  Change of Heart (Bella, 2024) (“secret weekend in Boston” WorldCat) (Lesbians; Sexual minorities)

Elliott, Kelly. Fighting for Love: A Boston Love Novel (Random House, 2017) (Fire fighters; Man-woman


—. Hearts in Motion ( K. Elliott Enterprises, 2022)  (heroine, “a lawyer in Boston” WorldCat)  (Secrets; Man-woman

relationships; Motion picture actors and actresses; Boston; New Hampshire)

—. Searching for Harmony (Tantor Audio, 2017) (Boston Love Series, Book 1) (Children — Death; Man-woman

relationships; Traffic accidents; Widows)

Elliott, Kelly, Tarah Hamilton, Elaine York. Kelli Collins, and Rachel Carter.

Ellis, Nishawnda. Wives and Girlfriends (New York: Urban 2007) (Boston setting) (African-American businessmen and

businesswomen; Extramarital relations; Husband and wife; Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Murder; Women

murder victims; Jealousy in women; Sexuality; African-American men/women relations; Romantic suspense;

Erotic fiction, African-American) (Amazon and Google Books)

Elo, Elisabeth. North of Boston: A Novel (Viking, 2014) (Boating accidents, Russian Americans, Young women,

Massachusetts — Boston)

Emerson , Kevin. Carlos Is Gonna Get It (Arthur A. Levine Books, 2008) (Elementary and junior high school) (Peer

pressure; Practical jokes; Coming of age; Schools; African Americans; Boston (Mass.); New Hampshire)

English, Rachael. The American Girl (Hachette Books Ireland, 2017) (1968 Boston-Ireland and 2013 Ireland-

Boston) (Family Life; Dublin (Ireland); Boston (Mass.))

—. Going Back (Orion, 2013) (Boston summer 1988 and about 20 yrs. later) (Families; Friendship; Man-woman

relationships; Ireland; Boston (Mass.))

—. The Letter Home (London: Headline Review, 2022) (part, Irish immigrants in 19th century Boston, part 21st c. descendants)

(Ireland, West of; Boston (Mass.))

Ephron, G. H. (pseud. for Hallie Ephron and Donald A. Davidoff).

Ephron, G.H. [pseud. of journalist Hallie Ephron and Don Davidoff, a practicing neuropsychologist].

—. Addiction (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2001) (Peter Zak, Jewish Boston forensic psychologist)

—. Amnesia (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2000) (Forensic psychiatrists; Coma–patients; Recovered memory; Psychologists;

Zak, Peter (Fictitious character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Delusion (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2002) (Cambridge; Armenian massacre 1915-23)(Zak, Peter (Fictitious character);

Forensic psychiatrists; Paranoia — Patients; Trails (Murder)) (Amazon and Google Books)

— . Guilt (Minotaur Books, 2005) (“a bomb detonates outside a Harvard law school building” WorldCat) (Bombings;

Forensic psychiatrists; Zak, Peter (Fictitious character); Cambridge) (Forensic psychiatrists; Mothers and daughters;

Teenage girls; Zak, Peter (Fictitious character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Obsessed (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2003)  (Forensic psychiatrists; Stalking victims; Boston (Mass.); Zak, Peter (Fictitious

character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Ephron, Hallie. Careful What You Wish For: A Novel of Suspense (HarperAudio, 2019) (Businesswomen; Murder —

Investigation — Massachusetts — Boston; Compulsive hoarding; Hoarders; Married people; Storage in the


Epstein, Brad M. illus. Curt Walstead. Good Night, Red Sox (Michaelson Entertainment, 2014) (Juvenile) (Boston Red

Sox (Baseball team); Fenway Park (Boston, Mass.))

Erwin, Sherri. Naughty or Nice (Kensington, 2008) (romance and supernatural in Boston) (Widows; Construction workers;

Gods; Devil; Hades (Greek deity); Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.))

Espada, MartÍn. Floaters: Poems (Norton, 2021) (includes “racist enounter with a cab driver in a rush-hour ride over the

Mystic-Tobin Bridge,” “Mexican immigrant pissed on and beaten after a Sox game”; “Boston area is alive in the

collection” [Nina MacLaughlin, “Verses of the real,” New England Literary News, Globe 17 Jan. 2021: N10])

Essex, Bridget. The Protector (Rose and Star P, 2016) (Romance; heroine, “violinist for the Boston Philharmonic

Orchestra” Summary) (Fathers and daughters; Secret societies; Vampires; Werewolves)

Evanovich, Janet. Wicked Business (Bantam Books, 2012) (Murdered Harvard professor; detectives “tear through

Boston catacombs, government buildings, and multimillion-dollar residences” WorldCat) (Bakers; Witches;

Magic; Deadly sins)

Evanovich, Janet, and Leanne Banks. Hot Stuff (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2007) (Woman bartender/teacher; South Boston

and South End) (Irish Americans; South End; Romance and mystery) (Redheads) (Amazon, and Google Books)

Faherty, Terence. (Owen Keane, a Boston ex-seminarian and law firm researcher–More New Jersey than Boston.

Check for Boston content.)

—. The Confessions of Owen Keane (six short stories and a novella] (Norfolk, Va.: Crippen & Landru Publishers,

2005) (Keane, Owen (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The First Proof (novella in Desperate Journeys, ed. Betty Webb [Toronto; New York: Worldwide, 2004])(suicide in New

York; murder in Maine; brief South to North Station account 112-15 and reminiscence of college days) (Amazon)

Falconer, Colin. The Black Witch of Mexico: Would You Sell Your Soul to Have Anything You Wanted? (New York: Cool

Gus Publishing, 2014) (mainly Mexico, but main character Boston physician with Beacon Hill apt.; psychological

thriller) (Witches)

Falkoff, Michelle. How to Pack for the End of the World (HarperTeen, 2020) (Anxiety; Jewish high school students;

Student movements; Survival; Boston)

Falla, Jack. Saved (Macmillan, 2008) (fictional aging Bruins goalie) (Hockey)

Fardin, Shalta Dicaire, and Sarah Sahagian. Good Girls (Inanna Publications, 2016) (Series: Inanna young feminist

series) (“Anne Bradstreet College, an all-girls prep school in Boston”) (Debates and debating; Female friendship;

Preparatory schools)

Farmer, Kelly. Calling the Shots (Carina, 2022) (one main character, coaches the fictional “Boston Ice” “in the women’s pro league”

WorldCat) (Lesbians;  Women hockey coaches)

—. Unexpected Goals (Carina, 2021) (Boston Ice hockey team) (Lesbians; Women hockey players)

Farrell, Michael. Running with Buffalo (, 2007) (main character in Chapter 13 journeys from Buffalo to Jamaica

Plain; Chapter 14 Fenway Park, etc.)

Fay, Juliette. Catch Us When We Fall: A Novel (William Morris, 2021) (male lead, “third basemen for the Boston Red Sox”

WorldCat) (Baseball players; Forgiveness; Man-woman relationships; Pregnant women; Recovering alcoholics)

Feinstein, John. Change-up: Mystery at the World Series (Alfred A. Knopf, 2009) (Juvenile: ages 9-12) (Boston Red Sox;

Washington Nationals) (Journalism; Baseball) (Amazon and Google Books)

Felber, Adam. Schrödinger’s Ball (Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2006) (comic novel partly based on physics, set in

Cambridge) (Cambridge; Ex-presidents; Friendship; Physicists; Cats)

Ferdjoukh, Malika. Aggie Change de Vie (Paris: L’ecole des loisirs, 2009) (Juvenile; Boston setting; orphan)

Ferguson, Lana.  The Game Changer (Berkley Romance, 2024) (Boston hockey team) (Romance)

Fernandez, Lisa. The Shoebox (Cork: BookBaby, 2019) (Architects; Man-woman relationships; Boston)

Fernandez, Sally. Brotherhood Beyond the Yard (New York: Dunham Books, 2013) (Chapt. 3 The Harvard Yard)

(Politics and government)

Ferrarella, Marie. Prescription for Romance (Silhouette Books, 2010) (Boston feritlity clinic; female reporter; male

physician) (Reporters and reporting; Physicians; Fertility clinics; Boston (Mass.))

Ferrell, David. Screwball (Morrow, 2003) (Red Sox and murder) (Baseball players; Serial murderers) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Fields, Charles L. Tainted Dish: Charles Stone Travel Mystery (Denver, Colo.: Outskirts P, 2012) (Boston detective/

sculptor; combines mystery and travel genres) (Legal stories)

Finder, Joseph. Buried Secrets (St. Martin’s P, 2011) (Kidnapping; Missing persons; Criminal investigation; Corporations;

Investments; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Fixer: A Novel (Dutton, 2015) (“The Combat Zone, the Big Dig, the Ted Williams Tunnel, Lynn, the streets and

highways of central Boston, Charlestown, etc.” Stuart Millner, email) (Fathers and sons; Life change events;

Family secrets)

—. House on Fire: A Novel (Dutton, 2020) (Private investigators; Pharmaceutical industry — Corrupt practices; Murder

— Investigation; Whistle blowing; Rich people; Boston (Mass.); Opioid abuse)

—. Judgment (London: Head of Zeus, 2019) (legal thriller) (Conspiracy; Entrapment (Criminal law); Extortion;

Women judges; Boston)

—. Killer Instinct: A Novel (St. Martin’s P, 2006) (electronics firm just outside Boston) (Sales executives; Business

success; Electronics industry; Special forces; Business intelligence; Men — Friendship; Security consultants;

Criminal behavior; Husband and wife; Childlessness; Family; Fertility specialists; In vitro fertilization;

Competition in men; Ambition in men; Compulsive behavior in men; Thirties (Age); Boston; Psychological


—. The Switch: A Novel (Penguin Audio, 2017) (main character, Boston businessman) (Legislators — Corrupt

practices; Security classification (Government documents)

—. Suspicion (Head of Zeus, 2014) (villain drug boss “Thomas Galvin, one of the wealthiest men in Boston”)

Finder, Joseph, and Lee Child. “Good and Valuable Consideration: A Reacher/Heller Story” (Ed. David Baldacci. Face

Off. Simon & Schuster, 2014) (“watch[ing] a baseball game at a Boston bar” Worldcat) (Reacher, Jack (Fictitious

character); Heller, Nick (Fictitious character); Boston (Mass.))

Fine, Sarah. Marked (47North, 2015) (Supernatural Boston paramedic heroine) (Fate and fatalism; Soul; Future life;

Emergency medical technicians; Boston (Mass.))

Fiore, Richard F. The Premonition Code (, 2006) (in part terrorist plot to steal nuclear material from MIT and

blow up Boston) (Google Books)

Fitch, John. Turning Back the clock (Createspace, 2009) (Boston Red Sox (Baseball team); Time travel)

Fitch, Stona (see also Flynn, Rory).  Death Watch (Concord, MA: Arrow, 2023) (mainly elsewhere, but first victim’s “Cassius

Seven [wrist watch] attacks him on the sidewalk near the Boston Common” Sarah Lyall, Thrillers, NYTBk.Rev.  4 Jun

2023: 24) (Marketing; Performance artists; Wrist watches)

Fitton, C. Her Dead Boyfriend (Kingsley,  2024)  (“aspiring author” hides in “her Boston Brownstone” WorldCat) (Authors; Best friends; Murder;

Psychological fiction; Secrecy;  Suspense; Thrillers)

Fitzgerald, Tom. Poor Richard’s Lament: A Most Timely Tale (Hobblebush Books, 2012) (Ben let out of a purgatory visits

U.S. he created 200 years later, including “One Milk Street, Boston, MA”  273-381) (Franklin, Benjamin, — 1706


Fleet, Susan. Natalie’s Art: A Frank Rienzi Novel ([S.l.]: Music and Mayhem Press, 2014) (plan for second heist 20 yrs. later)

(Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; Boston (Mass.); Art thefts; Louisiana)

Fleming, Colin. “Red Sweatpants” (Literary Review, vol 59, no. 1, 1 Jan. 2016, pp. 111-18) (short story; Benjamin

Asher; Beacon Hill)

Fletcher, Jessica.  Murder, She Wrote: A Body in Boston (Berkley, 2025)

Flook, Maria. Lux (Little, Brown, 2005) (Mainly Cape Cod but some Boston; National Park Service; off season) (Cape

Cod; Missing persons; Love stories)

Flynn, Jack. Blood in the Water (Macmillan, 2019) (one main character “controls everything that happens on Boston’s

waterfront” WorldCat) (Criminals; Terrorists; Security consultants; Boston)

Flynn, Rory (pseud. of Stona Fitch). Dark Horse: An Eddy Harkness Novel (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016) (Series:

Eddy Harkness, 2) (“gritty Lower South End”; rural Nagog; hurricane; Boston Public Library; Gardner Museum;

Gv’t Center Plaza) (Drug traffic; Police; Boston)

—. Third Rail: An Eddy Harkness Novel (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014) (Designer drugs; Drug traffic; Police;

Massachusetts — Boston)

Flynn-Shon, Jenn. Ripple the Twine (Writesy P, 2012) (Romance; female Boston sportswriter) (Love stories;


Folsom, Douglas. Over the Monster (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014) (Boston Red Sox

(Baseball team); Fenway Park (Boston, Mass.); Baseball players; False imprisonment)

Fondry, J. D. From the Ashes (2020) (Series: Beacon Hill, 2) (Beacon Hill (Boston, Mass.); Man-woman relationships)

—. Lie to Me (Series: Beacon Hill, 3) (2020) (Man-woman relationships)

Forbes, Charlotte. The Good Works of Ayela Linde: A Novel in Stories (Arcade Pub., 2006) (part set in Boston as

Mexican main character marries Boston lawyer; 1934-2004)

Force, Marie. Here, There and Everywhere (HTJB, 2022)  (romance in Boston) (Man-woman relationships)

Ford, Elaine. The American Wife (U of Michigan P, 2007) (short stories, with various setings including Boston, e.g.,

“The Cocoanut Grove” 34-39)

Ford, John C. The Cipher (Viking Children’s Books, 2015) (Primary school) (partly “the streets of Boston”) (Code and

cipher; Adventure; Computer crimes; Internet — Security measures)

Foreman, Judy. CRISPR’d: A Medical Thriller (Skyhorse, 2022) (“Boston geneticist”; MIT [WorldCat]) (Journalists;

Geneticists; Genetic engineering)

Forrest, Bella. A Love That Endures (Nightlight, 2019) (in part, Harvard students romance) (Man-woman

relationships; Comedy)

Forrest, Emly. Irish Ice (Staten Island, N.Y.: Lyrical Press, 2011) (IRA killer in Boston) (Irish Republican Army; Man-

woman relationships; Massachusetts — Boston)

Forsyth, Frederick. Avenger (Macmillan, 2003) (one main character, CIA agent, a Boston Brahmin, Boston College

High School/Boston College graduate) (Google Books)

Fortnam, Philip A. Walking Greenbush: A Novel (iUniverse, 2007) (Family; Railroad tracks; Weymouth (Mass.))

Fortsch, Samuel. P. Manuel Gutieérrez, illus. On the Freedom Trail (Grosset & Dunlap, 2020) (Series: Pawtriot dogs,

4) (Primary school) (Paramilitary forces; Adventure and adventurers; Dogs; Animals)

Foster, J. G. Jessie Grean (Escape & Discover Publishing, 2021) (Secondary (senior high) school) (16 year old title

character moves “out of her bad home in Boston . . . to Cambridge” WorldCat) (Bullying; African Americans)

—. Say What Now? (Publish Drive, 2024) (“German woman move[s] to Boston” and keeps daily journal, WorldCat) (Epistolary fiction; Women)

Fox, Aaron. Gussie & Luther (2012) (One son “Harvard Law, a Wasp wife and a career in a white-shoe Boston firm”)

(Cocaine; Families; Grocery trade; Jewish women; Mothers and sons)

Fox, Cathryn. Hook ’em Hard: A Boston Bucks Hockey Romance ( Bang Brothers Hockey, 2024) (Boston (Mass.); Hockey players;

Man-woman relationships)

Francis, Wendy. Best Behavior: A Novel (Don Mills, Ontario: Harlequin Audio, 2020) (“a college graduation in Boston”

WorldCat) (Family reunions; Family secrets; Stepfamilies)

—. Summertime Guests (Toronto: Graydon House, 2021) (luxurious historic hotel in Seaport District) (Accidents;

Hotels; Secrecy; Boston)

Frantsve, Dennis J. The Celtic Phoenix (New York: iUniverse, 2004) (IRA plot to use nuclear blackmail to create a Celtic

empire including Boston) (Amazon and Google Books)

Fraticelli, Marco.  Dear Elsa (Red Deer P,  2023) (Toronto and Boston [Elsa] 5th grade penpals)

Fredrickson, Michael. A Cinderella Affidavit (Forge, 1999) (Chinatown) (Organized crime; Narcotics, Control of; Police

murders; Informers; Perjury; Legal ethics) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. A Defense for the Dead [UK: Defence] ( Forge, 2004) (Van Gogh; Boston attorney/detective) (Serial murders)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Witness for the Dead (Forge, 2001) (crime, food, and greyhounds; Tommy Crimmins = Whitey Bulger) (Fugitives

from justice; Undercover operations; Irish Americans) (Amazon and Google Books)

Freedman, Colette. The Affair (Kensington, 2013) (“the beautiful Boston home they share” cover) (Adultery; Trust;

Man-woman relationships)

Freeman, Bruce. The Great Mr. Lloyd (Bloomington, IN: Archway Publishing, 2020) (“Boston based startup”) (Business

enterprises; Gene editing; Scandals)

Freudenberger, Nell. Lost and Wanted (Knopf Doubleday, 2019) (heroine, MIT professor) (Ghosts; Friendship;


Friend, Natasha. Bounce (Scholastic, 2007) (Elementary and junior high school) (13-year-old girl and family move from

Maine to Boston) (Thirteen-year-old girls; Blended families; Mother separated families; Remarriage; Schools;

Popularity; Family relationships; Moving, Household; Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts; Stepfamilies;


Fuller, H.H. Film at 11 (New York: iUniverse, 2004) (Motion picture industry — Massachusetts — Boston; Cinematography

— Massachusetts — Boston) (Amazon)

—–. It’s a Wrap (Lincoln, NE: Writers Club Press, 2002) (Combat Zone; movies; India; Mafia; murder) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Fusilli, Jim. “Place Where He Belongs” (in Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (New York: Akashic, 2009)) (Beacon Hill;

Public Garden)

G., Sylvie. Femme Fatale (Les Éditions JCL, 2018) (Inspecteurs de police; Tueuses en série; Femmes fatales; Meurtres en

série — Enquétes; Attraction interpersonnelle; Boston)

Gad, Josh, Frank Cvetkovic, and Ben and MaxBerkowitz. artist, colorist. Arlel Olivetti. The Writer (Dark Horse, 2025) (“a comic book set in Boston”

and Brookline [Matt Juul, Boston Globe 23 June, 2024: N 1-2]; “[neo-] Nazis, demons, and mythical creatures drawn from Jewish folklore”


Gadbois, Barry. Solace (Baltimore, Md.: PublishAmerica , 2007) (burned out California detective returns to native Boston)

(Police — Massachusetts — Boston; Mystery and detective stories; Barstow (Calif.); Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Gagnon, Michelle. Don’t Look Now (Harper, 2013) (High school) (the hacker lives in Boston) (Hackers; Experiments;

Foster home care; Abandoned children)

Galland, Nicole. Stepdog: A Novel (William Morrow, 2015) (Comic romance in Boston including Irish actor and

kidnapped dog)

Gamble, Adam. Good Night Boston (Juvenile–baby to pre-school) (On Cape Publications, 2005) (Bedtime)

Gamarra, Katalina. Ben and Beatriz (Harlequin Audio, 2022) (“Harvard senior Beatriz” WorldCat)  (Friendship;

Gender identity;  Identity (Psychology);  Man-woman relationships;  Racially mixed people; Social classes)

Gannett, Lewis . Magazine Beach (HarperPrism, 1996) (futuristic thriller; 2002; one main character Boston waiter)

(Disasters; Climatic changes; Environmentalists; End of the world; Environmentalism; Fanaticism; Terrorism;

Terrorists, American; Nuclear terrorism; Nuclear weapons; Floods; Violence; Environmental crimes; College

teachers — Massachusetts; Waiters — Boston, Massachusetts; Chaos; Millennialism; Boston, Massachusetts;

Science fiction) (Amazon and Google Books)

Garafalo, Louis. Equation = Nineteen (S.l.: BookSurge Pub., 2009) (“suspense thriller set in the prestigious medical

community of Boston” WorldCat) (Murder — Investigation; Alzheimer’s disease; Medicine — Research; Fathers

and sons — Massachusetts — Boston)

Garcia, Belinda Vasquez. Return of the Bones (Magic Prose: CreateSpace. 2012) (mainly elsewhere, but bones stolen

in 1915 reside in Peabody Museum, Harvard U) (Granddaughters; Grandfathers; Human remains (Archaeology)

— Repatriation; Indian families; Indian magic; Indians of North America; Jemez Indians; Pueblo Indians; Shamans;

Time travel; New Mexico — Pecos Pueblo Site)

Garden, Nancy. The Case of the Stolen Scarab: A Candlestone Inn Mystery (Ridley Park, PA: Two Lives Pub., 2004)

(Juvenile–grades 4-6) (scarab stolen from a Boston museum; action in Vermont) (Child detectives; Children of

gay and lesbian parents; Hikers; Art thefts; Scarabs; Hotels — Vermont; Nontraditional families; Vermont) (

Amazon and Google Books)

Gardley, Marcus. Black Odyssey, Boston (play; black Afghan war vet “undertakes a circuitious journey . . . back home to

his wife and son in Boston,” Don Aucoin, Boston Sunday Globe 28 Apr. 2019: N2; see

Gardner, David. The Journalist: A Paranormal Thriller! (Farmington, ME: Encircle Publications, 2021) (hero writes “for a

cheesy Boston tabloid” WorldCat) (Ghosts; Murder; Spies;  Prison)

Gardner, Lisa. Alone (Bantam Books, 2005) (Back Bay) (Police; Judges–Family relationships; Police shootings; Family

violence; Rich people) (Amazon and Google Books)

— . Before She Disappeared: A Novel (Grand Haven, Michigan: Brilliance Audio, 2021) (“Mattapan, a Boston

neighborhood with a rough reputation”; middle-aged female PI) (Missing persons; Suspense)

—. Catch Me (Signet, 2013) (Warren, D. D. (Fictitious character); Murder — Investigation; Boston (Mass.))

—. Crash & Burn: A Novel (Dutton, 2015) (Police; Traffic accident victims; Boston)

—. Fear Nothing: A Novel (Dutton, 2014) (Warren, D. D. (Fictitious character); Police — Massachusetts — Boston; Serial

murderers — Massachusetts — Boston; Sisters; Antisocial personality disorders)

—. Find Her: A Novel (Dutton, 2016) ( Warren, D. D. (Fictitious character); Police — Massachusetts — Boston;

Missing persons — Investigation; Women college students; Vigilante; Abduction; Kidnapping victims; Women

college students — Crimes against)

—. “The Guy Who Died Twice.” (Dutton, 2019) (e-book short story) (Warren, D. D. — (Fictitious character); Authors;

Women detectives; Boston)

—. Hide (Bantam Books, 2007) (opens with “discovery of . . . a mass grave on the grounds of an abandoned mental institute in Mattapan”

WorldCat) (Young women; Police; Boston (Mass.); Kidnapping; Serial Murder Investigation)

—. Live To Tell: A Detective D. D. Warren Novel (Random House, 2010) (Boston working class neighborhood) (Police

procedural) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Look for Me (Dutton, 2018) (Series: Detective D.D. Warren, bk. 9) (Missing persons; Murder — Investigation; Young

women; Massachusetts — Boston)

—–. Love You More: A Novel (Bantam, 2011) (Warren, D. D. (Fictitious character); Police — Massachusetts — Boston)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Neighbor (Bantam, 2009) (young South Boston mother disappears) (Missing persons) (Amazon)

—. Never Tell (Random House, 2019) (Warren, D. D. — (Fictitious character); Police — Massachusetts — Boston;

Murder — Investigation)

—. The 7th Month (Grand Haven, MI: Brilliance Audio, 2012) (Warren, D. D. (Fictitious character); Women detectives —

Massachusetts — Boston; Pregnant women; Murder — Investigation — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. “3 Truths and a Lie” (Dutton, 2016) (short story) (Warren, D. D. (Fictitious character); Police — Massachusetts

— Boston; Authors)

—. Touch & Go: A Novel (Dutton, 2013) (Abduction; Family secrets; Boston (Mass.))

Gardner, Lyn. Biding Time (2021) (Vampires; Back Bay (Boston, Mass.))

Garriepy, C. Parallel Jump ([S.l.: C. Garriepy], 2012) (Juvenile, science fiction) (Mistaken identity; Teenagers;

Massachusetts — Boston)

Garrity, Tim. Clinical Lycanthropy (S.l.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2011) (Soldiers; Werewolves;

Detective and mystery; Serial murderers; Boston (Mass.))

—. Vargulf (Charleston, SC: BookSurge, 2009) (Werewolves; Detective and mystery; Serial murderers; Boston (Mass.))

Garwood, Julie. Grace Under Fire (Berkeley, 2022) (deadly shooting in Boston; also Scotland)

—. Heartbreaker (Pocket Books, 2000) (detective’s homebase is Boston, though action maily elsewhere;

Iowa) (Romantic suspense novels; Government investigators; Psychopaths; Clergy) (Amazon and

Google Books)

— . Shadow Dance: A Novel (Ballantine Books, 2006) (Boston heroine; mainly Texas) (Businessmen and

businesswomen; City life; Small town life — Texas; Investigations; Men/women relations; Family feuds; Boston;

Texas; Love stories; Romantic suspense)

—. Slow Burn: A Novel (Random House, 2005) (in part Charlestown, and Boston cop in South Carolina; romance)

(Women; Charleston (S.C.); Businesswomen; Attempted murder)

—. Wired (Dutton, 2015) (FBI’s “state-of-the-art cybercenter in Boston” WorldCat) (Computer crimes — Investigation;

Man-woman relationships; United States. — Federal Bureau of Investigation — Employees)

Gately, Roberta. The Frozen Girl (London: Bookouture, 2021) (Murder — Investigation; Police; Women — Crimes

against; Women detectives; Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Lipstick in Afghanistan (Gallery Books, 2010) (Main character escapes “her humble working-class

Boston neighborhood” WorldCat) (Nurses; Afghan War, 2001; Americans — Afghanistan)

Gazzaniga, Alan B. Seeds of Doubt (New Castle, CA: Arrowhead Classics Publishing Co, 2006) (third in series–Harvard

sperm donor/physician returns to battle medical chicanery and the mob) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Seeds for All Seasons (Vantage P, 2001) (Sperm donor; fertility fraud; genetic diseases; physicians) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—–. The Seeds We Sow (Victoria, B.C.: Trafford, 2002) (Sequel to Seeds for All Seasons; sperm donor; genetic

dieases; Irish vs. Italian organized crime) (Amazon and Google Books)

Gaylin, Alison. Robert B. Parker’s Bad Influence (Putnam, 2023) (Series: A Sunny Randall Novel 11) (Boston (Mass.);

Criminal investigation; Death threats;  Internet personalities;  Missing persons; Social media; Women
private investigators)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Buzz Kill (Random House Audio, 2024) (Beverage industry; Billionaires; Boston (Mass.); Energy drinks;

Missing persons Investigation; Murder Investigation; Randall, Sunny (Fictitious character); Women private investigators)
Genier, Sandrine. The Vampire. Book One (Sandrine Genier, 2015) (In part “sumptuous home . . on Beacon Hill”

Summary) (Vampires)

—. The Vampire. Book 3 (Oklahoma City: Sandrine Genier, 2020) (In part “house in Boston”) (Vampires)

Front cover image for MuffledGennari, Jennifer. Muffled (Findaway World, 2023)  (Juvenile; Boston (Mass.); Families; Friendship; Hearing disorders; Schools)

Genova, Lisa. Inside the O’Briens: A Novel (Gallery Books, 2015) (“a [male] forty-four-year-old police officer from the

Irish Catholic neighborhood of Charlestown” WorldCat) (Huntington’s disease — Patients; Police —

Massachusetts; Terminally ill)

—. Still Alice (Simon & Schuster, 2009) (Harvard) (Alzheimer’s disease — Patients; Women college teachers —

Massachusetts — Cambridge)

Gentill, Sulari. The Woman in the Library Naperville, IL: Poisoned Pen P, 2022) (murder in the Boston Public Library;

20th c.? 21st c.?)

Georges, Danielle Legros, editor. City of Notions: An Anthology of Contemporary Boston Poems (Boston, 2017)

(poems by Margaret Atwood, Jennifer Barber, Kevin Bowen, Martha Collins, Martin Espada, Nick Flynn, Fred

Marchant, Gail Mazur, Robert Pinskly, Derek Walcott, and Rosana Warren, among others)

Gerritsen, Tess.  The Apprentice: A Novel  (Ballantine, 2002) (Sequel to The Surgeon; hot summer in Boston) (Rizzoli,

Jane, Detective (Fictitious character); Police; Serial murders; Policewomen) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Body Double: A Novel (Ballantine, 2004) (Medical mystery with twist on twins; main characters women Boston

medical examiner and homicide detective) (Medical examiners (Law); Sisters–Crimes against; Forensic

pathologists; Women physicians; Women murderers; Adoptees; Twins) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Bone Garden: A Novel (Ballantine, 2007) (modern and 1830 mystery combine; Oliver Wendell Holmes)

(Medical examinaers (Law); Forensic pathologists) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Die Again: A Novel (Ballantine, 2014) (Rizzoli, Jane, Detective (Fictitious character); Isles, Maura (Fictitious

character); Police; Policewomen; Women forensic pathologists; Murder — Investigation; Boston (Mass.))

—. I Know a Secret: A Novel (Brilliance Audio, 2017) (Isles, Maura (Fictitious character); Murder — Investigation;

Policewomen; Rizzoli, Jane, Detective (Fictitious character); Women forensic scientists; Boston; Medical fiction)

—. “John Doe: A Rizzoli and Isles Short Story” (Ballentine, 2012) (Medical Thrillers; Mystery & Detective; Murder —

Investigation; Policewomen)

—. The Keepsake (British title Keeping the Dead) (Ballantine, 2008) (Rizzoli, Jane, Detective (Fictitious character);

Policewomen; Women — Crimes against; Medical examiners (Law); Women forensic scientists) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Last to Die (Ballantine, 2012) (Rizzoli, Jane, Detective (Fictitious character); Isles, Maura (Fictitious character);

Policewomen; Women forensic scientists; Murder — Investigation; Boarding schools)

—. Listen to Me: A Novel (Ballantine, 2022) (Series: Rizzoli & Isles) (Nurses Crimes Against)

—. The Mephisto Club (Ballantine, 2006) (Medical plus supernatural; Beacon Hill; women Boston medical examiner

and detective) (Medical examiners (Law); Satanism–Rituals; Serial murders) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Playing with Fire: A Novel (Ballantine, 2016) (Partly “[b]ack home in Boston,” but mainly Rome and Venice) (Waltzes;

Women violinists)

—. The Silent Girl: A Novel (Ballantine, 2012) (Chinatown) (Rizzoli, Jane, Detective (Fictitious character); Isles, Maura

(Fictitious character); Policewomen; Women forensic scientists)

—. The Sinner (Ballantine, 2003) (Boston women medical examiner and police detective) (Police; Medical examiners (

Law); Nuns–Crimes against; Forensic pathologists; Women physicians; Police women) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—–. The Surgeon (Ballantine, 2001) (Police; Serial murders; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—-. Vanish (Ballantine,, 2005) (pregnant Boston detective becomes hostage) (Police; Conspiracies; Policewomen)

(Pub. Des. WorldCat, Amazon, and Google Books)

Gerritsen, Tess, and Gary Braver. Choose Me (Seattle: Thomas & Mercer, 2021) (Suicide; Policewomen — Massachusetts

— Boston; Murder; Secrecy)

Gessen, Keith. All the Sad Young Literary Men (Viking, 2008) (main characters start as Harvard students) (Young men;


Giangrande, Carole. The Tender Birds: A Novel (Inanna Publications & Education, 2019) (Boston priest and parishoner;

9/11; Toronto)

Giangregorio, Kimberly A. Strength of the Heart (PublishAmerica, 2005) (Heroine returns to Boston because of family

illness) (Early memories; Grief; Holbrook)

Gibbons, Edward Anthony. Crime, Passion & Conscience (New York: iUniverse, 2003) (Boston police detective) (Police;

Police corruption; Criminals) (Amazon and Google Books)

Giessmann, John. An Angel of Obedience (AuthorHouse, 2010) (13-year-old prodigy in Cambridge) (Antichrist; Genius;

Gifted children; Mathematicians; Musicians; Arkansas — Little Rock; Cambridge)

Giffin, Emily. Heart of the Matter (St. Martin’s P, 2010) (Boston suburb; Bostonness?) (Stay-at-home mothers; Single

mothers; Pediatric surgeons; Life change events; Triangles (Interpersonal relations))

Gifune, Greg F. Dominion (North Webster, IN: Delirium Books, 2008) (supernatural) (Hit-and-run drivers —

Massachusetts — Boston; Widowers; Depression in men) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Night Work (Lake Tahoe, Nev.: The Fiction Works, 2003) (Chapter 14 set in Combat Zone) (Wrestling; Professional

sports) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Smoke, in Crimson: A Novel (Cemetery Dance Publications, 2023)  (in part, “the bleakest, darkest parts of . . . Boston, and the depraved underground

circles . . . where drugs, alcohol and sex were far from their only compulsions” WorldCat) (Erotic; Horror;  New England)

Gilligan, Carol. Kyra: A Novel (Random House, 2008) (Kyra is Harvard Professor of architecture; Cambridge; fictional

Massachusetts island of Nashawena) (Women designers; Man-woman relationships; Loss (Psychology);

Psychotherapist and patient)

Giraldi, William. About Face (Liveright, 2022) (“middling Boston journalist” and “a popular self-help guru” NYTBk.Rev.  25

Sep. 2022: 4); “celebrity, ambition, and obsession [in] twenty-first-century Boston” WorldCat)  (Fame; Journalists; Stalkers)

Gladstone, Max. Empress of Forever: A Novel (Toronto: CELA, 2020) (in part “the chilly darkness of a Boston server farm”

WorldCat) (Space warfare; Time travel)

Glass, Alden C. Blue Moon Over Fenway (Blue River P, 2013) (Red Sox-Cub World Series; 2018; Babe Ruth curse)

Glass, Julia. The Widower’s Tale (Pantheon, 2010) (main character “retired Harvard librarian,” another character Boston

oncologist, another Harvard pre-med; mainly, non-Boston) (Widowers; Grandsons; Nursery schools; Family

secrets; Ecoterrorism; New England)

Golden, Christopher. Dead Ringers (St. Martin’s P, 2015) (Includes meeting on “a Boston sidewalk”; “Outside a famed

mansion on Beacon Hill, people are infected with a diabolical malice”) (Horror; Occult & Supernatural;


—. Last Breath (New York: Simon Pulse, 2004) (young adult) (psycho-killer; drowning in public places in Boston)

(Murder; Medical examiners (Law)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Predator and Prey (New York: Pocket Pulse, 2001) (Ghosts in Boston) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Prowlers (Simon and Schuster, 2001) (Secondary (senior high) school) (fantasy; horror and ghost stories)

(Werewolves) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Prowlers: Laws of Nature (Simon and Schuster, 2001) (Secondary (senior high) school) (ghosts; fantasy; heroes’

homebase is Boston; Vermont) (Amazon and Google Books)

Golden, Christopher, and Rick Hautala. Burning Bones (Pocket Pulse, 2001) (Body of Evidence Thriller 7, starring

Jenna Blake) (Spontaneous human combustion; Burn victims — Boston, Massachusetts; Blake, Jenna;

Boston, Massachusetts; Medical suspense stories, American; Collaborative novels; Fathers and daughters)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Golden, Christopher, and Thomas E. Sniegoski. The Nimble Man: A Novel of the Menagerie (Berkley, 2004) (Series:

Menagerie, 1) (“Boston Antiquities Museum”) (Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930; Wizards; Vampires; Women

vampires; Ghosts; Angels; Goblins; Changelings; Shapeshifters; Heroes and heroines; Demons; Disasters;

Supernatural; Good and evil; Boston; Fantasy) ( Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Stones Unturned: A Novel of the Menagerie (Berkley, 2006) (Series: Menagerie, 3) (Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir,

1859-1930; Demons; Shapeshifters; Friendship; Teenage boys;Supernatural; Wizards; Scientists; Justice;

Boston; Fantasy)

Golden, Christopher, and Tim Lebbon. The Shadow Men (New York: Spectra, 2011) (Missing persons; Space and time;

Boston (Mass.); Fantasy)

Goldman, Francisco. Monkey Boy: A Novel (Grove P, 2021) (“the hidden cruelties in a predominantly white, working-

class Boston suburb” WorldCat) (Children of immigrants; Fathers — Death; Homecoming; Journalists; Mothers

and sons; Racially mixed people)

Goldman, Martin S. Affirmative Reaction (Baltimore, MD: Publish America, 2006) (Boston detective) (College teachers;


Golstein, Meredith. Chemistry Lessons (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018) (Secondary (senior high) school) (MIT,

Somerville; Jamaica Pond) (Love; Romance; Dating (Social customs); Friendship; Chemistry; Fathers and

daughters; Single-parent families; Cambridge (Mass.); High school students)

Goode, Jon and Lauren; illus. Rachel Gregorio. Pitching with the Papelbons (Visualactivity, 2007) (Juvenile–ages 2-7)

(childhood of Red Sox pitcher; Little League) (Pub. Des. [Internet Wayback Machine])

Goodger, John. The Druperman Tapes (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2005) (mainly Las Vegas; one major character

ex-Boston cop with flashback scenes to South Boston) (Casinos; Extortion; Security consultants;Ex-police

officers;Las Vegas (Nev.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Goodison, Lorna. “Wedding in Roxbury.” Fool-fool Rose is Leaving Labour-in-Vain Savannah: Short Stories (Ian Randle

Pub., 2005: 88-93) (Short stories, Jamaican; Caribbean Area)

Goodman, Allegra. The Cookbook Collector: A Novel (Books on Tape, 2011) (Rare books; Self-actualization (Psychology)

in women; Self-realization in women; Sisters; Women booksellers; Women executives; California; Cambridge)

—. Intuition: A Novel (Dial, 2006) (Cancer–research; Research institutes; Research–Moral and ethical aspects;


—. The Chalk Artist: A Novel (Books on Tape, 2017) (Title character “spends his free time beautifying the streets of

Cambridge, Massachusetts, with his medium of choice: chalk” WorldCat) (Computer games — Social aspects;

Interpersonal relations; Man-woman relationships; Video games — Social aspects)

Gordon, Noah. Matters of Choice (Brilliance Audio, 2018) (in part, Boston hospital and Brattle Street, Cambridge)

(Abortion; Reproductive rights; Women physicians)

Gordon, Peter. “Elizabeth.” (Strange Encounters: Stories from the Missouri Review, ed. Kristine Somerville and Speer

Morgan, 2021) (“in a Boston hotel . . . young newlywed[s’] chance encounter with Elizabeth Taylor” WorldCat)

Grace, N. B. Double Trouble (Juvenile) (# 2 in The Suite Life of Jack and Cody series) (Disney P, 2006) (Boston hotel)

(Twins; Hotels; Boston (Mass.))

Graham, Heather. Dying Breath (Mira Books, 2017) (paranormal) (Government investigators; Serial murder

investigation; Women mediums; Boston)

—. Krewe of Hunters. 22: Dark Rites (Thorndike P, 2017) (“Boston police” and “FBI’s elite Krewe of Hunters”)

(Government investigators; Serial murder investigation; Women mediums; Boston)

—. Night of the Blackbird (Mira Books, 2001) (Boston and the Northern Irish troubles) (Irish-Americans;

Conspiracies; St. Patrick’s Day)

Graham-Yooll, Richard. A Foreign Policy (Palm Beach, Fla.: Medallion P, 2005) (starts with murder in Boston; Boston-

based insurance company and insurance agent/sleuth; mainly Middle East) (Middle East) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Grandone, Michael J. The Angel of Beacon Hill (Kindle Edition, 2018) (Archangel Michael killing Boston criminals)

Grant, Michael James. Black Flash (Lincoln, NE: iUniverse, 2005) (part Boston; opens with Boston street person)

(Strangers; Supernatural; Women sleuths) (Amazon and Google Books)

Gray, T.M. “A Matter of Ethics.” Chimeraworld #1, ed. Mike Philbin (, 2005: 43-51) (Horror; bus ride from

Portland, Maine, to Boston/Hell)

Green, John M.  Framed (Pantera P, 2022) (in part, “what looks like a Rembrandt . . .stolen in the infamous 1990

robbery at the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum in Boston” WorldCat)  (Art Forgeries;  Art restorers; Art thefts

Investigation; Belfast (Northern Ireland); Fathers and daughters; Monte-Carlo (Monaco); Organized crime)

Greenidge, Kirsten. The Luck of the Irish (2001? 2012?) (Play–“When an upwardly mobile African-American family

wants to buy a house in an all-white neighborhood of 1950s Boston, they pay a struggling Irish family to act

as their front. Fifty years later, the Irish family asks for ‘their’ house back. Moving across the two eras, this

intimate new play . . . explores the complex impact of racial integration in Boston and the universal longing

for home” Huntington Theatre Co.; Internet Wayback Machine)

Grippando, James. Intent to Kill: A Novel of Suspense (Harper, 2009) (Hero, “Boston’s king of sports radio”) (Disc

jockeys; Radio talk shows; Wives — Crimes against; Mystery) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Lying With Strangers (HarperCollins, 2007) (Boston Children’s Hospital) (Stalking; Pediatricans; Husbands and

wives; Trust) (Amazon and Google Books)

Grossman, Austin. Soon I Will Be Invincible (Pantheon, 2007) (NSA cyborg heroine lives in Boston) (Heroes; Good and evil;

Heroes and heroines) (Google Books)

Guillone, Sedonia. Kiss of the Werewolves (Akron, Ohio: Ellora’s Cave Romantica, 2012) (Tibet; Beijing; “Boston’s

Chinatown” WorldCat)

Gurnick, Anne Marie.  Spa Day–Be Careful What You Ask For (Austin Macauley, 2024)  (“set in the present day, amid the historical sites of Boston

and the Massachusetts shore”  WorldCat) (Crime; Thrillers)

Guy, David. Jake Fades: A Novel of Impermanence (Boston: Trumpeter, 2007) (“a week-long trip to the funky

neighborhood of Central Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts” WorldCat) (Impermanence (Buddhism);

Zen priests; Maine — Bar Harbor)

Haddam, Jane. The Headmaster’s Wife (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2005) (murder and shenanigans in boarding school

outside Boston with some Boston scenes) (Demarkian, Gregor (Fictitious character); Private investigators;

Preparatory school students; Children of celebrities; Preparatory schools; Teenage boys) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Haig, Brian. Private Sector (Warner, 2003) (One major character is assistant DA in Boston; some Boston scenes)

(Serial murderers; Government attorneys; Washington (D.C.); Drummond, Sean (Fictitious character); Law

firms; Telecommunications; Intelligence service) (Amazon and Google Books)

Haigh, Jennifer. Faith: A Novel (Harper, 2011) (2002 and back story) (Priests; Catholic Church; Child abuse; Sex

offenders; Family secrets; Scandals; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Mercy Street (Ecco, 2022) (“centers on a women’s health clinic southeast of Boston Common in the winter of

2015, when more than 6 feet of snow buried the city,” Cory Oldweiler, Rev. Globe 30 Jan. 2022: N10-11) (Clinics;

Women’s health services; Abortion; Boston (Mass.)

Halbert, R.  J. Caretaker (Nashville, TN: Eald Talu House, 2023) (Series: The Goodpasture Chronicles, Book 1) (Blessing and cursing;

Boston (Mass.);  Dwellings;  Families;  Fantasy;  Generations;  Horror;  New Hampshire;  Paranormal)

Haldeman, Joe W. The Accidental Time Machine (Ace, 2007) (MIT research assistant hero) (Laboratory technicians;

Time travel (Future); Artificial intelligence; Young men; Murder suspects; Accidents; Futurism; Boston; Science

fiction) (Google Books)

Haley, Wayne E., and Sean P. Haley.  Apology to Lucifer (Denver: D. X. Varos, 2022) (one main character “Boston,

psychoanalyst, best-selling author, and outspoken atheist” WorldCat) (Catholic Church; Atheists; Devil;

Imaginary wars and battles; Priests; Psychoanalysts; Rare books; Spirits; Italy — Venice)

Halpin, Brendan. Dear Catastrophe Waitress: A Novel (Villard, 2007) (male and female scarred by ex-lovers’ songs find

romance in Boston) (Rock music)

—. Donorboy: A Novel (Villard, 2004) (Jamaica Plain–girl orphaned by deaths of her lesbian moms moves in with sperm

donor; comedy) (Accident victims–Family relationships; Fathers and daughters; Custody of children; Mothers–

Death; Teenage girls; Birthfathers)

—. How Ya Like Me Now (Farrar Straus Giroux, 2007) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Schools; Emotional problems;

City and town life; Cousins; Race relations; Interpersonal relations; Mothers and sons; Boston (Mass.))

—. Long Way Back (Villard, 2006) (starts Cincinnati, but mainly Boston area; punk rock; Catholic Church) (Widowers;

Young men; Rock music; Loss (Psychology))

Harber, Cristin. Phillip (Cristin Harber, 2019) (“Phillip Blackthorne secures his title as Harvard’s most mischievous

co-ed” WorldCat) (Charities; Practical jokes; Man-woman relationships; Reunions)

Hardacker, Vaughn C. The Exchange (Solon, Ohio: Findaway World, 2021) (Dysfunctional families; Human trafficking;

Kidnapping — Investigation; Private investigators; Maine; Boston)

—. The Fisherman: A Thriller (Skyhorse Publishing, 2015) (Boston homicide detectives) (Criminal behavior, Prediction of;

Criminal investigation; Homeless persons; Serial murderers)

—. Sniper: A Thriller (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2014) (sniper kills 4 on Boston Common) (Snipers; Serial

murderers; Criminal behavior, Prediction of; Criminal investigation)

Hardin, John S. Combat Zone (, 2006) (Combat Zone lasts into 2000+) (Combat Zone; Organized crime; Mafia)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Hardt, Helen. Follow Me Always (Grand Haven, MI: Brilliance Audio, 2021) ((Series: Follow Me # 3) (BDSM romance)

(Billionaires; Bondage (Sexual behavior); Man-Woman relationships; Single women; Boston)

—. Follow Me Darkly: A Novel (Fort Collins, CO: Amara, 2020) (Series: Follow Me # 1) (Billionaires; Social media;

Man-woman relationships; Single women; Boston (Mass))

—. Follow Me Under (New York: Entangled Publishing, 2021) (Series: Follow Me # 2) (BDSM romance)

(Billionaires; Man-woman relationships; Boston)

Harney, Scott. The Blood of San Gennaro (Arrowsmith P, 2020) (poems; “from the streets of . . . Charlestown, MA

. . . . to Naples” (pub.), including “Revere Beach” and “Somerville and Farther North”)

Harrell, Anne (pseud. of Carla Neggers)

Harrington, Anna. “Boston Common” (Westview, vol. 25, no. 1 (2006), article 7) (Beacon Hill)

Harrington, Kim. “One for the Home Team” (2006) Thrilling New Detective Fiction (Internet Wayback Machine)

(Irish Americans; Weston WASPS; kidney transplants)

Harris, Lisa, Lena Nelson Dooley, and Elizabeth Goddard. Cranberry Hearts: Trust Opens Doors to Love (Barbour

Publishing, 2009) (Series: Romancing America, Massachusetts) (Christian romance) (Massachusetts; Women

— Massachusetts — Boston; Families — Massachusetts — Boston)

Hart, Jennifer L. Sleuthing for a Living (Gemma Halliday Publishing, 2016) (Heroine inherits Boston apartment building

and PI firm) (Murder investigation)

Hart, JoeAnn. Addled: A Novel (Little, Brown, 2007) (Canada geese invade suburban Boston country club) (Country

clubs; Upper class: Geese; Animal rights activists)

Hartlove, Michele. Faithful One (Authorhouse, 2009) (Based on Job) (Families; Boston (Mass.))

Harvey, Michael T. Brighton (Ecco, 2016) (Journalists; Murder — Investigation; Brighton (Boston, Mass.))

Harwood, Seth. Young Junius (Madison, WI: Tyrus Books, 2010) (Revenge; Teenage boys; Murder — Investigation; Drug

traffic; Cambridge (Mass.); African Americans)

Hashimoto, Emily. A World Between (The Feminist P, 2020) (romance; starts with two immigrant women “as college

students in Boston in 2004″)

Haskins, Michael. Revenge: A Mick Murphy Mystery (North Charleston, S.C.: CreateSpace, 2011) (Harvard) (Journalists

— United States; Brothers — Death; Revenge)

Haslett, Adam. Union Atlantic (Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 2010) (“chiefly in Boston and New York in 2001-2 . . . Wall

Street corruption and class warfare” Ihshan Taylor, “Paperback Row” NYT 20 Feb. 2011, BR24) (Bankers; Older

women; High school students; House construction; Social classes)

Hatch, Robert T. The Zorkoff Experiment: An Elder’s Journey into the Unknown (2015) (a Boston university) (Human

experimentation in medicine)

Hauser, Ethan. The Measures Between Us (Bloomsbury Circus, 2013) (“Newton, BU, and northern Massachusetts” Jay

Atkinson, “The Measures Between Us by Ethan Hauser: In debut novel, a storm brews toward a less fearsome

climax” Globe 6 Aug. 2013; accessed 6 Jan. 2015) (Storms; Life change events)

Haverty, Charles. Excommunicados: Stories (University of Iowa P, 2015) (scattered Boston references; “All of Us and

Everything” Harvard Square)

Hayes, J. G. Map of the Harbor Islands (Southern Tier Editions, Harrington Park P, 2006; rev. ed. CreateSpace, 2022)

(working class) (Male friendship; Gay men; South Boston)

—. Now Batting For Boston: More Stories (Southern Tier Editions, Harrington Park Press, 2005) (Baseball; short

stories) (South Boston; Irish American families; Working class families; Catholics; Gay youth)

—. This Thing Called Courage South Boston Stories (Harrington Park P, 2002) (South Boston; Irish American families;

Working class families; Catholics; Gay youth)

Hazan, Alberto, The League of Freaks and the Secret Key (2010) (“an ancient treasure buried beneath Harvard

University” WorldCat) (Paranormal; East Indian Americans; Treasure troves)

Heffernan, Laura. She’s Got Game (Lyrical P, 2019) (Parts I and V Boston) (Man-woman relationships; Women

video gamers)

Heavey, Frank. Dying to Sea (New York: iUniverse, 2005) (Harvard University) (Shipwrecks; Chatham (Mass.); Cape

Cod (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Hecht, Daniel. The Babel Effect: A Novel (Crown, 2001) (Boston think tank; Mixed race couple [African-American wife];

Congo) (Violent crimes — Psychological aspects; Epidemics; Conspiracies; Kidnapping) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Heikes, Callie. Postcards from Boston with Sela (Infinity Publishing, 2003) (Turn of the millenium 1999-2000; Red Hat)

(Fiction; Romance; Time travel)

Heitman, Lynne. “Exit Interview” (in Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (New York: Akashic, 2009)) (financial district; “few

references to” Boston [Michael Patrick Brody Internet Wayback Machine)

—–. First Class Killing (Pocket Books, 2004) (sex and murder in first class of airplanes; detective based in Boston)

(Women private investigators; Airlines; Prostitution; Airlines– Corrupt practices) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Hard Landing (New York: Onyx, 2001) (fatal commuter crash on Logan to Baltimore flight) (Airports — Massachusetts

— Boston — Management; Aircraft accidents — Investigation) (Back Cover Amazon and Google Books)

Henderson, Lorelei. To Play for Love (Inkspell, 2024) (Actress torn between Hollywood and love in Boston, WorldCat) African

Americans; Multiculturalism; Romance)

Henkin, Joshua. Matrimony (Pantheon, 2007) (part young, carefree married life in Boston; also Ann Arbor; New

York; 1986-2000+) (Marriage; Man-woman relationships)

Bad Cop vs. Good Cop: The L’os Fortune of Boston (Boston, 2022) (Comics
(Graphic works); Police corruption)

Henningsen, Dave.  The Villain’s Den (Santa Cruz, CA, 2022) (Boston (Mass.); Murder Investigation; Police; Private

investigators; Serial murder investigation)

—. See also Olsson, Andrew, and David Henningsen.

Hennrikus, J. A. With a Kiss I Die (Woodbury, Minnesota: Midnight Ink, 2019) (murder in Boston Garden) (Murder;

Women detectives)

Henry, Matthew E. the colored page (Osiron, 2022) (poems; in part Black “speaker . . . recalls . . . [being] bused from Boston

to a rich suburb” Nina MacLaughlin, New England Literary News: “hard lesson,” Globe 17 July 2022, N18)

Herbert, Rosemary. Front Page Teaser: A Liz Higgins Mystery (Camden, Me.: Down East Books, 2010) (In part,

“Boston’s lively Irish pub scene” WorldCat) (Women journalists; Boston (Mass.))

Herron, Rita B. Anything For His Son (Harlequin, 2007) (Boston blackout) (Kidnapping; Revenge; Separated

people; Electric power failures; Romance)

Hetzel, Dennis with Rick Robinson. Killing the Curse (Publisher Page, an imprint of Headline Books, 2015) (Cubs/

Red Sox World Series) (Chicago Cubs (Baseball team))

Higgins, Jack. Midnight Runner (G.P. Punam’s, 2002) (Chapters 12-14 “London Boston Washington London”)

(Brothers — Death; Dillon, Sean (Fictitious character); Intelligence officers; Revenge; Terrorism — Prevention;

Women terrorists; England — London; Massachusetts — Boston)

Hilary, Jay. The Quotient Club (Infinty, 2004) (Mainly elsewhere but some Boston; Boston Marathon; Back Bay)

Hilderbrand, Elin. “The Tailgate: An Original Short Story” (Hachette Audio: Made available through hoopla, 2014) (she’s at

Harvard, he’s at Yale; Harvard-Yale game) (College students; Man-woman relationships)

Hilfinger, Robert. Fred (BookBaby, 2024) (hero “follows his entitled girlfriend to Boston where he unknowingly enters the evil

world of her wealthy mother and father” WorldCat) (Crime)

Hill, Edwin. Little Comfort. (Kensington, 2019) (Harvard librarian heroine) (Librarians; Missing persons;

Friendship; Swindlers and swindling)

—. The Secrets We Share (Prince Frederick: Recorded Books, 2022) (one heroine “a Boston cop” WorldCat) (Fathers

— Death; Murder; Secrecy; Sisters)

—. Watch Her (Kensington, 2021) (Harvard librarian heroine) (For-profit universities and colleges; Scandals;

Women librarians; Missing persons; Murder — Investigation; Boston (Mass.))

Hill, Lawrence. The Illegal: A Novel (Norton, 2016) (brief section Boston Marathon) (Illegal aliens; Refugees; Runners


Hill, Linda. Change of Heart (Bella Books, 2023) (romantic “weekend in Boston” WorlCat) (Boston (Mass.);  Lesbian;  Models (Persons))

Hill, Sandra. Pink Jinx (Warner, 2006) (romance; heroine, straight-laced Boston lawyer; mainly, New Jersey and

at sea) (Diamonds; New Jersey)

Hiltbrand, David. Killer Solo (Avon, 2003) (some Boston) (Rock groups; Rock musicians — Social life and customs)

Himes, S. J. The Necromancer’s Dance (CreateSpace, 2016) (hero, “the only necromancer in all of Boston”) (Good and

evil; Magicians; Vampires; Boston)

—. The Necromancer’s Dilemma (2016) (Boston (Mass.); Good and evil; Magicians; Paranormal; Vampires)

Hirsch, H. N. Shade (Pisgah , 2022) (main character “a young, gay Harvard faculty member” WorldCat) (Gay college teachers;  Murder


Hogan, Chuck. Devils in Exile: A Novel (Scribner, 2010) (Iraq war vet) (Criminals; Boston) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Prince of Thieves: A Novel (Scribner, 2004) (Dennis Lehane feel; set in Charlestown; FBI) (Criminals; Bank

robberies) (Amazon and Google Books))

Holmes, Michele Paige. All the Stars in Heaven: A Novel (American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, 2009)

(Harvard University; Pianists; Suspense fiction — Mormon authors; Christian fiction — Mormon authors.;

Love stories — Mormon authors; LDS) (Summary, LDS Fiction, Internet Wayback Machine)

Holmes, Oliver W. Incident on Jubal Mountain ([Alexandria, Va.]: Sensory Pub., 2001) (Boston detective harrassed to

move out of state) (Detectives — Massachusetts — Boston; Detectives — Great Smoky Mountains (N.C.

and Tenn.))

Holzner, Nancy. Deadtown (Ace, 2010) (“alternate present-day Boston”) (Man-woman relationships; Werewolves;

Zombies; Magic; Demonology; Murderers; Boston (Mass.); Fantasy; Urban life) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Firestorm (InterMix, Penguin, 2017) (Deadtown #6) (Demonology; Magic; Man-woman relationships; Zombies;


Homick, David. From Time to Time: A Time Travle Romantic Thriller (Blue Knight Media, 2022) (“MIT grad student” WorldCat)(Cambridge

(Mass.);  Graduate students;  Man-woman relationships; Traffic accident victims)

Honig, Lucy. Waiting for Rescue: A Novel (Counterpoint, 2009) (“teacher in Boston working with health professionals from

around the world” WorldCat; effects of 9/11) (September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 — Psychological aspects)

Hooper, Kay. Blood Dreams (Bantam, 2007) (serial killer moves from Boston to Atlanta) (Bishop, Noah (Fictitious

character); Serial murderers; Government investigators; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Blood Sins (Bantam, 2009) (Bishop, Noah (Fictitious character); Government investigators)

—. Blood Ties (Bantam, 2010) (Series: Blood trilogy; Bishop/Special Crimes Unit novel) (Bishop, Noah (Fictitious

character); Government investigators; Murder — Investigation; Boston (Mass.))

Hoover, Colleen. It Ends With Us (Atria Books, 2016) (Opens with heroine “looking down from twelve stories above the

streets of Boston”) (Businesswomen; First loves; Man-woman relationships; Neurosurgeons; Triangles (Interpersonal

relations); Boston (Mass.))

—. It Starts with Us (Atria, 2022) (Boston (Mass.);  Divorced mothers;  First loves;  Man-woman relationships)

Horgan, Michael. Spineless (main character from Chelsea) (, 2005) (Google Books)

Horowitz, Laurie. The Family Fortune (William Morrow, 2006) (Beacon Hill; loosely based on Jane Austen’s

Persuasion [Amazon]; “a romantic comedy — story of a crumbling family of Boston Brahmins that focuses on

middle daughter Jane who, having lived a long and rather sedentary life in comfortable surroundings, is forced

out of the nest at age 38. She must come to terms with her place in the world and in doing so reconnect with

‘the one that got away.'” author)

Hosp, David. Among Thieves (Grand Central Pub., 2010) (Art thefts — Investigation; Boston (Mass.))

—. Dark Harbor (Warner Books, 2005) (serial killer in Boston; Charlestown projects) (Women lawyers–Crimes

against; Boston (Mass.); Serial murders; Policewomen; Law firms)

—. Game of Death (Macmillan, 2014) (Boston entrepreneur hero) (Dreams; Stalkers)

—. Innocence (Warner, 2007) (1992; 2007; Boston lawyer/detective) (Policewomen–Crimes against; Immigrants;

Gangs; Boston (Mass.))

—. Next of Kin (Macmillan, 2011) (Boston defense attorney Scott Finn) (Legal; Suspense; Boston (Mass.)

Hospital, Janette Turner. Orpheus Lost: A Novel (Norton, 2007) (mathematician and Boston/Cambridge subway music

performer; terrorists) (Women mathematicians; Musicians; Australians — United States; Terrorism — United States;

New England; Orpheus (Greek mythology))

Howard, Eve. Shadow Lane IX: The History of Hugo Sands and Other Stories (Blue Moon Books, 2004) (second story,

“Never Trust a Hippie,” 15-59, set in Boston, in part in Combat Zone, but Boston also appears in other stories)

(Sexual dominance and submission; Sadomasochism) (Check for other stories set in Boston.)

Howard, Shirley Ann. Tales out of College ( Publishing, 2009) (BU; Herald; prequel) (Scott, Sandra

(Fictitious character); Teachers; Reporters; Boston (Mass.))

—. Tales Out of School ( Publishing, 2008) (romance; high school English teacher; BU Ph.D. candidate

in biochemistry) (Scott, Sandra (Fictitious character); Teachers; English teachers; Boston (Mass.))

Howe, Katherine. Physick Book. 02: The Daughters of Temperance Hobbs (Henry Holt, 2019) (heroine, professor in

Boston; curse goes back to the 17th c.; multigenerational) (College teachers; Paranormal)

Howe, Tara. Charlie Card (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013) (Homeless persons; Boston)

Hoy, R. Michael. The Diary (Trafford, 2006 c. 2004) (Boston psychiatrist and radio talkshow wife find mysterious diary)

Hoyte, Kirsten Dinnall. Black Marks (Akashic, 2006) (multi-cultural, multi-class heroine born to wealthy Jamaican parents

in Cambridge; Harvard; Boston Public Library; 1990s-2000s) (African American women; Women librarians;

Grandparent and child)

Hubbard, Crystal. Blame It on Paradise (Kensington, 2008) (inter-racial romance in Boston) (Legal stories; African

American women)

—. Mr. Fix-It (Genesis Press, 2008) (African-American women authors; Interracial romance — Boston, Massachusetts;

Repairers; Defense mechanisms (Psychology); Social status; Romantic love)

Huff, Kimberly. Tall, Skinny Cappuccino (Mapletree Pub., 2008) (“Christian romance” [publisher]) (Women journalists;

Periodicals–publishing; Boston (Mass.); Chick lit) (Brief Summary, pub. website [Internet Wayback Machine])

Hughes, Bill. Julian’s Shadow (American Book Publishing, 2001) (Opens Chapter 1 Harvard University Saturday,

September 1, 2001 8:30 p.m.; Trinity Church 9/1/2001)

Hunt, Tim. Red Heads and White Knuckles (, 2008) (“set in Cambridge and Boston,” esp.

Harvard Square, “a modern updating of the Bride of Frankenstein”) (Description [Internet Wayback Machine],

author’s web site)

Hurka, Joseph. Before (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Press, 2007) (early September 2001, just before 9/11)

(Cambridge (Mass.)) (Summary, author’s web site [accessed 18 Mar. 2008])

Hurley, Blair. The Devoted: A Novel (Norton, 2018) (“back story” includes “the seuxal abuse scandals in the Boston

Archdioces in the mid-90s” Sharma Shields, “For the Love of God,” NYT Bk. Rev. (9 Sep. 2018, p. 16) (Single

women; Zen Buddhism; Man-woman relationships; Spiritual life; Self-realization in women; Self-actualization

(Psychology) in women; Boston (Mass.); New York (N.Y.))

Hyland, Juliette. Falling Again for the Single Dad (Mills & Boon, 2021) (romance at fictional “Boston General” hospital

WorldCat) (Man-woman relationships; Nurses; Single fathers)

—. A Puppy on the 34th Ward (Harlequin Medical Romances, 2023) (Series: Halequin Medical Romances 2) (“Boston Christmas Miracles

story” WorldCat) (Man-woman relationships; Medical)

Hystad, Nathan. Lost Contact (Tullamarine, Victoria: Bolinda Audio, 2021)  (hero “teach[es] anthropology at a Boston

college” [WorldCat], but mainly elsewhere) (Anthropologists; Fathers and sons; Human-alien encounters; Missing

persons; Relics; Treasure troves)

Ilebode, Kelly. Corner Booth (Createspace, 2015) (Boston nanny; romance; Greek mob) (Massachusetts)

Ireland, Perrin. Chatter: A Novel (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2007) (miscommunication in 18-year Bostonian

marriage; immediate post 9/11 era) (Married people; Husband and wife; Marriage; Remarriage; Remarried

persons; Children of single parents; Hispanic-American women; Extramarital relations; Communication in


Issa, Nadia. “West Roxbury” (Poem) (Shotguns on Paper: Louder than a Bomb: Anthology, Books of Hope: Mystic

Learning Center, 2015) (African American teenagers — Conduct of life; American poetry — 21st century)

Jackson, James M. Bad Policy (Vancouver, WA: Barking Rain P, 2013) (IRA/Boston mafia 1970s and 2013) (Private

investigators; Murder — Investigation; Cincinnati (Ohio); Boston (Mass.))

Jackson, Kosoko. I’m So (Not) Over You (Berkley, 2022)  (romantic comedy; one main character, “journalism graduate in

Boston” Olivia Waite, “Romance,” NYT Bk. Rev. 5 June 2022: 60) (Gay men)

—. Yesterday Is History (Holland: Dreamscape Media, 2021) (Boston 1969 and present) (Time travel;

Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc — Patients; Families — Massachusetts –Boston; Triangles (Interpersonal

relations); Gay teenagers; African American teenagers)

Jackson, Patricia C. Mask Weavers for Hire (Xlibris, 2020) (Psychiatrists — Massachusetts — Boston; Extrasensory

perception; Interpersonal relations)

Jackson, Penny. “Louise in Charlestown” (L.A. Child: And Other Stories (Untreed Reads, 2013)

James, Clarice G. Double Header (Mountainview Books, 2015) (Red Sox; Boston-based) (Families; Fathers and

daughters; Police; Women sportswriters)

James, Eric. Illus. Marina Le Ray. A Halloween Scare in Boston (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2015) (Juvenile,

40 pgs.)

James, Melissa. The Bridegroom’s Secret (Harlequin, 2008) (Romance) (Millionaires; Weddings — Planning;

Boston (Mass.))

Jane, Addison. The Way We Lie (Insatiable P,  2024) (Series: Boston Bad Boys 1) (Romance with “Boston’s most eligible billionaire” WorldCat)

Japp. Andrea H. La Mort, Simplement (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 2009) (Murder in Boston; Diane Silver, detective)

—. Dans la Tête, le Venin (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 2008) (Murder in France and Boston; Boston detective, Diane Silver)

Jaynes, Jennifer. Disturbed (Blackstone Audio, 2017) (Present, Bosdtonb) (College students — Crimes against; Murder)

Jestings, Amelia F. Commonwealth Trust ([Bloomington, IN]: 1st Books Library, 2003) (Law students — Massachusetts

— Boston; Organized crime — Massachusetts — Boston) (Amazon)

Jha, Prakash. Blushing in Boston (CreateSpace, 2015) (27 short stories; Prudential Center on cover; inspired by Red

Sox knuckleballer Tim Wakefield)

Jin, Ha. A Free Life (Pantheon Books, 2007) (hero starts as Chinese grad student at Brandeis; Tiananmen Square;

mainly Atlanta) (Chinese — United States; Immigrants — United States; Poetry — Authorship; Poets)

Joaquin The Dog.  Joaquin around Boston: A Doggy Adventure Story (2022) (Juvenile) (Adventure and adventurers; Dogs;

Trips;  Voyages and travels)

Johansen, Iris. Countdown: An Eve Duncan Forensic Thriller (Bantam, 2005) (Harvard) (Women art students; Adoptees;

Slaves; Herculaneum (Extinct city); Terrorists; Cambridge (Mass.); Scotland; Duncan, Eve (Fictitious character);

Facial reconstruction (Anthropology); Women sculptors; Louisiana) (Amazon and Google Books)

Johnson, Julie. Cross the Line: A Boston Love Story (Tantor Audio, 2015) (Series: Boston Love # 2) (Infatuation; Man-

woman relationships; Private security services)

—. Not you It’s Me: A Novel (Tantor Audio, 2015) (Main male character “Boston’s most eligible bachelor”) (man-

woman relationships)

—. One Good Reason (Tantor Audio, 2016) (Poor Boston girl, rich Boston boy) (Romance)

—. Take Your Time (Smashwords Edition, 2017) (Series: Boston Love Story 4) (Man-woman relationships; Private

security services)

Jones, Leslie. Framed (HarperCollinsPublishers, 2018) (Federal Bureau of Investigation; Computer security; Mafia;

Romance / Suspense; Mafia)

Jones, Patrick. Returning to Normal (Lerner Publishing Group, 2018) (Sendary (senior high) school) (Anger; Fathers

and sons; Baseball; Conduct of life; Boston; Coming of age)

Jones, Stephanie. Dreams and Misunderstandings: A Novel (Authorhouse, 2012) (YA; mainly Wyoming, but heroine goes

to college in Boston) (Families; Man -woman relationships; Wyoming)

Jones, Randall “Randy.” The Geriatric Gigolo (Xlibris, 2014) (62-year-old male escort in Boston) (Erotica)

Jones, Terese.  Blood Will Tell (Ocean Reeve Pub., 2021) (Series: Sloane Kelly & Luther McLaren Mysteries, 1)

(Boston (Mass.); Medical examiners (Law); Murder Investigation;  Time-travel)

Jordan, Bryant. The Shadow King (Barrowview, 2022) (Charlestown, Chinatown, South Boston WorldCat) (Chinese American criminals;

Gangsters; Irish American criminals)

Jump, Shirley. The Angel Craved Lobster (Zebra, 2005) (romance and recipes; country girl in Boston)

—. The Bride Wore Chocolate (Kensington 2004) (romance with Boston backdrop) (Women owned business

enterprises) (FictionDB)

—. The Devil Served Desire (TKA Distribution, 2014) (Class reunions; Cooks; Massachusetts — Boston)

—. The Devil Served Tortellini (Zebra, 2005) (romance; food; Boston chef) (Cooks; High school reunions; Man-woman

relationships; Boston, MA)

Jung, Rob. The Sower (St. Paul: Hawk Hill Literary, 2021) (“Set in the political and social milieu of Boston, Minneapolis and

St. Paul” [Diane Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review]) (Miró, Joan, — 1893-1983. — Reaper; Art thefts;

Art — Forgeries; Cold cases (Criminal investigation); Murder — Investigation; Women private investigators;

Transgender women; Political campaigns)

Kabongo, Glede Browne. Conspiracy of Silence: A Novel (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2012) (Suspense fiction; Infertility;

Marketing executives; Middle class women; Trials; Massachusetts — Boston)

Kalotay, Daphne. Calamity and Other Stories (Doubleday, 2005) (several stories set in Boston and suburbs, e.g.,

“The Man from Allston Electric”) (Check for other stories.)

—. Russian Winter (Gardners Books, 2011) (Former Bolshoi ballerina in Boston; romance) (Russians — Massachusetts

— Boston; Jewelry — Private collections; Jewelry auctions; Political purges — Soviet Union; Soviet Union — Social

conditions — 1917-1945; Soviet Union — Intellectual life)

—. Sight Reading: A Novel (Harper, 2013) (main characters meet in Boston in 1987; 1987-2007; BS0) (Musicians;

Interpersonal relations; Man-woman relationships)

Kane, Andrea. Scent of Danger (New York: Pocket Star Books, 2003) (Mainly New York and elsewhere, but heroine comes

from old Beacon Hill Family, p. 97) (Sperm donor) (Perfumes industry; Fathers and daughters) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Kaplan, E. M. The Bride Wore Dead: A Josie Tucker Mystery ([Charleston, S.C.]: [E.M. Kaplan], 2013) (Brahmin

wedding in Boston; murder in Arizona) (Weddings)

Karr, Kim. Perf. Joe Arden and Maxine Mitchell. Blow (Tantor Audio, 2015) (Gangs; Man-woman relationships;

Massachusetts — Boston)

Kassabgi, Georges. The Starting Note (Amherst, MA: Small Batch Books, 2012) (partly set in a Boston hospital) (Justice;

Philosophy and science; Massachusetts — Boston; New Hampshire; New York (State) — New York)

Katsikas, Keith. 2060: The Newton Prophecies (Author’s Homepage, 2008) (thriller; Harvard Divinity School prof. hero;

Chapter 4 opens on Cambridge Street) (Newton, Isaac, — Sir, — 1642-1727; End of the world; Prophecy —

Christianity) (Amazon and Google Books)

Katz, David Evans. Sin of Omission: A Novel of Suffolk Square (Hamilton, MI: Koenisha Publications, 2003) (1962/2002;

Russian Orthodox Americans; Jewish Americans) (Malden (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Katzenbach, John. The Wrong Man: A Novel (Ballantine, 2006) (victim of obssessive male, Boston art history grad

student, and her extended family; Boston professor; Boston attorney) (Parent and child; Stalkers)

Kawa-Jump, Shirley [see Jump, Shirley]. The Bachelor Preferred Pastry (Zebra Books, 2006) (“most eligible bachelor in

Boston”; romance; food) (Women cooks; Bakers; Rich people; Pastry industry)

Kay, Arlene. Gilt Trip (ImaJinn Books, 2014) (Series: Boston uncommons mystery series, bk. 3) (Starts with narrator

walking down Newbury Street. to Boylston Station [Why not Arlington?]) (Murder — Investigation )

—. Swann Dive (ImaJinn Books, 2014) (Suicide — Women; Murder — Investigation; Boston (Mass.))

—. Swann Songs (ImaJinn Books, 2016) (Series: Boston uncommons mystery series, bk. 4) (Murder — Investigation;

College teachers — Tenure; Cambridge (Mass.)

Kay, Judith. Murder in Montauk (U of Michigan P/ESL, 2005) (Globe sportswriter main character/detective; “written

for students who wish to improve their reading skills”) (Murder — New York (State) — Montauk; Sportswriters —

Massachusetts — Boston; Adoptees; Murder; Reporters and reporting; Twins; Adoption; Long Island (N.Y.))

Kaye, Erin. Closer to Home (Poolbeg Press, 2006) (Partly Boston; mainly Northen Ireland) (Boston (Mass.); Business

consultants; Immigrants – Massachusetts – Boston; Irish – Massachusetts – Boston; Love stories; Man-woman

relationships; Northern Ireland)

Kaye, Robin. Heat of the Moment (InterMix Books, 2014) (Single fathers; Fire fighters — Massachusetts — Boston; Man-

woman relationships; Romance)

Keeley, D. A. Destiny’s Pawn (Woodbury, Minnesota: Midnight Ink, 2016) (in part “the world’s largest art heist at Boston’s

Gardner Museum” and “ongoing Ukrainian crisis” WorldCat) (Border patrol agents)

Kellerman, Jesse. The Executor (Penguin, 2010) (Conversation; Graduate students; Inheritance and succession; Older

women; Philosophers; Cambridge)

Kellerman, Jonathan, and Faye. Double Homicide (Warner, 2004) (Two novellas, one by each author, only the first

is set in Boston) (College basketball player) (Basketball players–Crimes against; Police) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Kelly, David A. illus. Mark Meyers. The Fenway Foul-up (Random House, 2011) (Series: Ballpark mysteries,

#1) (Red Six; stolen lucky bat) (Baseball; Stealing; Cousins; Fenway Park)

—. The World Series Curse (Random House, 2016) (Series: Ballpark mysteries super special; Primary school)

(Baseball; Blessing and cursing; Chicago Cubs (Baseball team); Boston Red Sox (Baseball team))

Kelner, Toni L. P.  Who Killed the Pinup Queen? (Berkley, 2010) (Reporters and reporting; Murder)

—. Without Mercy (rpt. 2009 as Curse of the Kissing Cousins) (Detroit: Five Star, 2008) (heroine/detective Boston-based

entertainment journalist) (Reporters and reporting; Television comedies; Murder) (Amazon)

Kennedy, Douglas. Five Days: A Novel (Atria Books, 2013) (Weekend conference in Boston; romance) (Man-woman


—. Leaving the World: A Novel (Atria Paperback, 2010) (Boston professor) (Women college teachers — Family

relationships; Women college teachers — Psychology; Motherhood; Missing children)

Kennedy, Elle. One Night of Sin (Entangled: Brazen, 2014) (hero, former MMA fighter, now “part owner of Sin, an

exclusive nightclub in Boston” WorkdCat) (Man-woman relationships; Romance; Montana)

—. The Risk (Elle Kennedy, 2019) (male lead, Harvard hockey player) (College students; Hockey players; Man-

woman relationships)

Kenner, Julie. Tainted (Ace, 2009) (Series: The Blood Lily Chronicles; Boston barmaid) (Good and evil; Supernatural;

Assassins; Boston (Mass.); Fantasy) (Amazon)

Kenney, Charles. American Sycamore: A Novel (Arcade, 2024) (1970s-21st c.; opens “September 16, 2021,” Harvard prof. main character’s

70th birthday)  (Baby boom generation; Cancel culture; College teachers;  Friendship; Harvard University; Journalists; Married people; Medical

personnel Malpractice; Physicians; Prostate Cancer)

Kenny, Tom. The Docent: A Novel (Tom Kenny, 2016) (Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; Art thefts)

Kensky, Jessica. Rescue and Jessica: A Life-changing Friendship (Candlewick, 2018) (Juevnile) (Rescue (Dog); People

with disabilities; Service dogs; Boston Marathon Bombing, Boston, Mass., 2013)

Kenson, Stephen. Crossroads (Shadowrun 36) (ROC, 1999) (Boston, 2060; magic; gangsters; corporate evil; fantasy)

—. Technobabel (Roc, 1998) (Series: Shadowrun 31) (“the Rox, a section of the Boston sprawl” [Alexander von Thorn,

Review, The SF Site 1998 (accessed 18 Mar. 2008)]; science fiction) (Boston (Mass.); Cyberspace; Mercenary

troops; Twenty-first century)

Kent, Andrew. The Green Monster: A Johnny Denovo Mystery (Indianapolis, IN: Dog Ear Publishing, 2009) (Red Sox)

(Boston (Mass.); Baseball stories; Extortion; Spy stories) (Google Books)

Kent, Julia. Random Acts of Trust (EverAfter Romance, 2016) (Series: Random 2) (Boston (Mass.); Man-woman

relationships; Musicians)

—. Shopping for a Billionaire. #1 (Julia Kent, 2017) ( Billionaires; Businessmen; Man-woman relationships;

Mystery shopping; Boston)

—. Shopping for a Billionaire’s Fiancée: (Declan’s Proposal) (Prosaic Publishing] 2015) (Billionaires — Massachusetts

— Boston; Mystery shopping; Businessmen; Marriage proposals; Man-woman relationships)

—. Shopping for a Billionaire 3 (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014) (Billionaires — Massachusetts —

Boston; Mystery shopping; Businessmen; Man-woman relationships)

—. Shopping for a CEO: A Romantic Comedy (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015) (Billionaires;

Businessmen; Chief executive officers; Man-woman relationships; Mystery shopping; Weddings)

Kenyon, Nate. The Reach (Dorchester, 2008) (Boston psychiatric ward) (Psychic ability; Schizophrenics; Genetic

engineering; Girl psychics; Good and evil; Women graduate students; Redemption; Human experimentation

in medicine; Boston; Horror stories) (Amazon)

Kepnes, Caroline. For You and Only You (Random House, 2023) (Series: You 4) (“writing fellowship at Harvard,” “a little crimson runs in

the streets of Cambridge” WorldCat) (Authors; Goldberg, Joe (Fictitious character); Man-woman relationships; Secrecy;  Thrillers)

Kerr, M. E. Shoebag (Open Road Integrated Media, 2013) (Elementary and junior h.s.; Boston cockroach becomes

human and attends Beacon Hill Elementary School) (Cockroaches)

Khoury, Raymond. The Sign (Dutton, 2009) (one main character based in Boston) (Curiosities and wonders; Scientific

expeditions — Antarctica; Television journalists; Belief and doubt; Conspiracies; Murder; Monks — Egypt) (Amazon

and Google Books)

Kiernan, Stephen P. The Curiosity (Harper Collin, 2013) (Boston lab; man revived from arctic ice after 100 yrs.)

(Exploitation; Curiosities and wonders; Women scientists; Human experimentation in medicine; Man-woman


Kigelman, Samuel G. A Flower’s Stem (Bloomington, Ind.: AuthorHouse, 2005) (Romance and suspense in Boston)

(Teachers) (Amazon and Google Books)

Kilmer, Nicholas. A Butterfly in Flame (Scottsdale, AZ: Poisoned Pen P, 2010) (Taylor, Fred (Fictitious character); Art

objects — Collectors and collecting; Boston (Mass.))

—. Lazarus, Arise (Scottsdale, AZ: Poisoned Pen P, 2001) (dead artist) (Taylor, Fred (Fictitious character); Art

consultants) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Madonna of the Apes (Scottsdale, AZ: Poisoned Pen P, 2005) (Taylor investigates previously unknown work by da

Vinci) (Taylor, Fred (Fictitious character); Art consultants) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. A Paradise for Fools: A Fred Taylor Art Mystery (Scottsdale, AZ: Poisoned Pen P, 2011) (Taylor, Fred (Fictitious

character); Art consultants; Art objects — Collectors and collecting; Painting; Boston (Mass.))

Kilpack, Josi S. Pumpkin Roll: A Culinary Mystery (Shadow Mountain, 2011) (Hoffmiller, Sadie; Babysitting; Halloween;

Witches; Massachusetts — Boston)

King, Emiliya. My Trip to Boston: Working at the Same Time (PowerKids P, 2018) (Series: Computer kids, set 4)


King, John J. Martha’s (b) Rainstorm (play in progress for Spring 2018) (“Boston in the year 2052 amid a year-long drought”

Nina MacLaughlin New England Literary News Globe 13 Aug. 2017: N16)

King, M. C. Room of Doom (Juvenile) (#3 in The Suite Life of Jack and Cody series) (Disney Press, 2006) (Boston hotel)

(Twins; Hotels; Boston (Mass.))

—. Zack Attack (Juvenile) (#4 in The Suite Life of Jack and Cody series ) (Disney Press, 2006) (Boston hotel) (Twins;

Hotels; Boston (Mass.))

King, Mel. Streets: Poem Book (Sweet Sensations Publishing, 2008) (African-American political figure, activist, and much

more views of Boston street-life; poems; illustrated by Billy Nunez, Susette Duran, Allan Crite, Susan Thompson,

Karen Spence)

King, Stephen. Cell (Scribner, 2006) (Cell phones rum amuck in central Boston for first third before hero escapes to

Maine) (Cellular telephones; Murderers)

—. “The Life of Chuck” (If It Bleeds, Scribner, 2020) (short story; “Act II: Buskers” “as a young man on a business trip in

Boston,” Michael Rowe, “Messages of the Macabre: Reading Stephen King in the Age of Plague,” Globe, N9)

Kirchhoff, Michael. Imminent (Michael Kirchhoff, 2006) (opens “boston, massachusetts” and many other section are

so labeled) (science fiction; aliens) (Amazon and Google Books)

Kirk, Shannon. Tenkill (Tantor Audio, 2023) (including “action-packed chases around Boston,” e.g. Milk Street

WorldCat) (Corruption; Determination (Personality trait); Friendship;  Investigations; Law firms;  Women lawyers)

Kirman, Robin. Bradstreet Gate: A Novel (Crown, 2015) (Harvard 1997 murder; Adams House; professor and

students; ten years later) (Friendship; Bildungsromans; College students — Crimes against; Murder —


Kittredge, Caitlin. “The Devil Went Down to Boston” (Games Creatures Play. Ed. Charlaine Harris and Toni L. P. Kelner.

Ace, 2014) (“South Boston, beginning in the 1990s and ending in the present” Fang-Tastic Fiction 26 Apr. 2014)

Kittredge, Caitlin. Artists Inaki Miranda, Stephen Sadowski, and Mark Farmer. Coffin Hill. Volume 1, Forest of the Night

(New York: Vertigo, 2014) (Witchcraft — Comic books, strips, etc.; Serial murder investigation; Boston (Mass.);

Salem (Mass.)) (Amazon)

Klass, Perri. The Mystery of Breathing (Houghton Mifflin, 2004) (Boston hospital and physician) (Women physicians;

Anonymous letters; Boston (Mass.); Neonatologists; Medical ethics)

Klein, Matthew. illus. Morgan Beem. Crashing (IDW, 2022 [Hoopla]) (Part #1; Graphic novel; 32 pgs.; “battle between

Boston’s protectors and destroyers” WorldCat)

—. Crashing #2 (IDW, 2022) (31 pgs.; Graphic novel; heroine “has to save the life of Boston’s most feared supervillain”


—. Crashing #3 (IDW, 2022) (31 pgs.; Graphic novel)

—. Crashing #5 (IDW, 2023) (32 pgs.; Graphic novel) (“Will [heroine] face Boston’s Powered threat alone. . . ?”


—.  Crashing (Idea & Design Works, San Diego, CA, 2023) (#1-5) (Graphic novel; Physicians; Superheroes;

Kluger, Steve. My Most Excellent Year: A Novel of Love, Mary Poppins, & Fenway Park (Dial Books, 2008) (Secondary

(senior high) school) (three Boston teenagers) (Interpersonal relations; Friendship; Homosexuality; Humorous


Knight, Karsten. Nightingale Sing (, 2016) (Senior h.s.) (Boston (Mass.); Paranormal)

Koestenbaum, Wayne. Moira Orfei in Aigues-Mortes: A Novel (Brooklyn: Soft Skull Press; [Berkeley, Calif.], 2004)

(mainly elsewhere, but some Boston–Clarendon Street, Boston Public Library men’s room) (Pianists; Sex

addicts; Bisexual men; New York (State); Circus performers; Americans — France; Diaries — Authorship;

Aigues-Mortes (France)) (Amazon)

Kogan, Deborah Copaken. The Red Book (Voice/Hyperion, 2012 (Harvard class of 1989 and 20th reunion; humorous;

culturally diverse women) (Harvard University — Alumni and alumnae; Class reunions; Friendship)

Kolven, Jane. The Queen Has a Cold (Valley Falls, NY: Bold Strokes, 2021) (in part “graduate school in Boston” WorldCat)

(Gender identity; Graduate students; Intersex people; Lesbians; Princesses)

Konkoly, Steven. Event Horizon (North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2014) (main character searches for son and

girlfriend in post-catastrophe Boston) (Disasters, Survival)

Kosmatka, Ted. The Flicker Men: A Novel (Holt, 2015) (fictional “Hansen Research, a Boston laboratory”) (Thrillers;

Action & Adventure; Alternative History)

Kostival, Ben. The Parrot (main character “plummets into psychedelics, Boston, and the shadows of the mind”) (Radial

Books, 2024)

Kostova, Teodora. Cookies (CreateSpace, 2016) (main character “own[s] a small bakery in the centre of Cambridge”

WorldCat) (Amputees; Gay men; Interpersonal relations; Veterans)

Kovacs, Deborah. Catie Copley (David R. Godine, 2007) (Juvenile–kindergarten-grade 3) (black Labrador adopted by

Copley Plaza hotel) (Service dogs; Dogs; Hotels, motels, etc.)

Kowalyshyn, Diane L. Double Cross (The Wild Rose P, 2021) (heroine works at “a prestigious law firm in Boston’s Beacon Hill” WorldCat)

Kozak, Diane. Exposing Eurabia (sequel to Full Circle 911) (United States: Beagle Books Pub., 2010) (“attacks in the

city of Boston” WorldCat) (Terrorism; Teenagers — Massachusetts; Muslims — Massachusetts)

—. Full Circle 911 (Sunpiper Media, 2008)  (Custom House tower on cover) (Muslims; Teenagers; Terorisim:

Massachusetts) (Amazon)

Kratman, Tony.  Dirty Water: A Journey Through Time Back to Boston (Baen, 2023) (1688 with witch hanging on

Boston Neck; 1965 Boston toy store; 2022 Boston grandfather and granddaughter WorldCat) (Christmas;


Kravetz, Lee. The Last Confessions of Sylvia P.: A Novel (Harper, 2022) (unexpurgated manuscript found 55 years after

writing of The Bell Jar) (Plath, Sylvia. — Bell jar; Mental illness)

Kravitz, Michael. Boston Darkens (WP Lighthouse, 2024 [orig. Ex Libris, 2015]) (series of at least three: “an EMP blast paralyzes Boston”

NYTBkRev ad 20 Dec. 2024: 5)

—. Boston Flickers (WP Lighthouse, 2024)

—. EMP Casualty (WP Lighthouse, 2024)

Kronau, Denice. The World Is Decorated with Stars (Wheatmark, 2015) (Couple in 1800s and 2008; 2008 wife

businesswoman in Boston) (Man-woman relationships; Reincarnation; Boston; Nantucket)

Kunze, Lauren, and Rina Our. Rivals (HarperCollins, 2012) (Series: Ivy) (main character works on Harvard Crimson)

(Women college students; Roommates; Interpersonal relations; Dating (Social customs); College student

newspapers and periodicals; Cambridge)

—. Scandal (New York: Greenwillow Books, 2013) (Series: The Ivy, v. 4) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Harvard

University; Conduct of life; Interpersonal relations; Dating (Social customs); Journalism)

—. Secrets (HarperCollins, 2011) (heroine, Harvard freshman) (Women college students; Roommates; Interpersonal

relations; Dating (Social customs); Secrecy; Cambridge)

Laberje, Reji. Illus. Liza French. Max Explores Boston (Triumph Books, 2015) (Juvenile; “Fenway Park, Boston Garden,

Bunker Hill” etc.) (Boston (Mass.) — Description and travel)

Labuskes, Brianna. A Familiar Sight (Seattle: Amazon, 2021) (Series: Dr. Gretchen White, # 1)  (Psychologists;

Criminologists; Psychopaths; Murder — Investigation)

—. What Can’t Be Seen (Seattle: Thomas & Mercer, 2022) (Series: Dr. Gretchen White, #2) (White, “top consultant for the

Boston PD,” present + murder 30 yrs. ago WorldCat; ) (Psychologists;  Criminal psychology; Secrecy;  Murder —

Investigation; Detectives)

Lackey, Mercedes, and Rosemary Edghill. Mad Maudlin (Riverdale, N.Y.: Baen Books, 2003) (Series: Bedlam bard, 6;

Eric Banyon series, 6; Mainly NYC, but some Boston) (Magic; Musicians; Bards and bardism; Banyon, Eric;

Wizards; Apprentices; Princes; Elves; Demons; Crimes against children; Homeless children; Runaway children;

Seventeen-year-old boys; Seventeen-year-olds; Brothers; Imaginary wars and battles; New York City; Boston;

Fantasy fiction) (Google Books)

Lacoy, Michael. The Mystical Adventures of Stavros Papadakis (Concord, New Hampshire: Monteverdi P, 2019)

(hero, “a successful yet epically dysfunctional Boston defense attorney” WorldCat) (Near-death experiences;

Life change events; Lawyers)

LaFlamme, Mark. Asterisk: Red Sox 2086 ([S.l.]:, 2006) (also 2052; science fiction) (Boston Red Sox

(Baseball team); Sports — Corrupt practices) (Amazon)

Laforest, Corinne. Ilus. Lucile Danis Drouot. Boston Monsters (Chouette Publishing, 2017) (Monsters — Juvenile;

City and town life)

Lance, Thomas. Dancing with Rembrandt (Publish Drive, 2024) (heroine “discovers the entire collection of the most famous art theft in the world . . . [and]

decides to return the collection to the Gardner Museum” WorldCat)

Land, Jon. The Blue Widows (Forge, 2003) (in part, Palestinian-American detective working in Boston) (Kamal, Ben

(Fictitious character); Barnea, Danielle (Fictitious character); Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston;

Terrorism — Prevention; Police — Israel; Policewomen; Israel) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Fires of Midnight (Forge Books, 2011) (“In a shopping mall in Cambridge, Massachusetts, seventeen hundred

people are fatally infected by a bacterium” Worldcat) (Biological weapons; Mass murder; Women physicians)

Landay, William. Defending Jacob (Delacorte, 2012)  (Newton) (Public prosecutors; Murder — Investigation; Families;

Fathers and sons; Trials (Murder); High school students; Suburban life; Lawyers; Homicide)

—. Mission Flats (Delacorte P, 2003) (rural Maine murder/Boston cop murder 25 years earlier) (Maine) (Amazon

and Google Books)

Lange, Vladimir. Fatal Memories (Los Angeles: Red Square, 2005) (hi-tech neuro-psychological thriller; research and

heroine start in Boston; mainly Russia) (Neuropsychiatry) (Amazon and Google Books)

Langley, Kaija. The Order of Things (Nancy Paulsen Books, 2023) (“set . . .in Boston[‘s] . . . vibrant musical scene.

New England Conservatory of Music, Berklee College of Music, and Wally’s Café  Jazz Club” Betsy Groban, Story

Behind the Book: “Writing in the the Margins,” Globe 4 Jun 2023: N10; Juvenile) (African Americans; Best friend

City and town life; Friendship;  Grief; Lesbian mothers;  Music; Novels in verse; Single-parent families)

Larkin, Michelle. Endangered (Valley Falls, NY: Bold Strokes Books, 2019) (Lesbians; Policewomen;

Shapeshifting; Women physicians; Boston)

—. The Value of Sylver and Gold (Bold Strokes Books, 2023) (Boston (Mass.). Police Department; Kidnapping;

Lesbians; Serial murder investigation; Women detectives; Women mediums)

Lasky, Kathryn. Spiders on the Case (Scholastic P, 2011) (Series: The Deadlies; Juvenile–ages 9-12) (Rare Book

Room BPL) (Brown recluse spider; Orb weavers; Spiders; Books and reading; Family life — Massachusetts;

Boston Public Library)

Latrice, Shvonne. You Needed Me (Recorded Books, 2024) (African American criminals Massachusetts Boston; African

American families; African American women; Best friends; Interpersonal relations; Man-woman relationships;

Organized crime Massachusetts Boston Fiction; Romance)


—. You Needed Me. 2: A Love Story (Recorded Books, 2024)  (African American women; Boston (Mass.); Criminal behavior;

Man-woman relationships)
—. You Needed Me. 3 (Recorded Books, 2024) (You Needed Me, Book 3)  (African American criminals Boston;
African American families; Fathers and sons;  Interpersonal relations; Man-woman relationships;  Organized crime
Boston; Romance)

Laurie, Victoria. The Ghoul Next Door (New York: Obsidian, 2014) (Holliday, M. J. (Fictitious character); Psychics;

Poltergeists; Boston (Mass.))

—. A Ghoul’s Guide to Love and Murder (New American Library, 2016) (Demonology; Psychics; Boston (Mass.))

Lautenslager, Greg. Following the Flame: A Novel (Virtualbookworm Publishing, 2005) (runner training for Olympics;

lots of Boston) (Runners (Sports); Olympics)

Lavender, Will. Dominance (Simon & Schuster, 2011) (heroine-detective, “Harvard professor Alex Shipley” “present

day” and 1982 Goodreads) (College teachers; Murderers; College students; Serial murder investigation)

Lawrence, Kinsman. Birds of Prey: A Sylvie Kaplan Mystery (Manchester, N.H.: Abelard P, 2002) (Boston homicide

detectives) (Women detectives — Massachusetts — Boston; Bisexual women; Computer hackers; Serial

murders; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Lawson, Michael. House Privilege (Atlantic Monthly P, 2021) (“a Boston mob boss” villain WorldCat) (DeMarco, Joe

(Fictitious character); Embezzlement; Government investigators; Murder — Investigation)

—. House Revenge (Atlantic Monthly P, 2016) (Congressional aide fights real estate developer in Boston) (Corruption;

DeMarco, Joe (Fictitious character); Government investigators; Real estate developers; Revenge; Boston)

—. Kingpin (Atlantic Monthly P,  2024)  (DeMarco, Joe (Fictitious character); Government investigators; Murder Investigation)

Lawson, Richard. All We Can Do Is Wait (Listening Library, 2018) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Mass. General

Hosp.) (Bridge failures; Teenagers)

LaZebnik, Claire Scovell. Families and Other Nonreturnable Gifts (5 Spot) (Young women — Family relationships; Life

change events; College teachers; Harvard University; College stories; Boston (Mass.)

Lea, Amy. Exes and O’s (Jove, 2023) (romance; male lead, “Boston firefighter” WorldCat)

LeCapois, Teejay. How to Beat the Human Race (Steeves Volmar-Cherenfant, 2023)  (Bisexual men; Boston (Mass.); Erotic; Interpersonal relations;

Legal stories;  Pharmaceutical industry;  Racially mixed people)

—. I Am God (Massachusetts: Teejay LeCapois, 2009) (Haitian Americans; Bisexuals; Science fiction; Boston (Mass.))

—. Patriarch of the Superhuman Race (Massachusetts: Teejay LeCapois, 2009) (Hero, Boston based bisexual State

Trooper by day, vampire at night) (Vampires; Bisexuals; Massachusetts)

Lee, Amanda. The Asylum Aberration (Winchester Shaw Publications, 2021) (Series: A Charlie Rose cozy mystery, book

nine) (in part, detective, ” abandoned as a child,” “search[es] . . . for her father. . . supposed to be somewhere in

Boston” WorldCat) (Murder — investigation)

Lee, Andrea. Interesting Women: Stories (Random House, 2002) (short stories) (Harvard Yard, Adams House among

more exotic locales) (Women; Man-woman relationships)

—. Lost Hearts in Italy: A Novel (Random House, 2006) (inter-racial Harvard [Adams House, Yard] students marry in

Boston, but most set in Italy) (mid-80s-mid oughts) (Women authors; Americans–Italy; Triangles (Interpersonal

relations; Maried people; Rome)

Lee, Don. The Collective: A Novel (Norton, 2012) (three friends as “adults in Cambridge, Massachusetts” form “the

Asian American Artists Collective” WorldCat) (Artists; Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.))

—. “Oriental Hair Poets” (in Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (New York: Akashic, 2009) (Asian-American “literary feud”;


—. The Partition: Stories (Akashic, 2022) (“Asian American identity, . . . these nine novelistic stories traverse an array of cities,

from Tokyo to Boston, Honolulu to El Paso” WorldCat)

Lee, Linda Francis. The Ex-Debutante (St. Martin’s Press, 2008) (rich Texas young woman escapes to Boston until

romance strikes; more Texas than Boston) (Women lawyers; Women — Texas — Societies and clubs; Balls

(Parties) — Texas; Rich people — Texas)

Lee, Tosca. Demon: A Mémoire (Quelle, 2024)  (main character, “editor for a small Boston press” WorldCat) (Angels Biography; Authors;

Biography as a literary form;  Christian fiction;  Demonology;  Devil;  Spiritual Warfare)
Lee, Wendy.  Habeas Campus: An Angela Matelli Mystery (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2002) (Matelli, Angela (Fictitious

character); Women private investigators; Italian American Women; Vermont; Zombies) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. He Who Dies …: An Angela Matelli Mystery (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2000) (Providence mafia) (Matelli, Angela

(Fictitious character); Women private investigators; Organized crime) (Amazon)

Lefebrve, Heather. The Common (Texas State U, 2016) (Bombings — Massachusetts — Boston; Mother and child;


Lehane, Dennis. See Dennis Lehane Books

—. “Animal Rescue” (Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir [Akashic, 2009]) (“pit bull” Amazon) [Dorchester])

—. The Drop (Morrow, 2014) (novel based on “Animal Rescue”; also, a film) (Criminals; Couples; Rescue dogs)

—. Moonlight Mile (Morrow, 2010) (Gone,Baby, Gone 12 years later) (Kenzie, Patrick (Fictitious character); Gennaro,

Angela (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Missing persons — Investigation; Inner cities — Massachusetts

— Boston)

Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (New York: Akashic, 2009) (each story set in different Boston neighborhood) (“Exit

Interview” Lynne Heitman (financial district; “few references to” Boston [Michael Patrick Brody Internet Wayback

Machine]); “Animal Rescue” Dennis Lehane (“pit bull” Amazon) [Dorchester]; “Place Where He Belongs” Jim

Fusilli (Beacon Hill; Public Garden); “Dark Waters” Patricia Powell (Watertown;middle-aged black woman);

“Femme Sole” Dana Cameron (“18th-century Boston [1795], the story follows Anna Hoyt, a tavern owner in the

North End” [Hannah E. Martin, “Notions of Noir,” Globe 8 Dec. 2009]; “Dark Island” Brendan DuBois (post-WWII,

Harbor islands [Bruce Grossman, “Boston Noir” 28 Dec. 2009]; “a Scollay Square PI” [Michael Patrick Brody

Internet Wayback Machine]); “Reward” Stewart O’Nan (Brookline; lost pets); “Cross-eyed Bear” John Dufresne

(South Boston; “pedophile priest”); “Oriental Hair Poets” Don Lee (Asian-American “literary feud”; Cambridge);

“Collar” Itabari Njeri (scorned woman; Roxbury); “Turn Speed” Russ Aborn (“North Quincy bank robbers”

[Michael Patrick Brody Internet Wayback Machine]) (Amazon)

—, Mary Cotton, and Jaime Clarke, ed. Boston Noir 2: The Classics (Akashic Books, 2012) (“The Marriage Privilege”

by Chuck Hogan (West Roxbury); “Night-Side” by Joyce Carol Oates (Quincy); “Surrogate” by Robert B. Parker

(Watertown); “Mushroomsï: by Dennis Lehane (Dorchester); “Lucky Penny” by Linda Barnes (Beacon Hill);

“Blanche Cleans Up” (excerpt) by Barbara Neely (Brookline); “The Balance of the Day” by George V. Higgins

(Roxbury); “Bait” (excerpt) by Kenneth Abel (South Boston); “Driving the Heart” by Jason Brown (Boston General

Hospital); “The 5:22” by George Harrar (Kendall Square); “Infinite Jest” (excerpt) by David Foster Wallace

(Brighton); “At Night” by David Ryan (Back Bay))

Lehane, Dennis, and Michael Connelly. “Red Eye” (Ed. David Baldacci. Face Off. Simon & Schuster, 2014) (two

detectives collaborate in Boston) (Bosch, Harry; Kenzie, Patrick (Fictitious character); Missing persons;

Murder — Investigation)

Lehr, Dick. Trell: Nothing But the Truth (Candlewick P, 2017) (False imprisonment; Fathers and daughters; Gangs;

Judicial error; Murder — Investigation; Boston)

Leibowitz, A. M. Anthem. Book One (Supposed Crimes, 2016) (Series: Notes from Boston, v. 1) (Church musicians;

Gays; Boston)

Leigh, Jo. One Sizzling Night (Harlequin, 2016) (Art theft) (Intelligent buildings; Interpersonal attraction; Undercover

operations; Veterans; Boston)

Leigh, T.K. A Tragic Wreck (Cathead Bisquit, 2014) (Suspense) (Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.); Florida;

Erotic stories)

Lement, Wendy. Keri Tarr Cat Detective (Halcottsville, NY: Breakaway Books, 2004) (Juvenile–grades 3-5) (Bolton,

Mass., based detective; Jamaica Plain; Paris) (Cats; Magic) (Amazon)

Lentzski, Eliza. Hoops & Heartstrings: A Rivals-to-Lovers Sapphic Novel (2024) (Basketball; Boston (Mass.); Gay;
Lesbian; Professional athletes; Queer; Romance’ Sports; Sports rivalries; Woman-woman relationships;
Women basketball players; Women basketball players Wounds and injuries)
Lessman, Julie. A Light in the Window: An Irish Love Story (Ten Talents P, 2012) (Christmas plays; Love stories;

Christian fiction; Boston (Mass.))

Leto, Julie. Dirty Little Lies (Pocket Books, 2006) (Series: Marisela Morales novels, 2; opens in “blustery Boston” [p. 9]

with attempted murder) (United States. Congress. Senate; Murder; Women assassins; Cold cases (Criminal

investigation); Women bounty hunters; Morales, Marisela; Mexican-American women; Hispanic-American women;

Boston; Romantic suspense; Humorous stories) (Amazon and Google Books)

Leverone, Richard. Loony Bin (Infinity Publishing, 2006) (Boston area main character; Red Sox; mental institutions; drug

company rivalry and chicanery) (Amazon and Google Books)

Levin, Michael. Veritas (iUniverse, 2007) (Harvard; Twins; Race relations)

Levitz, Paul, et al. Worlds’ Finest. Volume 5, Homeward Bound (DC Comics, 2015) (Series: New 52) (“city of Boston is

inadvertently plunged into a blackout”) (Power Girl (Fictitious character); Huntress (Fictitious character); Graphic


Levy, Franklin H. Die, Decorator, Die: A Novel of Murder, Greed and Interior Design  (Beverly Hills, CA: Phoenix Books,

2008) (Yuppie lawyer and decorator wife team) (Interior decorators; Spouses; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Levy, Robert Joseph. Go Ask Malice: A Slayer’s Diary (New York: Simon Spotlight Entertainment, 2006) (Series: Buffy,

the Vampire Slayer, 54; Buffyverse novels, 19) (Faith; South Boston; Harvard prof.) (Teenagers; Foster care;

Imaginary playmates; Demons; Dreams; Vampires; Vampire slayers; Teenage girls; Boston; TV tie-ins (Fiction);

Coming-of-age stories; Horror stories; Occult) (Google Books)

Lew, Jennifer. Ripples (Tortoise Shell Books, 2016) (main character “Boston newspaper reporter” Summary)

(Journalists; Medical scientists; Murder; Boston)

Lewis, Erika. Kelcie Murphy and the Academy for the Unbreakable Arts (Starscape, Tom Doherty, 2022) (Series: The

academy of the unbreakable arts, 1)  (supernatural, Celtic mythology, heroine “abandoned . . . in Boston

Harbor eight years ago” WorldCat)

Lewis, J. Patrick. illus. Amiko Hirao. Tulip at the Bat (Little, Brown, 2007) (Juvenile–K-grade 3) (New York Pets defeat

Boston Beasts in World Series) (Thayer, Ernest Lawrence, 1863-1940. Casey at the bat — Parodies; World

Series (Baseball); Baseball — Poetry; Animals — Poetry; Children’s poetry, American — 21st century; Picture

books for children, American; Humorous poetry, American — 21st century)

Lewitt, Fil. Conviction: (A Mercy Investigations novel) featuring Mercy Torcher (Fictional Enterprises, 2015) (Women

private investigators — California — San Francisco; Private investigators — California — San Francisco; Murder

— Investigation — Massachusetts — Boston)

Li, Grace D. Portriat of a Thief (Tiny Reparations Books, 2022) (in part, Harvard senior; Cambridge) (Chinese Americans;

Cultural property; Chinese diaspora; Art thefts; Art, Chinese; College students)

Li, Olivia, Heide Solbrig, Ben Doane, and Jamie Koh, eds. Spellbound: A Boston Urban Fantasy Comics Anthology

(Boston Comics Roundtable, 2015) (“Boston-area independent comics creators . . . challenge the way we view

the world by adding a dash of the supernatural into life in the big city”

(Comic books, strips, etc. — Massachusetts — Boston)

Lieberman, Michael. The Women of Harvard Square: A Novel in Short Stories (Huntsville, Texas: Texas Review P,

2014) (Femininity; Mothers and daughters; Sisters; Women authors, American)

Lieberman, Tucker. Most Famous Short Film of All Time (Munich: tRaum Books, 2022) (main character works in Boston
in 2014) (Assassination; Conspiracies; Kennedy, John F. 1917-1963 Assassination)

Lin, Harper. Coffee, Cream Pies, and Crimes (Tantor Audio, 2023) (“deadly game of cooking and killing in Boston” WorldCat) (Bakers;  Murder


Lindsay-Abaire, David. Good People (Theatre Communications Group, 2011) (Play) (Blue collar workers; Women blue

collar workers; South Boston (Boston, Mass.))

Liscio, David. Deadly Fare: A Serial Killer Khriller (David Liscio, 2016) (Logan Airport; woman detective) (Serial


Lish, Atticus. The War for Goria (Knopf, 2021) (“a small town in Massachusetts in the early 2000s, where the working

class world collides with the professional and academic worlds of nearby Boston and Cambridge” WorldCat;

“Set in and around the working-class neighbohoods of Boston during Obama’s presidency,” Andre Dubus III,

NYTimes Bk. Rev. 10 Oct. 2021: 8) (Mothers and sons; Fathers and sons; Abusive men; Amyotrophic lateral

sclerosis — Patients)

Lithgow, John. illus. Igor Oleynikov. Mahalia Mouse Goes to College (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2007)

(Juvenile–3rd grade+) (2005 Harvard commencement speech) (Mice; Harvard University; Universities and

colleges; rhyme)

Little, Eddie. Steel Toes (New York: LA Weekly Book for St. Martin’s, 2001) (coin theft from Fogg Museum)

(Fugitives from justice; California; Art thefts; Prisons; Escapes) (Amazon and Google Books)

Liu, Ken. “Reborn” (The Anderson Project. Ed. David G Hartwell. Tor, 2014) (“alien invasion set in Boston” WorldCat)

Lnu, Fnu. Crimson Blood, or, Murder at the Law School (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2014) (Harvard Law School;

Murder; Massachusetts — Boston)

Lonergan, Tom. Heartbreak Hill: The Boston Marathon Thriller (Lincoln, Neb.: iUniverse, 2002) (“Fictional story of race-

day complications,celebrity entries, and a swift investigation” The Ultimate Guide to the Boston Marathon

13 Apr. 2007) (Boston Marathon) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. High Idle (iUniverse, 2004) (detective is male hi-tech entrepreneur; Native American lawyer; Radcliffe drop-out)

(Aamazon and Google Books)

Loosigina, Peter. Waiting for Willie: A Story about People, a Story about Life (Gage Hill P, 2006) (starts in Boston)

Lopez, Ralph. American Dream (Virtualbookworm Pub., 2003) (Central Square; street people, not Harvard students;

anti-globalization; 1999 to post 9/11)

Loring, Kayley, and Connor Crais. Dash: Rushing the Play (2024) (“rookie defensive end for the Boston TomcatsWorldCat)

(Ballerinas; Football players;  Man-woman relationships)

—. Decker: Changing the Play (2024) (Series: Boston Tomcats #12) (“star quarterback for the Boston Tomcats” WorldCat) (Football players;

Man-woman relationships)

—. Duke: Faking the Play (2024) (Series: Boston Tomcats #4) (“Placekicker for the Boston Tomcats” WorldCat) (Actresses; Football players;

Man-woman relationships)

Lou, Sabrina. Paradise Girls: Contemporary Realistic Young Adult Fiction (Thesis (Masters)–Simmons College, 2009)

(Chinese students — Foreign countries; Chinatown (Boston, Mass.); Immigrants — Massachusetts — Boston)

Lovascio, Jane, and Jeff Scott. illus. Aija Jasuna. Casey and Bella go to Boston (Big Tent Books, 2011) (Juvenile–4+)

(Dogs; Friendship; Perseverance (Ethics); Bullying)

Love-Rose, Paige. The Vampire in Roxbury (Paige Love-Rose, 2018) (Cold cases (Criminal investigation); Irish

Americans; Police; Vampires; Boston)

Love-Wins, Bella. Accidentally Mine (Insatiable P, 2024) (heroine, “return[s] to Boston to check in on . . .  aunt and to get . . .

late father’s affairs in order” WorldCat) (Billionaires; Romance; Thrillers)

Loyster, Sara Jane. The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit: A Novel (Berkeley, CA: She Writes P, 2021) (Secondary

(senior high) school) (Sargent, John Singer 1856-1925 — Daughters of Edward Darley Boit; Sisters; Time travel;

Painting, American –19th century; Paris (France) –History – 1870-1940; Boston — History –20th century)

Lozada-Oliva, Melissa. Candelaria (Astra House, 2023) (Starts “Boston, Massachusetts 12:03 P.M. . . . at a low-income,

for-the-elderly, apartment building in Boston’s South End”; “cataclysmic earthquake hits Boston” WorldCat ) (Mothers and daughters;

Families; Grandmothers)

Luis, Maria. Power Play (Tantor Audio, 2017) (“Boston backdrop” Goodreads; romance; hockey)

Lupica, Mike. llus. Chris Danger. The Hockey Rink Hunt (Philomel Books, 2019) (Primary school) (background, Stanley

Cup Finals in Boston) (Twins; Brothers and sisters; Lost and found possessions)

—. Last Man Out (Philomel Books, 2016) (Elementary and junior high school) (Football; Fire fighters; Death; Fathers

and sons; Brothers and sisters; Family life — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Miracle on 49th Street (Philomel Books, 2006) (Elementary and junior high school ) (Celtics) (Fathers and

daughters; Interpersonal relationships; Basketball; Boston (Mass.))

—. Robert B. Parker’s Blood Feud (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2018) (“Boston’s mean streets”) (Mafia; Man-woman

relationships; Randall, Sunny (Fictitious character); Women private investigators)

—.  Robert B. Parker’s Broken Trust (Putnam, 2023) (Billionaires; Boston (Mass.); Husband and wife; Private investigators; Spenser

(Fictitious character); Spouses)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Grudge Match (Penguin Random House, 2020) (Divorced women; Missing persons —

Investigation; Murder; Organized crime; Randall, Sunny (Fictitious character); Women private

investigators; Massachusetts — Boston)

—.  Robert B. Parker’s Hot Property (Putnam, 2024) (Attempted murder;  Boston (Mass.);  Criminal investigation;  Private investigators; Public

prosecutors;  Revenge;  Secrecy;  Spenser (Fictitious character);  Women lawyers)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Payback (Putnam, 2021) (Sex crimes; Women college students — Crimes against; Women

private investigators; Boston;Randall, Sunny (Fictitious character); Friendship; Nieces; Suicide)

—. Robert B. Parker’s Revenge Tour (Putnam, 2022) (Randall, Sunny — (Fictitious character); Women private investigators;

Women novelists; Murder — Investigation)

Lynch, Jim. The Hook and the Badge: Life on the Waterfront (iUniverse, 2008) (Charlestown murder [May 1953];

longshoreman becomes cop) (Murder — Massachusetts — Boston; Detectives — Massachusetts — Boston;

Detective and mystery stories; Charlestown (Boston, Mass.)) (Google Books)

—. The Longshoremen: Life on the Waterfront (iUniverse, 2014) (3 generations of longshoremen) (Stevedores;

Waterfronts; Boston)

Lynne, Carol. Finnegan’s Promise (Ellora’s Cave, 2007) (Bartenders; Football players; Gay men; Massachusetts —


Lyon, Richard K. “The Nun’s Demon Lover.” Tales from the Lyonheart (, 2007: 20-44) (supernatural; partly

Boston; time travel to Paris in 1940s)

—-. “Skeletons and Other Inhabitants of the Closet.” Tales from the Lyonheart (, 2007: 77-87) (Harvard

professor; police; terrorism; private detective; FBI)

Lyons, Allan S. Bamboozle! (ASJA P, 2006) (Back Bay clubs; Nantucket; revenge; Mob; abused woman main

character) (Contract bridge)

MacConnell, Michael. Maelstrom: Sometimes the Evidence Lies (Sydney: Hachette Livre Australia, 2007) (Sarah Reilly #1)

(United States. — Federal Bureau of Investigation — Officials and employees; Women intelligence officers —

Massachusetts — Boston; Serial murder investigation) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Splinter (Rydalmere, N.S.W.: Hodder Headline,  2008) (United States. — Federal Bureau of Investigation —

Officials and employees; Women intelligence officers — Massachusetts — Boston; Children of the rich — Crimes

against — California; Murder — Investigation; Extortion) (Pub. Des., Libraries Ausatralia)

MacDonald, Patricia. Sisters (Severn House, 2013) (Family secrets; Adoption; Sisters; Boston (Mass.))

—. Suspicious Origin (Simon and Schuster, 2003) (heroine, cable TV news producer; romance) (Women television

producers and directors — Massachusetts — Boston; Arson; Murder; Problem families)

MacDonald, Tom. Beyond the Bridge: A Novel (Oceanview Pub., 2013) (Serial killer of pedophile priests) (Murder

investigation; Boston (Mass.))

—. The Charlestown Connection (Oceanview Publishing, 2011) (Ex-BC football star hero; IRA; FBI; mob) (Murder;


—. Murder in the Charlestown Bricks: A Dermot Sparhawk Crime Novel (Sparhawk P, 2018) (Murder — Investigation;

Private investigators)

—. The Murder of Vincent Dunn (2022) (Charlestown (Boston, Mass.);  Micmac Indians;  Murder Investigation;  New Hampshire;

Private investigators; Sparhawk, Dermot (Fictitious character))

—. The Revenge of Liam McGrew: A Dermot Sparhawk Novel (Sparhawk P, 2015) (Charlestown (Boston, Mass.);

Belfast (Northern Ireland))

MacDonnell, Julia. Mimi Malloy at Last (Picador, 2014) (heroine lives “in the heart of Quincy”) (Retirement; Life change

events; Memories; Families )

MacGregor, Roy. The Boston Breakout (Tundra Books, 2014) (Juvenile; New England Aquarium–plot to free the

penguins) (Hockey teams; Hockey stories)

Mackenzie, Kasey. Blackhearted Betrayal (Ace, 2012) (Supernatural; fantasy) (Furies (Roman mythology); Gods;

Boston (Mass.))

—. Green-eyed Envy: A Shades of Fury Novel (Ace, 2011) (“Boston’s magical underworld” WorldCat) (Furies (Roman

mythology); Shapeshifting; Magic)

Mackenzie, Myrna. The Heir’s Convenient Wife (Thorndike/Chivers, 2008) (romance) (Women photographers; Spouses;

Weddings; Boston (Mass.))

Mackin, Patricia. Beantown (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014) (heroine, “a native of South Boston”;

“a nostaligic tale about the good old days and present time as well and how these folks remember and perceive

the city” Worldcat) (Friendship; Married people; Sisters)

MacKinnon, Amy. Tethered: A Novel. (New York: Shaye Areheart, 2008) (Brockton) (Undertakers and undertaking;

Murder — Investigation; Self-realization; Gilrs — Crimes against) (Amazon)

Macomber, Debbie. When Christmas Comes (MIRA, 2004) (House swap to Boston; college professors; romance)

(Home exchange; Leavenworth (Wash.))

Maddison, Lauren. Epitaph for an Angel: A Connor Hawthorne Mystery (Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2003) (Boston

funeral; Fore River Bridge) (Women novelists; Lesbians) (Amazon and Google Books)

Madeley, Richard. The Way You Look Tonight (Simon & Schuster, 2014) (part Boston, Spring 1962) (Kennedy family;

Criminal psychology; Florida Keys)

Maguire, Meg. Taking Him Down (Harlequin, 2013) (Romance; “recovery back in Boston” Worldcat) (Mixed martial arts;

Sports promoters; Man-woman relationships)

Mahoney, Karen. Falling to Ash (North Sydney, N.S.W.: Random House Australia, 2012) (Vampires and zombies in

Boston) (Vampires)

Maillard, Keith. Looking Good  (Edmonton, Alberta: Brindle and Glass Pub, 2006) (Series: Difficulty at the

beginning, 4) (“Boston revolutionary underground at the paranoid tail of the ’60s” WorldCat) (Dupre, John;

Young men; Young women; Drug dealers; Sex role; Riots; Underground newspapers; Androgyny; Men/women

relations; Interpersonal relations; Best friends; The Sixties (20th century); Boston; Coming-of-age stories)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Maitland, Kaitlin. Bellicoso (Loose ID, 2014) (Series: Boston Avant-Garde 5) (Heroine, “the princess of one of

Boston’s most prominent families”) (BDSM & Fetish, Multicultural, Menage & Polyamory,

Contemporary) (Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Sexual dominance and submission)

—. Crescendo (Loose Id, 2012) (Series: Boston Avant-Garde 2) (heroine finds “the two sexiest [male] lawyers in

Boston”) (Menage & Polyamory, Contemporary) (Legal stories; Triangles (Interpersonal relations))

—. Encore (Loose Id, 2013) (Series: Boston Avant-Garde 4) (heroine, cellist and stripper; “Boston night club scene”)

(Menage & Polyamory, Contemporary)

—. Impetuous (Series: Boston Avant-Garde 3)

—. Strung Out (Loose Id, 2010) (Series: Boston Avant-Garde 1) (heroine, classical musician; hero, millionaire)

(Interpersonal relations)

Maiuri, Kayka. Mother in the Dark (Riverhead Books, 2022) (in part “[g]rowing up in working class Boston in an Italian

American family” WorldCat;  Everett) (Bildungsromans; Boston (Mass.); Community life; Conflict (Psychology);

Families; Mothers and daughters;  Psychic trauma;  Sisters;  Social classes;  Social isolation)

Majka, Sara. Cities I’ve Never Lived In: Stories (Graywolf, 2016) (last story “Boston”)

Maloni, Michael J. Defenseman: A Hockey Player’s Story (Eloquent Books, 2009) (One brother defenseman for BU hockey

team; other, a BU grad) (Hockey players; Mental illness; Brothers; Friendship)

Manley, Rachel. The Fellowship: A Novel (Toronto: Cormorant Books, 2019) (“middle-aged [female] Caribbean writer . . .

a one-year fellowship at a mid-sized university in Cambridge, MA” WorldCat; feminism; race)

Mann, Marni. Memoirs Aren’t Fairytales: A Story of Addiction (Booktrope, 2011) (Unsuccessful escape from drugs in

Boston) (Drug abuse; Teenagers — Drug use)

—. When Darkness Ends (Toronto: Marni Mann, 2021) (Series: Moments in Boston 3) (“contemporary romance”

WorldCat) (Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.))

—. When We Met (2021) (Fate and fatalism; Man-woman relationships; Boston)

Mann, William J. Where the Boys Are (Kensington, 2003) (sequel to The Men From the Boys (1997); Boston/

Provincetown; turn of the millenium) (Gay men; Provincetown)

Manning, Kirsty. The Lost Jewels (Chatswood, NSW: Wavesound, 2020) (heroine, Boston based) (Family secrets;

Historians; Jewelry)

Manuel, David. A Matter of Principle: A Faith Abbey Mystery (Brewster, Mass: Paraclete P, 2003) (Boston museuem

robbed by visiting nuns) (Bartholomew, Brother (Fictitious character); Americans — Spain; Pamplona (Spain);

Pyrenees; Monks)

Manus, Peter. The Dorchester Five (Diversion Books, 2017) (Murder — Investigation; Revenge; Women detectives)

—. Fickle: A Novel of Suspense (New York: Virgin Books, 2008) (suicide?/murder? at Mass. Ave. T station)

(Women murder suspects; Witnesses; Blogs Men — Suicidal behavior; Murder; Frameups; Diary novels;

Psychological suspense; Noir fiction)

Marchant, Fred. “Pinckney Street” (The Looking House, Graywolf P, 2009) (poem)

Marcus, Wendy S. Loving You Is Everything (Loveswept, 2015) (interrupted romance in Boston fixed in New York)

(Penpals; Man-woman relationships; Soldiers)

Marie, Tasha. Small City, Big Dreams (Ambitious Ink Presents, 2017) (Romance) (Man-woman relationships; Street

life; Boston)

Marinick, Richard. Boyos: A Novel (Boston: Kate’s Mystery Books, 2004) (Marty Fallon = Whitey Bulger)) (Criminals;

South Boston)

—. In For a Pound: A Novel (Boston: Kate’s Mystery Books, 2007) (Ex-convicts; Gangsters; Irish American criminals;

South Boston (Boston, Mass.))

Markley, Sam. A House Shaken: A Novel (Trafford Pub., 2009) (Young men — Connecticut — Danielson; Family life —

Connecticut — Danielson; Alcoholics — Family relationships — Connecticut — Danielson; Danielson (Conn.);

Boston (Mass.))

Marsh, Carole. The Mystery on the Freedom Trail: The Mystery at the Boston Marathon (Juvenile) (Peachtree City, GA:

Gallopade, 2003) (“four kides ages 7-14 kids . . . try to track down the mysterious whereabouts of their school

teacher cousin who disappeared from the famous Boston Marathon” [Back Cover]) (Marathon running)

(Back Cover Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Mystery at the Boston Marathon: Teacher’s Guide (Peachtree City, GA: Gallopade International/Carole Marsh

Books, 2003) (Google Books)

Marsh, Rache M. Rougarou Magic (HarperCollins, 2024) (“Ages 8-12. Grades 2-3“) (main character, “sixth-grader” “in her second year of living

in Boston” WorldCat) (Cajun; Identity; Magic; Mythical animals)

Martin, Kat. Desert Heat (Kensington, 2004) (Series: Sinclair sisters trilogy, 2; heroine BU Ph.D. candidate; little Boston,

mainly west) (Rodeo performers; Women scholars; Impostors; Men/women relations; Suspicion; Accidents;

Jealousy in men; Ex-lovers; Stalkers; Women stalking victims; Rodeos — The West (United States); Women

rodeo performers; Competition; Murder; Dissertation writing; Uncle and nephew; Arson; Texas; Boston;

Romantic suspense) (Google Books)

Martin, Kelley R. Down and Out (Kelley R. Martin, 2014) (romance; hero, boss of “Boston’s newest underground

fighting organization” WorldCat) (Gymnasiums — Employees; Mixed martial arts; Man-woman relationships)

Martin, Louise. illus. Gabriele Tafuni. A Haunted Ghost Tour in Boston (Hometown World, 2023) (Halloween;  Picture book)

Martin, Steve. An Object of Beauty (Grand Central, 2010) (mainly NY and elsewhere, but some Isabella Stewart

Gardner Museum + plate of John Singer Sargent’s El Jaleo; 1990s-2010) (Art — New York (State) — New

York; Art auctions; New York (N.Y.) — Social life and customs)

Martin, Tracey. Misery Loves Company (Samhain Publishing, 2015) (one character, “Boston’s goblin leader”) (Man-

woman relationships; Psychics; Satyrs (Greek mythology))

Martin, William. The Lost Constitution (Forge, 2007) (finale, Fenway Park during World Series; 18th c.-21st c.)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Mathewson, R.L. Fated (Los Gatos: Smashwords Edition, 2016) (“top Alpha male of Boston”) (Man-woman

relationships; Vampires)

Matthews, Susanne. The White Lily (Crimson Romance, 2015) (FBI in Boston) (Women detectives)

Mauricio, Jaimy. Beyond 2012: Watch Where You’re Going (Outskirts Press, 2011) (Hadron colliders — Switzerland;

End of the world — Prophecies; Brighton, Mass.)

Maydak, Rick. One If by Heaven Two If by Hell (Leucrota Press, 2009) (Bartenders; Telepathy; Boston (Mass.))

Mayor, Archer. Paradise City: A Joe Gunther Novel (St. Martin’s P 2012) (in part murder on Beacon Hill; but more

Vermont and Northampton)

Maxwell, Gina L. Hot for the Fireman (Entangled Publishing, 2017) (Boston Fire Depart.) (Man-woman relationships;


Maya, Love P. “Unschooled.” The Valedictorian: Five Short Stories (Writersworld Limited, 2004: ? ) (short story;

Revere Beach)

Maybury, Paul. art, Sam Lotfi. color, John Rauch. letters, Adam Pruett. Last Stop on the Red Line (Milwaukie, OR:

Dark Horse Books, 2019) (“vicious strangling on a Boston subway car” WorldCat, graphic novel,


Mayquist, Kit. Tripping Arcadia: A Novel (Dutton 2022) (heroine “work[s] for one of Boston’s most elite families” WorldCat)

(Elite (Social sciences); Family secrets; Gay culture; Heirs; Revenge; Rich people; Sexual minorities; Sexual orientation;

Inheritance and succession; Boston (Mass.))

Mazur, Dan, ed. Boston Powers (Boston Comics Roundtable, 2020) (comic books for kids, stories set in Boston

and area)

McAleer, Andrew. Appearance of Counsel: A Novel (Atlanta: Protea Pub., 2001) (Detective–Joseph C. Gleason, a lawyer

in Arlington, Massachusetts) (Lawyers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Double Endorsement (Atlanta: Protea Pub., 2003) (Boston woman attorney and male PI) (Amazon)

McAllister, Andrew. Unauthorized Access: A Novel ([Fredericton, N.B.]: Andrew McAllister, 2012) (Boston’s fictional

Malden bank) (Banks and banking; Computer crime; Computer programmers; Computer security;

Cyberterrorism; False imprisonment)

McArdle, Tracy. Real Women Eat Beef: A Coming-of-Middle-Age Story (Downtown P, 2007) (Farming; Boston ad

agency) (Middle-aged women; Divorced women; Advertising)

McCaffrey, Vincent. Hound: A Mystery (Easthampton, MA: Small Beer P, 2009) (“mystery about Boston, books, and

murder”) (Booksellers and bookselling)

—. A Slepyng Hound to Wake: A Mystery (Easthampton, MA: Small Beer P, 2011) (Booksellers and bookselling; Murder;

Boston (Mass.) (Small Beer Press)

McCarthy, James P. Fatal Flaws (Boston: Aihole Pub., 2003) (Boston courtroom, medical malpractice) (Amazon

and Google Books)

McCray, Cheyenne. The First Sin (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2009) (Boston S & M clubs) (United States. National

Security Agency — Officials and employees; Human smuggling; Kidnapping; Men/women relations;

Prostitution; Sex crimes; Kidnapping investigation; Steele, Lexi; Donovan, Nicholas; Romantic suspense


McCarron, Marina. The Time Between Us (London: Aria, 2022) (romance) (Normandy (France)–20th century;

Boston (Mass.)–21st century)

McCarten, Anthony. Going Zero (Harper, 2023) (heroione, “a ‘single, childless, nearsighted,’ book-loving librarian from Boston”

Sarah Lyall, Thrillers NYTBkRev 4 Jun 2023: 24) (Contests; Electronic surveillance; Librarians; Spyware (Computer

software); Surveillance detection)

McCauley, Stephen. Alternatives to Sex (Simon & Schuster, 2006) (Boston realtor; post 9/11) (Gay men; Real estate

agents — Massachusetts —Boston; Boston (Mass.))

—. Insignificant Others (Simon & Schuster, 2010) (Cambridge/Boston) (Gay men)

McCracken, Elizabeth. “The Lost & Found Department of Greater Boston” (in Thunderstruck and Other Stories. Dial,

2014) (“the manager of a grocery store becomes fixated on the famous case of a missing local woman, and on

the fate of the teenage son she left behind” National Book Award Foundation; Internet Wayback Machine)

McDermott, D.L. Blade Dance (Pocket Star, 2015) (“paranormal romance”; Charlestown) (Elementary school teachers;

Man-woman relationships)

—. Silver Skin Pocket Star Books, 2014) (Charlestown; South Boston) (Magicians; Fairies; Magic; Man-woman


McDonald, Megan. Judy Moody Declares Independence (Candlewick P, 2005) (Primary school) (Judy inspired by vist

to Boston Revolutionary War sites) (Responsibility; Humorous stories)

McDonell, Nick. An Expensive Education (London: Atlantic, 2009) (Harvard University; Women college teachers —

Massachusetts — Cambridge; Somalis — Massachusetts — Cambridge; College students — Massachusetts —

Cambridge; Intelligence officers — United States; Americans — Somalia; Revolutionaries — Somalia) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. trans. Samuel Sfez. Guerre à Harvard (Flammarion, 2008) (Iraq war, 2006-07; 94 pgs.)

McElroy, Laurie. Star Crazy (The Suite life of Jack and Cody # 7) (Juvenile: ages 9-12) (Disney Press, 2007) (Boston

hotel) (Twins; Hotels; Boston (Mass.))

McFarland, Dennis. Letter from Point Clear: A Novel (Henry Holt, 2007) (mainly Alabama, but some Wellfleet and

Cambridge) (Brothers and sisters; Alabama)

McGee, Stephenia H. A Colonial Courtship (Mississippi: The Vine P, 2021) (time travel to “Colonial Boston on the doorstep

of the Revolutionary War” WorldCat) (Families; Secrecy)

McGovern, James. Artful Deception: A Novel (Long Point, 2011) (Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; Art thefts; Art

thefts — Investigation)

McGovern, Kate. Rules for 50/50 Chances (Farrar, Straus Giroux, 2015) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Huntington’s

disease; Sick; Dating (Social customs); Family life — Massachusetts — Boston)

McGrath, Carmelita. illus. Rochelle Baker. The Boston Box (Tuckamore Books, 2003) (Juvenile; Depression New

Foundland, box of discarded goods from Boston relative feeds dreams of escape and exciting life; 32 pages)

McGregor, Elizabeth. A Road Through the Mountains (Bantam, 2004) (Present time in Boston) (Asperger’s

syndrome — Patients; British; Mothers and daughters; Coma; Women painters; Single mothers; Birthfathers)

McGrory, Brian [Globe reporter]. Dead Line: A Novel (Simon and Schuster, 2003) (Jack Flynn,reporter, gets tip about

Gardner heist at Red Sox game) (Journalists; Mafia; Art thieves; Mayors) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Incumbent (Pocket Books, 2000) (Boston reporter; some scenes in Boston) (Presidents — Election; Attempted

assassination; Washington (D.C.); Political campaigns; Journalists; Flynn, Jack (Fictitious character)) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—–. The Nominee (Atria Books, 2002) (Flynn, Jack (Fictitious character); Journalists; Presidents–United States–

Nominations) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Strangled (Atria Books, 2007) (contemporary parallel/connection to Boston strangler of 1962-64; De Salvo,

Albert) (Journalists; Serial murderers)

McHugh, Jessica. The Train Derails in Boston (Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing, 2016) (No Boston except title(?);

horror; erotic)

McIntosh, Ann.  The Nurse’s Holiday Swap (Harlequin Mills & Boon, 2023) (“a Boston children’s ward” WorldCat)

(Christmas; Medical;  Romance)

McKay, Michael W. A Big House for Little Men (iUniverse, 2009) (20th-21st centuries) (Irish Americans —

Massachusetts — Boston; Prisoners — Massachusetts)

McKinlay, Jenn. Wait for It (Berkely, 2021) (starts with heroine “[s]tuck in a dreary Boston winter” but mainly Arizona WorldCat)

McKinty, Adrian. The Dead Yard: A Novel (Scribner, 2006) (IRA terroist group based outside Boston; Chapter 2:

AN ASSASSINATION IN REVERE) (Intelligence service — Great Britain; Terrorism — Prevention; Witnesses

— Protection; Undercover operations; Irish Republican Army)

McLarin, Kim. Jump at the Sun (HarperCollins, 2009) (“upscale Boston suburb” Publishers Weekly) (African-Americans;

African-American women; Middle class African-Americans; Mother and daughter; Self-sacrifice; Middle class;

Home (Social sciences); Escape (Psychology); Escapism; Family; Suburbs; Isolationism; Free will and

determinism; Race relations; Identity (Psychology); Boston; Domestic fiction)

McLaughlin, Ann L. Amy and George: A Novel (McKinleyville, California: John Daniel, 2013) (Families; Fathers and

daughters; Married people; Cambridge)

McLaughlin, Heidi. Grand Slam (Forever, 2017) (Series: The Boys of Summer, 3) (Boston Renegades) (Baseball players;

Man-woman relationships)

—. Third Base (Forever, 2017) (Series: Boys of Summer) (Boston (Mass.); Baseball players; Man-woman relationships)

McLaughlin, Jen. Dare to Lie (Headline Eternal, 2017) (Drug enforcement agents; Gangs; Man-woman relationships)

—. Dare to Stay (Headline Eternal, 2016) (Informers; Man-woman relationships; Boston)

McLean, Margaret. Under Fire (Forge, 2011) (Arson; shooting of Boston firefighter) (Muslims — Massachusetts —

Boston; Trials (Arson); Trials (Murder): Charlestown)

—. Under Oath (Forge, 2012) (Police — Massachusetts — Boston; Trials (Murder); Women lawyers; Charlestown (Boston,


McLellan, Gerald D. The Bully (iUniverse, 2014) (“Italian Men’s Club on Salem Street in Boston’s North End”; Sicily

and elsewhere [back cover])(Domestic relations; Domestic relations courts; Probate courts; Massachusetts

— Boston)

–. Old City Hall: A Novel (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2007) (Politics, North End bookies, and divorce) (Divorce–

Massachusetts–Boston) (Google Books)

—. A Permanent Bond: A Novel (New York; Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2009) (two Boston Chinese tongs) (Kidnapping;

Gangs; Shipbuilding; Suspense fiction; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon)

—. Silent Cry: A Novel (iUniverse, 2010) (racketer needs heir to inherit Mafia billions) (Trials (Custody

of children) — Massachusetts; Organized crime; Mafia; Inheritance and succession; Trusts and trustees)

McManus, Stephanie Hoffman. Fighting Ever After (S.H. McManus, 2015) (Male “lead singer for Boston’s hottest

band” Summary) (Man-woman relationships; Rock musicians)

McQuade, Molly. “The Buddha, in Boston.” The Paris Review 169 (Mar. 2004): 206) (poem)

McShane, Pol. Blue Moon (San Jose, Calif.: Writers Club Press, 2000) (Werewolves; Boston mental hospital)

(Psychiatrists; Mentally ill; Serial murderers; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon)

McVeigh, James. Stolen Faith (Dublin: Brandon, 2022)  (“Boston clerical abuse scandals,” “Set in Belfast, Dublin

and Boston . . . spanning the 40s, 50s, 60s and the present day” Google Books) (Ireland; Boston)

Meagher, Dermot. Judge Stories (Dermot Meagher, 2005) (typescript + photocopies of four stories previously published

in Doubletake, Spring 2001 and Fall 2002, and five stories previously published in Boston Magazine, March 2003;

“these are stories, plausible or otherwise, that I created out of the cases that have come before me [as judge,

Boston Muncipal Court, since 1989].” “Introduction” [unpaginated]) (Legal stories; Judges)

—. Lyons and Tigers and Bears: A Judge Joe Lyons Mystery (2012) (fictional Boston judge; Book of Kells; “a lot of gay

sex”) (Judges — Massachusetts — Boston)

Medwed, Mameve. How Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saved My Life (Morrow, 2006) (Cambridge) (Also 20th Century)

(Antiques roadshow (Television program); Collectors and collecting; Single women; Chamber pots)

—– Of Men and Their Mothers (William Morrow, 2008) (Somerville area; meddlesome mother-in-law and survivor

daughter-in-law) (Divorced women; Massachusetts)

Mefford, John W. The Alex Troutt Thriller Series: Books 1-6 (John W. Mefford, 2017) (partly in Boston) (Federal Bureau of

Investigation; Murder; Criminal investigation; Psychopaths)

Meier, Leslie. Father’s Day Murder: A Lucy Stone Mystery (Kensington, 2003) (newspaper convention in Boston)

(Stone, Lucy (Fictitious character); Women detectives; Women; Father’s Day; Maine) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Melnyczuk, Askold. The House of Widows: An Oral History (Graywolf P, 2008) (Boston; Rome; Kiev; Vienna;

Ukraine; Oxford; 1920s-2006; Boston-born hero learns about his family’s Ukrainian past) (Fathers — Death;

Fathers and sons; Ukrainians; Family secrets)

Melton, Keith. Blood Vice (Samhain Publishing, 2009) (Series: Nightfall syndicate, 1) (Vampires; Organized crime;

Boston (Mass.); Man-woman relationships)

—. Ghost Soldiers (Samhain Pub., 2011) (Vampires; Organized crime; Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.))

Meltzer, Brad. “The Empire Strikes Back” (The Mighty Johns and Other Stories, David Baldacci et al., Beverly Hills:

Phoenix Books, 2007) (MIT student prank at Harvard-Yale game)

Memolo, Ralph. A Perjurer’s Tale (Knyvet Square P, 2011) (“the political culture of an old city bordering the Charles

River”) (Author’s Summary)

Meredith, Dennis. The Happy Chip (Glyphus, 2017) (sci-fi thriller that starts with a murder on “a gloomy Boston

street) ( Nanotechnology)

Merey, Ryszard I. Read and Then Burn This: A Novella (tRaum, 2024)  (Bisexual men; Dancers Boston; Erotic; Gay)

Merlino, Linda. Swan Boat Souvenir (1stBooks, 2003) (Kidnapping; Murder; Boston (Mass.))

Merrill, Albert Adams. The Great Awakening: The Story of the Twenty-Second Century (Boston: George Book Pub.,

1899 [Internet Archive]) (imitation of Bellamy’s Looking Backward; opens with “my experiences with Professor

Harding, who was born in Boston in the year 2153″ 9) (Utopias)

Merullo, Roland. A Little Love Story: A Novel (Shaye Areheart Books, 2005) (politics, love, and cystic fibrosis in Boston

in fall 2002) (Cystic fibrosis–Patients; Construction workers; Governors–Staff; Traffic accidents; Artists)

—. The Return (PFP, 2014) (Fathers and sons; Italian American families; Italian Americans; Mafia; Witnesses —

Protection; Revere Beach)

—. Vatican Waltz (The Crown Publishing Group, 2013) (Women — Religious life; Vatican City; Boston (Mass.))

Merz, Jon F. 1) Boston-based vampire detective/agent John Lawson 2) Boston-based detective and wheelchair-

bound Jake Thunder

—. Danger-Close: A Jake Thunder Adventure (Five Star, 2004) (Private investigators; Indians of North America;

Adoption — Corrupt practices; Paralytics; Parapalegics)

—. The Destructor: A Lawson Vampire Novel (Kensington, 2003) (Vampires)

—. The Fixer (Pinnacle; Mallard, 2002) (Vampires)

—. The Invoker: A Lawson Vampire Novel (Pinnacle, 2002)(detective is a vampire) (Vampires)

—. The Syndicate: A Lawson Vampire Novel (Kensington, 2003) (New York) (Vampires)

Messud, Claire. The Woman Upstairs: A Novel (Knopf, 2013.) (Cambridge 3rd grade teacher; present = 2004)

(Elementary school teachers; Women artists; Teacher-student relationships)

Meyers, Randy Susan. Accidents of Marriage (Atria, 2014) (Public defenders; Social workers; Family secrets; Coma

— Patients; Boston (Mass.))

—. The Many Mothers of Ivy Puddingstone (Köehler Books, 2024) (in part, “a Boston political collective where [couples] live together with their

children in a rambling Boston house” WorldCat) (Communal living;  Families;  Life change events; Vermont)

Mezrich, Ben. “The Mechanic” (novella) (“a taut journey through . . . Boston, from the halls of Harvard to the glitz

of a waterfront casino to the ominously silent galleries of a museum” Globe 3 May, 2020: A1)

—. The Midnight Ride (Hachette, 2022) (starts 21st c. “at the Encore casino in Boston” WorldCat)  (Art thefts;  Cardsharping; Code and cipher

stories; College teachers; Cryptology; Ex-convicts; Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; Murder; Theft from museums)

—, and Tonya Mezrich. Charlie Numbers and the Woolly Mammoth (Juvenile 8-12; Public Garden) (Simon & Schuster

Books for Young Readers, 2019) (Mathematics; Genius; Woolly mammoth; Smuggling; Boston (Mass.); Mystery

and detective stories)

Miller, Caroline. The Breakup Prpoject (2021) (Series: Original Six, Book 1)  (male lead, “happy playing [hockey] in

Boston” WorldCat) (Hockey players; Man-woman relationships)

Miller, Corley C. Faustbook (Valencia, Calif.: California Institute of the Arts, School of Critical Studies, 2019) (in part,

“Satan at Harvard” WorldCat)

Miller, Pamela Boone. Laurel Grove: A Return to Rebel’s Crossing (iUniverse, 2005) (Quin Knollwood plot takes place

in Boston) (Family — Southern States)

Miller, Raine. Filthy Rich (Montlake Romance, 2016) (Series: Blackstone dynasty, 1) (heroine “works in Boston as an

interior design assistant” Kirkus Review) (Billionaires; Romance)

Miller, Sandra A. Wednesdays at One (Zibby, 2023) (starts in “a house on Ashford Street, in Cambridge”) (Boston

(Mass.); Errors; Families; Psychologists; Psychotherapist and patient)

Miller, Sue. The Lake Shore Limited (Knopf, 2010) (responses to 9/11; mainly elsewhere, but in part “the rainy brick

sidewalks of Boston”) (Women dramatists; Victims of terrorism; Terrorism victims’ families; Terrorism —

Psychological aspects)

—. Monogamy: A Novel (Harper, 2020) (husband, Cambridge bookseller; 1960s on) (Women photographers;

Husbands — Death; Widows; Adultery; Betrayal)

—. While I Was Gone (Bloomsbury, 2009) (Married women; Murderers; Women veterinarians; Massachusetts

— Cambridge)

Minichino, Camille. (Revere-based 50-year-old+ retired physicist detective, Gloria Lamerino)

—. The Beryllium Murder (Morrow, 2000) (mainly California; Revere based detective) (Women scientists; Berkeley


—. The Boric Acid Murder: A Gloria Lamerino Mystery (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2002) (Lamerino,

Gloria (Fictitious character); Revere Beach; Women physicists)

—. The Carbon Murder: A Periodic Table Mystery (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2004) (Lamerino, Gloria (Fictitious character);

Revere Beach; Women physicists; Murder)

—. The Nitrogen Murder: A Periodic Table Mystery (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2005) (mainly

California) (Lamerino, Gloria (Fictitious character); Security classification (Government documents); Women

physicists; Missing persons; California; Weddings)

—. The Oxygen Murder: A Periodic Table Mystery (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2006) (mainly in New

York) (Lamerino, Gloria (Fictitious character); Women physicists; New York (N.Y.))

Mirabelli, Eugene. Renato, the Painter: An Account of his Youth & his 70th Year in his Own Words (McPherson, 2012)

(Boston studio) (Older men; Painters)

—. Renato!: A Novel (McPherson, 2020) (“Individual parts revised and assembled into Renato! were previously

published in different form as The Goddess in Love with a Horse, Spring Harbor Press, copyright 2008 by

Eugene Mirabelli; Renato, the Painter, McPherson & Company, copyright 2012 by Eugene Mirabelli; Renato

After Alba, McPherson & Company, copyright 2016 by Eugene Mirabelli”; 1860-present WorldCat) (Painters

— Massachusetts — Boston; Sicilian Americans — Massachusetts — Boston; Older men; Widowers; Emigration

and immigration)

Mitchell, Bob. Match Made in Heaven (Kensington, 2006) (Mass. General; main character “[f]ifty-year-old

Harvard literature professor”; golf WorldCat) (College teachers; God)

Moffie, Sam. The Organ Grinder and the Monkey (Xlibris, 2008) (one of three major characters, Brookline,


Moler, A. R. Seeking the Balance. Book 3 (Smashwords Edition, 2017) (“dying patient and assignment in Boston”)

(Fighter pilots; Motorcyclists; Gay men)

Monaco, Sue A. Landing Home (Trafford, 2006) (some Boston, e.g., “Chapter Eight Boston” and “Chapter Seventeen

Boston Blues”; Air Force; Romance)

Monaghan, John.  The Guns of Antwerp: NYPD Takes Boston (Kindle, 2019) (Series: Jimmy Gallagher 2) (Jihadist; “the historically intertwined

Boston Irish Mafia and Boston PD,  . . . remnants of the IRA and the Jesuit Priests at Boston College” Amazon)

Monahan, William. The Departed (Burbank, Calif.: Warner Bros. Pictures, 2006. Edition: Rev. 7/7/06) (Screenplay of

film) (Organized crime — Drama; Organized crime investigation — Drama; Police — Drama;Undercover operations

— Drama; Criminal behavior — Drama; Informers — Drama; Irish Americans; South Boston (Boston, Mass.) —

Drama) (Google Books)

Montimore, Margarita. Asleep from Day (Black Wing, 2018) (“a maze of eccentric Boston nightlife, from the seedy corners

of Chinatown to . . . ” WorldCat) (Amnesia, Boston)

Moody, Rick. Hotels of North America: A Novel (Profile Books, 2016) (“The Inn at Harvard, 1201 Massachusetts

Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 6-7, 2013″) (Electronic discussion groups; Men — Psychology)

Mooney, Chris. Dead Room. (Penguin, 2009) (College students — Crimes against; Criminal profilers; Forensic sciences;

Missing persons — Investigation; Murder — Investigation; Women forensic scientists’ Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Every Three Hours (London: Michael Joseph, 2016) (Series: A Darby McCormick thriller #6) (hostages in Boston

Police Headquarters)

—.The Missing: A Thriller (Atria, 2007) (1984; 2007; “Boston Crime Lab”) (Homicide investigation; Forensic science;

Women forensic scientists; Kidnapping victims) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Remembering Sarah (Atria, 2004) (father searches for abductor of six-year-old daughter; priest suspect; fictional

Belham, Mass., small town near Boston) (Fathers and daughters; Loss (Psychology); Missing children)

(Google Books)

—. The Secret Friend (Penguin, 2008) (Women forensic scientists — Massachusetts — Boston; Criminal profilers; Murder

— Investigation; Missing persons — Investigation; College students — Crimes against — Massachusetts — Boston)

(Google Books)

—. Snow Girls (Penguin, 2018) (“eighteen years since Mary Kelly vanished from a snowy hillside in Boston” WorldCat)

—. World Without End: A Thriller (Pocket Books, 2001) (Boston funeral; shark tank at New England Aquarium)

(Terrorists) (Amazon and Google Books)

Moore, Jonathan. Blood Relations (Orion, 2019) (mainly San Francisco, but detective “visits Boston townhouse and has

to fend off an armed intruder” WorldCat) (Private investigators; Murder — Investigation; Impersonation; Identity

(Philosophical concept))

Moore, Kim. Casualty of War (San Jose: New York Writers Club Press, 2001) (IRA in Boston) (Irish Republican

Army) (Amazon)

Moore, Liz. The Unseen World (Norton, 2016) (Starts with scientist father home schooling daughter in 1980s at

his Boston Institutue of Technology lab with recess walks around the Fenway) (Families; Single parents;


Moran, J. J. The Past (Santa Monica: Atelier, 2003 [1st ed.]2004 [2nd ed.]) (heroine Boston reporter on leave; 19th-

century murder tied to contemporary threat to heroine) (Amazon) (Check for Bostonness.)

Moreton, Casey. Hit and Run: A Thriller (Atria Books, 2006) (hero, a junior at Harvard) (Political fiction; Extortion)

Morey, Beth. The Light between Us: A Novel (Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2014) (Boston school

teacher heroine; romance) (Teachers)

Morgan, Arlene, and Ron Krivosha. Roots of the Vines (Arleron Press, 2013) (Boston Catholic Orphanage)

(Orphanages; New Left; Man-woman relationships)

Morrill, Lauren. Sister of the Bride (Yellow House, 2023) (“best [male] friend . . .surprises [heroine] by moving back to Boston” WorldCat) (Brides;

Dating (Social customs);  Interpersonal relations;  Sisters)

Morris, Ryan. Molt (universe Inc., 2009) (Heroine, “a professor of ornithology at the prestigious [fictional] Hawthorne

University in Boston” WorldCat) (College teachers; Man-woman relationships; Ornithologists)

Morris, Stephen Hunter. Stripah Love (Public Press, 2005) (Boston Harbor and islands) (Fishing)

Mosher, Howard Frank. Waiting for Teddy Williams (Houghton Mifflin, 2004) (Boys; Vermont; Drifters; Single mothers;

Baseball players; Boston Red Sox (Baseball team))

Moss, Christina. Vampire of My Dreams (Novella; Romance) (Burbank, CA: Adamantine Pub. House, 2010)

(Vampires; Boston (Mass.)) .

Mouron, Quentin. Trans. William Donald Wilson. Three Drops of Blood and a Cloud of Cocaine (Bitter Lemon P, 2017)

(murder victim found in Watertown) (Murder — Investigation; Private investigators; Sheriffs; Massachusetts

— Boston)

Moye, Cordelia. The Temp Assignment (Lexington, KY, 2013) (82 pgs.) (Married people; Racially mixed people;

Massachusetts — Boston)

Mugglebee, Stephen T. Mackenzie Heat (s.l.: Stephen T. Mugglebee, 2010) (Computer hackers; Computer crimes; Banks

and banking; Boston)

Mulhern, James. Assumptions and Other Stories (Kindle/Smashwords, 2016) (Boston and south Florida)

—. Molly Bonamici (Kindle/Createspace/Smashwords, 2016) (“a dark comic mystery set in Boston and South Florida”

Amazon; “high school senior” heroine, “paranormal,” includes “a faith healer in a seedy section of downtown

Boston,” a “provincial Catholic neighborhood” Goodreads, begins 1980, BU Kirkus)

Mullin, Kevin. Amy Collins: A Boston Adventure (Written Words, 2024) (“an exclusive Boston neighborhood” full of

eccentrics, murder, “adventure in cityscapes, forests, and beaches” WorldCat)

Murphy, C. E. Truthseeker (Ballantine Books, 2010) (Murder — Investigation; Boston (Mass.); Fantasy) (Amazon)

Murphy, Nicole R. Rogue Gadda (Pymble, N.S.W.: HarperCollins, 2011) (“the clues lead to Boston”) (Magic)

Murphy, Timothy. Graham Place Manor (iUniverse, 2005) (multi-ethnic Boston apartment building)

Musso, Valentine. L’homme du Grand Hôtel: Roman (Éditions du Seuil,  2022) (in French; one main character is an

unpublished writer in Boston) (Amnésie; Boston (Mass.); Cod, Cap)

Myers, Kevin. Hidden Falls: A Novel (Beaufort Books, 2020) (hero returns to Boston after father’s death; organized


Nardizzi, John F. The Burden of Innocence: A Novel (Weathertop Media, 2021) (False imprisonment; Organized crime;

Private investigators; Boston)

Nasr, Kameel. The Museum Heist: A Tale of Art and Obsession (Curiosity Books, 2015)  (1990 and 25 years later)

(Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; Art thefts)

—. The Symphony Heist: A Tale of Music and Desire (Cambridge: Curiosity Boosk, 2016) (Boston Symphony

Orchestra instruments stolen) (police Lieutenant Lowell)

Nassise, Joseph. Eyes to See (Tor, 2011) (Missing children — Massachusetts — Boston; Demonology; Paranormal;

Fathers and daughters)

—. A Tear in the Sky (Phoenix: Harbinger Books, 2012) (Templar chronicles, bk. 3) (“to help protect the city of Boston

from the ancient scourge that threatens to destroy it”) (Knights and knighthood; Magic)

Neggers, Carla. The Angel (MIRA Books, 2008) (romantic/suspense; Boston heroine) (Women folklorists; Celtic

antiquities; Murderers; Ireland; Boston (Mass.))

—. The Carriage House (MIRA, 2001) (Romance and mystery) (Women artists; North Shore (Mass.); Missing


—. Cold Ridge (MIRA, 2003) (Boston and New Hampshire’s White Mountains) (Photographers)

—. Harbor Island (Harlequin MIRA, 2014) (heroine based in Boston) (United States. — Federal Bureau of Investigation;

Art thefts; Maine)

—. Impostor’s Lure (MIRA Books, 2019) (Federal Bureau of Investigation; Art — Forgeries; Missing persons —

Investigation; Murder — Investigation; Maine; Boston)

—. Liar’s Key (Brilliance Audio, 2017) (Heroine, Boston art crimes specialist) (United States. — Federal Bureau of

Investigation; Murder — Investigation; Extortion; Art thieves)

—. The Mist (Mira Books, 2009) (bombed Boston three-decker) (Hotelkeepers; Kidnapping; Drug traffic; Romantic


—. Rival’s Break (Harper Collins, 2019) (Federal Bureau of Investigation; Husband and wife; Poisoning — Investigation;

Theft; Boston (Mass.))

—. White Hot (Pocket Books, 1998) (heroine just moved from Boston to Palm Beach; romance/suspense) (Burglars;

Businesswomen; Reporters and reporting; Florida)

—. The Widow (MIRA, 2006) (heroine, Boston homicide detective, but mainly Mount Desert Island) (Murder —

Investigation — Maine)

Nelson, Suzanne Marie. Heart and Salsa (Speak, 2006) (Juvenile–grades 7-10) (mother’s remarriage forces

teenage girl to move from Arizona to Boston; mainly summer in Mexico) (Interpersonal relations; Foreign study;

Schools; Mexico)

Neugent, Bill. No Outward Sign (New York: Writers Club Press, 2002) (hackers vs. cyber-terrorists seeking to shut

down Boston) (Cyberterrorism; Computer crimes — Investigation — United States; United States. — Federal

Bureau of Investigation) (Amazon and Google Books)

Newhook, Emily Breton. Open Water: A Collection (Thesis (Honors)–C of William and Mary, 2010 [William and Mary

Digital Archive) (“character-driven collection of interrelated stories paints a picture of a family from East Boston”

William and Mary Digital Archive)

Ng, Celeste. Our Missing Hearts (Penguin, 2022) (dystopian future; in part Cambridge–hero’s “broken father, a

talented linguist now relegated to shelving books in Harvard’s library”  WorldCat) (Chinese Americans;

Government, Resistance to Fiction; Mothers and sons; Racism against Asians)

Nicholas, Erin. Totally His (Hachette Audio, 2017) (Romance; Actresses; Fathers and daughters; Man-woman

relationships; Police; Boston)

Nicole, Brittanée. Mother Faker (2024)  (“Moving with my best friends and our seven kids into a dilapidated brownstone in Boston” WorldCat)

(Billionaires; Boston (Mass.); Man-woman relationships; Marriage; Single mothers; Vengeance)

—. Pucking Revenge: The Revenge Games (main character, “star goalie of the Boston Bolts” WorldCat) (Adultery; Hockey;

Man-woman relationships; Romance)

Nichols, Lee. Betrayal (Bloomsbury, 2011) (Juvenile, grades 8-12) (Ghost stories; Supernatural; Interpersonal

relations; Boston)

—. Deception: Haunting Emma (Bloomsbury Children’s Books, 2010) (Juvenile; grades 8-12) (Ghosts; Supernatural;

Missing persons; Interpersonal relations; High schools; Boston (Mass.))

Nichols, Miranda. Immortal Sleepers, Blood Awakening (Torrid Books, 2018) (heroine grows up “in the heart of

Boston” WorldCat) (Man-woman relationships; Vampires)

Nichols, Russell. “Blood on Beacon Hill” (Apex Magazine 10 Nov. 3, 2015) (Vampire on trial)

Njeri, Itabari. “Collar” (in Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (New York: Akashic, 2009)) (scorned woman; Roxbury)

Noble, Diane. The Last Storyteller (WaterBrook P, 2004) (pregnant heroine’s boyfriend medical student in Boston)

(Pregnant women; Single women; Grandparent and adult child;Women storytellers; Welsh-Americans;

Terminally ill persons; Dementia patients; Grandmothers; Mother and adult daughter; Sisters — Death;

Medical students — Boston; Storytelling; Family storytelling; Abortion; Stem cells; Medical ethics; Family

relationships; Men/women relations; California; Wales — History — 12th century; Christian fiction; Domestic

fiction; Love stories; Adventure stories; Historical fiction; Christian historical fiction; Family sagas)

Noelle, Erin. The Perfect Life (CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2016) (heroine, “executive director for the Boston

chapter of Mending Hearts” Summary) (Romance; Football players)

Nolan, Bradford James. illus. Jim Connelly. The Mouse Who Lived in Fenway Park (AuthorHouse, 2009) (Juvenile) (Red

Sox) (Fenway Park (Boston, Mass.); Mice; Baseball stories)

Nolan, Ken. The Spawn (Permuted P, 2015) (Beacon Hill (Boston, Mass.); Horror; Infertility; Satanism)

Nolan, William. The Therapist (Barbourville, KY: Martin Sisters Publishing, 2012) (Isabella Stewart Gardner heist,

21-year police cover-up unravels WorldCat)

Nova, Craig. All the Dead Yale Men (Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint P, 2013) (Lawyers — Massachusetts — Boston; Family

secrets; Parenting)

Nova, Curie. Lightning Strikes Twice: A Novel (New York: iUniverse, 2002) (thriller; much of the novel takes place in

Boston; modern Nazis) (Barnes & Noble and Google Books)

Nowlan, Joe. Media Blitz (Taylorville, IL: Oak Tree Press, 2008) (Boston photojournalist) (Photojournalists; Serial

murderers; Celebrities–Crimes against)

Noyes, Christine. Shadow in the Sandpit: A Bradley Whitman Novel (Athol, MA: Haley’s 2022) (The Bradley

Whitman series, vol. 2) (“crime ring based in Boston” WorldCat)

Nunnally, Errick. Blood for the Sun (Spence City, 2014) (“werewolf must find the murderer of a child in Boston”

WorldCat) ( Vampires; Memory disorders; Conspiracy; Fantasy)

Nunn, Bruce. illus. Brenda Jones. Buddy the Bluenose Reindeer and the Boston Christmas Tree Adventure

(Nimbus Pub., 2007) (Juvenile) (Christmas stories, Canadian; Reindeer; Nova Scotia)

Oates, Joyce Carol. Soul/Mate (Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2017) (heroine, “art historian working for a

Boston museum” WorldCat) (Widows; Middle-aged women; Murderers)

O’Brien, Kathleen. A Light in the Heart (Plicata P, 2011) (Boston suburb) (Accident victims; Disfigured persons; Man-

woman relationships; Massachusetts — Boston; Montana)

O’Connell, Bishop. The Stolen: An American Faerie Tale (HarperCollins, 2014) (Fairies; Kidnapping; Magic; Rescues;

Irish Americans — Massachusetts — Boston)

O’Connell, Jennifer. Dress Rehearsal (New American Library, 2005) (heroine Boston cake maker; romance) (Bakers

and bakeries; Female friendship; Mate selection; Wedding cakes)

—. Insider Dating (New American Library, 2007) (Women bankers; Divorced women; Boston (Mass.); Dating (Social


O’Connell, Jenny [Jennifer]. The Book of Luke (Pocket Books/MTV Books, 2007) (Best friends; Friendship; Dating

(Social customs); High schools; High school seniors; Teenage boy/girl relations; Teenage romance; Revenge;

Revenge in teenage girls; Schools; Boston; Humorous stories; Chick lit)

O’Donnell, Katherine. Slant (Dublin: New Island Books, 2023) (present 2015, past 1980s-90s) (AIDS activists; Boston (Mass.) History 20th century;
Ireland;  Lesbians)

Ogene, Timothy. Seesaw (London: Swift P, 2021) (fictional “William Blake Program for Emerging Writers in Boston”

WorldCat) (Nigerians — United States)

O’Leary, Caitlyn. Protecting Olivia (Siren Publishing, 2014) (Series: Me�nage amour) (heroine “flees back to

Boston” WorldCat; romance/thriller) (Man-woman relationships; Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Fire fighters

— United States; Washington (State))

Olson, Eugenie Seifer. The Pajama Game (Avon Trade, 2005) (Combat Zone; Romance) (Clerks (retail trade); Lingerie

industry; Neighbors)

Olsson, Andrew, and David Henningsen. The Last Game (2021) (“a seasoned Boston homicide detective” WorldCat)

(Police; Murder — Investigation)

O’Nan, Stewart. “Reward” (Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (Akashic, 2009)) (Brookline; lost pets)

Oney, Steven Thomas. “The Queen Is in the Counting Houses.” In Captain Underhill Unlocks the Enigma (HighBridge,

2005) (radio/audio play) (Boston Red Sox (Baseball team) — Drama) (Pub. Des., Literature Post [Internet Wayback


—. Stalking Bulls: A Parker Robinson Mystery (West Barnstable, MA: Steven T. Oney, 2018) (“fictitious” heist) (Isabella

Stewart Gardner Museum; Art thefts; Theft from museums)

Opidee, Ioanna. Walking Slow (PFP, 2018) (“set in Boston and a village on a Greek island”; campus sexual assault

[Nina MacLaughlin, “New England Literary News,” Globe 23 Dec. 2018, N14 )

Orner, Peter. “Allston” (Maggie Brown & Others, Little, Brown, 2019) (short story)

Orichuia, Nicloa. illus. Carla Dispasquale.   Don’t Worry (Boston: I Am Books, 2023) (juvenile; “centered in North End,”

“Nina and her pet turtle . . . adventure around the city seeking out ingredients for a birthday cake” Nina MacLaughlin,

New England Literary News, Globe 3 Sep. 2023: N10; 32 pgs.)

Orlando, Steve, Andy MacDonald, Lorenzo Scaramella, Carlos M. Mangual. Bulls of Beacon Hill (Aftershock Comics,

2022) (Graphic novel; gay surgeon; gangsters) (Boston (Mass.); City council members)

Osber, Matt. Dream Season: Kevin, the Babe and the 2004 Red Sox (The Author, 2004) (Juvenile) (Boston Red Sox

(Baseball team))

Pachter, Adam Emerson, ed. Fenway Fiction: Short Stories from the Red Sox Nation (Rounder Books, 2005) (Boston

Red Sox (Baseball team); Baseball stories)

—. Final Fenway Fiction: More Short Stories from Red Sox Nation (Cornerstone Book Publishers, 2012) (Boston Red

Sox (Baseball team); Fenway Park (Boston, Mass.))

—. Further Fenway Fiction: More Short Stories from the Red Sox Nation (Rounder Books, 2007) (Red Sox)

Page, David A. Surviving Frank (Waterville, Me.: Five Star, 2003) (werewolf Boston police detective; plot to kill the

Governor) (Police; Werewolves) (Amazon)

Page, Katherine Hall. (Faith Fairchild, caterer, minister’s wife, Aleford, Mass., fictional western suburb of Boston on

Fitchburg rail line)

—. The Body in the Attic: A Faith Fairchild Mystery (Avon, 2005) (Cambridge; Harvard Divinity School; Brattle Street)

(Caterers and catering) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Body in the Bonfire: A Faith Fairchild Mystery (William Morrow, 2002) (murder in “boarding school in a small

town outside Boston” [Publishers Weekly, Amazon]; racial harrassment) (Fairchild, Faith Sibley (Fictitious character);

Women in the food industry; Caterers and catering; Boarding schools; Massachusetts; Cookery; Spouses of clergy;

Preparatory schools; Cookery — Study and teaching; African American students; Racism; Hate crimes; Fires —

Casualties) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Body in the Gallery (Avon, 2009) (Fairchild, Faith Sibley (Fictitious character); Caterers and catering; Art

museums — Massachusetts — Boston; Murder — Investigation) (Amazon)

—. The Body in the Moonlight: A Faith Fairchild Mystery  Morrow, 2001) (2000; pp. 99-111 Jamaica Plain, Brookline,

Newbury St.; lots of Boston references and connections of characters; mainly Aleford) (Fairchild, Faith Sibley

(Fictitious character); Caterers and catering; Women in the food industry; Cookery; Massachusetts; Spouses of

clergy; Poisoning; Murder) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Body in the Wardrobe (Morrow, 2016) (Caterers and catering; Fairchild, Faith Sibley (Fictitious character);

Savannah –Georgia; Boston)

Paige, Maria J. Friday’s, 4 P.M. (Baltimore, MD: PublishAmerica, 2005) (“Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2001. Four young

altar boys are killed and mutilated” WorldCat)

Paisner, Daniel. Mourning Wood: A Novel (Bonus Books, 2004) (Title character born and raised in North End; several

brief reminiscence scenes in Boston; Maine) (Absence and presumption of death; Obituaries — Authorship;

Biography — Authorship; Identity (Psychology); Amusement parks; Actors; Maine)

Palmer, Daniel. Delirious (Kensington Books, 20110 (Psychological thriller; mainly greater Boston) (Brothers;

Businessmen; Family secrets; Mentally ill — Family relationships; Murder; Secrecy)

—. Stolen (Kensington, 2013) (Identity theft; Murder; Boston (Mass.))

Palmer, Michael. The Fifth Vial (St. Martin’s Press, 2007) (one main character is Harvard Medical School student)

(Medical students; Medicine — Research; Blood — Collection and preservation; Transplantation of organs,

tissues, etc.; Secret societies) (Amazon)

—. The Second Opinion (St. Martin’s, 2009) (Medical thriller) (Physicians — Crimes against; Fathers and daughters

— Massachusetts — Boston; Asperger’s syndrome — Patients; Physician and patient) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Society (Bantam, 2004) (murder at Boston HMOs) (Managed care administrators; Surgeons; Serial murderers)


Park, Jessica. Clear (Tantor Audio, 2015) (Romance; paranormal) (College freshmen, Families; Family secrets; Man-

woman relationships; Boston)

—. Flat-out Celeste (CreateSpace, 2013) (Secondary (senior high) school) (College juniors; Brothers; Family secrets;

First loves; Boston (Mass.); College students)

—. Flat-out Love (Amazon Children’s Publishing, 2012) (College freshmen; Family secrets; Man-woman relationships;

Families; Boston (Mass.))

Parker, Robert B. See Atkins, Ace for post-Parker Spenser novels.

—. 99 (Putnam, 2003) (Harvard Stadium) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Revolutionaries;

Bank robberies) (Amazon)

—. Bad Business (Putnam, 2004) (Corporate crime; Infidelity) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Blue Screen (Putnam, 2006) (Boston detective Sonny Randall and briefly Jess Stone; shenanigans involving actress

client) (Randall, Sunny; Women detectives — Massachusetts; Ex-policewomen-detectives — Boston,

Massachusetts; Stone, Jesse; Police — Massachusetts; Police chiefs; Film directors and producers; Bodyguards;

Men/women relations; Film actors and actresses; Women baseball players; Murder; Sisters; Women murder victims;

Divorced persons; Small towns — Massachusetts; Boston, Massachusetts) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Cold Service (Putnam, 2005) (Ukrainian mob in fictional Boston suburb of Marshport) (Spenser (Fictitious character);

Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Death in Paradise (Putnam, 2001) (Boston child prostitution ring) (Stone, Jesse (Fictitious character); Police; Police

chiefs) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Dream Girl (Harpenden: No Exit, 2006) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators — Massachusetts

— Boston; Prostitutes — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Now and Then (Putnam, 2007) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston;

Boston (Mass.)) (murdered client with cheating wife; and more) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Potshot (Putnam, 2001) (Mainly Arizona) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Murder investigation

–Arizona; Arizona; Gangs; Extortion: Rich people;Criminals) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Professional (Putnam’s Sons, 2009) (blackmailing Don Juan) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private

investigators — Massachusetts — Boston; Rich people — Crimes against; Adultery; Extortion; Boston (Mass.))

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Rough Weather (Putnam, 2008) (Buzzards Bay island) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators —

Massachusetts — Boston; Kidnapping; Hurricanes) (Amazon)

—. School Days (Putnam, 2005) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators; School shootings) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—–. Shrink Rap (Putnam, 2002) (Psychiatrists) (Randall, Sunny (Fictitious character); Women private investigators:

Women authors) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Sixkill (Puntnam, 2011) (last Spenser novel written by Parker) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Murder — Investigation; Bodyguards; Boston (Mass.))

—. Spare Change (Putnam, 2007) (serial killer in Boston) (Randall, Sunny (Fictitious character); Women private

investigators — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.); Serial murder investigation) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Spenser: A Mysterious Profile ( Road Integrated Media, 2022) (“Previously published in the

collection In Pursuit of Spenser”;  “blend of short story and biographical profile” WorldCat)

—-. Widow’s Walk: A Spenser Novel (Putnas, 2002) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Parker, Robert B., and Helen Brann. Silent Night: A Spenser Holiday Novel (Putnam, 2013) (Spenser (Fictitious

character); Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston)

Parlato, Terri. All the Dark Places (Kennsington, 2023) (Boston (Mass.); Murder Investigation; Thrillers; Women detectives;

Husbands Death;  Kidnapping victims;  Psychologists)

Parry, Cathyrn. The Good Mom (Harlequin Enterprises, 2016) (Romance; prep school in Copley Square)

(Preparatory school students; Man-woman relationships)

Parsons, Kelly. Doing Harm (St. Martin’s P, 2014) (Boston University Hospital; murder) (Surgeons; Surgery —

Patients — Crimes against; Psychopaths)

Patchett, Ann. Run (Harper, 2007) (Boston Irish politician/mayor with two adopted African-American sons) (Family

secrets; Boston (Mass.)) (Leah Hager Cohen, “Absent Mothers,” New York Times Book Review 30 Sep. 2007: 7

[accessed 19 Mar. 2008])

Patel, Namrata. The Candid Life of Meena Dave: A Novel (Seattle: Lake Union Pub., 2022) (heroine “inherits an apartment

in a Victorian brownstone in historic Back Bay, Boston’ WorldCat) (Identity (Psychology);  Family secrets;

Photojournalists; East Indian Americans; Back Bay (Boston, Mass.))

Patterson, James. The Big Bad Wolf: A Novel (Little, Brown, 2003) (part takes place in Boston, including a bloody

shootout) (Cross, Alex (Fictitious character); African American psychologists; Government investigators;

Psychology, Forensic — Fiction. Washington (D.C.); (White) Slave trade; Kidnapping; Psychological fiction)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Patterson, James, and Andrew Gross. Lifeguard (Warner, 2006) (main character from Brockton and flees to Brockton

when art-theft goes wrong) (Criminals — Massachusetts — Boston; Fugitives from justice; Art thefts — Florida —

Palm Beach; United States. — Federal Bureau of Investigation; Palm Beach (Fla.); Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon

and Google Books)

Patterson, James, and Howard Roughan. Honeymoon (Little, Brown, 2005) (black widow serial killer, with wealthy

husband in Boston) (Investment bankers — Crimes against; Women interior decorators; Government investigators;

Witnesses) (Amazon and Google Books)

Peace, William. Fishing in Foreign Seas (Eloquent Books, 2009) (in part Boston) (Married people; Businessmen;


Pearlman, Edith. Binocular Vision: New and Selected Stories (Lookout Books, 2011) (short stories, many set in

fictionalized Brookline called Godolphin)

—. Honeydew: Stories (Little, Brown, 2015)

Pearson, Mary. Fox Forever (Henry Holt, 2013) (High school) (Science fiction; melds Boston of past and future)

(Bioethics; Biotechnology; Government, Resistance to; Medical ethics; Massachusetts — Boston)

Pearson, Ridley. Steel Trapp: The Academy (Hyperion Books, 2010) (Juvenile–ages 9-12; Boston hotel pickpocket

ring) (Boarding school students; Gifted teenagers; Spy stories; Adventure and adventurers)

Peeler, Nicole. Tracking the Tempest (London: Orbit, 2010) (Paranormal Valentine’s Day in Boston) (Paranormal)

Pendleton, Dan. Terminal Guidance (Toronto and New York: Worldwide, 2011) (Series: Gold eagle adventure) (Partly

“plot to blow dirty bombs in Boston” WorldCat) (Special forces (Military science); Intelligence service; Terrorism

— Prevention)

Pennypacker, Sara. illus. Marla Frazee. Clementine, Friend of the Week (Disney-Hyperion Books, 2010) (Juvenile)

(Friendship; Schools; Family life — Massachusetts; Lost and found possessions; Cats; Boston (Mass.);

Humorous stories)

Perkins, Laurie A. Blood Diamonds: A Cryptic Crime Suspense (, 2006) (heroine is a librarian at Boston Public

Library) (Cryptograms; Jewel thieves; Code and cipher stories; Detective and mystery stories) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Perkins, Metali. Forward Me Back to You (Farrar Straus Giroux, 2019) (Secondary (senior high) school) (mainly India,

but partly Boston) (Friendship; Voluntarism; Human trafficking; Adoption; Boston (Mass.); Kolkata (India))

Perrotta, Tom. Little Children (St. Martin’s P, 2004) (parents, children, and playgrounds in a Boston suburb) (parent

and child; Child molestors; Married people; Suburban life; Adultery)

Perry, Devney. Runaway Road (Toronto: Devney Perry, 2020) (Dysfunctional families; Man-woman relationships;

Runaway teenagers; Boston)

Perry, Thomas. The Book of the Lion (New York: Mysterious Bookshop, 2014) (Chaucerian manuscript; “through the twisting

streets of Boston” WorldCat) (Manuscripts; Rare books)

Peters, Ron. SOS: A Novel (College Station, TX: Pub., 2002) (detective and clients Boston-based;

missing person; kidnapping) (Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

Peterson, Nora. Past Imperfect (Write Words, Inc., 2007) (murder victim a UMass Boston student; Back Bay) (Amazon and

Video Summary, author [Internet Wayback Machine])

Peterson, Tracie. House of Secrets (Bloomington, MN: Bethany House, 2011) (Sisters; Family secrets; Boston


Pezzini, Girogio. Illus. Massimo De Vita. Once Upon a Time? In America: Mickey Mouse and the Boston Smugglers, Issue

2 (Disney: Made available through Digital Hoopla, 2016) (Juvenile)

Phelps, M. William.  The Dead Soul: A Thriller ( Wild Blue P, 2023) (“sadistic serial killer . . .terrorizing his young female victims, leaving

their naked bodies along Boston’s Freedom Trail” WorldCat) (Police)

Phillips, Carly. Summer Lovin’ (Harlequin, 2005) (romance; hero, upper-class, up-tight Boston lawyer; mainly, New

Jersey, but Boston scenes near end) (Atlantic City (N.J.))

Philbin, John. The Murder Channel (Bantam, 2001) (ex-Beacon St. psychiatrist/detective) (Sensationalism in journalism;

Forensic psychiatrists; Serial murderers) (Amazon and Google Books)

Phillips, Carly. Lucky Streak (Harlequin Books, 2009) (hero Boston detective cop) (Series: Lucky series, 2; romance)

(Swindlers and swindling; Gambling; Police; Marriage; Interpersonal attraction; Trust; Curses; Las Vegas,

Nevada; Boston)

—. Solitary Man (repub. as Worthy of Love 2015) (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013) (Romance)

(Police — Massachusetts — Boston; Fatherhood; Love)

Picoult, Jodi. The Book of Two Ways: A Novel (Ballantine, 2020) (in part, “in Boston, . . . her husband, . . .

beloved daughter, and her work” WorldCat) (Secrecy; Married women; Man-woman relationships; Life

change events; Families; Doulas; Archaeologists; Airplane crash survival)

—. The Tenth Circle (Atria Books, 2006) (mainly Maine, but pp. 1-4 and a few other scenes in Boston; Dante;

Inferno) (Fathers and daughters; Comic books, strips, etc. — Authorship; Rape victims; Date rape)

Pierce, Blake. Cause to Dread ((hoopla, 2017; Blake Pierce, 2018) (Boston homicide detective; “body . . . floating

beneath the frozen Charles River”) ( Murder — Investigation; Serial murders; Women detectives)

—. Cause to Hide (Blake Pierce, 2017) (An Avery Black Mystery–Book 3) (heroine, Boston PD homicide detective)

(Women detectives; Serial murderers; Murder — Investigation)

—. Cause to Killi (Blake Pierce, 2024) (“a disturbing serial killer strikes fear into the heart of Boston, killing girls from elite


Pierson, Peg. Flirting with Fairies (Wild Rose P, 2018) (male lead hit by bus in Boston) (Authors; Bounty hunters;

Fairies; Man-woman relationships)

Pikes, Erica. Absolutely Eric: Boston Boys ( MLR Pr., 2012) (college student) (Gay men)

Piñeiro, Claudia. trans. Frances Riddle. A Little Luck (Edinburgh: Charco P, 2023) (mainly Argentina, but one section, “Boston,” begins, “I

returned to Boston to the house I lived with Robert and that’s now mine.”)

Polidoro, J. P. Christmas Chiave–A Boston Novella (Xlibris, 2008) (Italian community; North End; Faneuil Hall; Quincy

Market; Santa Claus)

—-. Project Samuel: The Quest for the Centennial Nobel Prize (Laconia, NH: Longtail Pub., 2001) (Ted Williams; science

fiction) (Human cloning; Baseball players; Biotechnologists; San Diego (Calif.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Rapid Descent: Disaster in Boston Harbor (Laconia, NH: Longtail Pub., 2000) (“thriller . . . over…, in …, even under the

harbor”) (Triangles (interpersonal relations); Aircraft accidents; Sabotage) (Amazon and Google Books)

Pomfret, Scott, and Scott Whittier. Hot Sauce (Warner, 2005) (“romentics”; two Boston men) (Gay men; Fashion

designers; Boston (Mass.); Cooks)

—. Razor Burn (BookSurge, 2003) (“romentics”; Boston razor company) (Gay men)

—. Spare Parts (BookSurge, 2004) (“romentics”) (Gay men)

Ponsor, Michael A.  Point of Order: A Novel  (Open Road Integrated Media, 2024)  (defendant, “one of Boston’s most charming and successful

businessmen” WorldCat; 1968 murder of policeman, c. 2018 trial; Judge Norcross, main character) (Assassination; Capital punishment;

Judges; Trials (Murder) Massachusetts)

Popkes, Steven. “The Egg” (Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Jan. 1989) (science fiction; see below)

—. Slow Lightning (T. Doherty Associates, 1991) (space station orphan lives with aunt in Boston; expansion of

“The Egg”; science fiction) (Brief Summary, Future Boston [Internet Wayback Machine])

—. Welcome to Witchlandia (Book View Cafe, 2016) (“a witch flyer . . . flies for the Boston Police Department”)

(Murder; Paranormal)

Porrazzo, Joe. Solemnly Swear (Gardners Books, 2007) (some Boston area-p-Logan, Revere Beach) (Google Books)

Port, Dave N. The Vampire Clan (Dave N. Port, 2013) (in part, mayor of Boston and 24 Louisburg Square)

Post, David L.  Nothing to See Here: A Novel (Beckham Publications Group, 2007) (murder?, “borderline psychosis”

Amazon) (Psychiatrists; Boston (Mass.))

Post, Elvin. Vals Beeld (Dutch with, at least, French, German, Spanish translations, but not English) (Amsterdam:

Anthos, 2006) (Combines theft of Rembrandt’s Storm on Sea of Galilee from Gardner and Red Sox World

Series victory in 2004)

Potter, Patricia. Twisted Shadows (New York: Jove Books, 2003) (Boston crime family; Vietnam anti-war murder in

Boston, but mainly elsewhere in present) (United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation; Intelligence officers;

Men/women relations; Interpersonal attraction; Women — Family relationships; Criminals; Twin brothers and

sisters; Birthparents — Identification; Mafia; Organized crime; Family secrets; Greed; Murder; Ambition;

Violence; Revenge; Self-discovery in women; Romantic suspense) (Amazon and Google Books)

Powell, Patricia. “Dark Waters” (inLehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (New York: Akashic, 2009) (Watertown; middle-

aged black woman)

Power, Henriette Lazaridis. The Clover House: A Novel (Ballantine, 2013) (Starts Boston 2000, but mainly Greece,

including flashbacks to 1940s) (Americans — Greece; Family secrets)

Power, Jed. The Combat Zone (Dark Jetty Publishing, 2015) (Harvard Square; Combat Zone) (Cambridge (Mass.);

Boston (Mass.); Drugs; Hampton Beach)

Prescott, Bev. My Soldier Too (Blue Feather Books, 2011) (Women soldiers — Massachusetts — Boston; Women

social workers — Massachusetts — Boston; Lesbians — Massachusetts — Boston; Afghan War, 2001)

Prescott, Briar. The Happy List (Tandor Audio, 2022) (“back in Boston” WorldCat) (Gay men; Happiness)

Preston, Holly. illus. James Hearne. The Home Team: Boston Bruins (Calgary, Alberta: Always Books, 2014) (Juvenile)

Proulx, Gary Miller. Seeds of Destruction (Gary Miller Proulx, 2015) (Boston oncologist; “plot[. . . ] to explode a ‘dirty

bomb’ in Boston”) (Terrorism)

Purciello, Gerard. The Year They Won: A Tale of the Boston Red Sox (Brown Barn Books, 2005) (Juvenile–grade 5-8)

(Boston Red Sox (Baseball team); Twelve-year-old boys; Boy baseball fans; Twin brothers; Friends; Cats;

Sports; Baseball; Baseball parks; Computers; The Twenties (21st century); Boston, Massachusetts; Fenway

Park, Boston, Massachusetts)

Queene, Stephanie. The Scotland Yard Exchange Series Boxed Set [Between a Rock and a Mad Woman, The Throwbacks, The Hot Shots]

(Smashwords, 2015) (“the Scotland Yard Exchange on Boston’s Beacon Hill where romance, crime, action and humor mix as Boston

and London law enforcement clash” WorldCat) (Political campaigns; Romance)

Quigley, Timothy. Kissing the Hag (Pixel Hall P, 2015) (Narrator’s day starts with “brunch at the Boston Harbor Hotel”)

(Depressed persons — Boston; Homeless persons — Boston; Irish Americans; Storytelling; Street life)

Quinn, Cari, and Taryn Elliott. Destroyed (Rainbow Rage Publishing, 2015) (Romance; heroine, 2nd violinist in Boston

Symphony Orchestra) (Rock groups; Rock musicians; Women violinists)

Rabroziss, Edward.  The Beacon Hill Affair (2023) (“Melodrama, Buried Treasure Hunt, Clean Fiction, Modern City Life, Boston, Beacon Hill,
The Boston Freedom Trail” WorldCat)

Racculia, Kate. Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts: An Adventure (Waterville, Maine: Wheeler Publishing, 2020)

(“an epic treasure hunt through the city [Boston], with clues inspired by . . . Edgar Allan Poe” WorldCat)

Rafferty, Kris. Catch a Killer (Lyrical P, 2018) (Series: Lyrical liaison) (FBI agents in love in Boston) (Federal

Bureau of Investigation — Officials and employees; Man-woman relationships)

Ramos, Manuel. “Why Boston Is His Favorite Town.” The Skull of Pancho Villa and Other Stories (Arte Publico Press, 2015)

Ramos, Washington. The Unpublished Book: A Novel (Victoria, B.C.: Trafford, 2005) (writer for The Boston Globe)

(restaurant business; organized crime) (Amazon and Google Books)

Randall, Alice. Pushkin and the Queen of Spades (Houghton Mifflin, 2004) (in part Harvard University; Detroit; Moscow)

(African American women college teachers; Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich; African American families; Parent and

adult child; Interracial dating; Football players; Mothers and sons; Russian teachers)

Rawls, E. E. Frost: Winter’s Lonely Guardian (2022) (‘“Frost, Winter Guardian and current resident of Boston” Wor;ldCat) (Ability;

Bildungsromans;  Boston (Mass.);  Fantasy; Frost, Jack (Fictitious character); Orphans; Romance)

Ray, Jeanne. Julie and Romeo Get Lucky (Pocket Books, 2005) (Family-owned business enterprises; Flower vending;

Vendetta; Domestic)

Rayburn, Tricia. Undercurrent: A Siren Novel (New York: Egmont, 2011) (Grades 9-12) (Supernatural; Sirens (Mythology);

College choice; Interpersonal relations; Boston (Mass.) (Amazon)

Reardon, Robin. Educating Simon (Kensington, 2014) (British schoolboy dragged to Boston by mother’s remarriage)

(Secondary (senior high) school) (Gay teenagers; Gays — Identity)

Recker, Jeffrery. The Humiliation Tour (BarkingBoxer P, 2023) (major focus on the Boston Marathon)  (Bildungsromans; Cross-country

running; Interpersonal relations; Runners (Sports))

Reddi, Rishi. Karma and Other Stories (Harper Perennial, 2007) (“Set mostly in the Boston area” [Google Books])

(East Indian Americans; Wichita; Hyderabad (India))

Reed, Kit. The Baby Merchant (Tor, 2006) (one main character is muckraking Boston TV journalist) (Pregnant women;

Unmarried mothers; Adoption — Corrupt practices; Adoptive parents)

Reed, Terri. Chasing Shadows (New York: Steeple Hill, 2009) (Series: Love inspired suspense) (Boston retirement home)

(Missing persons; Threats of violence; Retirement communities; Heiresses; Man-woman relationships)

(Google Books)

Reeves, Lynne. The Dangers of an Ordinary Night (Crooked Lane Books, 2021) (“performing-arts high school in Boston”

[Sarah Lyall, “Thrillers,” NY Times Bk. Rev. 5 Dec. 2021: 52]) (Kidnapping; Police; High school students; Murder

— Investigation; Secrecy)

Regan, Bill. The Icarus Boy (Amherst, MA: White River, 2021) (“former Boston police detective . . . a trail of victims from

Boston to Cape Cod” WorldCat)

Reid, Rachel Heated Rivalry (Carina P, 2019) (one rival, “Boston Bears captain Ilya Rozanov” WorldCat) (Gay

men; Hockey players)

Reinhardt, Dana. The Things a Brother Knows (Wendy Lamb Books, 2010) (High school) (Boston to Washington, D.C.,

walking trip) (Brothers; Soldiers; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Walking; Jews — United States; Family life —

Massachusetts — Boston)

Reinhardt, Katrina. Playing with Passion: A Novel (iUniverse, 2018) (“young musician leaves Paris for Boston” blurb)

(Man-woman relationships; Musicians)

Rellik, Timothy. The Bloody Deception (New York: Strategic Book Pubilshing, 2009) (Northeastern-like university) (Murder

— Massachusetts — Boston; Detectives — Massachusetts — Boston; Women television journalists — Massachusetts

— Boston; Man-woman relationships) (Google Books)

Reman, Lloyd. The Seduction Campaign (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse Com, 2014) (“Harvard University undergrad” heroine

and Boston “habitual womanizer” WorldCat) (Presidents — Election; Suspense)

Remy, Jerry. illus. Justin Hilton Coast-to-coast with Wally the Green Monster (Mascot Books, 2008) (Boston Red Sox

(Baseball team); Sports team mascots — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Hello, Wally! (Mascot Books, 2006) (Primary school) (Sports team mascots; Fenway Park)

—. illus. Kevin Coffey A Season with Wally the Green Monster (Mascot Books, 2008) (Boston Red Sox (Baseball team);

Sports team mascots — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Wally the Green Monster and His Journey through Red Sox Nation (Mascot Books, 2007) (Primary school) (Sports

team mascotts; Fenway Park)

Reyes, Ana. The House in the Pines: A Novel (Dutton, 2023) (in part heroine “lives in Boston with a loving boyfriend”

[WorldCat], but mainly elsewhere) (Thriller)

Reynard, Sylvain. Gabriel’s Promise (Jove, 2020) (Series: Gabriel’s Inferno, 4) (family in Boston) (Family secrets)

Rhodes, Jewell Parker. Black Brother, Black Brother (Little, Brown, 2020) (Elementary and junior high school) (“set in

and around Boston” New England Literary News, Nina MacLaughlin, Globe, 11 Oct. 2020: N 8) (African

Americans; Families; Fencing; Racism; Schools)

Rice, Christopher. The Snow Garden: A Novel (Hyperion, 2001) (fictional Atherton U; gay relationship) (College students

— Massachusetts — Boston; Murder) (Google Books)

Rice, Morgan. Loved (Morgan Rice: Made available through hoopla, 2015) (in part “the heart of historic Boston”

Summary) (Vampires)

Ricci, Nicole. The Virgin of Boston and St. Thomas: An Erotic Story of Lesbian Love (Spectrum Diva, 2010) (Amazon

Digital Services–Kindle Edition)

Riccio, Dolores. Circle of Five (Kensington, 2003) (mainly Plymouth, but some Boston) (Female friendship; Witches;

Kidnapping; Cape Cod (Mass.); Missing children) (Amazon and Google Books)

Richards, Kitty. Hotel Hangout (Suite Life of Jack and Cody) (Disney Press, 2006) (Juvenile) (Boston hotel) (Twins;

Hotels; Boston (Mass.))

Richardson, K. Cody. Violation!: The Bitchings of a Boston Meter Maid (RoseDog Pr, 2006) (City and town life;

Massachusetts; Parking enforcement agents)

Richardson, Tracey. Side Order of Love (Bella and Enfield: Publishers Group UK, 2009) (lesbian romance; famous

Boston restaurant) (Cooks — Boston; Women golfers — Maine; Vacations)

Rickards, John. The Touch of Ghosts (London: Michael Joseph, 2004) (Boston PI on vacation in Vermont) (Private

investigators — Massachusetts — Boston; Vermont) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Winter’s End (New York: Leisure Books, 2003) (Boston PI in Maine hometown; mainly Maine) (Private

investigators — Massachusetts — Boston; Sheriffs — Maine; Murderers — Maine; City and town life) (

Amazon and Google Books)

Ridker, Andrew. The Altruists: A Novel ((Penguin Audio, 2019) mainly elsewhere, but partly Boston) (College teachers;

Inheritance and succession)

—. Hope (Viking, 2023) (2013; “the Greenspans are the envy of Brookline” WorldCat (Brookline (Mass.); Cardiologists; Jewish

families; Physicians Malpractice; Scandals)

Ridpath, Michael. Final Venture (Signet, 2000) (murder and corruption in Boston bio-tech industry) (Venture capitalists —

Boston, Massachusetts; Investments; Undercover operations) (Amazon)

—. Where the Shadows Lie (Minotaur Books, 2011) (mainly Iceland; “Iceland-born, Boston-raised homicide detective

Magnus Jonson”) (Sagas; Murder — Investigation; Detectives — Massachusetts — Boston; Americans — Iceland;

Police — Iceland) (Amazon)

Riley, Lia. Virgin Territory (HarperCollins, 2018) (“tough Boston guy” hero) (Hockey goalkeepers; Yoga teachers; Man-

woman relationships)

Riley, Mildred. Bad to the Bone (Kensington, 2003) (African Americans; Romance; Hit-and-run drivers; Women

television journalists)

—. Meant To Be (BET Publications, 2003) (Boston African-American nurse and African-American policeman; murder;

romance) (African Americans)

Riley, Patrick. Serious Deceit (Robert Hale, 2005) (medical thriller) (Hospitals — Massachusetts — Boston)

Riordan, Rick. The Hammer of Thor (Disney-Hyperion, 2016) (“homeless boy living in Boston . . . is the son of a

Norse god” Summary) (Fantasy; Homeless children; Mythology, Norse; Quests (Expeditions))

—. The Sword of Summer (New York: Listening Library (Audio), 2015) (Juvenile) (Gods, Norse; Mythology, Norse;

Quests (Expeditions); Boston (Mass.))

Risse, Kate, and Mariella Travis.  Inland (12 Willows P, 2024) (2026, “children. . .  “[in] Boston. . . “face. . . catastrophic

flooding” WorldCat) (Artificial intelligence Environmental aspects;  Atlantic Coast (U.S.);  Climatic changes United

States; Floods United States;  Greenwashing)

Ritter, John H. Fenway Fever (Puffin Books, 2013) (Juvenile) (Boston Red Sox (Baseball team); Fenway Park (Boston,

Mass.); Baseball; Blessing and cursing)

Rivard, David. Sugartown (Greywolf Press, 2006) (many poems with Cambridge settings)

Rizzo, Cindy. Exception to the Rule (Cindy Rizzo, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013) (fictional

“Adams University near Boston”; romance) (Lesbian college students)

Roberson, Emily. Life, Motherhood & the Pursuit of the Perfect Handbag (Aster Amellus Books, 2011) (Motherhood;

Boston (Mass.); Fashion industry; Families)

Robert, Katee. An Indecent Proposal (London Piatkus, 2016) (“power struggle among Boston’s reigning families”) (Man-

woman relationships; Family secrets)

—. Lovely Corruption (Forever, 2024) (“Previously published as Undercover Attraction”– Cover)

—. Undercover Attraction (Blackstone Audio, 2017) (“one of the most dangerous men in Boston”) (Mafia; Man-woman

relationships; Organized crime)

Roberts, Arlene. Gustavia Browne: A Novel (Bonneville Books, 2004) (Boston University) (Young women; Grandparents;

Loss (Psychology); Friendship) (Brief Summary, Goodreads [accessed 19 Mar. 2008])

Roberts, Nora. Angel’s Fall (Putnam, 2006) (heroine traumatized by murders in her Boston restaurant ends

up in Wyoming; mainly Wyoming with brief references/accounts to Boston events) (Wyoming)

—. Whiskey Beach (Putnam, 2013 (Murder — Investigation; Women household employees; Boston (Mass.))

Roberts, Teresa Noelle. Drive (Samhain Publishing, 2016) (Male lead, Boston cop, “home base in working-class

Dorchester”; spies) (Man-woman relationships; Mate selection)

Robinson, Christopher, and Gavin Ford Kovite. War of the Encyclopaedists: A Novel (Scribner’s, 2015) (one friend, grad

student in Boston “unable to play the game of intellectual one-upmanship”; one fighting in Iraq) (Young adults;

Male friendship; Life change events)

Robinson, Frank M. The Donor (Forge, 2004) (Victim-detective based in Boston) (Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.;

Traffic accident victims; Conspiracies; California) (Amazon and Google Books)

Robinson, Jeremy. Project Hyperion: A Nemesis Saga Novel (Breakneck Media, 2015) (Paranormal; partly “already battered

Boston”) (National security; Special forces (Military science)

Robinson, Holly. The Wishing Hill (New American Library, 2013) (Heroine returns to Boston to take care of dying mother)

(Women painters; Divorced women; Actresses; Mothers and daughters; Life change events; Family secrets)

Robinson, Kim Stanley. “Glacier.” Isaac Assimov’s Science Fiction Magazine Sep. 1988; rpt. in Robin Scott Wilson.

Paragons: Twelve Master Science Fiction Writers Ply Their Craft (Martin’s Press, 1996: 143-63) (science fiction;

glacier threatens Boston) (Summary, Internet Book List [Internet Wayback Machine])

Robinson, Patrick. To the Death: A New Novel (Vanguard, 2008) (starts with terrorist bombing of Logan; mainly elsewhere)

(Presidents — United States — Staff; Terrorism; Terrorists) (Amazon)

Robinson, Roxana. Leaving: A Novel (Minneapolis:Highbridge Audio, 2024) (male “still married and living in Boston” WorldCat) (Adultery; Divorced

women; Husbands; Man-woman relationships)

Robinson, Todd. “Delivery.” Danger City: Urban Short Fiction, 2005 (Contemporary Press, 2005: 17-31) (Roxbury;

drug deliveries)

—. The Hard Bounce (Tyrus Books, 2013) (Mayoral hopeful) (Bouncers; Runaway teenagers; Boston (Mass.))

—. Rough Trade: A Boo & Junior Jig (Polis Books, 2016) (Murder — Investigation; Private security services; Boston)

Rock, Suzanne. At his Service: A Playboys of Boston Novel (St. Martin’s P, 2015) (Boston’s fictional Palazzo hotel)

(Sexual dominance and submission; Man-woman relationships; Hotel management; Hotelkeepers; Housekeepers)

Rodgers, Kathy. Finding Ava (Poolbeg, 2007) (Identity (Psychology); Parent and child; Boston (Mass.); Ireland)

Rodman,Mercedes Alvarez, and Alexandra Rodman. My Blue Butterfly (Vineyard Stories, 2012) (Juvenile; young girls

from Boston and Venezuela meet over the internet) (Bilingual)

Ronald, Margaret. Soul Hunt: An Evie Scelan Novel (Harper Voyager, 2011) (Red Sox fan scent tracker in Boston)

(Supernatural; Psychic ability; Debt; Fantasy fiction; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—-. Spiral Hunt: An Evie Scelan Novel (New York: EOS, 2009) (Tracking and trailing; Psychic ability; Magic; Boston

(Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Wild Hunt: An Evie Scelan Novel (New York: EOS, 2010) (Magic; Supernatural; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Rose, Annie J. Dating the Irish Boss (Columbia, South Carolina: Annie J. Rose, 2020) (romance in Boston WorldCat)

(Man-woman relationships)

Rose, M. J. and Lisa Gardner. “The Laughing Buddha” (Ed. David Baldacci. FaceOff. Simon & Schuster, 2014)

(Rose’s Jungian therapist Malachai Samuels vs. Gardner’s detective D.D. Warren) (Murder — Investigation;

Behavior therapists; Chinatowns — Massachusetts — Boston)

Rosie, Alastair. The Boston Slasher (AuthorHouse, 2008) (Amazon and Google Books)

Rosin, Jeffrey. Lipstick’s Legacy (Baltimore: PublishAmerica, 2005) (Tremont Heights (?) locale) (United States. —

Federal Bureau of Investigation; Boston (Mass.); Organized crime) (Amazon and Google Books))

Rosow, Christopher. Epic Injustice (Quadrant Publishing, 2023)  (Ben Porter, 5) (Boston (Mass.); F. B. I. Employees;  Washington (D.C.);

Intelligence officers)

—. False Assurances (Southport, CT: Quadrant Publishing, 2020) (Hoaxes; Presidents; Boston


—. Threat Bias (Southport, CT : Quadrant Publishing, 2020) (Federal Bureau of Investigation; Enemies; Boston)

—. Vital Deception (Quadrant, 2022) (Boston (Mass.); Employees; Intelligence officers; Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Ross, Barbara. Jane Darrowfield and the Madwoman Next Door (Kensington, 2020) (Cats; Missing persons;

Neighbors; Vaults (Strong rooms); Cambridge)

—. Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody (Kensington, 2019) (murder mystery set in West

Cambridge, Massachusetts)

Ross, M. C. Nugly (Scholastic, 2023) (Juvenile; runaway dog “alone on the streets of Boston” WorldCat)

Ross, Randy. The Squid and the Spaceman (Epsilon Books, 2024) (comedy; “2015 . . . Boston” WorldCat) (Dating (Social
customs); Man-woman relationships; Middle-aged persons)

Rossignol, Lewis. Broken Bottles (iUniverse, 2005) (boozer in Boston gets his life together) (Alcoholics; Fathers and

sons; Vermont)

Rotondi, Emily. The Wedding Toaster (Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015) (Romance; heroine “an obit

writer for The Boston Hub” Amazon) (Single women; Marriage; Boston (Mass.))

Roux, Abigail. Cross & Crown (Hillsborough, NJ: Riptide Publishing, 2014) (Boston gay police detective; murder) (Gay

men; Murder — Investigation; Amnesia)

Rowe, Stephanie. Unbecoming Behavior (Making it, 2004) (Boston law firm; romance) (Women lawyers; Boston (Mass.))

Rowen, Mary. Leaving the Beach (Booktrope, 2014) (Winthrop (Mass.); Bulimia; Eating disorders)

Roy, Lauren M. Grave Matters: A Night Owls Novel (Ace Books, 2015) (heroine’s “new job guarding Boston’s most

powerful vampire” WorldCat) (Bookstores; Vampires; Succubi)

Roy, Ron. Illus. Steven Gurney. Colossal Fossil (Random House, 2018) (Series: A to Z mysteries. Super edition, #10)

(Museum of Science) (Science museums; Diamonds; Stealing; Boston (Mass.))

Rubin, Carrie. Broken Hope: A Thriller (Indigo Dot P, 2024) (heroine, in part, “a conscientious [Boston] doctor with a caring

bedside manner” WorldCat) (Physicians;  Revenge;  Thrillers; Vigilantes)

Ruescher, Scott. Waiting for the Light to Change (Prolific, 2017) (poems, many “rooted here in [their] references to the

Longfellow Bridge, the BPL, the corner of Mass Ave and Tremont Street,” for instance, “‘Beneath the Tobin Bridge’:

opens with an image of a woman running down a hallway in Harvard’s Longfellow Hall. . . . She tells him the news

that Charles Stuart’s body has just been pulled from ‘the green tidal waters / Of the misnamed Mystic River.’ Stuart

had murdered his pregnant wife and blamed a black man for the crime in 1990, aggravating longstanding racial

tensions in the city. . . . That poem . . . touches down in Mission Hill, Franklin Park, Huntington Ave., and ‘horsey

Dover-Sherborn.’ It is about race and class, and Boston.” Nina MacLaughlin, New England Literary News: “Poems

from the City,” Globe 4 June 2017, p. N16)

Ruff, Jenifer. The Atonement Murders (Greyt Companion P, 2023) (four connected murders, one in Boston) (Detective and mystery; Employees;

Murder Investigation;  Secrecy;  Serial murderers; United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Runner, Bill. Fear City (Runner House, 2024) (“a secret network of Boston-based investors funneling Russian dirty money into the heart of
America,” “Blaze heads to Boston . . .to end this twisted game” WorldCat) (Blaze, Alex (Fictitious character); Nevada; Thrillers; United
States marshals)

Russell, Satin. Secret Hunger (Satin Russell, 2015) (male lead, “a Boston police detective”) (Man-woman relationships;

Stalking victims)

Russo, Bill.  In a Land Where You Cannot Flip a Coin (2016) (first of three stories set in “affluent Beacon Hill section of Boston” WorldCat)

Ruttan, Amy. Rebel Doctor’s Boston Reunion (“Boston’s most elite [medical] team” WorldCat) (Harlequin, 2024) (Man-woman relationships;

Physicians; Romance;  Single fathers;  Surgeons)

Ruta, Domenica. Last Day (Penguin Random House, 2019) (one main character “In Boston, bookish wunderkind”

WorldCat) (Science Fiction)

Ryan, Hank Phillippi. Air Time: A Charlotte McNally Novel (Forge, 2016) (Series: Charlotte McNally, #3) (Television

journalists; Boston)

—. Face Time (Don Mills, Ont.: Harlequin, 2007) (romance; woman Boston TV investigative reporter) (Broadcast journalism)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Murder List (Macmillan Audio, 2019) (intern heroine Boston DA’s office) (Internship programs; Public prosecutors;

Women law students; Boston)

—. One Wrong Word (Forge, 2024) (” crisis management expert Arden Ward takes on the case of a Boston real estate mogul” WorldCat)

(Crisis management; Drunk driving Accidents;  Murderers;  Psychological fiction;  Public relations consultants;  Reputation;  Rich people;

Secrecy;  Thrillers)

—. The Other Woman (Forge, 2012) (opens with dead body in the Charles) (Women journalists; Police — Massachusetts —

Boston; Serial murders)

—. Say No More (Forge, 2016) (Ryland, Jane — (Fictitious character); Women journalists; Police — Massachusetts

— Boston)

—. Trust Me (Forge, 2019) (Murder — Investigation; Widows; Women journalists; Women murderers; Boston)

—. Truth be Told (Forge, 2014) (Female Boston newspaper reporter and male Boston police detective) (Women journalists;

Police — Massachusetts — Boston; Foreclosure; Finance — Corrupt practices; Murder — Investigation)

—. What You See (Macmillan Audio, 2015) (Murder at Faneuil Hall, one strand) (Police; Women journalists; Boston)

—. The Wrong Girl (Forge, 2014) (Female Boston newspaper reporter and male Boston police detective) (Journalists;

Police — Massachusetts; Women journalists; Birthmothers — Identification; Murder — Investigation; Missing

children; Family secrets; Foster home care; Adoption — Corrupt practices; Boston (Mass.)

Ryan, Kendall. The Rebound (Toronto, 2021) (Series: Looking to score, bk. 4) (Hockey players; Man-woman

relationships; Neighbors; Pregnant women; Single women; Boston)

—. The Rival (Kendall Ryan, 2021) (“Boston’s professional hockey franchise” WorldCat) (Man-woman

relationships; Hockey players; Boston (Mass.))

—. The Rookie (2021) (“Boston Titans rookie” WorldCat) (Hockey players; Man-woman relationships;Women

psychotherapists; Colorado; Boston)

—. Tempting Little Tease (Kendall Ryan, 2018) (Series: Forbidden desires, book 4) (Erotic; Interpersonal attraction; Man-

woman relationships; Tutors and tutoring; Italy; Boston)

—. Torrid Little Affair (Kendall Ryan, 2022) (Boston (Mass.); Man-woman relationships; Sex in the workplace)

Ryan, Mike. Begin With Me (Whisky Creek P, 2006) (“great detail of the Boston area” [Alisha, Brief Review, pub.

website (Internet Wayback Machine)]) (Catholic Church; Priests; Irish Americans)

—. Ten Minutes to Park Street (Charles River P, 2014) (Romance) (Man-woman relationships)

—. A Wooden Ship and a Tin Can (Wings ePress, 2024) (“ summer intern at the Constitution Museum in the Charlestown Navy Yard,”

time-travel WorldCat)

Safrey, Jen. A Perfect Pair (Silhouette Books, 2004) (Man-woman relationships; Best friends; Marriage;

Boston (Mass.)) (Shirley Lyons, Review, The Romance Reader [Internet Wayback Machine])

St. Claire, Rocki (= Roxanne). Hit Reply (Simon & Schuster, 2004) (chicklit; all online; Boston based; humorous)

(Electronic mail messages; Friendship; Online chat groups; Online dating; Advertising — Employees)

—. Tropical Getaway (Pocket Star Books, 2003) (heroine chef in family North End restaurant; romance; mainly

Caribbean) (Men/women relations; Women cooks; Brothers and sisters; Cruise ships — Caribbean area;

Lawyers; Shipwrecks; Hurricanes; Italian-Americans; Islands — Caribbean area; Tropics)

Saborio, Art. Thirst–A Vampire Story (AS Holdings and Assets, 2024) (Vampire’s love interest “cellist in the Boston Symphony”  WorldCat)

(Horror; Romance; Thriller)

St. Claire, Roxanne. Edge of Sight (New York: Forever, 2010) (Romance) (Women law students; Witnesses; Boston


—. Take Me Tonight (New York: Pocket Star Books, 2007) (Romance; Fantasy; Boston woman investigative reporter;

male bodyguard) (Bodyguards; Journalists) (Amazon and Google Books)

Salak, Kira. The White Mary (Macmillan, 2008) (Adventure; Boston-based female war reporter; mainly elsewhere)

(Women journalists; War correspondents; Missing persons — Investigation; Jungle survival; Papua New Guinea)

(Google Books)

Salesses, Matthew. Disappear Doppelgänger Disappear: A Novel (New York: Little A, 2020) (in part “white men in red

hats stalk Harvard Square” WorldCat; main character “raised by Irish Catholic adoptive parents in Boston”

Goodread) (Doppelgängers; Estranged families; Identity (Psychology); Korean Americans)

Sallis, James. Potato Tree (Host Publications, 2007) (short stories written over 40 years, including “Insect Men of Boston”

[1974 “in New Worlds; pp. 125-28] and “The Very Last Days of Boston” [1970 “in Quark, ed. Samuel R. Delany

and “Marilyn Hacker”; pp. 145-49])

Salter, Anna. White Lies (Pocket Books, 2000) (fictional Boston Harbor View Hospital; heroine Vermont-based

psychologist) (Psychology, Forensic; Sexual harassment of women) (Amazon and Google Books)

Sanders. Neal. Murder in Negative Space (The Hardington P, 2015) (Flower arrangers; Boston)

Santella, Nora. Guess Again (Amherst Jct., Wis.: Hard Shell Word Factory, 2003) (MIT prof. heroine; computer hacking;

espionage) (Romance/Suspense) (Russian Americans; Computer crimes; Women computer engineers;

Intelligence officers — United States) (Amazon and Google Books)

Sapphire, Judy. Radiant (Tallahassee, FL: Bella Books, 2022) (Women artists; Women lawyers; Lesbians; Sexual

attraction; Boston (Mass.))

Sarfeh, I.J. In the Name of Islam (Cedarburg, WI: Foremost Press, 2006) (one main character, Miriam, is based in Boston

and refers to Boston although all the action takes place outside of Boston) (Google Books)

Sarif, Shamin. Despite the Falling Snow (Review, 2004) (Present in Boston; 1950s in Moscow; Stalin; Beacon Hill)

(Moscow; Russian–United States)

Sattersby, Lauren. Rock ‘n’ Soul (Hillsborough, NJ: Riptide Publishing, 2016) (starts with narrator as bellhop in Boston

hotel) (Bellhops; Rock musicians; Gay men; Spirit possession; Boston (Mass.); California)

Saul, John. The Devil’s Labyrinth: A Novel (Ballantine, 2007) (Boston public school; boarding school; supernatural thriller)

(Priests; Catholic schools; Demonology; Good and evil; Exorcism; Teenage boys) (Amazon and Google books)

Savage, Kim. In Her Skin (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Impersonation; Swindlers

and swindling; Missing persons; Family life — Massachusetts — Boston)

Schaffhausen, Joanna. Every Waking Hour (Minotaur Books, 2021) (Series: Ellery Hathaway, 4) (“a rookie Boston

detective”; serial child abduction)

—. Last Seen Alive: A Mystery (Minotaur Books, 2022) (Series: Ellery Hathaway, 5) (“Boston detective”) (Government

investigators;  Policewomen;  Serial murderers;  Women detectives)

Schaller, Bob. Mystery in Massachusetts (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2001) (Elementary and junior high school)

(Freedom Trailer; Bunker Hill: U.S.S. Constitution) (Teasure hunt (Game); Brothers and sisters; Boston (Mass.))


Scharf, Bryan.  Lost and Bound (Reliably Chaotic, 2024) (“ five heroes . . .  traverse the strange and dangerous world of Boston, Massachusetts”

WorldCat) (Action and adventure; Fantasy)

Schartz, Vijaya. “Coyote Gorgeous.” In This Magic Moment (novella; South Boston woman Mexican-border agent;

suspense [Internet Wayback Machine])

Schatz, Richard, with Angela Prine. Dying to Divorce. Part II, Bostonb: Basic Black and Pearls (Dying to Divorce Publications,

2021) (Divorce; Murder — Investigation; Boston)

Scheft, Bill. Shrink Thyself: A Novel (Rare Bird Books, 2014) (Psychotherapy; Neuroses; Mothers; Boston (Mass.);

Dysfunctional families; Anxiety)

Schilling, Vivian. Quietus: A Novel (Penguin, 2003) (Boston-based heroine; White Mountains; supernatural) (Near-death

experiences; Aircraft accident victims; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Schindler, Solomon. Young West, A Sequel to Edward Bellamy’s Celebrated Novel, Looking Backward (Boston: Arena

Pub. Co., 1894 [Internet Archive]) (the education of the son of Julian West by a rabbi) (Utopias) (Google Books)

Schmahmann, David. Nibble & Kuhn (Chicago: Academy Chicago Pub, 2009) (legal thriller; Boston law firm; romance)

(Google Books)

Schneider, Richard H. The Christmas Pea Coat (Ideals Children’s Books, 2004) (Primary school) (Christmas Eve in

Boston) (Christmas; Sharing; Bullies)

Schreiber, Joe. Chasing the Dead: A Novel (Ballantine, 2006) (Boston mother seeks kidnapped baby in small

Massachusetts towns; horror; occult) (Single mothers — Boston, Massachusetts; Thirties (Age); Mother and

daughter; Girl kidnap victims; Missing men; Ex-husbands; Supernatural; Zombies; Murder; Crime; Grave

robbing; Kidnapping; Rescues; Fear in women; Boston, Massachusetts; Occult fiction, American; Horror

stories, American) (Amazon and Google Books)

Schulte von Drach, Markus Christian. Der Parasit: Thriller (München [Germany]: Knaur Taschenbuch Verlag, 2010)

(Only in German; partly supernatural serial killer in Boston) (Murder; Criminal investigation; Predestination)

Schwartz, Lloyd, ed. The View from Somerville (Cervena Barva P, 2022) (poetry by Somerville High School students)

(“pride, scorn, love and hate for their home city”  Nina MacLaughlin, New England Literary News, Globe 17 Apr. 2022,


Scott, Mel. Stealing the Wrong Identity (Create Space, 2008) (main character Tufts senior; Boston; Colorado; stolen

identity) (Novel Website, with links to first ten chapters)

Scott, R. J. Bad Check (Love Lane, 2024) (Boston Rebels hockey team, WorldCat) (Bisexual people; Romance; Sexual minorities)

—. Blade (Love Lane, 2024) (Boston Rebels hockey team, WorldCat) (Bisexual people; Romance; Sexual minorities)

—. Rental (Love Lane, 2024) (Boston Rebels hockey team, WorldCat) (Bisexual people; Romance; Sexual minorities)

—. Top Shelf (Love Lane, 2024) (Boston Rebels hockey team, WorldCat) (Bisexual people; Romance; Sexual minorities)

Scott, Trevor. The Dolomite Solution (Bend, Or.: Salvo Press, 2000) (Murder; suspense; partly, “Boston and Rhode

Island’s Narragansett Bay area”; Jake Adams) (Private investigators; Pharmaceutical biotechnology industry;

Genetic engineering) (Amazon)

Sedgwick, John. Dark House: A Novel (Harper Collins, 2000) (Boston suburbs) (Voyeurism) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—-. The Education of Mrs. Bemis: A Novel (HarperCollins, 2002) (woman psychologist and Boston Brahmin dowager)

(Psychotherapist and patient; Women psychologists; Female friendship; Older women)( Amazon and

Google Books)

Seltzer, Richard, and Ethel Kaiden. Echoes from the Attic (All Things That Matter P, 2022) (“a Back Bay Boston apartment” WorldCat)


Senturia, Stephen D. One Man’s Purpose: A Novel (Friesen Press, 2015) (Fictional Cambridge Institute of

Technology) (College teachers; Marriage; Massachusetts — Cambridge)

Serritella, Francesca. Ghosts of Harvard (Random House, 2020) (Brothers and sisters; College students;

Schizophrenia; Harvard University; Suicide; Women college students)

Shafak, Elif. The Saint of Incipient Insanities (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004) (Somerville, 2003; post 9/11; three

grad students–Turkish, Moroccan, Spanish) (Students–Foreign; Graduate students; Young adults;Immigrants;


Shaler, SaSa. Beacon Hill Lady Sleuth: A Lana Lemontree Adventure (Xlibris, 2009) (Suffolk Law grad detective)

Shanahan, Lisa. Murder by the Book: A Boston Publishing House Mystery (2019) (“Irish mob . . . Back Bay . . . Beacon Hill” WorldCat)

Shankman, Ed. illus Dave O’Neill. The Boston Balloonies (Commonwealth Editions, 2008) (Juvenile–ages 9-12)

(Boston (Mass.) — Description and travel)

Shapiro, Barbara A. Metropolis: A Novel (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2022) (Storage facilities; Elevators —

Accidents; Murder — Investigation; Photographers; Noncitizens; Doctoral students; Abused women; Money

laundering; Cambridge (Mass.)

Shapiro, Peter David. Ghosts on the Redline (S.l.: Penlane P, 2011) (Ghost stories; Boston (Mass.); Subways)

Shea, Brian. Cold Hard Truth (Severn River Publishing, 2021) (Boston crime thrillers [5]) (Police — Massachusetts

— Boston; Missing persons; Murder — Investigation)

—. Into the Gray (Severn River Publishing, 2024) (Boston Crime thrillers [6]) (Boston (Mass.); Police Massachusetts Boston; Prison gangs;

Walpole State Prison)

—. Murder Board (Severn River Publishing, 2019) (Dorchester, Boston detective) (Murder — Investigation)

—. The Penitent One: A Boston Crime Thriller (“the tough streets of Dorchester” WorldCat) (Severn River Publishing,

2020) (Cold cases (Criminal investigation); Murder)

—. Sign of the Maker (Ashland, OR: Blackstone, 2021) (Series: The Boston Crime Thriller Series, Bk. 4)  (Bombing

investigation;Terrorism;  Boston)

Shea, John “Red,” and Michael B. Harmon. A Kid from Southie (WestSide Books, 2011) (South Boston) (Boxing;

Organized crime; Conduct of life; Single-parent families; Mothers and sons; High schools)

Shefchik, Rick. Green Monster: A Sam Skarda Mystery (Scottsdale, AZ: Poisoned Pen P, 2008) (Boston Red Sox

(Baseball team)) (possible fix of 2004 World Series) (Amazon and Google Books)

Sheldon, Heather Barlow. illus. Betsy McLaughlin Seymour’s Soaring Red Sox: A Bird’s-eye View of the 2004 World

Series Cassiopeia P, 2005) (Juvenile: ages 4-8) (Boston Red Sox (Baseball team); Gulls)

Shen, L. J. The Hunter (L.J. Shen, 2020) (“Boston’s nerdiest girl” and “one of Boston’s most eligible bachelors”)

(Nannies; Man-woman relationships)

—. The Monster (2020) (Series: Boston belles) (Mafia; Man-woman relationships; Physicians; Rich people;  Boston)

—. The Rake (2022) (Man-woman relationships; Rich people; Romance; Boston (Mass.))

—. Sparrow (Kindle, 2016) (South Boston mobster husband) (Romance; Sex)

Sherer, David. Into the Ether (Estes Park, CO: Thousand Acres P, 2021 (key event: “a crime committed decades before in the

slums of Boston” WorldCat) (Anesthesiologists; Deals)

Sheridan, Kevin. Catching a Falling Star (Virginia Beach, VA: Köehlerbooks, 2014) (“Set in modern-day Boston”

WorldCat) (Paranormal; Homeless men)

Sherwood, Ben. The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud (Bantam Books, 2004) (Marblehead; Ghosts) (Cemetery

managers; Brothers — Death; Missing persons; Revere (Mass.); Cemeteries; Bereavement)

Shirvington, Jessica. Between the Lives (HarperCollins, 2013) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Paranormal; every

24 hours heroine shifts between wealthy life in Wellesley and poverty in Roxbury) (Multiple personality; Identity

(Philosophical concept); Interpersonal relations; Teenage girls)

Shrayer, Maxim. A Russian Immigrant: Three Novellas (Cherry Orchard Books, an imprint of Academic Studies P,

2019) (“Set in Providence, New Haven and Boston,” etc.) (Immigrants; Jews, Russian)

Shrier, Howard. Boston Cream (Vintage Canada, 2012) (Missing Jewish doctor; Boston’s fictional Mount Sinai Hospital)

Shulkin, Joel. Toxic Effects (Blackstone, 2022)  (Amnesia; Assassins; Boston (Mass.); Memory Effect of drugs on;

Recovered memory; Women psychiatrists)

Silva, Daniel. The Collector: A Novel (Harper, 2023)  (“The Concert by Johannes Vermeer, . . .  stolen from Boston’s

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in 1990″ WorldCat) (Art restorers; Art thefts; Conspiracies; Intelligence

officers; Spies; Thieves)

Silva, M[ary]. M. Two Out of Three: A Meagan Maloney Mystery (Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse, 2011) (“from Boston to

California” backcover) (Amazon and Google Books)

Silver, E. C. Very Important People: A Novel (2021) (“Boston nightclub scene” WorldCat) (Nightclubs; Popularity;

Self-realization; Self-realization in women)

Silverstein, Barry. The Doomsday Virus (New York: iUniverse, 2003) (in part, Kendall Square computer firm) (Amazon

and Google Books)

Simmons, Pat. Guilty by Association (Moody Publishers, 2012) (starts Boston, mainly St. Louis) (African Americans;


Simon, Clea. Bad Boy Beat (Severn House, 2024) (heroine, “Boston Standard journalist” WorldCat) (Drug dealers; Police and the press;

Women journalists)

—. A Cat on the Case (Aberdeen, N. J.: Polis Books, 2021) (Sequel to An Incantation of Cats) ( Colwin, Becca

— (Fictitious character); Violin; Cats; Witches; Magic; Cambridge (Mass.))

—. Cattery Row (Poisoned Pen Press, 2006) (Underground clubs) (Women journalists; Pet theft; Cats; Cambridge


—. Code Grey (Dulcie Schwartz feline mystery, #9.) (Severn House, 2015) (Schwartz, Dulcie (Fictitious character);

Book thefts; Women graduate students; Cats; Animal ghosts; Cambridge (Mass.))

—. Cries and Whiskers (Poisoned Pen Press, 2007) (Clubs) (Krakow, Theda (Fictitious character); Freelance journalism;

Animal rights activists; Feral cats)

—. Grey Expectations (Worldwide, 2014) (Animal ghosts; Cats; Murder — Investigation; Schwartz, Dulcie (Fictitious

character); Cambridge)

Grey Howl (Severn House, 2013) (Volume 7 of the Dulce Schwartz Feline MYsteries) (“Harvard grad student Dulcie

Schwartz,” “A presitigious literature conference. . . in Cambridge, Massachusetts” Google Books)

—. Hold Me Down (Polis Books, 2021) (murder in Boston; old rock-and-rollers)

—. An Incantation of Cats (Hoboken, N.J.: Polis Books, 2020) (Series: Witch Cats of Cambridge mystery) (Cats;

Psychic ability; Human-animal relationships; Witches; Sisters; Poisoning; Murder — Investigation)

—. Mew Is for Murder (Poisoned Pen Press, 2005) (Jamaica Plain; Blues) (Authors; Cats; Cambridge; Women

journalists; Cat owners; Older women — Crimes against; Mentally ill; Rock musicians)

—. Probable Claws (Poisoned Pen P, 2009) (Series, Theda Krakow mysteries, 4) (Poisoning; Murder; Innocence

(Law); Krakow, Theda; Women investigative journalists; Women cat owners; Men/women relations; Cats;

Humans and cats; Women detectives; Women journalist-detectives; Cambridge, Massachusetts)

—. Shades of Grey (Severn House, 2009) (Series: Dulcie Schwartz feline-filled mysteries, 1) (Harvard University

— Students; Women graduate students — Cambridge, Massachusetts; Murder — Cambridge,

Massachusetts; Frameups — Cambridge, Massachusetts; Women and cats; Murder investigation —

Cambridge, Massachusetts; Animal ghosts)

—. A Spell of Murder (Hoboken, NJ: Polis Books, 2019) (Series: Witch cats of Cambridge mystery) (Cats; Magic;

Witches; Paranormal; Secrecy; Unemployed; Murder — Investigation; Cambridge (Mass.)

—.To Conjure a Killer: A Witch Cats of Cambridge Mystery (Polis Books, 2023) (Hacking; Human-animal relationships; Murder Investigation;

Psychic ability; Witches)

—. World Enough (Severn House, 2017) (Rock music; Rock musicians — Crimes against; Murder — Investigation;

Boston (Mass.))

Simon, Matthew. The Chosen Few (On-Demand Publishing, 2008) (Max Lovely, Back Bay, Beacon Hill, the South End,

downtown, Chelsea, and Watertown)

Simone, Naima. Black Sheep Bargain (Toronto: Harlequin, 2022) (Boston (Mass.); Man-woman relationships;Revenge;

Rich people; Sexual attraction)

—. A Millionaire at Midnight (Entangled, 2017) (Romance; heroine, Boston socialite) (Bachelors; Man-woman relationships;

Millionaires; Socialites; Boston)

—. An Off-Limits Merger (Harlequin, 2023) (“Bran Holleran and Tatum Haas in Boston” WorldCat) (Businessmen;

Man-woman relationships)

—. “Only for a Night” (The Lick Series, Fort Collins, CO: Entangled Publishing, 2019) (narrator, “co-owner of Boston’s

hottest aphrodisiac club”) (Man-woman relationships; Romance; Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Voyeurism)

—. “Only for Your Touch” (heroine “Boston . . . mob Princess”) (The Lick Series)

—. The Perfect Fake Date (Toronto: Harlequinb, 2021) (Series: Billionaires of Boston 3) (“he secret son of Boston’s

wealthiest, cold-hearted billionaire” WorldCat) (Billionaires; Fashion designers; Friendhip; Man-woman


—. Secrets and Sins: Malachim (A Secrets and Sins Novel) (Fort Collins, CO: Entangled Publishing, 2013)

(Beacon Hill lawyer) (Romance; Suspense)

Simons, Marijke. The Flying Squirrel Stowaways: From Nova Scotia to Boston (Nimbus Publishing, 2017) (Juvenile)

(Halifax Christmas tree)

Sims, Janice. All the Right Reasons (Kensington, 2000) (in part Boston; also New Orleans) (Afro-Americans;

Romance; Minority women lawyers; African American women; African Americans) (Google Books)

Sittenfeld, Curtis. The Man of My Dreams: A Novel (Random House, 2006) (Romance; partly Boston; Tufts)

Skerrett, Joanne. Letting Loose (Dafina Books/Kensington, 2007) (Female Boston school teacher; romance)

(African American women; Teachers; African American businesspeople; Fugitives from justice;

Caribbean Area)

—. She Who Shops (Strapless, 2005) (Boston University MBA student heroine) (African Americans)

—. Sugar vs.Spice (Kensington, 2006) (Breast cancer; Boston newspaper journalist/jazz singer) (Sisters; African

-American women; Female friendships; African Americans)

Skewes, John. Larry Loves Boston! (Little Bigfoot, 2016) (Preschool; “vibrant retro illustrations”) (Historic sites —

Massachusetts — Boston)

Skillings, R[odger]. D. Summer’s End: Stories (Provincetown Arts P, 2016) (South End (Boston, Mass.); Provincetown


Skye, Brooklyn. A Moment of Madness (Entangled, 2017) (Series: Boston Alibi # 2) (Alibi, Boston bar) (Man-woman


—. A Moment of Weakness (Entangled, 2015) (Series: Boston Alibi # 1) (“Shaelynn deserved the best school in

Boston, especially now that she was entering first grade”) (Man-woman relationships; Nannies; Single fathers)

Sloan, Susan R. Behind Closed Doors (Warner Books, 2004) (Many scenes in Boston, but mostly Vermont, Seattle,

California, and elsewhere; starts in 1950s) (Abused wives; Married women; Family violence; Problem families;

Adult child abuse victims)

Sloane, Nikki. The Redemption (Findaway Voices, Made available through hoopla, 2021) (male lead, disgraced member of

“Boston’s elite” WorldCat) (Bankers; Man-woman relationships; Rich people)

Smith, David Alexander, ed. Future Boston: The History of a City, 1990-2100 (TOR, 1994) (“a new novel created by

an ongoing workshop by eight Boston-area writers, it’s the 21st c. and the city is the only port of entry on

Earth for interstellar commerce”) (Science fiction, American; Twenty-first century)

—–. In the Cube: A Novel of Future Boston (TOR, 1993) (“a science fiction detective yarn set in a future Boston literally

crawling with weird aliens” [Kirkus Reviews]) (Twenty-first century)

—, and Resa Nelson, “The Last Out.” In 2041: Twelve Stories About the Future by Top Science Fiction Writers , ed. Jane

Yolen (Delacorte Press, 1991) (baseball; last game played at Fenway Park)

Smith, Emily. After the Fire (Bold Strokes Books, 2016) (heroine, Boston EMT) (Emergency medical technicians;

Fire fighters; Lesbians)

—. “Wings Over Boston” (novella in Stranded Hearts [Bold Strokes, 2022]) (romance of paramedic and pilot)

Smith, Ian. The Ancient Nine (St. Martin’s P, 2019.) (Harvard undergrad. clubs, 1927 and 21st c.–summary, Nina

MacLaughlin, “New England Literary News,” Globe, 16 Sep. 2018, p. N14)

Smith, Mary-Ann Tirone. She Smiled Sweetly: A Poppy Rice Mystery (Holt, 2004) (Dead woman washes up on

Boston beach) (Rice, Poppy (Fictitious character); Women detectives –Massachusetts — Boston; Government

investigators; Drowning victims; Irish Americans; Boston (Mass.))

– – – and Jere Smith. Dirty Water: A Red Sox Mystery (Hall of Fame P, 2008) (2007; supporting roles for real Red

Sox players, esp. David Ortiz) (Boston Red Sox (Baseball team)) (Review, Paul Steven Stone 1 Jan. 2009)

Smith, Mitchell. Kingdom River (Tom Doherty, 2003) (future fantasy as four empires, including Boston, fight for control of

northern Mexico/U.S: “From the far north, the elders of the ice-bound city of Boston send an ambassedress to

Sam [the hero]. . . . Boston-town holds its ancient science close . . . [Back Cover {Google Books}]) (Mexico;

Glacial epoch; Kings and rulers; Wilderness survival; Regression (Civilization)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Moonrise (Forge, 2004) (conclusion of trilogy of which Kingdom River is the second novel) (Adoptees; Kings and

rulers — Succession; Glacial epoch) (Amazon and Google Books)

Smith, Sarah. Chasing Shakespeares: A Novel (Atria, 2003) (class conflict as Northeastern and Harvard grad students

seek Shakespeare’s identity) (Shakespeare, William; Americans– England; Playwriting; Literary historians;

Authorship; England) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Other Side of Dark (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2010) (Juvenile: ages 9-12) (“a famous Boston

family’s connection to the illegal post-emancipation slave trade” Amazon) (African Americans; Boston (Mass.);

Dating (Social customs); Ghosts; Family / Multigenerational; United States / Civil War Period (1850-1877);

Orphans; Race relations; Supernatural)

Smith, Zadie. On Beauty: A Novel (Penguin, 2005) (Harvard, Roxbury; class; race; gender) (College teachers)

—. “Big Week” (Paris Review, Issue 209, Summer 2014) (“a Boston cop’s fall from grace and marital separation”

Michael Upchurch, “Short Cuts,” Globe, N 13); Charlestown)

Sniegoski, Thomas E. Dancing on the Head of a Pin: A Remy Chandler Novel (Roc, 2009) (Series: Remy Chandler

novels, 2) (Antique thefts; Grief in men; Weapons; Detectives; Good and evil; Widowers; Chandler, Remy;

Angels; Supernatural; Stealing; Boston; Urban fantasy; Mystery; Noir fiction)

—. A Deafening Silence in Heaven (Roc, 2015) (Chandler, Remy (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Angels;

Eden; Boston (Mass.))

—. A Hundred Words for Hate: A Remy Chandler Novel (ROC, 2011) (Boston PI) (Chandler, Remy (Fictitious

character); Private investigators; Angels; Eden; Occult; Boston (Mass.))

—. A Kiss Before the Apocalypse (ROC, 2008) (Series: Remy Chandler novels, 1; ex-angel Boston private

detective) (Angels; Detectives; Angel of death; Conspiracies; Labrador retrievers; Chandler, Remy; Urban

fantasy fiction; Mystery stories; Noir fiction)

—. Monstrous (Simon Pulse, 2017) (YA; Series: A Savage novel) (Natural disasters; Survival; Hurricanes; Science

fiction; Boston (Mass.)

—. “Noah’s Orphans.” In Mean Streets (New American Library, 2009) (“fallen angel turned Boston detective Remy

Chandler” WorldCat)

—. Walking in the Midst of Fire: A Remy Chandler Novel (ROC, 2013) (Chandler, Remy (Fictitious character);

Private investigators; Angels; Boston (Mass.))

—. Where Angels Fear to Tread: A Remy Chandler Novel (Roc, 2010) (Chandler, Remy; Private

investigators; Angels; Boston (Mass.))

Sokol, Iris G. illus Jory Mason. Lola in the Strollah: Based on a True Story about a Dog in Boston (Learning Rock P, 2024)

(“adventures . . . through many of the historic areas of Boston and Charlestown” WorldCat) (Anxiety; Friendship;  Death,

Grief, Bereavement;  Emotions & Feelings;  Norwich terrier; Service dogs)

Sokoloff, Alexandra. Book of Shadows (St. Martin’s P, 2010) (Salem witch helps Boston police detective) (Police —

Massachusetts — Boston; Murder — Investigation; Occult crime)

Solomon, Myster. Nothing to Live For (North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2014) (Rev. ed.) (Italian American gangs —

New England; African American gangs — New England; Murder; Mafia; Violence; Boston (Mass.))

Solomon, Rachel Lynn.  Past Present Future (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2024)  (Boston-New York romance) (Long-

distance relationships; Universities and colleges)

Somers, P. Jaguar in the Drive and Other Stories (Matador, 2014) (includes “Boston and Cambridge” and “Harvard”)

Sones, Sonya. One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies (Simon & Schuster, 2004) (Elementary and junior

high school) (starts in Boston) (Fathers and daughters; Moving, Household; Actors and actresses; Grief;

interpersonal relations; Homosexuality; Los Angeles (Calif.)

–. What My Girlfriend Doesn’t Know (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2007) (Secondary (senior high)

school) (Cambridge High School; Harvard) (Popularity; Self-esteem; Dating (Social customs); High school;

Artists; Novels in verse)

Songsiridej, Alyssa. Little Rabbit (Bloomsbury, 2022) (“unnamed narrator” based in Boston / Cambridge / Somerville,

“coming-of-age story about female lust, punishment, and . . . language-defying desires” WorldCat) (Autonomy

(Psychology); Bisexual women; Boston (Mass.); Choreographers; Dependency (Psychology); Identity

(Psychology); Maine; Racially mixed people; Roommates; Self-actualization (Psychology); Sexual dominance

and submission; Women authors)

Soolman, Harvey. Learn to Duck, Newark Phelps (The Author, 2015) (Series: Boston suspense novel) (Detective and

mystery; Boston)

Soule, Charles E. A Biker Undone: A Nantucket Novel of Suspense (Charleston, SC: BookSurge Publishing,

2010) (“colorful and always alluring Boston . . . in the background” WorldCat) (Nantucket (Mass.); Insurance


—. In the Same Space (BookSurge, 2007) (DEA; terrorist attacks in Boston/Nantucket) (Nantucket) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Souza, Joseph. The Anchorman’s Wife (Level Best Books, 2023) (Wife of “Boston’s most popular news anchor” WorldCat) (Family secrets; Mothers

and daughters; Psychological fiction; Spouses; Television news anchors; Thrillers)

—. Darpocalypse (Nashville, TN: Permuted P Book, 2013) (Plague; Zombies; Boston Common

(Boston, Mass.))

Spark, Debra. Discipline: A Novel (Four Way Books, 2024) (in part “a contemporary Boston art appraiser” WorldCat) 

Front cover image for Discipline : a novelSpeck, Nancy. The Freedom Trail Mystery, Going to Boston (New York: Four Corners, 2001) (Juvenile–ages 9-12) (Boston

University) (Field hockey; Antiquities) (Amazon)

Spencer, Wen. The Black Wolves of Boston (Baen, 2017) (High school senior hero; Vampires) (Fantasy)

Speyer, J. V. Nine Cocktails (Berkeley: JMS Books, 2019) (“Boston [police] detective and Army vet” heroine; lesbian

romance) (Murder investigatgion)

Spilsbury, G. D. That Year in Boston (Green Writers P, 2014) (2013; Marathon bombing; Red Sox) (Autobiographies —

Massachusetts — Boston — Fiction; Publishers and publishing — Massachusetts — Boston; Triangles

(Interpersonal relations) — Massachusetts — Boston)

Spinella, Laura. Unstrung (Montlake Romance, 2017) (Baseball players; Community service (Punishment); Married

people; Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Women violinists; Massachusetts — Boston)

Spring, Elizabeth. Saturn Returns: The Private Papers of a Reluctant Astrologer (2011) (In part, heroine on Beacon

Hill) (Astrology; Fate and fatalism; Human beings — Effect of Saturn on; Boston)

Spring, Peter. Bottom of the Ninth: A Chris Parsons Mystery (Springfield, IL: Oak Tree Press, 2005) (Fine art smuggling;

South Boston; Concord; Fenway Park; Red Sox) (Journalists; Rowers– Crimes against) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—–. The Last Casualty: A Chris Parsons Mystery (Springfield, IL: Oak Tree Press, 2003) (Boston reporter)

(Journalists; Ex-prisoners of war; Torture victims) (Amazon and Google Books))

Stacey, Shannon. Controlled Burn (Carina P, 2015) (Series: Boston fire. Book 6) (romance) (Fire fighters;

Man-woman relationships; Boston)

—. Flare Up (Carina P, 2019) (Women; Fire fighters; Boston)

—. Heat Exchange (Carina P, 2015) (romance) (Fire fighters; Divorced women; Man-woman relationships; Families;

Boston (Mass.))

—. Hot Response (Carina P, 2018) (Fire fighters; Emergency medical technicians; Boston (Mass.))

—. Fully Ignited (Boston Fire, Book 3) (Carina P, 2016) (romance)

Stallings, Jim. Tales for Commuters & Other Time Travelers (iUniverse, 2002) (many Boston and greater Boston


Stamp, Jack. The Chelsea Project (Telemachus P, 2012) (“reclamation project of the contaminated Boston waterfront

neighborhood known as ‘the Chelsea Project'” WorldCat; mob)

Stapleton, Leo [former Boston Fire Commissioner]. DFC (DMC Books, 2002) (“concludes soon after . . . September

11th, 2001″ [Admiral]) (Holden, Bill–fictional character) (Summary, AdmiralFire-Police-Rescue [Internet Wayback

Machine]) probation; Holden, Bill–fictional character) (Fire fighters — Massachusetts — Boston; Fire extinction —

Massachusetts — Boston)

Starr, D. H. Wrestling with Desire (Albion, NY: Featherweight P, 2010) (Identity (Philosophical concept); Coming out

(Sexual orientation); Gay teenagers; Gays; Wrestlers; Cambridge)

Starr, Jason. Art: Mick Bertilorenzi. Letters: Clem Roberts. The Chill (London: Titan, 2011, 2009) (Serial murders — New

York (State) — New York; Police — Massachusetts — Boston; Detective and mystery comic books, strips, etc.)

Steel, Danielle. Lost and Found (Macmillan, 2019) (heroine “reconnect[s] with her past in Boston, Chicago and

Wyoming” WorldCat) (Photographers; Reminiscing; Man-woman relationships)

Steele, Allen M. Coyote Destiny: A Novel of Interstellar Civilization (Ace, 2010) (in part, spaceship explosion

survivor “in the ruined city called Boston” WorldCat) (Space colonies; Interplanetary voyages; Terrorists)

—. “Day of the Bookworm” (Robin W Bailey and Bryan Thomas Schmidt, editors. Little Green Men– Attack!. Baen

Publishing Enterprises, 2017) (short story; opens “Eighteen hours after an alien spacecraft landed in Copley

Square, the Boyelston [sic] Street entrance of the Boston Public Library . . . “) (Extraterrestrial beings; Human

-alien encounters)

Steeves, Eric. Paradise Made (Lincoln, NE: iUniverse, 2003) (Chapter locales include Danvers, Dorchester, Plum

Island, Boston, Nantucket)

Steffen, P.M. The Profiler’s Daughter: A Sky Stone Thriller (Lion Dog P, 2014) (FBI Academy. — Investigative Support

Unit; Criminal investigation; Employees; Murder — Investigation; Murderers — Psychology; Boston)

Steffen, Sandra. Come Summer (Zebra Books, 2004) (mainly Nevada and New Hampshire, but some Boston scenes/

references; romance) (Women artists; Aunts; Sheriffs; New Hampshire; Twins)

Steinberg, Ken. Vuja de (iUniverse, 2004) (clairvoyance; disasters in Boston) (Photographers; Women physicians;

Aircraft accidents)

Stephenson, Neal. Zodiac (Mamillan Audio, 2009) (includes “the most startling caper in Boston Harbor since the Tea

Party” WorldCat) (Conspiracy; Environmentalists; Hazardous wastes)

Stephenson, Neal, and Nicole Galland. The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.: A Novel (William Morrow, 2017) (“Boston,

present day”; magic) (Fantasy)

Sterling, J. Dear Heart, I Hate You (2016) (couple meets in Boston; one remains) (Man-woman relationships; Long-

distance relationships)

Sterling, Michelle Min. Camp Zero: A Novel (Atria, 2023) (mainly Canada, but “places like Boston (where [main

character] Rose used to work . . .) feel[…]both familiar and irrevocably altered” Nina MacLaughlin, New England

Literary News, Globe 9 Apr. 2023: N10) (Biological stations; Climatic changes Research; Communities;

Detective and mystery;  Dystopian;  Ecofiction;  Immigrants;  Interpersonal relations)

Stevens, Karl. The Lodger (KSA Pub., 2010) (Graphic novel; Jamaica Plain) (Man-woman relationships — Comic books,

strips, etc.; Massachusetts — Social life and customs)

—. Penny: A Graphic Memoir (San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2021) (“from the streets to the Boston apartment she

. . . she shares with her human” Worldcat) (Cats; Self-perception)

—. Untitled (Globe 31 Jan. 2021: K8) (comic strip; “patrol guard,” Rembrandt,” Mrs. Gardner; Gardner Museum)

—. Whatever (Alternative Comics, 2008) (“the world of young artists dreamers, drinkers, layabouts and dime-store deep

thinkers of bohemian Allston, Massachusetts”) (Graphic novels; Massachusetts — Social life and customs —

Comic books, strips, etc.)

Stevens, Kevin. The Rizzoli Contract (Pocket/Townhouse, 2003) (Mafia — Massachusetts — Boston)

Stevenson, Richard. The Last Thing I Saw: A Donald Strachey Mystery (Albion, NY: MLR P, 2012) (partly Boston)

(Gay men)

—. No Entanglements (iUniverse, 2005) (Main character based in Boston; high finance; Rock and Roll; Mafia)

Stewart, Mike. A Perfect Life (Bantam Dell, 2005) (hero, Boston/Cambridge clinical psychologist; car jacking; murder)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Stewart, Sam. The Druid (Authors on Line, Ltd., 2003) (one of the murders takes place in Boston) (gay men; British

citizens; Interpol) (Google Books)

Stewart, Sarah E. Broken in the Back Bay (New Hampshire: Sarah E Stewart, 2015) (Detective and mystery stories;

Single women: Back Bay)

Stiefel, Vicki. (Tally Whyte counsels families of homicide victims at the Boston Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

[AKA The Grief Shop].)

—–. Body Parts (Dorchester, 2004) (African American suspect) (Serial murderers; Serial murders; Medical examiners

(Law); Murder victims’ families) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Bone Man (New York: Leisure, 2007) (New Mexico) (Counselors) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Dead Stone (Dorchester, 2005) (mainly Maine) (Murder investigation; Homicide–Psychological aspects)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Grief Shop (Dorchester, 2006) (Medical Examiners (Law)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Stockenberg, Antoinette. Safe Harbor (St. Martin, 2000) (mainly Martha’s Vineyard, but several Boston scenes: art galleries;

South Boston) (Amazon and Google Books)

Stoffolano, J. G. Tonino: The Adventures of a Boy/Cricket from Boston’s North End (iUniverse, 2011) (Juvenile)


Stolls, Amy. Palms to the Ground: A Novel (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005) (Juvenile–Elementary and junior high)

(stifled Boston 13-year-old boy liberated by visit to Washington State pen pal; mainly, Washington) (Family life;

Only child; Pen pals; Psychotherapy; Self-perception)

Stone, Jean. Once Upon a Bride (Center Point Pub., 2005) (fake male gay) (Female friendship; Middle-aged women;

Remarriage; Weddings; Boston (Mass.))

Stone, Mariah. Eternal Fire (Stone Publishing, 2021)  (“Port of Boston” WorldCat) (Vikings; Policewomen; Time travel;


Stone, Mary.  Last Vote (Mary Stone Publishing, 2024) (Series: Emma Last 10) (“gruesome murder in Boston” WorldCat) (Boston (Mass.);

Mayors; Murder Investigation;  Salem (Mass.);  Federal Bureau of Investigation Officials and employees;  Women detectives)

Stone, Paul Steven. Or So It Seems (Blind Elephant P, 2008) (“a Woody Allenish, neurotic, type of guy, who

searches for truth, spiritual salvation, and sex, guided by an odd and avuncular Hindu deity figure . . . in the

environs of Boston and Cambridge” Doug Holder) (Amazon)

Storm, Dalena. The Hungry Ghost (Black Spot Books, 2019) (Coma — Patients; Spirit possession; Boston)

Stossel, Sage. On the Loose in Boston: A Find-the-Animals Book (Commonwealth Eds., 2009)

—. We’re Off to Harvard Square (Commonwealth Eds., 2004) (Juvenile–ages 9-12) (Harvard Square (Cambridge,

Mass.); Cambridge (Mass.); Stories in rhyme)

Straczynski, J. Michael; Steve Epting, artist; Brian Reber, clolorist; Sal Cipriano, letterer. Telepaths, 1 (Artists Writers & Artisans, 2022)

(“newly-telepathic Boston police” WorldCat) (Telepathy; Psychic ability; Police; Prisoners)

Stratton, Jeff. Killing the Curse (New York: iUniverse, 2003) (Boston Red Sox; Detectives; Baseball players)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Strauss, Elle (or Lee?). Clockwork Crazy (ESB Publishing, 2015) (1929 and 1775 Boston) (Time travel; High school


Strong, Edmund Michael. Expert Witness (Victoria, B.C.: Trafford, 2003) (many Boston scenes; mid-air crash; cover-up)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Strohmeyer, Sarah. Do I Know You?: A Novel of Suspense (Harper, 2021) (heroine “a Homeland Security agent at Logan

Airport” Goodreads) (Face perception; Human rights worker; Missing persons; Secrecy; Sisters)

—. Sweet Love (Dutton, 2008) (romance; heroine, Boston TV reporter; Watertown; cooking school) (Single mothers;

Mothers and daughters)

Stross, Charles. The Clan Corporate: Book Three of the Merchant Princes (Tor, 2006) (heroine 33-year-old Boston

journalist; see below) (Women journalists; Merchants–Family relationships; Family; Fantasy) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. The Family Trade: Book One of the Merchant Princes (Tor, 2004) (Murder victims’ families; Inheritance and

succession; Women journalists; Fantasy) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Hidden Family: Book Two of the Merchant Princes (Tor, 2005) (Science fiction/fantasy connecting modern

American journalist and other worlds) (Women journalists; Family-owned business enterprises; Merchants;

Fantasy) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Merchants’ War: Book Four of the Merchant Princes (Tor, 2007) (Women journalists; Fantasy) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. The Revolution Trade (London: Tor, 2013) (Series: The merchant princes omnibus, v. 3) (Beckstein, Miriam

(Fictitious character); Merchants — Family relationships; Women journalists; Nuclear weapons; Washington (D.C.);

Boston (Mass.)) [“an omnibus edition of the fifth and sixth novels–The Revolution Business and Trade of Queens


—. The Trade of Queens: Book Six of The Merchant Princes (Tor, 2010) (Last book) (Fantasy; Clans; Nuclear weapons;

Washington (D.C.); Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Sturman, Jennifer. The Jinx (Don Mills, Ont.: Red Dress Ink, 2005) (chick-lit mystery in Boston) (Businesswomen;

Serial murders; Consolidation and merger of corporations) (Amazon and Google books)

Styron, Rose. “Beacon Hill” and “The Poet on the Poem” ‘Beacon Hill'” (American Poetry Review 40.3 (1 May

2011): 38)

Sullivan, J. Courtney. Saints for All Occasions: A Novel (Knopf, 2017) (Irish immigrant sisters; in part, “thrilled by

their new life in Boston and besotted with the fashionable dresses and dance halls on Dudley Street”

Abstract; 1957- 2009) (Family life)

Sullivan, Tom. A Short Life Well Lived: A Novel (Howard Books, 2011) (Blind; Attorneys; Sick children; Cancer

— Patients; Domestic fiction; Boston (Mass.)

Sunder, Shubha.  Optional Practical Training (Graywolf, 2025) (2006-7; main character, from Bangalore with American

Bachelor’s degree in physics, teaches at private high school, WorldCat; “[s]et in Boston and Cambridge from an

immigrant’s perspective” Clea Simon, The Story Behind the Book, Globe 23 Apr. 2023: N10)

Swanson, Peter. Before She Knew Him: A Novel (HarperCollins, 2019) (Cold cases (Criminal investigation); Manic-

depressive illness; Neighbors; Spouses; Women illustrators; Boston)

—. Eight Perfect Murders (HarperCollins, 2020) (“storyteller . . . Malcolm Kershaw, the proprietor of Old Devils

Bookstore on Boston’s Beacon Hill” Marilyn Stasio, “Stashed in the Marsh, Left in the Road,” NYT Bk. Rev.,

5 Apr. 2020: 8) (Federal Bureau of Investigation — Employees; Booksellers and bookselling; Widowers;

Secrecy; Serial murderers; Murder — Investigation)

—. The Girl with a Clock for a Heart (William Morrow, 2014) (hero asked for help in “his favorite Boston tavern”)

(Disappeared persons; Criminals)

—. Her Every Fear (William Morrow, 2017) (“grand apartment on Beacon Hill” Summary) (Kidnapping victims; Art

students; Murder — Investigation; Home exchanging)

—. The Kind Worth Killing: A Novel (William Morrow, 2015) (Serendipity; Murder; Boston (Mass.))

—. The Kind Worth Saving: A Novel (Willima Morrow, 2023) (Adultery;  Boston (Mass.); Murder; Private investigators)

—. Rules for Perfect Murders (Faber & Faber, 2020) (Series: Malcolm Kershaw 1) (Federal Bureau of Investigation;

Booksellers and bookselling; Bookstores; Employees; Murder — Investigation; Boston)

Sweeney, Sean. The Lone Bostonian (Sean Sweeney, 2014) (Dystopian thriller; Chapter 1 Boston 2115) (Chinese

computer tablets blow up east coast)

—. Model Agent: A Thriller (Sean Sweeney, 2011) (Chapter 1 City Hall Plaza, Boston, Mass. Saturday, July 17, 2011

–2:26 p.m.)

Swenson, Deborah. Till My Last Day (BookBaby, 2024) (“a prominent lady in Boston society in the late 1800s” meets “a well-

respected police officer serving the tough neighborhood of Roxbury in Boston [in 2016]” “in the Yuma desert of 1880”

WorldCat) (Fantasy; Romance)

Sykes, Julia. Theirs to Protect (2021) (“Our new home in Boston” WorldCat) (Mafia; Man-woman relationships)

Tamirat, Nafkote, The Parking Lot Attendant: A Novel (Holt, 2018) (“coming-of-age story about a girl in Boston’s tightly

-knit Ethiopian community”) (Ethiopians; Fathers and daughters)

Tangvik, Ken. Don’t Mess with Tanya: Stories Emerging from Boston’s Barrios (Aberdeen Bay, 2011) (Jamaica Plain;

Mattapan; Brighton) (Ethnic relations; Minorities — Massachusetts — Boston; Young adults — Massachusetts

— Boston)

Tanneberg, Ward M. Without Warning: A Novel (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2003) (Combat Zone; Baytown,

Calif.; Jersualem; pastor hero and author) (Terrorism) (Back Cover Amazon and Google Books)

Tapply, William. A Fine Line (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2002) (Missing persons; Ecoterrorism; Teenage boys; Naturalists)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Hell Bent (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2008) (Iraq war) ( Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character); Lawyers — Massachusetts

— Boston; Photojournalists — Crimes against; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Divorce; Murder — Investigation)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Nervous Water: A Brady Coyne Novel (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2005) (Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character); Murder

victims’ families; Conflict of generations; Fathers and daughters; Missing persons; Terminally ill) (Amazon and

Google Books))

—. The Nomination: A Novel of Suspense (New York: Skyhorse, 2011) (Mass. Supreme Court nominee) (Police —

Massachusetts — Boston)

—–. One-way Ticket: A Brady Coyne Novel (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2007) (Lawyers; Kidnapping) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Out Cold: A Brady Coyne Novel (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2006) (Back Bay; New Hampshire) (Detectives; Lawyers;

Murder) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Outwitting Trolls (Minotaur, 2010) (Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character); Lawyers — Massachusetts — Boston; Murder

— Investigation) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Past Tense: A Brady Coyne Novel (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2001) (Cape Cod) (Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character);

Stalking victims; Missing persons; Stalkers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Scar Tissue: A Brady Coyne Novel (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2000) (Pornography) (Traffic accident investigation)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Shadow of Death (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2003) (Senate candidate and missing Tufts prof. husband; North End; New

Hampshire) (Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character); Attorney and client; Political campaigns) (Amazon and

Google Books )Notes on Infinity: A Novel

Tattersall, Peter D. Or Else– ! (New Orleans: Murder Creek Press, 2007) (Suffolk Downs) (Horse racing; Crime and

criminals — Boston) (Google Books)

Taylor, Austin. Notes on Infinity: A Novel (Celadon Books, 2025) (“Harvard students . . . propelled into the intoxicating biotech

startup world” WorldCat)

Taylor, Charles D. Igniter: A Henry Hyde Investigation (Dover, NH: dmc Firebooks, 2002) (Boston arson investigator)

(Arson; Crime; Investigations) (Summary, The Fire Store [Internet Wayback Machine])

Taylor, J. M. Night of the Furies ([United States]: New Pulp P, 2013) (Mafia; Murder; Massachusetts — Boston)

Taylor, Julie. The Suite Life of Zack & Cody (Tokyopop, 2007) (Juvenile) (Boston hotel) (Twins; Hotels; Boston


Taylor, Liza Nash. In All Good Faith: A Novel (Blackstone, 2022) (one main character, lives “a cold-water West End Boston tenement” and seeks

solace at “the Boston Public Library” WorldCat) (Anxiety in adolescence;  Nonus Expeditionary Forces;  Depression 1929- ; Families;

Mentally ill women; Self-realization in women)

Taylor, Mildred. All the Days Past, All the Days to Come (Penguin, 2020) (Secondary (senpor high) school) (in part, “law

school in Boston” WorldCat) (Voting Rights Act of 1965 (United States); African Americans — Politics and government;

Civil rights movements; Race relations; African Americans; Prejudices)

Taylor, Sarah Stewart. Judgment of the Grave (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2005) (Harvard art historian; 1775 as well as

2000s) (Saint George, Sweeney (Fictitious character); Police — Massachusetts — Cambridge; Historical

reenactments; Women art historians; Concord (Mass.); Murder–Investigation; Cemeteries) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Mansions of the Dead (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2004) (Sweeney St. George; Mount Auburn Cemetery; Cambridge)

(Women art historians; Art students — Crimes against; Women college teachers; Death in art) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—–.O’ Artful Death (St. Martins Minotaur, 2003) (Harvard art historian) (Women art historians; Drowning victims; Art

colonies; Women teachers; Vermont) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Still as Death (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2006) (Sweeney St. George faces museum theft and international

trafficking in stolen art) (Harvard’s fictional Hapner Museum of Art) (Saint George, Sweeney (Fictitious

character); Police — Massachusetts — Cambridge; Women art historians; Art, Egyptian; Theft from museums)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Tea, Michelle. Illus. Miranda Verwey. Girl at the Bottom of the Sea (McSweeney’s McMullens, 2015) (Series: Chelsea

trilogy, book 2) (Juvenile; continuing story of Sophie Swankowski and her Polish mermaid guardian, including

trip to Poland) (Mermaids; Teenage girls)

—. Mermaid in Chelsea Creek (McSweeney’s McMullens, 2014) (heroine, 3rd generation Polish ancestry; Grades 9-

12; ) (Mermaids; Teenage girls; Massachusetts — Chelsea)

—. Rose of No Man’s Land (Random House, 2007) (part Revere Beach) (Teenage girls; Lesbian youth; Poor youth;


Teague, Jason Conrad Cranford. When the Revolution Came (Revolution of 2019 in Boston) (accessed 18 Mar. 2008)

Temples, Phillip E. The Winship Affair: A Carrie Bloomfield Novel (Boston: Blue Mustang P, 2014) (science thriller;

heroine lives in Cambridge works in Kendall Square lab)

Thayer, Nancy. The Hot Flash Club (Ballantine, 2004) (four Boston-area women) (Middle-aged women; Female

friendship; Self-actualization (Psychology))

—. The Hot Flash Club Chills Out (Ballantine, 2007) (Four hot flashers “escape their stressful Boston lives” by

summering on Nantucket [Booklist Amazon]) (Middle-aged women; Female friendship; Nantucket Island


—. The Hot Flash Club Strikes Again: A Novel (Ballantine Books, 2004) (holdover character from first novel is South

Boston born, not all of the women are middle-aged; Boston and environs) (Middle-aged women; Female

friendship; Self-actualization (Psychology))

—. Hot Flash Holidays: A Novel (Ballantine, 2005) (characters include paleobiologist at MIT, a native of South

Boston, a Boston harbor condo owner; Christmas to Christmas) (Middle-aged women; Female friendship;


Theroux, Alexander. Laura Warholic: or, the Sexual Intellectual: A Novel (Fantagraphics, 2007) (hero writes a sex column

for a Boston magazine)

Thoft, Ingrid. Duplicity (Putnam, 2017) (Series: A Fina Ludlow novel, 4) (“Gutsy Boston P.I. Fina Ludlow”) (Women

private investigators)

—. Identity (Recorded Books, 2014) (Women private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston; Paternity; Murder

— Investigation)

—. Loyalty: A Novel (Putnam, 2013) (“Boston PI Fina Ludlow”) (Missing persons; Women private investigators)

Thomas, Dave, and Max Allan Collins. illus. Fay Dalton. The Many Lives of Jimmy Leighton (NeoText, 2023) (“a little thief from Southie . . .
become[s] the guinea pig of [an] MIT . . . research[er] into the Many Worlds Theory open[ing] a multi-dimensional portal of possibilities“;
“Cambridge detectives”; the treacherous worlds of Boston crime and industrial espionage” WorldCat) (Murder Investigation; Private
investigators; Reality Fiction; Science fiction)

Thomas, Jeffrey. Beyond the Door (North Webster, IN: Delirium Books, 2011) (Horror) (Railroad stations —

Massachusetts — Boston)

Thomas, Michael. Man Gone Down (Black Cat, 2007) (growing up in Boston bused to suburbs in the 70s; marriage to

Beacon Hill Brahmin) (African American men; Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.))

Thomas-Graham, Pamela. (Nikki Chase, a black economics professor in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the Ivy

League mysteries)

—. Orange Crushed  (Simon & Schuster, 2004) (Harvard professor gives paper at Princeton) (Chase, Nikki (Fictitious

character); African American women college teachers; College teachers– Crimes against; Economics

teachers; Princeton (N.J.)) (Amazon and Google Books

Thuy, Kim. Trans. Sheila Fischman. Vi (Vintage Canada, 2019) (in part Boston; Vietnamese refugees)

Tibbetts, Orlando. Romance on the River (Trafford, 2006) (romance; Charles River)

Tirabassi, Maren C. Footlights and Fairy Dust: Matt and Maria Go to the Theatre (PublishingWorks, 2007) (Juvenile)

(Colonial Theatre (Boston, Mass.); Theatres)

Tishy, Cecilia. (Regina Cutter, working at a resale-clothing store for cash-strapped women reentering the workplace,

newly divorced and newly transplanted from Chicago to Boston)

—–. All In One Piece (New York: Mysterious P, 2006) (South End; Lawrence (Mass.)) (middle-aged psychic

detective) (Women detectives; Psychics) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Now You See Her: A Novel (New York: Mysterious P, 2005) (South End; Back Bay; Ghosts) (Women detectives;

Inheritance and succession; Home ownership; Divorced women; Judicial error; Haunted houses; Psychics)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Title, Elise. Conviction (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2004) (Boston corrections officer Natalie “Nat” Price”) (Police;

Prostitutes–Crimes against; Socialites–Crimes against; Policewomen) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Inside Out (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2003) (Boston corrections officer Natalie “Nat” Price”) (Women correctional

personnel; Halfway houses; Prison wardens; Transsexuals; Ex-convicts) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Killing Time (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2002) (Boston corrections officer Natalie “Nat” Price”) (Women correctional

personnel; Prison wardens; Prisoners; Prisons; Prison administration) (Amazon and Google Books)

Titus, Chris. The God Complex: A Novel (uruKnee P, 2011) (Boston Chinatown) (Alternative medicine; Prague (Czech


Tobin, Paul. Art by Juan Ferreyra. Colder Vol. 1 (Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse Books, 2013) (” a nightmare version

of Boston”) (Mental illness — Comic books, strips, etc.; Mental health personnel and patient — Comic books,

strips, etc.; Horror comic books, strips, etc.; Graphic novels; Mental health personnel and patient; Mental illness)

—. with Nicolas Brondo; Eduardo Ferreyra; Nate Piekos. Colder: Toss the Bones Vol. 3 (Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse

Books, 2016) (“a mysterious madman returns to claim Boston’s sanity”) ( Mental illness — Comic books, strips,

etc.; Psychic ability; COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS — Horror)

Tobin, Paul, art by Juan Ferreyra, “colors” by Andrew Dalhouse, and “letters by” Nate P(iekos. Falling Skies (Milwaukie,

Or.: Dark Horse Comics, 2011) (Based on TNT Falling Skies TV series; alien invasion) (Fathers and sons; Human

-alien encounters; Militia; Boston (Mass.); COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / Science Fiction)

Torra, Joseph. Call Me Waiter: An Autobiographical Novel (Pressed Wafer, 2008) (Waiters; Restaurants; Boston

Metropolitan Area (Mass.); Autobiographical fiction, American) (Brief Summary, SPD [Internet Wayback


Traxler, Patricia. Blood (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2001) (Women painters; Female friendship; Radcliffe College;

Cambridge (Mass.); Adultery) (Amazon and Google Books)

Tremaine, Kate. Jared Sams, illus. The Stolen Kraken (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Torch Graphic P, 2020) (Series: The Secret

Society of Monster Hunters) (Elementary and junior high school) (“time travel to 1950s Boston” WorldCat) (Secret

societies; Time travel; Scientists)

Tremayne, Avril. Now You’re Mine (Penguin Random House Australia, 2017) (heroine’s home, Boston) (Romance;

East and west)

Tremblay, Paul G. The Little Sleep (Holt, 2009) (South Boston private investigator) (Detectives — Boston; Narcolepsy;

Extortion; Hallucinations and illusions; Erotic photographs; South Boston; Hardboiled fiction; Suspense stories)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. No Sleep Till Wonderland: A Novel (Holt Paperbacks, 2010) (Mark Genevich) (Private investigators; Boston (Mass.))

(Amazon and Google Books)

Trevor, Douglas. The Thin Tear in the Fabric of Space (U of Iowa P, 2005) (nine stories; “Girls I Know”–male

narrator writing dissertation on Robert Lowell at B.U., with rich Boston girl friend/writer”: 15-32; “Central

Square”: 57-75)

Triparie, Anthony C. Butchie (Philadelphia: Xlibris Corp., 2012) (Butchie grows up “on Webster Street, in the Jeffries

Point section of East Boston” 10; Organized crime; murder) (Family)

Tropp, Martin. Alive Again: The Launay Case: A Mordecai (Mike) Levine Mystery (iUniverse, 2005) (hero lives in Brighton

with mother; modern, but includes 1760 scandal) (Amazon and Google Books)

True, Sylvia. The Wednesday Group: a Novel (St. Martin’s Griffin, 2015) (Includes “a prominent Boston judge” and

Boston Public library employee) (Group counseling; Life change events; Married women)

Tufo, Ralph; illus. Jory Mason; photog. Stephen J. Levin.  Brotherly Love (Leaning Rock P, 2022) (“Seagull . . .  life at

Revere Beach” WorldCat; Juvenile)  (Brothers; Gulls; Hurricanes; Rescues; Revere Beach (Mass.))

—. Try Friends Indeed (Leaning Rock P, 2024)  (“Revere Beach Sand Castle Festival” WorldCat) (Juvenile) (Brothers; Bullying; Gulls; Rescues)

Tully, Cathy. All You Need Is L (Astraea P, 2012) (Romance; dog walker in Boston) (Coffeehouses; Coffeehouses;

Man-woman relationships)

Turnbull, Cadwell. No Gods, No Monsters: A Novel (Ashland, OR: Blackstone Publishing, 2021) (“One October morning,

Laina gets the news that her brother was shot and killed by Boston cops” dustjacket, WorldCat) (Monsters;

Werewolves; Secret societies; Brothers and sisters; Brothers — Death; Boston)

—. We Are the Crisis: A Novel (Blackstone, 2023) (Series: The Convergence saga 2) (Boston (Mass.); Hate groups; LGBTQ+ fantasy;

Monsters;  Paranormal;  Polyamory;  Secret societies; Werewolves)
Turner, Hailey. Secondhand Skin (2024) (Series: A Soulbound Universe novel) (“growing danger in the streets and Boston

Harbor” WorldCat) (Gay; Magic; Romance)

Tyree, Omar (under pseud. The Urban Griot). The Season (Urban; Turnaround, 2010) (African Americans —

Massachusetts — Boston; Crime — Massachusetts — Boston; Men — Psychology)

Uaro, Ia. Sydney’s Song (Ia Uaro, 2012) (First half Sydney, Aus., 2nd Boston hospital) (Brain — Wounds and injuries;

Massachusetts — Boston; New South Wales — Sydney)

Underhill, Thomas. The Cambridge Caper (New York: iUniverse, 2005) (Harvard Law School; murder) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Updike, John. Toward the End of Time (Knopf, 1997) (dystopian 2020; mainly north of Boston, with some Boston proper)

(Retired executives; Twenty-first century; Quantum theory)

—. Villages: A Novel (Knopf, 2004) (Depression to twenty-first century; part MIT undergrad) (Man-woman relationships;

Computer programmers; New England; Villages)

The Urban Griot (pseud. of Omar Tyree). The Season (See above.)

Valdes, Alisa. Lauren’s Saints of Dirty Faith: A Dirty Girls Social Club novel (2010) (Lauren, Boston newspaper

columnist) (Hispanic American women; Female friendship; Boston (Mass.))

Valjan, Gabriel. Wasp’s Nest (Sacremento, CA: Winter Goose Publishing, 2012) (Roma series, bk. (Rome-Boston

romance thriller; heroine in Boston) (Antiquities; Conspiracy; Italy — Rome; Massachusetts — Boston)

Van den Berg, Laura. Find Me: A Novel (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015) (mainly elsewhere; starts with heroine “working

the graveyard shift at a grocery store outside Boston”) (Epidemics; Psychological)

—. What the World Will Look Like When All the Water Leaves Us: Stories (Dzanc Books, 2009) (“one story . . .set in

Boston,” Jane Gardner, “Shelf Life,” Globe 25 July 2010: C6)

Vanderbeck, Bill, and Patrick J. Joyce. Louisburg Sluggers: A Novel (E Gate Productions, 2010) (high school)

(Fenway Park (Boston, Mass.); Boston Red Sox (Baseball team); Coaches (Athletics) — United States)

Van Dyken, Rachel, and Leah Sanders. The Parting Gift (Astraea P, 2011) (in part commercial pilot in Boston)

(Soldiers; Nurses; Man-woman relationships)

Vance, Sheilah. Land Mines: A Novel (Elevator Group, 2009) (African Americans; Divorce; Boston (Mass.))

Venti, Richard F. The Doctor’s Dog: A Dean Cello Mystery (Tucson, AZ: Wheatmark, 2007) (Back Bay) (Private

investigators; Dogs) (Amazon and Google Books)

Verburg, Carol J. Another Number for the Road: A Cory Goodwin Mystery (Boom Books, 2017) (Boston (Mass.);


Vibbert, Marie L.  “”The Problem From Jamaica Plain”  (short story; T. J. Berg, ed. Year Five (Diabolical Plots, 2019:

“science fiction and fantasy”)

Viguie, Debbie. The Thirteenth Sacrifice: A Witch Hunt Novel (Signet, 2012) (“Boston cop Samantha Ryan” undercover

in Salem) (Good and evil; Mutilation; Policewomen; Undercover operations; Witches; Young women — Crimes

against; Massachusetts — Salem)

Vilavicencio, Karla Cornejo.  Catalina: A Novel (One World, 2024) (Heroine “leaves her undocumented family behind to enter Harvard”

WorldCat; starts summer 2010 before senior year [rev. Globe 21 July 2024: N9])

Viraraghavan, Chitra. The Americans: A Novel (Fourth Estate, 2014) (partly Boston) (East Indian Americans — Social

life and customs; Immigrants — Social life and customs)

Viswanathan, Kaavya. How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life: A Novel (Little, Brown, 2006) (Young

women; Harvard University; Life change events; Humorous stories; Parent and child)

Voelkel, J. & P. Middleworld (Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus Publishers, 2007) (Juvenile: grades 5-9) (Series: Jaguar

stones trilogy, 1; Boston 14-year-old boy saves archeologist parents in Mayan jungle) (Teenage heroes and

heroines; Fourteen-year-old boys; Teenage boys; Archaeologists; Missing persons; Mayas; Mayas — Social

life and customs; Magic rocks; Gods and goddesses; Deception; Smuggling) (Google Books) .

Vrana, A. J. Wildblood (Parliament House P, 2024) (Ability; Boston (Mass.); Dreams;  Fantasy;  Hand-to-hand fighting;

Magic realist; Man-woman relationships; Missing persons Investigation; Organized crime; Paranormal; Para-

psychology; Psychic trauma;  Romance)

Wallace, Anthony. “The Overcoat” (Southern Review, vol. 54, no. 4, Autumn 2018, pp. 604-611) (starts with “a dive bar

at Cleveland Circle”)

Wallace, David Foster. Infinite Jest: A Novel (Little, Brown, 1996) (fictional Boston suburb of Enfield in near future)

(Compulsive behavior; Addicts) (Review)

—. “Several Birds.” The New Yorker 27 Jun. 1994: 164-67 (Watertown; Cambridge; 21st Century) (Keywords: Drugs;

Massachusetts; Footnotes; Science Fiction; Homeless; Transvestites)

Walsh, Jackie.   Her Mother’s Daughter (Hera, 2023) (Boston (Mass.); Family secrets; Missing persons Investigation; Mothers and daughters;

Truthfulness and falsehood)

Wang, Andrea. The Many Meanings of Melian (Kokila, 2022) (Juvenile; starts “in Boston’s Chinatown” WorldCat, but

mainly elsewhere) (Families; Identity (Psychology); Moving, Household; Taiwanese Americans)

—. Summer at Squee (Penguin Randomhouse, 2024) (“Chinese American tween . . . attends a Boston-based Chinese cultural overnight camp,”

“grades 3 to 6″ ” WorldCat) (Friendship;  Identity (Psychology);  Multiracial people)

Wang, Weike. Chemistry: A Novel (Knopf, 2017) (“at a demanding Boston university” Worldcat) (Chinese; Women

graduate students)

Ward, J.R. An Irresistible Bachelor (Piatkus, 2013) (Boston studio; romance) (Art restorers; Billionaires; Art —

Conservation and restoration; Social classes; Man-woman relationships)

Ward, Panelope. Gentleman Nine (Penelope Ward, 2018) (First loves; Roommates; Man-woman relationships; Boston)

—. Stepbrother Dearest (CreateSpace, 2014) (Teenagers — Massachusetts — Boston; Stepfamilies —

Massachusetts — Boston)

Warden, Cliff. The Awakening (Cliff Warden, 2009) (From “the elite [fictional] Hawthorne Academy . . . through the

back alleys of Boston” cover) (Genetic engineering; Biotechnology)

Warner, Ann. Counterpointe (Silky Stone P, 2012) (Ballet dancers; Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.);


Warrell, Laura. Sweet, Soft, Plenty Rhythm (Pantheon, 2022) (in part, hero’s “hometown of Boston,” “Marathon

bombing” Clea Simon, Rev., Globe 25 Sep. 2022: N11; hero “teaches at Berklee College” Laura Christensen,

NYTBkR, 23 Oct. 2022: 16) (Fathers and daughters;  Jazz musicians;  Jazz musicians; Man-woman relationships)

Warren, Christine. Rocked by Love (St. Martin’s P, 2016) (part-Jewish heroine with Back Bay/Fenway townhouse;

romance) (Demonology; Gargoyles; Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.))

Wasil, Kenneth. Mr. Thoreau Goes to Boston (Protable Press, 2014) (Takes place in 21st century) (Thoreau, Henry

David, — 1817-1862)

Wasner, Wendy. Boston Cream Goodbye (2024) (63 pgs.) ( Bakers;  Murder;  Poisoning)

Wasserman, Robin. Hacking Harvard: A Novel (Simon Pulse, 2007) (Object: to get slacker admitted) (Harvard

University; Computer hackers; Schools; Wagers; Conduct of life; School stories)

Watts, Erica. Lies My Father Told Me (St. John’s, Newfoundland: DRC Publishing, 2021) (heroine “lives in Boston with her

parents but spends her summers in Newfoundland with her grandparents” WorldCat)

Wayne, Teddy. Loner (Simon & Schuster, 2016) (Harvard) (College students; Man-woman relationships)

Weaver, Brynne. Butcher & Blackbird (2023) (in part, “downtown Boston” WorldCat) (Cannibalism;  Erotic; Horror;

Man-woman relationships; Serial murderers; Sexual attraction)

Webb, Debra. Urban Sensation (Toronto and New York: Harlequin, 2005) (romance; murder) (Women detectives —

Massachusetts — Boston) (Google Books)

Webber, Heather S. Absolutely, Positively: A Lucy Valentine Novel (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2011) (Psychic, romance,

and mystery) (Dating services; Psychic ability; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon)

—. Deeply, Desperately (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2010) (Dating services; Psychic ability; Private investigators; Boston (Mass.))

—. Perfectly Matched (Charleston, S.C.: Create Space, 2012) (Arson; romance) (Dating services; Psychic ability;

Private investigators)

—. Undeniably Yours (Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2014) (Missing investiogative reporter) (Dating services;

Psychic ability; Massachusetts — Boston)

Weber, S. K. Double Truffle: A Terri Springe Culinary Mystery (with recipes) (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2007)

(Amazon, and Google Books)

—. Spaghetti with Murder: A Terri Springe Culinary Mystery (with recipes) (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2006) (fancy

catering, murder, and romance in Boston) (Women cooks; Cookery) (Amazon)

Wechsler, Pamela. Mission Hill: A Novel (Minotaur Books, 2016) (Abby Endicott novels, 1) (Women lawyers; Murder

— Investigation; Boston (Mass.))

—. The Fens: An Abby Endicott Mystery (Minotaur Books, 2018) (Boston Red Sox (Baseball team); Murder —

Investigation; Missing persons)

—. The Graves (Minotaur Books, 2017) (Abby Endicott series, 2) (heroine, “chief of the District Attorney’s homicide

unit in Boston”) (Women lawyers; Serial murder investigation)

Weeks, Kevin, and Phyllis Karas. Where’s Whitey? (FAL Enterprises, 2011) (Organized crime; Gangsters)

—. Hunted Down: The FBI’s Pursuit and Capture of Whitey Bulger: A Novel (Fracas P,  2015) (Bulger, Whitey,

— 1929-; Gangsters — Massachusetts — Boston; Irish American criminals — Massachusetts — Boston;

Organized crime — Massachusetts — Boston; Irish Americans– Massachusetts — Boston; South Boston

(Boston, Mass.))

Welch, Loretta. Yankee Doodle (GemmaMedia, 2011) (Red Line–Boston-Cambridge) (Immigrants; Boston (Mass.)

Wells, K. C. In His Sights (Tallahassee, FL: DSP Publications, 2023)  (Series: Second Sight 1) (“demented serial killer targets Boston’s gay

population” WorldCat) (Boston (Mass.); Gay detectives; Gay men Crimes against; Psychics; Serial murder investigation; Romantic


—. Sortir des ombres ( Dreamspinner P, 2021) (French) (“Jamaica Plain, cté sud de Boston” WorldCat) (Multicultural & Inter-

racial; Romance)

Wendel, Gretchen Schomer, and Adam Anthomy Schomer. illus. Damon Renthrope. Becka Goes to Boston (Waterside

Productions, 2011) (Juvenile picture book)

Werlin, Nancy. The Rules of Survival (Dial, 2006) (Young Adult) (Teenage boys — Massachusetts — Boston; Child

abuse; Brothers and sisters — Massachusetts — Boston; Emotional problems)

West, Eugenia Lovett. Overkill (Minotaur Books, 2009) (Heroine detective based in Boston) (Avian influenza; Streat,

Emma (Fictitious character)) (Google Books)

Weston, Tom. First Night: An Alex and Jackie Adventure (Tom Weston Media, 2009) (supernatural mystery in Boston

during First Night) (Witches; Ghosts) (Google Books)

White, Kenna. Virgin Territory (Bella Books, 2016) (Lesbian romance, chauffeur driver and her boss; “upscale Boston


White, Neil. Salem ([Preston]: TSJ Pub., 2004) (missing in Boston; partially set in Saugus; writer, missing person,

and detective are English) (Missing persons; Detectives; Serial murderers) (Summary, author, 29 Jan. 2008)

Whiting, J. A. Fame and Fortune (J.A. Whiting Books, 2022) (“historical cooking show for a Boston television” station”

WorldCat) (Bakeries; Murder Investigation; Paranormal; Women psychics)

—. The Fortune Cookie (J A Whiting Books and More, 2023) (Bombing investigation;  Boston (Mass.);  Halloween;  Murder Investigation;

Paranormal;  Parties;  Psychic ability;  Television cooking shows; Women psychics)

—. Good Fortunes (Tantor Audio, 2018) (Widows; Women detectives; Boston)

—. Justice (J.A. Whiting, 2018) (Series: An Olivia Miller mystery, book 4) (“a run along the Charles”) (Murder —

Investigation; Women law students; Psychics; Women detectives)

—. Reversal of Fortune (Tantor Audio, 2018) (Women detectives; Boston)

—. When fortune knocks (J.A. Whiting, 2019) (dead woman in Granary Burial Ground) (Murder — Investigation; Psychics;

Women detectives)

Wibberly, Emily, and Austin Siegemund-Broka. Time of Our Lives (Holland, Ohio: Dreamscape Media, 2020) (Secondary

(senior high) school) (“college tour in Boston”) (Automobile travel; Families; Memory; Friendship)

Widershien, Marc. “King’s Chapel Burying Ground.” Ibbetson Street 21 (June 2007): 20 (poem)

Wiehl, Lis W. Snapshot (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2014) (female “federal prosecutor in Boston” WorldCat)

(Civil rights; Cold cases (Criminal investigation); Government investigators; Photographs)

Wijaya, Alice Huang. The American Dream (Penguin, 2023)  (Two “international student[s] at Harvard” WorldCat) (Millionaires; Older

people; Students, Foreign; Suicide; Thrillers)

Wild, Meredith. Hard Limit (Waterhouse Press, 2014) (Secrecy; Betrothal; Man-woman relationships; Sexual dominance

and submission; Businesswomen; Billionaires; Boston (Mass.))

—. Hardline (Meredith Wild, 2014) (Billionaires; Businesswomen; Man-woman relationships; Sexual dominance and

submission; Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Hardpressed (Forever, 2015) (Man-woman relationships; Sexual dominance and submission; Businesswomen;

Billionaires; Boston (Mass.); Erotic)

—. Hardwired (Meredith Wild, 2013) (Billionaires; Businesswomen; Man-woman relationships; Sexual dominance and

submission; Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Revenge (Conway, New Hampshire: Waterhouse P, 2019) (“we’ll find answers in Boston, headquarters of one of our

greatest enemies and home to the man I left back in Rio” WorldCat) (Assassins; Man-woman relationships)

Wilde, Vincemt. The Combat Zone: A Cody Harper Nove (Cleis P, 2017) (Female impersonators; Gay men; Murder

— Investigation)

Wilgus, Nick. Shaking the Sugar Tree (Dreamspinner P, 2014) (male Boston nurse one main character) (Gay men;

Deaf children; Authors; Gay fathers)

Willett, Sabin. Present Value: A Novel (Villard, 2003) (post-9/11; Dover; Boston; Nantucket) (Insider trading in securities;

Toy industry; Executives)

Wilks, Eileen. With Private Eyes (New York: Silhouette Books, 2003) (Series: Dynasties: the Barones: Silhouette desire,

1543; Barone family of Boston) (Barone family; Italian-American families; Detectives; Divorced men; Single women;

Rich families; Brothers; Arson; Arson investigation; Family; Family relationships; Men/women relations; Boston;

Romantic suspense)

Willig, Lauren. The Secret History of the Pink Carnation (Penguin, 2005) (female Harvard grad. student researching

18th-19th c. spy in French/English wars; mainly European) (Google Books) (Americans – England; Women

graduate students — Massachusetts — Cambridge; London (England); Romantic suspense; Women

historians; Upper class — England — History — 1801-1900; Spies — Great Britain — History; France — History

— 1789-1799, Revolution; Great Britain — History — 1760-1820, George 3)

Wilson, N. D. 100 Cupboards (Random House, 2007) (Juvenile: Elementary and junior high school) (fantasy; 11-year-old

hero moves from Boston to Kansas when parents kidnapped; mainly Kansas) (Doors; Magic; Cousins; Family life

— Kansas; Kansas; Space and time)

Winkowski, Mary Ann, and Maureen Foley. The Book of Illumination: A Novel from the Ghost Files (New York: Three

Rivers, 2009) (Boston Athenaeum; missing 12th c. manuscript; monk ghosts; “evocative descriptions of Boston

and Cambridge” [Diane White, “Pop Lit,” Globe 11 Oct. 2009: K5]) (Cold cases (Criminal investigation); Theft;

Private investigators; Clairvoyants) (Amazon)

Winston, Lois. Guilty as Framed (2022) (An Anastasia Pollack crafting mystery 11) (“Boston mob boss” and ‘”the unsolved

mystery of the greatest art heist in history” [Gardner heist] WorldCat) (Art thefts; Art thefts Investigation; Handicraft;

Murder Investigation; Older people; Women periodical editors)

Winters, Drusilla. Moment of Death (New York: 7-11 P, 2012) (Horror) (Death; Dreams; Psychology — Experiments;

Massachusetts — Boston)

Winters, Jill. Plum Girl (New York: Onyx: Published by New American Library, 2002) (Boston law firm) (Law firms)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Wisel, Kate. Driving in Cars with Homeless Men: Stories (U of Pittsburgh P, 2019) (“Boston-set [short] stories” Nina

McLaughlin, “Boston Calling,” Globe, 29 Sep. 2019, N 14) (Homeless men; Working class; Violence; Boston)

Wisseman, Sarah Underhill. The Fall of Augustus (Richmond, KY: Wings ePress, 2009) (Women museum curators

— Massachusetts — Boston; Murder; Classical antiquities thefts)

Witt, Brandon. The Imperfection of Swans (Dreamspinner P, 2016) (“wedding dress and wedding cake boutique”

in Boston) (Gay men; Interpersonal relations; New business enterprises)

Witten, Matthew. Killer Story (Oceanview Publishing, 2024) (” an alt-right YouTuber . . . killed in her Harvard dorm room”

WorldCat) (Cold cases (Criminal investigation); Investigative reporting; Murder Investigation; Podcasters; True

crime stories; Women college students Crimes against; Women journalists)

Wittlinger, Ellen. Heart on My Sleeve (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2004) (Boston heroine)

(Eighteen-year -old women; High school seniors; College, Choice of (for women); Interpersonal relations;

Family; Women singers; Women songwriters; E-mail; Love letters; Summer; Actors and actresses;

Summer romance; Online romance; Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Secrets; Dishonesty; Proms;

High school graduates; Summer employment; Sisters; Brothers and sisters; Family relationships;

Coming out (Sexual orientation); Lesbian; Teenagers — Coming out; Marriage; Boston; Connecticut;


—. Love & Lies: Marisol’s Story (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2008) (Juvenile–ages 12+)

(sequel to Hard Love [1999], starts four months later) (Lesbians; Authorship; Honesty; Interpersonal relations;

Homosexuality; Cambridge (Mass.)) (Review, Worth the Trip [Internet Wayback Machine])

Wolf-Morgenländer, Karl. Ragtag (Clarion, 2009) (Elementary and junior high school: ages 9-12) (fantasy; birds war

for Boston) (Birds of prey; War; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon)

Wolverton Carrol. Back Bay Boston Basement (PublishAmerica, 2004) (Summary, author’s web page

[Internet Wayback Machine])

Wong, Peter. The Contaminated Case of the Cooking Contest (Tumblehome Learning, 2015) (Juvenile) (“Chapter 9:

Percy Spencer and Microwaves — Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1942″) (Cooking contest; Science fiction; Food

poisoning; Food — Safety measures; Time travel)

Wood, Jane R. Lost in Boston (Florida Kids P, 2015) (Juvenile) (Historic sites — Massachusetts; Families —

Massachusetts; Boston (Mass.) — Description and travel; Boston (Mass.) — History)

Wood, Joss. Back in His Ex’s Bed (Sydney: Harlequin Mills & Boon, 2020) (“from Europe to Boston” WorldCat) (Art

dealers; Man-woman relationships)

Wood, Margot. Fresh (New York: Amulet, 2021) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Teenagers — Sexual behavior;

Roommates; Friendship; College students; Dating (Social customs);Colleges and universities; Adolescence;

Boston (Mass.))

Woods, Roberta Wendy. My Incredible Sex Life: Because You Really Do Want to Know What Goes on in your

Neighbor’s Bedroom: A Novel (Trafford Publishing, 2005) (many Boston scenes)

Woods, Sherryl. The Devaney Brothers Complete Collection (Mira, 2020) (Brothers; Man-woman relationships;


—. Michael’s Discovery (Silhouette Books, 2003) (Romance in Boston) (United States. — Navy. — SEALs; Physical

therapist and patient)

Wright, Julie. Cross My Heart: A Novel (Covenant Communications, 2010) (Advertising agencies — Officials and

employees; Dentists; Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Boston (Mass.))

Wyatt, Tara. Nailed (Tara Wyatt, 2019) (“a steamy Boston summer” WorldCat) (Carpenters; Women journalists; Man-

woman relationships)

Wyle, Dirk. Biotechnology Is Murder: A Ben Candidi Mystery (Highland City, Fla.: Rainbow Books, 2000) (Boston

venture capitalist; Miami; Miami based consultant/detective) (Pharmacologists;Candidi, Ben (Fictitious

character); Miami (Fla.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Wynne, Douglas. Black January (Carbondale, IL: JournalStone, 2016) (Secrets; Cults;Good and evil; Grief; Magic; Myth;

Urban warfare; Boston)

—. Red Equinox (San Francisco: JournalStone, 2015) (“cultists unleash terror on the city of Boston” back cover) (Good and

evil; Urban warfare; Monsters; Magic; Myth)

Yang, Susie. White Ivy: A Novel (Simon & Schuster, 2020) (“Back in Boston” WorldCat) (Chinese American women;

Immigrants; Man-woman relationships; Mothers and daughters; Shoplifting; Triangles (Interpersonal relations);

Upper class)

Yaremczuk, Susan. Umbelliferae (Trafford, 2006) (New Foundland; part fantasy; part set in Boston)

Yessayan, Raffi [former Boston assistant D.A.]. Eight [also 8] in the Box: A Novel of Suspense (Ballantine,, 2008)

(title refers to juries of eight; Boston District Court; murder) (Serial murderers; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon)

—–. 2 in the Hat: A Novel of Suspense (Ballantine, 2010) (Franklin Park) (Detectives — Massachusetts; College

students — Crimes against; Serial murders; Serial murderers; Fortune cookies; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Zavarelli, A. Crow (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016) (Series: Boston Underworld, #1)(Boston’s Irish mafia)

(Romance; Erotic)

—. Ghost (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016) (Series: Boston Underworld, #3) (Romance; Erotic) (Mafia — Russia

(Federation); Organized crime — Russia (Federation))

—. Reaper (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016) (Series: Boston Underworld, # 2) (Gangsters; Organized crime)

Young, Emma. She, Myself and I (Stripes, 2018) (Experimental transplant surgery in Boston) (Romance; Young


Young, Nick. Deadline (2024) (hero, “veteran Boston crime reporter Ted Halloran,” serial killer WorldCat) (Thrillers)

Young, Samantha. Fight or Flight (Berkley, 2018) (Romance in Boston)

—. Hero (New American Library, 2015) (Erotic romance with “one of Boston’s most eligible bachelors” Review)

(Male-female relationships; Bigamy; CEOs; Family secretes; Boston)

—. The Impossible Vastness of Us (Harlequin Teen, 2017) (Families; Friendship; Gay teenagers; High school students;

Identity (Philosophical concept); Stepfamilies; Boston)

—. Things We Never Said (London: Piatkus, 2019) (Romance in Boston) (Families; Man-woman relationships;


Zavarelli, A. Crow (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016) (Series: Boston Underworld, #1) (Boston’s

Irish mafia) (Romance; Erotic)

—. Ghost (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016) (Series: Boston Underworld, #3) (Romance; Erotic)

(Mafia — Russia (Federation); Organized crime — Russia (Federation))

—. Reaper (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016) (Series: Boston Underworld, # 2) (Gangsters;

Organized crime)

Zelazny, Roger. Damnation Alley (Putnam, 1969) (post-apocalyptic war U.S., mission to deliver anti-plague serum from LA to

Boston; on road, except pp. 18-21, 34-37, and end 154-57) (Epidemics; Good and evil; Survivalism)

Zeltserman, Dave. Bad Karma (Waterville, Me.: Five Star, 2009) (sequel to Bad Thoughts; Boston detective retires to

Colorado) (Police; Cambridge)

—. Bad Thoughts (Thomson/Gale/Five Star, 2007) (Cambridge detective with California past) (Police; Serial murderers;

Cambridge (Mass.))

—. The Julius Katz Collection (CreateSpace, 2014) (“Boston’s most brilliant, eccentric, and possibly laziest detective”


—. Killer (Serpent’s Tail, 2010) (Hitman for Boston mob boss; plea bargain 1993) (Mafia; Ex-convicts; Revenge)

—. More Julius Katz and Archie (2021) (Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston; Artificial intelligence; Jurors;

—. Pariah (Serpent’s Tale, 2009) (South Boston underworld)

Zevin, Gabrielle. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow: A Novel (Viking Canada, 2022) (starts “in the December of his

Junior Year at Harvard” and continues “over thirty years, from Cambridge, Massachusetts, to Venice Beach, California,

and lands in between and far beyond” WorldCat) (Video game designers; Friendship; Video games; Success in business;

Ambition; Man-woman relationships0

Zgheib, Yara. No Land to Light On (Atria, 2022) (Cambridge / Boston) (Newlyweds; Refugees; Syrians; Travel

restrictions; Syria)

Ziefert, Harriet, and Tanya Roitman (illustrator). I’m Going to Boston to Visit the Ducks (Sterling Pub., 2006)

(Juvenile–ages 4-6) (Public Garden) (Ducks; Boats and boating)

Zielinsky, Lara (also under pseud. Clotho, Lara Z.) Boston Public (Ronnie/Margaret) Stories (; accessed 17 May

2009) (fan fiction based on T.V. series with added character(s); Romance)

—-. “Coming Home” (c. 2005) [Internet Wayback Machine]

—–. “Last Night Out” (c. 2005) [Internet Wayback Machine]

—–. “Conflict of Interest” (2006) [Internet Wayback Machine]

Zigman, Laura. Small World (Ecco, 2023) (main character “lives in Cambridge in a lovely apartment inside a beautiful

Victiorian house” Daneet Steffens, Rev. Globe 8 Jan. 2023: N8) (Divorced women; Family secrets;  Sisters)

Zimler, Richard. Incandescent Threads:A Novel in the Form of a Mosaic  (“from a Poland decimated by World War II to

modern-day New York and Boston” WorldCat) (Parthian, 2022) (Cabala; New York (N.Y.) History 1951-;World

War, 1939-1945; Cousins)

Zimmer, Kristen. Forbidden Girl (Bookouture, 2024) (“the biggest crime famil[ies] in Boston” WorldCat) (Boston (Mass.); Man-woman

relationships; Organized crime; Romance)

Zobair, Jennifer. Painted Hands (Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin’s P, 2013) (Muslim women; Muslim women

— Conduct of life; Boston (Mass.))

Zschock, Martha Day. Hello, Boston! (Commonwealth Editions, 2009) (Juvenile; ages 2+; ducks and chickens tour Beacon

Hill, Quincy Market, and Charles River)