18th Century and 18th-19th Centuries
Page I: Bibliographies, Scholarly and Popular Studies, Anthologies, Multi-Century Sagas, 17th Century and 17th-18th Centuries
Page II: 18th Century and 18th-19th Centuries
Page III : 19th Century and 19th-20th Centuries
Page IV a: 20th Century A – Q authors Page IV b: 20th Century R – Z authors
Page V: 21st+ Century (and 20th-21st Centuries)
Abel, Roger H. Freedom Duyes: Or, A Gentleman’s Progress in the New World (Dial Press, 1980) (Starts Georgia 1751; printer in
Revolutionary Boston) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Aeby, Jaquelyne. Never Look Back (Dell, 1976) (romance; England to America) (Burn victims — Boston, Massachusetts; Domestic
workers — Boston, Massachusetts — History — Colonial period, 1600-1775; Women — United States — History — Colonial
period, 1600-1775)
Allen, James. Bunker-Hill Battle: A Song for June 17, 1843 (1843) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 — Poetry; Revolution, 1775-
1783 — Poetry)
Allen, Willis Boyd. Called to the Front. Sequel to “A Son of Liberty.” A Story of the Burning of Falmouth and the Siege of Boston (The Pilgrim P,
1897) (Revolution)
—. A Son of Liberty, or, The Spirit of Our Fathers (Congregational Sunday-School and Pub. Society, 1896) (Revolution)
Alsheimer, Jeanette E. and Patricia J. Friedle. Path to Punishment (Ivy House Pub Group, 2008) (Boston 1774)
—. Revolt! (Collegial Writing, 2013) (Siege of Boston)
—. The Trouble with Tea (Pentland P, 2002) (Juvenile) (Boston 1773)
Anderson, Florence Bennett. Rebel’s Daughter (Vantage P, 1957) (Revolutionary War) (Boston (Mass.) — Social life and customs)
Anderson, Laurie Halse. Rebellion, 1776 (Atheneum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books, 2023) (Juvenile; “siege of Boston” WorldCat) (Epidemics United
States 18th century; Revolutionary War, 1775-1783; Smallpox; Teenage girls; Vaccination)
Anderson, M. T. The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation. 1 The Pox Party (Candlewick P, 2006) (Juvenile–grades 9 and
up) (Boston in the 1760s) (Liberty; Freedom; African Americans; Freedom; Slavery; Science — Experiments; African Americans;
Revolution, 1775-1783)
—. The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: The Kingdom on the Waves Volume 2 of The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the
Nation (Printed at the Sign of the Bear and Flame, by Candlewick P, 2006)
Anderson, Marcella F. and Elizabeth Weiss Vollstadt. Young Patriots: Inspiring Stories of the American Revolution (Boyds Mills P, 2004) (Juvenile
audience; grades 4-5) (short stories; one story, Concord, April 19, 1775)
—. “The Battle of Bunker Hill: Composed by a British Officer the Day After the Battle.” (Poems of American History. Ed. Burton Egbert
Stevenson. Houghton Mifflin, 1908. 167 [Google Books])
—. The Child’s Miscellany: Embellished with Colored Engravings (Portsmouth: Published by Nath’l March & Co. Nos. 7 & 8, Exchange Buildings,
[ca. 1825?]) (Children — Conduct of life — Juvenile literature; Children’s poetry; Historic buildings — Massachusetts — Boston — Juvenile
literature; Boston (Mass.) — Buildings, structures, etc. — Juvenile literature)
—. The Convert of Massachusetts (Charlestown, Mass.: Parish of St. John’s Church, 1860) (Harvard student converts from Congregationalism
to Anglicanism; 1721) (Christian life; Church of England — United States — Clergy) (Bail 343-44)
—. The Cooper’s Son; or, The Prize of Virtue. A Tale of the Revolution (Boston: James French, 1845 [Google Books]) (some Boston;
Bunker’s Hill))
—. An Elegy, occasion’d by the death of Major-General Joseph Warren, who fell fighting in defence of the glorious cause of his country, at
Charlestown, in New-England, on the memorable 17th day of June, 1775 ([Watertown, Mass.]: Printed and sold [by Benjamin Edes] in
Watertown, near the bridge., 1775 [American Memory, Library of Congress; accessed 2 Apr. 2008]) (Broadside) (Warren, Joseph;
Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 — Poetry; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry)
—. On the Death of Five Young Men Who Was Murthered, March 5th, 1770, by the 29th Regiment ([Boston : s.n., 1770] [American Memory,
Library of Congress; accessed 3 Apr. 2008]) (Boston Massacre, 1770 — Poetry; Gray, Samuel; Maverick, Samuel; Caldwell, James;
Attucks, Crispus; Carr, Patrick; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry; Elegiac poetry)
—. A Poem, in memory of the (never to be forgotten) fifth of March, 1770 On the evening of which, a party of the 29th. regiment commanded by
Capt. Preston, fired upon the inhabitants in King-Street, by which five persons were killed viz. Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James
Caldwell, Crispus Attucks, and Patrick Carr ( [Boston]: Printed and sold next to the Writing-School, in Queen-Street., [1770] [Mass.
Historical Society) (Broadside) (Boston Massacre, 1770 — Poetry; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
—. Some rude & indigested thoughts on the terrible majesty of God in the works of nature particularly in the phaenomena of earthquakes:
occasioned by that memorable earthquake Octob. 29th. 1727. Wherein earthquakes in their causes, kinds, and astonishing effects, are
briefly hinted, enumerated and described (N. London [i.e., New London, Conn.]: Printed & sold by Timothy Green., M.DCC.XXX. [1730])
(12 pages) (Earthquakes — Poetry; Earthquakes — Religious aspects; Boston (Mass.) — Earthquake, 1727)
—. South End forever. North End forever Extraordinary verses on Pope-Night. Or, A commemoration of the fifth of November, giving a history of
the attempt, made by the Papishes, to blow up King and Parliament, A.D. 1588 [?] . … ([Boston] : Sold by the printers boys in Boston., [ca.
1768]) (rivalry between North and South Ends; truce) (Gunpowder Plot, 1605 — Anniversaries, etc.; Popes — Poetry; Boston (Mass.) —
Social life and customs) (Google Books)
—–. Theatre ([Boston : s.n., 1792?]) (dialogue debate) (Theater — Moral and ethical aspects — Poetry; Boston (Mass.) — Theaters)
—. A Vaudevil Sung by the characters at the conclusion of a new farce called the Boston blockade … (Boston: Printed by John Howe, 1776
[American Memory, Library of Congress; accessed 3 Apr. 2008]) (1 page) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry) (
—. A Verse, occasioned by seeing the North-spinning, in Boton [sic] (Boston: [s.n.], Printed and sold 1769) (1 page) (Textile industry —
Massachusetts — Boston; Non-importation agreements, 1768-1769 — Poetry; Manufactures — Boston (Mass.)) (Google Books)
—. A Verse Occasioned by the Late Horrid Massacre in King-Street (Boston: s.n., 1770) (Boston Massacre, 1770 — Poetry; Boston (Mass.) —
History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775) (Broadside)
—. The Voice of God, in the terrors of earthquakes: being a poetical composition occasioned by the repeated shocks, which on the 18th of
November in the morning, and on the Saturday night following, threatned us with a wide destruction ([Boston: Benjamin Edes & John Gill,
and /or Samuel Kneeland], 1755) (“Place of publication and printers determined by internal evidence and type ornaments” [Google
Books]) (Earthquakes — New England — Poetry; Boston (Mass.) — Earthquake, 1755 — Poetry; Admonitory verses)
Austin, Jane G. Dr. LeBaron And His Daughters – A Story Of The Old Colony (Houghton, Mifflin, 1890 [Google Books]) (mainly Plymouth, but
many references to Boston) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Plymouth (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)
Avi. Loyalty (Clarion, 2022) (ages 10-12) (1774- siege of Boston) (Tories, rebels, and others; “challenges …ideas of American history and . . .
notions of loyalty and patriotism” [Alan Gratz, Rev. NYTBkRev 23 Jan. 2022: 22])
Bacheller, Irving. The Master of Chaos (Bobbs-Merrill, 1932) (Boston and Dorchester Heights) (Washington, George, — 1732-1799;
Revolution, 1775-1783)
Banim, Lisa. A Spy in the King’s Colony (Mysteries in Time) (Silver Moon P, 1994) (Juvenile–Grades 3-5) (1775; Ticonderoga; Framingham)
Barie, Mark. Sister Marguerite and the Captain: A Novel (Barringer Publishing, 2020) (Women and war — America — History — 18th century;
Women spies — United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Plains of Abraham, Battle of the, Quebec, 1759; Ticonderoga, Battle
of, N.Y., 1758; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; United States — History —
French and Indian War, 1754-1763)
Barker, Shirley. The Road To Bunker Hill (Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1962) (Juvenile) (Two girls and their grandmother witness events leading
up to the Battle of Bunker Hill.) (Revolution)
Barnes, John. Washington’s Dirigible (HarperPrism, 1997) (Mainly elsewhere, but in part alternative “1775 Boston, home of astounding
technologies, where the colonists remain fiercely loyal to their king across the ocean” (Private investigators — Pennsylvania —
Pittsburgh; Science Fiction)
Barthélemy-Hadot, Marie Adeè le. La Révolte de Boston, ou, La Jeune Hospitalieè re (Paris: Lecointe et Durey, 1820) (Juvenile) (Boston (Mass.)
— History — Revolution, 1775-1783; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Barton, William Eleazar. When Boston Braved the King: A Story of Tea-party Times (W.A. Wilde & Company, 1899) (Juvenile) (Boston Tea Party,
1773; Youth — Conduct of life; Conduct of life; Apprentices; Students; Liberty; Friendship)
Bates, Esther Willard. The Evacuation of Boston: A Play of the American Revolution in One Act (19–?]) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution,
1775-1783 — Drama)
Bell, J. L. illus. Jerel Dye; Jesse Lonergan; John Carvajal; L. J. Baptiste; Ben Doane. The Rise & Fall of the Stamp Act: Four Comics (Cambridge:
River Bird Comics, April 2016) (23 pgs.) (Revolution, 1775-1783 — Causes)
Benét, Stephen Vincent. “A Tooth for Paul Revere: A Folk Tale of the American Revolution.” Atlantic Monthly December 1937 (200 Years of
Great American Short Stories, ed. Martha Foley (Houghton Mifflin, 1975: 520- ) (Radio Play, 1942 (perf. 9 Sep. 1944) (Boston scenes
similar to Hawthorne’s “My Kinsman, Major Molineux”)
Berkey, Be. Liberty Hill (Denisen, 1959) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775) (Juvenile; 77 pages)
Berkman, Pamela, and Dorothy Hearst. illust. Claire Powell. Filigree’s Midnight Ride (New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2019)
(Elementary and junior high school) (Revere, Paul, — 1735-1818; Pomeranian dog; Dogs; Family life — Massachusetts — Boston;
Fathers and daughters; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
Bhatnagar, Leena. The Tea Merchant (KDP, 2022) (“Boston 1773” WorldCat) (East India Company; Smuggling; Sons of Liberty; Widows;
Women merchants)
Binney, Barnabas. Lines Sacred to the Memory of the Late Major-General Joseph Warren who fell in the battle at Charlestown, fighting gallantly
for his country ([Providence: Printed by John Carter?, 1775]) (Broadside) (Warren, Joseph; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 —
Poetry; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry) (Brief Account, The Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries
Concerning the Antiquities, Sep. 1860: 280 [Google Books])
Blanchard, Amy Ella. illus. Ida Waugh. A Girl of ’76 (Boston, Chicago: W. A. Wilde, 1898 [Internet Archive]) (Ch. 13 “In Boston Town” 209-22)
Bolin, J. J. Yankee Doodle and the Secret Society (Perfection Learning, 1997) (Juvenile; Sons of Liberty; Boston Tea Party) (Revolution,
Bond, Jenny. The Lark’s Call (Theodore, Australian Capital Territory: The Hard Word, 2021) (Series: Dawnland Chronicles, Book 3) (in part
“Boston 1735” WorldCat) (Legal stories; Revenge; Vigilantes; Families; Man-woman relationships; Massachusetts — History —
Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
Borden, Louise. illus. Andrew Parker. Sleds on Boston Common (also published as General Gage and the Sleds on Boston Common: A Story
from 1774) (Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2000) (Primary school) (December 1774; free verse; based on Boston folklore) (Revolution;
Gage, Thomas)
Boutwell, Edna.illus. Wendy Watson. Daughter of Liberty (Cleveland: World, 1967) (Juvenile) (“a little girl’s beloved” doll “carries a message to
Paul Revere” WorldCat) (Revolution, 1775-1783; Dolls)
Boyd, Bentley. Revolutionary Rumblings (Williamsburg, VA: Chester Comix, 2010; 4th ed.) (Chester the Crab’s comix with content series) (24
pgs.; includes “The Boston Tea Party” and “Paul Revere, rider”)
Brackenridge, H. H. The Battle of Bunkers-hill: A Dramatic Piece, of Five Acts, in Heroic Measure (Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Bell,
in Third-Street, 1776) (51 pages) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, 1775 — Drama) (Google Books)
Brill, Larry. The Printer and the Strumpet (Austin, TX: Black Tie, 2021) (“1773 Boston” WorldCat) (Man-woman relationships; Journalists;
Prostitutes; Newspaper publishing; Political corruption; Boston (Mass.) — Social life and customs — 18th century)
Brodeur, Tom. Regina Silsby’s Phantom Militia (JourneyForth, 2005) (Juvenile) (Revolution; Ghosts; Cousins; Disguises; Grandfathers; Christian life)
–. Regina Silsby’s Secret War (JourneyForth, 2004) (Juvenile) (Post-Tea Party) (Revolution)
Brown, Harry. The Poem of Bunker Hill (C. Scribner’s Sons, 1941) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775)
Brown, Rebecca Warren. Stories about General Warren: In Relation to the Fifth of March Massacre, and the Battle of Bunker Hill (Boston:
James Loring, 1835 [Internet Archive) (Juvenile) (Warren, Joseph, 1741-1775; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; Boston
Massacre, 1770) (Google Books)
Brown, William Hill. The Power of Sympathy (Boston: I. Thomas, printer, 1789) (“sentimental/seduction”; set in Boston, Belleview, New York; first
American novel) (Seduction) (INCEST; LETTERS; MORALITY) (Amazon and Google Books)
Bryson, John. Valiant Libertine (Appleton-Century, 1942) (Revolution) (Siege, 1775-76; Sieges)
Buckley, Andrew. The Bostoner (Stage Harbor Press, 1999) (18th-century plot focuses on a pirate called “the Bostoner”; there’s also a related
20th-century plot focusing on a descendant who is a paralegal victim of a Boston court bomb blast) (Kendrick, John; Cape Cod)
Burgan, Michael. illus. Ronald Himler The Time to Choose (Macmillan McGraw-Hill, 1999) (Elementary and junior high school) (Boston
Massacre, 1770; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Causes)
Burgoyne, John [British General]. A Vaudevil, sung by the characters at the conclusion of a new farce, called The Boston blockade (Boston:
Printed by John Howe, 1776) (WorldCat Note: “General Burgoyne is credited with writing The Blockade of Boston, which was performed
after he returned to England, in January, 1776″–Evans; see Catherine Ann Peckinpaugh Vrtis, “Gentleman Johnny Plays War: John
Burgoyne and The Blockade of Boston,” Diss. Virginia Commonwealth U. 2007. VCU Digital Archives. Web. 3 Jul 2013) (Great Britain —
Colonies — America — Songs and music; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Songs and music)
Burk, John. Bunker-Hill; or The death of General Warren: An Historic Tragedy in Five Acts (New York: Printed by T. Greenleaf, 1797 [Google
Books, 1891 ed.]) (Warren, Joseph; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 — Drama) (Google Books)
Butters, Dorothy Gilman. The Bells of Freedom (Macrae Smith, 1963) (Juvenile) (1775-76) (Massachusetts — History — Revolution, 1775-
1783; Indentured servants)
—. Ten Leagues to Boston Town (Macrae Smith, 1962) (Juvenile) (Counterfeiters and counterfeiting)
Butterworth, Hezekiah. The Patriot Schoolmaster; or, The Adventures of the Two Boston Cannon, the “Adams” and“Hancock”: A Tale of the
Minute Men and the Sons of Liberty (D. Appleton, 1894 [Google Books]) (Adams, Samuel; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-
1783) (Google Books)
Bynner, Edwin Lassetter. Agnes Surriage (Houghton Mifflin, 1886 [Google Books]) (Marblehead; Boston; Hopkington; London; Lisbon; 1740s-50s;
1745 return of Louisburg expedition) (Google Books)
Calkhoven, Laurie. Boys of Wartime: Daniel at the Siege of Boston, 1776 (Dutton Children’s Books, 2010) (Elementary and junior high school)
(Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Espionage; Patriotism; Family life — Massachusetts — Boston)
Cameron, Dana. Anna Hoyt: A Novel of Colonial Crime (DCLE Publishing, 2024) (“1745 Boston” WorldCat; see next item) (Bar
owners; Intimidation)
—. “Femme Sole” (in Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (Akashic, 2009)) (“18th-century Boston [1745], the story follows Anna Hoyt, a
tavern owner in the North End” [Hannah E. Martin, “Notions of Noir,” Globe 8 Dec. 2009])
Carter, Mary J., and Michael Kaplan. The Ruling Passion: Reflections on a Society Under Siege (Font & Center P, 1998) (romance) (Revolution; Tea Party)
Carter, Ron. Our Sacred Honor: A Novel (Bookcraft, 1998) (religion) (Revolution)
—. To Decide Our Destiny: A Novel (Bookcraft, 1999) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution,
1775-1783; Washington, George; Family)
Carter, Russell Gordon. A Patriot Lad of Old Boston (Juvenile) (Penn, 1923) (Revolution)
Cavanaugh, Jack. The Patriots (Victor Books, 1995) (Revolution; Christian faith; Lexington and Concord; siege) (American loyalists)
Chambers, Robert William. Cardigan: A Novel (Harper & Bros., 1901 [Google Books]) (Chapter XXII on, pp. 370-end, set in Boston, 1774-75)
(Revolution, 1775-1783; New York (State) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783) (Google Books)
Chase, Jessie Anderson. The Story of Paul Revere, Junior, Revolutionary Days in Old Boston (Boston: W.A. Wilde, 1932)
Cheatham, Lillian. Portrait of Emma (Doubleday, 1975) (Portraits; Women; Secrets; The seventeen hundreds; Boston, Massachusetts — History
— 18th century; Mystery stories; Romantic suspense)
Cherpak, Mark. A. Circle of Fear (AuthorHouse, 2007) (Chapter 11 18th Century . . . 1790 [Charlestown]; Chapter 12 Charlestown, Massachusetts
Summer 1995; supernatural thriller) (Google Books)
Chiavaroli, Heidi. Freedom’s Ring (Tyndale House, 2017) (connects Boston marathon bombing and Boston Massacre) (Victims of terrorism;
Boston Marathon Bombing, Boston, Mass., 2013 ; War victims; Boston Massacre, 1770; Loss (Psychology)); Faith)
—. The Tea Chest (Tyndale House Publishers, 2020) (connects 21st c. female would-be Navy SEAL and “Emma Malcolm, a 1773 Patriot
sympathizer” WorldCat) (Navy — Women; Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.))
Child, Lydia Maria. The Rebels, or Boston before the Revolution (Cummings, Hilliard, 1825 [Google Books 1850 ed.]) (Revolution)
Clark, Joan. The Hand of Robin Squires (Juvenile) (Clarke, Irwin, 1977) (mainly at sea and Nova Scotia, but ends in Boston; slave stealing and
more) (Oak Island Treasure Site (N.S.))
Clark, Mary Higgins. Aspire to the Heavens (Meredith P, 1969) (rpted. as Mount Vernon Love Story: A Novel of George and Martha Washington
[Simon and Schuster, 2003]) (third and second from last chapters: “June-November, 1775 Cambridge, Massachusetts” 196-204 and
“December, 1775 Cambridge” 205-14 [2003 ed.])
Cleeve, Lucas [pseud. of Adelina Georgina I. Kingscote]. Free Soil, Free Soul (Digby & Long, 1903) (in part “Boston, temp. George II” [Ernest
Albert Baker, A Guide to the Best Fiction in English, Routledge, 1913: 205 Google Books]
Clifton, J. Colfort. The Tory Spy, or, The Britisher “done brown” (New York: G. Munro, 1865) (Series: Munro’s ten cent novels, no. 39) (American
loyalists; Spy stories; Women revolutionaries; Kidnapping; Boston (Mass.); Revolution, 1775-1783)
Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane. Boston Bells (Macmillan, 1952) (Grades 3-5) (Series: Once upon-a-time-in-America; Knowles riot) (Copley, John
Singleton, — 1787-1815; Art)
Cobb, Sylvanus. The Maniac’s Secret, or, The Privateer of Massachusetts Bay (New York: S. French, 185-? [Wright American Fiction 1851-1875,
Indiana U]) (Revolution; Dime novels)
Codington, Dory. Cardinal Points (Authorhouse, 2013) (Romance; Tea Party and afterward; Revolutionary War)
Coffin, Charles Carleton. Daughters of the American Revolution and Their Times, 1769-1776: Historical Romance (Houghton Mifflin, 1895
[Internet Archive])
Colella, Paul. The Undefeated (IUniverse, 2011) (Soldiers; Surgeons; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; French and
Indian War, 1754-1763)
Columbian. An Eulogium on Major General Joseph Warren Who Fell in the Action at Charlestown, June XVII, MDCCLXXV (Boston: Printed by
John Boyle in Marlborough-Street, 1781) (Warren, Joseph; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 — Poetry; Revolution, 1775-
1783 — Poetry)
Coolidge, Olivia E. Cromwell’s Head (Houghton Mifflin, 1955) (Tavern, divided loyalties in April 1775; medical apprentice) (Revolution, 1775-
1783; Boston (Mass.))
Cooney, Ellen. Gun Ball Hill: A Novel (U P of New England, 2004) (mainly Maine, but some siege of Boston and Bunker Hill, e,g., “Chapter XX
Cooper, Afua. My Name is Phillis Wheatley: A Story of Slavery and Freedom (Kids Can Press, 2023) (Juvenile) (African Americans; African
Americans Biography; Enslaved persons; Poets, American Colonial period; Wheatley, Phillis, 1753-1784)
Cooper, Elaine Marie. Fields of the Fatherless: A New History Novel (Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, 2013) (1775; “Menotomy Village”
[Arlington]; see Thomas Fleming, “Historynet.com; accessed 6 Jan. 2015) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Cooper, James Fenimore. Lionel Lincoln, Or, The Leaguer of Boston (Wiley, 1825 [Google Books, 1881 ed.]) (Battle of Bunker Hill; loyalist hero)
(Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783) (Google Books)
Copeland, Lori. Forever, Ashley (Dell, 1992) (time travel to Revolutionary Boston; romance) (Time travel; Revolution, 1775-1783)
Coverly, Nathaniel. General Warren: or, The Battle of Bunker Hill (Boston: Nathaniel Coverly, Jun’r. [between 1810 and 1814]) (Warren, Joseph;
Bunker Hill, Battle of, 1775 — Poetry; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Campaigns — Poetry) (may be poem of same
title printed anonymously by William McCarty in Songs, Odes, & Other Poems, on National Subjects: Comp. from Various Sources, vol 3
(Philadelphia: Wm McCarty, 1842: 15-17) [Google Books])
—. A Song, Composed on the Evacuation of Boston by the British Troops, commanded by General Howe: who were panic struck, and thrown into
the utmost confusion, at the appearance of General Washington ([Boston]: N. Coverly, Jun., [between 1810 and 1814?]) (Howe, William
Howe, — Viscount; | Washington, George; Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry) (Google Books)
Craig, Sarah. I Saw the Boston Tea Party (Houghton Mifflin, 2005) (Primary school)
Cressy, Noah. The Battle and Monument of Bunker-Hill, Compared with the Agonies and Triumphs of the Cross: A Poem (Portland?, 18–?)
Cunningham, Linda. “A Boston Marriage.” Taking Liberties: A Yankee Doodle Dandy Erotic Anthology (ebook) (Omnific Publishing, 2014)
Curtis, Alice Turner. A Little Maid of Boston (Penn Pub. Co., 1933) (Juvenile) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Siege, 1775-1776; Boston (Mass.) —
History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Charles River (Mass.) — History; Military deserters; Washington, George)
Davenport. A.A. A Chicke Was There Too: Tales of the Colonial Chickens Who Were There at the Birth of America (2024) (one story, Boston
Tea Party) (Juvenile; Chickens)
Davis, John H. The Hill (PublishAmerica, 2005) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; Revolution, 1775-1783 — Campaigns)
Davis, William Stearns. Gilman of Redford; a Story of Boston & Harvard College on the Eve of the Revolutionary War, 1770-1775 (Macmillan,
1927) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Harvard College (1636-1780)) (Bail 315-16)
Dawes, Thomas. British Lamentation Together with Bunker-Hill Ode (Boston: 1786) (1 page; opening of Charlestown Bridge) (Bunker Hill, Battle
of, Boston, Mass., 1775 — Poetry; Bridges — Massachusetts — Charlestown (Boston); Bridges — Massachusetts — Boston; Revolution,
1775-1783 — Poetry)
Daynard, Jodi. The Midwife’s Revolt: A Novel (Brilliance Audio, 2015) (Battle of Bunker Hill; plot to poison Abigail Adams) (Women —18th century;
Midwives; Widows)
—. Our Own Country (Lake Union Publishing, 2016) (Boston and Braintree 1770s; Abigail and John Adams as minor characters; interracial love)
(Women — United States — History — 18th century)
Dearborn, Nathaniel. Bunker Hill Monument: Commemorative of June 17, 1775, Consecrated, June 17, 1843 ([Boston?]: N. Dearborn, 1843)
(Warren, Joseph; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 — Poetry; Bunker Hill Monument (Boston, Mass.); Revolution, 1775-1783 —
Poetry) (Google Books)
De Forest, John William. A Lover’s Revolt (Longmans, Green, 1898 [Google Books]) (Massachusetts — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Dell, Pamela. Freedom’s Light: A Story about Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride (Tradition Books, 2003) (Juvenile: ages 9-12) (Boston, 1775) (Revere,
Paul; Spies; Revolution, 1775-1783)
DeMitchell, Terri A. Chelsea Creek to Bunker Hill: Spring 1775 (Piscataqua P, 2015) (Juvenile) (New Hampshire — History — Revolution, 1775
-1783; Chelsea Creek, Battle of, Mass., 1775; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; Revolution, 1775-1783; Portsmouth (N.H.);
Cambridge (Mass.))
De Morgan, John. Fooling the Enemy: A Story of the Siege of Boston (David McKay, 1904, 31 pgs.) (Juvenile) (Boston (Mass.) — History —
Revolution, 1775-1783)
Denenberg, Barry. The Journal of William Thomas Emerson: A Revolutionary War Patriot: Boston, Massachusetts, 1774 (Scholastic, 1998)
(Juvenile) (Revolution; Orphans; Diaries)
Denison, Mary A. The Days and Ways of the Cocked Hats: or, The Dawn of the Revolution (New York: S.A. Rollo, 1860 [Wright American Fiction
1851-1875, Indiana U])
Denker, Nan. The Bound Girl (Ariel Books, 1957) (Juvenile) (Indentured servants) (“Felicie is forced to flee to America from France because of
religious persecution. As an orphan she must learn to work hard as a servant in a house near Boston. The family she works for grows to love
her and comes to her rescue when she innocently provokes disapproval of the colony’s leaders.” )
Deveraux, Jude. Days of Gold: A Novel (Pocket Star Books, 2010) (some Boston; 1766) (Heiresses; Scots — United States; Gold; Clans —
Scotland; Scotland — History — 18th century; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
DeWitt, Franklin. Jonathan Hodge and the Secret of Aargone (Tate Publishing & Enterprises, 2007) (Combines history and fantasy as hero leaves
farm to join Washington’s army for siege of Boston; Revolution)
Dokey, Cameron. Katherine: Heart of Freedom (Avon Books, 1997) (Juvenile) (romance) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Donnelly, Susan. “Inoculation.” The New Yorker 4 Aug. 2003: 38 (short poem; Cotton Mather) (Keywords: Boston; Diseases; Mothers; Slaves;
Mather, Cotton; Smallpox; Cotton Mather studied smallpox for a while; Onesimus)
Downie, Mary Alice. illus. Ron Berg. A Song for Acadia (Kids Can Press, 1980) (Juvenile; age 9+; Boston boy in Acadia) (Acadians Expulsion, 1755;
Acadians Social life and customs; Nova Scotia History 1713-1775)
Doyle, Peter Reese. Bunker Hill (Providence Foundation, 1998) (Juvenile) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, 1775; Revolution; Christian life)
Duey, Kathleen. Silence and Lily: 1773 (Puffin Books, 2007) (Elementary and junior high school) (Family, Horses; Boston Tea Party; Indentured
servants; Slavery)
Eastlake, William The Long, Naked Descent into Boston (Viking Press, 1977) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Edgar, Gregory T. illus. Karen J Yarosh. “Are the Yankees Cowards Now?”: A Story of Bunker Hill (Printed by Van Volumes, 1995) (Bunker Hill,
Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775) (Repub. under title Patriots: A Story of Bunker Hill (Bluewater Press, 2009).
Edwards, Ben L. One April in Boston (Spyglass Books, 2000) (Elementary and junior high school) (Revolution; Telescopes; Geneology)
Ellinger, Ruth Carmichael. Sword of the Wild Rose (Ambassador International, 2010) (Flight from Scotland to “Boston at the onset of the
American Revolution” WorldCat) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Emery, Anne. illus. Raymond Vartanian, Bright Horizons (Putnam, 1947) (Juvenile; just after Revolution) (Fathers and sons; Detective and mystery
stories; Boston (Mass.) — History — 18th century)
Emmons, Richard and William. The Battle of Bunker Hill, or The Temple of Liberty; An Historic Poem in Four Cantos (New York: 1839 [Google
Books, 1867 ed.])
Emmons, William. 1775. Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill. Remember the heroes of the Revolution!: Just issued from the press, the tenth
improved edition of Col. Emmons’s renowned historic poem, illustrative of the first battles fought for liberty and constitutional rights; in four
cantos ([Boston, Mass., 1865]) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 — Poetry; Revolution, 1775-1783)
Falcon, Debra. Midnight’s Lady (Kensington, 1995) (romance; Boston Zorro-like hero) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Fast, Howard. April Morning: A Novel (Crown Publishers, 1961) (15-year-old farm boy involved in the battles of Lexington and Concord in
April, 1775)
—. Bunker Hill, The Prequel to the Crossing (IBooks, 2001) (orig. pub. as Seven Days [Back Cover, Amazon]) (American and British viewpoints)
(Bunker Hill; Revolution)
—. Seven Days in June: A Novel of the American Revolution (Carol Pub., 1994) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass.,1775; Revolution, 1775-1783)
Faulkner, George H. illus. Harvé Stein. Gentlemen and Rebels (Little, Brown, 1954) (Juvenile) (includes “The balance wheel: John Adams.–The
rider and the spur: Samuel Adams and Paul Revere” WorldCat)
Favier, Patricia. A Temptation Too Great (Robert Hale, 1999) (Refugees; French Americans)
Finaly, C. C. The Patriot Witch (Random House, 2009) (Series: Traitor to the Crown; Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill; siege) (Witches; Magic;
Revolution, 1775-1783)
Finlayson, Ann. Redcoat in Boston (F. Warne, 1971) (Juvenile) (1760s-70s) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield. Paul Revere and the Minute Men (Random House, 1950) (Series: Landmark books, 4) (Juvenile)
Fisk, Joseph. A few lines on the happy reduction of Canada: as also, the great fire in Boston, and sickness at Woodbury, in the year 1760.: To
which is added, some lines on the remarkable providence of God, in the year 1761 as also reflections on the sins of the times, and some
notorious acts of sin ([Boston?], Written in the same year, 1761) (16 pages) (Epidemics –Connecticut — Woodbury; Fires —
Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.) — Fire, 1760; Woodbury (Conn.) — History; United States — History — French and Indian
War, 1755-1763 — Poetry) (Google Books)
Fitzgerald, Tom. Poor Richard’s Lament: A Most Timely Tale (Hobblebush Books, 2012) (Ben let out of a purgatory visits U.S. he created 200
years later, including “One Milk Street, Boston, MA” 273-381) (Franklin, Benjamin, — 1706-1790)
Flaccus, Horatius [pseud.]. The Vision of Judgment or The South Church: Ecclesiastical Councils Viewed from Celestial and Satanic Stand-
points (New York: Van Evrie, Horton & Co., 1867) (satire) (Antislavery movements — New England — Poetry; Boston (Mass.) — Church
history — Poetry; Boston (Mass.) — Politics and government — 1775-1865 -Poetry)
Fleming, Alice Mulcahey. illus. Albert Orbaan A Son of Liberty (St. Martin’s P, 1961) (Juvenile) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 ;
Forbes, Esther. Johnny Tremain: A Novel for Old & Young (Houghton Mifflin, 1943) (Juvenile) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Foster, Hannah W. The Coquette, or, The History of Eliza Wharton A Novel, Founded on Fact (Boston: S. Etheridge, for E. Larkin, 1797 [Google
Books 1855 ed.]) (sentimental, seduction) (New England, including Boston) (Amazon and Google Books)
French, Allen. The Colonials: Being a Narrative of Events Chiefly Connected with the Siege and Evacuation of the Town of Boston in New England
(Doubleday, Page, 1903, 1901)
—. The Colonials: Revolutionary Boston (Doubleday, Page, 1902 [Google Books 1906 ed.]) (same as above with slightly different title; Bunker
Hill) (Siege, 1775-1776) (Google Books)
Freneau, Philip Morin. A Voyage to Bost[o]n. A po[em … By the author of American Liberty, A Poem: General Gage’ssoliloquy, &c. (W. Woodhouse,
Printed by Benjamin Towne, 1775 [The Poems of Philip Freneau: Poet of the American Revolution, ed. Fred Lewis Pattee (The University
Library, 1902): 158-82 {Google Books}]) (Revolution)
Frye, Charlie. The War Has Begun (Charles E. Frye, 2017) (Series: Duty in the cause of liberty, bk. 1) (Frye, Isaac; Revolution, 1775-1783;
Continental Army — Officers; United States. — Continental Army. — New Hampshire Regiment, 3rd; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass.,
1775; Farmers — New Hampshire — Wilton (Town))
Fultcher, Joy. “Tea for Two” (John Adams celebrates opposition to Tea Act with young lady) (Taking Liberties: A Yankee Doodle Dandy Erotic
Anthology (ebook) (Omnific Publishing, 2014)
Fulton, Len. The Court Martial of Paul Revere (1997) (Harvard University — Drama; Boston (Mass.) — Drama; United States — History —
Revolution, 1775-1783 — Drama) (Brief Summary, Dustbooks.com [accessed 31 Mar. 2008])
Gade, Carla Olson. Pattern for Romance (Abingdon P, 2013) (Romance; July 1769) (Quilting; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period,
ca. 1600-1775)
Ganzglass, Martin R. Cannons for the Cause: A Novel of the American Revolution (Peace Corps Writers, 2014) (Knox’s cannons; Cambridge;
Dorchester Heights; loyalists and patriots in Boston after evacuation) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Gilman, Caroline Howard. Ballad for a private centennial celebration in remembrance of Samuel Howard, one of the Boston Rebel Tea Party in
1773. Composed by his octogenerian daughter ([Boston?: 1873?] [Google Books, book publication, 1874, 30-32+, ending pages missing
online]) (Boston Tea Party, 1773 — Poetry; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry; Howard, Samuel B.; Memorial
Glover, Stephen E. The Cradle of Liberty: or, Boston in 1775 (Boston: William V. Spencer, [1857?] [ed. Hugh MacDougall, James Fenimore Cooper
Society, Oct. 2008, accessed 26 Jun. 2010]) (Series: Read drama collection, no. 37; Spencer’s Boston theatre, no. 145) (adaptation of
James Fenimore Cooper’s Lionel Lincoln ; or, The Leaguer of Boston)
Gormley, Beatrice. Friends of Liberty (Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2013) (Elementary and junior high; Patriot/Loyalist friendship in 1773
Boston) (Best friends; Friendship; Loyalty)
Gordon, H. E. Down at the Hub (Norristown, Pa., 18–) (Veterans — Poetry; Boston (Mass.) — Poetry; Poetry of places)
Gordon, James A., General. At 12 O’clock, or, The Mystery of the Lighthouse: A Story of the Revolution (New York: Frank Tousey, 10 Sep. 1902.
32 pgs.) (Series: Pluck and luck; no. 223) (Nolan, Ned (Fictitious character); Smugglers; Soldiers; Courage; Lighthouses; Prisoners;
Traitors; United States–History–Revolution, 1775-1783; Boston (Mass.)) (Edward T. LeBlanc Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections,
Northern Illinois U)
Graves, Robert. Sergeant Lamb’s America (Random House, 1940) (“takes place in the early years of the American War of Independence and is
based on the adventures of one Sergeant Lamb, a Dublin man in the service of His Majesty’s Army. It begins with Lamb’s early days in
Dublin and ends with his arrival in Boston as a member of the regiment taken prisoner after Burgoyne’s surrender at Saratoga.” Back
Cover [Amazon]) (Boston mobs) (Lamb, Roger; Revolution; Irish participation; Irish)
Green, James. Hangman: A Tale of the Boston Harbor Islands (1st Books, 2003) (“mid-18th century” WorldCat) (Puritans; Boston Harbor Islands,
Quincy — Houghs Neck)
Grote, Joann A. The American Revolution (Barbour Pub., 1998) (Juvenile–ages 8-12) (Sons of Liberty) (Boston Tea Party, 1773; Brothers;
Christian life)
—. The American Victory (Barbour Pub., 1998) (Juvenile–ages 8-12) (father/soldier returns to son in Boston at end of war) (Revolution, 1775-
1783; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Christian life; Fathers and sons)
—. Danger in the Harbor: Grain Riots Threaten Boston (Chelsea House, 1998) (Elementary and junior high school–ages 9-12) (Boston (Mass.) —
History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; United States — History — Queen Anne’s War, 1702-1713; Riots; Christian life)
—. Kate and the Spies: The American Revolution (Barbour Pub., 2004) (Elementary and junior high school) (Tea party) (Revolution 1775-1776;
Spies; Cousins; Family life; Christian life)
—. Queen Anne’s War (Barbour, 1998) (Elementary and junior high school) (children in Boston in 1710) (Queen Anne’s War, 1702-1713)
Guhrke, Laura Lee. The Charade (Sonnet Books, 2000) (romance; heroine, runaway indentured servant in early 1775 Boston caught up in
Revolutionary events) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Gunderson, Jessica. illus. Brent Schoonover. Ropes of the Revolution: The Tale of the Boston Tea Party (Stone Arch Books, 2008) (Juvenile:
ages 9-12) (Dec. 16, 1773) (Boston Tea Party, 1773 — Comic books, strips, etc.)
Gunning, Sally. Bound (HarperCollins, 2008) (partly Boston; mainly Dedham, Medfield, Satucket, Cape Cod; opens March 1756) (Massachusetts
— History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Indentured servants; Cape Cod (Mass.)) ( Pub. Des.)
—. The Rebellion of Jane Clarke (HarperCollins, 2010) (Boston Massacre; 1769-70s) (Young women — Massachusetts; Massachusetts — History
— Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
H. S., Descendant of a Revolutionary Officer. The Flag on Bunker Hill ([Waterville, Mass.?: 1862]) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-
1783 — Poetry; United States — History — Civil War, 1861-1865 — Poetry; Flags — United States; Boston (Mass.) — Bunker Hill
H. W. A Poem, descriptive of the terrible fire, which made such shocking devastation in Boston, on the evening of Friday, April 21, 1787, in which
were consumed one house of worship, of which the Rev. Ebenezer Wight was pastor, and upwards of one hundred dwelling-houses and
other buildings … ([Boston]: Sold [by Ezekiel Russell] at the office next Liberty-Pole., 1787) (Broadside)
Hamilton, Thomas Wm. Time for Patriots: The 21st Century Confronts Bunker Hill and After! (Strategic Book Publishing, 2008) (time travel
science fiction) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Campaigns)
Hammond, William. The Power and the Glory: A Novel (Naval Institute Press, 2011) (“set in the late 1790s”; “Boston, Massachusetts September
1797; [Chapter]Three” WorldfCat) (United States. — Navy; Diplomatic relations; France)
Hardman, Ron, and Jessica Hardman. Shadow Fox. Book I, Sons of Liberty (Fox Run Press, 2010) (time travel to revolutionary Boston; Juvenile–
elementary and junior high) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Brothers and sisters; Time travel)
Harlow, Joan Hiatt. Midnight Rider (Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2005) (Juvenile–Elementary and junior high) (14-year-old patriot heroine in
1775 Boston) (Spies; Orphans; Household employees; Indentured servants; Sex role; Horses; United States — History — Revolution,
Harr, John Ensor. Dark Eagle: A Novel of Benedict Arnold and the American Revolution (Viking, 1999) (some Boston, e.g., Chapter “17. Boston,
March, 1777”) (Arnold, Benedict; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Harris, Arthur M.; illus. George Avison. Pirate Tales from the Law (Little, Brown, 1923 [HathiTrust]) (“Chapter Two Black Flag from Boston John
Quelch”; 1703-04) ((Pirates)
Harris, Dwayne. “”Deadcoats” (Zombie Terrors, vol. 2, no. 2, edited by Williams Doug, Asylum Press: Made available through hoopla, 2014) (“a
retelling of Paul Revere’s ride though Revolutionary New England” WorldCat)
Harris, Stanley. Evacuation Day: A Boy’s Trip Through Time to George Washington’s Victory (Critical Choices, 2009) (Juvenile–ages 9-12) (time
travel–11-year old; Lexington; Evacuation)
Hass, Glenn. The Patriot Surgeon: Coming of Age (Author House, 2012) (also Philadelphia) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; Boston
(Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Hastings, Brooke [pseud.]. So Sweet a Sin (Harlequin Books, 1989) (romance) (Massachusetts — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Hawkins, Karen. Catherine and the Pirate (Avon, 2002) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Heroine from proper Boston family, though most action
elsewhere; Revolution) (Pirates; Man-woman relationships; Savanah (Ga.))
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “Drowne’s Wooden Image.” Mosses from an Old Manse (2 vols. London: Wiley & Putnam, 1846. 2:59-73 [Google
Books]) (Long Wharf)
—. Legends of the Province House (From 1698 to 1776 the seat of British Governor) in Twice-Told Tales (Boston: American Stationers Co.,
1837; Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1851. A new ed. [Google Books 1882 ed.]): (I. “Howe’s Masquerade” (Howe, William; Siege; March 1776;
Governors of Massachusetts Colony), II. “Edward Randolph’s Portrait,” III. “Lady Eleanore’s Mantle,” IV. “Old Esther Dudley.”)
—. “My Kinsman, Major Molineux” ( The Snow-Image, and Other Tales . London: H.G. Bohn, 1851 [Google Books 1883 Complete Works]
(1730; Mobs; Pre-Revolution)
—. Septimius Felton, or The Elixir of Life (Boston: J.R. Osgood, 1872 [Google Books]) (Concord, 1775)
Hayes, John T. Neither Death nor Glory: The O’Bannion Saga (Saddlebag Press, 2001) (Revolution) (Boston (Mass.)–History–Siege, 1775-76)
Hazelton, Harry. The Rival Plotters, or, The Patriots and Royalists of ’76: A Tale of Boston and Vicinity (New-York: W.D. Bancker, 1867) (Hilton’s
Union novels, no. 6.; Hilton’s ten cent novels, no. 6.) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; American loyalists; Blacks;
Disguise; Household employees; Sailors; Women revolutionaries)
Helfrich Park Middle School (Evansville, Ind.). Cows on the Tracks! (Helfrich Park Middle School, 1992) (Juvenile) (Series: Pick-a-path
unforgettable trips series, bk. 1; “The reader is able to choose different endings to the story of a class field trip to Boston which takes them
back in time to Revolutionary War days.” WorldCat) (School field trips — Massachusetts — Boston; Time travel; Revolution, 1775-1783)
Hemphill, Kris. A Secret Party in Boston Harbor (Mysteries in Time) (Silver Moon P, 1998) (Elementary and junior high school) (Boston Tea
Henty, George Alfred. True to the Old Flag: A Tale of the American War of Independence (Blackie & Son, 1884 [Google Books 1885 ed.]) (Juvenile)
(“Chapter IV. The Fight at Lexington”; “Chapter V. Bunker’s Hill”; mainly elsewhere; British army perspective) (Children — Conduct of life;
Conduct of life; Farms; Battles; Indians of North America; Soldiers; Voyages and travels; Adventure and adventurers; War) (Google Books)
Hering, Marianne, and Nancy I. Sander. Illus. David Hohn. The Redcoats Are Coming! (Tyndale House, 2014) (Juvenile) (Revolution, 1775-1783;
Revolution, 1775-1783; Time travel; Christian life)
Hilz, Tammy. Once an Angel (Zebra, 2001) (romance; English heroine’s unloved Medford/Boston fiancé, Tory loyalist; 1760s; pirate lover)
Hochstetler, J. M. Daughter of Liberty (Zondervan, 2004) (Lexington and Concord; Bunker Hill) (Revolution; Young women; Women spies)
—. Native Son (Book 2, American Patriot Series) (Zondervan, 2005) (partly spying in Boston during siege)
Holford, Castello N. Aristopia: A Romance-history of the New World (Boston: Arena Publishing, 1895) (alternative history; Imaginary histories)
Holly, K.C. “The British Are Coming.” Taking Liberties: A Yankee Doodle Dandy Erotic Anthology (ebook) (Omnific Publishing, 2014)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Dorothy Q, together with A Ballad of the Boston Tea Party and Grandmother’s Story ofBunker Hill Battle (Houghton, Mifflin,
1893 (copyrights 1874 and 1875) [Google Books]) (Dorothy Quincy, great grandmother) (Boston Tea Party,1773; Bunker Hill, Battle of,
Boston, Mass., 1775)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, James M Bugbee, and N L Frothingham. Memorial. Bunker Hill, 1775, June 17th, 1875 (J.R. Osgood & Co., 1875)
(16 pages) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; Poetry, American; Revolution — Military, 1775, June 17 — Bunker Hill)
UNITED STATES; U.S. – COLONIAL PERIOD) (Google Books) (Litfind.com)
Hoppus [oftern listed under Marks], Mary A. M. A Great Treason: A Story of the War of Independence (London: Macmillan, 1883 Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
[Google Books]) (some Boston chapters) (Revolution; Arnold, Benedict)
Horrender, Philip M. Illus. Guy Wolek. Patriotic Mouse: Boston Tea Party Participant (Magic Wagon, 2014) (Elementary and junior high school)
(Mice; Boston Tea Party, 1773; Time travel)
Hotchkiss, Chauncey Crafts. In Defiance of the King: A Romance of the American Revolution (D. Appleton, 1895 [Google Books]) (First part
Boston and environs) (Revolution, 1775-1783) (Google Books)
Howard, Hayden. “The Dipping of the Candlemaker.” Ellery Quenn’s Mystery Magazine, 1954. Rept. in Murder and
Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn Rössel Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (Dember Books,
1987): 38-57) (Boston 1722; Benjamin Franklin)
Howe, Cheryl. The Pirate and the Puritan (Dorchester, 2003) (romance; Boston Puritan heroine and Carribean pirate; 1721)
Howe, Katherine. A True Account: Hannah Masury’s Sojourn Amongst the Pyrates, Written by Herself (Holt, 2023) (in part Radcliffe “professor
Marian Beresford pieces Hannah’s story together in 1930″ WorldCat; opens “Boston June 1726”) (Boston (Mass.); Contract labor;
Manuscripts; Secrecy; Self-realization in women; Stowaways; Treasure troves; Women college teachers)
Hughes, Arthur J. Crispus Attucks (Lion & Lamb Press, 2002) (Attucks, Crispus; Boston Massacre, 1770; Slavery)
Hughes, Richard. Bound for Boston (Abdo & Daughters, 1989) (Juvenile) (Revolution; Tea party; Paul Revere; John
Hancock) (Time travel)
Humphrey, Maud. illus. Mabel Humphrey. Children of the Revolution (New York: F.A. Stokes, 1900) (includes “Paul
Revere’s ride,” “The Boston tea party,” and “The Battle of Bunker Hill”)
Ingraham, J[oseph]. H[olt]. Fleming Field, or, The Young Artisan: A Tale of the Days of the Stamp Act (New York: Burgess,
Stringer, 1845) (Revolution) (Stamp Act, 1765)
—. The Flying Fish, or, Running the Blockade of Boston Harbor: A Stirring Story of Revolutionary Times (New York: Camp-
Fire Library Co., 1877) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Boston Harbor (Mass.))
—. Mark Manly, or, the Skippers’s Lad: A Tale of Boston in the Olden Time (Boston: E.P. Williams, 1843 [HathiTrust])
(starts in Boston a few weeks after Lexington and Concord) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
—. Neal Nelson, or The Siege of Boston (Boston: Henry L. Williams, 1845) (Siege, 1775-1776)
York: M. J. Ivers, 1899 [Northern Illinois U] (Beadle’s New York dime library, no. 1020; 23 pgs.) (Howe, William
Howe, — Viscount, — 1729-1814; Washington, George, — 1732-1799; Boston (Mass.))
Ingraham, Prentiss. Ocean Ogre, the outcast corsair, or, The good ship of ill-omen: a romance of piracy, and a companion
story to “The fatal frigate,” and “The one-armed buccaneer” (New York: Beadle & Adams, 1887 [Northern Illinois
U]) (Series: Beadle’s New York dime library, no. 446) (Pirates; Gambling; Navies–Officers; Cubans; Spaniards;
Havana (Cuba); Boston (Mass.); United States–History–Revolution, 1775-1783)
(New York: Beadle & Adams, 1889 [Northern Illinois U]) (Series: Beadle’s New York dime library, no. 581) (“Boston
and along the coast in 177-, just before the Revolution.” WorldCat) (Navies — Officers; Nobility; Pirates;
Privateering; Boston)
Iron, N[athaniel]. C[olchester]. Agnes Falkland: A Story of Continental Times (New York: Beadle and Adams, Publishers, 1862)
(Johannsen Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois U) (Revolution, 1775-1783; Bunker Hill,
Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; Canadian Invasion, 1775-1776) (Pub/.Des., Harper’s Weekly 4 Oct. 1862 [Son of the
South; accessed 30 Mar. 2008])
Irving, Washington. “The Devil and Tom Walker.” (1830?) (The Works of Washington Irving Vol. 4 The Traveller The Jenson
Society, 1907: 449-69 [Google Books]) (Boston and Charles River basin; 1727; see Strand, John, Tom Walker: A
Jackson, D. B. Dead Man’s Reach (Tor, 2015) (Magic; Magicians; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
—. A Plunder of Souls (Tor, 2014) (Boston 1769) (Magicians; Magic)
—. The Price of Doing Business (Tor.com, 2014). Google eBook (32 pges.; same hero/setting/supernatural as Thieftaker)
—. A Spell of Vengeance (Tor, 2013) (Magic; Boston (Mass.))
—. Thieftaker (Tor Fantasy, 2013) (Pre-Revolutionary War Boston; murder) (Magic; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial
period, ca. 1600-1775)
—. Thieves’ Quarry (Tor, 2013) (Thieftaker Chronicles 2) (1768) (Magic; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca.
James, Norma Wood. Dawn at Lexington (Longmans, Green, 1957) (Juvenile) (Boston-bookseller apprentice; Cambridge;
New York) (Revolution, 1775-1783) (Kirkus Reviews 28 Aug. 1957; accessed 27 Dec. 2011)
Jarrett, Miranda. Moonlight (Pocket Books, 1999) (romance) (Dressmakers — Massachusetts — Boston; Ship captains;
Love stories; Historical fiction; Boston (Mass.))
Jay, Reynold, et al. Tammy and the Declaration of Independence (includes Paul Revere’s ride and Lexington and
Concord) (CreateSpace, 2015)
Jenkins, Beverly. Midnight (Avon Books, 2010) (Romance) (Women spies — United States — Revolution, 1775-1783;
Revolution, 1775-1783; Massachusetts; African Americans; Man-woman relationships; Military participation —
African American)
J[ohnnot], A[ndrew]. A poem on the rebuke of God’s hand in the awful desolation made by fire in the town of Boston, on the
20th day of March, 1760, by which, in about 6 or 7 hours, between three and four hundred buildings were
consumed: –to which is added, some brief hints on the great conflagration … (Boston: Printed and sold at Fowle &
Draper’s printing -office, in Marlborough-Street., 1760 [A Volume of Records Relating to the Early History of Boston
Containing Miscellaneous Records (Boston: Municipal Printing Office, 1900: 88) [Google Books] ) (1 page) (Fires
— Poetry; Fires — Massachusetts — Boston; Fires — Massachusetts — Boston — Religious aspects; Boston
(Mass.) — Fire, 1760)
Johnson, William E. Tea and Tyranny: Still Shaggin’ in Boston (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014
(Merchants; Soldiers; Boston Massacre, 1770)
Jones, Joseph Stevens. Liberty Tree, or the Boston Boys (play; “first acted at the little Warren Theatre, on June 17, 1832, with a cast that
included some of the most popular Boston players of the day. The author himself took the leading comic part, that of Bill Ball, a Yankee of the
type that later became familiar on the stage” [“Introduction” The Silver Spoon: A Character Sketch in Four Parts. Revised and
Reconstructed (Walter H. Baker, 1911), 7]
—. Paul Revere and the Sons of Liberty (play; “produced March 6, 1876” The Silver Spoon, p. 8)
—. The Siege of Boston
Judd, Denis. Return to Treasure Island (Joseph, 1978) (part set in Boston around Tea Party) (Buried treasure; Pirates)
Kamensky, Jane, and Jill Lepore. Blindspot: By a Gentleman in Exile and a Lady in Disguise (Spiegel & Grau, 2008) (murder; sex; abolitionists;
Revolutionary Boston–1764) (Painters; Exiles; Scots — New York; Scots — United States — History — 18th century)
Kauffmann, Reginald Wright. Spanish Dollars: Being Further Passages from the Memoirs of Nicholas Rowntree, These Relating Chiefly to the
American Colonists’ Expedition against Louisburg, Cape Breton, A. D. 1745 (The Penn Publishing Co., 1925) (Harvard student hero [Bail 345])
(Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Siege, 1745)
Keegan, Sean Michael. A Redcoat’s Perspective on the Battle of Breed’s Hill (Xlibris Corp., 2007) (Great Britain. — Army. — Regiment of the Foot,
5th; Charlestown (Boston, Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Kenney, Daniel. illus. Sumit Roy. Midnight in Massachusetts (Trendwood P, 2017) (Juvenile) (Revere, Paul, — 1735-1818; Time travel)
Kenny, Clifton. Reflections (Burlington, VT: 2015) (Present=1974, but also Salem 1692 and Boston Tea Party) (Families; Friendship; Psychic
ability; Memory; Secrecy; Priests; Witches; Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
Keyes, J. Gregory. Newton’s Cannon (Ballantine Pub. Group, 1998) (Series: Age of unreason, bk. 1) (in part, Benjamin Franklin in Boston
alternate 1715; fantasy)
Kneeland, John. An Elegy, Occasioned by the Melancholly Catastrophe, which happen’d in the night of the 10th. of August, 1774 ([Boston]: Sold at
the printing-office in Milk-Street [by John Kneeland], [1774]) (42 lines) (Elegiac poetry; Boston (Mass.) — Fires and fire prevention; Fires —
Knipe, Emilie Benson and Alden Arthur Knipe. A Maid of ’76 (The Macmillan Company, 1915 [Google Books]) (Boston and environs; London;
1775-76) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Knox, Caroline. Nine Worthies (Wave Books, 2010) (“men and women in Boston and Newport in 1756 [whom] Nathaniel Smibert (1734-1756) is
painting” WorldCat) (Smibert, Nathaniel, — 1734-1756)
Kornblatt, Marc. illus. Ernie Colón. Paul Revere and the Boston Tea Party (Bantam Books, 1987) (Series: Time Traveler, 5) (Juvenile–ages 9-12;
1773) (Plot-your-own stories; Revere, Paul, — 1735-1818; Revolution, 1775-1783)
Kruger, Evelyn Wolph. Revolutionary Rose: Boston Tea to Boston Free (Old Line Publishing, 2011) (Lexington and Concord; April 19, 1775)
(Revolution, 1775-1783; American loyalists)
Kuehl, William A. The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere (Boston: Baker’s Plays, 1975) (Series: Baker’s royalty plays)
Lake, Deryn. Death at the Boston Tea Party: A John Rawlings Mystery (Severn House, 2016) (Pharmacists — England; Murder — Investigation;
Boston (Mass.) — 18th century)
—. The Governor’s Ladies (Allison & Busby, 2005) (1775; Thomas Gage; Margaret Gage; Slave girl) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Lavallee, Ed, and Grant Bond. Revere: Revolution in Silver (Archaia Studio P, 2007) (Revere, Paul, 1735-1818; Supernatural; Murder; Werewolves;
Good and evil; War; Demons; Battles; Enemies; Eighteenth century; Boston; Revolution, 1775-1783; Fantasy comic books, strips, etc.;
Comic books, strips, etc.; Graphic novels)
Lawlor, Laurie. Horseback on the Boston Post Road, 1704 (Pocket Books, 2000) (More Post Road than Boston) (Sarah Kemble Knight) (Queen
Anne’s War, 1702-1713; Indians of North America — Wars — 1660-1750; Twins; Sisters; Boston Post Roads) (WorldCat, accessed 29
Dec. 2011)
Lawrence, Mildred. Touchmark (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975) (Juvenile) (Boston Tea Party; Paul Revere’s ride) (Revolution, 1775-1783;
Lawson, Robert. Mr. Revere and I: Being an Account of Certain Episodes in the Career of Paul Revere, Esq., as Recently Revealed by his Horse,
Scheherazade, Late Pride of His Royal Majesty’s 14th Regiment of Foot (Little, Brown, 1953) (Elementary and junior high school) (Revere,
Paul; Revolution, 1775-1783; Horses)
Lawson, Tracy. Illus. Larissa Coriell. Revolutionary Sarah (Gray Lion, 2023) (Juvenile; 56 pgs.( Boston Tea Party, Boston, Mass., 1773; Fulton,
Sarah Bradlee; Women United States History 18th century)
Levy, Harry ,and Nancy Grossman, Not Over Ten Inches High (McGraw-Hill, 1968) (Juvenile) (1755) (Chimney sweeps; African Americans —
Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Dogs)
Limbaugh, Rush, Kathryn Adams Limbaugh, and Christopher Hiers. Rush Revere and the American Revolution: Time-travel Adventures with
Exceptional Americans (Threshold Editions, 2014) (Elementary and junior h.s.) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783;
Lexington, Battle of, Lexington, Mass., 1775; United States. — Declaration of Independence; Teachers; Time travel; Horses;
Middle schools)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. “The Ballad of the French Fleet. October, 1746.” In Poems of the “Old South” (Boston: W. F. Gill , 1877: 21-30
[Google Books]) (Old South Church (Boston, Mass.) — Poetry) (Edwin D Mead, Context, The Old South Leaflets (Boston: Old South
Meeting House, 1903: 16) [Google Books])
—. “Paul Revere’s Ride” (Ticknor and Fields, 1863, pp. 18-25)
Lowell, Robert. My Kinsman, Major Molineux. In The Old Glory (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1965: 61-114, rev. ed. 1968) (play version, with changes
and additions, of Hawthorne’s story of Boston mob in 1730; see above)
Lussier, Paul. The Last Refuge of Scoundrels: A Revolutionary Novel (Warner, 2001) (comic novel; Boston whore masterminds revolution;
John Hancock, Samuel Adams, etc.) (Washington, George, — 1732-1799; Boston (Mass.) — History — 1775-1783, Revolution) (David
Bahr, “Say You Want a Revolution?” The Advocate 13 Mar. 2001 [Google Books])
Lutz, Norma Jean. Maggie’s Choice (Barbour, 1998) (Subtitle :Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakening added for Chelsea House, 1998 edition.)
(Juvenile–ages 8-12) (1743-44) (Great Awakening; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Christian life)
—. Maggie’s Dare: The Great Awakening 1744 (Barbour, 2005) (Ages 4-8) (1744; Slavery; 12-year-old Boston heroine) (Great Awakening; Boston
(Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Christian life)
—. Smallpox Strikes!: Cotton Mather’s Bold Experiment (Barbour, 1998) (Juvenile–ages 9-12) (1721) (Smallpox; Fathers and sons; Stepfathers)
MacDonald, Bailey. The Secret of the Sealed Room (New York: Aladdin, 2010) (Young Ben Franklin, detective) (Franklin, Benjamin, — 1706-1790
— Childhood and youth; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Indentured servants; Contract labor)
MacDonald, Donna B. The Reluctant Spy (1st Books, 2000) (Sam Adams; General Gage) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Maderich, Robin [pseud. of Celia Ashley]. Faith and Honor (Warner Books, 1989) (romance; Loyalists; Boston widow) (Revolution,1775-1783)
Maillet, Antonine. Trans. Philip Stratford. Pélagie: The Return to a Homeland 1979 (Doubleday, 1982) (ten-year trek, 1760s-70s; Acadians return
journey from Georgia; one scene Boston, persecution by Tories)
Martin, Stéphanie. Le Destin d’Aurélie Lafreniére 1, L’officier anglais (Laval, Québec: Guy Saint-Jean éditeur, 2020) (Jeunes femmes; Officiers;
Anglais — Québec (Province); Bourgeoisie; Évasion (Psychologie); Québec (Québec) — Histoire — 1775-1776 (Siège); Boston (Mass.)
— Histoire — 1775-1783 (Révolution))
—. Le Destin d’Aurélie Lafreniére / 2, Les Rebelles (Laval, Québec: Guy Saint-Jean éditeur, 2020) (Jeunes femmes; Officiers; Anglais –Québec (
Province); Bourgeoisie; Évasion (Psychologie); Anglais — Québec (Province); Québec (Province) — Moeurs et coutumes — 18e siècle;
Boston (Mass.) — Histoire — 1775-1783 (Révolution))
Martin, William. Citizen Washington: A Novel (Warner Books, 1999) (some Boston, mainly siege of 1775-76) (Washington, George; Virginia —
History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Revolution, 1775-1783; United States — History — 1783-1815; Presidents — United States;
Mason, Connie. Promise Me Forever (Love Spell Books, 1998 c. 1992) (Revolution; Romance; Boston privateer) (Privateering; Love stories)
Mason, F. Van Wyck. Eagle in the Sky (Lippincott, 1948) (some Boston; 1780-81; French army and navy; Physicians) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
—. Guns for Rebellion (Doubleday, 1977) (hero, Charlestown native, divided loyalties; mainly Fort Ticonderoga guns to Boston) (Revolution,
—. Rivers of Glory (Lippincott, 1942) (partly Boston, e.g., Book One Part I Boston, 1778) (United States — History —
Revolution, 1775-1783)
—. Three Harbours (Lippincott, 1938) (1774-75; partly siege of Boston)
Maxwell, William Hamilton. O’Hara; Or, 1798 (London: Andrews, 1825 [Google Books]) (pp. 14-87 Irish O’Hara in Boston May 1775 -March 1776
as British officer) (Ireland — History — Rebellion of 1798; Ulster (Northern Ireland and Ireland)) (Google Books)
Mayrant, Drayton (a.k.a. Katherine Drayton Mayrant Simons). Always a River (Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1956) (Harvard educated Puritan from
Dorchester goes to New Dorchester, South Carolina)
McGee, Stephenia H. A Colonial Courtship (Mississippi: The Vine P, 2021) (time travel to “Colonial Boston on the doorstep of the Revolutionary War”
WorldCat) (Families; Secrecy)
McGoldrick, May. Captured Dreams (New American Library, 2003) (romance; pre-Revolution Boston)
McIntyre, John Thomas. The Young Continentals at Bunker Hill (Penn. Pub. Co., 1914) (Juvenile)
—. The Young Continentals at Lexington (Penn, 1927) (Juvenile) (Lexington, Battle of, Lexington, Mass., 1775; Revolution, 1775-1783)
McLellan, Isaac. The Gold Demon and the Poor Cobbler of Boston: A Romance of the Revolution (D. Ruggles, 1845)
—. “Legend of the North End” (The Boston Book. Being Specimens of Metropolitan Literature, edited by Henry T. Tuckerman, Light and Horton,
1836, pp. 183-88) (1776; hero lives next to Peter Rugg)
Mellen, Grenville. Ode for the Celebration of the Battle of Bunker-Hill, at the Laying of the Monumental Stone, June 17, 1825 (Boston: Cummings,
Hilliard, 1825) (16 pages) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, 1775 — Poetry; Bunker Hill Monument (Boston, Mass.) — Poetry) (Review, The North
American Review 22 (Jan, 1826): 209-12 [MOA, Cornell U Library; accessed 27 Dec. 2011])
Melmoth, Sydney. The Confessions of Cuthburt: A Ballad; Bunker Hill: A Poem; Migration: A Poem (Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins,
1827 [Google Books])
Miles, Margaret. Charlotte Willett, in 1760s Massachusetts, in the Bracebridge mystery series
—. A Mischief in the Snow (Bantam Books, 2001) (Winter 1766; counterfeiting) (Embezzlement)
—. No Rest for the Dove (Bantam Books, 2000) (Summer 1765; Visitor from Italy; Stamp Act)
—. Too Soon for Flowers (Bantam, 1999) (Spring 1764; Bostonians move to Bracebridge for safety; Smallpox vaccination) (Smallpox)
—. A Wicked Way to Burn (Bantam Books, 1998) (1763; fictional New England village of Bracebridge outside of Boston; Witchcraft
Miller, Susan Martins. The Boston Massacre (Barbour, 1998) (Elementary and junior high school) (Boston Massacre, 1770; Brothers and sisters;
Christian life)
—. Boston Revolts! (Barbour, 1998) (children 9-12) (Christmas 1764) (Brothers and sisters; Christian life)
—. Lizzie and the Redcoat: Stirrings of Revolution in the American Colonies (Barbour, 2006) (Elementary and junior high school ) (1765)
(Revolution) (Compassion; Christian life)
—. Lydia the Patriot: The Boston Massacre (Barbour Pub., 2004) (Juvenile–ages 8-12) (Teenage girls; Boston Massacre, 1770)
Mills, Jane Johnston. First Cap’n General of Liberty Tree: A Biographical Novel Based on the Life of Ebenezer Mackintosh, 18th Century
Boston Shoemaker (Jupiter Books, 1979) (Stamp Act; Revolution) (Shoemakers; Mackintosh, Ebenezer: Boston Tea Party, 1773)
More, Helen F. [or Moore]. “What’s in a Name?” (The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine v.51 1896, p. 639) (poem; response to Longfellow’s
“Paul Revere’s Ride”; William Dawes; Revolution)
Morgan, Ollie. Shed No Tears (Writers Club Press, 2003) (One major character Boston rebel) (United States — History — Revolution,
Morris, Gilbert. The Gentle Rebel (Bethany House, 1988) (Lexington to Bunker Hill) (Revolution, 1775-1783; Winslow family (Fictitious characters);
American loyalists)
—. Sound the Trumpet (Bethany House, 1995) (Series: The Liberty Bell, Book 1; partly Boston in revolutionary times; Christian themed)
(Indentured servants; Revolution, 1775-1783; Virginia — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
Morton, Sarah Wentworth. Beacon Hill: A Local Poem, Historic and Descriptive (Boston: Manning and Loring, 1797; Evans Early American imprint
Collection, U of Michigan. Web. 3 Sep. 2015) (56 pages) (Angela Vietto, Women and Authorship in Revolutionary America: 140 [Google
Moss, Narissa. Emma’s Journal, The Story of a Colonial Girl (Harcourt Brace, 1999) (Juvenile–grades 3-5) (Boston 1774-76)) (Revolution, 1775-
1783; Spy stories; Diaries)
Myles, Jonathan. Loyalty (Clarion Books, 2022) (“American Revolution,” loyalist hero “flees with his family to Boston” WorldCat)
Neal, John. “Bunker’s Hill.” In Songs, Odes, and Other Poems, on National Subjects, Compiled from Various Sources. Part third–military, ed.
William McCarty (Philadelphia: Wm. McCarty, 1842. 3 v: 95-97 [Google Books]) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 — Poetry)
Nelson, James L. The Blackbirder: Book Two of the Brethren of the Coast (William Morrow, 2001) (mainly Virginia or at sea, but lots of Boston;
Africans) (Virginia — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Williamsburg (Va.); Slave insurrections; Pirates; Marlowe, Thomas (Fictitious
character); Pirates: Slave trade; Plantation owners)
—. The Maddest Idea (Pocket Books, 1997) (Series: Revolution at sea, 2; Isaac Biddlecomb series, 2) (in part siege of Boston) (Washington,
George, 1732-1799; Revolution, 1775-1783; Biddlecomb, Isaac; Sailors — United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783;
Voyages and travels, American — Bermuda Islands — 18th century; Bermuda Islands — History — 18th century; Revolution, 1775-
1783 — Naval operations; United States — History, Naval — 18th century; United States — History — Colonial period, 1600-1775; Boston,
Massachusetts — History — Colonial period, 1600-1775)
Nigro, Don. Horrid Massacre in Boston (Samuel French, Inc., 2000) (dark comedy) (Historical drama, American; Boston (Mass.) — Revolution,
1775-1783; Boston (Mass.) — Drama; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Drama)
Niles, Nathaniel. The American Hero: A Sapphick Ode [new subtitle in later editions: Made on the Battle of Bunker-Hill, and the Burning of
Charlestown] (Norwich, Conn.: The Author, 1775) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; United States — History — Revolution,
1775-1783 — Poetry) (Google Books)
Norman, Diana. A Catch of Consequence (HarperCollins, 2002) (romance; starts in 1765 Boston) (Revolution, 1775-1783; London; Americans
(England); Upperclass families)
Noyes, Charles Johnson. Patriot and Tory: A Tale of Stirring Times and Sturdy Souls (Boston: Henry A. Dickerman, 1902 Google Books)
(Occupied Boston)
O’Brian, Marion. illus. Frank P Holden. The Youngest Indian at the Boston Tea Party (Board of Education of New York in cooperation with
Federal Works Agency Work Projects Administration for the City of New York, 1940) (Juvenile) (Boston Tea Party, 1773)
O’Connor, Jean C. The Remarkable Cause: A Novel of James Lovell and the Crucible of the Revolution (Knox, 2021) (Lovell, James, —
1737-1814; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Oke, Janet. The Distant Beacon (Recorded Books, 2011, 2002) (Acadians; Revolution, 1775-1783)
Olasky, Susan. Will Northaway & the Gathering Storm (Crossway Books, 2005) (Elementary and junior high school) (Boston Massacre, 1770;
Conduct of life; Farm life)
—. Will Northaway & the Quest for Liberty (Crossway Books, 2004) (Juvenile) (Pre-Revolutionary War Boston) (Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775;
Fathers and sons; Father-son relationship; United States — History — 1600-1775, Colonial period)
Orgill, Roxane. Siege: How General Washington Kicked the British Out of Boston and Launched a Revolution (Candlewick P, 2018)
(Juvenile) (Washington, George, — 1732-1799; Boston (Mass.) — History — Siege, 1775-1776; Verse)
Ortiz, Rhonda. Adrift (Chrism , 2023) (in part “Boston, 1793” WorldCat) (Man-woman relationships; Political fiction; Romance; Spy stories)
—. In Pieces (Chrism P, 2021) (“BOSTON, 1793” WorldCat) (Grief in women; Man-woman relationships; Sailors; Upper class women)
Otis, James (pseud. of James Otis Kaler). Boston Boys of 1775, or, When We Besieged Boston (Boston: Dana Estes, 1900) (Juvenile) (two
—-. The Boy Spies at the Battle of Bunker Hill: A Story of the Siege of Boston (New York: A.L. Burt Company, 1898) (same book as With Warren
at Bunker Hill) (Young men — Conduct of life; Conduct of life; Spies — United States
— History — 18th century; Imprisonment; Escapes; Friendship; Courage; Child soldiers — United States — History
— 18th century; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775)
—. The Minute Boys of Boston (Boston: Dana Estes, 1910 [Internet Archive]) (Juvenile) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
—. Neal, the Miller: A Son of Liberty (Boston: Estes and Lauriet, 1895 [Google Books] (Google Books)
—. The Signal Boys of ’75; a Tale of Boston During the Siege (Boston: Estes and Lauriet, 1897 [Google Books]) (Juvenile) (Revolution,
—. Under the Liberty Tree: A Story of the “Boston Massacre.” (Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1896) (Juvenile) (Google Books) (also under J.O.
Kaler). (New York:A. L. Burt, 1898 [Google Books])
Overfield, Joan. The Cabinetmaker’s Daughter (Warner Books, 1988) (Romance: “Blueblooded daughter of a royal cabinetmaker is sent to
Boston to conduct business with a potential supplier.”) (Google Books)
Parker, Christi E. The Reveres (Shell Education, 2012) (Paul Revere’s son in Boston during the seige)
Parshall, Craig and Janet. Sons of Glory (Harvest House Publishers, 2008) (Boston Massacre and defense of soldiers) (Revolution, 1775-1783;
Adams, John: Lawyers)
Patterson, James, and Tad Safran. illus. Chris Schweizer. The Time Travel Twins (Little, Brown, 2024) (Ages 8-12) (Orphans;
Siblings; Time travel; Twins; United States History 1775-1783, Revolution)
Pattison, Eliot. Savage Liberty: A Mystery of Revolutionary America (Counterpoint P, 2018) (Series: Bone rattler, 5) (pre-Rev. ship explodes in
Boston harbor) (Revolution, 1775-1783; Scots)
Perry, Amber Lynn. So Fair a Lady (Createspace, 2014) (Christian historical romance opening “Boston, 1773”) (Boston)
Phelan, Mary Kay. illus. Leonard Weisgard. Midnight Alarm: The story of Paul Revere’s Ride (Crowell, 1968) (Juvenile)
Philbrick, Nathaniel. Illus. Wendell Minor. Ben’s Revolution: Benjamin Russell and the Battle of Bunker Hill (Nancy Paulsen Books, 2017)
(Primary School) (Includes Tea Party) (Russell, Benjamin, — 1761-1845; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775)
Poe, Marshall. illus. Leland Purvis. Sons of Liberty (Aladdin Paperbacks, 2008) (teenage hero; Boston 1768+) (Sons of Liberty — Comic books,
strips, etc.; Fathers and sons — Comic books, strips, etc.; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
Pollard, Josephine. Illus. H.W. McVikar. The Boston Tea Party, December 1773 (Dodd, Mead & Company, 1882 [Google Books]) (Juvenile) (Wit
and humor, Juvenile; Tea — Juvenile poetry; Taxation — Juvenile poetry; Revolutions — Juvenile poetry; Boston Tea Party, 1773 —
Juvenile poetry; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 — Juvenile poetry)
Pottle, Russell A. Patriot Royal (Chestnut Hill Pub., 1996) (wealthy Bostonian Charles Royal joins rebels) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Prichard, Sarah J. The Only Woman in the Town, and Other Tales of the American Revolution (Waterbury, Conn.: Melicent Porter Chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolution, 1898 [Internet Archive]) (including “A Windham Lamb in Boston Town” 38-46 and “How One Boy
Helped the British Troops Out of Boston in 1776” 47-66)
Prinz, Deborah, and Tami Lehman-Wilzig. illus. Jomike Tejido. The Boston Chocolate Party (Millburn, NJ: Apples & Honey P, 2022) (Juvenile:
Ages 5-8) (Chocolate; Friendship;Hanukkah; Boston Tea Party, Boston, Mass., 1773)
Puritan, Job (pseud.?). “The Old Windmill: A Legend of the Revolution” 9-50 Household Tales (Boston: J. Munroe, 1861 [HathiTrust]) (short story;
Somerville, Bunker Hill, Harvard; George Washington; Lexington/Concord – siege)
—. “The Skipper’s Daughter: A Tale of the Old Colony” 325-353 (fictionalized account of scandalous liaison-marriage of Sir Henry Frankland and
low-class Alice from the attack on Louisburg to Revolution, including Lisbon earthquake of 1755)
Rafferty, S. S. “The Massachusetts Peep-O’Night” (1984). Rept. in Murder and Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn Rössel Waugh, Martin H.
Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (Dember Books, 1987): 74-98 (5 March 1772 (two-year memorial of Massacre; con-woman
posing as royalty)
Rand, Edward A. Fifer-boy of the Boston Siege (Boston: A.I. Bradley, 1900) (Revolution, 1775-1783; Sieges)
Rappaport, Doreen. The Boston Coffee Party (Harper & Row, 1988). (Juvenile–grades K-3) (Revolution)
Raschka, Christopher. illus. Vladimir Radunsky. Mother Goose of Pudding Lane (Candlewick P, 2019) (Juvenile; “Elizabeth Foster Goose of late
17th-century Boston”) (Mother Goose; Nursery rhymes)
Raum, Elizabeth, and Michael Burgan. The Revolutionary War Experience: An Interactive History Adventure (Capstone P, 2014) (“Lets readers
experience the Revolutionary war from multiple perspectives, allowing them to choose different paths through history” WorldCat) (includes
“The Boston Massacre” and “The Battle of Bunker Hill”)
Reeman, Kimberly Jordan. Coronach (Gardners Books/Author House 2007) (mainly elsewhere but c. pp. 650-700 set in
Revolutionary Boston; siege; Bunker Hill)
Reit, Seymour. Guns for General Washington (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990) (Elementary and junior high school) (1775; “transporting 183
cannons from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston”) (Knox, Henry; Revolution, 1775-1783; Fort Ticonderoga)
Revere, Paul. “Unhappy Boston.” ( Poems of American History. Ed. Burton Egbert Stevenson. Houghton Mifflin, 1908: 134) (poem beneath
famous engraving; Boston Massacre)
Rice, Patricia. Rebel Dreams (Penguin, 1991) (romance; heroine, Boston warehouse owner; hero, British ship captain; Revolutionary period)
(Summary, FictionDB, accessed 26 Jun. 2008)
Rich, Elisha. A Poem on the Late Distress of the Town of Boston With some Remarks of the sudden Flight of the Ministerial Troops, after
plundering and Destroying the Property of the Worthy Inhabitants, they left the town in the greatest confusion imaginable, not allowing
themselves time to take with them great part of their Warlike Stores, In short, they fled like Murderer’s pursued by the Hand of Justice (
Chelmsford, Mass.: Printed and sold at N. Coverly’s printing-office, 1776 [American Memory, accessed 31 Mar. 2008]) (45 stanzas;
one-page broadside; George Washington) (Boston (Mass.) — Siege, 1775-1776; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 —
Poetry) (Juvenile) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775) (Google Books)
Richmond, Robert P. Powder for Bunker Hill (Macrae Smith, 1968) (Juvenile) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775)
Rinaldi, Ann. The Fifth of March (Harcourt Brace, 1993) (Young Adult) (Boston Massacre: Rachel Marsh, 14-year-old indentured servant in the
John and Abigail Adams household, is embroiled in Revolutionary unrest) (Boston Massacre; Indentured servants; Adams, John;
Adams; Abigail)
—. Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons: The Story of Phillis Wheatley (Harcourt Brace, 1996) (Juvenile–grade 7+) (fictionalized biography)
(Wheatley, Phillis; African Americans; Women poets; Slaves; Poets; Massachusetts — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
—. The Secret of Sarah Revere (Harcourt Brace, 1995) (Young Adult) (Revere, Paul; Spies; Silversmiths; Fathers and daughters)
Rivers, George R. R. The Governor’s Garden: A Relation of Some Passages in the Life of His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Sometime
Captain-general and Governor-in-chief of His Majesty’s Province of Massachusetts Bay (Little, Brown, 1898 [Internet Archive] (some
Boston, but mainly Milton and elsewhere)
Roberts, Kenneth Lewis. Lydia Bailey (Doubleday, 1947) (partly, Maine lawyer in 1799-1800 Boston fighting Alien and Sedition laws; mainly,
Haiti; 1952 film; see Alan Thomas Lipke, “The Strange Life and Stranger Afterlife of KingDick . . .” Diss. U of Southern Florida. 2013.
Academic Commons, U of Southern Florida. Web. 8 May 2014) (Constitutional period, 1789-1809; Haiti — History — Revolution, 1791
-1804; Tripoli (Libya); Slave trade)
—. Northwest Passage (Doubleday, Doran, 1937) (narrator artist and Harvard student; some Boston scenes; Chapters II and III Harvard 1759
[Bail 346]) (French and Indian War, 1755-1763; Rogers, Robert; Rogers’ Rangers)
—. Oliver Wiswell (Doubleday, Doran, 1940) (Loyalists in Boston during Revolution and elsewhere; 1775-83) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Robinson, Gertrude. Sons of Liberty (Dutton, 1941) (Juvenile) (Revolution, 1775-1783) (Summary Boys’ Life Jan. 1942: 32 [Google Books;
accessed 27 Dec. 2011])
Robinson, [Mrs. ?] J[ohn]. H[ovey]. The Boston Conspiracy or, The Royal Police. A Tale of 1773-75 (Boston: Dow & Jackson, 1847)
(Revolution, 1775-1783)
—. Evelyn, the Child of the Revolution. A Romance of Real Life (Boston: Hotchkiss, 1850) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
—. The Fingers of Fate; or, The Astrologer’s Daughter A Tale of 1770 (Boston: Page, 1847) (Boston setting?)
—. The Rebel Spy; or, The King’s Volunteers. A Romance of the Siege of Boston (Boston: F. Gleason’s Pub. Hall, 1852)
Rocca, Al M. Patriot Courage–: A Story About the Boston Tea Party (Renown Publishing, 2006) (Juvenile) (History — United States; Patriot
courage; Boston Tea Party, 1773)
Rowson, Susanna. The Fille de Chambre: A Novel (Philadelphia: Printed for H. & P. Rice, 1794) (partly Boston/Nantasket/Hingham in
Revolutionary War period) (Litfinder.com) (Des., Elias Nason, A Memoir of Mrs. Susanna Rowson (Albany, NY: Joel Munsell, 1870: 55-57
[Google Books]) and Brief Des., Cathy N. Davidson,”Introduction,” Charlotte Temple (Oxford U P, 1986: xx-xxi [Google Books])
Russell, Ezekiel. An Elegiac Poem, composed on the never-to-be-forgotten terrible and bloody battle fought at an Intrenchment on Bunker-Hill …
(Salem [Mass.]: N.E. Printed and sold by E. Russell, next to John Turner, Esq; in the Main-street. 1775) (Revolution, 1775-1783 —
Campaigns; Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; Warren, Joseph; Acrostics) (Google Books and
Photo of the Acrostic, Sarah J. Purcell, Sealed with Blood: War, Sacrifice, and Memory in Revolutionary America (U of Pennsylvania P,
2002: 34) [Google Books])
Rutledge, Adam. Sons of Liberty (Book Creations, 1992) (Series: Patriots 1; Boston 1773-75) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Ryun, Ned. The Adversaries: A Story of Boston and Bunker Hill (2021) (1775-1783; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775; Hastings,
Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826; Warren, Joseph, 1741-1775)
Sage, Agnes Carr. illus. Mabel L Humphrey A Little Daughter of the Revolution: A Story of the Boys and Girls of ’76 (New York: Frederick A.
Stokes, 1899) (Juvenile) (Children — Conduct of life; Loyalty; Brothers and sisters; Parent and child; Tea; Friendship; Courtship;
Attempted assassination; Eavesdropping; Boston Tea Party, 1773; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Sanderson, Whitney. Boston Tea Party Sparks Revolution (Mankato, Minn.: Child’s World, 2019) (Series: Events that changed America)
(Juvenile) (Boston Tea Party, 1773; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Causes)
Sargent, Winthrop. Boston: A Poem (Boston: Hosea Sprague, 1803) (brief review The Monthly Anthology Jul. 1804: 420-21 [Google Books;
accessed 27 Dec. 2011])
Savage, Josephine. Gunpowder Girl (J. Day, 1958) (In 1775 a teenage girl in Boston becomes involved in a plot to secretly manufacture
gunpowder for the rebels.) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Schnabel, Eileen. illus. Ricky Gunwan. One If By Land, Two If By Submarine (Wonder Jumps P, 2019) (Saving America Series / Volume 1)
(Secondary (senior high) school) (Time-traveler completes Paul Revere’s ride after he is kidnapped WorldCat)
Sears, Margaret L. Menotomy: Romance of 1776 (Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1908) (Battles of Lexington and Concord) (Bunker Hill, Battle of,
Boston, Mass., 1775; Arlington (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Massachusetts — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
(Brief Summary, The Bookman Feb. 1909: 623 [Google Books])
Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. The Linwoods: or, “Sixty years since” in America (Harper & Brothers, 1835 [Google Books]) (Boston and elsewhere)
(Revolution, 1775-1783; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; New York; American loyalists) (Amazon and Google Books)
Shaara, Jeff. Rise to Rebellion: A Novel of the American Revolution (Ballantine, 2001) (March 1770 [Boston Massacre] – July 4, 1776; partly
Boston) (Adams, John, 1735-1826; Adams, Abigail Smith, 1744-1818; Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790; Washington, George, 1732-1799;
Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787; Boston Massacre, 1770; Revolution, 1775-1783; Biographical novels)
Silver, Mrs. The Lover’s Pilgrimage; and, A Trial of Affection (Boston: Printed by Freeman & Bolles, 1846 [HathiTrust]) (English hero lands in
Boston harbor during a July 4 celebration soon after Revolution)
Sidney, Margaret. A Little Maid of Boston Town (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1910) (Juvenile) (John Hancock; Henry Knox)
Smith, Bobbi. Captive Pride (Kensington Publishing Corporation, 1987) (historical romance; Revolutionary War; 1770s) (Shipping — Great Britain
— History; British — Massachusetts — Boston)
Smith, Ruel Perley Smith. Prisoners of Fortune a Tale of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (Page, 1907 [Internet Archive]) (story proper starts 1704)
(“pirates, a search for gold, love in Cotton Mather’s time” [Ernest A. Baker, A Guide to Historical Fiction: 182])
Smolens, John. The Schoolmaster’s Daughter (Pegasus, 2011) (+murder mystery) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Man-
woman relationships; Teachers; Women spies)
Smythe, Samuel [pseud. of Rufus Dawes]. Strokes and Strictures (Office of the New England Galaxy, 1800) (Boston (Mass.) — Social life and customs
— 19th century — Poetry)
Snyder, Laurie Lillie. For Hannah with Love: A Child Indentured Servant, Hanan [sic] Priest, from Colonial Boston (2016) (Child labor; Indentured
Sommerfield, Sylvie. Night Star (Pinnacle Books, 1992) (romance; Revolution; 1769) (Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Boston (Mass.) — History —
Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
Sorensen, A. A. Turner’s Words: Achieving Freedom (Infinity Publishing, 2005) (1772-89; partly in Boston)
Sparhawk, Frances Campbell. A Wedding Tangle (Boston: Arena Pub., 1893 [HathiTrust]) (in part, Boston preparation for attack on Louisburg and
response to capture)
Sparks, Kerrlyn. For Love or Country (Tom Doherty Associates, 2002) (Romance; Boston patriot disguises as loyalist to spy on British) (Revolution,
1775-1783; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)
Specter, Baron. illus. Dustin Evans. The First Adventure: Dodging Danger on the Dartmouth (Magic Wagon, 2010) (Elementary and junior high;
32 pages) (Graphic novels; Ghosts; Time travel; Boston Tea Party, 1773)
Springer, Mary Elizabeth. Lady Hancock: A Story of the American Revolution (New York: I.H. Blanchard, 1900 [Google Books]) (Chapter VI
Evacuation of Boston, Chapter XII Dark Day in Boston, Chapter XXXV Boston) (Revolution; Hancock, Dorothy (Quincy), — 1750-1828)
Stanley, Diane. illus. Holly Berry. Joining the Boston Tea Party (HarperCollins, 2001) (Juvenile) (Revolution, 1775-1783; Boston Tea Party)
Stephens, Amanda. Freedom at Any Price: March 1775-April 19, 1775 (Grosset & Dunlap, 2003) (Juvenile–ages 9-12) (PBS animated series; in
part Paul Revere’s ride and Lexington and Concord) (Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; African Americans)
—. Justice for All: December 5, 1773-September 5, 1774 (Grosset & Dunlap, 2003) (Elementary and junior high school) (Adams, John; Adams,
Sam; Franklin, Benjamin) (Revolution, 1775-1783; Boston Tea Party; African Americans)
Stephens, Robert. The Road to Paris: A Story of Adventure (Boston: L.C. Page, 1898 [Google Books]) (includes the Battle of Bunker Hill and
siege) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Stephenson, Neal. Quicksilver (William Morrow, 2003) (mainly Europe but opens on Boston Common, October 12, 1713, with “Enoch in Boston”
and headings like Charlestown Ferry and Newtowne [Cambridge]) (Adventure stories; Seventeenth century; Eighteenth century; Scientists;
Alchemists; Great Britain — History — Stuarts, 1603-1714; Rogues and vagabonds; Puritans)
Sterman, Betsy. illus. Marc Scott. Escape to Danger (Celebration Press, 2005) (Juvenile) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period,ca.
Stevens, Augusta De Grasse. Old Boston: An American Historical Romance (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1884) (“founded
on the events just preceding the siege of Boston and the declaration of American Independence” [Black 279]) (Helen C. Black,Brief Summary/
Review, Notable Women Authors of the Day (London: Maclaren, 1906: 279-80) [Internet Archive])
Stevens, Katherine V. Tucks and Me: Crispus Attucks and America, 1766-1773 (Chickadee Hill, 2015) (Attucks, Crispus, — -1770; African American
sailors; African American whalers; African American soldiers; Revolutionaries — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston Massacre, 1770; Boston
Tea Party, Boston, Mass., 1773; Antislavery movements — United States — History)
Stevenson, Augusta. Paul Revere: Boy of Old Boston (Bobbs-Merrill, 1946) (Childhood of Famous Americans Series) (later rpted. as Paul Revere:
Boston Patriot ; highly fictionalized biography) (Revere, Paul, — 1735-1818)
Stoddard, William O. Dan Monroe: A Story of Bunker Hill (Boston: Lothrop, 1905) (Juvenile) (Revolution, 1775-1783)
Stone, Irving. Those Who Love: A Biographical Novel of John and Abigail Adams (Doubleday, 1965) (Adams, Abigail; Presidents’ spouses;
Married people; Presidents; Adams, John)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Oldtown Folks (Boston: Fields, Osgood, 1869 [Internet Archive]) (Boston and area) (Women; Spinsters) (Google
Strand, John. Tom Walker: A Play (Dramatic Pub., 2002) (Boston, 1727) (light-hearted, entertaining play about the village idiot, based on
Washington Irving story) (Dolores Whiskeyman, Review, Curtain Up 2001 [accessed 1 Mar. 2008])
Stratemeyer, Edward. The Minute Boys of Bunker Hill (Boston: Page Co. Publishers, 1899) (Juvenile) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass.,
1775; Revolution, 1775-1783) (Amazon 1998 reprint and Google Books)
Sundgren-Lothrop, Mickey. Sons of Valor: American Revolutionary War (Vantage P, 2009) (includes Tea Party and Lexington and Concord)
( Revolution, 1775-1783)
Tagawa, Lynne Basham. A Fallen Sparrow: A Novel of the American Revolution (San Antonio, TX: Blue Rock, 2022) (one character, a loyalist in
Boston; another is a British spy in Boston WorldCat)
Talbot, Charles R. A Double Masquerade: A Romance of the Revolution (Boston: D. Lothrop, 1885 [Internet Archive]) (Ch. VIII The Battle of
Bunker Hill) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Taylor, Benjamin F. A Poem: “Mary Butler’s Ride” ([New Hampshire?]: Miss [Lilli]an [?] Kendall, printer., [1874?] [Complete Poetical Works
(Chicago: S. C. Griggs, 1886: 140-47) [Google Books]) (Eastman, Mary Butler; Eastman, Ebenezer; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston,
Mass., 1775 — Poetry; New Hampshire — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-
1783 — Poetry) (Google Books)
Taylor, Sarah Stewart. Judgment of the Grave (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2005) (Harvard art historian; 1775 as well as 2000s) (Saint George,
Sweeney (Fictitious character); Police — Massachusetts — Cambridge; Historical reenactments; Women art historians; Concord
(Mass.); Murder–Investigation; Cemeteries) (Amazon and Google Books)
Thayer, William M[akepeace]. The Printer Boy or, How Ben Franklin Made his Mark. An Example for Youth (Boston, J.E. Tilton, 1864 [Hathi
Thompson, Paul B. Liberty’s Son: A Spy Story of the American Revolution (Enslow Publishers, 2009) (Elementary and junior high school)
(Pharmacists; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Spies; Church, Benjamin, — 1734-1778; Boston Tea Party,
Tiatorio, Anthony. Shedding Grace: The Story of a Young American’s Search For Justice (Trafford, 2006) (contradictions between Revolutionary
fight for liberty and slavery; Boston merchant)
Tilton, Dwight [pseud. for Wilder Dwight Quint?]. My Lady Laughter: A Romance of Boston Town in the Days of the Great Siege (Boston: C.M.
Clark Pub. Co., 1904 [Internet Archive]) (Siege, 1775-1776; Revolution–1775-1783)
Tinney, Janet. Bunker Hill: A Novel (Highland Books, 2000) (Revolution, 1775-1783; Bunker Hill, Battle of, 1775; Warren, Joseph; Physicians)
Titus, Harold. Crossing the River (BookLocker, 2011) (Lexington and Concord; 1775) (Crossing the River web page)
Trachsel, Myrtle Jamison. illus. Sperry, Armstrong. Mistress Jennifer and Master Jereimah: A Story of the Building of Old Ironsides (Dodd,
Mead, 1937) (Juvenile; Mystery)
Trease, Geoffrey. Danger in the Wings (Hodder Children’s, 1997) (juvenile; Revolutionary times; Boston actor goes to England; mystery)
Tropp, Martin. Alive Again: The Launay Case: A Mordecai (Mike) Levine Mystery (iUniverse, 2005) (hero lives in Brighton with mother; modern,
but includes 1760 scandal)
Trottier, Maxine. By the Standing Stone (Stoddart Kids, 2000) (Juvenile: grades 7-8) (Series: Circle of silver chronicles, 2) (Brothers and sisters;
Teenage boys; Teenage girls; Voyages and travels; Kidnapping; Interracial friendship; Oneida Indians; Boston Tea Party, 1773)
Tyler, Royall. The Algerine Captive or, The Life and Adventures of Doctor Updike Underhill, Six Years a Prisoner among the Algerines
(Walpole, N.H.: Carlisle, 1797 [Internet Archive 1816 ed.) (some Boston, e.g., Chapters “I The Author giveth an Account of his gallant
Ancestor, Captain John Underhill, his Arrival in Massachusetts, and Persecution by the first Settlers,” “II The Author rescueth from
Oblivion a valuable Manuscript Epistle, reflecting great Light on the Judicial Proceedings, in the first Settlement of Massachusetts:
Apologizeth for the Persecutors of his Ancestor,” “XVI Doctor Underhill visiteth Boston, ” and “XVII. The Author inspects the Museum
Algeria; Slavery — Africa, North; Algeria — Description and travel; New England — Social life and customs)
Uhlar, Janet. Liberty’s Martyr: The Story of Dr. Joseph Warren, a Novel (Dog Ear Publishing, 2009) (Warren, Joseph, — 1741-1775; United
States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775)
Ukers, William H. Rosemary and Briar Sweet: An Eighteenth Century Romance of John Company and Young America (Tea and Coffee
Trade Journal Co., 1947) (Juvenile) (Boston Tea Party, 1773)
Ureles, Alvin. Following Joe: The Patriot Doctor and the Siege of Boston (Outskirts Press, 2008) (Warren, Joseph, — 1741-1775; Physicians —
United States; Revolutionaries — United States; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Van Nuys, Joan. Beloved Deceiver (Avon Books, 1994) (Present: Boston 1765; pirate crime–twenty years earlier; Romance) (Revenge)
Vaughn, Mina. “John Hancock Blocked.” Taking Liberties: A Yankee Doodle Dandy Erotic Anthology (ebook) (Omnific Publishing, 2014)
Warren, George A. The Musket Boys of Old Boston, or, The First Blow for Liberty (Goldsmith, 1909) (Juvenile; 1775–“Paul Revere’s ride, the
battles of Concord and Bunker Hill”) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Warren, Mercy Otis. The group: as lately acted, and to be re-acted, to the wonder of all superior intelligences, nigh head-quarters at Amboyne
the author has thought proper to borrow the following spirited lines from a late celebrated poet, and offer to the public by way of prologue,
which cannot fail of pleasing at this crisis (Boston: Printed and sold by Edes and Gill, 1775) (15 pages; anti-Royalists political satire)
(Boston (Mass.) — Siege, 1775-1776 — Anecdotes; United States — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Drama) (Alice Brown, Detailed
Discussion, Mercy Warren (C. Scribner’s Sons, 1896: 164-73) [Google Books])
—. The Motley Assembly (Boston: Printed and sold by Nathaniel Coverly, 1779 [Richard Seltzer; accessed 31 Mar. 2008]) (Boston (Mass.) —
History — Siege, 1775-1776 — Anecdotes; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Drama) (Google Books)
—. Sans Souci. Alias Free and Easy: Or an Evening’s Peep into a Polite Circle. An Intire [sic] New Entertainment. In Three Acts. Boston:
Warden and Russell, 1785. Evans Early American Imprint Collection, U of Michigan (satire of “Harrison Gray Otis, Hepsibah Swan,
Sarah and Perez Morton, and other young, fashionable Bostonians” Jeffrey Klee, “Building Order on Beacon Hill, 1790-1850,” Diss. U. of
Delaware, 2016, pp. 42-43)
Washington, Martha [pseud. of Leonard Deming]. Battle of Bunker Hill: and Saw Ye my Hero George ([Boston]: Sold at east end Faneuil Hall–
Boston., [between 1810 and 1830?] [American Memory, Library of Congress; accessed 3 Apr. 2008]) (two poems; song sheets)
(Washington, George; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 — Poetry; Monmouth, Battle of, Freehold, N.J., 1778 –Poetry; United
States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry; United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Campaigns)
Watson, Henry C. The Boston Tea Party: and Other Stories of the American Revolution, Relating Many Daring Deeds of the Old Heroes (Lee
and Shepard; Charles T. Dillingham, 1888 [Google Books]) (Juvenile) (Patriotism; Adventure and adventurers; Generals; War; Soldiers;
Kings and rulers)
Webb, Robert N. We Were There at the Boston Tea Party (Grosset & Dunlap, 1956) (juvenile) (Boston Tea Party, 1773)
Weitzman, David. Old Ironsides: Americans Build a Fighting Ship (Houghton Mifflin, 1997) (Juvenile: ages 9-12) (lightly fictionalized account
of building of U.S.S. Constitution) (Constitution (Frigate))
Wessbecher, Grace. Shamrock: A Horse’s Tale (Puddingstone Productions, 2015) (1737, first Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade) (Horses)
White, Capers. The British Are Coming (Scholastic, 2002) (Revere, Paul: Lexington, Battle of, Lexington, Mass., 1775; United States — History
— Revolution, 1775-1783)
Wibberley, Leonard. John Treegate’s Musket (Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1986) (Juvenile) (Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775)
—. Peter Treegate’s War (Bethlehem Books; Ignatius P, 2009) (1775 Boston) (United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Fathers and
sons; Loyalty; Culloden, Battle of, Scotland, 1746; Scottish Americans — History — 18th century)
Willig, Lauren. The Secret History of the Pink Carnation (Penguin, 2005) (female Harvard grad. student researching 18th-19th c. spy in
French/English wars; mainly European) (Google Books) (Americans – England; Women graduate students — Massachusetts
— Cambridge; London (England); Romantic suspense; Women historians; Upper class — England — History — 1801-1900;
Spies — Great Britain — History; France — History — 1789-1799, Revolution; Great Britain — History — 1760-1820, George 3)
Woodruff, Elvira. George Washington’s Spy (Scholastic P, 2010) (Elementary and junior high school) (10-year-olds time travel to 1776 Boston)
(Franklin, Benjamin, — 1706-1790; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783; Spies; Space and time)
Woods, Allen. The Sword and Scabbard: Thieves and Thugs and the Bloody Massacre in Boston (Boston Heritage Publishing, 2015) (Boston
Massacre, 1770)
Wray, Kent W. Jeremy and the Redcoats (RBM Ministries, 1997) (Juvenile) (United States — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775;
Revolution, 1775-1783; Boston (Mass.) — Revolution, 1775-1783)
Wyckoff, Nicholas Elston. The Braintree Mission: A Fictional Narrative of London and Boston, 1770-1771 (Macmillan, 1957) (Pitt, William; Adams,
John; Statesmen; Presidents)
18th-19th Century
Benchley, Nathaniel. Portrait of a Scoundrel (Doubleday, 1979) (partly, Boston; capitalistic land speculation in the aftermath of the Revolution; c.
1790-1830; based on historical character) (Greenleaf, James)
Benton, Lori. Shiloh: A Kindred Novel (Carol Stream, ILL: Tyndal, 2021) (in part, former slave in Boston in 1790s, but mainly in NY state)
(Interracial couples; Frontier and pioneer life; Man-woman relationships; Christian fiction; North Carolina; Boston (Mass.); New York
(State); 1783-1815)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Boston. Sicut Patribus, sit deus nobis … Read in Faneuil Hall, on the Centennial Anniversary of the Destruction of the
Tea, December 16, 1873 (Boston: Beacon Press, 1873 [The Complete Works (Houghton Mifflin, 1918. 9: 212-16) [Google Books]) (Poetry of
places; Boston (Mass.) — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry; Boston Tea Party, 1773 — Anniversaries, etc. –Poetry)
Garwood, Julie. Rebellious Desire (Pocket Books, 1986) (romance; set in England 1802; heroine raised for 14 years in Boston)
Russel, Chloe. Author’s autobiographical sketch (pp. 269-73) (1827?; “The Complete Fortune Teller and Dream Book: An Antebellum Text ‘By
Chloe Russel, a Woman of Colour [of the State of Massachuisetts],’” ed. Eric Gardner [The New England Quarterly 78, No. 2 (Jun.,
2005): 259-288]) (“probably . . . one of the earliest examples of fiction by an African American woman” [266]; Russel lived on Belknap St.
[now Joy] on Beacon Hill in the 1820s and 30s)
Sprague, Shirley M. Morning 1808: Boston Harbor (iUniverse, 2014) (begins Jan. 1796 with arrival of E.A. Poe’s mother in Boston [Worldcat])
(Payne, John Howard, — 1791-1852) (Poe, Elizabeth Arnold, — 1787?-1811; Actresses; Theatrical companies; Massachusetts
— Boston)
Wassermann, Moses. trans. from German Harriet W Mayer. Judah Touro: A Biographical Romance (New York: Bloch, 1923 [HathiTrust])
(“Rhode Island, Jamaica, Boston, and New Orleans from 1775 to 1854” WorldCat) (Jews — United States — 19th century; Touro,
Judah, — 1775-1854)
Wiggin, Richard C. illus. Keith Favazza. Polly Sumner: Witness to the Boston Tea Party (Lawley Publishing, 2023) (Juvenile; 45 pgs.) (Boston
Tea Party, Boston, Mass., 1773; Dolls)