Annotated Bibliography of Fiction Set in Boston IVa

Page I: Bibliographies, Scholarly and Popular Studies, Anthologies, Multi-Century Sagas, 17th Century and 17th-18th Centuries

Page II: 18th Century and 18th-19th Centuries

Page III : 19th Century and 19th-20th Centuries

Page IV a: 20th Century A – Q authors     Page IV b: 20th Century R – Z authors

Page V:  21st+ Century (and 20th-21st Centuries)

20th Century


Aciman, Andreé. Harvard Square: A Novel (W.W. Norton, 2013) (“1970s graduate school summer spent in square

landmarks such as Café Algiers and Casablanca, and . . .friendship with a cab driver” [Amanda Katz, “Square

Fiction: Boston’s Neighborhoods, in Novel Form,” Globe 4/14/2013: K12]) (Harvard University; Graduate

students; Egyptians — Massachusetts — Cambridge; Friendship; Self-realization; Cambridge (Mass.))

Adams, Alice. “Barcelona.” The New Yorker 27 Feb. 1984: 42-43 (middle-aged couple on vacation in Spain; husband

teaches at Harvard) (Keywords: Spain; Thieves; Tourists)

—. Rich Rewards (Knopf, 1980) (main character flees Boston love affair for San Francisco; mainly California)

—. “Roses, Rhododendron.” The New Yorker 27 Jan. 1975: 37-42 (main character starts as 9 year-old in Boston)

(Keywords: Children; Friendships; Families; North Carolina)

—. “The Swastika on Our Door.” The New Yorker 11 Sep. 1971: 36-44 (two southern brothers, in part, at Harvard

during World War II)

Agwo, Tata Thaddeus. Journey from Africa to America (1st Books, 2003) (1980s; hero moves from Cameroon to

Boston) (Teenagers; Cameroon; Boston (Mass.))

Aiken, Conrad. Great Circle: A Novel (The Albatros, 1934) (Series: The Albatros Crime Club) (Husband on train from

NY imagines his wife with another man in their Cambridge home) (Man-woman relationships; Married people)

—. King Coffin (C. Scribner’s Sons, 1935) (Park Street Church; Harvard Square; Massachusetts Avenue; Fresh Pond;

Scollay Square; Boylston Street; Beacon Street; Tremont Street)

Alberts, Lauire. Lost Daughters (U of New England P, 1999) (daughter is student in Boston) (Birthmothers; Adoptees

— Identification; Mothers and daughters; Adopted children)

Alcorn, Alfred. The Long Run of Myles Mayberry: A Novel (Zoland Books, 1999) (“The novel’s main character,

unsuccessful in the workforce, has a dream of winning the Boston Marathon. Describes his ambition and

determination to capitalize on his lone chance at greatness in Boston.” The Ulitmate Guide to the Boston

Marathon 9 Jan. 2007) ) (1970s; 1976 Boston Marathon) (Runners (Sports); Marathon running)

—. Time Is the Fire (Pleasure Boat Studio, 2016) (“September 8, 1992”; “Leopold Bloom O’Boyle”) (Authors;

Time; Harvard Square (Cambridge, Mass.))

—. Vestments (Houghton Mifflin Co., 1988) (Boston T.V. journalist poses as priest to win inheritance) (Young men;

Imposters and imposture; Boston (Mass.))

Alcorn, Frank. Southie Boy (Cork Hill Press, 2005) (Irish and WASPs; before and after World War II) (Family;


Aldrich, Mildred. Told in a French Garden August, 1914 (Small, Maynard, 1916 [Internet Archive]) (Decameron series

of stories, two set in Boston: “The Doctor’s Story” 84-95: South End; “The Trained Nurse’s Story” 47-59 Beacon

Hill; Boarding Houses; South End Association)

Alers, Rochelle. Happily Ever After (Windsor Pub., 1994) (Romance; heroine, Boston researcher) (African Americans;

Boston (Mass.))

—. Renegade (BET/Arabesque, 2003) (DEA in suburban Boston school) (High school teachers — Massachusetts —

Boston; African Americans; Undercover operations; Boston (Mass.))

Alexander, V. S. The Sculptress (Kensington Publishing, 2021) (“Boston 1917” WorldCat) (World War, 1914-1918;

Disabled veterans; Disfigured persons; Masks; Women sculptors; Paris; Boston)

Alexander, Victoria, Nina Coombs, Coral Smith Saxe, and Colleen Shannon. The Cat’s Meow (Dorchester Pub., 1998)

(four Halloween love stories; “eccentric Boston gypsy” [back cover]; magic; romance) (Love stories, American;


Allbeury, Ted. Pay Any Price (1993; rpt. Due Process [Sutton, Surrey: Severn House, 2004]) (Great Britain. Secret

Intelligence Service; Intelligence service — Great Britain; Mafia; Hallucinogenic drugs; Brain-washing;

Assassination; Hypnotism; The Sixties (20th century); Cambridge, Massachusetts) (Google Books)

Allen, Irene (pseud. of E. Kirsten Peters). Quaker Indictment: An Elizabeth Elliot Mystery (St. Martin’s P , 1998)

(Cambridge detective in Washington State) (Women detectives; Quakers; Cambridge) (Amazon)

—–. Quaker Silence: An Elizabeth Elliot Mystery (New York: Villard Books, 1992) (Women detectives; Quakers;

Cambridge) (Amazon and Google Books

—–. Quaker Testimony: An Elizabeth Elliot Mystery ( St. Martin’s P, 1996) (Women detectives; Quakers; Cambridge)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Quaker Witness: An Elizabeth Elliot Mystery (New York: Villard Books, 1993) (Harvard lab and graduate students)

(Women detectives; Quakers; Cambridge; Harvard University) (Amazon and Google Books)

Allen, Harper. The Night in Question (Harlequin Books, 2002) (Men/women relations — Boston, Massachusetts; Love

stories; Suspense stories)

—. Sullivan’s Last Stand (Harlequin, 2001) (Series: Harlequin intrigue, 632; The avengers (Harlequin)) (Missing persons

— Boston; Romantic suspense)

Allison, Dorothy. “Boston, Massachusetts.” (The Women Who Hate Me: Poetry 1980-1990 Firebrand Books, 1991: 55)

Alonso, Juan M. Althea, the Divorce of Adam and Eve: A Novel (Fiction Collective: Distributed by G. Braziller, 1976) (wild;

mythic; Boston Irishman falls in love with Yankee murderess; 50s-60s)

Alther, Lisa. Other Women (Knopf, 1984) (heroine has Boston-parents, childhood; mainly set in Vermont/New

Hampshire) (Single mothers; Lesbians; Vermont)

Alyan, Hala. Salt Houses (Hutchinson, 2017) (Multi-generational Palestininian diaspora, some Boston) (Middle East)

Ambardar, Rekha. “The Trouble with Proposals” (short story in Zusu’s Petals Quarterly Online #20 [Internet Archive

Wayback Machine (accessed 7 Mar. 2008)]) (Indian?; Arranged marriages; Boston University)

Ambert, Alba N. A Perfect Silence (Arte Publico P, 1995) (in part, main character studies at Harvard School of

Education) (Mental illness; Puerto Rican women; Poverty –Psychological aspects)

—. The Eighth Continent and Other Stories (Arte Publico Press, 1997) (some Boston, including “Letters to Mrs. Woods,

Brighton High School, Boston, Massachusetts, 1980″ 85-90; Puerto Ricans)

Ames, Sorrell. Listening In (New York: Onyx Books, 1998) (medical mystery in suburban Boston) (Miscarriage; Medical

care — Corrupt practices — Boston, Massachusetts; Eavesdropping) (Amazon)

Anastas, Benjamin. The Faithful Narrative of a Pastor’s Disappearance (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001) (Boston

suburbs; Congregational church) (African American clergy; Missing persons)

Anderson, Robert Woodruf. After (Random House, 1973) (mainly New York, Cape Cod; memories of college and

young married life in Boston; son lives in Boston; Chapters Nineteen-Twenty-One [present time] set at a

woman’s “college just outside Boston” 105 and Chapters Thirty-Nine-Forty peninsular Boston)

Andres, Katherine. “With the Potters.” The New Yorker 26 Nov. 1979: 48-52 (starts with a poetry reading in the Back

Bay) (Keywords: Boston; Suicide; Poetry Reading)

Andrews, V[irginia]. C. Dark Angel (Pocket Books, 1986) (Casteel Family series, 2) (Dysfunctional families;

Grandmothers; Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Fallen Hearts (Pocket Books, 1988) (Romance; complications arise from wedding trip to Boston)

—. Web of Dreams (Pocket Books, 1990) (Romance; “escape from Boston’s Farthinggale Manor” [Pub. Des.])

Angoff, Charles. Polonsky family migrates to Boston from Russia, 1900-: 11 novels follow family past midcentury.

—. Between Day and Night (Yoselof, 1959) (# 4) (Harry F. Brandt = H. L. Mencken) (Jews; Family; Israel — History —

1948-1967; Boston, Massachusetts — History– 20th century; Massachusetts — History — 20th century; Historical

fiction; Family sagas, Jewish-American)

—. The Bitter Spring (Yoseloff, 1961) (# 5) (David Polonsky with H.L. Mencken/George Jean Nathan stand-ins) (Jews;

Family; Israel — History — 1948-1967; Boston, Massachusetts– History — 20th century; Massachusetts — History

— 20th century; Historical fiction; Family sagas, Jewish-American) (Time Review 1961 [Internet Wayback Machine])

—. In the Morning Light (Beechhurst P, 1952) (# 2; sequel to Journey, through World War I)

—. Journey to the Dawn (Beechhurst P, 1951) (# 1; immigrant West End Jewish Boston; 1909-12) (Partial Summary,

Seth Farber, An American Orthodox Dreamer: Rabbi Joseph B.Soloveitchik and Boston’s Maimonides School (

U Press of New England, 2004: 25-26) [Google Books])

—. Memory of Autumn (Yoseloff, 1968) (# 7)

—. Mid-Century (A. S. Barnes, 1973) (# 10)

—. Seasons of Mist (Yoseloff, 1971) (# 9)

—. Summer Storm (T. Yoseloff, 1963) (# 6; literary world of the 20s; George Jean Nathan among others; some Boston)

—. The Sun at Noon (Beechhurst P, 1955)(# 3)

—. Toward the Horizon (A.S. Barnes, 1978) (# 11)

—. Winter Twilight (Yoseloff, 1970) (# 8)

—. Something About My Father, and Other People (T. Yoseloff, 1956) (short stories; many set in Boston from early 20th

century to 50s, e.g., “Something About My Father” [11-9] [Dorchester]; “Goldie Tabak” [20-29] [Phillips Street,

West End; 1912] (Jewish Americans)

—. When I Was a Boy in Boston (Beechhurst Press; Jewish Book Guild, 1947) (West End Jewish autobiographical short

stories; Teddy Roosevelt to WW I, with brief references to WW II) (Jews–Boston–Social life and customs; Jews–


Anonymous. Untitled satirical poem (Boston Transcript 28 Dec. 1936; rpt. Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill: The Life and

Times of a Neighborhood, Northeastern UP, 2002, pp. 76-77) (Christmas Eve rowdiness on Beacon Hill)

—. Der Mädchenmörder von Boston (Berlin: Verlagshaus für Volksliteratur und Kunst, 1907. 32 pgs.) (“Aus den

Geheimakten des Welt-Detektivs. — Bd. 42 (5. Nov., 1907″) (Doyle, Arthur Conan, — 1859-1930 — Parodies,

imitations, etc.) (Boston England?)

—. O Terror de Boston (Lisboa: Emp. Lusitana Editora, 1910) (Aventuras extraordinarias d’um policia secreta; A

novella popular. — Anno 2, no. 56 (16 de junho 1910)) (Portuguese) (Doyle, Arthur Conan, — 1859-1930 —

Parodies, imitations, etc.)

Anthony, Evelyn. The House of Vandekar (Putnam, 1988) (marriage, adulteries, and murder of former Boston

debutante; mainly England; 1934-) (Country homes — England; Families — England; Adultery) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Appleton, Janet. That Summer (Viking, 1989) (heroine works in Boston bookstore summer before entering Wellesley

College and lives in Beacon Hill boarding house, 1957) (Women — Friendship; The Fifties (20th century);

Teenage girls — Boston, Massachusetts; Coming-of-age stories)

Appleton, Victor [pseud. for Edward L. Stratemeyer syndicate]. The Motion Picture Chums’ New Idea, or, The First

Educational Photo Playhouse (Grosset & Dunlap, 1914) (Juvenile) (series by Tom Swift writer; “In this book the

scene is shifted to Boston” from New York [Pub. adv.]; see Bernard Hanson, “The Motion Picture Chums Visit

the ‘Art Journal’: A Prolegomenon to All Future Studies of Moving Pictures as Revealed in Early-20th-Century

Juvenile Literature,” Art Journal 43.3 (1983): 255-261, JSTOR,

Archer, Jeffrey. Kane and Abel (Hodder and Stoughton, 1979) (Kane=Boston banker; 1906-63) (Capitalists and

financiers; Peasantry–Poland)

Arnold, Judith. Courting Trouble (Richmond: Mills & Boon, 1998) (Women jurors — Massachusetts — Cambridge; Jury

duty — Massachusetts — Cambridge; Trials (Breach of promise) — Massachusetts — Cambridge; Romance)

—. Married to the Man: Reunited (Harlequin Books, 1996) (Boston woman lawyer; Romance) (Women

lawyers; New Orleans (La.))

—. The Parent Plan (Harlequin Books, 1994) (Boston advertising agency; romance)

Assimov, Isaac. “‘Perfectly Formal’ by Euphrosyne Durando” in “Cal.” Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection (Harper

Collins, 2003: 24-38 [3-41]) (21st-c. robot writes story about 20th-c.-uptight Boston Brahmin; science fiction)

Atkins, Charles. Risk Factor (Thomas Dunne Books, 1999) (fictional “Boston Commonwealth Hospital”) (Mentally-ill

teenagers; Violence in men; Psychoses; Murder; Schizophrenic teenagers; Residents (Medicine); Helpfulness

in women; Good and evil; Violence against women; Psychological suspense) (Amazon and Google Books)

Atwood, Margaret. “Dancing Girls.” Dancing Girls and Other Stories (Simon and Schuster, 1982) (female architecture

student; 1950s; Scollay Square; rooming house)

—. The Handmaid’s Tale (Houghton Mifflin, 1986) (Cambridge after nuclear war) (Man-woman relationships;

Mysogyny; Women)

—. The Testaments (Doubleday, 2019) (sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale) (Man-woman relationships; Surrogate mothers;

Women; Theocracy)

Ausubel, Romona. Sons and Daughters of Ease and Plenty (Riverhead Books, 2016) (family home in Cambridge;

60s-70s) (Children of the rich; Social status; Upper class families; New England)

Axelrod, Mark. “The Baudelaire-Bird Connection; or, How the Boston Celtics Got to Be That Way” (Dante’s Foil & Other

Sporting Tales. Black Scat Books, 2015)

Ayer, Ethan. “The Treasure Dream.” The New Yorker 11 Mar. 1967: 167-75 (Boston debutante party) (Keywords: Boston;

Dreams; Debutante Parties; Dances)

Ayres, Katherine. Under Copp’s Hill (Pleasant Co., 2000) (Elementary and junior high school) (1908; North End; Jewish

and Italian immigrants; Settlement houses) (Immigrants; Social settlements; Italian Americans; Orphans)

Babson, Marian (pseud. of Ruth Stenstreem). Fatal Fortune (London: Collins, 1987) (heroine Boston heiress; action in

Boston and Europe; mystery-romance) (Americans in Luxembourg; Aunts; Nephews; Rich people; Inheritance

and succession; Murder; Women detectives; Luxembourg; Millionaires) (Google Books)

Bachman, Kristina. The First Gentleman (New York: iUniverse, 2004) (Boston talk-show host becomes first woman

president and her MD husband the fiirst first gentleman) (United States — Politics and government; Presidents’

spouses — United States; Conspiracies — United States) (Amazon and Google Books)

Backalenick, Paul.  Carrie’s Secret (2021) (“a Boston mental hospital in the 1980s” WorldCat) (Abduction; Psychiatric

hospital patients; Sisters)

Badgett, Tom. The Courier and Other Tales (Conneaut Lake, PA: Page, 2022) (one short story “a mystery in Boston

WorldCat and a poem “Snapshot (on Tremont Street, Boston” from 1988 [Amazon])

Baia, Neville J. Carbon Copy (San Jose, CA: Writers Club, 2002) (art theft, including a take-off on the Gardner

Museum theft) (Museums–Boston; Theft from museums) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. In Search of the Leopard (New York: iUniverse, 2004) (FBI, some Lexington/Watertown/Winchester; Book III

opens “Logan Airport, Boston, Massachusetts”) (Thieves; Criminal investigation) (Amazon and Google Books)

Bailey, F. Lee. Secrets: A Novel (Stein and Day, 1978) (“Boston lawyer indicted for first-degree murder of a former

client” [Alexander]) (Amazon and Brief Des., S. L. Alexander, Media and American Courts: A Reference

Handbook (Oxford, UK: ABC-CLIO, 2004: 81) [Google Books])

Bain, Donald. A Deadly Judgment: A Murder, She Wrote Mystery: A Novel (Penguin, 1996) (murder trial in Boston)

(Murder, she wrote (Television program); Women detectives; Women authors; Maine; Fletcher, Jessica (Fictitious

character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Ball, Georgia. illus. Lauren Tarshis. I Survived the Great Molasses Flood, 1919 (Graphix, 2025) (Boston (Mass.) – Comic

books, strips, etc; Floods; Industrial accidents; Molasses; Survival)

Ballard, Harlan Hoge. The Tiler’s Jewel (The Stratford Company, 1921) (Boston police strike of 1919) (Freemasons)

Banks, Oliver T. The Rembrandt Panel: A Novel (Little, Brown, 1980) (Boston artworld) (Art thefts) (Google Books)

Barcomb, Wayne. All Are Naked (Cohasset, MA: Hot House P, 2003) (“wealthy and politically powerful Boston

characters”) (Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Organized crime; Rich people; New York) (Summary Hot House

Press [Internet Wayback Machine])

Barlow, Linda. Leaves of Fortune (Doubleday, 1988) (“an estranged heiress returns to Boston after many years. . .

to battle for the reins of the family’s tea empire” ; starts in 1986 with visits from the past) (Witches; 18th-20th

centuries; Incest)

Barnes, Johnny. Dead Men Talk (1stBooks, 2003) (Christian Science Mother Church)

—. Dead on the Internet: The MIT Murders (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2008) (Artificial intelligence; College students

— Crimes against; Internet — Moral and ethical aspects; Murder — Investigation; Robots; Cambridge)

—. Sleep When I’m Dead (Bloomington, Ind.: AuthorHouse, 2004) (Boston backdrop)

Barnes, Linda. The Big Dig: A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2002) (Women private detectives; Roads–

Design and construction; Missing person) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Bitter Finish: A Michael Spraggue Mystery (St. Martin’s Press, 1983) (Boston detective in Napa Valley) (Actors)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Blood Will Have Blood: A Michael Spraggue Mystery (Avon, 1982) (Actors) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Cities of the Dead: A Michael Spraggue Mystery (St. Martin’s Press, 1986) (Actors; Private investigators; New

Orleans) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Cold Case: A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery (Delacorte, 1997) (missing teenage literary sensation and “recovered memory

syndrome” [p. 165]) (Women detectives; Taxicab drivers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Coyote: A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery (Delacorte, 1990) (Illegal aliens) (Women detectives; Taxicab drivers) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—–. Dead Heat (St. Martin’s, 1984) (murder at the Boston Marathon; “An innovative sleuth with unorthodox tactics is in

charge of protecting a senator who is running not only for re-election but also the Boston Marathon.” [The Ultimate

Guide to the Boston Marathon [accessed 10 Jan. 2007]) (Spraggue, Michael (Fictitious character); Actors) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—–. Deep Pockets: A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2004) (Harvard Medical School; rowing) (Women

private investigators; Cambridge; College teachers–Crimes against; African American college teachers; Extortion)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Flashpoint: A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery (New York: Hyperion, 1999) (Real estate) (Women detectives; Arson)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Hardware: A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery (Delacorte, 1995) (“New Computer user PI Carlotta Carlyle uses

the information superhighway to investigate problems in the taxi industry” [Nancy Richards, Memorial Hall

Library, Andover. 1995]) (Women detectives; Taxicab drivers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Heart of the World: A Carlotta Carlyle Novel (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2006) (Women private investigators; Missing

children; Teenage girls; Kidnappinng; Bogotà (Colombia)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Lie Down with the Devil (Carlotta Carlyle Mysteries) (Minotaur, 2008) (Brief Summary, author web page [accessed 20

Mar. 2008])

—–. “Lucky Penny.” The New Black Mask Quarterly. Rept. in Murder and Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn Rössel

Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (New York: Dember Books, 1987): 1-19 (Carlotta Carlyle)

—–.Snapshot: A Carlotta Carlyle Novel (Delacorte, 1993) (Hospitals) (Women detectives; Taxicab drivers) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—–.The Snake Tattoo: A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery (St. Martin’s, 1989) (Combat Zone and suburbia) (Women detectives;

Taxicab Drivers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. “Stealing First.” Boston Globe Magazine 22 July 2001:14, 17-21 (Fenway Park; Carlotta Carlyle; short story)

—-. Steel Guitar: A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery (Delacorte, 1991) (Women detectives; Taxicab drivers) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—–.A Trouble of Fools (St. Martin’s, 1987) (IRA and Boston Irish) (Carlyle, Carlotta (Fictitious character); Women

detectives; Taxicab drivers) (Amazon and Google Books)

Barnet, Anne Alison. Sitting Ducks: A Novel (2014) (“1970, . . .elderly women homeowners are being beaten up in the

South End” Worldcat) (Inner cities; Gentrification; South End (Boston, Mass.))

Barrett, Andrea. The Forms of Water (Pocket Boooks, 1993) (domestic fiction; Quabbin= Stillwater Reservoir))

(Amazon, esp. Back Cover)

Barretto, James. Mystic Wind: A Legal Thriller (Sarasota, FL: Oceanview, 2022) (Boston (Mass.);  Nineteen eighties;

Political corruption; Trials (Murder))
Barry, John. No Final Whistle (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2006) (Ch. 7 has section on the Combat Zone June

1961; Vietnam War; Vietnam veterans; terrorists) (Amazon and Google Books)

Barry, Mike (Pseud. of Barry N. Malzberg) . Boston Avenger (Berkley, 1973) (The Lone Wolf #3) (Drug traffic)

Barton, Alice. South Station: A Novel (iUniverse, 2005) (family saga set mainly in Lowell, with some Boston, including

WWII servicemen leaving from South Station) (Women; Lowell (Mass.); Catholic church)

Baseman, Harris I. After Kamisiyah (Writers Club, 2002) (reluctant President after assassinations based in

Brookline/Boston; political thriller) (Persian Gulf War, 1991; Persian Gulf syndrome)

Basilici, Eugene. Legacy of a Hero (IUniverse, 2003) (Present time: 1946; flashbacks to Italian-American immigrant

experience since the turn of the century in and around Boston, including Sacco and Vanzetti and the Depression;

fictional/historical [publisher’s designation]) (Italian Americans; Emigration and immigration; Massachusetts)

Bassing, Eileen. Home Before Dark (Random House, 1957) (1958 film) (bad Boston marriage)

Bate, Lucy. illus. Tamar Taylor. How Georgina Drove the Car Very Carefully From Boston to New York (Crown Publishers,

1989) (Juvenile; 32 pges.) (Automobile driving; Imagination)

Batteer, Joseph, John Rice, and Jay Roach. Blown Away (screenplay) (1992) (unpublished?; see novelization by

Kirk Mitchell) (Police; Motion picture plays –1991-2000)

Batuman, Elif. Either / Or (Penguin, 2022) (heroine’s “Harvard . . . sophomore year, 1996” WorldCat)

—. The Idiot (Penguin, 2017) (Harvard freshman 1995) (Identity (Psychology); Turkish Americans; Women college


Bayer-Berenbaum, Linda. The Blessing & the Curse (Jewish Publication Society, 1988) (Jewish Americans; Israel;

professional class unwed mothers; Boston English professor)

Beattie, Ann. The Doctor’s House (Scribner, 2002) (Family; Adult child abuse victims; Children of alcoholics; Children of

physicians; Brothers and sisters; Cambridge (Mass.); Widows)

—- “Second Question.” The New Yorker 10 Jun. 1991: 38-44 (woman narrator visits male friend dying of AIDs in

Boston) (Keywords: Boston; Homosexuals; Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

—. “That Last Odd Day in L. A.” The New Yorker 16 Apr. 2001: 66-77 (main character Boston-area based)

—. “Times.” The New Yorker 26 Dec. 1983: 36-39 (just before Christmas visiting heroine’s parents in Cambridge)

(Keywords: Marriage; Boston; Christmas)

Becker, Geoffrey. “Dangerous Men.” In Dangerous Men (U of Pittsburgh P, 1995: 3-16) (eleven short stories; title

story, stoned teenagers in Boston on night of Nixon resignation)

Begley, Louis. As Max Saw It (Knopf, 1994) (Harvard classmates in the 50s and twenty years later; Harvard Law

professor; AIDs) (Law teachers; Architects; Friendship)

—. Matters of Honor (Knopf, 2007) (1950s and later life) (Harvard University — Students; Nineteen fifties; Jewish college

students; Friendship; Antisemitism)

Behrman, S. N. “Daughter of the Ramaz.” The New Yorker 21 Nov. 1953: 45-82 (daughter of a major Boston rabbi)

(Keywords: Jews; Worcester, Mass.; Matchmaker)

Belfort, Sophie. Eyewitness to Murder (New York: D.I. Fine, 1992) (murder of fictional Boston Marvell College professor;

Ukraine; Boston investigators; Krakow) (Rafferty, Molly (Fictitious character); Hannibal, Nick (Fictitious character);

Women detectives; World War, 1939-1945 — Atrocities — Fiction) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Lace Curtain Murders: A Romance (Atheneum, 1986) (Legislators–Massachusetts; Women college teachers;

Police; Murder–Investigation) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Marvell College Murders: A Novel (New York: D.I. Fine, 1991) (Harvard; Romance) (Amazon and Google Books)

Belton, Sandra. McKendree (Greenwillow Books, 2000) (Juvenile–grades 6-9) (14-year-old African-American girl living

in Boston with father visits West Virginia aunt in summer; 1948) ( Nursing homes; Self-esteem; Aunts; African

Americans; West Virginia)

Bender, Karen E. Like Normal People (Houghton Mifflin, 2000) (“working class couple … move from Boston to Los

Angeles in search of the good life” [Suzanne Berne, Review, New York Times 9 Jul. 2000]; 1978) (Mothers

and daughters; Women with mental disabilities; California, Southern; Missing person)

Bénétreau, Manuel. Boston Family. Saison 1: Roman ( libreditions, 2016) (in French; multigenerational, perhaps

1783-2000; present, late 20th c.)

—. Boston Family. Saison 2 (Manuel Benetreau, 2016)

—. Boston Family. Saison 3 (Manuel Benetreau, 2016)

Benn, James R. Billy Boyle: A World War II Mystery (New York: Soho P, 2006) (South Boston cop on General

Eisenhower’s staff in London) (World War, 1939-1945–Undeground movements–Norway; Sabotage–Norway)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. A Blind Goddess: A Billy Boyle World War II Mystery (Soho P, 2013) (March 1944)

—. Blood Alone: A Billy Boyle World War II Mystery (New York: Soho P. 2008) (South Boston cop, Sicily, and the Mafia)

(Americans — Italy — Sicily; Amnesiacs; Mafia — Italy — Sicily; World War, 1939-1945 — Campaigns — Italy; Italy —

History — Allied occupation, 1943-1947) (Amazon)

—. Evil for Evil: A Billy Boyle World War II Mystery (New York: Soho, 2009) (Billy Boyle in Northern Ireland)

(Americans — Northern Ireland; Irish Republican Army; World War, 1939-1945 — Military intelligence;

World War, 1939-1945 — Collaborationists — Northern Ireland) (Amazon)

—. The First Wave: A Billy Boyle Mystery (New York: Soho Press, 2007) (South Boston Irish cop on General

Eisenhower’s staff for 1942 North Africa landing) (World War, 1939-1945–Algeria; France–Politics and

government–1940-1945) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. “Irish Tommy” (short story in The Refusal Camp: Stories [Soho Crime, 2023])  (“police procedural set in 1944 Boston

and featuring Billy Boyle’s father and uncle” WorldCat)

—. A Mortal Terror: A Billy Boyle World War II Mystery (New York: Soho Crime, 2011)

—. Rag and Bone (New York: Soho, 2010) (more Billy Boyle; London)

Bennett, Robert John. The End Is Where We Start From: A Novel (unpublished, 2006) (Harvard and beyond in

the 60s)

Benson, Angela. Bands of Gold (Pinnacle Books, 1994) (African-American romance set in Boston and Atlanta) (African

Americans; Women engineers; Overweight women; Atlanta)

Berg, Elizabeth. Never Change (Pocket Books, 2001) (Boston “middle-aged visiting nurse . . . care[s] for her high school

crush . . . with a brain tumor”) (Brain-Tumors-Patients; Middle-aged women; Visting nurses; Terminally ill; Single


Berkman, Samuel A. The American Student (iUniverse, 2006) (1961; 15-year old male suburban Bostonite goes to

France with father called up with National Guard for Berlin crisis; mainly France, but some Boston)

Bernays, Anne. The Address Book: A Novel (Little, Brown, 1983) (heroine, editor at Boston publishing house) (Women

editors; Married women; Decision making; Boston (Mass.))

—- Growing Up Rich (Little, Brown, 1975) (Brookline; late 1940s) (Orphans; Boston (Mass.); Jewish families)

—. Professor Romeo (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989) (Harvard; Psychology Department) (College teachers; Teacher-

student relationships;| Cambridge (Mass.); Seduction)

Berne, Suzanne. A Perfect Arrangement: A Novel (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2001) (North Shore seaside suburb,

main female character, a lawyer,commutes to Boston) (Dual-career families; Women lawyers; Nannies)

Berry, Carole. Nightmare Point (St. Martin’s, 1993) (Cape Cod and Boston suburbs) (Kidnapping; Provincetown (Mass.))

(Amazon and Google Books)

Berryman, John. “Boston Common: A Meditation upon the Hero” (1942). In Homage to Mistress Bradstreet and Other

Poems (Faber and Faber, 1959) (Robert Gould Shaw; St. Gaudens’ monument; poem)

Bevarly, Elizabeth. Taming the Beastly MD (Silhouette Books, 2003) (romance; old Boston and new Boston money)

(Surgeons; Nurses)

Bickmore, Barbara. Beyond the Promise (Kensington Books, 1997) (successful Boston woman lawyer, BU grad, finds love

and troubles in eastern Oregon; romance; mainly Oregon, but starts in Boston) (Women lawyers; Domestic

relations; Oregon)

Bingham, Harry. Sweet Talking Money (HarperCollins, 2001) (Boston banker hero and heroine scientist take on drug

companies) (Stocks; Speculation; Women scientists — Boston, Massachusetts; Bankers — Boston, Massachusetts;

Medical research; Boston, Massachusetts; England)

Binstock, R. C. Swift River (CreateSpace, 2014) (Quabbin Reservoir (Mass.) — History; Swift River (Mass.); Boston

(Mass.) — History — 20th century)

Bishop, Donald. Regiment in Bronze (1996) (Internet Wayback Machine) (Poem; Boston Common; Robert Gould Shaw/

Massachusetts 54th Infantry Regiment Monument; Saint Gaudens; 1863-1996)

Black, Benjamin (pseud. of John Banville). Christine Falls: A Novel (Holt, 2008) (Series: Quirke mysteries, 1)

(shifts from Dublin to Boston) (Quirke; Pathologists; Upper class — Ireland; Catholics; Conspiracies;

Women murder victims; Criminal evidence tampering; Family secrets; Classism; Organized crime; Religious

cover-ups; Single mothers; Irish-Americans; Adoptive families; The Fifties (20th century); Dublin, Ireland; Ireland;

Boston; Psychological fiction) (Amazon and Google Books)

Blackmur, L. L. Love Lies Slain (St. Martin’s, 1989) (murder and romance on Boston’s North Shore) (Horse breeding —

Boston, Massachusetts; Art thefts — Boston, Massachusetts; Women author-detectives — Boston, Massachusetts;

Rich people — Boston, Massachusetts) (Amazon and Google books)

Blake, Michelle. The Book of Light: A Lily Connor Mystery (Putnam, 2003) (fictional Tate University near Boston) (Christian

antiquities; College chaplains; Episcopalians; Women clergy) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Earth Has No Sorrow: A Lily Connor Mystery (Putnam, 2001) (amateur sleuth, Lily Connor, Episcopal priest; downtown

womne’s center; antisemitism council) (Episcopalians; Women clergy) (Amazon and Google Books)

—.The Tentmaker: A Lily Connor Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime, 1999) (fill-in priest in Boston) (Episcopal Church–

clergy; Women clergy) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Murder at Walden Pond: A Steve Asher Mystery (Bend, Or.: Salvo Press, 2001) (some Boston scenes) (Walden Pond

(Middlesex County, Mass.); Middle school teachers) (Amazon and Google Books)

Blake, Sally Mirliss. Where Mist Clothes Dream and Song Runs Naked (McGraw-Hill, 1965) (Jewish immigrants and their

children in Depression Boston) (Children of immigrants — Massachusetts — Bostn; Jewish families —

Massachusetts — Boston; Depressions — 1929 — Massachusetts — Boston)

Blanchard, Al. The Disappearance of Jenna Drago (Hamilton, MI: Koenisha Publications, 2002) (retired Boston cop

detective; kidnapping) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Iscariot Conspiracy (Hamilton, MI: Koenisha Publications, 2001) (Boston homicide detective; psychological

thriller; Catholic Church; kidnapping) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Mad Season: A Steve Asher Mystery (Hamilton, MI : Koenisha Publications, 2002) (some Boston) (Middle

school teachers) (Amazon and Google Books

—–. “The Man Who Collected Dylan.” Orchard Press Online Mystery Magazine, Nov. 2000 [Internet Wayback Machine]

(South End)

—–. Murder at Walden Pond: A Steve Asher Mystery (Bend, Or.: Salvo Press, 2001) (some Boston scenes) (Walden Pond

(Middlesex County, Mass.); Middle school teachers) (Amazon and Google Books)

Blanco, Marivi Soliven. illus. Remus San Diego. The Subway Cyclops (Tahanan Books for Young Readers, 1996)

(Juvenile; 80 pp.; Filipino juvenile detectives and “one-eyed monster stalking Boston’s subway tunnels”

WorldCat) (Subways — Massachusetts — Boston)

Bloch, Don. Face Value (Heinemann, 1987) (North End) (Self-fulfillment in men; Classism — Boston, Massachusetts;

Handicapism — Boston, Massachusetts; Disability rights movement — Boston, Massachusetts; Plastic surgeons

— Boston, Massachusetts; Poor people — Boston, Massachusetts: Physically disabled persons — Boston,

Massachusetts; Boston, Massachusetts)

Block, Lawrence. Hit List (Morrow, 2000) (some scenes in Boston) (Keller, John (Fictitious character); Assassins;

New York (N.Y.))

—-. “Keller’s Horoscope.” Enough Rope: Collected Stories (Morrow, 2002: 586-613) (murder in Boston–603-13;

astrology; hitman)

Bluestone, George. The Send-Off (Secker and Warburg, 1968) (Jews in fiction) (How much Boston?)

Blumenthal, Michael. Weinstock Among the Dying: A Novel (Zoland Books, 1993) (Young men; Harvard University;

Cambridge (Mass.))

Blythe, Harry Randolph. “The Answer of Boston.” Poems of Harry Randolph Blythe. (Riverside P, 1914: 19)

—. “Fight! (Harvard-Dartmouth Football Game, 1908).” In Poems of Harry Randolph Blythe (Riverside P, 1914: 159)

(Competitionm; Dartmouth College; Football; Harvard University; Sports) (

Boles, Robert. Curling: A Novel (Houghton Mifflin, 1968) (“rich, educated Negro, living and working in Boston” [Kirkus

Review]) (African Americans)

Bordhill Judith. A Candle for Lydia (London: Hamlyn, 1982) (rpt. Eccles, Marjorie. Pandora’s Box (Sutton: Severn

House, 1995)) (Grandmothers — Massachusetts — Boston; Grandparent and child — Massachusetts — Boston;

Rich people — Massachusetts — Boston) (Google Books)

Borges, Jorge Luis [trans. Norman Thomas Di Giovanni]. “Cambridge.” The New Yorker 13 Dec. 1969: 52-53 (poem)

Borgmann, Kendra. ” Twilight on Boston.” (Cutbank 51 (Mar. 1999): 45) (poem)

Borthwick, J. S. The Case of the Hook-Billed Kites (St. Martin’s, 1982) (one heroine-detective, Sarah Deane, Boston

grad student; bird sanctuary in Texas; little Boston) (Deane, Sarah (Fictitious character) — Fiction. McKenzie,

Alex (Fictitious character); Women detectives — Texas; English teachers; Physicians; Texas) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Borton, Elizabeth. Pollyanna’s Golden Horseshoe (L.C. Page, 1939) (Cheerfulness — Conduct of life; Optimism —

Conduct of life; Rehabilitation — Social aspects; Rehabilitation centers — Employees — Attitudes; Rehabilitation

centers — Massachusetts — Boston)

The Boston Number (Life 58.1512 [19 Oct. 1911]: 645-702 [?] Google Books) (New Yorker-style satirical pieces and

cartoons) (Andrew Woodruff, “The Land of the Bean and the Snob” Globe 10 Jun 2012: K 12 and “Life: The

Boston Number.” Bostonography. 15 May 2012. Web. 11 Jun. 2012)

Bowes, Richard. “If Angels Fight.” Fantasy & Science Fiction (Feb. 2008) (Politics; Irish Americans; South Boston;

John Fitzgerald Kennedy) (John Joseph Adams, Summary [accessed 28 Feb. 2008])

Bowker, Richard. Marlborough Street (Doubleday, 1987) (Supernatural, beg. and end in Boston; Science fiction;


Boyd, Blanche McCrary. Terminal Velocity (Knopf, 1997) (heroine, young married editor from Boston; mainly California

commune; 1970s) (Lesbians — United States; Lesbians — Sexuality; Communes; The Seventies (20th century);

Recovering alcoholic women)

Boyd, D. L. Scollay Love: A Historical Romance (Amazon Kindle Book, 2014) (Scollay Square 1953 and 1961; romance

and fight against urban renewal)

Boyer, Gabriel. How to Tell the Living from the Dead (Mutable Press, 2003) (Allston/Brookline border, 1950s-90s)

Boyer, Rick. The Daisy Ducks (Houghton Mifflin, 1986) (detective is a Boston/Concord dentist; Vietnam vets)

(Adams, Doc (Fictitious character); Physicians — Massachusetts — Concord; Concord (Mass.)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—–. The Penny Ferry (Houghton Mifflin, 1984) (Sacco and Venzetti; North End; Mafia) (Physicians; Concord (Mass.)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Whale’s Footprints: A Doc Adams Suspense Novel (Houghton Mifflin, 1988) (Concord, Wood’s Hole, some

Boston) (Adams, Doc (Fictitious character); Physicians; Concord (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Boylan, Eleanor. Murder Crossed (Holt, 1996) (murder at fictional boarding school outside Boston) (Gamadge, Clara

(Fictitious character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Boyle, Gerry. Pretty Dead (Berkley Prime Crime, 2003) (Prominent Boston family) (Children of the rich–Crimes

against; Journalists; Maine; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Boyle, T.Coraghessan. Outside Looking In (HarperCollins, 2019) (Harvard grad student, LSD, Timothy Leary)

Bradley, Don. Angels in a Harsh World (Putnam, 1998) (Angels; India) (1930s; daughter of Boston Freemason


Bradley, Joseph J. The Last Season (New York: iUniverse, Inc., 2004) (some?/much? Boston and area) (Amazon

and Google Books)

Brandmark, Wendy. He Runs the Moon: Tales from the Cities (Holland Park P, 2016) (“a collection of atmospheric stories

of life in the rundown Capitol Hill area of Denver, the Bronx and Boston during the 1950s, 60s and 70s” [Publisher];

last four stories, Boston in the 70s: “The Other Room,” “Fairy Godmother,” “Vagabond,” and “He Runs the Moon”)

Brasil, JoAnne. Escape from Billy’s Bar-B-cue (Wild Trees Press, 1985) (narrator moves from South to Boston to

escape racism)

Braver, Gary [pseud. of Gary Goshgarian]. Elixir (Forge, 2001) (biotech thriller partly set in Boston) (Biologists; Papua

New Guinea; Elixir of life) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Flashback (New York: Forge, 2005) (Medical thriller in Boston and environs) (Drowning victims — Family

relationships; Alzheimer’s disease — Research; Coma — Patients; Jellyfishes; Memory) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Gray Matter (New York: Forge, 2002) (Boston and suburbs) (Mothers and sons; Learning disabilities;

Biotechnology — Experiments; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Bredes, Don. Cold Comfort: A Novel (New York: Harmony Books, 2001) (ex-Boston cop with Boston baggage in

Vermont) (Bellevance, Hector; Police — Vermont; Brothers — Vermont; Extramarital relations — Vermont;

Farmers — Vermont; Women reporters — Vermont; Vermont) (Amazon and Google Books)

Brennan, William. A Tattered Coat Upon a Stick (Xlibris, 1999) (Sacco and Vanzetti trial) (Prisons; Death row inmates)

Brennert, Alan. “Her Pilgrim Soul.” The American Fantasy Tradition, ed. Brian Thomsen (Tor, 2002: 527-55) (Season

1; Epsiode 28 of The Twilight Zone 13 Dec. 1985: see “Her Pilgrim Soul” Wikipedia (Boston area lab;

holographs; science fiction)

Breton, Laurie. Final Exit (Ontario, Canada: Mira Books, 2003) (Serial murders; Boston (Mass.)) (South Boston-born

heroine returns to Boston) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Mortal Sin (Don Mills, Ont.: Mira, 2004) (Combat Zone; priest) (Runaway teenage girls; Aunt and niece; Priests;

Divorced women; Catholic men; Missing teenage girls; Temptation; Sex industry; Gangs; Men/women relations;

Boston; Romantic suspense) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Point of Departure (Don Mills, Ont.: MIRA, 2007) (Women real estate agents; Missing persons; Boston (Mass.)) (

Amazon and Google Books)

Brichoux, Karen. Coffee & Kung Fu (New American Library, 2003) (Boston copywriter heroine) (Chan, Jackie, 1954-;

Women editors; Young women — Boston, Massachusetts; Single women; Self-discovery in women; Loneliness

in women; Martial arts films; Films; Characters and characteristics in films; Men/women relations; Coffee shops;

Grandfathers — Death; Friendship; Friends; Boston, Massachusetts; Chick lit; Love stories, American; Humorous

stories, American; Coming-of-age stories)

Brill, Ernie. I Looked Over Jordan, and Other Stories (South End P, 1980) (short stories; working class; hospital

workers; racial discrimination; “drawn from ten years working in hospitals in San Francisco and Boston”


Brockmann, Suzanne. Freedom’s Price (Bantam Books, 1998) (Journalists) (Boston male journalist and female Latin

American revolutionary who saved his life meet again in Boston)

—. Taylor’s Temptation (Silhouette Books, 2001) (Tall, Dark & Dangerous, Book 10; romance; Navy Seal/best friend’s

sister; Boston)

–. Stand-in Groom (Bantam Books, 1997) (romance; inheritance in Boston) (Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.))

Brodkey, Harold. “Sentimental Education.” The New Yorker 6 Jul. 1957: 23-34 (romance between Harvard and Radcliffe

students) (Keywords: Love; Harvard; College Students; Radcliffe College)

Brodsky, Joseph. “Elegy: For Robert Lowell.” The New Yorker 31 Oct. 1977: 38 (Keywords: Death; Poets; Lowell, Robert;

Boston, Mass.; In the autumnal blue)

Brody, David S. Unlawful Deeds (New York: ToExcel, 1999) (Boston art theft; murder; legal thriller; early 90’s; real

estate crash) (Legal stories; Swindlers and swindling) (Amazon and Google Books)

Brogan, Jan. Final Copy (Prides Crossing, MA: Larcom P, 2001) (early 1990s Boston biotech boom; woman reporter/

detective) (Women journalists; Biotechnology industries) (Amazon and Google Books)

Bromell, Henry. “Early Sunday Morning.” The New Yorker 3 Mar. 1973: 32-37 (unmarried Boston couple visits her

parents in suburb) (Keywords: Love; Families; Massachusetts)

—. Little America: A Novel (Knopf, 2001) (CIA–partly set in Boston) (Fathers and sons; Cold war; Middle East)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Brookhouse, Christopher. Passing Game (Safe Harbor Books, 2000) (“interracial friendship . . . [in] Harvard’s undefeated

1919 football season” [Michael Kenny, “Local Lines,” Globe 7 Jan. 2001: K9])

Brooks, Geraldine. People of the Book: A Novel (Viking, 2008) (Brief section in Boston as main character meets experts

to help her understand the Sarajevo Haggadah; present = 1996) (Judaism — Manuscripts; Judaism–Prayers and

devotions;Manuscripts, Hebrew; Books — Conservation and restoration)

Brooks, Robert A. “Harvard Square.” The New Yorker 13 Nov. 1965: 54 (Keywords: Colleges; Humanist; Street Scenes;

“Do we live on the fringes of our communities?”)

Brown, Dan. The Da Vinci Code: A Novel (Doubleday, 2003) (Boston is the home of protagonist Robert Langdon) (Leonardo,

Da Vinci; Art museum curators–Crimes against; Secret societies; Cryptographers; Paris; Grail)

Brown, Gerald. Murder on Beacon Hill (New York: Phoenix P, 1941)

Brown Rosellen. “The Boston Bus.” Cora Fry’s Pillow Book (Farrar Straus Giroux, 1994: 83) (poem)

—. “Fry in Boston.” Cora Fry’s Pillow Book (Farrar Straus Giroux, 1994: 84) (poem)

Brown, Rollo Walter. The Hillikin (Coward-McCann, 1935) (from the hills of Ohio to Harvard/Boston/Cambridge poor

boy works his way through college; early 20th century) (Bail 326-27)

Brust, Beth Wagner. The Great Molasses Flood (Troll Communications, 1998) (primary school–ages 4-8) (1919)


Bryers, Paul. The Prayer of the Bone (Bloomsbury, 1998) (ex-Boston police detective with Boston psychological

baggage investigates murder in Maine) (Ex-police-detectives — Maine; Sisters of murder victims — Maine;

Bears — Maine; Maine; Indians of North America — Maine; Supernatural) (Amazon and Google Books)

Buckley, Andrew. The Bostoner (Stage Harbor Press, 1999) (18th-century plot focuses on a pirate called “the Bostoner”;

there’s also a related 20th-century plot focusing on a descendant who is a paralegal victim of a Boston court bomb

blast ) (Kendrick, John; Cape Cod)

Budkiewicz, Radosław. Trans.  Beata Budynkiewicz, Magdalena Dawidowski;,Olimpia Dominik, Aleksandra Tracewska. The

Nightmare Twenties (Internet Pub. House e-bookowo, 2021) (orig. Polish?; prohibition; crime) (Prohibicja; Przestępczość

zorganizowana; Tajni współpracownicy policji; Boston (Stany Zjednoczone))

Bull, Webster. A Bad Boy from Beacon Street: Limericks (Commonwealth Editions, 2006) (Juvenile) (Boston (Mass.) —

Juvenile poetry; Children’s poetry, American; Limericks, Juvenile)

Bullard, Pamela. More Than Dreams (Random House, 1987) (author, producer WCVB-TV; Boston TV station)

Bullard, Phillip J. Republican Bastards: A Fictional Novel (Infinity, 2000) (MIT/Celtics/Foxwoods; Maine;

Washington, D.C.; extra-terrestrial powers)

Burgess, Gelett. Two O’clock Courage (Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1934) (two movies, 1936 and 1945) (Amnesiacs; Boston

(Mass.); Actresses — Massachusetts — Boston) (Google Books)

Burke, Phyllis. Atomic Candy: A Novel (Grove Press/Atlantic Monthly Press, 1989) (Irish Americans; husband becomes

mayor of Boston; politics; 1952-1974; JFK; Marilyn Monroe; radical 60s) (Kennedy, John F.; Presidents)

Burkle, Jess, Heather Denyer, Nick Norman, and Tony Speciale (“Created by members of the Plastic Theatre / Directed

& conceived by Tony Speciale”). Unnatural Acts: Harvard’s Secret Court of 1920 (2011) (play; Harvard; 1920;

homosexuality; suicide; official homophobia; based on fact) (Laura Collins-Hughes,”The Crimson Letter,” Globe

19 Jun. 2011: N1, 7; [Internet Wayback Machine])

Burns, John Horne. A Cry of Children (Harper, 1952) (post-World War II; one major character a Back Bay matron)


Burrell, Stephen. Avé Blue (Vantage Press, 2002) (1971; opera singer; single mother; revenge; romance; inner city

Boston) (African Americans)

Burrow, Peter N. H. Eastern Standard Time (Trilithon, 1999) (Seduction; Man-woman relationships; Single men —

Massachusetts — Boston; Housing developers — Massachusetts — Boston)

Bush, Geoffrey. “Julie.” The New Yorker 21 Jul. 1956: 21-25 (20 year-old Boston girl in Italy) (Keywords: Families;


Bushnell, Jeremy P.  Relentless Melt: A Novel (Melville House, 2023) (1909; Filene’s, WorldfCat) (Boston (Mass.);

Corruption (Political); Criminal investigation; Cross-dressers; Kidnapping;  Magic; Young women)

Busiek Kurt. John Paul Leon, artist. Todd Klein, letterer. Batman, Creature of the Night (DC Comics, 2018-20) (“1968

Boston, Massachusetts” WorldCat)

Bussey, Louré. Twist of Fate (Kensington Pub., 1998) (Romance; woman D.C. speech therapist moves to Boston)

(African Americans; Boston (Mass.))

Butler, Pierce. A Riddle of Stars (Zoland, 1999) (young Irishman comes to Boston for love but ends up taking care of

dying man) (Irish Americans)

Butler, Robert Olen. “Hotel Touraine.” In Had a Good Time: Stories from American Postcards (Grove Press, 2004: 3-16

[Google Books]) (short stories, 1906-17, including this “first person narrative[…] of a bellboy in a fancy Boston

hotel”) (Amazon and Google Books)

Butler, Suzanne. My Pride, My Folly (Little, Brown, 1953) (Danish born heroine; Boston; Montreal) (Google Books and

Summary/Review (Scholastic [Internet Wayback Machine])

Byers, Michael. Percival’s Planet: A Novel (Tantor Audio, 2010) (1920s; in part, “in Cambridge, the most beautiful girl in

America is going slowly insane” WorldCat) (Tombaugh, Clyde William, — 1906-1997; Pluto (Dwarf planet);

Discoveries in science; Astronomers; Farmers — Kansas)

Byrd, Max. Target of Opportunity (Bantam, 1988) (killer flees California to native city of Boston) (International

intrigue; World War, 1939-1945 — Underground movements) (Amazon and Google Books)

Cabot, Elise Pumpelly. What Drives Men Mad (Boston: 1917) (archival material; Boston Athenaeum) (Poetry of places —

Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.) — Poetry)

Cain, Emily (Smith). “Cassius’s Castle.” The New Yorker 23 Nov. 1963: 50-56 (main character works for “a lepidopterist at

Harvard” Abstract) (Keywords: Houses; Professors; Families; Massachusetts; Lepidopterists)

Caldwell, Brian. We All Fall Down (Infinity, 2000) (Boston English teacher in Michigan; returns to Boston

twice; Christian good and evil; grew up in 70s during busing crisis; Irish Americans) (Self-actualization (Psychology);

Hate — Religious aspects; Forgiveness — Religious aspects)

Caldwell, Taylor. A Prologue to Love (Doubleday, 1961) (Wealth; Romance; Boston (Mass.))

Cambron, Kristy. The Illusionist’s Apprentice (Brilliance Audio and Blackstone Audio, 2017) (Boston 1926) (Houdini,

Harry, — 1874-1926; Magicians; Murder; Vaudeville)

Camerik, Howard. The Curse of Carl Mays: A Novel ( Publishing, 2006) (Red Sox 1920/Oct. 25,

1986; mayor; fantasy)

Cameron, Dana. Site Unseen: An Emma Fielding Mystery (Avon, 2002) (female detective/archeologist teaches and

digs in Maine, but lives with husband in Somerville; mostly Maine) (Fielding, Emma (Fictitious character);

Women archeologists; Excavations (Archaeology) — Maine; Maine)

Cameron, Peter. “Fast Forward.” The New Yorker 4 Feb. 1985: 42-47 (heroine movie projectionist in Cambridge)

(Keywords: Death; New England; Mothers; Friendship; Movie Projectionist)

Cammarata, Marie. Green Alligator Shoes and Other Family Stories (Publish America, 2004) (short stories; 64 pages;

1940s-50s) (Immigrants — Massachusetts — Boston; Italian Americans — Massachusetts — Boston: Boston

(Mass.) — Social life and customs)

Canin, Ethan. Carry Me Across the Water (Random House, 2001) (retirement in the Back Bay) (Jewish men; Beer industry;

Pittsburgh (Pa.); World War, 1939-1945; Immigrants)

—. The Palace Thief (Random House, 1994) (four short stories; some set in Boston; Kevin Kline film of title story)

(Accountants; Brothers; Boy prodigies; Divorced men — Boston, Massachusetts; Father and son — Boston,

Massachusetts; Men/women relations — Boston metropolitan area; History teachers; Teacher-student

relationships) (Check specific stories: The accountant — Batorsag and Szerelem — City of broken hearts — The

palace thief)

Cardillo, Linda. Across the Table (Harlequin, 2010) (Romance; multi-generation; Italian-American; Salem St.)

(Restaurateurs; Mothers and daughters; Veterans; World War, 1939-1945; Boston (Mass.))

Carey, Lisa. Every Visible Thing: A Novel (William Morrow, 2006) (80s punk scene Harvard Square; father prof.

of theology at Boston College) (Fifteen-year-old girls; Ten-year-old boys; Missing persons; Runaway

teenagers; The Eighties (20th century); Separation (Psychology); Family; Grief; Families of missing

persons; Teenagers; Grief in families; Sexuality; Male impersonators; Punk culture; Separated friends,

relatives, etc; Family problems; Resilience (Personal quality); Self-destructive behavior in children;

Friendship; Photography; Drugs; Drug use; Investigations; First sexual experience; Interpersonal

attraction; Boston; Coming-of-age stories)

—. The Mermaids Singing (Avon, 1998) (fifteen-year-old Boston-born and bred girl moves to Irish island with

grandmother after death of mother; mainly Ireland) (Mothers and daughters; Irish American women; Islands —

Ireland; Ireland)

Carlson, Dolley. The Red Coat: A Novel of Boston (Lettermullen P, 2014) (“1940s & ’50s“) (Irish Americans; Beacon

Hill (Boston, Mass.))

Carlson, Lane. Lost in the Fogg (RavensYard Pub., 1999) (art theft; Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University) (Amazon

and Google Books)

Carman, Bliss. “Phi Beta Kappa Poem; Harvard, 1914.” In Anthology of Magazine Verse For 1914, ed. William

Braithwaite (Ayer Pub. Co, 1918: 3) (Ancestors and ancestry; Duty; Harvard University; Idealism; New

England; Tradition) (

Carney, Vaughn A. Straw Man: A Profane Fable of the Harvard Law School (, 2000) (Combat Zone) (Lisa

Stansky, “Fast Times in Legal Education,” Rev. ABA Journal (Sep. 2001): 77-78. Google Books)

Carpenter, Bruce. The Last Waltz (Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, 1956) (Juvenile) (Classism; Love stories; Boardinghouses;

Boston (Mass.)

Carroll, James. The City Below (Houghton Mifflin, 1994) (Working class, 1960-84; politics; crime; Charlestown)


—.Mortal Friends: A Novel (Little, Brown, 1978) (in part, Ireland in early 20s; James Michael Curley; North End; Mafia;

John F. Kennedy; Robert Kennedy; Joseph Kennedy; Cardinal Cushing; Vatican)

Carter, Nick [pseud. of Stratemeyer and Stratemeyer Syndicate Publications] See 19th Century.

—. (“Probably written by Frederic Van Rensselaer Day”) The Child of the Jungle, or, Nick Carter’s Ingenious Ruse

(New York: Street & Smith, 1909) (Series: New Nick Carter weekly, no. 644 1 May 1909) (31 pgs.; starts “Boston’s

chief of police was alone in his private office”) (Circus; Sumatran orangutan; Actresses; Boston (Mass.)) (Edward

T. LeBlanc Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois U)

—. The Criminal Trust, or, Nick Carter’s Mysterious Client (New York: Street & Smith, 16 Nov. 1907. 32 pgs.) (Series: New

Nick Carter weekly; no. 568) (Carter, Nick; Carter, Chick (Fictitious character); Murphy, Patsy (Fictitious character);

Organized crime; Secret societies; New York (N.Y.); Boston (Mass.); Philadelphia (Pa.)) (Edward T. LeBlanc

Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois U)

—.The Hidden Crime, or, Nick Carter’s Telephone Clew (New York: Street & Smith, 8 Apr. 1911. 30 pags.) (Series: New

Nick Carter weekly; no. 745) (Carter, Nick; De Mendoza, Adelina (Fictitious character); Missing persons–

Investigation; Aphasia; Abduction; Inheritance and succession; Female offenders; Telephone; Women detectives;

Boston (Mass.)) (Edward T. LeBlanc Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois U)

—. The Maynard Woman’s Double, or, Patsy’s Terrific Brain Storm (New York: Street & Smith, 6 Aug. 1907) (New Nick

Carter weekly; no. 545) (28 pgs.) (Carter, Nick; Murphy, Patsy (Fictitious character); Escaped prisoners; Deception;

Female offenders; Boston (Mass.)) (Edward T. LeBlanc Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections,

Northern Illinois U)

—. A Tragedy of the Footlights, or, Nick Carter and the Temple of Vice (New York: Street & Smith, 7 Dec. 1907. 32 pgs.)

(Series: New Nick Carter weekly; no. 571) (Carter, Nick; Murder–Investigation; Theater; Actresses; Female

offenders; Boston (Mass.)) (Edward T. LeBlanc Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern

Illinois U)

—. Tried for His Life, or, Patsy’s Terrible Ordeal (New York: Street & Smith, 1 June 1907. 28 pgs.) (Series: New

Nick Carter weekly; no. 544) (Carter, Nick; Murphy, Patsy (Fictitious character); Organized crime; Secret

societies; Boston (Mass.)) (Edward T. LeBlanc Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern

Illinois U)

Caruso, Joseph. The Priest (Macmillan, 1956) (“life in a Sicilian enclave of the West End” 1950s, fictionalized St. Joseph’s

Church [Janelle Smart Fisher, ed. Bob Potenza, “Joseph Caruso: Artist, Author, and Activist” WEM 14 July

2023]; Boston waterfront) (Catholics)

Casey, Francis Michael. The Boston O Tooles: A One-act Fantasy for St. Patrick’s Night (S. French, 1950) (play)

Casey, Michael. “Boston Booboo Or the Pow Cage Visit.” (Obscenities Ashod Press, 1989: 35) (poem)

Casavant, Jessica. See 21st Century.

Castle, William R. The Green Vase (Dodd, Mead, 1912 [Google Books]) (“created some sensation for its description of

Boston society” The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine Jun. 1912: 747 [Google Books]; South Boston; dynamited

trolley at Dover Street Bridge) (Detailed Summary, National Magazine Feb. 1913: 990 [Google Books, accessed

14 Jul. 2009])

Cather, Willa Sibert. Alexander’s Bridge (Houghton Mifflin, 1912 [Internet Archive]) (adultery in Boston and London)

(Bridges–Design and construction; Married people; Mistresses; Civil engineers; London)

Catlin, Alan. “The Streets of Boston.” (The Wormwood Review 28.1 (ISSUE 109). (1988): 32) (poem)

Cavanah, Frances. llus. Pauline Jackson. Benjy of Boston (David McKay, 1946) (31 pges.; juvenile–middle grades)

Cavanna, Bette. Almost Like Sisters (Morrow, 1963) (daughter breaks from mother by going to school in Boston)

Chabon, Michael. “The Halloween Party.” The New Yorker 26 Sep. 1988: 38-44 (14-year-old boy in love in Boston suburb)

(Keywords: Divorce; Love; Teenagers)

Chace, Frederic. Girl about Town (Phoenix P., 1938) (Women — Conduct of life; Man-woman relationships;

Boston (Mass.))

Chamberlin, Holly. Living Single (Kensington, 2002) (heroine works in Boston PR firm) (Single women; Dating (Social

customs); Female friendship; Boston (Mass.))

Chambers, Brian R. Arthur’s Soul Adventure (O Books, 2010) (Great Depression) (Near-death experiences; Heaven;

Poor — Massachusetts — Boston; Spirituality; Self -realization; Visionary and metaphysical)

Chambers, Kate. The Secrets on Beacon Hill (New American Library, 1984) (Juvenile) (missing pearls) (Google Books)

Chapman, Beau. The Commencement: A Story for All Seasons (Xlibris Corporation, 2006) (“setting . . . the June 24,1920

Harvard Medical School graduation commencement on the green at Harvard Yard”; Battle of Gettysburg WorldCat)

Chapman, Con. A View of the Charles (AuthorHouse, 2005) (1999; comedy; end of the millenium in old Boston law firm)

(Lawyers — Massachusetts — Boston; Law firms)

Charbonnet, Gabrielle. Home at Last (Scholastic, 1995) (Series: Princess, 3) (Ten-year-old girls — Boston; Girls’

boarding schools)

—. Molly’s Heart (Scholastic, 1995) (Series: Princess, 1) (Ten-year-old girls — Boston; Children of rich people; Spoiled

girls; Girls’ boarding schools)

—. A Room in the Attic (Scholastic, 1995) (Series: Princess, 2) (Ten-year-old girls — Boston; Girls’ boarding schools)

Charyn, Jerome. The Seventh Babe (Arbor House, 1979) (1920s; Red Sox) (African Americans; Baseball players)

Chase, Lindsay. Honor (New York: Diamond Books, 1994) (heroine, only woman in Boston law school) (Women

lawyers) (Google Books)

Chase, Mary Ellen. A Journey to Boston (Norton, 1965) (Polish Americans; Farm life) (Kirkus Reviews 29 Mar. 1965;

accessed 28 Dec. 2011)

Chayefsky, Paddy. Altered States: A Novel (Harper & Row, 1978) (Science fiction; partly, Boston, Harvard Medical

School) (Altered states of consciousness) (Google Books)

Cheever, John. “The Journal of an Old Gent.” The New Yorker 18 Feb. 1956: 32-59 (life and love in Boston) (Keywords:

Boston; Diaries; Illegitimate Children)

—. “The President of Argentina” (1976). Contemporary New England Stories. Ed. C. Michael Curtis. Globe Pequot P,

1992: 37-42 (Commonwealth Avenue mall; statues of Leif Erikson, Wm. Lloyd Garrison, and a President of


Cherpak, Mark. A. Circle of Fear (AuthorHouse, 2007) (Chapter 11 18th Century . . . 1790 [Charlestown]; Chapter 12

Charlestown, Massachusetts Summer 1995; supernatural thriller) (Google Books)

Chiemroum, Sothea. Illus. Dam Nang Pin. Dara’s Cambodian New Year (Simon & Schuster, 1992) (Juvenile: ages 4-12)

(Cambodian immigrants in Boston; Cambodia) (Cambodian Americans; New Year)

Chopra, Deepak. The Daughters of Joy (Putnam, 2002) (Hero, struggling writer in Boston) (Psychological fiction)

Chu, Doris C. J. America America (in That Gentleman from China and America America, International Society P, 2012)

(play, “five young Chinese in Boston” Google Books)

Churchill, Winston. The Dwelling-Place of Light (Macmillan, 1917 [Google Books]) (many scenes in Boston) (Mills

and mill-work — Massachusetts — 20th century: Massachusetts — Social life and customs; Blue collar workers

— Employment; Labor unions; Strikes and lockouts)

—-. A Far Country (Macmillan, 1915 [Google Books 1922 ed.]) (many scenes set in Boston) (Upper class families;

Religion and sociology; Ethics)

Chute, Carolyn. Snow Man (Harcourt Brace, 1999) (assassination of a senator in Parker House lobby; refuge on Beacon

Hill) (Construction workers — Maine; Right-wing extremists — United States; Militia movements — United States;

Assassination — Maine — Boston; Legislators — United States; Fugitives from justice — United States;

Government, Resistance to; Mothers and daughters — Maine; Feminists; Accomplices)

Ciaccia, Maria. Bloomin’: A Novel in Three Acts (Excalibur Publishing, 1990) (fictional Boston College of Music and

Dance; late 60s)

Ciaccio, Dominic P. The Seekers–Italian (Vantage Press, 1981) (Italian Americans — Massachusetts — Boston;

Immigrants — Massachusetts — Boston)

Clark, Heather. The Scrapbook (Pantheon, 20250 (“Set in the 1990s when Anna, an innocent Harvard senior,” also WWII Germany


Clarke, Donald Henderson. Young and Healthy (The Vanguard P, 1931) (Bail 320: “One-quarter” hero’s “life at Harvard

early in the century”; mainly dissipation at Harvard and elsewhere)

Clayton, John J[acob]. “Cambridge Is Sinking!” (Wrestling with Angels: New and Collected Stories, New Milford, CT:

Toby P, 2007, pp. 49-68; The Massachusetts Review, 13.4 (Autumn, 1972), pp. 618-32) (Cambridge and

Harvard grads, 1960s-early 70s)

–. The Man I Never Wanted To Be (Sag Harbor, NY: Permanent P 1998) (Western Mass. and  “dashing across the

rooftops of Boston”; Boston battered women’s center) (Community college teachers; Divorced fathers; Political

activists; Abused women; Abusive men) (Amazon and Google Books)

Cleary, Gwen. Missouri Flame (Kensington, 1991) (Children’s Aid Association (Boston, Mass.); Missouri)

Cleeton , Chanel.  The Lost Story of Eva Fuentes (Berkley, 2025) (three women 2024 London, 1966 Havana, 1900

Boston/Harvard–Eva Fuentes writes book the other two find, WorldCat)

Clement, Henry [pseud. of Edward Fenton]. Beacon Hill (Series: Beacon Hill 1) (Popular Library, 1975) (post-World

War I) (“drawn largely from the teleplay by Sidney Carroll” for short-lived TV series) (Beacon Hill (Boston,


—. The Colonel and Fawn (Series: Beacon Hill 2) (Popular Library, 1975) (“three stories based on the television show

Beacon Hill” ])

Clifft, William Clifft, Stephen Harvard, and Joseph Keblinsky. Government’s Lonely Monument (Stinehour Press, 1972])

(Old City Hall) (City Hall (Boston, Mass.); City halls — Massachusetts — Boston; Humorous poetry)

Cluster, Dick. Obligations of the Bone (St. Martin’s,, 1992) (Cambridge, Boston; Jewish mechanic, amateur detective;

cancer; stolen bone marrow; 60s counterculture) (Bone marrow– Transplantation) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Repulse Monkey (Dutton, 1989) (Jewish mechanic, amateur detective; cancer; White Mountains) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Return to Sender (Dutton, 1988) (Jewish mechanic, amateur detective; Boston; London; Berlin) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Coben, Harlan. Play Dead (Latham, NY: British American Pub., 1990) (Boston Celtics; Impostors and imposture)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Coburn, Andrew. No Way Home (Dutton, 1992) (murder and sexual shenanigans in fictional Boston suburb, Bensington)

(Police chiefs — Boston metropolitan area; Suburban life — Boston, Massachusetts; Widowers — Boston,

Massachusetts; Men/women relations — Boston metropolitan area; Morgan, James) (Amazon)

—–. Sweetheart: A Novel of Revenge (Macmillan, 1985) (Boston mafia and informers) (Undercover operations —

Boston, Massachusetts; Police — Boston, Massachusetts; Revenge; Mafia — Boston, Massachusetts)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Voices in the Dark (Dutton, 1994) (fictional Boston suburb Bensington) (Morgan, James; Child murders — Boston

metropolitan area; Men/women relations — Boston metropolitan area; Suburban life — Boston, Massachusetts;

Extramarital relations — Boston metropolitan area; Police chiefs — Boston metropolitan area; Police —

Massachusetts) (Amazon)

Cocca-Leffler, Maryann. Bus Route to Boston (Boyds Mills P, 2000) (Ages 5-8; Primary school) (1950s) (Italian

Americans; Buses)

Cody, Paul. Eyes Like Mine: A Novel (Baskerville, 1996) (narrator, 37-year-old college instructor) (Baby boom

generation — Boston, Massachusetts; College students; Family — Boston, Massachusetts; Suburban life

— Boston, Massachusetts; Teachers)

—. So Far Gone: A Novel (Picador USA, 1998) (“Boston suburb of Newton” [Reed Business Information, Amazon];

death row; psychology of a killer) (Death row inmates; Family; Boston (Mass.))

Coggeshall, Ina. False Impressions (Avalon, 2001) (1945; mid-90s) (Boston art gallery; romance) (Art thefts; Women

lawyers; Police; France) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Too Many Suspects (Avalon, 1999) (Murder; Boston detectives) (Fathers and daughters; Women lawyers)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Cohan, Tony. Opium: A Novel (Simon and Schuster, 1984) (part, 19th-century Lodges and Cabots in opium trade;

part 1960s) (Opium trade; Lawyers — Boston, Massachusetts; Drug traffic; Men/women relations; Women

artists; Medical students; Boston, Massachusetts) (Google Books)

Cohen, Richard Sain. Our Seas of Fear and Love (British Columbua, Canada: CCB Publishing, 2013) (mainly

elswehere but in part set in Boston WorldCat)

Cohen, William S. One-Eyed Kings: A Novel (Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 1991) (amateur sleuth is Massachusetts

Senator; Israel; Cold War; USSR) (Amazon and Google Books)

Cohn, Robert. Inspired Sleep: A Novel (Scribner, 2001) (College English teacher; ABD) (Women graduate

students; Cambridge (Mass.); Sleep disorders; Divorced women; Single mothers)

Coker, Carolyn. Appearance of Evil (St. Martin’s P, 1993) (Andrea Perkins, Boston art historian and restorer;

Huntington Museum) (Women detectives; California) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Balmoral Nude (St. Martin’s Press, 1990) (Andrea Perkins, Boston art historian and restorer) (Art theft)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Hand of the Lion: A Novel of Suspense (Dodd, Mead, 1987) (Andrea Perkins, Boston art historian and restorer) (

Art theft in Venice) (Amazon and Google Books)

—– The Other David: A Novel of Suspense (Dodd, Mead, 1984) (Andrea Perkins, Boston art historian and restorer,

on leave from Harvard in Florence) (Michelangelo Buonarroti) (Google Books)

—–. The Vines of Ferrara: A Novel of Suspense (Dodd, Mead, 1986) (Andrea Perkins, Boston art historian and

restorer; romance) (Amazon and Google Books)

Collins, Eliza G. C. Going, Going, Gone (Scribner’s, 1986) (heroine detective, Boston art dealer; murder; antiques)

(Art dealer-detectives; Women art dealers; Boston, Massachusetts) (Google Books)

Collins, Merle. The Ladies Are Upstairs: A Collection of Stories (Peepal Tree, 2011) (1930s-90s; Carribean main

character moves between children’s homes in Boston and New York) (Carribean area)

Colt, Peter. The Ambassador (Severn House, 2023) (“Boston, 1985. . . . former ambassador [to] Laos” WorldCat)

(Boston (Mass.); Death threats;  Roark, Andy (Fictitious character); Vietnam War, 1961-1975 Veterans)

—. Back Bay Blues (Kensington, 2020) (1985) (Private investigators; Vietnam War, 1961-1975 — Veterans; Murder

— Investigation; Vietnamese — United States; Betrayal)

—. Death at Fort Devens (Edinburgh: Severn House, 2022) (“Boston 1985 . . . the mean streets of Boston,” Combat

Zone [Amazon])

___. The Judge (Severn House, 2024 (“Boston, 1985[-86]”; “Sequel to: The Ambassador”  WorldCat) (Boston (Mass.); Extortion;

Hazardous wastes;  Judges Crimes against;  Private investigators;  Roark, Andy (Fictitious character);  Vietnam War, 1961-1975 Veterans)

—. The Off-Islander (Minneapolis: Highbridge Audio,  2019) (Series: An Andy Roark Mystery, Bk. 1) (“Boston, 1982” WorldCat)

Missing persons — Investigation; Private investigators; Veterans; Nantucket Island)

Colwin, Laurie. Happy All the Time (Knopf, 1978) (Friendship; Man-woman relationships; Marriage; Cambridge)

—. Shine On, Bright & Dangerous Object (Viking Press, 1975) (27-year-old widow of Boston lawyer carries on with

life; Maine) (Widows)

Conant, Susan. Animal Appetite: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Doubleday, 1997) (Hannah Dunstan, 17th century Indian

captive) (Women journalists; Women dog owners; Indian captivities; Dog trainers; Maine; Dogs)

—. The Barker Street Regulars: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Doubleday, 1998) (Women journalists; Women dog owners;

Dog trainers; Dogs; Cambridge)

—. A Bite of Death (Diamond Books, 1991) (Murder) (Dogs; Cambridge)

—. Black Ribbon: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Doubleday, 1995) (Women journalists; Women dog owners; Dog trainers;

Resorts; Dogs; Maine)

—. Bloodlines (Doubleday, 1992) (Women journalists; Women dog owners; Cambridge; Dog trainers; Dogs)

—. Bride & Groom: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime, 2004) (Winter, Holly (Fictitious character);

Cambridge (Mass.); Women journalists; Women dog owners; Serial murders; Dog trainers; Weddings;


—. Creature Discomforts: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Doubleday, 2000) (Acadia National Parl, Mount Desert Island)

(Women journalists; Women dog owners; Dog trainers; Dogs; Cambridge)

—. Dead and Doggone (Charter/Diamond Books, 1990) (Cambridge)

—. The Dogfather: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime, 2003) (Cambridge; Women journalists; Women dog

owners; Organized crime; Dog trainers; Mafia; Dogs)

—. Evil Breeding: A Dog lover’s Mystery (Doubleday, 1999) (Murder; domestc abuse; Nazi spy ring) (Women journalists;

Women dog owners; Cambridge; Dog trainers; Dogs)

—. Gone to the Dogs (Doubleday, 1992) (vets) (Cambridge; Women journalists; Women dog owners; Alaska Malamute;

Dog trainers; Dogs)

—. A New Leash on Death (Charter/Diamond Books, 1990) (Murder at obedience school) (Cambridge; Women journalists;

Women dog owners; Alaskan Malamute; Dogs; Dog shows)

—. Ruffly Speaking: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Doubleday, 1994) (“When a bookstore owner and dog lover is killed by

poisonous plants, writer Holly Winter notices that other strange events occur–all related to the deceased’s

house.” [Nancy Richards, Memorial Hall Library, Andover. 1995]) (Brattle Street; Gay men) (Women journalists;

Women dog owners; Dog trainers; Dog shows; Dogs)

—. Stud Rites: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Doubleday, 1996) (Danville, Conn.) (Women journalists; Women dog owners;

Dog trainers; Dogs)

—. The Wicked Flea: A Dog Lover’s Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime, 2002) (Newton) (Cambridge; Women journalists;

Women dog owners; Dog trainers; Alaskan Malamute; Dogs)

Connaughton, Sue Anne. The Unraveling of Mrs. Noland (Four Page P, 2015) (heroine, “wife of the president of the

Boston longshoremen’s union”; 1960) (Inheritance and succession; Loss (Psychology); Widows; Boston)

Connolly, James B. Coaster Captain: A Tale of the Boston Waterfront (Macy-Masius, 1927) (Ship captains)

Connolly, John. Dark Hollow (Hodder & Stoughton, 2000) (Some Combat Zone etc.) (Parker, Charlie “Bird”

(Fictitious character); Private investigators; New York (N.Y.); Serial murders; Ex-police officers;

Maine; Organized crime)

Connolly, Myles. Mr. Blue (Macmillan, 1928) (Catholic fiction; modern St. Francis; Boston and New York) (Young men)

Cook, Claire. Must Love Dogs: A Novel (Viking, 2002) (south of Boston) (Divorced women; Preschool teachers; Dating

(Social customs); Irish American families; Dog owners; Personals)

Cook, Robin. Acceptable Risk (Putnam, 1994) (starts July 12, 1994, in Cambridge; Salem witches) (Designer drugs;

Medicine — Research)

—. Coma: A Novel (Little, Brown, 1977) (Boston Memorial Hospital in 1978) (Hospital patients; Medical fiction;


—. Fever (Putnam and Macmillan, 1982) (medical thriller; New Hampshire/Boston)

—. Godplayer (Putnam, 1983) (fictional Boston Memorial Hospital) (Physicians)

—. Harmful Intent (Putnam, 1990) (fictional Boston Memorial Hospital) (Physicians; Conspiracies)

—. Mortal Fear (Putnam, 1988) (fictional Boston Health Care Clinic’s molecular genetics lab)

—. Seizure (Macmillan, 2002) (Cloning) (Physicians; Cambridge (Mass.); Political fiction; Convulsions; Legislators;

Biotechnology; Suspense)

—. Shock (Putnam, 2001) (Harvard coed egg donors) (Women graduate students; Fertility clinics; Cloning)

—. Sphinx (Putnam, 1979) (Egyptology in Boston and Egypt; MFA) (Archaeology — Egypt; Egypt)

Cooke, Carolyn. The Bostons: Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 2001) (short stories about Boston people, summering in Maine

and wintering in Boston)

Cooney, Caroline B. The Voice on the Radio (Delacorte, 1996) (Juvenile: 7th grade+) (main male character Boston

fictional Hills College radio station talk show host; kidnapped children; college tour in Boston) (Friendship;

Parent and child; Brothers and sisters)

—. Unforgettable (Scholastic Books, 1994) (Juvenile) (amnesia and drama students partly in Boston) (Amnesia)

Cooney, Ellen. A Private Hotel for Gentle Ladies (Pantheon Books, 2005) (1900; “a reverse brothel” Pub Des.)

(Hotels; Runaway wives; Male prostitutes)

Cooper, Glenn. The Showstone (Severn House, 2019) (Donovan, Cal — (Fictitious character); Harvard University

— Professional staff; Excavations (Archaeology); Antiquities; Alqūsh (Iraq); Iraq — History — 1979-1991)

—. Sign of the Cross (Edinburgh: Black Thorn, 2019) (Catholic Church; Harvard University; Clergy; College teachers;

Stigmatization; Vatican City)

—. Three Marys (Severn House, 2019) (Donovan, Cal — (Fictitious character); Harvard University — Professional staff;

Catholic Church — Clergy; College teachers; Teenage pregnancy; Miracles: Missing persons — Investigation; Vatican City)

Cooper, Seamus. The Mall of Cthulhu (Night Shade Books, 2009) (in part, FBI in Boston) (United States. — Federal

Bureau of Investigation; Cthulhu (Fictitious character); Vampires)

Corbett, Paula. Maid in Boston (Silhouette, 1984) (romance) (FictionDB accessed 28 Dec. 2011)

Corbett, William. New and Selected Poems (Zoland, 1995) (Adds to On Blue Note “At Charlesgate: Just Beyond This

Bridge,” “Crossing The Public Garden,” among other poems)

—. On Blue Note (Zoland Books, 1989) (Poems include “Back Bay,” “Beside The Charles River,” “Biking Down

Massachusetts Avenue,” “Crossing The Footbridge Over Storrow Drive,” “Downtown,” “Newbury Street,”

“Philip Guston 1913-1980”)

Corcoran, Barabra. The Private War of Lillian Adams (Atheneum, 1989) (juvenile–grades 4-6) (Brookline) (World War,


—. The Sky Is Falling (Atheneum, 1988) (Juvenile) (starts in Depression Boston before moving to New Hampshire)

(Depressions — 1929 — New England; Depressions — 1929; Friendship; New England)

Cordy, Michael. The Messiah Code (Avon, 2004 [pub. 1997 by W. Morrow as The Miracle Strain]) (some Boston, e.g.,

“Chapter 11 Beacon Hill Boston”) (Jesus Christ; Genetic engineering; Brotherhoods) (Amazon and Google Books)

Corfman, Eunice Luccock. The Roaring Shock Test (Harper & Row, 1968) (“heroine . . . a schizophrenic dropout . . .

in Cambridge”; “Quaker Meeting” [Richard Rhodes, Rev. NYT 28 Jan, 1968: BR35])

Cornwell, Bernard. Scoundrel (London: Michael Joseph, 1992) (thriller; hero is a Bostonian) (Terrorism; Smuggling;

Irish Republican Army) (Amazon and Google Books)

Costello, Anthony. Jericho (Bantam, 1982) (fictional Jericho, Mass., milltown north of Boston; Depression; strike)

Costello, Mark [under pseud. John Flood]. Bag Men (Norton, 1997) (1965 Boston) (Drug traffic; Catholics; Boston

(Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Coulter, Catherine. Impulse (Signet, 2001) (1st ed. 1991) (romantic thriller) (mainly Carribean, but heroine Boston reporter)

—. The Maze (Putnam, 1997) (serial killer strikes in Boston; romance) (Obsession in women; Serial murderers — Boston,

Massachusetts; Women pianists; FBI agents; Women FBI agents; Sherlock, Lacey; Savich, Dillon; Father and son;

Boston, Massachusetts; Washington, D.C; Romantic suspense stories, American; Government investigators;

Married people; Sisters) (Amazon and Google Books)

Cowie, Vera. Games (Doubleday, 1986) (romance; partly set in Boston)

Coxe, George Harmon. (stories feature detective/photographers Flashgun Casey of the Boston Express (started with Globe but fired for arguing about a suppressed photo) and Kent Murdock of Boston’s Courier-Herald, and private detective Jack Fenner. See Kevin Burton Smith, “Flashgun Casey,”, Kent Murdoch,and Jack Fenner [Internet Wayback Machine]The Thrilling Detective Web Site, for listings of short stories, novels, movies, and radio and T.V. shows. Sam Crombie, another of his detectives, seems to be situated in New York. And I have not yet placed detective Max Chauncey Hale. Titles, dates, and identification of main characters are indebted to Smith’s articles.)

—. The Barotique Mystery (Knopf, 1936) (also Murdock’s Acid Test: The Barotique Mystery New York: Dell Pub. Co.,

[1936) (Kent Murdock) (Murder; Photojournalists; Carribean) (Review, John, Pretty Sinister Books 10 Aug. 2011,

accessed 29 Dec. 2011)

—. The Big Gamble (Knopf, 1958) (Kent Murdock) (Kirkus Reviews 23 Nov. 2011)

—–. The Camera Clue (Knopf, 1937) (Jack Fenner, Kent Murdock)

—–. The Charred Witness (Knopf, 1942) (Nazi agents) (Jack Fenner, Kent Murdock)

—–. The Crimson Clue (Knopf, 1953) (Kent Murdock) (Photojournalists)

—–. Deadly Image (Knopf, 1964) (Flashgun Casey) (Google Books)

—–. An Easy Way to Go (Knopf, 1969) (Jack Fenner, Kent Murdock)

—–. Error of Judgement (Knopf, 1961) (Flashgun Casey)

—–. Eye Witness (Knopf, 1950) (Kent Murdock) (Photojournalists; Murder–Investigations)

—–. Fenner (Knopf, 1971) (Jack Fenner, Kent Murdock) (Kirkus Reviews, accessed 29 Dec. 2011)

—–. The Fifth Key (Knopf, 1947) (Kent Murdock)

—–. Flash Casey, Detective (Avon.: J. Meyers: E.B. Williams, 1946) (reprints of four Black Mask [pulp magazine, ca.

1922-1943] stories: “Casey: Detective, ” “Once Around the Clock ,” “Too Many Women,” “Women Are Trouble”)

(Flashgun Casey) (Private investigators)

—–. Focus on Murder (Knopf, 1954) (Kent Murdock) (Steve Lewis, Fatal Kiss: Reviews Mar. 2006 [search for

Focus on Murder] [accessed 29 Dec. 2011])

—–. Four Frightened Women (Knopf, 1939) (Jack Fenner, Kent Murdock)

—–. The Glass Triangle (Knopf, 1940) (Jack Fenner, Kent Murdock)

—–. The Hidden Key (Knopf, 1963) (Jack Fenner, Kent Murdock)

—–. The Hollow Needle (Knopf, 1948) (Kent Murdock)

—–. The Jade Venus (Knopf, 1945) (Kent Murdock) (World War, 1939-1945–Art and war; Art treasures in war;

Black marketeers; Art thefts)

—–. The Lady is Afraid (Knopf, 1940) (Max Hale) (Private investigators; Murder; Extortion) (Boston? Check.)

—–. Lady Killer (Knopf, 1949) (Kent Murdock)

—–. The Last Commandment (Knopf, 1960) (Jack Fenner, Kent Murdock)

—–. The Man Who Died Too Soon (Knopf 1962) (Flashgun Casey)

—–. Murder For the Asking (Knopf, 1939) (Max Hale) (Google Books) (Boston? Check.)

—–. Murder For Two (Knopf, 1943) (Flashgun Casey) (pub. in Black Mask as Blood on the Lens)

—–. Murder on Their Minds (Knopf, 1957) (Kent Murdock) (Google Books)

—–. Murder with Pictures (Knopf, 1935) (Jack Fenner, Kent Murdock) (NY Times Review of 1936 Movie [accessed 21

Mar. 2008])

—–. Mrs. Murdock Takes a Case (Knopf, 1941) (Kent Murdock)

—–. “Once Around the Clock” (Black Mask May 1941, also The Hard-Boiled Detective: Stories from Black Mask

Magazine, 1920-1951 . Ed. Herbert Ruhm (Vintage, 1977)

—–. The Reluctant Heiress (Knopf, 1965) (Jack Fenner; Kent Murdock)

—–. “Return Engagement” (March 1934, Black Mask) (Flashgun Casey)

—–. “Seed of Suspicion” (1947) Rept. in Murder and Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn Rössel Waugh, Martin H.

Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (New York: Dember Books, 1987): 245-91(mainly Kent Murdock, but

brief Jack Fenner; first published as “Speak No Evil”)

—–. Silent Are the Dead (Dell, 1941) (Flashgun Casey)

—–. The Silent Witness (Knopf, 1973) (Jack Fenner, Kent Murdock) (Kirkus Reviews Google Books)

—–. “Speak No Evil” (1947; AKA “Seed of Suspicion”) (Kent Murdock)( See “Seed of Suspicion” above.)

—–. The Widow Had a Gun (Knopf, 1951) (Kent Murdock)

Craig, Philip R. (Jeff Jackson, ex-Boston cop and Vietnam vet; many references+ to Boston)

—. A Beautiful Place to Die (Scribner, 1989) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s

Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. A Case of Vineyard Poison: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 1995) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character);

Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books

—. Dead in Vineyard Sand: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2006) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character);

Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. A Deadly Vineyard Holiday: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 1997) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character);

Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.); Children of presidents; Presidents) (Amazon and

Google Books))

—. Death in Vineyard Waters: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Avon Books, 2003) (College teachers; same book as

1991 The Woman Who Walked into the Sea) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s

Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon) and Google Books)

—. Death on a Vineyard Beach: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 1996) (Opera in Boston; Mafia; Wampanoag

Indians) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. A Fatal Vineyard Season: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 1999) (September–off-season) (Jackson, Jeff

(Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.); African American actresses) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. Murder at a Vineyard Mansion: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2004) (early June before vacation season)

(Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. A Shoot on Martha’s Vineyard: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 1998) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character);

Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Vineyard Blues: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2000) Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private i

nvestigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.); Blues musicians; Arson) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Vineyard Chill: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2008) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.))

—. Vineyard Deceit: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Avon, 2003) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Vineyard Enigma: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2002) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.); Art–Collectors and collecting; Art thefts) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Vineyard Fear: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Avon, 2004 [1993 Scribner]) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character);

Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Vineyard Prey: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2005) (December) (Amazon and Google Books

—. Vineyard Shadows: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2001) (South Boston) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious

character); Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Vineyard Stalker: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 2007) (Vietnam vet) (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character);

Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard (Mass.); Recluses) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Woman Who Walked into the Sea: A Jeff Jackson/Martha’s Vineyard Mystery (Scribner, 1991) (seems to be

same book as 2003 Death in Vineyard Waters (Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s

Vineyard (Mass.) (Amazon and Google Books)

Craig, Philip, and William G. Tapply. First Light: The First Ever Brady Coyne/J.W. Jackson Novel (Scribner, 2002)

(Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character); Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Second Sight: A Brady Coyne and J.W. Jackson Mystery (Scribner, 2005) (Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character);

Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Martha’s Vineyard; Terrorism; Missing persons)

(Amazon and Google books)

—–. Third Strike: A Brady Coyne and J.W. Jackson Mystery (Scribner, 2007) (Coyne, Brady (Fictitious character);

Jackson, Jeff (Fictitious character); Private investigators — Massachusetts — Martha’s Vineyard; Martha’s

Vineyard (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Crichton, Michael (as Jeffrey Hudson), A Case of Need (New York: World Pub. Co. 1968) (Prominent Boston medical

family) (Physicians; Abortion) (Back Cover 2003 ed. Amazon and Google Books)

Cronin, Louie. Everyone Loves You Back (Gorsky Press, 2016) (working class Cambridge in the 1990s) (Man-woman

relationships; Radio stations — Employees; Self-actualization (Psychology) in middle age; Massachusetts

— Cambridge)

Cross, Alice Cole. “Boston.” Cycle of Abbot Verse: Published by Abbot Academy on the Occasion of its 100th

Anniversary, 1829-1929 (Abbot Academy. Abbot Academy, 1929: 100) (poem; 19th c.?)

Cross, Amanda (pseud. of Carolyn G. Heilbrun). Death in a Tenured Position (Dutton, 1981) (Detective is Columbia

professor; Harvard English Department’s first tenured woman) (Women private investigators: Women college

teachers) (Amazon and Google Books)

Cross, Claire. Double Trouble (Jove Books, 2001) (romance; “middle-class Boston neighborhood” [Booklist];

heroine, Boston -based twin who runs advice giving website) (Twins)

Crossman, David A. Murder in a Minor Key (Carrol and Graf, 1994) (Boston police finger wrong man for murder of

archaeology professor; music professor solves crime) (Amazon and Google Books)

Crowley, Scott. Ian Baxter (Writer’s Showcase, 2002) (new literary sensation revives Boston book scene; new[?]

Korean war) (6 of 54 chapters have Boston in title)

Cullen, Frank, and Donald McNeilly. Murder at the Old Howard: The Second Porridge Sisters Mystery (Inkhorn P,

2011) (1912; white slavery) (Theaters — Massachusetts — Boston;Howard Theater (Boston, Mass.))

—. Murder at the Tremont Theatre: The First Porridge Sisters Mystery (Inkhorn P 2010) (1908)

Cummings, Park. “Winter Skate.” The New Yorker 1 Feb. 1958: 77-79 (skating on the Charles River 1908 or 1909)

(Keywords: Boston; Skating; New England)

Cummings, W. T. Wickford of Beacon Hill (McGraw-Hill, 1962) (32 pgs.; Juvenile K- 2nd grade; talking cockatoo becomes

Boston tour guide)

Cunningham, Michael. Flesh and Blood (Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1995) (1950s on; Greek Americans; gay son, Boston;

film) (Family)

Cunningham, Robert L. The Reorganization: The Sequel to Stolen Minds (Writer’s Showcase, 2002) (Archbishop of

Boston becomes Pope and reorganzies Church)

—. Stolen Minds: The Children Must Come First (Writer’s Showcase, 2002) (local Vietnam vet become priest and

Archbishop of Boston plans to strengthen parochial school system by selling hospitals; Vatican; Pope)

Curry, John A. Irish Corsicans: Sequel to Loyalty (1st Books Library, 2003) (author former president of Northeastern

University; 1983; “Boston’s Irish Mafia”[Back Cover]) (Crime)

—. Loyalty (1st Books Library, 2000) (Lynn; 1947-82; “Boston Irish crime family” [“About the Book” v]) (Irish

Americans; Organized Crime)

Curtis, Alice Turner. A Challenge to Adventure (Boston: Marshall Jones., 1919 [Google Books]) (at least in part in and

around Boston; Roxbury; West End; Spies) (Google Books)

—. illus. Mary F Andrade. Marjorie on Beacon Hill (Penn Pub., 1913) (Series: Marjorie books, 4; juvenile;

Marjorie and two mill girls)

Curtis, Richard Hale. Every Man an Eagle (Sapere, 2022) (“Boston, 1934” “aviation saga leading up to WWII” WorldCat) (Love, Romance)

Cushing, Paul [pseud. of Roland Alexander Wood-Seys]. illus. James Montgomery Flagg. Sappho in Boston

(Moffat, Yard, 1908 Google Books) (Summary, Book Review Digest 5 (1909): 279 [Google Books])

Cuthbert, Clifton. Joy Street (William Godwin, 1931) (“Violence and suspense in Boston”; Italian Americans) (Prohibition;

Liquor industry; Crime; Gangsters; Organized crime) (Review, Time 30 Nov. 1931 [Internet Wayback Machine])

—. Thunder Without Rain (William Godwin, 1933; later ed. titled The Shame of Mary Quinn) (“back streets of Boston”;

brother-sister) (Incest)

Cutler, Robert. Louisburg Square (Macmillan, 1917; Google Books) (Beacon Hill; “Romance novel of the aristocratic

society of contemporary Boston” Yesterday’s Gallery and Babylon Revisited: Rare Books blurb)

Dahlie, Elizabeth. Bernelly and Harriet: The Country Mouse and the City Mouse (Little, Brown, 2002) (Juvenile–ages 4-8)

(the city is Boston) (Fables; Folklore)

Dailey, Janet. That Boston Man (Mills & Boon, 1979) (Women journalists; Boston (Mass.); Dating (Social customs); Man-

woman relationships;  Womanizers) (Back Cover Amazon)

Daly, Janis Robinson. The Path Beneath Her Feet (Black Rose Writing, 2024) (partly set in Boston during WW II [WorldCat])

(Medical fiction; Sexism in medicine; Women physicians)

Daniel, David, and Chris Carpenter. Murder at the Baseball Hall of Fame (St. Martin’s P, 1996) (ex-cop/Boston P. I.

hero) (Ex-police-detectives — Boston, Massachusetts; Ex-baseball players; Extortion; National Baseball Hall of

Fame and Museum; Private investigators — New York (State); Baseball players; New York (N.Y.)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

D’Andrea, Joseph C., Bill Wilson, Deborah D’Andrea, and Aaron Sutherland. illus. Bill Wilson. If I Were a Boston Celtic

(Picture Me Books, 1993) (Juvenile: ages 4-8) (Boston Celtics (Basketball team))

—. If I Were a Boston Red Sox (Picture Me Books, 1994) (Juvenile: ages 4-8) (Boston Red Sox (Baseball team))

Davies, Peter Ho. Equal Love: Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 2000) (“Small World” 49-69 in part Boston and Somerville and

“How To Be an Expatriot” 70-81 in part Boston)

Davis, Don. Appointment with the Squire: A Novel (Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1995) (Nazi would-be assassin

of FDR in 1945 had been raised in Boston by German parents victimized by anti-German prejudice) (World War,

1939-1945) (Amazon and Google Books)

Davis, Jill. Girls’ Poker Night: A Novel (Random House, 2002) (heroine starts as bored Boston newspaper humor writer,

but soon moves to New York)

Davis, Maggie. Diamonds and Pearls (Berkley, 1985) (Italian Americans; Romance; heroine starts as student at

Northeastern University) (Inheritance and succession) (Amazon and Google Books)

Dawson, Robert and Joan Goguen. Fort Hill (Adams House and Lowell House Printers, 1965-66?) (Poetry)

Day, Dianne. Beacon Street Mourning: A Fremont Jones Mystery (Doubleday, 2000) (early-20th c. female detective

returns from San Francisco to solve murder of her father, etc.; 1909) Fathers and daughters; Women

detectives; Feminists; Historical fiction) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Death Train to Boston: A Fremont Jones Mystery (Doubleday,1999) (Boston connection, title and Fremont’s

background; main action in Utah) (Women detectives; Feminists; Railroad accidents; Mormons; Utah)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Strange Files of Fremont Jones (Doubleday, 1995) (upperclass Bostonian Jones flees to San Francsico

to avoid arranged marriage) (Jones, Fremont (Fictitious character); San Francisco (Calif.); Women

detectives; Feminists)

Day, Maddie. A Case for the Ladies (2024) (“1926 Boston” WorldCat) (Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937; Murder Investigation; Nineteen twenties;

Women private investigators)

Dean, Elizabeth. (Amateur sleuth Emma Marsh, 26-year-old single, Boston antique store assistant)

—. Murder a Mile High (Doubleday, 1944) (Central City (Colo.); Gold — Colorado; Antique dealers — Colorado;

Opera — Colorado; Nazis — Colorado; World War, 1939-1945 — Colorado; Colorado)

—. Murder Is a Collector’s Item (Doubleday, 1939) (Marsh, Emma; Women antique-dealer detectives)

—. Murder Is a Serious Business (Doubleday, Doran, 1940) (Police; Antique dealers; Murder)

Dean, Elizabeth. Between Girlfriends (Kensington, 2003) (four Boston friends) (Lesbians; Boston (Mass.))

DeAngelo, Edward. The Lies That Bind (William Morrow, 2001) (Boston computer exec; DNA testing; family court)

(Fathers and sons; Fatherhood; Boston (Mass.); Legal stories; Divorced fathers; Paternity testing)

Deere, Dicey. (Amateur detective Torrey Tunet, a 28-year-old translator from Boston, Massachusetts, stuck in

Ballynagh, Ireland)

—. The Irish Cairn Murder (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2002) (even fewer Boston references than Cottage) (Women

translators; Americans–Ireland; Ireland) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Irish Cottage Murder (St. Martin’s Press, 1999) (a few Boston references, but mainly Ireland) (Women

translators; Ireland) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Irish Manor House Murder (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2000) (just about no Boston connection) (Americans–

Ireland; Women translators; Ireland) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Irish Village Murder (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2004) (very few Boston references) (Historians–Crimes against;

Americans–Ireland; Women translators; Villages; Ireland) (Amazon

Delamotte, Jean-Paul. Le Vain Labeur?: Conte Cantabrigien Ecrit à Harvard en 1957 (Boulogne-Billancourt: ALFA-l

a Petite maison, 2008)

Delaney, Frank. Shannon: A Novel (Random House, 2009) (Returned traumatized WWI chaplain “witnessed startling

and lethal corruption in the Archdiocese of Boston” WorldCat) (Priests; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Families

— Ireland; Ireland — Politics and government — 1922-1949)

Delinsky, Barbara [pseud. Billie Douglass].

Facets (New York: Grand Central Publishing, 1990) (Women authors; Miners; Family; Revenge; Maine; New York

(N.Y.); Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Fast Courting (Silhouette, 1983) (romance; journalist and head coach of Boston professional basketball team)

(Women journalists; Basketball coaches)

—. Flirting With Pete: A Novel (Scribner, 2001) (inherited town house on Beacon Hill) (Inheritance and succession;

Fathers — Death; Home ownership; Young women)

—. Fulfillment (Harlequin Books, 1988) (rivalry and romance in a Boston townhouse) (Department stores; Antiques

business; Boston (Mass.))

—. Having Faith (Harlequin Books, 1990) (Romance; two Boston Lawyers) (Women lawyers; Divorce)

—. Lake News: A Novel (Simon & Schuster, 1999) (Boston music teacher/singer and Cardinal (false) scandal;

Boston media; mainly, New Hampshire, but some Boston, e.g., “Chapter 2 Boston, Massachusetts“) (Women

— New Hampshire; New Hampshire) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. More Than Friends (HarperPaperbacks, 1993) (two families; Boston suburbs; husbands partners in same Boston

law firm) (Friendship; New England; Neighborhood)

—. Passion and Illusion (Dell, 1983 (under the name Bonnie Drake); HarperPaperbacks, 1994) (romance; woman Boston

radio talk-show host and male Boston cop) (Women in radio broadcasting; Boston (Mass.))

–. Threats and Promises (Harlequin Books, 1986) (plastic surgery; Boston frameshop; romance/suspense) (Boston

(Mass.)) (Brief Summary, RomanceWiki [Internet Wayback Machine]))

—. A Time to Love (HarperPaperbacks, 1982) (romance; mainly Saint Maarten) (Women photographers —

Massachusetts — Boston; Photographers; Man-woman relationships — Saint Maarten)

—. A Woman’s Place: A Novel (Harper Collins, 1997) (divorced Boston business woman main character) (Divorce —

Boston, Massachusetts; Businessmen and businesswomen — Boston, Massachusetts; Child custody — Boston,


Demetrios, George. “The Pigs and the Candle.” When Greek Meets Greek (Houghton Mifflin, 1947: 161-75)

(present 1945 Boston; reminiscences of 30 years earlier in Greece; Greek Americans)

—. “Socrates and Pericles in Boston.” When Greek Meets Greek: 177-86. (1922-46; stock speculation; Greek


Demetz, Hana. The Journey from Prague Street (St. Martin’s, 1990) (Harvard faculty wife in 50s on) (Marriage —

Cambridge, Massachusetts; Divorced women — Cambridge, Massachusetts; Displaced homemakers —

Cambridge, Massachusetts; Czech-American women — Cambridge, Massachusetts)

DeMille, Nelson. Up Country (Warner, 2002) (Detective: Vietnam vet, from South Boston; mainly Vietnam in the 90s with

flashbacks to 60s in Vietnam and Boston) (Vietnam War, 1961-1975; Government investigators; Americans —

Vietnam; Vietnam; Military offenses–Vietnam; Murder–Investigation) (Amazon and Google Books)

DeMont, John. Little Tree by the Sea (MacIntyre Purcell Publishing, 2017) (Juvenile; tree connects people of Halifax

and Boston after WWI explosion)

Denenberg, Barry. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Diary of Bess Brennan (Scholastic, 2002) (accidental blindness;

December 27, 1931-June 21, 1932; Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown; Boston girl; based on real people,

places, and incidents) (Elementary and junior high school) (United States — History — 1919-1933; Blind; People

with disabilities; Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind; Twins; Diaries)

Derrick, Lionel (pseud. of Chet Cunningham). Bloody Boston (series: The Penetrator No. 12) (Pinnacle, 1976) (hero

Mark Hardin, Vietnam vet; Rossi, Boston drug family) (Summary, Internet Wayback Machine)

Dershowitz, Alan. The Advocate’s Devil (Warner, 1994) (“courtroom thriller set in Boston” [Kinky Friedman, Ardor in

the Court,” New York Times 1 Jan. 1995 [accessed 22 Mar. 2008] ) (Trials (rape); Cambridge; Legal ethics)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Just Revenge (Warner, 2000) (Boston/Cambridge/Salem) (Holocaust; revenge) (Jews — Lithuania — Atrocities;

Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945); Revenge; Lithuania) (Amazon and Google Books)

Desmond, Sean. Abandon (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2002) (College students; Cambridge (Mass.)) (Amazon and

Google Books, including film reviews) (This is the same novel as Adams Fall, with the title of the 2002 film.)

Thomas Dunne Books, 2000) (College students; Cambridge) (Amazon)

Devane, Terry (pseud. of Jeremiah Healey). (Boston Irish-American female attorney Mairead O’Clare and Jewish-

American attorney Sheldon A. Gold)

—. Juror Number Eleven: A Novel (Putnam, 2002) (Suffolk County Court House; Jewish Americans; Irish Americans)

(Women lawyers; Trials (Murder); Jury) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. A Stain Upon the Robe (Putnam, 2003) (Catholic priest; women judges) (Women lawyers) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—–. Uncommon Justice (Putnam, 2001) (legal thriller) (Women lawyers; Trials (Murder); Homeless persons)

(Amazon and Google Books)

DeVoe, Forrest, Jr. (pseud. of Max Phillips). Eye of the Archangel: A Mallory and Morse Novel of Espionage (Harper

Collins, 2007) (Mallory and Morse novels, 2; on Morse see below; 1963) (CIA; Veterans — Corpus Christi,

Texas; Women martial artists — Boston; Mallory, Jack; Morse, Laura; Spies; Women spies; International

intrigue; Men/women relations; Satellites; Nazis; Cold War; Americans in foreign countries; World War II —

Influence and results; The Sixties (20th century); Twentieth century; Intelligence officers; Undercover

operations; Swiss Alps; Switzerland; Monte-Carlo, Monaco) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Into the Volcano: A Mallory & Morse Novel of Espionage (Harper Collins, 2004) (“Laura Morse . . . a frostily

beautiful Boston Brahmin” Google Books) (CIA; Veterans — Corpus Christi, Texas; Women martial artists —

Boston, Massachusetts; Americans in foreign countries; Intelligence officers; Cold War; Middle-aged men;

Spies, Dutch; Murder; Revenge; Arms dealers; Undercover operations; Rescues; Volcanoes; The Sixties

(20th century); Istanbul, Turkey; Corpus Christi, Texas; Boston, Massachusetts; Oceania; Spy fiction;

Suspense stories) (Google Books)

DeVoto, Bernard Augustine. We Accept with Pleasure (Little, Brown, 1934) (World War I veterans; academic freedom;

part Boston, New York, Chicago)

Diamant, Anita. The Boston Girl (Scribner, 2014) (Grandmother tells granddaughter her life story, beginning in North

End 1915) (Jewish women — Massachusetts — Boston; Femininism; Boston (Mass.) — History — 20th century)

Disney, Doris Miles. (Jeff DiMarco, an insurance investigator in Boston, Massachusetts)

—. The Chandler Policy (Putnam, 1971)

—. Dark Road (Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday & Co., 1946) (also published as Dead

Stop (Dell, 1946)

—. Did She Fall or Was She Pushed? (Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1959)

—. Family Skeleton (Garden City, N.Y.: Pub. for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1949)

—. Find the Woman (Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1962)

—. Method in Madness (Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1957) (also published as Too

Innocent to Kill [Avon, 1959] and Quiet Violence [1959]) (Kirkus Reviews, accessed 29 Dec. 2011)

—. Straw Man (Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1951) (also published as The Case of

The Straw Man [London: W. Foulsham, 1958]) (Google Books)

—. Trick or Treat (Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1955) (also published as The

Halloween Murder [1957]) (“a ghost trick or treater shoots the hostess of a Halloween bridge party point blank

as she answers the door for what should be a kid asking for candy,” Diane Plumely, “No Tricks! Halloween

Crime and Mystery Books,” The Bookshop Blog, accessed 29 Dec. 2011)

Dobyns, Stephen. Dancer with One Leg (Dutton, 1983) (main character, lieutenant, Boston Fire Department Arson

Squad) (Arson — Massachusetts — Boston; Arson investigation — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.);


Doolittle, Jerome. (Tom Bethany, former political consultant for Carter campaign and wrestler working, Cambridge-

based private investigator)

—. Bear Hug (Pocket Books, 1992) (four Boston retiree clients) (Bethany, Tom (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Savings and loan association failures) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Body Scissors (Pocket Books, 1990) (Vietnam vet; Would-be Olympic wrestler; Prospective Secretary of State;

Harvard Square, Combat Zone) (Bethany, Tom (fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Half Nelson (Pocket Books, 1994) (mainly in Oregon; ACLU; Environmental movement; logging) (Bethany, Tom

(fictitious character); Boston (Mass.); Oregon) (Amazon and Google Books)

—-. Head Lock (Pocket Books, 1993) (mainly Virginia/D.C.) (Bethany, Tom (Fictitious character); Private investigators;

Pro-life movement; Virginia) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Kill Story (Pocket Books, 1995) (Cambridge newspaper) (Bethany, Tom (Fictitious character); Private investigators)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Strangle Hold: A Tom Bethany Mystery (Pocket Books, 1991) (ACLU; Cambridge; Havard professors)(Bethany, Tom

(Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

Dodd, Christina. Just the Way You Are (Pocket Books, 2003) (cross-class romance in Boston with a disappearance of

parents mystery) (Deception; Missionaries; Orphans)

Dodd, Susan. “Sinatra.” The New Yorker 16 May 1988: 32-35 (heroine lives in Cambridge, but action in Santa Fe with 89

year-old father) (Keywords: Fathers; Old Age; Santa Fe, N.M.; Old Age Home)

Donleavy, J.P. “Franz F.” The New Yorker 24 Sep. 1960: 42-48 (European male living in Boston, working in Cambridge)

(Keywords: Boston; Love; Loneliness)

Donovan, Chris. Kin (2024) (main characters “live in an old red brick house in Revere, Massachusetts” WorldCat) (Police Murder; Revere (Mass.);

Siblings; Truthfulness and falsehood)

Dooley, Ken. The Auerbach Dynasty (2011) (play; “Red Auerbach’s 56 year carreer as coach, general manager and

president of the Boston Celtics”)

Dos Passos, John. 1919 (Harcourt, Brace, 1932) (Vol 2 of USA trilogy; “Richard Ellsworth Savage” 55-76 [2000 ed.]

students; Cambridge; Boston; Scollay Square)

—. Big Money (Harcourt and Brace, 1936) (Vol 3 of USA trilogy; “Mary French” 361-70 [2000 ed.] working in Boston

to save Sacco and Vanzetti; also, “The Camera Eye (49)” 348-50)

—. Streets of Night (George H. Doran, 1923) (Harvard; stultifying Boston Brahmin culture)

Douglas, Gail. Banned in Boston (Bantam Books, 1991) (series: Loveswept, 451) (Romance; female bodyguard)

(Fictiondb, accessed 30 May 2010)

Douglas, Michael (pseud. of Michael Crichton and brother Douglas). Dealing, or, The Berkeley-to-Boston Forty-Brick

Lost-Bag Blues: A Novel (Knopf, 1971) (Drug traffic; College students; Berkeley (Calif.); Boston (Mass.))

Douglass, Sonny. Best Laid Plans (, 2010) (Art thefts — Massachusetts — Boston; Theft from museums —

Massachusetts — Boston; Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum)

Downing, Michael. Breakfast with Scot: A Novel (Counterpoint, 1999) (two Cambridge gay men take in androgynous

orphaned boy) (Chiropractors — Massachusetts — Boston; Periodical editors — Massachusetts — Boston;

Guardian and ward; Gay men; Boys — Psychology)

—. Perfect Agreement (Counterpoint, 1997) (gay men; college setting in Boston; title and story related to grammar)

(Shakers; College teachers; Boston (Mass.)) (Back Cover Amazon)

Drake, Bonnie. See Delinsky, Barbara.

Drakulic, Slavenka. Trans. Ellen Elias-Bursac. Holograms of Fear: A Novel (Norton, 1992) (in part, kidney transplant in

Boston; Yugoslavia) (Fear; Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.)

Dreher, Sarah. (Detective Stoner McTavish, a lesbian travel agent in Boston)

—. Bad Company: A Stoner McTavish Mystery (Norwich, Vt.: New Victoria Publishers, 1995) (Women’s theater company)

(McTavish, Stoner (Fictitious character); Women detectives; Lesbians) (Back Cover and Google Books)

—. A Captive in Time: A Stoner McTavish Mystery (Norwich, Vt.: New Victoria Publishers, 1990) (Time travel to Colorado,

1871) (McTavish, Stoner (Fictitious character); Women detectives; Lesbians) (Back Cover and Google Books))

—. Gray Magic: A Stoner McTavish Mystery (Norwich, Vt.: New Victoria Publishers, 1987) (Arizona; Hopi) (McTavish,

Stoner (Fictitious character); Women detectives; Lesbians; Indians of North America) (Back Cover)

—. Otherworld: A Stomer McTavish Mystery (Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, 1993) (Disney World; psychics)

(McTavish, Stoner (Fictitious character); Women detectives; Lesbians) (Amazon)

—. Shaman’s Moon: A Stoner McTavish Mystery (Norwich, Vt.: New Victoria Publishers, 1998) (feminist spirituality;

Shelburne Falls) (McTavish, Stoner (Fictitious character); Women detectives; Lesbians) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Something Shady: A Stoner McTavish Mystery (Norwich, Vt.: New Victoria Publishers, 1986) (Maine mental institution)

(McTavish, Stoner (Fictitious character); Women detectives; Lesbians) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Stoner McTavish (Lebanon, N.H.: New Victoria Publishers, 1985) (Grand Teton National Park is main setting))

(McTavish, Stoner (Fictitious character); Women detectives; Lesbians) (Back Cover Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Solitaire and Brahms (New Victoria Publishers, 1997) (Boston; 1950s; not Stomer McT.?) (Lesbians) (“A

reflective novel of emerging lesbian identity” [Google Books])

Drogin, Karen (us. publishes under pseud. Carly Phillips). Solitary Man (Zebra, 2000) (romance; hero Boston cop)

Drummond, Florence. An American Wooing (Houghton Mifflin, 1912 [HathiTrust]) (Chapter “IV. Boston”) (Man-woman

relationships; Manners and customs)

Duberstein, Larry. Eccentric Circles (Permanent Press, 1992) (fifteen short stories; Boston stories–“The Lizard’s Egg”

— two Boston attorneys marry/adultery/divorce: 127-35; “The Undertaker’s Choice”–Suffolk Downs: 147-55; “The

Last of Harpo Berkowitz”–Revere hood from high school to stuffed in car trunk)

—. The Marriage Hearse: A Novel (Darkhorse, 1983) (Boston writer) (Middle-aged men; Authors)

—. The Mt. Monadnock Blues (Permanent Press, 2003) (Boston gay man tries to adopt orphaned niece and nephew in

1990s) (Custody of children; Brothers and sisters; Gay men; Orphans)

—.Postcards from Pinsk: A Novel (Permanent Press, 1991) (Boston psychotherapist)

Dubois, Brendan. “Dark Island” (in Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (Akashic, 2009)) (post-WWII, Harbor islands [Bruce

Grossman, “Boston Noir” 28 Dec. 2009]; “a Scollay Square PI” [Michael Patrick Brody Internet Wayback Machine])

—. Resurrection Day (Putnam, 1999) (“Boston after a nuclear war, but in a parallel universe, set in the early 1970s” [Amazon])

(Journalists; Cuban missile crisis, 1962–influence; Imaginary wars and battles)

Dubus, Andre. Dancing After Hours: Stories (Knopf, 1996) (short stories–many set in Boston area) (Front and Back

Flaps Amazon)

Dudley, Albertus. A Full-back Afloat Being an Account of Dick Melvin’s Vacation Voyage (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1908

[Google Books]) (Juvenile) (Harvard football) (Harvard University; Steamboats)

Duehr, Gary. Winter Light (Four Way Books, 1999) (winter in Boston in poems)

Duggan, Gerry, John McCrea (artist), Michael Spicer (colourist), Joe Sabino (letterer), Will Dennis (editor). Dead Eyes.

Volume one. (Portland, OR: Image Comics, 2020) (“stick-up man and hoodlum in Boston in the 1990s” and later

retired life WorldCat) (Crime; Midlife crisis)

Duncliffe, Bill. Christmas Past (Nebraska: Writer’s Showcase: iUnverse, 2002) (1960s; teenage Red Sox fan;

newspapers) (Christmas)

Dunham, Dick. Fat Guys Don’t Wear Stripes (Boston: Quinlan Press, 1988) (Police corruption; Drugs; Irish Americans)

 (Google Books)

Dunton, James Gerald. Wild Asses (Small, Maynard., 1925) (Harvard, Class of 1923; returning veterans; roaring 20s)

(Brief Des., John T. Bethell, Richard M. Hunt, Robert Shenton, Harvard A to Z (Harvard U P, 2004: 127 [Google

Books]; Bail 311-14)

Duryea, Elizabeth. illus. Lisl Weill. The Long Christmas Eve (Houghton Mifflin, 1954) (Juvenile; Beacon Hill)

(Homesickness; Immigrants — Bavaria; Children of immigrants; Creches (Nativity scenes); Twins; Boston


Dwyer, Austin. The Ring of the Piper’s Tune (IUniverse, 2009) (Boston, Dublin, New York; 1916+) (Fathers and


Dwyer, Kelly. The Boston Notebooks: A Novel in Progress (Thesis (M.F.A.)–University of Iowa, 1990)

—-. The Tracks of Angels (Putnam, 1994) (heroine moves from California to Boston) (Young women;

Guardian angels; Boston (Mass.))

Earls, Michael. Melchior of Boston (Benziger Bros., 1910) (Catholic intermarriage and conversion of other partner)

Eaton, Seymour. The Roosevelt Bears: Their Travels and Adventures (E. Stern., 1906) (Juvenile; Boston stops include

Scollay Square and Bunker Hill; author credited with creating name “Tedddy Bear”)

Ebershoff, David. The Rose City: Stories (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2001) (Gay life; mainly Pasadena, but some Boston; 7

stories) (Young men — California; Young men — Massachusetts — Boston)

Eccles, Marjorie. Pandora’s Box (Sutton: Severn House, 1995) (orig. Bordhill Judith. A Candle for Lydia (London:

Hamlyn, 1982)) (Grandmothers — Massachusetts — Boston; Grandparent and child — Massachusetts —

Boston; Rich people — Massachusetts — Boston) (Google Books)

Eckland, Rebecca A. Le Dossard: A Novel (Thesis (M.A.)–University of Nevada, Reno, 2009) (1958; woman trains to

run [runs?] the Boston Marathon)

Edman, Irwin. “There’s Always the Ritz.” The New Yorker 21 Oct. 1944: 61-62 (aimless wealthy Harvard student)

(Keywords: Colleges; Harvard)

Edwards, Nicholas. Santa Paws, Our Hero (Scholastic, 2002) (Elementary and junior high school) (rescue in Boston)

(Dogs; Animal stories; Christmas stories; Lost and found possessions; Boston (Mass.))

Ehrlich, Esther. Nest (Wendy Lamb Books, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, 2014) (mainly Cape Cod

1972, but part swan boats in Boston) (Juvenile–ages 8-12) (Families — Massachusetts — Cape Cod; Multiple

sclerosis; Sick; Schools; Bird watching; Cape Cod (Mass.) — History — 20th century; Family life —

Massachusetts — Cape Cod; Multiple sclerosis)

Eickhoff, Randy Lee. Fallon’s Wake (Gorge, 2000) (1990s; main villain “an Irish powerbroker in Boston and his

ne’er-do-well son” [Publisher’s Weekly]) (Irish Republican Army; Drug traffic; Northern Ireland)

Eidson, Bill. Adrenaline (Forge 1998) (Boston business revenge; kidnapping) (Executives — Dismissal; Revenge

— Boston, Massachusetts; Women kidnap victims — Boston, Massachusetts; Competition in men)

—. Dangerous Waters (Holt, 1991) (hero/narrator co-owns Boston ad agency; “Boston sailing milieu” [Library


—. Frames Per Second (Forge, 1999) (Boston-based news photographer) (Photojournalists; Terrorists)

—. The Guardian (Tom Doherty Associates Book, 1996) (Kidnapping)

—. The Mayday: A Jack Merchant and Sarah Ballard Novel (Kate’s Mystery Books; National Book Network, 2005)

(See The Repo.) (Boats and boating; Missing persons)

—. One Bad Thing (Forge, 2000) (Gardner art theft; Newburyport; Carribean) (Smuggling; Sailing)

—. The Repo: A Jack Merchant and Sarah Ballard Novel (Kate’s Mystery Books; National Book Network, 2003) (Jack

Merchant, an ex-DEA agent, living on his retirement plus his photography on the sloop Lila, and Sarah Ballard,

running her father’s business repossessing boats for banks; Charlestown, Massachusetts) (Repossession; Boats

and boating; Missing persons)

Einsbruch, Andrew. illus. Scott Fraser. Recipe for Disaster: The Great Molasses Flood (Cambridge: Educators

Publishing Service, 2008) (Graphic novel; 1919; 32 pgs.) (Industrial accidents; Molasses industry —


Eisen, Adrienne. Making Scenes (Alt-X P, 2001) (heroine seeks love and self-knowledge, partly in Boston [also

Los Angeles and Chicago]) (Jewish lesbians; Erotic stories)

Eliot, T. S. “The Boston Evening Transcript.” Prufrock: 6.J. Alfred Prufrock.

—. Prufrock and Other Observations (Egoist, 1917;, 1996 [accessed 7 Mar. 2008]: 1) (“Eliot wrote

the poem just before his return to Boston, his thoughts turning to the social ordeals of the Beacon Hill

drawing-room and solitary walks past Boston’s sawdust restaurants with oyster shells” [Lyndall Gordon,

T.S. Eliot: An Imperfect Life, Norton, 2000: 266])

Elkins, Aaron. Loot: A Novel (Morrow, 1999) (stolen Nazi art in Boston) (World War, 1939-1945; Art treasures in war;

Art dealers; Art thefts)

Ely, David. “The Running Man.” Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine 1976. Rept. in Murder and Mystery in Boston, ed.

Carol-Lyn Rössel Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (New York: Dember Books, 1987):

164-75 (main character, Boston lawyer with office on one side of the Common and house on the other, haunted

by failure to seize the opportunitis of his life )

Emberley, Michael. Ruby (Little, Brown, 1990) (Juvenile–ages 4-8) (based on Little Red Riding Hood; “the mean streets

of a Boston city populated only by animals” [M. Allen Greenbaum, Amazon]) (Mice; Cats)

Emmet, Alan. The Mr. & Mrs. Club (Permanent P, 2001) (1957; husband commutes to Boston law firm) (Married

women; Young women)

Engel, Monroe. Fish (Atheneum, 1981) (Middle-aged men) (private school teacher; Cambridge)

—. Statutes of Limitations (Knopf, 1988) (main character owned chain of Boston-area bookstores) (Men — Friendship;

Loss (Psychology); Mothers-in-law — Boston, Massachusetts; Peace activists — Boston, Massachusetts)

Ephron, G. H. See 21st Century.

Erickson, Karla C. AJ’s Promise (Bookcraft, 1992) (Juvenile) (Religion; Mormons; Missionaries; Boston (Mass.) —

Description and travel; Christian life)

Erskine, Payne. Joyful Heatherby (Little, Brown, 1913 [Google Books]) (“chiefly laid in Boston and in a small New

England costal town” Pub. adv. [Google Books])

Estrin, Marc. The Education of Arnold Hitler (Unbridled Books, 2005) (1950s Texas on through the century; Harvard;

MIT; Noam Chomsky; Leonard Bernstein; Al Gore) (Young men; College students; Chess players; Linguists;

Cambridge (Mass.); Mansfield (Tex.))

Evanick, Marcia. Silver in the Moonlight (Bantam, 1998) (romance; Boston heroine in South Carolina)

Evarts, Richard Conover. Alice’s Adventures in Cambridge (The Harvard Lampoon, 1913) (Bail 293; “a beautiful satire

on phases of Harvard life . . . under President Lowell”) (Brief Des., Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., A Life in the Twentieth

Century: Innocent Beginnings, 1917-1950 (Houghton Mifflin, 2000: 75-76) [Google Books] and College Teaching,

Sue Carter Simmons, “Competing notions of Authorship,” in Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property

in a Postmodern World, ed. Lise Buranen, Andrea A. Lunsford, and Alice Myers Roy SUNY P, 1999: 46-47)

[Google Books]; Bail 292-94)

Evers, Crabbe [pseud. of William Brashler and Reinder Van Til]. Fear in Fenway: A Duffy House Mystery (Morrow,1993)

(Red Sox; Old Timners game) (House, Duffy (Fictitious character); Sportswriters; Fenway Park (Boston, Mass.))

(Amazon and Google Books)

Every, Bob. A Day Like Any Other (Feather River, 2023) (“As the war in Vietnam is drawing to a close, . . . a navy lieutenant from South Boston

meets . . . [an]anti-war daughter from one of Beacon Hill’s oldest families” WorldCat)

Evich, Mitch. The Clandestine Novelist (iUniverse, 2003) (many scenes in Boston) (Novelists; Humorous stories)

Fairbairn, Ann. Five Smooth Stones (Crown, 1966) (partly Harvard Law School and Boston; Depression to 60s) (Race

relations; African Americans)

Farber, Norma. As I Was Crossing Boston Common (E.P. Dutton, 1975) (Juvenile, ages 4-7) (Stories in rhyme;


Farber, Thomas. Learning to Love It: Seven Stories & a Novella (Capra Press, 1993) (Boston (Mass.); San Francisco


Farley, Christopher John. Around Harvard Square (Brooklyn, NY: Black Sheep an imprint of Akashic Books, 2019)

(1990s; Lampoon) (Harvard University; African Americans — History — 20th century; Young adult; Humorous


Farrelly, Peter. The Comedy Writer: A Novel (Main Street Books/Doubleday, 1998) (unhappy Boston salesman, dumped

by girlfriend, moves to Hollywood and becomes screenwriter) (Los Angeles (Calif.); Comedians; Authors)

Fast, Howard. The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti: A New England Legend (Blue Heron Press, 1953) (Sacco,

Nicola; Vanzetti, Bartolomeo; Sacco-Vanzetti Trial, Dedham, Mass., 1921; Trials (Murder); Dedham (Mass.);


Faulkner, Georgene. Melindy’s Medal (Julian Messner, 1945) (Juvenile) (medal for bravery; housing project in Boston)

(African American girls; African Americans; Grandmothers; Boston (Mass.); Public housing; Fathers and daughters)

(Google Books and Summary, Robin’s Roost Treasures [Internet Wayback Machine])

Faulkner, William. Absalom, Absalom! (Random House, 1936) (part Quentin at Harvard, adding to The Sound and the

Fury) (Sutpen family (Fictitious characters); Plantation life; Mississippi)

—. The Sound and the Fury (J. Cape and H. Smith, 1929) (Part 2: “June Second 1910” set in Allston with some Boston/

Cambridge; Italian immigrants; Harvard students) (People with mental disabilities; African American women cooks;

Aristocracy (Social class); Illegitimate children; Brothers and sisters; Mississippi)

Favazza, Keith. Captain Storm: Chronicles in the Life of a Bostonian-Sicilian Fisherman (Rockland, MA: The Author,

2000) (Juvenile) (Fishing — Massachusetts — Boston; Italian Americans — Massachusetts — Boston)

Fenton, Edward, Paul Galdone, and Émile de La Beédollière. Nine Lives; or, The Celebrated Cat of Beacon Hill

(Pantheon, 1951) (Juvenile)

Ferazani, Larry. The Maltese Cross: The Badge of Honor (1stbooks Library, 2000) (Cambridge (Mass.). — Fire Dept.;

Rescue work)

Fish, Robert L. “Muldoon and the Numbers Game” (1978). Rept. in Murder and Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn Rössel

Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (New York: Dember Books, 1987): 99-107 (despite murder,

ironic comedy)

Flaherty, Bob. Puff: A Novel (Perennial, 2005) (Blizzard of ’78; Roxbury/Dorchester in 1960s-70s; pot; Irish Americans)

(Young men; Brothers)

Flaherty, Dan. Fulcrum: An Irish-American Novel (IAC Publishing, 2004) (Boston in the 1940s) (Yankee-Red Sox

pennant race; fictional; Irish-American neighborhood)

—. The Scholar (Writers Club P, 2001) (Catholic Church) (1940s; Red Sox; teenagers)

Fleming, Thomas J. Conquerors of the Sky (Forge, 2003) (One section in Boston) (Aerospace industries; Aircraft

industry) (pp. 64-76)

Flood, John (pseud. of Mark Costello). Bag Men (1997) (legal thriller) See Costello, Mark.

Flora, Kate Clark. Chosen for Death (Forge, 1994) (near Boston; Maine) (Educational consultants; Women detectives;

Adoption; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Death at the Wheel (Forge, 1996) (Kozak, Thea (Fictitious character); Educational consultants; Women detectives;

Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—-. Death in a Funhouse Mirror (Forge, 1995) (Kozak, Thea (Fictitious character); Educational consultants; Women

detectives; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—-. An Educated Death (Forge, 1997) (private school 30 miles from Boston) (Kozak, Thea (Fictitious character);

Women detectives; Educational consultants; Private schools) (Amazon and Google Books)

Florey, Kitty Burns. Duet (New York: W. Morrow, 1987) (partly Boston, e.g., pp. 64-76 during WW I; 60s)

Florkiewicz, Lynn. Lord James Harrington and the Easter Mystery (Leicester: Thorpe, Linford, 2019) (partly Boston,

1950s) (Private investigators; Murder — Investigation)

Flusfeder, D. L. Man Kills Woman (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1993) (hero/narrator, Boston sports writer; mainly, England) (Man-

woman relationships; Biographers; England) (Amazon and Google Books)

Flynn, Jack. Buddy Reardon in Pursuit of the Lone Ranger (1stBooks, 2002) (Juvenile) (“growing up north of Fenway

Park in the fifties,” author) (Lone Ranger (Radio program)

Flynn, Robert. After Didi (Emerson C: Thesis/dissertation, 1989) (Women — Massachusetts — Boston)

Forbes, John Maxwell. Wilbur Crane’s Handicap (International Fiction Library, 1918) (Ex-convicts) (begins in Boston;

backstory in Boston, but mainly at sea)

Forbes, Stanton. Dead by the Light of the Moon (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1967) (1965 blackout;

Boston strangler; Scollay Square) (Google Books)

Ford, Daniel. Now Comes Theodora: A Novel (Doubleday, 1965) (College students in the 60s; Photographers; Anti-war


Ford, Darnella. Rising (St. Martin’s Griffin, 2003) (white-looking Dorchester racially-mixed orphan girl adopted by white

Michigan couple) (African American girls; Racially mixed people; Interracial adoption; Mothers — Death; Rich

people; Michigan; Girls; Rape trauma syndrome)

Ford, Elaine. The American Wife (U of Michigan P, 2007) (short stories, with various setings including Boston, e.g.,

“The Cocoanut Grove” 34-39)

—. Life Designs (Zoland Books, 1997) (Woolworth’s; Harvard; Vietnam; Romance; 1962-90s) (Young women;

Married people; Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis — Patients)

—. Ivory Bright (Viking, 1986) (ungentrified Somerville)

—. Missed Connections (Random House, 1983) (1959-60s; Cambridge too) (Somerville (Mass.); Italian Americans;

Working class)

—. The Playhouse (McGraw-Hill, 1980) (Irish-Am, blue collar community–1960’s, North Cambridge; Porter Square)

Formichella, Annamaria B. Untune the Sky: A Novel (Emerson C, 1988) (Thesis/dissertation) (Women — Massachusetts

— Boston; Women singers)

Foster, Mabel Grace. The Heart of the Doctor: A Story of the Italian Quarter (Houghton, Mifflin, 1902 Internet Archive)

(North End) (Brief Summary, The American Catalogue 1902: 82 [Google Books])

Foster, Sarah. “The Housekeeper.” The New Yorker 11 Sep. 1948: 60-65 (Boston housekeeper) (Keywords:

Children; Cape Cod)

Fowler, Nathaniel C., Jr. The Knockers Club (New York: Sully and Kleinteich, 1913 [Internet Archive]) (identified as “the

Knockers’ Club of Boston” p. 15; dedicated to “THE PUDDINGSTONE CLUB OF BOSTON”)

Fox, Hugh. Boston: A Long Poem (Ibbetson Street P, 2002) (12 pages) (Brief Des., Water Row Books [Internet

Wayback Machine])

Foy, George. The Asia Rip (Viking, 1984) (hero/detective is former Harvard campus activist become fisherman)

(Google Books)

Frankel, Neville. On the Sickle’s Edge: A Novel (Lavender Ink, 2017) (Jewish Shteins grow up in USSR; cousin

“Steven, a South African expatriate . . . grows up in Boston” WorldCat) (Families; Soviet Union)

Franzen, Jonathan. Strong Motion (Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1992) (Somerville, Cambridge [Harvard seismology lab],

Ipswich, and Peabody; Red Sox; Abortion debate) (Earthquakes; Seismologists; North Shore)

Fraser, Raymond. Costa Blanca (Black Moss P, 2001) (Spain — Social life and customs; Boston (Mass.) — Social life

and customs; Canada — Social life and customs)

Frazier, Angie. The Mastermind Plot (Scholastic P, 2012) (Grades 4-6) (Boston 1904; 11-year-old girl detective)

(Mystery and detective stories; Arson; Schools; Family life — Massachusetts — Boston; Uncles; Grandmothers;

Boston (Mass.) — History — 20th century)

Frede, Richard. The Nurses (Houghton Mifflin, 1985) (doctors’ strike places extra burdens on nurses; “Boston’s Back

Bay Metropolitan Hospital, located in the poorest part of the city” [Kirkus Reviews]) (Nurses; Hospitals–employees;

Strikes and lockouts; Boston (Mass.))

Fredrickson, Michael. A Cinderella Affidavit (Forge, 1999) (Chinatown) (Organized crime; Narcotics, Control of; Police

murders; Informers; Perjury; Legal ethics) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. A Defense for the Dead [UK: Defence] (Forge, 2004) (Van Gogh; Boston attorney/detective) (Serial murders)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Witness for the Dead (Forge, 2001) (crime, food, and greyhounds; Tommy Crimmins = Whitey Bulger) (Fugitives from

justice; Undercover operations; Irish Americans) (Amazon and Google Books)

Freedman, Benedict and Nancy. Mrs. Mike: The Story of Katherine Mary Flannigan (Coward-McCann, 1947) (Boston

Irish girl marries Canadian Mountie; starts Boston c. 1907 with brief return in the teens; ends with flu

epidemic of 1918) (Flannigan, Katherine Mary)

Freeman, Mark. Play-off Pressure (Ballantine, 1989) (Juvenile) (Series: Rookies # 5; in part, Boston professional

baseball team) (Baseball)

—. Series Showdown (Ballantine, 1989) (Juvenile: ages 9-12) (Rookies # 6; Boston-LA World Series) (Baseball)

Freemantle, Brian. At Any Price (Severn House, 1999) (orig. pub. 1982 with title Chairman of the Board under pseud.

Jonathan Evan) (battle partly centered in Boston for control of English-owned hotel chain ) (Hotel owners —

Boston, Massachusetts; Hotel owners — England; Hotels; Business competition; Businessmen and

businesswomen; Competition in men; Corporate acquisitions; Widowers; Grief in men; Fathers-in-law; Hate in

men; Self-destructive behavior in men; Extramarital relations; Business; Family businesses; Gamblers, English;

Boston, Massachusetts; England)

French, Allen. The Hiding-Places: A Novel (Scribner, 1917 [HathiTrust]) (Buried pirate treasure; mainly Petersham; in

part, hero “taken to Boston and employed in . . . swindling broker’s office . . . acquires the manners of society”

The Sun 12 May 1917: 6)

French, Marilyn. The Love Children (Feminist P, 2009) (Mothers and daughters; Nineteen sixties; Cambridge (Mass.);


—. Our Father: A Novel (Little, Brown, 1994) (four half-sisters near Boston; Rape; Sexual abuse) (Fathers and daughters;

Sisters; Women)

French, Marion Flood. Mr. Bear Goes to Boston (Follett, 1955) (Juvenile) (Brief Summary, Goodreads, accessed 31

May 2010)

Frizzell, C. F. Stick McLaughlin: The Prohibition Years (Bold Strokes, 2014) (Romance/Suspense) (Lesbians; Nineteen

twenties; Boston (Mass.)).

Froetschel, Susan. Alaska Gray (St. Martin’s, 1994) (heroine flees bad Boston memories; mainly Alaska) (Women

detectives — Alaska; Swindlers and swindling — Alaska; Alaska) (Amazon)

Froio, Salvatore Robert. I Venti Corni: The Twenty Horns (Laughlin, NV: Brighton Pub., 2001) (Boston-Calabria, Italy;

Mafia; main character, Boston son of Calabrian immigrants) (Calabria (Italy); Secret societies — Italy; Italian

Americans) (Amazon and Jacket Notes, The Mysteries Set in Italy Web Site [accessed 24 Mar. 2008])

Frost, Robert. “Clear and Colder; Boston Common.” Collected Poems, Prose, and Plays. Ed. Richard Poirier and Mark

Richardson. The Library Of America, 1995: 493. (poem)

Fuller, Timothy. Harvard Has A Homicide (Little, Brown, 1936) (Jupiter Jones, graduate student; first Harvard detective

story [Bail 331]) (Harvard University) (Amazon and Google Books; Bail 330-32)

—. Keep Cool, Mr. Jones (Little, Brown, 1950) (Boston suburb) (Google Books)

—. This Is Murder, Mr. Jones: A Jupiter Jones Mystery (Little, Brown, 1943) (Detective and mystery radio programs;

Murder — Investigation; Jealousy; Man-woman relationships)

—. Reunion With Murder (Little, Brown, 1941) (10th reunion of class of ’31) (Kirkus Reviews, accessed 29 Dec. 2011)

—. Three Thirds of a Ghost[: A Jupiter Jones Mystery {added Popular library ed.}] (Little, Brown, 1941) (Murder–


Furdon, Paul E. Maggie’s Sauna (Writers Club, 2000 [Google Books]) (Trips to Boston)

—. Maggie’s Too (Writers Club P, 2001 [Google Books]) (Sequel to Maggie’s Sauna with health club regulars

making several trips to Boston) (Health resorts)

Futrelle, Jacques. (Augustus  “The Thinking Machine” S.F.X. Van Dusen, a professor in Boston, Massachusetts)

—. Best “Thinking Machine” Detective Stories (Dover, 1973) (Van Dusen, Augustus S. F. X. (Fictitious character);

College teachers)

—. The Chase of the Golden Plate (Dodd, Mead, 1906 [Google Books])

—-. Great Cases of the Thinking Machine (Dover, 1976) (College teachers; Van Dusen, Augustus S. F. X. (Fictitious


—–. “The Scarlet Thread.” Rept. in Murder and Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn Rössel Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg,

and Frank McSherry, Jr. (New York: Dember Books, 1987): 120-49 (murder by natural gas asphyxiation in Back

Bay in early 20th century)

—–. The Thinking Machine: Being a True and Complete Statement of Several Intricate Mysteries Which Came Under

the Observation of Professor Augustus S.F.X. Van Dusen, Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S., M.D., etc. (Dodd, Mead, 1907)

(collection of short stories) (also published as The Problem of Cell 13 (Dodd, Mead, 1917), the title of its most

famous story, ” The Problem of Cell 13” [Jacques Futrelle Website]) Google Books)

—–. The Thinking Machine; The Enigmatic Problems of Prof. Augustus S.F.X. Van Dusen, Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S., M.D.,

M.D.S. . Ed. Harlan Ellison (Modern Library, 2003) (College teachers)

—–. The Thinking Machine Omnibus. Ed. Stan Smith (Shelburne, Ont.; Sauk City, Wis.: Battered Silicon

Dispatch Box, 2003)

—–. The Thinking Machine on the Case (D. Appleton, 1908) (also published as The Professor on the Case (New York:

Nelson, 1909) (short stories)

Gager, Timoth. Twenty-Six Pack (Dead End Street, 2001) (short stories; frequent Boston settings; Red Sox–players

and fans)

Galbraith, John Kenneth. A Tenured Professor: A Novel (Houghton Mifflin, 1990) (Cambridge; College teachers;


Gale, Audrey. The Human Trial (Books Fluent, 2023) (Working-class hero vs. “Harvard . . . the highest echelons of Boston society,” “the

Depression” WorldCat) (Medicine Research; Pathologists;  Pathologists;  Thrillers)

Gallagher, Louis J. Episode on Beacon Hill (Benziger Brothers, 1950) (Families; Irish Americans; Boston (Mass.))

Gallant-Simpson, Cynthia. Sinister Images on a Square Screen: A Murder Mystery Set in Scollay Square, Boston Circa

1920-24 ([S.I.]: Mysteries, Ink; Cgs Books, 2008) (14th century Scotland and France) (Boston (Mass.); Knights

Templar (Masonic order)) (Amazon)

Gambone, Philip. Beijing: A Novel (U of Wisconsin P, 2003) (Opening 30+ pages middle aged gay men in Boston)

(Americans — China; Beijing (China); Gay men)

—. The Language We Use Up Here and Other Stories (Dutton, 1991) (1980s-90s) (Gay men)

Garbera, Katherine. Cinderella’s Millionaire (Silhouette Books, 2003) (Series: Dynasties: the Barones Silhouette desire,

1520) (Barone family of Boston) (Barone family; Italian-American men; Italian-American families; Chief financial

officers; Executives; Millionaires; Rich men; Widowers; Rich families; Single women; Women cooks; Family;

Family relationships; Men/women relations; Boston; Contemporary romances) (Summary/Review, The Romance

Reader [Internet Wayback Machine])

Gardner, Barbara. The Sai Prophecy: A Novel (Illumination Arts, 1997) (present of novel starts in 1899 with Boston

anthropologist in Tasmania) (Spiritual life–Hinduism; Boston (Mass.)) (Back Cover Amazon)

Garden, Nancy. The Case of the Stolen Scarab: A Candlestone Inn Mystery (Ridley Park, PA: Two Lives Pub., 2004)

(Juvenile–grades 4-6) (scarab stolen from a Boston museum; action in Vermont) (Child detectives; Children of

gay and lesbian parents; Hikers; Art thefts; Scarabs; Hotels — Vermont; Nontraditional families; Vermont)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. illus. Michele Chessare. Prisoner of Vampires (Farrar Straus Giroux, 1985) (Juvenile–ages 9-12)

(vampires in Cambridge) (Twelve-year-old boys — Cambridge, Massachusetts; School reports; Vampires)

(Google Books)

Gardner, Lisa. The Other daughter (Bantam, 1999) (Boston adoptee) (Serial murderers–Family relationships; Adoptees;

Identity (Psychology); Amnesia) (Amazon and Google Books)

Garfield, Henry. Tartabull’s Throw (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2001) (Red Sox; only one Fenway park scene;

1967) (Werewolves; Baseball; Maine)

Garlock, Dorothy (a.k.a. Johanna Phillips). Strange Possession  (Jove, 1982) (Second Chance at Love #43) (romance;

Alaska woman and Boston Brahmin man; part Boston) (Man-woman relationships — Alaska; Alaska; Boston

(Mass.)) (Google Books)

Gates, David [Edgerly]. “China Blue” (A Matter of Crime 1 (1987): pages?) (Boston P.I., Buddy Margolies) (Thrilling

Detective [Internet Wayback Machine])

—–. “Inside Straight.” Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, Oct. 1991 (Jack Thibault (misspelled Tribault), Boston P.I.)

(Thrilling Dectective [Internet Wayback Machine])

—–. “Kick the Can.” Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, June 1998 (Jack Tibault; Massachusetts) (Thrilling Dectective

[Internet Wayback Machine])

Gayle, Roberta. Worth Waiting For (Pinnacle Books, 1998) (romance; Boston attorney heroine) (African-American women

lawyers — Boston, Massachusetts; Love stories, African-American)

Genovese, Kate. Loving Joe Gallucci: Love and Life with Hepatitis C (Four Seasons Publishers, 2003) (Irish/Italian,

wealthy/working class love starting in Boston in 1970) (Hepatitis)

—. Two Weeks Since My Last Confession (libros international, 2007) (Boston’s O’Brien family in the 60s) (Drug addiction;

Catholics; Spousal abuse)

Gentill, Sulari. A Testament of Character (Neutral Bay, N.S.W.: Pantera P, 2020) (maily elsewhere, but in part “suites at

the Copley Plaza in Boston”) (Sinclair, Rowland (Fictitious character); Murder — Investigation — Australia;

Inheritance and succession; Australians — United States; Family secrets; Nineteen thirties)

—. Where There’s a Will (Naperville, IL: Poisoned Pen P, 2022) (Series: Rowland Sinclair mysteries, book 10) (Secondary

(senior high) school) (“alternately charming and chilling snapshot of Boston and New York in the 1930s,” including

Joe Kenedy, dead body in Harvard Yard, and hidden sexual orientation Google Books)

—. The Woman in the Library Naperville, IL: Poisoned Pen P, 2022) (murder in the Boston Public Library; 20th c.?

21st c.?)

Gerard, Cindy. The Librarian’s Passionate Knight (Silhouette Books, 2003) (Series: Dynasties: the Barones: Silhouette

desire, 1525) (Boston Public Library; rich Boston family) (Librarians; Businessmen; Boston (Mass.); Barone family;

Italian-American men; Italian-American families)

Gerber, Merril Joan. “We Know That Your Hearts Are Heavy.” The New Yorker 20 Apr. 1963: 42-52 (heroine and husband

live in Cambridge; New York funeral) (Keywords: Jews; Families; Funerals)

Giardina, Anthony. Men With Debts: A Novel (Knopf, 1984) (suburbs) (Extramarital relations; Insurance — Agents; The

Fifties (20th century); Boston)

—. White Guys (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006) (Irish/Italian friends in a Boston suburb; drive-by shooting outside South

Boston housing project; inspired by 1989 Charles Stuart murder case; 70s-90s) (Men — Friendship; Murder; Women

murder victims; Bereavement; Loss (Psychology); Class conflict; Ethnicity; Race relations; Extramarital relations;

Guns; Secrets; Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts; Psychological fiction, American)

Gerritsen, Tess. Girl Missing (London: Bantam, 2009) (Romantic thriller; rerelease of 1994 Peggy Sue Got Murdered)

(Medical examiners (Law) — Massachusetts — Boston)

—. Harvest (Pocket Books, 1996) (Medical thriller; fictional Boston Bayside Hospital) (Transplantation of organs, tissues,

etc.; Women physicians; Horror tales; Heart transplantation–Moral and ethical aspects) (Amazon and Google


—. Paggy Sue Got Murdered (Harper, 1994) (Women pathologists)

Gibson, Morgan. “Dusk on Scollay Square.” The Massachusetts Review 2.2 (1961): 236 (Poem)

Gibson, Rebecca Kaiser. The Promise of a Normal Life: A Novel (Arcade Publishing, 2023) (in part, “a clandestine, calculating lover in

Boston” WorldCat)  (Jewish families; Jewish girls;  Social conditions 20th century;  Voyages and travels)

Giff, Patricia Reilly. Oh Boy, Boston! (Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers, 1997) (Juvenile) (young children

visit Boston) (School field trips)

Gifford, Thomas. The Glendower Legacy: A Novel (Putnam, 1978) (murder of Harvard freshman; pursuit of his history

prof.) (Google Books)

—. The Saberdene Variations (London: Mysterious P, 2012) [Thomas Maxwell, 1987] (two main characters meet at Harvard; murder)

—. The Wind Chill Factor (New York: Mysterious, 2014; orig. 1975) (mainly Minnesota, but in part hero “returns to

Cambridge, Massachusetts, trying to recapture the joy he felt as an undergraduate in Harvard University’s

sacred halls” WorldCat) (Nazis; Minnesota)

Gilbert, Julie. Leah Braves the Flood: A Great Molasses Flood Survival Story (North Mankato, MN: Stone Arch

Books, 2020) (Series: Girls survive; Elementary and junior high school; 1919) (Survival; Molasses;


Gilgun, John. Music I Never Dreamed Of (Amethyst P, 1990) (working class) (Gay men– Massachusetts — Boston;

Coming out (Sexual orientation); United States — History –1953-1961; Boston (Mass.))

Gilligan, Edmund. Boundary Against Night (Farrar & Rinehart, 1938) (Police strike, Boston (Mass.) 1919)

Gilligan, Shannon. There’s a Body in the Brontosaurus Room! (Bantam, 1992) (Juvenile: grades 4-6) (Boston Museum

of Science) (Amazon)

Gilman, Barbara. Puritan Image (Doubleday, 1947) (“Modern mores and morals” vs. “Bostonian concepts of gentility and

convention” Kirkus Reviews [Google Books]) (Social classes; Boston (Mass.) — Social life and customs)

Gil[l]more, Inez Haynes (pseud. of Inez Haynes Irwin). June Jeopardy (B.W. Huebsch, 1908) (“one evening in and around

Boston. . . . a necklace of priceless diamonds for the possession of a gang of robbers had been plotting for many

years” The Bookman 1908)

—. Maida’s Little House (Grosset & Dunlap, 1921) (juvenile; rich girl recovers from illness by running shop in Charlestown)

(Social issues; Friendship)

—. Strange Harvest (Bobbs-Merrill, 1934)

Giroux, Leo. The Rishi (M. Evans, 1985) (Boston; India) (Kali (Hindu deity); Cults)

Glass, Myra Lee. A Daughter’s Journey (Coleche, 2023) (YA; 1938, mother “goes to Boston in search of a medical cure,”

“fifteen-year-od daughter” follows “to rescue. . . her . . . in far away Boston” WorldCat)

Glassman, Maxine. Love Among the Orientals (Donald I. Fine Books, 1998) (sex; stolen rugs; supernatural; oriental

rug store in Back Bay) (Specialty stores — Massachusetts — Boston; Incantations; Boston (Mass.))

Glave, Thomas. “Flying.” Whose Song? and Other Stories (City Lights, 2000: 55-92) (stream of consciousness

as plane landing at Logan) (Caribbean Area — Social life and customs; African Americans; Race relations;

Gay men)

Glavin, Anthony. Way Out West (Bildungsromans;  Boston (Mass.);  Interpersonal relations;  Irish United States;  Mothers Death)

Glickman, Hal. Whitey’s Kid (Xlibris, 2000) (Harvard University — Students; Fathers and sons; United States — History

— 1933-1945)

Goggins, Gerard E. Half-Wits (Sheed & Ward, 1988) (former English professor works in Boston shelter) (Spirituality;

People with mental disabilities; Good and evil)

Gold, Herbert. “The Day They Got Boston” (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Sep. 1961) (short story;

Russians accidentally nuke Boston)

Gold, Ivan. Sams in a Dry Season (Houghton Mifflin/Seymour Lawrence, 1990) (alcoholic writer in Boston and New York;

1976; Boston University)

Goldberg, Lester. “One More River.” One More River: Stories (U of Illinois P, 1977) (Jewish Americans) (Google Books)

(Check pp. 86, 99, 101, 102, 104 for Boston story)

Goldberg, Linda J. Here I Am: Stories (Natick, MA: Linda J. Goldberg, 2008) (11 short stories; Dorchester; Blue Hill Avenue)

(“the streets, the triple-decker homes and people of Jewish Boston.”–cover) (Linda J. Goldberg, accessed 29 May


—. Silent Joy: A Novel in Three Acts (Columbus, OH: Gatekeeper P, 2018) (“a Jewish girl growing up in Brookline MA in

the 1950’s and 60’s” WorldCat) (Jewish families; Man-woman relationships; Brookline)

Goldberg, Myra. Rosalind: A Family Romance: A Novel (Zoland Books, 1996) (Jewish Americans; Boston, Brookline; New

York) (Women; Heart–Surgery–Patients)

—. Wickett’s Remedy (Doubleday 2005) (starts in 1918 in Boston, South Boston; Boston Brahmin) (Irish American

women; Influenza Epidemic, 1918-1919; Patent medicines; Widows) (Random House [accessed 10 Mar. 2008])

Golden, Christopher. Body Bags (Pocket Books, 1999) (Juvenile) (murder at fictional Boston-area Somerset University)

(Blake, Jenna (Fictitious character); College students; Medical examiners (Law); Fathers and daughters) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. Head Games (Pocket Pulse, 2000) (9th grade+) (Series: Body of evidence thrillers, 5; Boston-based Jenna home

for the holidays) (Teenage murderers; Violence in teenagers; Blake, Jenna; Medical suspense) (Google Books)

—. Last Breath (New York: Simon Pulse, 2004) (young adult) (psycho-killer; drowning in public places in Boston) (Murder;

Medical examiners (Law)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Meets the Eye (New York: Pocket Pulse, 2000) (fictional Somerset University in Boston) (Murder; Medical examiners

(Law); Zombies) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Of Saints and Shadows (Jove, 1994) (Starts with murder in Boston) (Vampires) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Predator and Prey (New York: Pocket Pulse, 2001) (Ghosts in Boston) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Prowlers (Simon and Schuster, 2001) (Secondary (senior high) school) (fantasy; horror and ghost stories)

(Werewolves) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Prowlers: Laws of Nature (Simon and Schuster, 2001) (Secondary (senior high) school) (ghosts; fantasy; heroes’

homebase is Boston; Vermont) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Skin Deep (New York: Pocket Pulse, 2000) (Fictional Somerset University) (Murder; Interracial dating) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—–. Spike and Dru: Pretty Maids All in a Row (New York: Pocket Books, 2000) (mainly 1940s Europe but “Chapter

Nine Boston, Massachusetts ,USA July 6th”) (Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Fictitious character); Vampires: Sunnydale

(Imaginary place); Teenagers) (Amazon and Google Books)

Golden, Christophe,r and Nancy Holder. Ghost Roads (Pocket Books, 1999) (The Gatekeeper Trilogy Book 2; based on

T.V. series; set partly in Boston) (Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Fictitious character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Out of the Madhouse (Bantam, 1999) (supernatural mansion in Boston; Series: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer , 8;

Buffyverse novels , 32; Gatekeeper trilogy , 1) (Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Fictitious character); Vampires; Monsters)

(Amazon and Google Books) (Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Eleven-year-old boys; TV tie-ins (Fiction); Vampires;

Vampire slayers; Teenage girls; Boston, Massachusetts; Los Angeles, California; Southern California;

Collaborative novels; Horror stories, American; Teenage fiction, American; Occult fiction) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Golden, Christopher, and Rick Hautala. Burning Bones (New York: Pocket Pulse, 2001) (Body of Evidence Thriller 7,

starring Jenna Blake) (Spontaneous human combustion; Burn victims — Boston, Massachusetts; Blake, Jenna;

Boston, Massachusetts; Medical suspense stories, American; Collaborative novels; Fathers and daughters)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Golden, Christopher, and Thomas E. Sniegoski. The Nimble Man: A Novel of the Menagerie (Berkley, 2004) (Series:

Menagerie, 1) (“Boston Antiquities Museum”) (Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930; Wizards; Vampires; Women

vampires; Ghosts; Angels; Goblins; Changelings; Shapeshifters; Heroes and heroines; Demons; Disasters;

Supernatural; Good and evil; Boston; Fantasy) ( Amazon and Google Books)

—. Stones Unturned: A Novel of the Menagerie (Berkley, 2006) (Series: Menagerie, 3) (Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-

1930; Demons; Shapeshifters; Friendship; Teenage boys; Supernatural; Wizards; Scientists; Justice; Boston;


Golden. Maita. A Woman’s Place (Doubleday, 1986) (three African-American women first meet at fictional elite Winthrop

University in Boston) (Women — Conduct of life; African American women)

Goldman, Francisco. The Long Night of White Chickens (Atlantic Monthly Press, 1992) (Guatemala in 1980s; half-

Guatemalian hero raised in Boston suburb) (Guatemala; Guatemalian Americans; Murder)

Goldsmith, Olivia. Young Wives: A Novel (HarperCollins Publishers, 2000) (some Boston area; opens in Marblehead;

romance) (Marital conflict; Married women; Revenge; New York(N.Y.); Female friendship)

Goldstein, Gary. Please Come to Boston: A Novel (Hadleigh House Pub., 2024) (“Boston, 1975” WorldCat) (Boston (Mass.); College students

Massachusetts Boston 20th century;  Man-man relationships;  Sexual orientation;  Triangles (Interpersonal relations))

Gomez, Jewelle. Don’t Explain: Short Fiction (Firebrand Books, 1998) (title story, lesbian Boston in 1959: 18-28; “Grace

A.” Tremont Street/Roxbury/Combat Zone: 29-35; “Steps” Roxbury/North End: 36-49; “Water with the Wine”

academics in Boston and Missouri: 55-3) (African-American women)

—. The Gilda Stories: A Novel (Firebrand Books, 1991) (part Gilda 1955 beautician in South End) (Lesbian vampires;

African Americans)

Goodger, Jane. Anything for Love (Topaz, 1997) (also 19th c.; Irish Americans; Immigrants; Romance; “pregnant Irish

maid in 1898 Boston” [Kathe Robin]) (Time travel; Women domestics — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.))

(Brief Summary, Kathe Robin, RT Book Reviews [Internet Wayback Machine])

Goodnight, Linda. Her Pregnant Agenda (Silhouette Books, 2003) (Marriage; Pregnant women; Millionaires: Custody of

children; Single mothers; Lawyers; Pregnancy; Boston (Mass.)) (Brief Summary, [Internet

Wayback Machine])

Gordon, Eugene. “Game.” Opportunity, Sep. 1927. (Ebony Rising: Short Fiction of the Greater Harlem Renaissance Era,

ed. Craig Gable, Indiana U P, 2004: 235-46 [Google Books]) (“Greater Boston Meatmarket”; Mussolini [cat]; African-

American worker)

Goshgarian, Gary. The Stone Circle: A Novel (Donald I. Fine Books, 1997) (“supernatural thriller”; Boston Harbor

Islands) (Excavations (Archaeology)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Gotti, Victoria. The Senator’s Daughter (Forge, 1997) (murder of Boston labor leader; Woman lawyer; African

American accused; Romance) (Muder; Political fiction; Legal stories)

Gordon, Noah. Matters of Choice (Dutton, 1996) (starts in Boston/Cambridge medical world but soon moves with

physician heroine to Berkshires) (Women physicians)

Gordon, Richard M. “Death of a Harvard Man” (1958). In Murder in New England, ed. Eleanor Sullivan and Chris

Dorbandt (Castle Books, 1989: 87-90) (Harvard man, class of 1956, leaves Boston to commit suicide in New

York) (Boston (Mass.))

Gottlieb, Saul. “In the Boston Public Garden.” The New Yorker 19 Jun. 1954: 72 (poem)

Gould, Jean. Divorcing Your Grandmother: A Novel (William Morrow, 1985) (Comedy) (Extramarital relations —

Boston, Massachusetts; Boston, Massachusetts)

Graham, Abbie. Vain Pomp and Glory (Womans Press, 1927) (Girl — Conduct of life; Boston (Mass.))

Graham, Laurie. The Importance of Being Kennedy: A Novel (Fourth Estate, 2007) (main character/narrator is fictional

Irish nurse/governess to Kennedys, starting in Brookline in 1917) (Kennedy family; Domestics; World War, 1939

-1945; Family; London (England) — Social life and customs)

Graham-Felsen, Sam. Green (Random House, 2018) (“Boston, 1992. . . . Martin Luther King Middle School”) (Interracial

friendship — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.) — History — 20th century)

Grant, Robert. The Dark Horse: A Story of the Younger Chippendales (Houghton Mifflin, 1931) (sequel to The

Chippendales set 1880s-1900; 1912-1920s; Beacon Hill; Massachusetts gubernatorial election; women’s

jury service)

Grant, Stephanie. The Map of Ireland: A Novel (Scribner, 2008) (Young Adult) (1974; busing; Boston public schools)

(Lesbians; Homosexuality; African Americans; Family life –Massachusetts; Boston (Mass.) — History — 20th

century; Lesbians–juvenile; Homosexuality; Race relations; Segregation; African Americans)

—. The Passion of Alice (Houghton Mifflin, 1995) (“lesbian awakening of Alice”; South Shore [Stone and Wofesy 1996])

(Anorexia nervosa–patients; Young women)

Greeley, Andrew M. Star Bright!: A Christmas Story (Forge, 1997) (Boston College) (College students; Women mystics;

Irish Americans; Russians; Christmas; Cambridge (Mass.); Chicago (Ill.); Chestnut Hill (Mass.); Harvard


Green, Walter. “One of the Boston Bullertons.” New Stories for Men, ed. Charles Grayson (Doubleday, Doran, 1941:

169-84) (Wall Street; Stock manipulation[?])

Greenan, Russell. It Happened in Boston (Random House 1969) (Time travel; Murder) (Painters; Inner cities; Male

friendship; Art forgeries)

—. The Secret Life of Algernon Pendleton (Random House, 1973) (Brookline; movie)

Greene, Thomas Christopher. Mirror Lake (Simon & Schuster, 2003) (troubled hero, descendant of Boston Brahmins,

moves from Boston to Vermont; mainly Vermont) (Men — Friendship; Young men — Vermont; Letter carriers —

Vermont; Senior men — Vermont; Septuagenarian men — Vermont; Septuagenarians — Vermont; Recluses —

Vermont; Fathers — Death; Men/women relations; Married people; Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Secrets;

Love; Passion; Obsession; Loss (Psychology); Betrayal; Violence; The Nineties (20th century); Vermont;

Psychological fiction, American; Love stories, American)

Greenidge, Kirsten. Common Ground Revisited (play; The Huntington South End / Calderwood Pavilion at the BCA

5/27/22 – 6/26/22 ) (“inspired by Anthony Lukas’” 1974 account of Boston busing crisis; actions “take place in . . .

1943, 1968, 1974, 1977, and 2022″ [Don Aucoin, “A Second Act for History of Boston Busing,” Globe 22 May

2022: A1, A16] )

Greenman, Ben. Please Step Back (Melville House, 2009) (“from Boston 1954 to California 1980” [Kati Nolfi]) (Rock

musicians; The Sixties (20th century); Popular culture — History — 1960-1969; Celebrities; Fame; Race

relations; Culture conflict; The Seventies (20th century); Popular culture — History — 1970-1979; Drug use;

Violence; Rock music; Boston; San Francisco, California; Biographical novels) (Kati Nolfi Book Slut, May 2009,

Internet Wayback Machine)

Greer, Andrew Sean. How It Was for Me: Stories (Picador USA, 2000) (last story, “Come Live With Me and Be My Love”

[179-211] set mainly in Boston; MIT; Beacon Hill; Marriage; Gay men; Lesbians)

Greider, George Michael. Forever Man (Gilman, Conn.: Pennycorner P, 1995) (Blends fantasy and techno-thrills in Boston,

Switzerland, and Brittany) (Immortalism) (Amazon and Summary, [accessed 24 Mar. 2008])

Greig, Maysie. Peggy of Beacon Hill (Small, Maynard, 1924) (Romance; made into 1925 film Love Gamble:

Synopsis of Film) 

Grey, Karen. Child of Mine: A Nostalgic Romantic Comedy (Home Cooked Books, 2022) (“romcom set in BOSTON in

the 80s” WorldCat) (Bloggers;  Boston (Mass.);  Single mothers)

—. What I’m Looking For (Ashland, Oregon: Jasper Productions, 2020) (Series: Boston classics novel)

(“Boston’s famous Bull and Finch pub”; 1980s) (Man-woman relationship)

Grillo, Arthur A. A Season of Compromise (U of Wisconsin–Milwaukee: Thesis/dissertation, 1998) (Baseball stories;

Boston Red Sox (Baseball team))

Grippando, James. The Informant (HarperCollins, 1996) (Miami reporter former Boston cop, much set in Boston)

(Women detectives; Government investigators; Journalists; Serial murders; Miami (Fla.); Psychological fiction)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Intent to Kill: A Novel of Suspense (Harper, 2009) (Hero, “Boston’s king of sports radio”) (Disc jockeys; Radio talk

shows; Wives — Crimes against; Mystery) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Lying With Strangers (HarperCollins, 2007) (Boston Children’s Hospital) (Stalking; Pediatricans; Husbands and wives;

Trust) (Amazon and Google Books)

Grossman, Lev. Warp (St. Martin’s Griffin, 1997) (Harvard grad living down and out in Boston in the 90s; cover photo,

Mass. Ave. Bridge)) (College graduates — Boston, Massachusetts; Rebels; Upper class; Memories; Despair;

Daydreams; Identity (Psychology); Self-esteem in men; Friendship; Men/women relations; Imagination in men;

Generation X; Stream of consciousness fiction)

Grove, Lee. Last Dance: A Novel (Faber and Faber, 1984) (“main setting . . . a gay Boston disco” [Stone and Wofesy

1996]]; late 70s)

Gurney, A[lbert].R[amsdell]. Entertaining Strangers (Doubleday, 1977) (MIT; early 70s)

—. Later Life (Dramatists Play Service, 1994) (Boston banker) (WASPs (Persons) — Drama; Middle-aged persons —

Drama; Boston (Mass.) — Drama)

Gutcheon, Beth Richardson. Still Missing (Putnam, 1981) (six-year old abducted in 1980 on way to New Boston School in

Back Bay; mother Harvard professor)

Guy, David. Jake Fades: A Novel of Impermanence (Trumpeter Books, 2007) (week-long Cambridge retreat in early 90s;

Alzheimers) (Middle-aged men; Senior men; Zen masters; Mentorship; Zen Buddhism; Retreat centers; Zen

Buddhist centers; Mortality; Inheritance and succession; Dharma (Buddhism); Cambridge, Massachusetts;

Religious fiction, Buddhism)

Hagopian, Richard. The Dove Brings Peace (Farrar & Rinehart Inc., 1944) (immigrant Armenian family in Revere)

—. Faraway the Spring (Scribner, 1952) (Armenian Americans; struggling working class; Chelsea; Charlestown)

Haldeman, Joe W. Tool of the Trade (Morrow, 1987) (main character, Soviet agent, Boston psychology professor; mind

control device) (Amazon and Google Books)

Hale, Nancy. “Child Training at Harvard.” The New Yorker 15 Feb. 1958: 28-30 (Keywords: Harvard University;

Mothers; Bed- Making; College Student)

—. Never Any More (Scribner, 1934) (mainly Maine island; Boston [?] young women) (Family —

Massachusetts — Boston; Fathers and daughters)

—. The Prodigal Women (Scribner, 1942) (“Boston and its suburbs. . .[in] the 1920’s and 1930’s”; three young women)

(Brief Summary, New York Times 25 Jan. 1981 [accessed 10 Mar. 2008], and Brief Analysis, Carol Becker,

Zones of Contention: Essays on Art, Institutions, Gender, and Anxiety (State U of New York P, 1996: 188) [

Google Books])

—. “Rich People.” The New Yorker 9 Jul. 1960: 32-54 (conservative Bostonian upbringing) (Keywords: Love; Arizona;

Boston, Mass.)

Hall, Donald. When Willard Met Babe Ruth: A Story (Browndeer P, 1996) (Juvenile: grades 3-5) (scenes at Fenway

in 1918 and Braves Field in 1935) (Ruth, Babe; Baseball)

Hall, Holworthy [pseud. of Harold E. Porter]. Henry of Navarre, Ohio (Century, 1914 [Google Books]) (Bail 295:

“Henry Chalmers during his years at Harvard”) (Ohio)

—. Pepper (Century, 1915 [Google Books]) (HarvardUniversity; college students) (Bail 296-98)

Hall, James Norman, and Charles Nordhoff. “Chapter V A Memory of Mauké .” In Faery Lands of the South Seas (Harper,

1921: 86-104 [Google Books]) (hero, Riley, from South Boston) (Tahiti)

Halsey, Rena. I. America’s Daughter (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1918 [Google Books]) (eastern Massachusetts, much

Boston, search for geneological facts)

Hamburger, Philip. J.P. Marquand, Esquire, A Portrait in the Form of a Novel (Houghton Mifflin, 1952) (Marquand, John P.

— (John Phillips), — 1893-1960)

Hancock, H. Irving. The Invasion of the United States: or, Uncle Sam’s Boys at the Capture of Boston (Henry Artemus,

1916 [Project Gutenberg]) (Juvenile) (German invasion of U.S., 1920-21; three other novels portray attacks on

Pittsburg, New York, and a last battle) (Imaginary wars and battles; Science fiction)

Hannibal, Edward. Chocolate Days, Popsicle Weeks (Houghton Mifflin, 1970) (1960s; Somerville; Irish Americans; New

York; Madison Avenue)

—. Dancing Man (Simon and Schuster, 1973) (1970s; Boston and environs) (Man-woman relationships)

—. Liberty Square Station (Putnam, 1977) (Irish American Boston)

Hardwick, Elizabeth. Sleepless Nights (Random House, 1979) (partly set on Beacon Hill, drawing on experiences as

wife of unnamed Robert Lowell) (Women–New York (state); Women–Kentucky)

Harjo, Joy. “Boston” (Ploughshares, Fall 1991) (fictional sketch/prose poem about speaker Joy’s father’s temporary shift

from Oklahoma to Boston))

Harlow, Joan Hiatt. Joshua’s Song (Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2001) (Elementary and junior high shcool) (Influenza

epidemic; 1919 molasses disaster; Beacon Hill vs. Irish) (Newspaper carriers; Child labor; Disasters; Molasses)

Harrar, George. illus. Elizabeth Thayer. The Trouble with Jeremy Chance (Milkweed Editions, 2003) (Juvneile:

Elementary and junior high school) (1918; 12-year-old hops train to Boston to meet soldier brother; North End;

Great Molasses Flood) (Fathers and sons; Country life — New Hampshire; Coming of age; World War, 1914-1918;

New Hampshire — History — 20th century)

Harrell, Anne (pseud. of Carla Neggers)

Harrington, Donald. The Cherry Pit (Random House, 1965) (Boston antiques dealer returns to Little Rock

hometown) (Arkansas; Friendship; Museum curators; City and town life) (Back Cover)

Harriman, Karl Edwin. The Girl and the Deal (George W. Jacobs, 1905 [Google Books]) (Boston to San Franciso with

Boston Harvard grad; mainly out west)

Harris, Carol Flynn. A Place for Joey (Boyds Mills P, 2001) (Grades 3-8) (Italian immigrant family, North End, 1919)

(Emigration and immigration)

Front cover image for The immigrant's wifeHarris, J. B.  The Immigrant’s Wife (Milford House, 2023)  (Opens “Levant Street August 1913”; Greek immigrant family)
(Man-woman relationships; Nineteen tens; Romance; Sanatoriums; Separation (Psychology);  Tuberculosis Patients)

Hart, Georgiana. Comrades: A Novel (Materialist Press, 1991) (Boston (Mass.) — Race relations; Busing for school

integration — Massachusetts — Boston)

Hart, Steve. Eden Found: A Novel (Hart-Burn Press, 2003) (Midde-Eastern terrorists; mainly 1985 in Middle East; hero,

Boston newspaper reporter) (Mayors; Reporters and reporting; Boston (Mass.))

Hartnett, Ken. A Saving Grace (Houghton Mifflin, 1984) (journalism and politics in Boston; Pope visit)

[Harvard Lampoon parody]: The Boston Evening Transcript (Harvard Lampoon, 1919 [HathiTrust])

Harvard, Jane (pseud. of four 1986 grads). The Student Body: A Novel (New York: Villard, 1998) (African American

reporter) (Harvard University; College students; Prostitution; Investigative reporting) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Harvey, Michael T.  Pulse (Ecco/HarperCollins, 2017) (Boston, 1976) (Murder — Investigation; Murder victims’ families;

Police; Boston)

Hashian, Jack. Mamigon: A Novel (Coward, McCann, Geogehegan, 1982) (after opening 1915 sections, Armenians and

Turks continue violence as immigrants in Boston) (Armenians –Turkey; Turkey — History — Mehmed V, 1909-


Haslett, Adam. “My Father’s Business” (You Are Not a Stranger Here: Stories [Random House, 2002: 165-94]) (Hero

checks out of Boston mental hospital) (Manic-depressive persons)

Hatch, Francis W. In the Name of Peter Faneuil: Beef before Baubles (Stinehour P, 1958) (Faneuil Hall (Boston, Mass.)

— Poetry) (Defense of old Faneuil Hall market against gentrification) (Summary, Ann Satterthwaite, Going

Shopping: Consumer Choices and Community Consequences (Yale U P, 2001: 92) [Google Books])

Hatton, Frederick, and Fanny Locke Hatton. Years of Discretion (Dodd, Mead, 1913 [Google Books]) (based

on play–“First New York production at the Belasco Theatre, Nov. 4, 1912”; heroine repressed Brookline/Boston

matron liberated by New York)

Hauck, Thomas A. Pistonhead (, 2009) Boston rock scene in the 80s) (Rock Musicians)

Haydn, Hiram Collins. The Time Is Noon (Crown, 1948) (partly Back Back; end of 20s)

Heald, Hazel (with H.P. Lovecraft).”Out of the Aeons.” Weird Tales 25. 4 (April 1935): 478-96. Rpt. The Loved Dead and

Other Revisions. ed. H.P. Lovecraft (Carroll & Graf, 1997: 99-123) (fictional Boston Cabot Museum of

Archaeology; 1878-1932)

Healey, Jane. The Beantown Girls (Seattle: Lake Union Publishing, 2019) (starts 1944 Boston, but mainly Europe) (World

War, 1939-1945 — War work — Red Cross; Female friendship; Man-woman relationships)

—. The Saturday Evening Girls Club (Brilliance Audio, 2017) (“Boston’s North End in 1908” WorldCat) (Boston (Mass.) —

History — 20th century; Female friendship)

Healy, Jeremiah. Act of God (Pocket Books, 1994) (Boston Private I. in New Jersey) (Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious

character); Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Blunt Darts (New York: Walker, 1984) (first Cuddy mystery) (Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Kidnapping) (Google books)

—. The Concise Cuddy: A Collection of John Francis Cuddy Stories (Norfolk, VA: Crippen & Landru, 1998) (Short stories;

Cuddy, John Francis; Detectives — Boston, Massachusetts; Vietnam Amazon and Google Books)

—. Cuddy, Plus One (Norfolk, Va.: Crippen & Landru, 2003) (13 uncollected Cuddy stories and one Mairead O’Clare story)

(Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Foursome: A John Cuddy Novel (Pocket Books, 1993) (some Boston, but mainly Maine) (Cuddy, John Francis

(Fictitious character); Private investigators; Maine) (Amazon and Google  Books)

—. Invasion of Privacy: A John Francis Cuddy Mystery (Pocket Books, 1996) (Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious character);

Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Off-Season and Other Stories (Waterville, Me.: Five Star, 2003) (Check for Bostonness.)

—. The Only Good Lawyer: A John Francis Cuddy Mystery (Pocket Books, 1998) (Working class; African Americans)

(Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Rescue (Pocket Books, 1995) (“Cuddy searches for a missing 10-year-old boy whose traveling      companion has

been fished out of Boston Harbor.”]; Religious cult) (Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious character); Private investigators)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Right to Die: A John Cuddy Mystery (Pocket Books,1991) (Women college teachers; Right to die activists) (Cuddy, John

Francis (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon)

—. Shallow Graves: A John Cuddy Mystery ( Pocket Books, 1992) (Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious character); Private

investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. So Like Sleep: A Detective Novel (Harper & Row, 1987) (African American accused of killing his white girlfriend)

(Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Spiral: A John Francis Cuddy Mystery (Pocket Books, 1999) (Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Vietnam War, 1961-1975 — Veterans; Rock groups– Florida; Murder–Florida; Fort Lauderdale (Fla.))

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Staked Goat: A Detective Novel (Harper & Row, 1986) (Vietnam War veterans) (Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious

character); Private investigators) (Google Books)

—. The Stalking of Sheilah Quinn ( St. Martin’s, 1998) (Women defense attorneys — Boston, Massachusetts;

Stalkers — Boston, Massachusetts; Father and adult daughter — Boston, Massachusetts; Rich men — Boston,

Massachusetts; Sexual harassment — Boston, Massachusetts; Legal thrillers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Swan Dive: A Novel of Suspense (Harper & Row, 1988) (Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious character); Private

investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Turnabout (Waterville, Me.: Five Star, 2001) (Somerville; non-Cuddy: Matthew Langway) (Security consultants;

Kidnapping; | Grandchildren; Generals) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Yesterday’s News (HarperCollin, 1989) (Cuddy, John Francis (Fictitious character); Private investigators —

Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.) ) (Amazon and Google Books

Healey, Lynda M. A Leap to Freedom: Boston Harbor 1989 (2013) (Polish defector) (Polonka, Edziu; Polish people

— United States)

Hebert, Ernest. The Kinship and The Passion of Estelle Jordan (Viking, 1987) (mainly New Hampshire, but pp. 58-64 set

in Boston and Combat Zone) (New Hampshire; City and town life)

Hebert, Philip Dorn. Flames (Down & Dirty P, 1991 [1988 according to Amazon]) (Boston Metro. fire dept.)

—. Prophet of Fire: A Novel (Down & Dirty P, 1993)

Henry, Barklie McKee. Deceit: A Novel (Small, Maynar, 1924) (in part, “the social life of . . . Boston” pub. ad)

Heckler. Jonellen. White Lies (Putnam, 1989) (1960s-70s; three sisters; in part, “in Boston, Roz has started

a small business, shuttling the famous from the airport, then sleeping with them afterwards” [Kirkus Reviews])

Helfrich Park Middle School (Evansville, Ind.). A Buck Fifty (Helfrich Park Middle School, 1992) (Juvenile) (Teachers;

Boston (Mass.); Plot-your-own stories)

—. Cows on the Tracks! (Helfrich Park Middle School, 1992) (Juvenile) (Series: Pick-a-path unforgettable trips series,

bk. 1; “The reader is able to choose different endings to the story of a class field trip to Boston which takes them

back in time to Revolutionary War days.” WorldCat) (School field trips — Massachusetts — Boston; Time travel;

United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783)

—–. Employees Only (Helfrich Park Middle School, 1992) (Juvenile) (School field trips; Freedom Trail (Boston, Mass.);

Plot-your-own stories)

Helprin, Mark. “Back Bay Conservatory.” (A Dove of the East and Other Stories Knopf, 1975, 133-38)

—. “Palais de Justice.” (1976) Contemporary New England Stories. Ed. C. Michael Curtis (Globe Pequot P, 1992:

281-90) (1965; defense attorney; rowing on the Charles; starts Suffolk County Court House)

Hershon, Joanna. A Dual Inheritance (Ballantine, 2013) (Starts Havard 1962; one main character Boston Brahmin; includes

“the changing racial demographics of Boston neighborhoods in the 1970s” Adele qtd. in WorldCat) (Male friendship;

Jewish men; Nineteen sixties; Rich people)

Hesse, Karen. A Time of Angels (Hyperion Books for Children, 1995) (Juvenile) (Boston 14 year old Jewish-Russian-

American girl in flu epidemic of 1918) (Influenza; Sisters; Angels; Jews)

Higgins, George V. The Agent (Harcourt Brace, 1998) (Dead Boston lawyer/sports agent) (Sports agents)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. At End of Day (Harcourt, 2000) (based on Whitey Bulger and FBI; Higgins’ last book; gangsters) (United States. —

Federal Bureau of Investigation; Crime; Criminals; Organized crime) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Bomber’s Law: A Novel (Holt, 1993) (Mafia; Police) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. “A Case of Chivas Regal.” New Black Mask Quarterly 1985. Rept. in Murder and Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn

Rössel Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (New York: Dember Books, 1987): 176-85

(reminiscences of a clever court officer)

—. A Choice of Enemies (Knopf, 1984) (Politicians) (Google Books)

—. Defending Billy Ryan: A Jerry Kennedy Novel (Holt, 1992) (Politics) (Kennedy, Jerry (Fictitious character)) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. The Digger’s Game (Knopf, 1973) (The Bright Red = Dorchester’s Eire Pub) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Easiest Thing in the World: The Unpublished Fiction of George V. Higgins (Carroll and Graf, 2004)

—. The Friends of Eddie Coyle (Knopf, 1972) (Criminals; Black marketeers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Impostors: A Novel (Holt, 1986) (crime and corruption in Boston and environs) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Judgment of Deke Hunter (Little, Brown, 1976) (Police) (Google Books)

—. Kennedy for the Defense (Knopf, 1980) (Kennedy, Jerry (Fictitious character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Killing Them Softly: A Novel (Vintage, 2011) (Jackie Cogan, mob enforcer) (Mafia; Boston (Mass.))

—. Outlaws: A Novel (Holt, 1987) (Trials (Murder); Terrorists; Children of rich people; Robbery; Mass murder; Outlaws;

Boston, Massachusetts) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Patriot Game (Knopf, 1982) (Sequel of sorts to The Digger; Church; Politics; Irish Republican Army)

(Google Books)

—. Penance for Jerry Kennedy (Knopf, 1985) (Kennedy, Jerry (Fictitious character)) (Google Books)

—. The Rat on Fire (Knopf, 1981) (Arson) (Google Books)

—. Sandra Nichols Found Dead (Holt, 1996) (Kennedy, Jerry (Fictitious character); Lawyers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Swan Boats at Four: A Novel (Holt, 1995) (Ocean liner to London) (Middle age; Ocean travel; Cruise ships) (Google


—. Trust (Holt, 1989) (opens 1967) (Automobile dealers–Employees; Scandals)

—. Wonderful Years, Wonderful Years (Holt, 1988) (Political corruption; Business)

Higgins, Jack. Flight of Eagles (Putnam, 1998) (One twin brother raised in Boston; mainly set elsewhere) (World War,

1939-1945; Brothers; Twins)

—. Midnight Runner (Punam, 2002) (Chapters 12-14 “London Boston Washington London”) (Brothers — Death; Dillon,

Sean (Fictitious character); Intelligence officers; Revenge; Terrorism — Prevention; Women terrorists; England —

London; Massachusetts — Boston)

Higgins, Judith. “The Only People” (1968). Women Working: An Anthology of Stories and Poems, ed. Nancy Hoffman and

Florence Howe (Feminist P, 1979: 88-116) (women from pre-gentrified South End and Roxbury doing clerical work

in pathology lab)

Hilderbrand, Elin. Summer of ’69, A Novel (Little, Brown, 2019) (“also a Boston book” David Shribman, “Tuned in to the

‘Summer of ’69,” Globe, 25 Aug. 2019, N 12) (Brothers and sisters; Family life; Nantucket Island; Siblings)

Hilton, Howard. H. The Endless Tunnel (Tower, 1980) (Traffic accidents — Boston, Massachusetts; Traffic accidents;

Fourth of July; Tunnels — Boston, Massachusetts; Tunnels; Callahan Tunnel, Boston, Massachusetts; Fear)

Hime, James L. Scared Money (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2004) (some Boston, e.g., Chapter 51 at Parker House 1981)

(Washington County (Tex.); Ex-police officers; Missing persons; Embezzlement; Drug traffic; Sheriffs; Retirees)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Hindley, Barbara. Grace: A Novel (Ebb Tide Editions, 2004) (Christmas 1992; Harvard Square; AIDS) (Gay men; Hotels;

Christmas stories; Cambridge (Mass.))

Hirsch, Connie. “Wicked Cool” (The Simmering Door, ed. Katherine Kerr, HarperPrism, 1996) (“witches fly around

contemporary Boston on broomsticks” Kirkus Review)

Hirschhord, Richard. Target Mayflower (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977) (Hitler plans to U-2 Boston; 1944) (World

War, 1939-1945)

Hirshberg, David. My Mother’s Son: A Novel (Fig Tree Books, 2018) (“Jewish American life in post-WWII Boston”

WorldCat) (Nineteen fifties; Radio talk show hosts; Boston)

Hjortsberg, William. Angel’s Inferno: A Novel (New York: Open Road, 2021) (in part, 1950s Boston) (Amnesiacs; Devil;

Magicians; Occult crime; Private investigators; Revenge; Paris; Boston; New York; Vatican City)

Hobbie, Douglas. Boomfell (H. Holt, 1991) (one Milton scholar; one failed English teacher) (Teachers; Authors; Friendship;

Boston (Mass.))

Hoch, Edward D. “The Problem of the Boston Common.” Ellery Queens’ Mystery Magazine 1979. Rpt. in Murder in New

England (Curley, 1989: 47-64) and Murder and Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn Rössel Waugh, Martin H.

Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (Dember Books, 1987): 20-37) (set in 1928)

Hodge, Jane Aiken. Susan in America (Severn House, 1998) (Pre-World War II Radcliffe; English view of Boston)

(Radcliffe College; Social life and customs; Women graduate students; Cambridge (Mass.))

Hoffman, Alice. The Probable Future (Doubleday, 2003) (partly set in Boston, Cambridge, and North Shore) (Women;

Mothers and daughters; Grandmothers; Clairvoyants; Murder)

Hoffman, Carl L. “Brodsky in Paradise.” Lovetaps (iUniverse, 2003: 25-39) (Mattapan)

—. “Brodsky in Transit.” Lovetaps (iUniverse, 2003: 56-69?) (Mattapan)

Hoffman, Kate. The Mighty Quinns: Dylan (Harlequin, 2001) (romance) (Fire fighters — Boston, Massachusetts)

Holder, Douglas F. Poems of Boston and Just Beyond: From the Back Bay to the Back Ward (Alpha Beat P, 1998

(chapbook)) (McLeans Hospital = Back Ward) (Laura Stamps, Book Review, Lucid Moon Poetry Website [Internet

Wayback Machine])

—. The Man in the Booth in the Midtown Tunnel (2008) (New York, Boston, Cambridge, Somerville poems, including

“Pay Phones on the Boston Common”)

Holland, Matthew. Dizzy Z: A Novel (Soho, 1998) (all the band members from Dorchester) (Rock groups; Midlife crisis

in men; Alcoholic musicians; Guitarists; Self-destructive behavior in men; Men — Relations with men; Men/women

relations; Touring; Working class — Dorchester, Boston; Riots; Drug use; Drinking; Fashion models; Social

responsibility; Murder)

Holmes, Dee. When Nick Returns (Avon, 1997) (romance; student love at Boston University; 15 years later in Rhode

Island) (Brothers) (Summary, [accessed 10 Mar. 2008])

Homer, Lawrence. Shinnecock Bay & Boston Poems (Street Press, 1981) (32 pages) (Long Island (NY))

Hood, Ann. Somewhere Off the Coast of Maine (Bantam, 1987) (80s present/60s past; some Boston, one 80s character,

“mopes in a Boston high-rise” [Kirkus Reviews]; also, Maine, western Mass., and Rhode Island) (Female friendship;

Mothers and daughters; Mothers and sons; Maine)

Hope, Laura Lee (pseud. of Stratemeyer Syndicate). Six Little Bunkers at Cousin Tom’s (Grosset & Dunlap, 1918 [Internet

Archive]) (Juvenile) (Back Bay) (Adventure stories; Family)

Hopkins, William John. illus. Lester G Hornby. Those Gillespies (Houghton Mifflin, 1916 [HathiTrust) (opens “near the corner

of Tremont Street and Temple Place in Boston”; “Back Bay and Beacon Hill society, . . . a whimsical family and their

tangled love affairs”)

Hopton, Ralph Y. [pseud. of Harford Powell] and Anne Balliol [pseud. of Edward Streete]. Pink Pants (The Vanguard P,

1935) (Harvard University — Football; Football; Football players; American wit and humor)

Horton, Geralyn. “Conventional Behavior.” (c. 1984, 1986) (one act play, romance at Boston science-fiction convention)

(link to Horton’ accessed 9 Jan. 2008)

—. “A Late Lunch” (Boston: International Centre for Women Playwrights.; Playwrights Platform, 1997) (One act; South

End restaurant) (Theater — United States — 20th century; American drama — 20th century; American drama —

Women authors; Women dramatists, American — 20th century) (“A Late Lunch” [Internet Wayback Machine])

Hospital, Janette Turner. Charades (Bantam, 1988) (love in Australia-Boston (MIT prof.)-Toronto; connections to

Scheherazade) (Australians; Fathers and daughters; Young women; Australia)

Hourihan, Elizabeth. Two Ladies from Boston (Writers Club Press, 2001) (Brahmin heiress and Irish politician “James

Michael Hurley”‘s wife; 1920-40s)

Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald. illus. Robert Casilla. The Train to Lulu’s (Bradbury P, 1988) (Juvenile–grades K to 2)

(Boston African-American girls take train from Boston to Baltimore; 1930s) (Sisters — Boston, Massachusetts;

Self-reliance in children; Train rides — United States; African-American girls — Boston, Massachusetts; Girls —

Travel; Children’s stories, African-American — 20th century)

Howe, Fanny. The Blue Hills (Avon, 1981) (Juvenile) (Mystery and detective; Friendship)

—. The Deep North (Sun & Moon Press, 1988) (1950s-60s; Interracial conflict and confusion, as wealthy

Boston heroine tries to pass as African American)

—. Economics: Stories (Flood Editions, 2002) (liberals and working class in 1970s and 80s) (Boston (Mass.))

—. Indivisible (MIT Press, 2000) (“working class Boston neighborhood” [Publishers Weekly, Amazon]; “working-class

Boston during the 60s and its subsequent fall-out” WorldCat) (Women in the motion picture industry —

Massachusetts — Boston; Alcoholics’ spouses — Massachusetts — Boston; Musicians — Boston —

Massachusetts; Foster children — Massachusetts — Boston;  Mysticism)

New edition Los Angeles : Semiotext(e), 2022.

—. The Wedding Dress: Meditations on Word and Life (U of California P, 2003) (Collection of literary essays) (White

woman with non-white husband and children, Boston in 60s-70s. See novel by daughter, Danzy Senna, and

Boston Globe article, Joshua Glenn, “Bewildered in Boston” 7 Mar. 2004 H:2-3)

Howe, Katherine. The House of Velvet and Glass (Voice/Hyperion, 2012) (early 20th c.; heroine’s mother and sister

die on Titanic; Back Bay; seances; mystery; Harvard) (Mediums; Spiritualism; Grief; Boston (Mass.); Sisters

— Death; Mothers — Death; Paranormal)

—. The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane: A Novel (Hyperion, 2009) (Harvard grad student Cambridge/Marblehead 1991;

Salem 1692) (Witchcraft — Massachusetts; Marblehead (Mass.); Salem (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca.

1600-1775; Trials (Witchcraft) — Massachusetts — Salem — History — 17th century)

—. Physick Book. 02: The Daughters of Temperance Hobbs (Henry Holt, 2019) (heroine, professor in Boston; sequel to

The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane) (College teachers; Paranormal)

—. A True Account: Hannah Masury’s Sojourn Amongst the Pyrates, Written by Herself (Holt, 2023)  (in part Radcliffe

“professor Marian Beresford pieces Hannah’s story together in 1930” WorldCat; opens “Boston June 1726”)

(Boston (Mass.); Contract labor; Manuscripts; Secrecy; Self-realization in women; Stowaways; Treasure troves;

Women college teachers)
Huddle, David. “Apache” (1987). Contemporary New England Stories. Ed. C. Michael Curtis (Globe Pequot P, 1992:

113-30) (Combat Zone)

Hudson, Jeffrey [pseud., see Michael Chrichton]. A Case of Need (Signet, 1969)

Hughes, Dean. Lucky Fights Back (Deseret, 1991) (Juvenile–ages 4-8) (Mormons in Boston suburb) (Friendship;

Bullies; Conduct of life)

Husband, Joseph [Biegler]. High Hurdles (Houghton Mifflin, 1923) (hero flunks out of Harvard after sophomore year)

(Bail 303-304)

Hynes, John Bernard (Mayor of Boston). Boston (1956) (Boston (Mass.) — Description and travel — Poetry; Poetry of

places — Massachusetts — Boston)

Hyppolite, Joanne. Ola Shakes It Up (Delacorte, 1998) (Juvenile–grades 4-8) (African-American Roxbury family

moves to the suburbs) (Moving, Household; Neighborhood; Neighbors; African Americans; Family life)

—. Seth and Samona (Delacorte, 1995) (Juvenile–grades 2-6) (Little Miss Dorchester beauty pageant; Haitian

community) (African-American girls — Dorchester, Boston, Massachusetts; Beauty contests — Dorchester, Boston,

Massachusetts; Boy/girl relations — Dorchester, Boston, Massachusetts; Family — Dorchester, Boston,

Massachusetts; Fifth-graders — Dorchester, Boston, Massachusetts; Haitian-American boys — Dorchester,

Boston, Massachusetts)

Ireland, Liz. Charmed, I’m Sure (Zebra, 2003) (harmless witchcraft and romance in Boston) (Witches; Charms;


Ireland, Perrin. Ana Imagined (Graywolf, 2000) (Sarajevo (Bosnia and Hercegovina); Women — Bosnia and

Hercegovina; Yugoslav War, 1991-1995; Women; Fiction — Authorship; Cambridge (Mass.); Women authors;

Muslim women)

Irving, John. The Fourth Hand: A Novel (Random House, 2001) (partly Boston; one major character Boston hand

surgeon) (Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.; Donation of organs, tissues, etc.; Television journalists;

Transplant surgeons; Hand — Surgery)

—. Last Night in Twisted River: A Novel (Random House, 2009) (part North End; Italian-Americans) (Teenage boys;

Fathers and sons; Fugitives from justice; Loggers; Coos County (N.H.); Boston (Mass.); Vermont;Toronto (Ont.)

—. “Weary Kingdom.” Boston Review, Spring-Summer 1968. In Trying to Save Piggy Sneed (Arcade, 1996: 281

-322) (“the yearning solitude of a matron in a girls’ school in Boston” [Sven Birkets, New York Times Book

Review 4 Feb. 1996])

Ishihara, Mateal Lovaas. “Crossing Harvard Yard” (“based on the historical events . . . chronicled in William Wright’s

Harvard’s Secret Court: The Savage 1920 Purge of Campus Homosexuals” author’s note) (New England Review,

vol 36, no. 4, 2015, pp. 70-82)

Jackson, Elizabeth Rose. illus. Deane Cate. Beacon Hill Children; or, Chronicles of the Corey Family, as Told by Dee

(Page, 1947) (Juvenile)

Jacobs, Caroline E., and Lela Horn Richards. illus. John Goss. Blue Bonnet in Boston, or, Boarding School Days at Miss

North’s (Page, 1914 [Project Gutenberg]) (Series: The Blue Bonnet series) (Juvenile)

Jaffe, Rona. Class Reunion: A Novel (Delacorte, 1979) (four Radcliffe girls in the 50s and twenty years later) (Class

reunions; Women; Friendship)

James, Brian (pseud. of James Callahan). Headstone: October 27, 1915-August 30, 1984 (Xlibris, 2011) (“fictional

memoir of the author’s father, a charismatic Irishman, and Charlestown in the 1920s and’30s” [UMASS

Amherst, Fall 2012: 36]; 82 pges.)

James, Mary [a.k.a. M.E. Kerr]. Shoebag (Scholastic, 1990) (Juvenile–grades 4-6) (Beacon Hill) (Cockroaches)

Jameson, Harris P. For Sully’s Sake (Carleton, 1970) (“Set in the Boston ‘melting pot,’ . . . the life, loves and

adventures of a young Greek-American newspaper reporter” [The Book Buyer’s Guide 1969: 123]; Mission

Hill) (Reporters and reporting — Massachusetts — Boston)

Janowitz, Tama. Peyton Amberg: A Novel (St. Martin’s, 2003) (title character grew up poor in Boston; story mostly

elsewhere) (Married women; Women travel agents; Women travelers; Jewish men; Dentists; Dysfunctional families;

Extramarital relations; Promiscuity; Life change events; Self-esteem in women; Social classes; Marriage; Long

Island, New York; Psychological fiction)

Jarrar, Randa. A Map of Home: A Novel (Other, 2008) (main character, diaspored-Greek-Egyptian-Palestinian, born in

St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Boston, in 1970s; mainly Kuwait, Egypt, Houston) (Arab American women;


Jenkins, Emily. Mister Posterior and the Genius Child (Berkley, 2002) (1970) (Girls; Eight-year-old girls; Gifted girls;

Mother and daughter; Divorced mothers; Neighbors; Adulthood; Childhood; Friendship; Memories; Self-

awareness in children; Alternative education; Private schools; School children; Family; Family relationships;

Exhibitionism; The Seventies (20th century); Cambridge)

Jennings, Leslie Nelso. “The Boston Hat.” The New Yorker 11 Mar. 1933: 36 (Beacon Hill; poetic satire)

Jensen, Beverly. The Sisters from Hardscrabble Bay (Viking, 2010) (mainly New Brunswick and general New England

1916-87, but “Opera” chapter “Boston April 1929”; one sister lives in Boston) (Sisters; City and town life; New

England; New Brunswick)

Jevons, Marshall (pseud. of William Breit and Kenneth G. Elzinga). (Detective, Henry Spearman, an economics

professor at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts)

—. A Deadly Indifference (Carroll & Graf, 1995) (1965; action set in Cambridge, England) (Spearman, Henry

(Fictitious character); Private investigators; Economics teachers; Cambridge (England)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. The Fatal Equilibrium (MIT P, 1985) (Havard University; Economics Dept.; Tenure) (Spearman, Henry (Fictitious

character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Murder at the Margin (Glen Ridge, N.J.: T. Horton, 1978) (first in series; St. John Carribean island)(Spearman,

Henry (Fictitious character); Economists) (Google Books)

Johnson, Darlene. As We Lay: A Novel (Villard, 2003) (African Americans) (Traffic accident victims; Illegitimate children;

Women architects; Sick children; Mistresses; Adultery; Boston (Mass.))

Johnson, Janet L. The Ritz Carlton Cat (Gloucester, Mass.: Janet L. Johnson, 1992) (Juvenile) (Cats; Ritz Carlton Hotel

(Boston, Mass.))

Johnson, John. The Life And Times of Harry Broadtape (, 2006) (1940s into 70s; many Boston scenes–Parker

House, Beacon Hill, South Boston)

Jones, Jill. My Lady Caroline (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 1996) (heroine, Boston heiress in the 1990s; seances and spirits;

after opening pages mainly England) (Byron, George Gordon Byron, — Baron; Lamb, Caroline, — Lady; London


Jones, Joshua Henry, Jr. By Sanction of Law (B.J. Brimmer Company, 1924) (African Americans; intermarriage; partially

autobiographical; partially set in Boston) (United States–Race relations) (Google Books, Brief Summary, Jerry H.

Bryant, Victims and Heroes: Racial Violence in the African American Novel (U of Massachusetts P, 1997: 152),

Edward Clark, “Boston Black and White: The Voice of Fiction,” Black American Literature Forum 1 9.2 (1985):


Jordan, Allegra. The End of Innocence: A Novel (Sourcebooks, 2014) (Orig. pub. as Harvard 1914: A War Romance

Gold Gable P, 2012) (German-American romance; 1914; 1932) (World War, 1914-1918 — Belgium; World War,

1914-1918 — Participation, American; Americans — Belgium — History — 20th century; Harvard University)

Joyce, Brenda. Captive (Avon, 1996) (Romance; 20th and early 19th c.; starts “Boston, 1996”) (Time travel; Harem;

Boston (Mass.)– History; Africa, North–History– 1517-1882)

Juan, José Luis de. Trans. Martin Schifino and Selina Packard. This Breathing World (London: Arcadia, 2008) (in part,

Harvard 1950s) (Gay men; Murder)

Judge, Demond. Lost on the Sea of Galilee (Leicestershire: The Book Guild, 2021) (“based on the actual theft of the only

seascape known to have been painted by Rembrandt, . . .  stolen from the Isabella Gardner Museum in 1990 . . . yet

to be recovered” Lizzie 12 Sep. 2021)  (Art– Forgeries; Art thieves; Painters)

Judge, Lita. Pennies for Elephants (Disney/Hyperion Books, 2009) (Juvenile–ages 4-7) (children of Boston raise

money to buy three trained elephants for Franklin Park Zoo; actual incident) (Elephants; Fund raising; Zoos)

Julavits, Heidi. The Uses of Enchantment: A Novel (Doubleday, 2006) (1985; 1999; 17th century witchcraft) (Boston

(Mass.); Teenage girls — Massachusetts; Kidnapping; Amnesia; Psychologists; Family — New England)

Just, Ward. “About Boston” (1983). In Twenty-One: Selected Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 1990): 251-76) (Marquand with

bite) (Herbert Mitgang, “The Knowing Stories of Ward Just” New York Times on the Web 9 May 1990)

—. “The North Shore 1958” (1985). In Twenty-One: Selected Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 1990): 318-51) (North Shore of

Chicago, but male narrator lives in the Back Bay in the 1980s, Boston divorce attorney; some Boston/

Harvard at end)

Kahn, E. J., Jr. “Ten Thousand Men of Harvard, Farewell.” The New Yorker 19 Oct. 1940: 53-56 (Harvard students and

later life) (Keywords: Harvard Men)

Kales, David. The Phantom Pirate: Tales of the Irish Mafia and the Boston Harbor Islands (Author House, 2004) (thinly-

veiled fiction based on Whitey Bulger) (Organized crime; Mafia; Gangsters; Irish Americans; Boston Harbor


Kamal, Sajed. People City: After the Snow Storm (Fenway Arts Council, 1979) (“a chapbook of poetry and photographs,”

author’s web page) (Blizzards — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.) — Poetry)

Kaplan, Hester. Kinship Theory: A Novel (Little, Brown, 2001) (mother bears daughter’s child; Newton) (Mothers and

daughters; Surrogate mothers; Pregnant women)

Katz, David Evans. Sin of Omission: A Novel of Suffolk Square (Hamilton, MI: Koenisha Publications, 2003) (1962/2002;

Russian Orthodox Americans; Jewish Americans) (Malden (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Katz, Molly. Nobody Believes Me (Ballantine 1994) (Boston romance gone wrong; heroine popular Boston talkshow

host) (Women television talk show hosts and guests — Boston, Massachusetts; Stalking — Boston,

Massachusetts; Violence against women — Boston, Massachusetts) (Amazon and Google Books)

Katzenbach, John. The Wrong Man: A Novel (Ballantine, 2006) (victim of obssessive male, Boston art history

grad student, and her extended family; Boston professor; Boston attorney) (Parent and child; Stalkers)

Kaufmann, Myron S. The Love of Elspeth Baker (Arbor House, 1982) (Annie Gottlieb, “Modern Jewish Motherhood,”

New York Times 5 Sep. 1982, review, accessed 16 July 2009)

—. Remember Me to God (Lippincott, 1957) (Jewish Harvard undergraduate and potential marriage to Christian girl;

middle-class Jewish family in Boston just before Pearl Harbor)

—. Thy Daughter’s Nakedness (Lippincott, 1968) (middle-class Jewish Boston family; intermarriage; all three novels

“take place in Boston and deal intensely and at length with Jewish issues,” Josh Lambert, American Jewish Fiction

(Jewish Publication Society, 2009: item 47)

Kaysen, Susanna. Cambridge (Knopf, 2014) (“academics and artists . . . in the 1950s”) (Young women; Intellectual life;

Art appreciation; Cambridge (Mass.) — Social life and customs — 20th century)

Keating, Philip. Blue Shirts; Red Sox (, 2013) (“Boston General Hospital in the Roaring Twenties”; love

affair between Italian-American young woman and an English man; also, Brockton, MA, Cape Cod, and

Liverpool; 1914-29)

Keays, H[ersilla]. A. Mitchell [Copp]. The Marriage Portion: A Novel (Small, Maynard, 1911) (“Cambridge social life with

members of the Harvard faculty as some of the characters” [Bail 344]) (Pub. Des., in Gaston Leroux, The Man

with the Black Feather (Small, Maynard, 1912: 319) [Google Books])

Keene, Carolyn. The Case of the Vanishing Veil (Simon and Schuster, 2001 orig. 1988) (Juvenile–ages 9-12) (Nancy

Drew; theft of antique lace veil at Boston wedding; Chapter 8 The Boston Tea Party) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Secret of the Wooden Lady (Grosset & Dunlap, 1950) (Series: Her Nancy Drew mystery stories, 27) (Juvenile;

Old clipper ship in Boston Harbor) (Girl detectives; Clipper ships; Drew, Nancy (Fictitious character); Ghosts)

(Google Books)

Keener, Jessica Brilliant. Night Swim (Fiction Studio Books, 2012) (1970s rich Jewish family) (Families; Teenage girls;

Mothers — Death; Boston (Mass.))

Kelly, Pat. “Return to Beantown.” 9 Jan. 2007 (Summer Friendship Series) (Buffy and Faith fan fiction)

Kelly, Susan. (Detective, Liz Connors, a former English professor and freelance crime writer, in Cambridge)

—. And Soon I’ll Come to Kill You (Villard, 1991) (Connors, Liz (Fictitious character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Gemini Man (Walker, 1985) (Connors, Liz (Fictitious character); Women detectives) (Google Books)

—. Out of the Darkness (Villard, 1992) (Connors, Liz (Fictitious character)) (Amazon and Google Books

—. The Summertime Soldiers (Walker, 1986) (Remnants of 60s terrorist group; Cambridge) (Connors, Liz (Fictitious

character); Women detectives) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Trail of the Dragon (Walker, 1988) (Cambridge)(Connors, Liz (Fictitious character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Until Proven Innocent (Villard, 1990) (Connors, Liz (Fictitious character)) (heroine, “former college professor

turned crime writer”; clues “buried in the annals of Cambridge history” WorldCat)

Kelner, Toni. L. P. Country Comes to Town (Kensington, 1996) (Fleming, Laura (Fictitious character); Women

detectives — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.)

—. Mad As the Dickens (Kensington, 2001) (Boston-based amateur sleuth couple solve murder in pregnant wife’s North

Carolina hometown) (Fleming, Laura (Fictitious character); Women detectives; North Carolina) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Trouble Looking for Place to Happen: A Laura Fleming Mystery (Kensington, 1995) (mainly North Carolina) (Computer

programmers — Massachusetts — Boston; Family life — North Carolina)

Kemelman, Harry. That Day the Rabbi Left Town (Fawcett Columbine, 1996) (Rabbi David Small moves to Boston to

teach Judaic studies) (Small, David (Fictitious character); Rabbis; Private investigators; Murder–Investigation)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Kempton, Kenneth Payson. So Dream All Night (Putnam, 1941) (Harvard English Department 1920s-30s)

Kendall, John. The Echoes of Summer (iUniverse, 2003) (1950s; partly set in Boston and Somerville; racial and religious

tension) (Self-esteem; Teenagers and adults; United States — History — 1953-1961)

Kennedy, Kathleen (pseud. of Annie Louise Richards). Jack Eliot’s Senior Year: A College Romance (Boston:

Printed for the Author by the Rockwell & Churchill P, 1913) (Harvard; Bail 292: “the story of two most

unrealistic seniors set in a most unrealistic Harvard and their romance with two Radcliffe girls”) (College


Kennedy, Pagan. The Exes (Simon & Schuster, 1998) (garage band from Boston made up of ex-lovers) (Bands (Music);


Kennedy, Raud A. Sex On the Beach (Tinicum, PA: Xlibris Corporation, 2000) (Charlestown; code of silence)


Kennedy, Sidney Robinson, and Alden Charles Noble. White Ashes (Macmillan, 1912 [Google Books]) (“fire

insurance”; “1914 . . . burning of Boston” [Book Review Digest 1912: 255 (Google Books)]

Kenney, Charles. American Sycamore: A Novel (Arcade, 2024) (1970s-21st c.; opens “September 16, 2021,” Harvard prof. main character’s

70th birthday)  (Baby boom generation; Cancel culture; College teachers;  Friendship; Harvard University; Journalists; Married people; Medical

personnel Malpractice; Physicians; Prostate Cancer)

—. Hammurabi’s Code (Simon & Schuster, 1995); republished as Code of Vengeance Fawcett, 1997)

(Journalist seeks murderer of  politician) (“the seedy side of Boston politics and journalism”;  Bill Weld, “brings

Boston’s demimonde authentically to life”) (Journalists; Brothers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Last Man (Ballantine, 2001) (escaped Nazi war criminal found in Boston area) (Holocaust survivors; War

criminals) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. The Son of John Devlin (Ballantine, 1999) (Undercover investigator into police corruption is son of dead

corrupt Boston cop) (Police corruption) (Amazon and Google Books)

Kenny, Clifton. Reflections (Burlington, VT: 2015) (Present=1974, but also Salem 1692 and Boston Tea Party)

(Families; Friendship; Psychic ability; Memory; Secrecy; Priests; Witches; United States — History —

Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)

Kenny, Tom. The Docent: A Novel (Tom Kenny, 2016) (Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; Art thefts)

Kent, Louise Andrews. Paul Revere Square (Houghton Mifflin, 1939 [Internet Archive]) (romance in Louisburg Square

fictionalized as Revere Square)

Kerouac, Jack. The Sea Is My Brother (Da Capo P, 2012) (written 1943; previously unpublished 1st novel; mainly

elsewhere but includes “a roundtrip to Boston” [Allison McCulloch, “Fiction Chronicle,” New York Times 1 Jul.

2012: Bk. Rev 22])

Keyes, Frances Parkinson. Joy Street (Messner, 1950 []) (Louisburg Square; Brahmin, Jewish, Irish, Italian

junior lawyers) (Beacon Hill 1936-46; Social classes)

Khashoggi, Soheir. Mirage (Forge, 1996) (heroine becomes a psychologist in Boston) (Married women; Arab

Americans; Saudi Arabia)

Kilgore, Kathleen. The Wolfman of Beacon Hill (Little, Brown, 1982 []) (Juvenile) (Wolves; Runaways;

Boston (Mass.))

Kilmer, Nicholas.  Dirty Linen (Holt, 1999) (Art world hijinks) (Erotic art–Collectors and collecting) (Amazon

and Google Books))

—. Harmony in Flesh and Black (Holt, 1995) (“Fred Taylor is implicated in pornography and murder while researching

and acquiring two paintings for his boss, a wealthy [Beacon Hill] art collector.” [Nancy Richards, Memorial Hall

Library, Andover, 1995]) (Art–collectors and collecting; Vietnam War, 1961-1975–Veterans) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Lazarus, Arise (Scottsdale, AZ: Poisoned Pen P, 2001) (dead artist) (Taylor, Fred (Fictitious character); Art

consultants) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Man With a Squirrel (Holt, 1996) (Taylor, Fred (Fictitious character); Art consultants) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. O Sacred Head (Holt, 1997) (Boston art world) (Taylor, Fred (Fictitious character); Art–Collectors and collecting)

(Amazon and Google Books)

King, Basil [pseud. of William Benjamin King]. The Thread of Flame (Harper, 1920 [Google Books]) (partly

Boston; shell-shock; spiritual change)

King, Kevin. All the Stars Came Out That Night: A Novel (Dutton, 2005) (Fenway Park Oct. 20, 1934 all-star game

between major league and negro leagues players) (Winchell, Walter, 1897-1972; Dean, Dizzy, 1910-1974; Paige,

Satchel, 1906-1982; Ford, Henry, 1863-1947; Lombard, Carole, 1908-1942; St. Louis Cardinals (Baseball

team); Detroit Tigers (Baseball team); Fenway Park (Boston, Mass.); World Series (Baseball); Gossip columnists;

Celebrities; Film actors and actresses; Criminals; Kidnapping; Professional baseball players; Negro leagues

baseball players; Baseball players; Baseball teams; Professional baseball teams; The Thirties (20th century);

Chicago, Illinois; Hollywood, California — Social life and customs — 20th century; United States — Race relations

— History — 20th century)

King, Lily. Writers & Lovers: A Novel (Grove, 2020) (late 90s, Boston, Harvard Square) (Romance; Waitresses; Triangles

(Interpersonal relations); Life change events; Authors)

King, Stephen. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (Scribner, 1999) (Red Sox and Fenway Park; nine-year old heroine)

(Children of divorced parents; Pitchers (Baseball); Appalachian Trail; Mountain life)

Kirby, Mansfield. Illus. Mance Post. The Secret of Thut-Mouse III or Basil Beaudesert’s Revenge (Farrar, Straus, and

Giroux, 1985) (Juvenile–grades 4-6) (mice and cat in Boston museum of ancient art) (Art museums; Museums;

Art, Egyptian; Mice; Cats)

Kirman, Robin. Bradstreet Gate: A Novel (Crown, 2015) (Harvard 1997 murder; Adams House; professor and students;

ten years later) (Friendship; Bildungsromans; College students — Crimes against; Murder — Investigation)

Kistler, Julie. Flannery’s Rainbow (Harlequin, 1992) (Romance; some Boston) (Irish Americans; Saint Patrick’s Day)

Kitaj, Karma. Beguiled: A Novel (Virginia Beach, VA: Köehlerbooks, 2018) (“daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants

in Bostonï; “West End in the early 1900s”) (Jewish women — Massachusetts — Boston; Feminism)

Klainer, Albert S. and Jo-Ann. The Judas Gene: A Novel (New York: R. Marek, 1980) (hero raised by Jewish family in

Chelsea; mad Dachau doctor’s 30-year-delayed genetic time bomb; mainly elsewhere) (Google Books)

Klass, Peri. Other Women’s Children (Random House, 1990) (Women pediatricians — Boston, Massachusetts;

Family — Boston, Massachusetts; Children and doctors)

Klavan, Laurence. The Cutting Room (Ballantine, 2004) (includes kidnapping in Boston; mainly elsewhere) (Welles,

Orson, 1915-1985; Magnificent Ambersons — Influence; Authors; Cinematographers; Film actors and actresses;

Crack addicts; Murder suspects; Films; Secrets; Kidnapping; Los Angeles, California; Barcelona, Spain; Boston)

(Google Books)

Klein, Zachary. No Saving Grace (Fawcett Columbine, 1994) (Rabbis — Boston, Massachusetts; Hasidim — Boston,

Massachusetts; Jacob, Matt; Detectives — Boston, Massachusetts; Hate groups — Boston, Massachusetts) (

Amazon and Google Books)

—. Still Among the Living: A Novel of Suspense (Harper & Row, 1990) (detective, “a drug-abusing Boston janitor”

[Google Books]) (Jacob, Matt (Fictitious character); Private investigators–Israel; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. Two Way Toll: A Matt Jacob Novel of Suspense (HarperCollins, 1991) (Boston slum called “The End”) (Jacob, Matt

(Fictitious character); Private investigators; Private investigators–Boston) (Amazon and Google Books)

Kline, Burton. Struck by Lightning: The Comedy of Being a Man (John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1916) (“comedy of a

violent love affair played by a prominent man before the chilly stares of Social Boston” Pub. Des.,

The American Review of Reviews Jun. 1916 [Google Books])

Kline, Suzy. Orp and the Chop Suey Burgers (Putnam, 1990) (Juvenile–ages 9-12) (cooking contest in Boston)

(Cookery; Contests)

Kluger, Richard. Un-American Activities: A Novel (Doubleday, 1982) (first third Harvard semi-radical politics in the 30s)

Knauss, Jessica. Tree/house: A Novella (CreateSpace, 2009) (“Boston, Providence . . .1997 . . . thesis at Wheaton

College . . . 1997″; student and professor WorldCat) (Widows)

Knight, Katheryn Lasky. (See also Lasky, Kathryn.) (Detective, Calista Jacobs, Cambridge book illustrator)

—. Dark Swan (St. Martin’s, 1994.) (Back Bay; murder and incest; “Housesitting while her own house is being

renovated, Calista Jacobs finds her Boston Brahmin neighbor dead in her Beacon Hill greenhouse.” ) (Jacobs,

Calista (Fictitious character); Jacobs, Charley (Fictitious character); Mothers and sons; Teenage boys) (Amazon

and Google Books)

–. Mortal Words (Summit, 1990) (Murder; Archaeology; Computers; MIT; Religious extremists) (Jacobs, Calista

(Fictitious character); Jacobs, Charley (Fictitious character); Mothers and sons; Women artists; Teenage boys)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Mumbo Jumbo (Summit, 1991) (Archaeology; Arizona) (Jacobs, Calista (Fictitious character); Jacobs, Charley

(Fictitious character); Mothers and sons; Women artists; Teenage boys) (Amazon and Google Books)

—-. Trace Elements (Norton, 1986) (Peabody Museum; Rattlesnake poison; Nevada; Washington, D.C.; Harvard

University politics) (Jacobs, Calista (Fictitious character); Jacobs, Charley (Fictitious character); Mothers

and sons; Women artists; Teenage boys) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Widow of Oz (Norton, 1989) (Self-fulfillment in middle-aged women; Middle-aged widows —  Boston,

Massachusetts; Middle-aged women — Identity; Independence in middle-aged women; Boston,


Kobin, Joann. “Dr. Leopold Tries to Figure It Out.” The New England Review 21.2 (Spring 2000): 63-77 (male

psychiatrist/teacher and family in Boston) (Family; Divorce; Jews; Psychiatry) (

Kotker, Norman. Billy in Love (Zoland, 1996) (romance; in part struggle about turning Boston apartments to condos at

expense of current tenants) (Sexagenarians — Florida; Widowers — Florida; Retirees — Florida; Landlord and

tenant; Apartment houses — Boston, Massachusetts; Mother and adult son; Senior men — Florida; Senior

women — Florida; Senior couples; Senior romance; Interclass romance)

Kraft, Eric. Reservations Recommended (Crown, 1990) (“satirical novel concerns the gustatory and amatory

adventures of a middle-aged toy co. exec. who is also a pseudonymous restaurant reviewer in Boston” [Laurel

Graeber, “New and Noteworthy Paperbacks,” New York Times Book Review 5 Nov. 1995]) (Food writers, Middle-

aged men)

Kram, Mark. Miles to Go (Morrow, 1982) (“Tale of an American, a German, and a Japanese runner; each has his own

motivations, but they are all determined to do whatever is necessary to win the Boston Marathon.” The

Ulitmate Guide to the Boston Marathon [Friday, April 13, 2007) (Running)

Kramer, Peter. Spectacular Happiness: A Novel (Scribner, 2001) (Some Boston, esp. student radicals in 60s

remembered in middle age in the 90s) (Political activists; Happiness; Bombings; Cape Cod (Mass.); Conformity;

Autonomy; Domestic fiction)

Kratman, Tony.  Dirty Water: A Journey Through Time Back to Boston (Baen, 2023) (1688 with witch hanging on

Boston Neck; 1965 Boston toy store; 2022 Boston grandfather and granddaughter WorldCat) (Christmas;


Kraus, Jim and Terri. The Quest: A Novel (Tyndale House, 2001) (Christian message: Christ provides meaning for life)

(College students; Cambridge (Mass.))

Krensky, Stephen. A Ghostly Business (Atheneum, 1984) (Juvenile) (visiting aunt in Boston) (Ghosts; Magic;

Boston (Mass.))

—. Illus. Joe Morse. Play Ball, Jackie! (Millbrook P, 2015) (Primary school) (15 Apr. 1947 Jackie Robinson breaks

color barrier in Brooklyn against Boston Braves) (Robinson, Jackie, — 1919-1972; Boston Braves

(Baseball team); Brooklyn Dodgers (Baseball team); African American baseball players; Race relations)

Kress, Andrea. Murder on Boston Common: A Plot Twist Cozy Mystery (2023)  (“Boston, 1933” WorldCat) (Boston Common (Boston, Mass.);

Murder Investigation; Women detectives)

Kress, Nancy. “The Mountain to Mohammed.” In Visions of Wonder: The Science Fiction Research Association

Reading Anthology, ed. David G. Hartwell and Milton T. Wolf. Tor/Forge, 1996: 585-97 (physician in Boston)

(Science fiction; Physicians; Disease; Malpractice)

Kricorian, Nancy. Zabelle (Atlantic Monthly, 1998) (death in Watertown in 90s to 1916 childhood in Armenia) (Armenian

American women)

Kumin, Maxine. The Designated Heir (Viking, 1974) (heiress to Beacon Hill/Marlborough Street money; Jewish


—. Through Dooms of Love (Harper & Row, 1965) (Jewish Radcliffe junior in radical politics and racial

entanglements of the the 30s)

Ladd, Anna Coleman. The Candid Adventurer (Houghton Mifflin, 1913 [Google Books]) (Part 1 Cambridge; artistic freedom

vs. Puritan restraint) (Review, New York Times 11 May 1913: BR 281, acceessed 16 July 2009)

Ladd, Florence. Sarah’s Psalm: A Novel (Scribner, 1996) (female African-American Harvard grad; 1960s; U.S.; Senegal)

(African American women; Americans — Africa; Race relations; Senegal)

LaHaye, Tim F., and Gregory S Dinallo. Always Grace (Kensington, 2008) (“Preface” Boston, Massachusetts 1918; first

chapter opens North Station; couple separated by WWI) (Photographers)

—. Come Spring (Kensington, 2005) (Juvenile) (1916-18; World War I) (Love stories; Christian fiction; Photographers;

Scottish Americans; Boston (Mass.))

Lahiri, Jhumpa. “Hell-Heaven,” The New Yorker 24 May 2004 [accessed 26 Feb. 2008] (Bengalis in Cambridge and


—. Interpreter of Maladies: Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 1999) (short stories–“most . . . explore uprooted Bengali expatriates

in and around Boston”) (East Indian Americans)

—. The Namesake (Houghton Mifflin, 2003) (class of Americans and Bengalis in Cambridge, Boston, and beyond; MIT)

(Young men; East Indian Americans; Children of immigrants; Assimilation (Sociology); Alienation (social

psychology); Gogol)

—. “Nobody’s Business.” The New Yorker 12 Mar, 2004: 78-95 (Keywords: India; Harvard University; London, England;

Dickens, Charles; Cambridge, Massachusetts; College Students; Roommates; Love Affairs; Boston, Massachusetts;

Proposals; The Odyssey; Bengal; Arranged marriages; Love Scenes – Triangles)

—. “Sexy: The High Intoxication of Love.” The New Yorker 28 Dec. 1998: 100-11 (heroine works “in the fund-raising

department of a Boston public-radio station” Abstract) (Keywords: England; Divorce; Marriage; India; Love Affairs;

Boston, Massachusetts; Montreal, Canada; Radio Stations; Fund-raising; Banks, Bankers; Filene’s Basement)

—. “A Temporary Matter.” The New Yorker 20 Apr. 1998: 80-85 (nightly blackouts on Beacon Hill; Indian couple reveal

secrets) (New Yorker Archives)

—. “The Third and Final Continent.” The New Yorker 21 Jun. 1999: 200-14 (“married Indian student arrives in Cambridge,

Massachusetts, in 1969″ Abstract) (Keywords: Marriage; India; Old Age; London, England; Massachusetts

Institute of Technology; Cambridge, Massachusetts; Boarding Houses; Moon; Library, Libraries; The Sixties


—. Unaccustomed Earth (Knopf, 2008) (short stories; MIT; Harvard University; Wayland; Wellesley; North Shore; Seattle;

India; Thailand) (Bengali Americans; Bengali (South Asian people) — United States)

Lamb, J. Dayne.  A Question of Preference: A Teal Stewart Mystery (Kensington, 1994) (Boston; Cape Cod;

California) (Stewart, Teal (Fictitious character); Women accountants) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Questionable Behavior (Kensington, 1993) (Boston Mafia investigator murdered; heroine/detective, accountant)

(Women accountants — Massachusetts — Boston; Mafia — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. Unquestioned Loyalty: A Teal Stewart Mystery (Kensington, 1995) (murder and hanky-panky at a Boston accounting

firm) (Stewart, Teal (Fictitious character); Women in finance; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

Lamport, Felicia. “The Boston Lady.” (Light 11 (Sept. 1994): 3) (poem)

Lamson, Bud. Ambiguous Clarity (Infinity, 2003) (Korea, Boston, Vietnam, Nicaragua, California, Ireland) (Cold War)

Landay, William. Mission Flats (Delacorte, 2003) (rural Maine murder/Boston cop murder 25 years earlier) (Maine) (

Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Strangler (Delacorte, 2007) (1963; Irish Americans) (De Salvo, Albert Henry; Private investigators; Serial

murderers) (Google Books)

—. “Ten Views of the Combat Zone (Boston, 1976).” Esquire (posted 31 Jan. 2008; accessed 24 Feb. 2008)

Langton, Jane. (sleuth, Homer Kelly, Concord, ex-Assistant D.A., Harvard University lecturer in American literature)

—. The Dante Game (Viking, 1991) (Florence; Dante) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious character); Cambridge (Mass.); College

teachers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Dark Nantucket Noon (Harper & Row, 1975) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious character); Cambridge (Mass.); College

teachers; Nantucket Island (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Dead as a Dodo: A Homer Kelly Mystery (Viking, 1996) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious character); College teachers;

Americans — England; University of Oxford; Oxford (England)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Deserter: Murder at Gettysburg (Thomas Dunne Books, 2003) (Harvard “deserter”) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious

character); Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863; Military deserters; Gettysburg (Pa.); College teachers;

Concord (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. .Divine Inspiration: A Homer Kelly Mystery (Viking, 1993) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious character); Concord (Mass.); College

teachers; Organists) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Emily Dickinson Is Dead: A Novel of Suspense (St. Martin’s, 1984) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious character); College

teachers; Cambridge (Mass.); Amherst (Mass.); Dickinson, Emily) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Escher Twist: A Homer Kelly Mystery (Viking, 2002) (Mount Auburn Cemetery) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious

character); Escher, M. C.; Cambridge (Mass.); College teachers; Missing persons; Art –Exhibitions) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. The Face on the Wall (Viking, 1998) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious character); Cambridge (Mass.); College teachers)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. God in Concord (Viking, 1992) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious character); College teachers; Retirees; Cambridge (Mass.);

Concord (Mass.); Detectives) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Good and Dead: A Novel of Suspense (St. Martin’s, 1986) (fictional town of Nashoba) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious

character); Cambridge (Mass.); College teachers; Church membership; Euthanasia) (Amazon and Google


—. The Memorial Hall Murder (Harper & Row, 1978) (Memorial Hall looks different today after 1990s renovations.) (Kelly,

Homer (Fictitious character); Cambridge (Mass.); College teachers; Harvard University) (Google Books)

—. Murder at Monticello: A Homer Kelly Mystery (Viking, 2001) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious character); Jefferson,

Thomas; Charlottesville (Va.); College teachers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Murder at the Gardner: A Novel of Suspense (St. Martin’s, 1988) (Isabella Stewart Gardner) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious

character); Cambridge (Mass.); College teachers) (Amazon and Google Books))

—. Natural Enemy (New Haven: Ticknor & Fields, 1982) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious character); Cambridge (Mass.); College

teachers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—.The Shortest Day: Murder at the Revels (Viking, 1995) (Harvard; tent city for homeless; Cambridge) (Kelly,

Homer (Fictitious character); Cambridge (Mass.); College teachers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Steeplechase: A Homer Kelly Mystery (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2005) (1868; fictional Nashoba, Mass.) (Kelly, Homer

(Fictitious character); Middlesex County (Mass.)) (Amazon, esp.Front Flap, and Google Books)

—. The Thief of Venice (Viking, 1999) (Kelly, Homer (Fictitious character); Cambridge (Mass.); College teachers;

Americans — Italy; Book collectors; Rare books; Venice (Italy)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Transcendental Murder (Harper & Row 1964; Dell 1976 and 1980 ed. changed to The Minuteman Murder) (Kelly,

Homer (Fictitious character); Patriots’ Day; Transcendentalists (New England); Concord (Mass.)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

LaSalle, Peter. “Snow, Debutantes, and 1967” (The Antioch Review, vol. 75, no. 2, 2017, pp. 70-89) (Beacon Hill,

Harvard students)

Lasky, Kathryn. (see also Knight, Kathryn Lasky) An American Spring (New York: Scholastic, 2004) (Juvenile) (North

End; 1903) (Immigrants; Italian Americans; Irish Americans; Diaries)

—. Home at Last: Sofia’s Immigrant Diary (Scholastic, 2003) (Juvenile–grades 3-6) (1903) (Immigrants; Italian

Americans; Diaries)

—. I have an Aunt on Marlborough Street (Macmillan, 1992) (Juvenile–ages 4-8) (Aunts)

—. Prank (Macmillan, 1984) (Juvenile) (East Boston) (Vandalism; Brothers and sisters; Antisemitism; Irish


—. Sea Swan (Macmillan, 1988) (Juvenile–ages 5-8) (grandmother living on Beacon Hill) (Old age; Grandmothers;


—. illus. Christopher G. Knight Tugboats Never Sleep (Little Brown, 1977) (Juvenile) (Boston (Mass.) — Harbor)

Lathen, Emma. Something in the Air (Simon and Schuster, 1988) (Boston airline; N.Y. detective) (Thatcher, John

Putnam (Fictitious character) Bankers; Wall Street (New York, N.Y.); New York (N.Y.)) (Amazon and Google


Lawrence, Kelly. The Gone Shots (New York: F. Watts, 1987) (Blackmail; Boston politics; Harvard Square; Back

Bay) (Google Books)

Leach, Betty Frye. Boston in My Blood (Boston: E.F. and C.C. Leach, 1963) (Poetry; Poetry of places))

Leavitt, Caroline. Is This Tomorrow (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2013) (Starts 1956) (Divorced mothers; Children —

Crimes against; Suburbs — Massachusetts — Boston — History — 20th century)

—. Meeting Rozzy Halfway (Seaview Books, 1980) (sisters growing up in Boston) (Sisters, Mental illness; Boston


Le Claire, Anne D. Sideshow: A Novel of Suspense (Viking, 1994) (1990s Boston and 1930s Ohio; serial killer) (Women

librarians; Orphans; Dreams; Girls) (Amazon and Google Books)

Lee, Andrea. “Fine Points.” The New Yorker 21 May 1984: 38-41 (African-American women students at Harvard; romance

and flirtation) (Keywords: Harvard University; Negroes; Love; College Students)

—. “Negatives.” The New Yorker 1 Oct. 1984: 34-38 (male and female African Americans at Harvard in the 70s)

(Keywords: Photography; Harvard University; Negroes; Friendship; College Students)

Lee, Don. Yellow: Stories (Norton, 2001) (first generation Korean-American hero of title story, “corporate bigwig at a Boston

consulting firm” [Will Blythe, “Both Sides of the Hyphen,” New York Times Book Review 15 Jul. 2001: 6])

(California; Asian Americans)

Lee, Marie G. Saying Goodbye (Houghton Mifflin, 1994) (Juvenile–grades 8-12) (freshman creative writer) (Korean

Americans; Harvard University; Universities and colleges; Prejudices; Friendship; Authorship)

Lee, Michael. Paradise Dance: Stories (Leapfrog Press, 2002) (fictitious working class town of Albright, Mass.,

“on the outskirts of Boston” [Back Cover])

Lee, Mildred. The People Therein (Houghton Mifflin, 1980) (Juvenile) (male Bostonian in Appalachia c. 1910, with one

return home and background) (Appalachian Mountains; Mountain life; Botany)

Lee, W[endi] W. Deadbeat (St. Martin’s, 1999) (East Boston; Ex-Marine) (Matelli, Angela (Fictitious character); Women

private investigators; Women detectives) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Good Daughter: An Angela Matelli Mystery (St. Martin’s, 1994) (East Boston; Combat Zone; Ex-Marine)

(Matelli, Angela (Fictitious character); Women private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Habeas Campus: An Angela Matelli Mystery (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2002) (Matelli, Angela (Fictitious character);

Women private investigators; Italian American Women; Vermont; Zombies) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. He Who Dies …: An Angela Matelli Mystery (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2000) (Providence mafia) (Matelli, Angela (Fictitious

character); Women private investigators; Organized crime) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Missing Eden: An Angela Matelli Mystery (St. Martin’s, 1996) (Matelli, Angela (Fictitious character); Women private

investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

Leggett, John. The Gloucester Branch (Harper & Row, 1964) (midlife crisis for Boston investment banker and

suburban wife)

Lehane, Dennis. See Dennis Lehane Books

—. Darkness, Take My Hand (Morrow, 1996) (Dorchester; Irish mob) (Kenzie, Patrick (Fictitious character);

Gennaro, Angela (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Serial murderers)

—. A Drink Before the War (Harcourt Brace, 1994) (“racial and class warfare in working-class neighborhoods like

Dorchester, Mass., where this debut novel is set” [Marilyn Stasio, “Crime” New York Times Book Review 11

Dec. 1994]; Dorchester/Roxbury with some scenes Beacon Hill/Back Bay: suggests that working class blacks/

whites (mainly Irish) share upper classes as real enemy, not  each other) (Kenzie, Patrick (Fictitious character);

Gennaro, Angela (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Family violence)

—. The Given Day (Morrow, 2008) (Boston (Mass.). — Police Dept.; Police Strike, Boston, Mass., 1919)

—. Gone, Baby, Gone (Morrow, 1998) (Dorchester) (Kenzie, Patrick (Fictitious character); Gennaro, Angela

(Fictitious character); Private investigators; Children–Crimes against: Missing children)

—. Live by Night (HarperCollins 2012) (sequel to The Given Day; starts Boston 1926; ends in Tampa)

—. Mystic River (Morrow, 2001) (childhood in fictional East Buckingham, a version of Dorchester/South Boston/East

Boston) (Police; Male friendships; Friendship in children; Murder)

—. Prayers for Rain: A Novel (Morrow, 1999) (Dorchester, Nantasket, Plymouth; Custom House) (Kenzie, Patrick

(Fictitious character); Gennaro, Angela (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Psychopaths; Serial


—. Sacred (Morrow, 1997) (mainly set in Florida) (Kenzie, Patrick (Fictitious character); Gennaro, Angela (Fictitious

character); Private investigators; Missing persons–Investigation)

—. Shutter Island (Morrow, 2003) (psychological thriller, harbor islands; 1954; hurricane) (United States marshals;

Psychiatric hospital patients; Brainwashing; Drug testing; Eugenics; Islands)

—. Small Mercies: A Novel (HarperCollins, 2023) (Summer 1974; South Boston; Marty Butler = Whitey Bulger) (Irish

Americans; Missing persons; Mothers and daughters; Organized crime; Racism against Black people; Segregation

in education; Suspense)

Lehman, Benjamin Harrison. Wild Marriage (Harper & Brothers, 1925) (Harvard student and faculty conventions;

romance)   Bail 308-311)

L’Heureux, John. Having Everything (Atlantic Monthly P, 1999) (Harvard Medical School professor) (Psychiatrists —

Massachusetts — Cambridge; Alcoholics — Massachusetts — Cambridge; Marriage; Antisocial personality

disorders; Recovered memory; Autoerotic asphyxia)

—. An Honorable Profession (Viking, 1991) (Combat Zone) (Child sexual abuse by teachers; Teacher-student

relationships; High school teachers; English teachers; False testimony)

—. The Miracle: A Novel (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2002) (hero starts as priest in South Boston in the 70s) (

Clergy; Miracles; Seaside resorts; College student orientation)

—. A Woman Run Mad (Viking, 1988) (Man-woman relationships; Married people; Shoplifting) (Connections with Greek

tragedy; “part comedy of manners and part psychosexual thriller” [Back Cover])

Lehrer, Kate. When They Took Away the Man in the Moon (Random House, 1993) (Boston-based heroine returns to

native Texas) (Political consultants; Mothers and daughters; Texas)

Leimbach, Marti. Dying Young (Doubleday, 1990) (Julia Roberts film; three Boston people in Hull)

—. Love and Houses (Simon & Schuster, 1997) (love and real estate in Boston) (Marriage; Home; Man-woman

relationships; Pregnancy)

—. Sun Dial Street (Doubleday, 1992) (main character manages musical acts in Boston; mainly, LA with his

disfunctional mother and sister, and his business and love ventures) (Family)

Lelchuk, Alan. American Mischief (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973) (college carnality in the 60s; fictional Cardoza

College (Brandeis), 12 miles from Cambridge) (Deans (Education); College students; Radicals)

—. Miriam at Thirty-Four (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1974) (see below) (Kirkus Reviews; accessed 28 Dec. 2011)

—. Miriam in her Forties (Houghton Mifflin, 1985) (“sequel to “Miriam at Thirty-four”; “Cambridge freelance

photographer ” WorldCat) (Divorced mothers — Cambridge, Massachusetts; Divorced Jewish-American women

— Cambridge, Massachusetts; Middle-aged Jewish-American women — Cambridge, Massachusetts; Jewish-

American women photographers — Cambridge, Massachusetts; Single-parent family — Cambridge, Massachusetts)

—. Ziff: A Life?: A Novel (Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003) (fictional Ziff grew up Jewish American in Dorchester;

Roxbury, West Roxbury, Boston Latin, Braves Field) (Biography as a literary form; Identity (Psychology);

Biographers; Novelists)

Lennon, David. Irish Black (Blue Spike Publishing, 2017) (1975) (Police; Irish Americans; Murder; Murder —

Investigation; Race relations; School integration; Sexual orientation; South Boston (Boston, Mass.))

Lennox, Lisa. Crack Head II: Laci’s Revenge (Triple Crown Publications, 2008) (Boston University; African-American

women college students; Cocaine traffic; Revenge; African-American men/women relations; Urban women;

The Nineties (20th century); Inner city violence; Street life; African-American gangs; Detectives; Boston,

Massachusetts; South Bronx, New York City)

Lenski, Lois. Illus./photographer Giles Laroche. Sing a Song of People (Little, Brown, 1987) (Juvenile–pre-school

-grade 1) (a boy and his dog in Boston; rhyme ) (Lifestyles; City & town life)

Lenski, Robert W. Crime of the Century: the FBI vs. the Brink’s Gang (Los Angeles: Quinn Martin Productions, 1975)

(United States. — Federal Bureau of Investigation — Drama; Police — Drama; Boston (Mass.) — Drama; Television

scripts; Television plays, American)

Lent, Blair. Molasses Flood (Houghton Mifflin, 1992) (Juvenile, ages 5-8) (1919) (Molasses)

Lentz, David B. Bloomsday: Ulysses in Boston (Xlibris, 2004) (Leopold and Molly’s descendants in Boston, June 1974)

Leonetti, Mike. illus. Shayne Letain. Number Four, Bobby Orr! (Raincoast Books, 2003) (Juvenile–ages 4-8) (1972; Orr

cheers up injured boy hockey player) (Orr, Bobby, 1948- — Juvenile fiction; Boston Bruins (Hockey team); Eight-

year-old boys; Boy hockey players; Hockey; Boston, Massachusetts; Children’s stories, Canadian; Picture books

for children; Hospitals)

Leopold, Tom. Almost Like Being Here (E. P. Dutton, 1988) (actress dies of overdose while visiting home in Boston; in

part, ex-boyfriend comes to Boston seeking clues to explain her death; odd comedy) (Bayard, Sandy; Actors

and actresses — New York City; Women — Suicidal behavior)

LeSourd, Leonard E. The Rookie (Moorings, 1996) (Baseball players — Massachusetts — Boston; Angels)

Lessman, Julie. A Heart Revealed: A Novel (Revell, 2011) (Abused women; Boston (Mass.); Nineteen twenties)

—. A Love Surrendered: A Novel (Revell, 2012 ) (Series: Winds of Change Book #3; Romance; 1932) (Sisters; Nineteen

thirties; Boston (Mass.))

—. A Passion Denied (Revell, 2009) (#3) (Irish American families; Sisters; Boston (Mass.); United States — History —


—. A Passion Most Pure (Revell, 2008) (romance; sisters; series “Daughters of Boston 1”) (Irish American families;

Daughters; 1913-21) )

—. A Passion Redeemed (Revell, 2008) (romance; “Daughters of Boston 2”) (Irish American families; Daughters;

Boston (Mass.); Ireland; United States — History — 1913-1921; Ireland — History — 1910-1921)

Lewis, Cass. Dead Man’s Confession (FamilyVision P, 1993) (great-granddaughter of Sherlock Holmes; Adventures of

Shelly Holmes, case #1) (Women detectives — Massachusetts — Boston)

Lewis, Peggy Wolf. Crossing Stars (Hamilton Books, 2013) (mainly Wyoming, Spain, Kenya, but “Chapter 1 Boston,

Massachusetts, USA–Summer 1912″; Beacon Hill) (Family secrets)

Lewis, Sara E. “The First Weekend.” The New Yorker 8 Dec. 1986: 44-52 (heroine, editor for publishing company)

(Keywords: Publishers; Massachusetts; Love Affairs; Boston, Mass.)

Lewis, Wells. They Still Say No (Farrar & Rinehart, 1939) (“the sex life of a Harvard undergraduate” [Time]; one-third

Harvard, mainly Lowell House [Bail 338])) (Bail 337-40)

Lieberman, Syd. “Harvard Man Redux.” Streets and Alleys: Stories With a Chicago Accent (August House Publishers,

1995:75-83) (first semester freshman year) (Chicago (Ill.); Jews — Illinois; Autobiographical fiction; Jewish

families; Domestic fiction)

Light, Moxie. “The Company Man.” Herotica 2: A Collection of Women’s Erotic Fiction, ed. Susie Bright and Joani Blank

(Plume, 1992: 106-15) (Boston female cab driver, New Years Eve)

Lightman, Alan. The Diagnosis (New York: Pantheon Books, 2000) (high-tech breakdown on the Red Line + death of

Socrates) (Executives) (Amazon and Google Books)

Lindsay, Vachel. “The Mountain Cat; Inscribed To Stephen Graham” (1923) (Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1923 and

Yearbook of American Poetry, ed. William Stanley Braithwaite. B.J. Brimmer, 1923: 210-19 [Google Books])

(Colorado Mountain Cat’s idea of Boston)

Lipman, Elinor. The Inn at Lake Devine: A Novel (Random House, 1998) (Early 60s; WASP anti-semitism; partly set in

Newton) (Jewish teenagers; Gentiles; Jews– Vermont; Prejudices; Antisemitism)

—-. The Ladies’ Man (Random House, 1999) (three middle-aged sisters living in Brookline) (Sisters; Jingles (Advertising

songs)–Writing and publishing; Commitment (Psychology))

—. My Latest Grievance (Houghton Mifflin, 2006) (1976; woman’s college outside Boston) (Teenage girls; Remarried

people; College teachers; Dormitory life; Boston (Mass.); House mothers; Secrecy)

—. The Pursuit of Alice Thrift (Random House, 2003) (heroine, Boston hospital intern) (Women physicians; Interns

(Medicine); Interpersonal relations; Courtship)

—. Then She Found Me (Pocket Books, 1990) (Latin teacher heroine and her birth mother; film starring Helen Hunt,

Collin Firth, Bette Midler, and Matthew Broderick) (Television talk show hosts and guests — Boston,

Massachusetts; Mother and daughter; Birthmothers — Boston, Massachusetts; Birthparent/adoptee

relations; Jewish-American women — Boston, Massachusetts; High school teachers — Boston,


Little, Benilde. Good Hair (Simon & Schuster, 1996) (“Newark girl meets upper-crust Boston man, sparks fly, and

backgrounds clash” [Pub. Des.]; set mainly in NYC) (African Americans; Upper class; Women journalists;


Livesey, Margot. Banishing Verona (Henry Holt, 2004) (Love and obligations in London and Boston) (Women

broadcasters; Problem families; Pregnant women; London; Carpenters)

—. “The Paper House.” Globe Magazine, 20 August 2000: 17-22 [graphics.Boston (accessed 11 Mar. 2008]) (short

story; English tourist in Boston, Cambridge, and North Shore)

Livingstone, Harrison. Harvard, John: A Story of the Sixties: Novel (Conservatory Press, 1987) (1966-70; 1969-70 at

Harvard) (Nineteen sixties)

Lock, Diane E. True Love (Kensington, 1994) (romance; heroine, married Boston matron) (Summary, FictionDB,

accessed 10 Jul. 2008)

Logan, Claudia. illust. Jozeph Zaremba. Scruffy’s Museum Adventure (Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1996) (Juvenile)

(Dogs; Art & Architecture; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

Logan, Margaret. C.A.T. Caper (New York: Walker, 1990) (Correcting college entrance tests; murder; fictional Beasley

Center near Boston) (English teachers; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The End of an Altruist (St. Martin’s, 1994) (set partly in Roxbury) (Women interior decorators) (Amazon and Google


—.A Killing in Venture Capital (New York: Walker, 1989) (Gay and heterosexual romance; fictional Boston Blackstone

Associates)) (Venture capital) (Amazon and Google Books)

—.Never Let a Stranger in Your House (St. Martin’s, 1995) (“After an abused former neighbor moves in with her, [Beacon

Hill] decorator Olivia Chapman must turn detective to clear her friend of her husband’s murder” [Nancy Richards,

Memorial Hall Library, Andover, 1995]) (Women detectives — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.)) (Google


Lombreglia, Ralph. “Heavy Lifting.” The New Yorker 12 Jul. 1993: 66-73 (set in Waltham) (Keywords: Advertising; Space

Travel; Holograms)

—. “Jungle Video.” The New Yorker 21 Aug. 1989: 30-39 (advertising agency in Boston) (Keywords: Television; Friends;

Computers; Boston, Massachusetts; Gorilla Suit)

—. “Late Early Man.” The New Yorker 15 Jul. 1991: 26-37 (Boston advertising agency; emergency childbirth)

(Keywords: Advertising; Boston; Birth; Races)

Lonsdale. Henry Paul. (Nicholas V. Chase, ex-New York homicide detective, owns cigar store in Cambridge)

—. Smoking Out a Killer: A Nicholas Chase Cigar Mystery (Avon, 2000) (Chase, Nicholas (Fictitious character);Cigars;

Motion picture producers and directors; Cambridge (Mass.)) (Amazon)

—. Up in Smoke: A Nicholas Chase Cigar Mystery (Avon, 2001) (Cigars; Cambridge (Mass.); Chase, Nicholas

(Fictitious character) ) (Amazon)

—. Where There’s Smoke, There’s Murder. (Avon Twilight, 1999) (Antique dealers; Cigars; Cambridge (Mass.); Chase,

Nicholas (Fictitious character)) (Amazon)

Lopez, Ralph. The Golden Donut and Restaurant (Writers Club Press, 2000) (Central Square) (Cambridge (Mass.)

Lord, Kenniston W. Return to Cross Island (Lulu, 2006) (Mainly Maine, but some Boston, e.g., “Chapter 2 Boston,

Massachusetts, 1909″ and “Chapter 7 Boston, Massachusetts, 1913”) (Maine)

Loukas, Kimon. A Poet in Boston, 1951-1956 (Stone Soup Gallery, 1971) (63 pges.; poems)

Lovecraft, H[oward]. P[hillips]. (Other stories, not listed here, have Boston narrators and references to Boston libraries and

subway stops, but are not really Boston stories.)

—. “The Colour Out of Space.” Amazing Stroies 2.6 (1927): 557-67 (narrator, Boston surveyor come to prepare

Quabbin Reservoir)

—. The Dream-Quest of the Unknown Kadath (1926-27) (Ballantine Books, 1970) (main character a Bostonian with

ancestral connections to Salem witch trials)

—. “Pickman’s Model” (1926) Weird Tales, Oct. 1927. Rpt. The Thing on the Doorstep and Other Weird Stories, ed.

S. T. Joshi (Penguin Books, 2001: 78-89) (North End)

Low, Julia H. The Cambridge Spirit (Classic Copy & Printing, 2007) (American poetry; Cambridge (Mass.) — In literature)

(Review, Doug Holder, Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene 21 Jan. 2007; accessed 28 Dec. 2011)

Lowell, Robert. “At the Indian Killer’s Grave.” Lord Weary’s Castle (1946). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David

Gewanter. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: 56-57 and notes. (King’s Chapel Burial Ground)

—. “The Boston Nativity.” Land of Unlikeness (1944). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar,

Straus and Giroux, 2003: Appendix I 868-69.

—. “Bright Day in Boston.” Day By Day (1977. Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar, Straus

and Giroux, 2003: 794.

—. “The Charles River.” For Lizzie and Harriet (1973). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar,

Straus and Giroux, 2003: 612-3. (mostly ski-country)

—. “Christmas Eve Under Hooker’s Statue.” Lord Weary’s Castle (1946). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David

Gewanter. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: 21 and notes. (General Joseph Hooker statue, Beacon Street, in front

of entrance to Eastwing of the State House)

—. “David and Bathsheba in the Public Garden.” The Mills of Kavanaughs (1951). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and

David Gewanter. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: 100 and notes.

—. “Death and the Bridge.” History (1973). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar, Straus and

Giroux, 2003: 602.

—. “For the Union Dead” (1960). For the Union Dead (1964). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter.

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: 376-78 and notes. (Robert Gould Shaw/54th Massachusetts Regiment Civil War

monument, Boston Common, corner of Beacon and Park Streets; South Boston Aquarium; Bolston Common

Underground Parking Garage)

—. “Harvard.” For Lizzie and Harriet (1973). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar, Straus and

Giroux, 2003: 785-86.

—. “In Memory of Arthur Winslow.” Lord Weary’s Castle (1946). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter.

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: Section I (p. 23) and IV (p.25) and notes. (Trinity Church)

—. “Logan Airport, Boston.” Day By Day (1977) Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar, Straus

and Giroux, 2003: 614-15.

—. “Mary Winslow.” Lord Weary’s Castle (1946). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar, Straus

and Giroux, 2003: 28. (Charles River, King’s Chapel, Boston Common, “Copley ancestress”)

—. “Memories of West Street and Lepke.” Life Studies (1959). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter.

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: 187-88 and notes. (first stanza Marlborough Street)

—. “Morning after Dinner with a Friend (Some weeks after Logan Airport).” Day By Day (1977. Collected Poems, ed. Frank

Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: 804-805.

—. “The Park Street Cemetery.” Land of Unlikeness (1944). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter.

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: Appendix I 861. (Granary Burial Ground)

—. “Phillips House Revisited.” Day By Day (1977. Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar,

Straus and Giroux, 2003: 798-99. (Private wing of Massachusetts General Hospital)

—. “The Public Garden.” For the Union Dead (1964). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar,

Straus and Giroux, 2003: 341 and notes.

—. “Red and Black Brick Boston.” History (1973). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar, Straus

and Giroux, 2003: 616-17. (Cambridge)

—. “Return in March.” Day By Day (1977. Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar, Straus and

Giroux, 2003: 806. (Harvard University and Boston architecture)

—. 3). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: 614-15. [Check]

—. “Through the Night.” For Lizzie and Harriet (1973). History (1973). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David

Gewanter. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: 610-11. (Harvard University)

—. “Where the Rainbow Ends.” Lord Weary’s Castle (1946). Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter.

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: 69.

Lowenstein, Jerome. Henderson’s Equation: A Novel (Gadd, 2008) (“World War I, the rise of fascism, the Sacco-Vanzetti

trial, and the growing anti-Semitism at Harvard and elsewhere” Product Des. [Amazon]) (Henderson, Lawrence

Joseph, — 1878-1942; Harvard University; Biologists; Scientists; World War, 1914-1918; Systems Theory; Science)

Lowenthal, Michael. Charity Girl (Houghton Mifflin, 2007) (girls with VD jailed during WWI to protect soldiers; Red Sox 1918

World Series; Jewish Jordan Marsh bundler) (Medical; Sexually transmitted diseases–Patients; Women patients;

Sexually transmitted diseases–Government policy; Sexually transmitted diseases–prevention and control;


—. The Same Embrace (Dutton, 1998) (one main character, Boston gay activist) (Gay men — Identity; Identical twins;

Jewish-American men — Identity; Jewish-American gays; Jewish-American twin brothers; Reconciliation in men;

Gay activists — Boston, Massachusetts; Orthodox Jewish men; Jewish-Americans in Israel; Israel; Jewish-

American fiction — 20th century)

Lowry, Lois. Anastasia at Your Service (Houghton Mifflin, 1982) (Juvenile) (includes visit to Boston Italian neighbohood

where A’s father grew up) (Household employees; Friendship)

—. Anastasia’s Chosen Career (Houghton Mifflin, 1987) (Juvenile) (Self-perception; Friendship; Boston (Mass.))

—. Taking Care of Terrific (Houghton Mifflin, 1983) (Juvenile) (Public Garden) (Babysitters; Parks)

Luber, Philip. Pray for Us Sinners (Fawcett Gold Medal, 1997) (psychiatrist detective/FBI-agent girl friend; Concord;

Wellesley; starts with attack on Salvation Army kettle-drummer outside Filene’s; several Boston scenes; 1972/90s)

(Government investigators; New England) (Amazon and Google Books)

Lucas, John. Tables (Macmillan, 1991) (Mainly New York, but some characters have Boston backgrounds; Blackmail)

Luchessa, Paul. A Spy at Harvard (iUniverse, 2005) (1964)

Ludwig, Jack Barry. Confusions (New York Graphic Society, 1963) (Roxbury; Jewish Americans; Harvard intellectuals;

Moral, racial, sexual, intellectual confusion) (Hallvard Dahlie, Jack Ludwig, Dictionary of Literary Biography

Thomson Gale)

Lunney, Matt. Isabella (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2004) (murder in South Boston; 1930s; Italian Americans) (Irish

Americans; Man-woman relationships) (Google Books)

Lynch, Chris. Blood Relations (HarperCollinsPublishers, 1996) (Juvenile) (Series: Blue-Eyed Son # 2) (Prejudices; Irish

Americans; Alcoholism; Boston (Mass.))

—. Dog Eat Dog (HarperCollins, 1996) (Juvenile–grade 8-adult) (Mick and his sadistic brother; Series: Blue-Eyed Son #3;

(Children of alcoholics; Brothers; Family problems; Dogfighting; Teenagers — Alcohol use; Irish-Americans —

Boston, Massachusetts; Irish-American teenage boys — Boston, Massachusetts; Growing up — Boston,


—. Dreams in Black and White (HarperCollins Childrens Books, 1995) (Juvenile) (Mick’s friendship with two Hispanic

students; Irish-Catholic Boston; may be the same book as Mick) (Brief Summary [Internet

Wayback Machine])

—. Gold Dust (HarperCollins, 2000) (Juvenile–ages 10+) (boys and baseball in “racially polarized Boston” in 1975; Red

Sox; Fred Lynn; Jim Rice) (Racism; Baseball; Friendship; Schools; Caribbean Americans)

—. Mick (New York: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1996) (Juvenile grades 7-10) (Boston working-class Irish and African-

American/Asian conflict) (Prejudices; Irish Americans; Alcoholism)

—. Sins of the Fathers (HarperTempest, 2006) (Secondary (senior high) school) (Boston Catholic working class; sexual

abuse) (Best friends; Friendship; Priests; Catholic schools; Schools; Boston (Mass.) –History –20th century)

Lynch, Jim. The Hook and the Badge: Life on the Waterfront (New York: iUniverse, 2008) (Charlestown murder [May 1953];

longshoreman becomes cop) (Murder — Massachusetts — Boston; Detectives — Massachusetts — Boston; Detective

and mystery stories; Charlestown (Boston, Mass.)) (Google Books)

—. The Longshoremen: Life on the Waterfront (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2014) (3 generations of longshoremen)

(Stevedores; Waterfronts; Boston)

Lynde, Francis. The Grafters (A. Wessels, 1906 [Google Books]) (some Boston, e.g. “III The Bostonians” but mainly

elsewhere) (Mormons) (Summary, The Literary News May 1904: 67 [Google Books, accessed 14 Jul. 2009])

Lynn, Jodi. Glory #1: Glory (Puffin Books, 2003) (Elementary and junior high school) (Boston only as an ideal; teen

heroine) (Individuality — Fiction. Christian communities; Sex role; Survival; Mountain life — West Virginia; West


—. Glory #2: Shadow Tree (Puffin Books, 2003) (Elementary and junior high school) (homeless teen ends up on streets

of Boston) (Homeless persons; Survival; Boston (Mass.))

—. Glory #3: Blue Girl (Puffin Books, 2003) (Elementary and junior high school) (West Virginia to Boston) (Foster home

care; Sick; Guilt; Schools)

—. Glory #4: Forget Me Not (Puffin Books, 2003) (Elementary and junior high school) (foster family in Boston) (Family;

Self- perception; Foster home care; Sick; Boston (Mass.))

Lyons, Daniel. Dog Days (Simon & Schuster, 1998) (software developer meets the Mafia; North End) (Racing

greyhounds; Mafia; Young men; Dogs; Revenge)

—. The Last Good Man (U of Massachusetts P, 1993) (11 short stories, including “The Greyhounds,” later expanded into

Dog Days; fictional “Lawton Fall,” industrialized Boston suburb)

Macdonald, D. R. Cape Breton Road (Harcourt, 2000) (main character born in Cape Breton, raised in Watertown,

deported back to Nova Scotia after arrest at 20 for stealing a car; more Cape Breton than Boston) Emotionally

disturbed teenage boys — Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia; Marijuana growing — Cape Breton Island,

Nova Scotia; Uncles — Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia; Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia)

MacDonald, Donna. Murder at the Copley (West Conshohocken, PA: Infinity, 2007) (1941; art theft)

(Popular music — 1941-1950; Art thefts; Organized crime; Boston (Mass.); Hotels) (Amazon and Google Books)

MacDougall, Ruth Doan. Snowy (St. Martin’s Press, 1993) (Mainly New Hampshire, but partly three heroines in 1950s

Boston during college and immediately after) (Women; New Hampshire)

MacKenzie, Myra. Blind Attraction (Silhouette Books, 2003) (series: Family Secrets; romance) (Adoptees; Inventors; Child

psychologists; Blind; Boston (Mass.))

MacLeod, Charlotte. (Sleuths Brahmin Sarah Kelling (Bittersohn) and Jewish Max Bittersohn before and after

marriage, but some printings of same novels subtitled “A Sarah Kelling (Bittersohn) Mystery,” other printings

credit both, and some printings/novels lack subtitles.)

—. The Balloon Man (New York: Mysterious P, 1998) (husband [Jewish] and wife [Brahmin] detectives; art) (Kelling, Sarah

(Fictitious character); Women detectives; Bittersohn, Max (Fictitious character); Hot air balloons) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. The Bilbao Looking Glass (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1983) (Max and Sara are an engaged, but not

yet married) (Kelling, Sarah (Fictitious character); Women detectives; Art thefts) (Amazon and Google Books)

—-. The Convivial Codfish (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1984) (Kelling, Sarah (Fictitious character);

Bittersohn, Max (Fictitious character); Women detectives) (Amazon and Google Books)

—-. The Family Vault (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1979) (Family burial vault on Beacon Hill) (Kelling,

Sarah (Fictitious character); Women detectives) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Fat Lady’s Ghost (New York: Weybright and Talley, 1968)

—. The Gladstone Bag: A Sarah Kelling Mystery (New York: Mysterious P, 1990) (Eccentric Brahmin family member in

Boston and Maine) (Kelling, Sarah (Fictitious character); Women detectives) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. “It Was an Awful Shame” (1986). Rept. in Murder and Mystery in Boston, ed. Carol-Lyn Rössel Waugh, Martin H.

Greenberg, and Frank McSherry, Jr. (New York: Dember Books, 1987): 58-73 (Sarah and Max; Beacon Hill

crowd; light-hearted; shenanigans foiled)

—. The Odd Job (New York: Mysterious P, 1995) (Boston’s fictional Wilkins Museum; murder) (Kelling, Sarah (Fictitious

character); Women detectives — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Palace Guard (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1981) (pre-marriage of Sarah and Max; Beacon

Hill boarding house; fictionalized Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum) (Kelling, Sarah (Fictitious character); Women

detectives; Bittersohn, Max (Fictitious character); Museums) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Plain Old Man (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1985) (Max in Finland, this one is all Sarah; amateur

production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Sorcerer) (Kelling, Sarah (Fictitious character); Women detectives)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Recycled Citizen: A Sarah Kelling Bittersohn Mystery (Collins, 1987) (elderly, homeless; pregnant Sarah)

(Kelling, Sarah (Fictitious character); Bittersohn, Max (Fictitious character); Women detectives) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Resurrection Man: A Sarah Kelling and Max Bittersohn Mystery (Warner Books, 1992) (Art theft) (Kelling, Sarah

(Fictitious character); Bittersohn, Max (Fictitious character); Women detectives) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Silver Ghost: A Sarah Kelling Mystery (New York: Mysterious P, 1988) (Kelling, Sarah (Fictitious character);

Women detectives; Bittersohn, Max (Fictitious character); Rolls-Royce automobile) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Withdrawing Room (Published for the Crime Club by Doubleday, 1980) (Beacon Hill boarding house; pre-Sarah/

Max marriage) (Kelling, Sarah (Fictitious character); Women detectives) (Amazon and Google Books)

Macomber, Debbie. Trilogy of romances in Boston

—. Ready for Love (MIRA Books, 1999) (second book) (Amazon (Swan Boat cover)

—.Ready for Marriage (Harlequin, 1994) (Romance; Boston lawyers; third book) (Boston (Mass.); Kindergarten

teachers; Rich people; Upper class; Man-woman relationships) (Back Cover Amazon)

—. Ready for Romance (Harlequin Books, 1993) (first book) (Single women; Brothers; Love in adolescence)

MacPherson, Malcolm. The Lucifer key: A Novel (Dutton, 1981) (“an unusually evocative sense of the Boston locale”

Kirkus Review [Google Books]; MIT; computer networks; thriller) (Google Books

Macy, Arthur, and G W Chadwick. The House of St. Botolph XII Night Revel 1907 (1907 [Google Books]) (St. Botolph

Club (Boston, Mass.) — Poetry; Botolph, — Saint)

Madeley, Richard. The Way You Look Tonight (Simon & Schuster, 2014) (part Boston, Spring 1962) (Kennedy family;

Criminal psychology; Florida Keys)

Madison, Susan. The Color of Hope (St. Martin’s P, 2000) (heroine, partner in Boston law firm) (Loss (Psychology);

Women; Maine; Parent and child; Women lawyers; Married women; Vacation homes)

Maher, Timothy J. The Evangela Line (Thesis (M.F.A.)–Emerson College, 1998) (“comfortable Beacon Hill home” abstract)

Mailer, Norman. The Naked and the Dead (Rinehart, 1948) (several Boston references; at least one four-page Beacon Hill

episode [408-411 in 1998 ed.] Check for more) (World War, 1939-1945 — Pacific Area; Soldiers)

Maillard, Keith. Hazard Zones: A Novel (HarperPerennial, 1995) (hero, geographer at Boston publishing house, returns

to native West Virginia for dying mother) (Mothers and sons; Middle-aged men; West Virginia)

—. Looking Good (Series: Difficulty at the beginning, 4) (Brindle and Glass Pub, 2006) (“Boston revolutionary underground

at the paranoid tail of the ’60s” WorldCat) (Dupre, John; Young men; Young women; Drug dealers; Sex role; Riots;

Underground newspapers; Androgyny; Men/women relations; Interpersonal relations; Best

friends; The Sixties (20th century); Boston; Coming-of-age stories)

Maki, Bob Nestor. The Briefcase (XLibris, 2000) (1950s; Northeastern University) (Cubans; Boston (Mass.); Cuba

— History–Revolution, 1959) (Amazon and Pub. Des. [Internet Wayback Machine])

Mallon, Thomas. Arts and Sciences: A Seventies Seduction (Ticknor & Fields, 1988) (English grad students) (Harvard

University — Students; United States — Social life and customs — 1973)

Manchester, Steven. Jacob Evans (Twighlight Books, 2002) (set mainly in Fall River area, with pp.175-77 in and

outside Fenway Park)

Maness, Larry.  Nantucket Revenge: A Jake Eaton Mystery (Novato, CA: Lyford Books, 1995) (Eaton, Jake (Fictitious character);

Private investigators; Nantucket Island (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. A Once Perfect Place: A Jake Eaton Mystery (Novato, CA: Lyford Books, 1996) (Eaton goes to New Hampshire)

(Private investigators; Real property; New Hampshire) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Perfect Crime: Unmasking the Isabella Stewart Gardner Heist (Speaking Volumes, 2023) (“Theo R. Perdoux, an expert in worldwide art thefts”

Amazon; opens “June 1st, 1990” in Perdoux’s “Charles Street office”)

—. Strangler: A Jake Eaton Mystery (Novato, CA: Lyford Books, 1998) (Eaton, Jake (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; De Salvo, Albert Henry; Serial murderers; Dogs; Boston Strangler)

Manfredi, Renée. Above the Thunder: A Novel (MacAdam/Cage, 2003) (heroine Boston medical technologist) (Mothers

and daughters; AIDS (Disease)–patients; Women; Grandmothers; Maine; Boston (Mass.))

Mann, William J. The Men From the Boys (Dutton, 1997) (AIDS; alternates between Boston and Provincetown)

(Gay men)

—. Where the Boys Are (Kensington, 2003) (sequel to The Men From the Boys; Boston/Provincetown; turn of the

millenium) (Gay men; Provincetown)

Mansbach, Adam. Shackling Water (Doubleday, 2001) (Roxbury 18-year-old with jazz ambitions goes to NY) (African

American men; New York (New York); Jazz musicians; Saxophonists; Drug abuse; Hip-hop)

Marano, Michael. Dawn Song (Tor, 1998) (sci-fi, 1990, a Succubus arrives in Boston; homosexuality)

Marchetta, Camille. The Wives of Frankie Ferraro (St. Martin’s Press, 1998) (Italian Americans; 1960s-90s; first wife is

Boston Brahmin) (Wives; New York (State); England)

Marino, Jan. The Mona Lisa of Salem Street: A Novel (Little, Brown, 1995) (Juvenile) (North End) (Brothers and sisters;

Orphans; Grandfathers)

Marion, Robert. Born Too Soon (Doubleday, 1985) (interns try to save premature babies in fictional Boston hospital)

Markham, Edwin. Ode to Boston: An Ode Written and Read by Edwin Markham on Boston Common, to Commemorate

the 300th Anniversary of the Birth of the City in 1630. (1930?)

Marlow, L. Y. A Life Apart: A Novel (Broadway Books, 2014) (Boston, hometown of main characters; starts 1940) (Families

of military personnel — United States; Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941 — History; African American soldiers

— History; United States — Armed Forces — Military life)

Marquand, John P. H.M. Pulham, Esquire (Little, Brown, 1941) (class of 1915 and reunion; Bail 347) (Upperclass; Harvard)

—. The Late George Apley: A Novel in the Form of a Memoir (Litle, Brown, 1937) (1866-1933; “from the Gilded Age to the

Great Depression” [Back Cover 2004 reprint]; Beacon Hill; Irish Americans) (Inheritance and succession; Upperclass

families; Rich people; Socialites)

—. Wickford Point (Little, Brown, 1939) (Boston literary family; early 20th century) (Authors–Family relationships;

Eccentrics and eccentricities; Boston (Mass.); Poor families)

Marquand, John P., and George S. Kaufman. The Late George Apley (Dramatists Play Service, 1946) (Play/screen play

based on Marquand’s novel; 1947 film)

Mars, Peter. A Taste for Money: A Novel Based on the True Story of a Dirty Boston Cop (Boston: Commonwealth Pub.,

1999) (Quebec City; Old Orchard Beach; Belgrade Lakes (Maine); Irish Republican Army) (Police; Police

corruption; Irish Americans) (Amazon)

—–. The Tunnel (Boston: Commonwealth Pub., 1998) (MBTA tunnel) (Police; Drug traffic) (Back Cover Amazon)

Marshall, Alexandra. The Brass Bed (Doubleday, 1986) (divorced Boston Globe male reporter; young single mother;

French Library)

—. Something Borrowed (Houghton Mifflin, 1997) (Combat Zone; Boston hotel; wedding) (Divorced women; Divorced men)

Marshall, Esther S. One Louisburg Square (Boston: Privately Printed, 1969) (Beacon Hill; first novel; 150 copies; starts

Paris 1899; “Chapter III Boston 1914”; ends with Christmas caroling in Louisburg Square, 1927)

Martin, Beverly S. Juffie Kane (Bantam Books, 1989) (title character born in Boston in 1927; Jewish-Italian; West End;

both grandfathers gangsters; Broadway actress)

Martin, J. S. Gilded Lies (2022) (Heroine sent “to . . .Boston [to] find a husband” but instead attracts “the most dangerous gangsters in

Boston”  Rev.) (Gangsters; Nineteen twenties; Paranormal)

Martin, William. The Rising of the Moon (Crown, 1987) (Irish immigrants; 1916; Jewish Zionist girlfriend) (opens in

immigrant Boston; some James Michael Curley) (Ireland — History — Easter Rising, 1916)

Martineau, Michael James. Occam’s Razor (Nightengale P, 2005) (Atlantis; Chapters 2, 6, 7, 9, 12, 17 set in Boston

area; 1970-1995+) (Fantasy) (Google Books)

Maslin, Simeon J. Uncle Sol’s Women (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014) (much about Vilnian

Jews in Boston post 1905, but mainly in the 50s) (Jewish men; Jews — United States; Jewish fiction; Man-woman


Maso, Carole. Defiance: A Novel (Dutton, 1998) (Irish-Catholic, working-class Fall River; Lesbians; not a mystery)

(College students–Crimes against; Women college teachers; Harvard University; Physics; Women murderers;

Gifted children)

Matheson, Don. Stray Cat: A Novel (Summit, 1987) (detective lives on boat in Boston Harbor) (Gamble, Charlie; Marinas

— Boston, Massachusetts; Swindlers and swindling — Boston, Massachusetts; Criminals, Women — Boston,

Massachusetts) (Amazon and Google Books)

Matson, Susan. The Hunger Moon (Norton, 1999) (“three women of different ages . . . soothe their loneliness and

suffering when their lives intersect in a Boston suburb” [Scott Veale, “New & Noteworthy Paperbacks” New York

Times Book Review 4 Jul. 1999]) (Women; Interpersonal relations; Female friendship) (Back Cover Amazon)

Matte, Jacqueline. illus. Shawn Brasfield Austin from Boston (Fat Cat Pub., 1997) (Primary school) (Dogs; Pets;

Robbers and outlaws; Stories in rhyme; Children — Massachusetts — Boston; Pets — Massachusetts — Boston;

Carnivals — Massachusetts — Boston)

Matthews, Joseph. The Blast: A Novel (Oakland: PM P, 2022) (present 1916; mainly San Francisco, but also “pasts

in Boston, . . . ” WorldCat) (Working class — California — San Francisco; Labor movement; World War, 1914-1918)

Mattison, Alice. In Case We’re Separated: Connected Stories (William Morrow, 2005) (some stories set at least in part in

Boston/Somerville, e.g., “Boy in Winter”; Gay men; Jewish Americans; 1920s-80s) (Domestic fiction; Mothers and

daughters; Grandmothers)

—. “A Winding Stair.” The New Yorker 19 Jun. 1989: 35-40 (heroine Harvard grad student in 70s) (Keywords: Students;

Love Affairs)

Maxwell, William. “About the Children.” The New Yorker 30 Sep. 1961: 148-52 (heroine lives in “a big house on a hill

overlooking the whole of Boston” Abstract) (Keywords: Bachelors; Children; Lunch)

Maynard, Guy. The Risk of Being Ridiculous: A Historical Novel of Love and Revolution (Hellgate Press, 2010) (1969;

Mountfort St.) (Young adults; Hippies; Boston (Mass.); United States — Social life and customs — 20th century)

Maynard, Joyce. To Die For (Dutton, 1992) (Nicole Kidman film; based on New Hampshire Pamela Smart case) (Popular

culture — Influence; Husband-killing — Boston Region, Massachusetts; Women television newscasters and c

ommentators — Boston Region, Massachusetts; Ambition in women; Obsession in women; Television —

Influence; Murder — Boston Region, Massachusetts)

Mazur, Gail. The Common (U of Chicago P, 1995) (poems–many set in Boston or area, including the title poem and

“At Boston Garden, the First Night of War, 1991,” “Lilacs on Brattle Street,” and “A Small Plane from Boston to


Mazur, Grace Dane. The Garden Party (Random House, 2018) (“wedding rehearsal dinner in Brookline” Amy

Sutherland, “Fond of Writers from a Generation Back,” Globe 15 July 2018, N12; Cohens and Barlows)

(Interpersonal relations; Families; Weddings; Conflict of generations; Dinners and dining)

—. Silk: Stories (Brookline Books, 1996) (“Presence”–Brigham and Women’s Hospital–143-58; several stories with

Cambridge/Harvard settings or people: “A Life in the Temperate Zone”–life/love/death in academic/international

Cambridge neighborhood: 159-92; “Silk”–heroine, biology professor; marital troubles; shoplifting–193-212;

“Borrowed Scenery”–Cambridge woman biologist in Japan with Cambridge memories–213-38)

McAleer, Andrew. Appearance of Counsel: A Novel (Atlanta: Protea Pub., 2001) (Detective–Joseph C. Gleason, a lawyer in Arlington,

Massachusetts) (Lawyers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. Double Endorsement (Atlanta: Protea Pub., 2003) (Boston woman attorney and male PI) (Amazon)

McCauley, Stephen. The Easy Way Out (Simon & Schuster, 1992) (“two Boston brothers, one straight and one gay,

hovering on the verge of commitment to their lovers”; Cambridge) (Gay men; Travel agents; Brothers; New York)

(Back Cover Amazon)

—. The Man of the House (Simon & Schuster, 1996) (gay main character in Cambridge) (Fathers and sons; Gay men;

Problem families; Paternity–Psychological aspects) (Back Cover Washington Square Press edition Amazon)

—. The Object of My Affection (Simon and Schuster, 1987) (mainly Brooklyn, “but . . . [Boston Irish] main character visits

his family in a Boston suburb” [Stone and Wofsey 1996]) (Gay men; Gay men — Relations with heterosexual women

— New York (State) — New York; Pregnant women )

—. True Enough (Simon & Schuster, 2001) (romance between biographer and Boston Public TV station producer)

(Gay men; Married women)

McClintock, Theodore. Tank Menagerie: Adventures of the Little-Game Hunters of the Fenway (Abelard-Schuman, 1954)

(Juvenile) (Freshwater animals; Aquatic insects; Dragonflies; Aquariums)

McCloskey, Robert. Make Way for Ducklings (Viking Press, 1941) (Juvenile–ages 4-8) (Public Garden; Charles Street)

(Ducks; Boston Common)

McCloy, Helen Warrell Clarkson. (Basil Willing, a psychiatrist and sleuth, in New York, and later Boston. List includes

only Boston-based stories or those to be checked.)

—- Burn This: A Novel of Suspense (Dodd, Mead, 1980) (Basil widower in Boston; Vietnam vet) (Psychiatrists; Willing,

Basil (Fictitious character)) (Jon Goster, Review gadetection wiki [accessed 23 Jan. 2008], and Google Books)

—. Dance of Death (Morrow, 1938; published in England as Design for Dying) (Willing, Basil (Fictitious character);

Psychiatrists) (Kikus Reviews, accessed 29 Dec. 2011) (New York before Willing shifts to Boston.)

—. The Pleasant Assassin and Other Cases of Dr. Basil Willing (Crippen & Landru Publishers, 2003) (short stories)

(Willing, Basil (Fictitious character); Psychiatrists) (Are any of these Boston stories?)

McCormick, Ann duMais. Northern Exposure: A Novel (St. Martin’s Press, 1990) (divorced woman and girl hitchhiker on

road from California to Boston to confront their pasts and futures) (Women — Friendship; Divorced women;

Women artists; Best friends)

McDonald, Gregory. The Buck Passes Flynn (Ballantine, 1981) (Texas; Las Vegas; Russia) (Flynn, Francis

Xavier (Fictitious character); Police; Boston (Mass.))

—. Confess, Fletch (Avon, 1976) (Boston-based investigative reporter Irwin Maurice Fletcher and police investigator

Francis Xavier Flynn) (Fletch (Fictitious character); Private investigators — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston

(Mass.); Art thefts) (Google Books)

—. Flynn (Avon, 1977) (Logan Airport) (Flynn, Francis Xavier (Fictitious character); Aircraft accidents — Investigation;

Police) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Flynn’s In (New York: Mysterious P, 1984) (Boston detective) (Flynn, Francis Xavier (Fictitious character); Police —

Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Flynn’s World (Pantheon, 2003) (Boston Police; Harvard; Boston detective/spy) (Flynn, Francis Xavier (Fictitious

character); College teachers–Crimes against; Police — Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Skylar in Yankeeland (Morrow, 1997) (Tennessee detective comes to Boston to study music) (Labor Day) (Amazon)

and Google Books

McDonnell, Adrienne. The Doctor and the Diva: A Novel (Pamela Dorman Books/Viking, 2010) (1903 Boston fertility

specialist; romance) (Women singers; Opera; Obstetricians)

McDonnell, Christine. Friends First (Viking, 1990) (Juvenile: grades 6-8) (privileged 8th grade girl in Boston; attempted rape)

(Teenagers; Christmas; Single-parent family; Friendship; Teenage girls)

McEvoy, Seth. Block Party (Pocket Books, 1991) (Series: New Kids on the Block #2) (Juvenile–ages 9-12) (New Kids on the

Block (Group); Youth-alcohol use)

McEwen, Todd. Fisher’s Hornpipe (Harper & Row, 1983) (winter and wild shenanigans in Boston; Walden Pond)

McFarland, Dennis. Singing Boy: A Novel (Henry Holt, 2001) (opens with middle class white husband/father randomly

gunned down in quiet Huron/Walden Cambridge neighborhood) (Mothers and sons; Child witnesses; Widows;


McGarry, Jean. “Partly Him.” Dream Date: Stories (Johns Hopkins U P, 2002: 174-97) (South Station; Filene’s

Basement; Parker House)

—. The Very Rich Hours (Johns Hopkins U P, 1987) (story of woman student from Providence at Harvard) (Harvard

University — Students; The Seventies (20th century); Prose poems, American — 20th century; Young women

— Identity; Women college students — Boston, Massachusetts; Young Catholic women — Boston,

Massachusetts; Coming-of-age stories)

McHale, Tom. Dear Friends (Doubleday, 1982) (Murder and revenge; triangles; divorce; Boston lawyer) (Married


—. The Lady from Boston (Doubleday, 1978) (late 60s-70s; satire of 60s politics and posturing)

McHugh, Arona. A Banner with a Strange Device: A Novel (Doubleday, 1964) (graduate and medical students in

post World War II Boston) (Wolfgang Saxon, “Arona McHugh, 71; Set 2 of Her Novels In Her Native Boston “,

New York Times 27 May 1996 [accessed 12 Mar. 2008])

—. The Seacoast of Bohemia (Dell Pub. Co., 1965) (sequel to A Banner)

McKay, Robert. The Girl Who Wanted to Run the Boston Marathon (Elsevier/Nelson Books, 1979) (Juvenile) (“Young love

and childhood dreams lead this novel to its finish, while the Boston Marathon looms as an elusive goal.” The

Ultimate Guide to the Boston Marathon)

McKernan, John. “Winter Letter to Dan Marsteller From South Boston in January 1975.” The New Yorker 7 Jun. 1976: 46

(poem) (Keywords: Negroes; Massachusetts; Boston, Mass.; Pinball; Busing; Winter Letter to Dan Marsteller

From; Marsteller, Dan; A quarter buys two games of hard pinball)

McLaughlin, Ann L. The Triangle: A Novel (John Daniel, 2017) (“Boston in 1952, during a major polio epidemic”)

McLaughlin, William F. Beacon Hill Confidential: A Francis Fallon Mystery (iUniverse, 2001) (1951; Scollay Square;


McMahon, Thomas. Ira Foxglove (Brook Street Press, 2004) (written 1973; set late 60s; hero, inventor/professor at

Boston science college; Cambridge) (Scientists; Quests (Expeditions); Airships)

McMasters, William Henry. Revolt: An American Novel (David D. Nickerson, 1919 [Google Books]) (starts with Harvard

graduation, 1925) (Progressive presidential candidate, Harvard grad; some Harvard/Faneuil Hall/Boston

(Utopias; Radicalism)

McMillan, Rachel. Murder In The City OF Liberty (Brilliance Audio, 2019) (Murder — Investigation; Nightclubs; Nineteen

thirties; Social classes; Social conditions; Boston)

McNamara, Frances. Three-Decker Murder in a Nutshell (Level Best Books/Historia, 2024) (Starts November 1919 after September police
strike;  Brahmins and Irish clash) (Crime scenes; Criminal investigation; Forensic sciences; Lee, Frances Glessner, 1878-1962; Medical
jurisprudence; History Fiction; Murder Investigation)

McNeill, Daniel F. The Two Worlds of Style Delaney (Xlibris, 2010) (Widener Library, Harvard/neighborhood bar, on

cover; starts in Boylston St. subway station, 1953, as narrator is pulled between Boston Latin and Scollay


McNiece, Ray. Boston Salsa (The Road That Carried Me Here Bottom Dog P, 1998: 15) (poem)

McPherson, James Alan. “Gold Coast.” In Hue and Cry: Stories (Little, Brown, 1969: 79-111) (African-American narrator

janitor in and around Harvard) (African Americans; Working class)

McVeigh, James. Stolen Faith (Dublin: Brandon, 2022)  (“Boston clerical abuse scandals,” “Set in Belfast, Dublin

and Boston . . . spanning the 40s, 50s, 60s and the present day” Google Books) (Ireland; Boston)

Meadowes, Alicia. A Woman of Boston (Banbury Books; Dell, 1983) (Series: A Woman’s destiny, 3) (heiress; romance)

Medwed, Mameve. The End of an Error (Warner Books, 2003) (Maine) (Women; Americans — England; Historians’

spouses; Cambridge (Mass.); Married women; First loves; England)

—. Host Family (Warner Books, 2000) (Clueless Harvard grads host international students in Cambridge over 20 year

span) (Cambridge (Mass.); Host families of foreign students; Students, foreign) (Front Flap Amazon)

—. How Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saved My Life (Morrow, 2006) (Harvard/Cambridge) (Also 21st Century) (Browning,

Elizabeth Barrett; Antiques roadshow (Television program: U.S.); Collectors and collecting, Antiques dealers;

Single women; Chamber pots) (Back Cover Avon ed. Amazon)

—. Mail (Warner Books, 1997) (Harvard writing instructor falls in love with her working class mailman) (Letter carriers;

Man-woman relationships; Women authors) (Back Cover Amazon)

Meggs, Brown. The Matter of Paradise: A Novel (Random House, 1975) (some characters based in Boston; murder;

blackmail; private school) (Google Books)

Meehan, Maggie. West from Boston: a Novel (Thesis (M.A.)–City College of New York, 1984. (Creative Writing))


Melvin, Tom. Danny’s Tavern: A Collection of Neighborhood Stories, 1935-1975 (AuthorHouse, 2012) (Bars (Drinking

establishments); Neighborhoods; Friendship; Dorchester (Boston, Mass.))

Meno, Joe. Hairstyles of the Damned (Punk Planet Books, 2004) (Chicago, but Chapter 18 183-84 on high school

student’s interest in Boston Strangler; early 1990s) (Teenagers; Punk culture; Chicago (Ill.); Subculture)

Mercado-Fernandez, Lisa. The Shoebox (Abbott P, 2013) (1985; rising Boston architect) (First loves; Souvenirs

(Keepsakes); Man-woman relationships)

Mergendahl, Charles. His Days are as Grass (Little, Brown, 1946) (main character born in Newtonville and dies in battle

in World War II)

Merlis, Mark. American Studies (Houghton Mifflin, 1994) (“very loosely based on the life and suicide of Harvard professor,

F.O. Matthiessen” [Stone and Wofsey 1996]) (Anti-communist movements; College teachers; Gay men)

Merullo, Roland. See also “Twenty-First Century.” The Boston Tangler (Boston Globe Magazine 4 Jul. 1999: 10+, 11

Jul.1999: 18+, 18 Jul. 1999: 16+, 25 Jul. 1999: 24+, 1 Aug. 1999: 14+ ) (cab driver, Fenway Park, mysterious


—. In Revere, in Those Days: A Novel (Shaye Areheart Books, 2002) (1960s-70s; working class) (Italian American

families; Revere Beach)

—. Leaving Losapas (Houghton Mifflin, 1991) (Part South Seas, part fictional Averill Beach = Revere; working class;

Italian Americans)

—. Revere Beach Boulevard (H. Holt, 1998) (North End; gambling; Mafia) (Italian Americans; Italian American families;

Revere Beach)

Messner-Loebs, William; illus. Brian Bolland. Ares Rising (DC Comics, 2021) (1990s; Wonder Woman / Ares / Superman;

“Boston mobsters” WorldCat)

—. Wonder Woman. Ares Rising (Burbank, CA: DC Comics, 2021) (Series: Wonder Woman, bk. 2) (1990s; Wonder Woman

/ Ares / Superman; “Boston mobsters” WorldCat) (Supervillains; Superheroes)

Messud, Claire. The Last Life (Harcourt Brace, 1999) (partly Boston; mainly elsewhere) (French-Algerian family saga)

Metcalfe, William Charles. illus. W. S. Stacey. Ice-Gripped, or, The Tomboy of Boston (London: Society for Promoting

Christian Knowledge, 1907) (Juvenile; Boston, England (?))

Mezrich, Ben. Fertile Ground (HarperCollins, 1999) (medical mystery in Boston) (Fertility clinics — Boston,

Massachusetts) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Midnight Ride (Hachette, 2022) (starts 21st c. “at the Encore casino in Boston” WorldCat)  (Art thefts;  Cardsharping; Code and cipher

stories; College teachers; Cryptology; Ex-convicts; Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; Murder; Theft from museums)

Michaelis, David. Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl (Bantam, 1989) (1971) (Boarding schools — Boston; Coming-of-age stories)

Michael, Judith. Inheritance (G.K. Hall, 1989) (Families; Inheritance and succession; Mate selection; Boston)

Michaels, Fern. Annie’s Rainbow (Kensington, 1999) (romance; thriller) (graduation and 10th college runion in Boston)

(Lost and found possessions; Coffeehouses; Coffee growers; Man-woman relationships; Boston (Mass.); Small

business — United States; New business enterprises — United States — Finance; Women-owned business

enterprises — United States — Finance; Bank robbers) (Back Cover Amazon)

Michaels, Grant.(Sleuth Stan Kraychik, Boston hair-dresser)

—. A Body to Die For (St. Martin’s, 1990) (California) (Kraychik, Stan (Fictitious character); Beauty

operators; Gay men) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Dead as a Doornail: A Stan Kraychik Mystery (St. Martin’s P, 1998) (South End) (Kraychik, Stan (Fictitious character);

Gay men) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Dead on Your Feet (St. Martin’s P, 1993) (beauty contests) (Kraychik, Stan (Fictitious character); Ballet companies;

Beauty operators; Gay men) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Love You to Death (St. Martin’s P, 1992) (Kraychik, Stan (Fictitious character); Valentine’s Day; Chocolate industry;

Beauty operators; Gay men) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Mask for a Diva (St. Martin’s P, 1994) (Kraychik, Stan (Fictitious character); Beauty operators; Gay men; Opera)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—.Time to Check Out: A Stan Kraychik Mystery (St. Martins, 1996) (Kraychik, Stan (Fictitious character); Beauty

operators; Gay men; Key West)

Michaels, Philip. No Fortunate Son (iUniverse, 2012) (Berkeley and Harvard in 60s; Boston c. 2010; working class/upper

class) (Nineteen sixties; San Francisco (Calif.); Berkeley (Calif.); Boston (Mass.); Bohemianism)

Michalson, Karen. The Maenad’s God (Arula, 2022) (“Boston 1992” WorldCat) (Demonology; Gay fiction; Good and

evil; LGBTQ+ ; Murder Investigation; Mythology; Rock musicians; Romans; United States. Federal Bureau of

Investigation Officials and employees)

Michelson, Richard. illus. Robert Roth. Busing Brewster (Knopf, 2010) (Juvenile–Primary school; ages 9-12; African-

American first-grade boy; 1970s) (Busing for school integration; School integration; Race relations; African

Americans; Boston (Mass.) — History — 20th century)

Middleton, Mina DeHart. Little Streets on Beacon Hill (1935) (Poetry)

Mikels, Jennifer. Forever Mine (Silhouette Books, 1999) (Romance; heroine Boston-based journalist) (Unmarried

mothers; Arizona)

Miles, Betty. Maudie and Me and the Dirty Book (Knopf, 1980) (Juvenile–ages 9-12; Revere) (Censorship; Prejudices;


Miller, Dallas. The Piper’s Tune (Morrow, 1987) (partly, Irish-Americans at Harvard in 1960)

Miller, Jordan. “Boston: 1961” (Poets, Martyrs & Satyrs. New and Selected Poems: 1959-001) (Lake View Press,

2002: 30) (poem)

Miller, Sue. For Love (HarperCollins, 1993) (Class differences) (Family; Cambridge (Mass.); Love stories)

—. The Good Mother (Harper & Row, 1986) (partly set in Boston and Cambridge) (Custody of children; Mother and

child; Divorced women; Child sexual abuse; Mothers and daughters; Single-parent family)

—. Monogamy: A Novel (Harper, 2020) (husband, Cambridge bookseller; 1960s on) (Women photographers; Husbands

— Death; Widows; Adultery; Betrayal)

—. While I Was Gone (Knopf, 1999) (Radical Cambridge in 1968/sedate western MA in 1990s) (Women veterinarians;

New Age ministers; Cambridge; Married women; Murder; Adultery; Marriage; Domestic relations)

Miller, Quentin. The Great American Novelist. (unpublished, 2009) (BU graduate student hero, Allston, Marblehead,


Miller, Tom. The Philosopher’s War: A Novel (Simon & Schuster, 2019) (mainly France, but includes “a harrowing shootout

in the streets of Boston” WorldCat) (World War, 1914-1918; Air pilots; Magic; Philosophers; Sex role)

Mills, Christopher. (“Former New York City cop and wounded Spanish Civil War veteran turned Boston private eye

GIDEON KING is the tough-as-hell hero of Nightmark, a hard-boiled detective/horror fiction hybrid comic series”

[The Thrilling Detective Website])

—. Nightmark (Rockland, ME: Alpha Productions, 1991-  Internet Wayback Machine)

—. Nightmark: “Children of the Night” (Illustrated by Dareen Goodhart) (Supernatural Crime web site 2002 [Internet

Wayback Machine]) (web comic)

—. “Devil In Her Eyes” (1994, Nightmark: Blood & Honor No. 3, 1994) (short story)

—. “Good Girls Don’t Die” (Fang [a small-press horror magazine], 1993 ) (short story)

—. “Kill Me in the Morning” (Nightmark Mystery Special, 1994) (vampire fiction)

—. Nightmark: Blood and Honor. (Rockland, ME: Alpha Productions, 1994) (comic) (Brief Summary, Atomic Avenue

[accessed 28 Mar. 2008])

—. Nightmark Mystery Special (Rockland, ME: Alpha Productions, 1994) (comic; 1940s) (Brief Summary, Atomic

Avenue [accessed 28 Mar. 2008])

—. Shadow House (Shadow House Comics, 1997-98) (comic; art by Fred Harper)

Minahan, John The Great Harvard Robbery (Norton, 1988) (Harvard’s 350 anniversary; stolen Gutenberg Bible)

Minichino, Camille. (Revere-based 50-year-old+ retired physicist detective, Gloria Lamerino)

—. The Helium Murder (Avalon, 1998) (Lamerino, Gloria (Fictitious character); Women physicists; Police–

Massachusetts –Revere)

—. The Hydrogen Murder: A Gloria Lamerino Mystery (Avalon, 1997) (Physicists; Women detectives; Women

scientists; Police; Superconductivity; Revere Beach; Murder)

—. The Lithium Murder (Morrow, 1999) (Lamerino, Gloria (Fictitious character); Revere Beach (Mass.); Women

physicists; Retirees; Italian Americans)

See also 21st Century.

Minot, Eliza. The Tiny One (Knopf, 1999) (Eight-year-old girl on day of mother’s death; a Massachusetts North Shore

town; affluent Catholic family) (Mothers–death; Mothers and daughters)

Minot, George. The Blue Bowl: A Novel (Knopf, 2004) (Manchester, Mass.) (Conflict of generations; Parent and adult child;

Brothers and sisters; Fathers–Death; Trials (Murder); Painters)

Minot, Susan. Evening (Knopf, 1998) (romantic reminiscences of a dying woman in Boston; 2007 film) (Women

sexagenarians — Boston, Massachusetts; Senior women — Boston, Massachusetts; Memory in senior women;

Terminally ill women — Boston, Massachusetts; Regret in senior women; Redemption)

—. Folly (Houghton Mifflin, 1992) (“The two decades following the outbreak of WWI are the setting for this novel, which

explores the thwarted passions of upper-crust Bostonians who let propriety rule over their hearts” [Laurel Graeber,

“New & Noteworthy Paperbacks” New York Times Book Review 19 Jun. 1994]) (Beacon Hill; Copley Square)

(Women; Mate selection) (Back Cover Amazon)

—. Monkeys (Dutton, 1986) (“linked stories about a large, privileged New England family shadowed by the father’s

alcoholism and the mother’s sudden death in a car accident” [See Jennifer Schuessler’s review “The Haunting”

(New York Times Book Review 16 May 2004) connecting writings by three Minot siblings.]; suburban

Boston) (Children; Family; Boston (Mass.)) (Back Cover Amazon)

—. “Thorofare.” The New Yorker 27 Jun. 1983: 32-37 (mother’s death in car accident in “Marshport, Mass., a Boston

suburb” Abstract) (Keywords: Death; New England; Families; Cremation)

Mirabelli, Eugene. See also under 21st Century.

—. The Way In: A Novel (Viking, 1968) (Italian-American from Boston; Cambridge)

—. The World at Noon (Guernica, 1994) (Italian-American family in Boston from 1904 on)

Mirsky, Mark. Blue Hill Avenue: A Novel (Bobbs-Merrill, 1972) (declining Jewish Dorchester in 50s-60s) (Jews)

—. Proceedings of the Rabble (Bobbs-Merrill, 1970) (second of the Dorchester novels) (Evangelicalism)

—. The Secret Table (Fiction Collective: Distributed by G. Braziller, 1975) (Two novellas: “Dorchester, Home and Garden”

and “Onan’s Child” (not obviously Boston); three short stories: “Mourner” (Codman Square, p. 145), “Milkyway”

(New York), “Shpippik” (New York)) (Jews; Jewish fiction)

—-. Thou Worm Jacob (Macmillan, 1967) (Dorchester; Mattapan; Blue Hill Avenue; G. and G. Delicatessen)

(Jews; Immigrants)

Mitchard, Jacqulyn. Christmas, Present (Harper Collins, 2003) (North End restaurant; breakdown in Boston tunnel;

Boston hospital) (Terminally ill women; Husband and wife; Children of terminally ill persons; Family relationships;

Love; Trust; Wedding anniversaries; Christmas)

Mitchell, Kirk. Blown Away (Avon, 1994) (novelization of screenplay by Joseph Batteer et al.) (Irish

Republican Army; bombing) (Police; Boston (Mass.))

Mitchell, Siri L. A Heart Most Worthy (Bethany House, 2011) (Romance; three Italian immgrants in Boston 1918) (Italians —

United States; Upper class; Family secrets; Boston (Mass.) — Social life and customs)

—. Love Comes Calling (Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2014) (1920s; actress/telephone operator;

Christian historical romance; menacing overheard phone conversation) (Actresses; Families — History —

20th century; Brothers and sisters — History — 20th century; Boston (Mass.) — History — 20th century)

Mitgutsch, Anna. Familienfest (Munich: Luchterhand, 2003) (“The novel begins from Edna Schatz’s perspective as she

prepares to celebrate the final Pesach Seder in her Beacon Hill home in Boston before her move to a senior

citizens’ homeï” 100 Christina Gunther, “The Poetics of Ritual in Diaspora Anna Mitgutsch’s Familienfest

and Vladimir Vertlib’s Letzter Wunsch,” Journal of Austrian Studies 45.1-2 [Spring/Summer 2012]: 93-118; Jews;

in German) (Familie; Generation; Boston (Mass.); Juden)

Mlynowski, Sarah. Milkrun (Red Dress Ink, 2001) (romance; single 24-year-old woman copyeditor in Boston) (Young

women — Massachusetts — Boston; Single women; City and town life — Massachusetts — Boston; Dating

(Social customs))

Moffett, Cleveland. The Conquest of America. A Romance of Disaster and Victory: U.S.A., 1921 A.D., Based on Extracts

from the Diary of James E. Langston, War Correspondent of the”London Times” (Doran, 1916) (German conquest

of US; brief section end of Chapter IX-beginning of X on conquest of Boston: 70-76) (Imaginary wars and battles)

(Summary, Everett Franklin Bleiler, Science-Fiction: The Early Years (Kent State U P, 1990: 511-12 [Google Books]))

Molloy, Tom. The Green Line: A Novel (Charles River Books, 1982) (Vietnam vet)

—. The Vandal (Permanent, 1990) (mystical spiritualism in Boston; Maine) (Korean War, 1950-1953 — Veterans;

Boston (Mass.))

Molyneux, Caroline. Boston (Packet of Verse Golden Quill P, 1990: 6) (poem)

Monette, Paul. Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll (Little Brown, 1978) (“in and around Boston” [Stone and Wofsey 1996])

(Motion picture actors and actresses; Inheritance and succession; Older women; Gay men; Los Angeles (Calif.);

Swindlers and swindling)

Monsarrat, Nicholas. The Story of Esther Costello (Knopf, 1953) (partly set in Boston, Ireland, New York) (Children with

disabilities; Deaf blind; Humanitarianism)

Mooney, Chris. The Missing: A Thriller (Atria, 2007) (1984; 2007; “Boston Crime Lab”) (Homicide investigation; Forensic

science; Women forensic scientists; Kidnapping victims) (Amazon and Google Books)

Moore, Christine Palamidessi. The Virgin Knows (Wyatt Book for St. Martin’s Press, 1995) (Italy/North End in 1960-70s:

characters recent Italian immigrants: street and restaurant names) (Italians–Massachusetts; Sicily (Italy); Vatican

City; Art thefts; Young women; Twins)

Moore, Liz. The Unseen World (Norton, 2016) (heroine, whose “father . . . directs a computer science lab in 1980s-era

Boston[,] . . . embarks on a mission to uncover her father’s secrets . . .that carries her from childhood to adulthood

. . . on her journey into a virtual universe” [Publisher])

Moore, Meg Mitchell. So Far Away: A Novel (Reagan Arthur Books, 2012) (in part, diary of Bridget O’Connell Irish 1920s

Boston maid) (Mothers and daughters; Family secrets; Diaries)

Moore, Merrill. Christmas, Boston, 1934 (Privately printed, 1934) (Boston (Mass.) — Poetry; Christmas — Poetry; Poetry

of places)

Moran, James P. Public Garden (Crown Publishers, 1994) (Abortion; shooting in the Public Garden, but not really a

mystery) (Women lawyers)

Morris, Mary McGarry. Fiona Range (Viking, 2000) (fictional Dearborn, Mass., on outskirts of Boston) (Young women;

Massachusetts; Fathers and daughters; Vietnam War, 1961-1975 — Veterans)

Morse, Katherine D. “Boston Town.” The New Yorker 23 Mar. 1929: 90 (brief poem)

Moses. Kate. Wintering: A Novel of Sylvia Plath (St. Martin’s Press, 2003) (“Chapter Thirty-Four ‘Daddy’ December 31,

1958 Boston”) (Plath, Sylvia; Hughes, Ted; Americans — England; Mother and child; Authors’ spouses;

Separated people; London (England); Women poets; Storms; Poets; Biographical fiction; Psychological fiction)

Moses, Marlie. The Transmogrification of Sydney Pellegrini (Writer’s Showcase, 2001) (romance; much Boston; accents)

Moskovich, Yelena. Virtuoso (Columbus, Ohio: Two Dollar Radio, 2020) (1980s; in part “com[ing] of age in Prague,

Wisconsin, and then Boston”) (Lesbians; Young women)

Moynahan, Julian. Pairing Off (W. Morrow, 1969) (main character works at the Boston Free Library, “fictionalized . . . BPL

with some Widener” [Charles Husbands, personal email 3 Nov. 2009])

—. Where the Land and Water Meet: A Novel (Morrow, 1979) (Boston neighborhoods, 30s-40s)

Muir, Paddy. illus. Kathy R. Kaulbach. Love from Katie (James-StoneHouse Publications, 1991) (Juvenile; WW I; mainly

Halifax) (Christmas trees — Massachusetts — Boston; Halifax Explosion, Halifax, N.S., 1917)

Mukherjee, Bharati. The Holder of the World (Knopf, 1993) (in part, version of The Scarlet Letter; 17th and 20th centuries;

Boston; India) (Women — New England; Americans — India; Women — India; New England; Puritans; India)

Mulhern, James F. At Ease with Ladies (Thesis (M.F.A.)–Emerson College, 1989) (Alcohlics; Boston (Mass.))

—. “Lovely Peggy.” (Short Story Library, 7 Dec. 2008; Internet Wayback Machine; rpt. in The Library’s Best, vol. 1, ed.

Casey Quinn. ReadMe Publishing, 2009: 85-100) (short story; Irish-American Catholics; Back Bay; Nantasket;


—. A Prayer for Home (2016) (novelette; part of opening of Molly Bonamici with visit to “faith healer in seedy section of

downtown Boston 1980″)

Mullen, Thomas.  The Rumor Game  (Minotaur, 2024) (“fascist elements in World War II-era Boston. June, 1943″ WorldCat) (Thriller)

Munson, Ronald. Night Vision (Dutton, 1995) (part of action takes place at a Boston psychiatric institute) (Kidnapping;

Actresses; Hostages) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Nothing Human (Pocket Books, 1991) (murder in Cambridge) (Serial murders) (Amazon and Google Books)

Murphy, Gloria. Bloodties (D.I. Fine, 1987) (initiating inicident: kidnapping of three-year-old boy in Brookline park, 1971;

main action, fifteen years later) (Kidnapping; Abused children; Family)

—. Down Will Come Baby (D.I. Fine, 1991) (Friendship; Divorce; Girls; Boston (Mass.))

Murphy, Timothy. Getting Off Clean (St. Martin’s, 1997) (Irish-Italian main character; working class Boston suburb;

African Americans; gay men) (High school seniors; Coming out (Sexual orientation); Gay high school students;

Race relations; Gay men)

Murphy, Warren, and Richard Sapir. Deadly Genes (Toronto, Ont.; New York: Worldwide, 1999) (Fictional Boston

biolab and mad female scientist) (Genetic engineering) (Amazon and Google Books)

Murray, Will. “Beyond the Call of Beauty.” The Mammoth Book of Roaring Twenties Whodunnits, ed. Mike Ashley

(Carroll and Graf, 2004: 471-90) (Green Street Station; Jamaica Plain; Forest Hills; late 20s) (Google Books)

Musello, Damian. Mystic Lakes: A Novel (D.I. Fine, Inc., 1987) (hero, 60s violent activist, 80s Boston private investigator,

but more dealing with the 60s than detective story)

Myles, Eileen. Chelsea Girls (Black Sparrow Press, 1994) (“Autobiographical novel about growing up Catholic and gay

in Boston” [Stone and Wofsey 1996]; 28 stories; 60s-80s)

—. Cool For You (Soft Skull Press, 2000) (Menial jobs; Lesbian) (“coming-of-age tale, chronicling . . . working-class

Roman Catholic childhood in Boston and . . . struggles to find an identity” [Ann Powers, “Neverland and Beyond,”

New York Times Book Review 29 Jul. 2001]) (Young women; Irish Americans) (Back Cover Amazon)

Myrer, Anton. The Big War (Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1957) (One main character, Harvard and upperclass Boston)

(World War, 1939-1945; United States. — Marine Corps)

—. A Green Desire: A Novel (Putnam, 1982) (Harvard) (Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Brothers)

—. The Intruder: A Novel of Boston (Little, Brown, 1965) (cab driver rapes Beacon Hill woman) (Summary, Once-An- [Thomas W. Hebert 2006-7, Internet Wayback Machine])

—. Last Convertible: A Novel (Putnam, 1978) (follows Harvard class ’40 into 70s; some Boston/Mattapan/Brookline)

—. The Tiger Waits (Norton, 1973) (Secretary of State married into Brahmin family) (Cabinet officers)

( [Thomas W. Hebert 2006-7, Internet Wayback Machine])

Nabokov, Vladimir. “Conversation Piece, 1945.” The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov, ed. Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov

(Vintage Books, 1997: 583-93 (Boston Russian emigre meets Beacon Hill/Back Bay fascists)

Nappi, Frank. Welcome to the Show: A Mickey Tussler Novel (Skyhorse Publishing, 2016) (1950; Boston Braves) (Autistic

people; Baseball players; Interpersonal relations)

Nash, Ogden. “Stranger in the House.” The New Yorker 30 Jan. 1954: 29-30 (Boston man in the south) (Keywords:

Guests; Relatives; The South)

Nasr, Kameel. The Museum Heist: A Tale of Art and Obsession (Curiosity Books, 2015) (1990 and 25 years later)

(Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; Art thefts)

Nathan, Robert [Gruntal]. Peter Kindred (Duffield, 1919 [Google Books]) (200 pages on Harvard)

(Brief Review/Summary, H. W. Boynton, “Good Novels of Several Kinds,” The Bookman (May 1920: 343) [Google

Books]; Bail 300-303)

Neely, Barbara. (Blanche White, originally North Carolina and later partly Boston-based, African-American working

class amateur sleuth)

—. Blanche Among the Talented Tenth (St. Martin’s, 1994) (color prejudice among African Americans) (White, Blanche

(Fictitious character); Women detectives; African American women; Women domestics; Maine) (Amazon and

Google books)

—. Blanche Cleans Up (Viking, 1998) (Roxbury; politics; working class) (White, Blanche (Fictitious character); Women

detectives; African-American women; Women domestics) (Amazon and Google Books)

–. Blanche on the Lam (St. Martin’s, 1992) (African-American main character, Boston and North Carolina; mainly North

Carolina, thinking of peace in Boston) (White, Blanche (Fictitious character); Women detectives; African American

women; Women domestics; North Carolina) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Blanche Passes Go (Viking, 2000) (set in North Carolina during a summer vacation from Boston) (White,

Blanche (Fictitious character); Women detectives; African American women; North Carolina; Caterers and

catering; Cookery)

Neggers, Carla. (under pseud. Anne Harrell). Betrayals (Berkley, 1990) (1959 and 1989; Boston; Cote d’Azure;


—. A Rare Chance (Pocket Books, 1996) (romantic suspense in Boston) (Boston (Mass.)) (Back Cover)

—. White Hot (Pocket Books, 1998) (heroine just moved from Boston to Palm Beach; romance/suspense) (Burglars;

Businesswomen; Reporters and reporting; Florida)

Nelson, D.L. The Card (Five Star, 2005) (1963-86; heroines start as Boston University college roommates) (Women —

Friendship; Women — Interpersonal relations; Women — Family relationships; Women college friends; College

friends; Women college students; Married women; Divorced women; Women reporters — France; Parent and

adult child; Friendship; Divorce; Men/women relations; Family relationships; Christmas cards; The Sixties (20th

century); The Seventies (20th century); The Eighties (20th century); Boston)

—. Chickpea Lover (Not a Cookbook) (Five Star, 2003) (romance in Boston) (College teachers; Sexual harrassment;

False testimony; Separated people; Women teachers; Extortion)

Nemerov, Howard. The Melodramatists (Random House, 1949) (“two sisters turn their wealthy father’s Boston household

upside down” [Laurel Grieder, “New & Noteworthy,” New York Times Book Review 20 Sep. 1992])

Nevins, Linda. Commonwealth Avenue: A Novel (A Wyatt Book for St. Martin’s Press, 1996) (1902-80s) (Women;


N[ewberry]., J[ohn]. S[trong]. “The Ballad of Mrs. Peabody.” The New Yorker 4 Apr. 1931: 87 (poetic satire)

Nichols, Michael A. America Uncensored: A Nation in Search of Its Soul (Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing, 2004) (prep-

schools; Harvard U; and afterwards; counter-revolutionaries to 1960s movement) (Visionary and metaphysical)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Niditch, B. Z. Freedom Trail: Poems about Boston (Wings Press, 1980)

Nixon, Cornelia. “Charm.” Ploughshares Spring 1995 [accessed 24 Feb. 2008] (short story; girl violinist growing up in

Back Bay; mother’s death)

Novak, Barbara. The Margaret-Ghost: A Novel (George Braziller 2003) (heroine writing book on Margaret Fuller for

tenure at a Boston college; 19th and 20 century Boston) (Fuller, Margaret, 1810-1850; Women college teachers;

College teachers; Women authors; Biographers; Women biographers; Bisexual women; Feminists; Biography;

Biography — Research; Literary research — Massachusetts; Research; Romantic love; Sexuality; Men/women

relations; Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Universities and colleges — Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts;

Biographical novels; Feminist fiction)

Oates, Joyce Carol. Black Water (Dutton, 1992) (Based on Ted Kennedy/Chappaquiddick; some Boston) (Drowning

victims; Young women; Legislators; Traffic accidents; Death)

O’Bannon, Jaron, and Shongi Fernandes. Ain’t No Love in the Bean: Part 1 (AuthorHouse, 2015) (Starts

Christmas Eve 1992) (Murder; Revenge; Boston)

O’Brien-Merrill, Julia M. Illus. Caitlin Marquis. Charlie on the M.T.A: Did He Ever Return? (Commonwealth Editions,

2017) (Juvenile; 1949) (Metropolitan Transit Authority (Boston, Mass.); Subways — Massachusetts — Boston)

O’Callahan, Jay. Coming Home to Someplace New (Brookline neighborhood on Boston border)

—. The Labyrinth of Uncle Mark (Marshfield, Mass.: Jay O’ Callahan, 1981) (Seems to be available only as a CD; Irish

Catholics; World War II) (Cambridge (Mass.); Japanese Americans)

—. Muddy River Playhouse: Pill Hill Stories (Seems to be available only as a CD; section of Brookline near Jamaica


—. Pill Hill Quartet (Older children) (Seems to be available only as a CD; section of Brookline near Jamaica Pond)

O’Connor, Edwin. The Edge of Sadness (Little, Brown, 1961) (Clergy; Catholics; Alcoholics; Boston (Mass.); Irish

Americans; Belief and doubt)

—. The Last Hurrah (Little, Brown, 1956) (inspired in part by James Michael Curley) (Newspapers; Cartoonists; Boston

Brahmins) (Boston (Mass.)– Politics and government; Political fiction; Mayors; Political corruption; Election; Irish

Americans: Catholic church–clergy)

O’Connor, Mickey. The Charlesgate Apartment Poems (Elbow Press, 1993) (No clear indication on WorldCat, Amazon,

Google that this is Boston and author’s connections seem to be Seattle.)

O’Donnell, Katherine. Slant (Dublin: New Island Books, 2023) (present 2015, past 1980s-90s) (AIDS activists; Boston (Mass.) History 20th century;
Ireland;  Lesbians)

Ogilvie, Ruthe. La Fleur Rouge the Red Flower: The First Novel of the Stuart Trilogy (Trafford Publishing, 2012) (Mostly

elsewhere, but Chapter II Two Years Earlier — 1954: “It was a beautiful fall day in Boston.”) (Plagiarism in music)

Ohlson, Matthew. The Other Side of the Harbor: The Journey of a First-year Urban Teacher: A Novel (iUniverse, 2007)

(1990s) (Ohlson, Matthew — Career in education; Teachers — Massachusetts — Boston; Problem children —

Education — Massachusetts — Boston)

Oke, Janette. Love Finds A Home (Bethany House Publishers, 1989) (sequel to Love Takes Wing) (Davis family;

Nurses — Boston, Massachusetts; Christian pioneer families; Boston, Massachusetts; Christian love stories)

—. Love Takes Wing (Bethany House Publishers, 1988; newly edited and revised 2004) (Christian perspective; heroine

moves from prairie to Boston; early 20th century) (Nurses)

Oleson, Amy. Love & Memory: A Novel (Spinsters Book Co., 1991) (Love and work in Boston) (Lesbians)

Olotu, Oluyemisi. Vision: A Plain Ole Love Story (Iwe Yemi Press, 2000) (DJs; “Boston hip hop scene” [Amazon])

(African Americans; Boston (Mass.))

O’Malley, Thomas, and Douglas Graham Purdy. Serpents in the Cold (Mulholland Books/Little, 2015) (1951;

Dorchester; Scollay Square) (Serial murderers; Boston (Mass.) — History — 20th century)

—. We Were Kings (Little, Brown, 2016) (1950s; Boston detectives) (Irish Republican Army; Illegal arms transfers;

Murder — Investigation; Boston (Mass.) — History — 20th century)

O’Neil, Kim. Fever Dogs: Stories (TriQuarterly Books/ Northwestern U P, 2017) (Mothers-daughters)

How to draw from life-Watertown, 2000 —

Blue baby-Brighton, 1953 —

How people live here-Belwick, 1978 —

Dicky Lucy-Cambridge, 1967 —

How i miss you-Boston, 1987 —

Les mis-Woonsocket, 1976; Fourchu, 1919; Boston, 1924 —

Fever dogs-Holyoke, 1923; Boston, 1924

O’Neill, Eugene. Anna Christie. In The Hairy Ape: Anna Christie, The First Man (Boni and Liverwright, 1922: 103-211

[Google Books]) (Acts III and IV take place on barge in Boston harbor about 1910)

Orange, Carol. A Discerning Eye (New York: Cavan Bridge P, 2020) (Gardner heist; 1990s) (Federal Bureau of

Investigation — Officials and employees; Women art dealers; Art thefts; Light in art; Undercover operations; Drug

traffic — Colombia; Boston (Mass.))

Orban, Otto. Trans. from Hungarian by Bruce Berlind with Maria Korosy. “Snowfall in Boston” (The Literary Review, vol.

38, no. 3, 1995, p. 352) (brief poem or prose-poem)

O’Reilly, Bill. Those Who Trespass: A Novel of Murder and Television (Baltimore, Md.: Bancroft P, 1998) (detective team

includes female Boston Brahmin reporter; several Boston scenes) (Television broadcasting of news; New York (N.Y.);

Police; Television journalists; Women journalists; Revenge) (Amazon and Google Books)

Ordway, Samuel H., Jr. illus. F Wenderoth Saunders. Little Codfish Cabot at Harvard: True Story of a Life to which Little

Folk May Look Forward and their Elders May Look Back (Boston: John W. Luce and Co., 1924) (Harvard


Orner, Peter. Esther Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 2001) (Short stories; Jewish families in Fall River and midwest; “Cousin

Tuck’s” (37-45)–Jamaica Plain) (Jewish families; Domestic fiction)

—. “Herb and Rosalie Swanson at the Cocoanut Grove.” The Last Car Over the Sagamore Bridge (Little, Brown, 2013:

21-28) (short story; 1942 fire)

Osborn, John Jay. The Paper Chase (Houghton Mifflin, 1971) (Law students; Harvard Law School) (See Robinette,


Osborne, Letitia Preston. Through Purple Glass (J.B. Lippincott, 1946) (Apartment houses — Social life and customs;

Beacon Hill (Boston, Mass.))

Osbourne, Kirsten. Mail Order Mismatch (Unlimited Dreams, 2024) (farm girl marries “wealthy [Boston] bank manager,” WorldCat; early 20th c.)


Packer, George. Central Square: A Novel (Graywolf Press, 1998) (African American men; Community life; Group


Page, Katherine Hall. (Faith Fairchild, caterer, minister’s wife, sleuth, Aleford, Mass., fictional western suburb of

Boston on Fitchburg rail line)

—. The Body in the Bog: A Faith Fairchild Mystery (Morrow, 1996) (murder in Aleford; Patriots Day; Boston Marathon)

(Fairchild, Faith Sibley (Fictitious character); Women in the food industry; Caterers and catering; Massachusetts;

Cookery; Real estate development; Environmentalists; Murder) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Body in the Bookcase: A Faith Fairchild Mystery (Morrow, 1998) (murder and robbery in Aleford; “Boston-

Brahmin bride to be” client [Back Cover, Google Books]; crooked antiques market) (Fairchild, Faith Sibley

(Fictitious character); Women in the food industry; Caterers and catering; Massachusetts; Cookery; Spouses of

clergy; Murder; Antiques business; Larceny) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Body in the Bouillon (St. Martin’s, 1991) (murder in upscale nursing home; some Boston scenes and characters)

(Fairchild, Faith Sibley (Fictitious character); Women in the food industry; Caterers and catering; Old age homes;

Massachusetts; Cookery) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Body in the Cast: A Faith Fairchild Mystery (St. Martin’s, 1993) (murder in Aleford; filming of The Scarlet Letter;

local election) (Fairchild, Faith Sibley (Fictitious character); Women in the food industry; Motion picture industry;

Caterers and catering; Massachusetts; Cookery; Murder investigation; Women detectives) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. The Body in the Moonlight: A Faith Fairchild Mystery (Morrow, 2001) (2000; pp. 99-111 Jamaica Plain, Brookline,

Newbury St.; lots of Boston references and connections of characters; mainly Aleford) (Fairchild, Faith Sibley

(Fictitious character); Caterers and catering; Women in the food industry; Cookery; Massachusetts; Spouses of

clergy; Poisoning; Murder) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Christie & Company In the Year of the Dragon (Avon, 1997) (Juvenile: grades 5-8) (non-Faith Fairchild; Boston

Chinatown; Chinese New Year) (Chinese Americans; Gangs) (Amazon and Google Books)

Paisner, Daniel. Obit (Dutton, 1990) (hero/detective write obits for Boston newspaper) (Reporters and reporting;

Young men; Obituaries; Murder — Investigation) (Amazon)

Pallamary, Michael. Days of Eight (BookBaby, 2024) (opens “1968, in Dorchester, MA,” Irish-American main character [WorldCat’)

(Coming of age)

Palmer, Michael. Extreme Measures (Bantam, 1991) (Boston’s fictional White Memorial Hospital) (Hospitals — Corrupt

practices; Medical ethics; Physicians) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Flashback (Bantam, 1988) (Boston memories, but mainly New Hampshire) (Anesthesiology; New Hampshire;

Surgery; Boys; Postoperative pain; Neurosurgeons; Anesthesiology — Research ) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Miracle Cure (Bantam, 1998) (Fictional Boston Heart Institute) (Arteriosclerosis — Patients; Therapeutics,

Experimental; Physicians) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Natural Causes (Bantam, 1994) (medical thriller; fictional Medical Center of Boston) (Women physicians; Holistic

medicine; Medical error; Preinatal death) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Patient (Bantam, 2000) (medical thriller; fiction Eastern Mass. Medical Center, Boston; 1990s; neurosurgery)

(Women surgeons — Massachusetts; Surgical technology; Massachusetts) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Side Effects (Bantam, 1985) (heroine 1980s Boston pathologist) (Nazi Germany; Motherhood) (Pharmaceutical

industry; Women pathologists) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Sisterhood (Bantam, 1982) (fictional Boston Doctors Hospital) (Physicians; Nurses; Hospitals; Horror tales)

(Back Cover Amazon and Google Books)

Parish, Anne Leigh. The Hedgerow (Unsolicited P, 2024) (1949; ” rebellious, well-educated heroine . . .  pursue[s] her

dreams of owning  a thriving bookstore on Harvard Square and establishing a poetry press to publish the silent and

underserved” WorldCat) (Bookstore owners; Interpersonal relations;  Romance; Small presses)

Parisi, Santiago. Holy Week Semana Santa a Novel (, 2007) (1975; Boston journalist in post-Franco Spain; Chapter

2 Boston, MA; Chapter 4 Brighton, Massachusetts; mainly Spain)

Park, Samuel. Shakespeare’s Sonnet (Alyson Books, 2006) (1948) (Gay college students — Massachusetts —

Cambridge; First loves)

Parker, Ben. Four Flights Up (1946; rpt. There’s Always a Murder: A Comedy-Mystery Drama in Three Acts. Samuel

French, 1979) (“a furnished apartment in Boston”) (Google Books)

Parker, James Reid. “Bird I Never Was.” The New Yorker 20 Oct. 1956: 149-51 (aunts and business in Boston)

(Keywords: Boston; Aunts; Shelley, Percy Bysshe)

—. “The Quieter Life.” The New Yorker 25 Oct. 1952: 37-38 (elderly aunt moves to apartment in Boston) (Keywords:

Crime; Boston; Letters; Old Age)

—. “Hastily, R.” The New Yorker & Jan. 1956: 69-71 (old aunt in Boston) (Keywords: Letters; Massachusetts)

—. The Merry Wives of Massachusetts (Doubleday, 1959) (proper Bostonian women and Danish sailor on

passenger freighter)

Parker, Robert B. See Atkins, Ace for post-Parker Spenser novels.

—. All Our Yesterdays (Delacorte , 1994) (not Spenser; three generations of Boston cops; Irish Americans) (Fathers and

sons; Boston (Mass.); Ireland) (Amazon and Google Books)

—–. A Catskill Eagle: A Spenser Novel (Delacorte/S. Lawrence, 1985) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Gangs) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Ceremony: A Spenser Novel ( Delacorte/S. Lawrence, 1982) (Combat Zone; Providence: Back Bay; bordellos)

(Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Chance (Putnam, 1996) (Las Vegas; Mafia) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Gangs) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. Crimson Joy (Delacorte, 1988) (Serial murderer of African-Amercian women leaves rose on corpses) (Spenser

(Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Double Deuce (Putnam, 1992) (African-American housing project) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Gangs) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Early Autumn: A Spenser Novel (Delacorte/S. Lawrence, 1981) (Maine) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private

investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Family Honor (Putnam, 1999) (Women private investigators; Randall, Sunny (Fictitious character); Runaway

teenagers; Criminals; Teenage girls: missing persons–Investigation) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. God Save the Child (Houghton Mifflin, 1974) (Kidnapping?) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Godwulf Manuscript (Houghton Mifflin, 1973) (medieval manuscript; a Boston university modeled on

Northeastern; Combat Zone) (Drug traffic) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Hugger Mugger (Putnam, 2000) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Horse racing; Race horses;

Georgia) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Hush Money (Putnam, 1999) (Sex, cultural diversity, denial of tenure, and academic politics) (Spenser (Fictitious

character); Private investigators; College stories; Stalking; Stalking victims; Gays; Conspiracies; White

supremacy movements; Prejudices) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Judas Goat (Houghton Mifflin, 1978) (London) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. Looking for Rachel Wallace: A Spenser Novel (Delacorte/S. Lawrence, 1980) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private

investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Love and Glory (Delacorte/Seymour Lawrence, 1983) (non-Spenser; non-mystery; Colby College; Korean War;

California; back to Boston’s fictional Taft University; early 1950s-mid 70s)

—. Mortal Stakes (Houghton Mifflin, 1975) (Red Sox) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. Night Passage (Putnam, 1997) (Jesse goes from California to new job in Paradise, Massachusetts, not far from

Boston; Boston mob) (Police chiefs; Stone, Jesse (Fictitious character)) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Pale Kings and Princes: A Spenser Novel (Delacorte, 1987) (Wheaton, Mass.) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Drug abuse–Prevention) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Paper Doll  (Putnam, 1993) (Beacon Hill murder; South Carolina) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private

investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Pastime (Putnam, 1991) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Mothers and sons) (Amazon and

Google Books)

—. Perish Twice ( Putnam, 2000) (Female Boston detective, Sunny Randall) (Women private investigators; Randall,

Sunny (Fictitious character): Sisters; Stalkers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Playmates (Putnam, 1989) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators; College sports; Sports betting)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. Promised Land (Houghton Mifflin, 1976) (Cape Cod) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. A Savage Place: A Spenser Novel (Delacorte/S. Lawrence, 1981) (mainly Hollywood) (Back Cover Amazon

and Google Books)

—. Small Vices: A Spenser Novel (Putnam, 1997) (Sanata Barbara) (Manhattan (New York, N.Y.) (Amazon

and Google Books)

—. Spenser’s Boston (New York: Otto Penzler Books, 1994) (Photographs by Kasho Kumagai) (Spenser (Fictitious

character); Literary landmarks — Massachusetts — Boston; Authors, American — Homes and haunts —

Massachusetts — Boston; Boston (Mass.) — Intellectual life — 20th century; Boston (Mass.) — In

literature) (Google Books)

—. Stardust (Putnam, 1990) (Spenser guards star TV actress filming in Boston) (Spenser (Fictitious character);

Private investigators) (Amazon and Google)

—. Sudden Mischief (Putnam, 1998) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators; Sexual harassment of

women; Fund raising) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Taming a Sea-Horse: A Spenser Novel (Delacorte Press/S. Lawrence, 1986) (Times Square; Maine; St. Thomas) (

Spenser (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Thin Air (Putnam, 1995) (Hispanic barrio in fictional Proctor, Mass.) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Missing persons) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Valediction: A Spenser Novel (Delacorte/Seymour Lawrence, 1984) (Spenser (Fictitious character); Private

investigators; Organized crime; Sects; Kidnapping; Women dancers) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Walking Shadow (Putnam, 1994) (Experimental theatre; Illegal Chinese immigrants; fictional Port City, near Boston)

(Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Widening Gyre: A Spenser Novel (Delacorte/Seymour Lawrence, 1983) (Senatorial candidate’s wife) (Spenser

(Fictitious character); Private investigators; Political candidates) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Wilderness: A Novel (Delacorte P/S. Lawrence, 1979) (Not Spenser; mainly Maine, but part a stakeout at villain’s

Boston-area home) (Maine; Authors; Wilderness areas) (Amazon and Google Books)

Parmenter, Christine Whiting. The Kings of Beacon Hill (Thomas Y. Crowell, 1935) (family and class 1900-1919-1934)

Parrott, Ursula. Road Leading Somewhere (Dodd, Mead, 1941) (Man-woman relationships; New York (N.Y.); Boston

(Mass.)) (New York Times 9 Mar. 1941: BR 18)

Parsons, Elizabeth.”The Checkup.” The New Yorker 20 Dec. 1947: 27-32 (newcomer in Boston goes to a doctor)

(Keywords: Doctors; Boston)

—. “The Easter Eggs.” The New Yorker 16 Apr. 1948: 24-26 (sad date in Boston) (Keywords: Musicians; Illness;

Saloons Bars)

—. “Mr. Clisbee and the Wax Flowers.” The New Yorker 3 Apr. 1943: 20-23 (Victorian house in Boston) (Keywords:

Flowers; Boston; Murder)

—. “A Winter Evening.” The New Yorker 13 Dec. 1952: 35-38 (Boston hotel) (Keywords: Hotels; Elevators; Old Age)

Parsons, Karyn. How High the Moon (Little, Brown, 2019) (in part Christmas in Boston 1944 WorldCat) (Racially

mixed people; Families; Race relations; Segregation; African Americans; South Carolina)

Patterson, James. Cradle and All (Little, Brown, 2000) (Third Secret of Fatima; ex-nun Boston detective hired by

Archdioces of Boston; reworks 1980 Virigin) (Women private investigators; Teenage pregnancy; Good and

evil; Prophecies; Catholics; Ex-nuns) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. Virgin (McGraw-Hill, 1980) (Amazon and Google Books)

Patterson, Richard North. No Safe Place (Franklin Center, Pa.: Franklin Library, 1998) (thriller about assassination

attempt on Presidential candidate by anti-abortion assassin, who opens with shootings in Boston Kenmore

Square abortion clinic; not much Boston) (Legislators; Presidential candidates; Political campaigns; Primaries;

Journalists; Scandals; Pro-life movement; California) (Amazon and Google Books)

Paul, Barbara. In-Laws and Outlaws (Scribner, 1990) (Boston/Martha’s Vineyard; wealthy Boston family) (Parents-in-

law; Serial murders) (Amazon and Google Books)

Paul, Elliot.( Elliot Paul (1891-1958) for more info and books, Arnold Goldman, 18 Apr. 2003 [accessed 16 Jan. 2008])

—. The Amazon (H. Liveright, 1930) (Women soldiers; Boston; Cape Cod; Paris) (World War, 1914-1918)

(Summary/Review Arnold Goldman 18 Apr. 2003 [accessed 16 Jan. 2008])

—. Concert Pitch (Random House, 1938) (mainly Paris; narrator-protagonist is ex-patriot Bostonian, after World War I;

Gay men [one plot]; Communist Party) (Musical fiction; Music critics; Composers; Impresarios) (Summary/Review

Arnold Goldman 18 Apr. 2003 [accessed 16 Jan. 2008])

—. The Governor of Massachusetts: A Novel in Three Parts (H. Liveright, 1930) (Politics; Park Street; The Old Howard;

Joy Street; Pinckney Street; time not clear, seems 1904-08 but late reference to 1915) (Summary/Review (Arnold

Goldman 18 Apr. 2003 [accessed 16 Jan. 2008])

—. I’ll Hate Myself in the Morning (Random House, 1945) (only a brief section set in Boston–Chapters 9 Boston, Of All

Places and 10 Beacon Street Blues; mainly Wyoming; mystery–Homer Evans) (Google Books and Summary/

Review Arnold Goldman, 18 Apr. 2003 [accessed 16 Jan. 2008])

—. Impromptu: A Novel in Four Movements (Knopf, 1923) (Abortion; brothels; Revere; Saugus; fictional Glendale [really

Paul’s native Linden, part of Malden]) (World War, 1914-1918) (Summary/Review (Arnold Goldman) 18 Apr. 2003

[accessed 16 Jan. 2008])

—. Indelible: A Story of Life, Love, and Music, in Five Movements (Houghton Mifflin, 1922) (Linden [Malden];

Conservatory in Boston; North End; Jewish immigrants; Nantasket Beach; Joy Street; Revere House brothel)

(Summary/Review Arnold Goldman 18 Apr. 2003 [accessed 16 Jan. 2008])

—. Murder on the Left Bank: A Homer Evans Mystery (Random House, 1951) (Boston people in Paris; Spring 1949)

(Evans, Homer (Fictitious character); Private investigators — France — Paris) (Summary/Review Arnold Goldman,

18 Apr. 2003 [accessed 16 Jan. 2008])

—. My Old Kentuck Home (Random House, 1949) (1909-10; one character Irish from Boston, “Chapter 3 Two

Bachelors from Boston”)

—. Waylaid in Boston: a Homer Evans Mystery (Random House, 1953) (Arnold Arboretum; Commonwealth Avenue)

(Evans, Homer (Fictitious character); Private investigators) (Summary/Review Arnold Goldman, 18 Apr. 2003

[accessed 16 Jan. 2008])

Payne, Jaden. There Are 3 Women & 4 Men (2024) (1967-77 WorldCat) (1967; 1977) (Boston (Mass.); Collectors and

collecting; Murder Investigation; Museum curators)

Pearlman, Edith. Binocular Vision: New and Selected Stories (Lookout Books, 2011) (short stories, many set in

fictionalized Brookline called Godolphin)

—. Honeydew: Stories (Little, Brown, 2015)

—. How to Fall: Stories (Sarabande Books, 2005) (short stories, many set in fictionalized Brookline called

Godolphin) (Jewish grandmothers among others)

—. Vaquita and Other Stories (U of Pittsburgh P, 1996) (Boston/Cambridge stories: “Cavalier”–retired Harvard history

professor of Spanish Conquest: 13-27; several stories about woman founder/director of Cambridge soup kitchen for

women–“Donna’s Heart” 28-46, “Charity” 47-57, “Dorothea” 58-67, and “Rehearsal” 68-89; “Settler”–Brighton/

Allston: 131-42; “Inbound”–Red Line/Harvard U/Harvard Square: 165-77)

Pearson, George Francis. An Historical and Literary Pilgrimage: Verses and Illustrations (Boston: The author, 1927)

(19 pages; “Booklet for Boston tourists” [, accessed 31 Mar. 2008]) (Poetry of places —

Massachusetts–Boston; Boston (Mass.)–History; Boston (Mass.) — Description and travel — Poetry)

—. Old Cambridge, and Other Poems (Boston, 1928) (includes “Old Boston and Other Poems”)

—. Olde Boston Towne [added 1953 ed. Something to remember about Old Boston, Cambridge, Lexington, Concord,

and the Wayside Inn] (Lexington: Colonial Sight-seeing Auto Company, 1930) (verse and prose) (Boston (Mass.)

— Guidebooks; Boston (Mass.) — Poetry)

Pearson, Ridley. The Seizing of Yankee Green Mall: A Novel (later pub. as Hidden Charges) (St. Martin’s, 1987) (mall

near Boston) (Shopping malls; Hostages)

Pedrick, Jean. The Fascination: A Novel (Houghton Mifflin, 1947) (one of heroine’s lovers is a Boston bar pianist)

Pendleton, Dan. The Executioner: Boston Blitz (Pinnacle, 1972) (Vietnam Vet; #12 in The Executionary series) (Bolan,

Mack (Fictitious character); Vietnam War, 1961-1974; Mafia) (Brief Summary, Internet Book List [Internet

Wayback Machine)

—. Red Horse (Toronto and New York: Worldwide, 1997) (Don Pendleton’s The Executioner, 226) (Bolan, Mack (

Fictitious character); Incendiary bombs; Boston (Mass.)) (Amazon)

Pfeffer, Susan Beth. Meg at Sixteen (Bantam Books, 1990) (Series: Sebastian Sisters, 5; Romance; 1950s)

(Teenage girls — Boston)

Pfeil, Fred. “Almost Like Falling.” In What They Tell You to Forget: A Novella and Stories (Pushcart Press, 1996: 177-256)

(single-mother’s one-night stand in Boston)

Phelan, Paula A. 1919: Misfortune’s End (ZAPmedia, 2007) (five Boston chapters; fictional families in Boston and

Washington) (Nineteen nineteen, A.D.; United States — History — 1913-1921; Irish Americans — Massachusetts

— Boston — 1913-1921; African Americans — Washington (D.C.) — 1913-1921)

Philbrick, W.Rodman. Brothers and Sinners (New York: Onyx, 1993) (murder mystery; private detectives; triangles)

(Brothers; Boston (Mass.)) (Google Books)

—. Ice for the Eskimo: A J.D. Hawkins Mystery (New York: Beaufort Books, 1986) (wheel-chair bound Boston writer/

detective; Maine; pedophiles; law suit against City of Boston) (Google Books)

—. Paint It Black: A J.D. Hawkins Mystery (St. Martin’s, 1989) (wheel-chair bound Boston/writer detective) (Google


—-. Shadow Kills: A Novel of Mystery (New York: Beaufort Books Publishers, 1985) (wheel-chair bound Boston writer/d

etective) (Google Books)

—. Walk on the Water (St. Martin’s, 1991) (Boston/Nantucket/New York; wheel-chair bound Boston writer/detective) (

Authors, American–Massachusetts–Nantucket) (Amazon and Google Books)

Phillips, John [pseud. of John Phillips Marquand]. The Second Happiest Day (Harper, 1953) (1930s-50s; Harvard/

Boston; New York; Chapters 15-17 Harvard in early 40s [Bail 347])

Pier, Arthur Stanwood. The Ancient Grudge (Houghton, 1905) (partly Harvard/Cambridge)

—. The Rigor of the Game: Stories of Harvard Athletics (Houghton Mifflin, 1929) (Juvenile) (College stories)

(Bail 318-19: first Harvard fiction for boys)

—. The Women We Marry (Houghton Mifflin, 1914 [HathiTrust]) (Boston (Mass.) — Social life and customs)

Pierce, Anne Whitney. Down to the River (Regal House, 2022) (“family saga set in the late 1960s in Cambridge,

Massachusetts” WorldCat) (Families; Nineteen Sixties)

—. Rain Line (UPNE, 2002) (Harvard/Cambridge in the early 80’s) (Traffic accidents; Guilt)

Piercy, Marge. Fly Away Home: A Novel (Summit Books, 1984) (Boston cookbook author grapples with divorce) (Italian

American women; Married women; Food writers; Adultery)

—. The Longings of Women: A Novel (Fawcett Columbine, 1994) (story of a Boston cleaning lady, professor, and woman

who had her husband killed) (Women; Boston (Mass.))

—. Small Changes (Doubleday, 1973) (“a full survey of the Boston political communal scene” Kirkus Reviews) (Married

women; Working class women; Women intellectuals; Women — Identity; Women — Interpersonal relations;

Women — Sexuality; Lesbians; Working class; Women’s role; Sex role; Self-fulfillment in women; Lesbianism;

Marriage; The Seventies (20th century); Boston; New York City; Psychological fiction; Domestic fiction; Feminist

fiction — 20th century; Jewish-American fiction — 20th century)

—. Three Women (William Morrow, 1999) (three generations in geriatric, professional, and youthful Boston) (Mothers

and daughters; Women; Women college teachers; Women–Social conditions)

Pietro, Inspector. Marked for Death, or, The Revenge of the Black Hand Leader (Cleveland, Ohio: Arthur

Westbrook, 1909) ( Crime — Massachusetts — Boston; Extortion; Kidnapping; Gangsters — Massachusetts

— Boston)

Pita, Maria Isabel. Covenant Transportation: Dorchester, Massachusetts 1933.” Guilty Pleasures: Historical Erotic

Romances (Magic Carpet Books, 2005: 59-75) (Short stories; Female erotic fiction)

Pizzey, Erin. In the Shadow of the Castle (Harper Paperbacks, 1984) (romance; mainly Scotland, but Boston heroine)

Plain, Belva. Secrecy (Delacorte P, 1997) (mid-80s-90s) (Rape; Women architects — Boston, Massachusetts; Family

secrets; Women’s romantic fiction)

Plante, David. American Stranger: A Novel (Delphinium Books, 2018) (Manhattan daughter of Jewish refugees

and Franco-American male lover in Boston) (Jews; Jewish families; Man-woman relationships; World

War, 1939-1945)

—. The Catholic (Atheneum, 1986) (Boston in the 60s) (Gay men; Boston (Mass.))

—. “Mr. Bonito.” The New Yorker 7 Jul. 1980: 30-34 (ESL teacher/writer in Boston) (Keywords: Teachers; Writers;

Boston, Mass.)

—. Slides: A Novel (Gambit, 1971) (close group of friends in Boston area)

Plath, Sylvia. The Bell Jar (Harper & Row, 1971 (first published in England in 1963 under pseudonymn Victoria Lucas))

(second half set in Boston) (Depression, Mental; Women college students; Suicidal behavior) (Front Flap 1996

ed. Amazon)

—. “The Daughters of Blossom Street” (Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose, and Diary Excerpts,

ed. Ted Hughes, HarperPerennial, 2008) (Mass. General Hopital; Beacon Hill)

—. “The Day Mr. Prescott Died” (1956). Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose, and Diary

Excerpts (HarperCollins, 2000: 211-28) (wake/funeral in East Boston)

—. “The Fifteen-Dollar Eagle” Sewanee Review 68.4 (Oct.-Dec. 1960: 603-18 (based on Plath/Hughes visit to Scollay

Square tatoo parlor)

—. “Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams” (Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose, and Diary

Excerpts, ed. Ted Hughes, HarperPerennial, 2008) (Boston hospital)

—. “Two Campers in Cloud Country: Rock Lake, Canada.” The New Yorker 3 Aug. 1963: 28 (contrasts to Boston)

—. “Two Fat Girls on Beacon Hill.” c, 1958-59. Fragmernt.

—. “A Winter’s Tale.” The New Yorker 12 Dec. 1959: 116 (Keywords: Boston; Christmas; Bonwit Teller;

Pierce, S. S.)

Playfair, Robert Smith. Colonel of the Crimson (Houghton Mifflin, 1940) (Juvenile–secondary school) (hero works his way

through Harvard University, esp. Dunster House; baseball/basketball; pranks) (Bail 342-43)

—. The Crimson Road (Houghton Mifflin, 1938) (Juvenile–secondary school) (midwest freshman success at Harvard) (

Football stories) (Bail 334-37)

—-. Fuller at Harvard (Houghton Mifflin, 1939) (Juvenile) (Sports) (Phoebee M. W. Kosman, “Finding Fuller” Harvard

Magazine May-Jun. 2003, accessed 28 Dec. 2011; Bail 340-41)

Pliscou, Lisa. Higher Education (Viking, 1989) (Harvard University; Women college students — Cambridge, Massachusetts;

The Eighties (20th century); College seniors — Cambridge, Massachusetts)

Plummer, Louise. My Name is Sus5an Smith, The 5 is Silent (Delacorte Press, 1991) (Juvenile–ages 10-14) (“promising

art student . . . living in Boston meets by chance her long lost [untrustworthy] uncle” [BPL Kids Page]) (Self-

perception; Artists; Uncles)

Plympton, A. G. Dorcaster Days (Little, Brown, 1907 [Internet Archive]) (Young women — Conduct of life; Dorchester)

Polito, Robert. “Boston.” Shenandoah (1986): 70 (poem)

Pollack, Eileen. A Perfect Life: A Novel (Ecco, 2016) (heroine, MIT post-doc in early 1980s; Valentine’s Disease) (Man-

woman relationships; Families: Genetic disorders; Genetic markers; Women biologists)

Pollock, Dale. Chopped: A NovelI (Shadowbrook, 2023) (1849-50)  (Boston (Mass.) History 19th century;

Forensic Medicine; Harvard University; Homicide; Medical jurisprudence History; Murder; Parkman, George,

1790-1849; Webster, John White, 1793-1850)

Polo, Amber. Laughing Dolphins: A Novel of Coincidence (Camp Verde, AZ: Wordshaping P, 2021) (“1980s Boston art

students” over next 20 Yrs. WorldCat) (Artists)

Poniatowska, Elena. trans. Deanna Heikkinen. The Skin of the Sky (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004) (in part, Mexican

astronomer at Harvard) (Harvard University — Students; Mexicans in the United States)

Ponsor, Michael A.  Point of Order: A Novel  (Open Road Integrated Media, 2024)  (defendant, “one of Boston’s most charming and successful

businessmen” WorldCat; 1968 murder of policeman, c. 2018 trial; Judge Norcross, main character) (Assassination; Capital punishment;

Judges; Trials (Murder) Massachusetts)

Ponti, James. History Mystery (Pocket Books, 1998) (Juvenile–ages 9-12) (Shelby moves to Boston) (Mystery files

of Shelby Woo (Television program); Theft from museums; Historical museums; Museums) (Amazon and

Google Books)

Popkes, Stephen. “Ice.” The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Twenty-First Annual Collection, ed. Gardner R Dozois

(Macmillan, 2004: 73-107) (Hockey; Boston University; Gordie Howe; Science fiction; Clones; Detroit; 1950s?)

Porter, Eleanor H. Miss Billy (L.C. Page, 1911 [Internet Archive]) (Juvenile) (foster home in Boston) (Orphans; Young women

— Conduct of life) (Detailed Review/Summary [Internet Archive])

—. Miss Billy’s Decision (L.C. Page, 1912 [Google Books]) (Juvenile; rocky engagement in Boston) (Man-woman

relationships; Orphans; Young women — Conduct of life)

—. Miss Billy Married (L.C. Page, 1914 [Google Books]) (Juvenile) (South Boston) (Marriage)

—. Pollyanna Grows Up (Page, 1915 [Google Books]) (Pollyana in Boston; North End; Germany) (Orphans)

Powers, Richard. Galatea 2.2 (Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1995) (brief sections set in Boston: 65-66, 82-84, 95-110)

(English literature–Studying and teaching; Artificial intelligence; Novelists)

—. Gain (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1998) (half the history of a Boston soap company from 1820s on) (Chemical plants

— Middle West; Carcinogens — Middle West; Ovaries — Diseases — Middle West; Real estate agents — Middle

West; Single mothers — Middle West; Divorced mothers — Illinois; Women real estate agents — Illinois; Cancer

in women — Illinois; Chemical industry — Illinois)

—. Three Farmers on Their Way to a Dance (Beech Tree Books, 1985) (one of the main characters is a Boston computer

writer) (World War, 1914-1918)

—. The Time of Our Singing (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2003) (brief section set at Boylston School of Music in Boston)

(African American women singers; Parent and adult child; Racially mixed people; Interracial marriage; Interfaith

marriage; Jewish men; Scientists; Singers) (Amazon, esp. Front Flap)

Powers, Ruth Manley. Boston, Tomorrow and Yesterday (Stone Group Society, 1975) (48 pages) (Poetry)

Pozzessere, Heather Graham. An Angel’s Touch (Zebra, 1995) (in part, angels in a Boston bar; Archangel Gabriel;

one of six miracles in Boston) (Angels; Massachusetts)

Preston, Caroline. Jackie by Josie: A Novel (Scribner, 1997) (Brown grad student researches Jackie at Kennedy Library

and elsewhere) (Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, — 1929-1994)

Preston, Douglas J. Jennie (A Wyatt Book for St. Martin’s Press, 1994) (chimpanzee raised as human in 70’s; finding

and raising scientist “Curator of Physical Anthropology at the [fictional] Boston Museum of Natural History”

[Booklist]) (Human-animal relationships; Chimpanzees; Boston (Mass.))

Preston, John. Sweet Dreams (Mission of Alex Kane #1) (Alyson Publications, 1984) (Gay action hero takes revenge

on those who persecute gays; Vietnam vet; other volumes in series set in New York, Minnesota, Texas, Europe)

(Kane, Alex (Fictitious character); Gay men — Massachusetts — Boston; Gay youth — Massachusetts — Boston;

Boston (Mass.)) (Brief Review, LibraryThing [accessed 14 Mar. 2008])

Price, Nancy. An Accomplished Woman (Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979) (partially set in Boston; Detroit) (woman

scientist; raised free in 1930s, conventionalized in 40s and 50s)

—. Sleeping With the Enemy (Simon and Schuster, 1987) (Julia Roberts film; part Boston and near Boston, part Midwest)

(Man-woman relationships; Abused women)

Priest, Robert. The Town That Got Out of Town (D.R. Godine, 1989) (Juvenile) (Boston buildings move to Portland)

(Boston (Mass.)–Description and travel; Portland (Me.) — Description and travel; Buildings)

Prouty, Olive Higgins. Fabia (Houghton Mifflin, 1951) (Fifth of five novels on the Vale family of Boston)

—. Home Port (Houghton Mifflin, 1947) (Fourth of five novels on the Vale family of Boston) (mainly outside of Boston)

(Brothers; Sibling rivalry; Inferiority complex)

—. Lisa Vale (Houghton Mifflin, 1938) (Second of five novels on the Vale family of Boston)

—. Now, Voyager (Houghton Mifflin, 1941) (Third of five novels on Vale family of Boston) (Bette Davis film; psychiatric

treatment) (Single women; Mothers and daughters; Self-realization; Women travelers; Married people; Cruise

ships; Architects)

—. White Fawn (Houghton Mifflin, 1931) (First of five novels on Vale family of Boston) (Boston (Mass.))

Provost, Gary. Baffled in Boston: A Mystery (Berkley Prime Crime: Berkley Pub. Group, 1996) (Authors; Advice columnists;

Murder–Investigation) (Amazon and Google Books)

—. The Pork Chop War (Bradbury Press, 1982) (Juvenile) (Single-parent families; Boston (Mass.))

Quinn, Kate. The Huntress (HarperCollins, 2019) (one main character “[g]rowing up in post-war Boston”) (World War,

1939-1945 — Women; Nazi hunters)

Quirk, Lawrence J. Some Lovely Image (Quirk Pub. Co.,1976; Meadowland Books, 1989) (gay men; Harvard; Beacon

Hill; Lynn; 20th c. narrator/investigator and subject who died in 1893)