Annotated Bibliography of Fiction Set in Boston I

BibliographiesScholarly and Popular StudiesAnthologiesMulti-Century Sagas, 17thCentury, 17th-18th Centuries

Page I : Bibliographies, Scholarly and Popular Studies, Anthologies, Multi-Century Sagas, 17th Century and 17th-18th Centuries

Page II: 18th Century and 18th-19th Centuries

Page III: 19th Century and 19th-20th Centuries

Page IV a: 20th Century A – Q authors    Page  IV b: 20th Century R – Z authors

Page V:  21st+ Century (and 20th-21st Centuries)



Hollister, Robert,with the asisstance of Jay Cooprider, Scott Golden, Ruth Kolodney, Joan Lund, Dan Radler, Brian Torone, and the Boston

Public Library Staff.Images of Boston: Writers’ Views of the City: An Annotated Reading List. Boston Public Library. National Institute of

Education, U.S. Dept. of HEW. Eric. Web. 9 Aug. 2014. Also includes autobiographies and non-fiction.

Slocum, Robert B. New England in Fiction, 1787-1990: An Annotated Bibliography. Locust Hill Press, 1994.

Stone, Martha and Michael Wofsey. Public Faces, Private Lives: A Bibliography of Boston Gay and Lesbian WritingHQ76.3/ New England 23

May 1996 (Internet Wayback Machine)


Scholarly and Popular Studies


Bail, Hamilton Vaughan. “Harvard Fiction: Some Critical and Bibliographical Notes.” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, vol. 68, 1

958, pp. 211-347. (Excellent detailed discussion 1844-1940, with “Supplementary List” 1812-1953; frequently cited herein as Bail)

Baxter, Sylvester. “Howells’s Boston.” The New England Magazine N.S. 9.2 (October 1893): 129-52.

Carruth, Frances Weston. “Boston in Fiction.” Bookman 14.3 (Nov. 1901): 236-5414.4 (Dec. 1901): 364-8514.5 (Jan. 1902): 507-21,

14.6 (Feb. 1902): 590-604. (Organized tour of Boston with photographs and drawings to illustrate passages and references in fiction of

Hawthorne, Howells, and James, as well as authors much less read today)

—-. Fictional Rambles in & about Boston. New York: McClure, Phillips, 1902. Google Books (expanded version of ”Boston in Fiction”)

Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. “American Cities in Fiction I: Boston I” The Chap-Book, vol. 8, no. 11, 15 Apr. 1898, pp. 433-35, and

Boston in Fiction II,” The Chap-Book, vol. 9, no. 1, 1 May 1898, pp. 476-78.

Clark, Edward. “Boston Black and White: The Voice of Fiction.” Black American Literature Forum 19.2 (1985): 83-87.

Dunlap, George Arthur. The City in the American Novel, 1789-1900: A Study of American Novels Portraying Contemporary Conditions in New

York, Philadelphia, and Boston (Philadelphia, 1934)

Hollister, Robert M., Jay Cooprider, Boston Public Library, et al . Boston, an Urban Community:  Images of Boston, Writers’ Views of the City: 

An Annotated Reading List (Boston Public Library, 1977)

Lloyd, William J. “A Social-Literary Geography of Late-Nineteenth-Century Boston” (in Humanistic Geography and Literature: Essays on the

Experience of Place, edited by Douglas C. D. Pocock, Barnes and Noble Books, 1981, pp. 159-72)

O’Connell, Shaun. Imagining Boston: A Literary Landscape. Beacon Press, 1990. (Excellent modern study)

Ranalli, Ralph. “Once Upon a Crime.” Globe Magazine 15 Aug. 2004 [accessed 30 Mar. 2008] (article mainly on Higgins, Lehane, and Parker)

Sherman, Paul. Big Screen Boston: From Mystery Street to The Departed and Beyond (Boston: Black Bars Pub., 2008) (films shot in Boston)

Swan, John C. Boston, an Urban Community: Culture and its Conflicts, the Example of Nineteenth-century Boston: An Annotated Reading List 

(Boston Public Library, 1977)

Swift, Lindsay. “Boston as Portrayed in Fiction.” Book Buyer 22.3 (Oct. 1901): 197-204. (No pictures, but interesting discussion of writers mainly

unread today) (Also, notes series of five papers “last year” in The Literary Review by Herbert Copeland, which I have not yet found,

though other sources give the title of the series as “Boston in Novel and Romance,” with illustrations by Boardman Michael Robinson.)

—. Literary Landmarks of Boston: A Visitor’s Guide to Points of Literary Interest in and about Boston (Houghton, Mifflin, 1903 Google Books;

1922 edition, revised by Caroline Ticknor)

Whiting, Lillian. Boston Days (Boston: Little, Brown, 1911 [Google Books])

Winslow, Helen M. Literary Boston of To-Day (L. C. Page, 1903)




Asian American Resource Workshop (Boston, Mass.). Writers Group. Asian Voices from Beantown: Short Stories & Poetry. AARW

Writers Group, 2012. (“the experiences of Asian Americans who call Boston home”; “revealing deep and important knowledge of the

Chinese community in Boston” Jean Yu-wen back cover) (Asian Americans — Massachusetts — Boston — Fiction; Asian Americans —

Massachusetts– Boston — Poetry) (e.g., Pong Luie “A Better Life” [“Everyone in Boston double parks like that” p. 8])

Georges, Danielle Legros, editor. City of Notions: An Anthology of Contemporary Boston Poems (Boston, 2017) (poems by Margaret Atwood,

Jennifer Barber, Kevin Bowen, Martha Collins, Martin Espada, Nick Flynn, Fred Marchant, Gail Mazur, Robert Pinskly, Derek Walcott,

and Rosana Warren, among others)

Lehane, Dennis, ed. Boston Noir (Akashic, 2009) (each story set in different Boston neighborhood) (financial district; “Exit Interview” Lynne

Heitman (“few references to” Boston [Michael Patrick Brody 16 Nov. 2009]); “Animal Rescue” Dennis Lehane (“pit bull” Amazon)

[Dorchester]; “Place Where He Belongs” Jim Fusilli (Beacon Hill; Public Garden); “Dark Waters” Patricia Powell (Watertown; middle-aged

black woman); “Femme Sole” Dana Cameron (“18th-century Boston [1795], the story follows Anna Hoyt, a tavern owner in the North End”

[Hannah E. Martin, “Notions of Noir,” Globe 8 Dec. 2009]; “Dark Island” Brendan DuBois (post-WWII, Harbor islands [Bruce Grossman,

“Boston Noir” 28 Dec. 2009]; “a Scollay Square PI” [Michael Patrick Brody 16 Nov. 2009]); “Reward” Stewart O’Nan (Brookline; lost pets);

“Cross-eyed Bear” John Dufresne (South Boston; “pedophile priest”); “Oriental Hair Poets” Don Lee (Asian-American “literary feud”;

Cambridge); “Collar” Itabari Njeri (scorned woman; Roxbury); “Turn Speed” Russ Aborn (“North Quincy bank robbers” [Michael Patrick 

Brody 16 Nov. 2009]) (Amazon) (11 stories listed individually)

—, Mary Cotton, and Jaime Clarke, eds. Boston Noir 2: The Classics (Akashic, 2012) (Part I : Broken families: “The Marriage Privilege” / Chuck

Hogan; “Night-side” / Joyce Carol Oates; “Home Sweet Home” / Hannah Tinti; “Surrogate” / Robert B. Parker –Part II: Criminal minds:

“Mushrooms” / Dennis Lehane; “Lucky Penny” / Linda Barnes; Blanche Cleans Up (excerpt) / Barbara Neely; “The Balance of the Day” /

George V. Higgins; Bait (excerpt) / Kenneth Abel –Part III : Voyeurs & outsiders: “Townies” / Andre Dubus; “Driving the Heart” / Jason

Brown; “The 5:22” / George Harrar; Infinite Jest (excerpt) / David Foster Wallace; “At Night” / David Ryan)

Lewis, Paul, ed. The Citizen Poets of Boston: A Collection of Forgotten Poems, 1789-1820 (University P of New England, 2016)

O’Connell, Shaun. Boston: Voices and Visions (U of Massachusetts P, 2010) (anthology + commentary)

Waugh, Carol-Lyn Rössel, Martin H. Greenberg, and Frank D. McSherry, Jr. Murder and Mystery in Boston (Dembner Books, 1987) (13 stories

listed individually in this Bibliography)




Auchincloss, Louis. The Winthrop Covenant (Houghton Mifflin, 1976) (short stories follow John Winthrop and [sometimes fictional?]

descendants to late twentieth century) (Puritans–New England)

Barlow, Linda. Leaves of Fortune (Doubleday, 1988) (“an estranged heiress returns to Boston after many years. . . to battle for the reins of the

family’s tea empire” [source?]; starts in 1986 with visits from the past) (Witches; 18th-20th centuries; Incest)

Bénétreau, Manuel. Boston Family. Saison 1: Roman (Libre editions, 2016) (in French; multigenerational, perhaps 1783-2000; present,

—. Boston Family. Saison 2 (Manuel Benetreau, 2016)

—. Boston Family. Saison 3 (Manuel Benetreau, 2016)

Gantshar, Barbara Ratner. A Beacon Was Hoisted (Artistic Endeavors, [1975]) (Juvenile) (Boston (Mass.) — History — Juvenile literature;

Boston (Mass.) — History — Poetry)

Gray, Thomas. Change: A Poem Pronounced at Roxbury, October VIII, MDCCCXXX, in Commemoration of the First Settlement of that Town (

Roxbury, Mass.: Charles P. Emmons, 1830) (25 pages)

Holmes, Oliver Wendell. “Boston Common.–Three Pictures”) (1630; 1774; 1859) (George Routledge, 1883: 197-98 [Google Books])

Kratman, Tony.  Dirty Water: A Journey Through Time Back to Boston (Baen, 2023) (1688 with witch hanging on Boston Neck; 1965 Boston

toy store; 2022 Boston grandfather and granddaughter WorldCat) (Christmas; Time-travel)

MacLeish, Archibald. Night Watch in the City of Boston (1975 [Collected Poems, 1917-1982, Houghton Mifflin, 1985: 3-6 {Google Books}])

(1 page broadside commissioned by the city of Boston to celebrate U.S. Bicentennial) (Poetry)

Martin, William. Back Bay (Crown, 1979) (“generational saga recreates the changes in the land and people of Back Bay”) (Back Bay; Rich people)

—. The Lost Constitution (Forge, 2007) (finale, Fenway Park during World Series; 18th c.-21st c.)

—. Harvard Yard (Warner Books, 2003) (Shakespeare; Manuscripts–Collectors and collecting; Harvard University; Cambridge)

McVeigh, James. Stolen Faith (Dublin: Brandon, 2022)  (“Boston clerical abuse scandals,” “Set in Belfast, Dublin and Boston . . . spanning the

40s, 50s, 60s and the present day” Google Books) (Ireland; Boston)

Tuckerman, H. T. “The Tri-Mountain” (The Boston Book: Being Specimens of Metropolitan Literature, edited by Benjamin Bussey Thatcher, Light &

Stearns, 1837. pp. 13-15) (poem)

Uys, Errol Lincoln. Boston: A Novel of America (“a draft manuscript with author’s notes” and a detailed outline) (author’s About Outline,

accessed 7 Jun. 2012)

Zaroulis, Nancy. Massachusetts: A Novel (Fawcett Columbine, 1991)

Zieman, Irving. Founders to Bounders: Boston in Rhyme. (Starr Books, 1961) (Poetry)


17th Century


Adams, John Turvill. The Knight of the Golden Melice: A Historical Romance (Derby and Jackson; W. H. Derby, 1857

[Google Books]) (Sir Christopher Gardiner [See Bradford Torrey Schantz, “Sir Christopher Gardiner in Nineteenth

Century American Fiction,” The New England Quarterly 11 (1938): 807-817])

Amory, Thomas C. William Blackstone: Boston’s First Inhabitant (Rockwell & Churchill, printers, 1877 2nd ed. [Google

Books]) (poetry; factual introduction; 36 pages) (Blackstone, William; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period,

ca. 1600-1775) (Google Books and Brief SummaryThe New England Historical and Genealogical Register Apr.

1878: 256) [Google Books])

Anonymous. Boston Two Hundred Years Ago, or The Romantic Story of Miss Ann Carter, (Daughter of One of the First

Settlers,) and the Celebrated Indian Chief, Thundersquall; with Many Humorous Reminiscences and Events of

Olden Time (Boston, 1830 [Google Books])

—. “Epigram on the Poor of Boston Being Employed in Paving the Streets” (Rivington’s New York Gazeeter, 2 Sep. 1774;

Poems of American History. Ed. Burton Egbert Stevenson. Houghton Mifflin, 1908. 140 [Google Books]) (Result of

British closing of port)

—–. Young Lady. An humble intercession for the distressed town of Boston now almost deserted by its former rightful

inhabitants, many of whom have fled, chusing to take refuge in the woods and caves, for the sake of liberty, rather

than to live in splendor and affluence among slaves and tyrants; which place is at present under the government

of a lawless British soldiery … who, under the sanction of martial law, exercise every cruelty that can possibly be

invented by the most uncultivated savages or fiercest barbarians, on the remaining miserable inhabitants, who are

obliged to dwell there contrary to the faith of that perfidious arch-traitor and truce-breaking T. Gage (Salem [Mass.]:

Printed by E. Russell, next door to John Turner, Esq ; in the Main-Street, 1775) (Broadside) (Boston (Mass.)

— History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry; Massachusetts — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Poetry;

Boston (Mass.) — History — Siege, 1775-1776 — Poetry)

Austin, Jane G. Betty Alden: The First-born Daughter of the Pilgrims (Houghton Mifflin, 1891 [Google Books])

—. A Nameless Nobleman (James R. Osgood, 1881 [Google Books]) (starts in France, but ends in Boston and

Plymouth) (Google Books)

Banvard, Joseph. Priscilla; or, Trials for the Truth An historic Tale of the Puritans and the Baptists (Philadelphia: American

Baptist Pub. Society, 1858 [Google Books]) (p. 47 Baptists arrive in Boston; p. 388 successfully flee “the intolerant

settlement at Boston” for Providence) (Baptists; Puritans)

Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston. The Black Shilling: A Tale of Boston Towns (Dodd, Mead, 1903) (Pub. adv. des. “starting in

Boston, Lincolnshire, England, and shifting to Boston, Massachusetts, New England, in the era of the Mathers, . . .

concerned with the witchcraft delusions of that period”) (New York Times Review)

Bates, Arlo. “The Tuberose.” A Book o’ Nine Tales (Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1892 [HathiTrust], pp. 69-88) (1669 house in

oldest section of Boston; late 17th-c.-1700; supernatural)

Bergman, Denise. Shape of the Keyhole (Black Lawrence P, 2020) (Cambridge; 1650; verse; execution for witchcraft;

“seven days from the accusation to the farce of a trial to the public hanging and the too-late-truth,” Nina

McLaughlin, “Verses of the accused,” New England Literary NewsGlobe 27 Dec. 2020: N10)

Birchard, Harry. Massachusetts Bay: An Historical Novel (Xlibris Corp., 2000)

Bohjalian, Christopher A. Hour of the Witch (Doubleday, 2021) (“Boston, 1662 [1692?]” WorldCat; trial for witchcraft; “a legal thriller, . . . set

in a world with  very different rules” Clea Simon, Rev. Boston Globe 9 May 2021: N9) (1Boston (Mass.) History 17th century;  Malicious

accusation;  Marital violence;  Puritans;  Trials (Witchcraft);  Wife abuse;  Witch hunting; Young women)

Brooks, Geraldine. Caleb’s Crossing (Viking, 2011) (Harvard C., 1665; indentured housekeeper narrator)

(Cheeshahteaumuck, Caleb, –ca. 1646-1666; Wampanoag Indians — Massachusetts — Martha’s Vineyard; Indian

college graduates; Indian scholars — United States)

Buckley, Christopher. The Judge Hunter (Simon & Schuster, 2018) (main character “arrives in Boston [1664]. . . finds a

strange country filled with fundamentalist Puritans, saintly Quakers, warring tribes of Indians, and rogues of every

stripe” WorldCat) (United States –History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Great Britain — History — Charles II,


Bynner, Edwin Lassetter. Penelope’s Suitors (Ticknor, 1887 [Google Books]) (Boston in the days of Governor

Bellingham; Cambridge)

Carpenter, Edmund Janes. A Woman of Shawmut. The New England Magazine 8.4 (June 1890): 414-25,

8.5 (July 1890): 527-378.6 (August 1890): 676-89, 9.1 (September 1890): 67-79 (Subtitle A Romance of Colonial

TimesLittle, Brown, 1891 [Google Books]) (love triangle involving Gov. Richard Bellingham; begins in Roxbury,

1640) (Bellingham, Penelope Pelham)

Casey, Helen Marie. Inconsiderate Madness (Black Lawrence P, 2007) (“a narrative sequence of poems about Mary Dyer,

hanged in 1660 on Boston Common for her Quaker faith” [Kristine Diederich, Metrowest Daily News 23 Mar. 2008])

(Author’s Page [accessed 24 Mar. 2008])

Cavanaugh, Jack. The Puritans (Victor Books, 1994) (Archbishop Laud) (Puritans)

Child, Lydia Maria [pub. under pseud. An American]. Hobomok, A Tale of Early Times (Cummings, Hilliard, 1824 [Google

Books]) (Plymouth, Salem, Boston in earliest times) (ASSIMILATION) (Indians, North America) (Google Books and

SummaryThe United States Literary Gazette 1.5 (Boston: 15 Jun. 1824: 71 [Google Books])

Christian, Mary Blount. ill.Dirk Zimmer. Goody Sherman’s Pig (Macmillan, 1991) (Juvenile–ages 7-11) (Boston 1635;

based on true story) (Women — United States — Political activity — History; Pigs; Legislative bodies — United

States — History — Colonial period, 1600-1775; Trials — Boston, Massachusetts; Law — United States — History

— Colonial period, 1600-1775; United States — Politics and government — Colonial period, 1600-1775; Boston,

Massachusetts — History — Colonial period, 1600-1775)

Denison, Mary A. Ruth Margerie: A Romance of the Revolt of 1689 (New York: Beadle and Adams, Publishers, 1862)

(Johannsen Collection. Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois U) (Andros, John; Mather, Cotton)

Drake, Samuel Adams. Captain Nelson: A Romance of Colonial Days (Harper & Brothers, 1879 [Google Books])

(1689-97; starts in Boston) (Brief SummaryThe Literary World (4 Jan. 1879: 13)

Farber, Norma. Mercy Short: A Winter Journal, North Boston, 1692-93 (Dutton, 1982) (Juvenile) (“With the help of the

respected minister Cotton Mather, a young girl attempts to recover from her tragic experience with the Indians

which has led her to believe she is bewitched.” [Card Catalog Des. provided by Amazon]) (Witchcraft; Mather,

Cotton) (Amazon)

Feuchtwanger, Lion. The Devil in Boston: A Play in Three Acts ([S.l.: s.n.], 1948 WorldCat) (Mather, Cotton)

Fleischman, Paul. Saturnalia (Harper & Row, 1990) (Juvenile–ages 12+) (Indian boy apprentice in 1681 Boston; King

Philip’s War; 1675; 1681) (Narragansett Indians; Indians of North America; Apprentices; Prejudices) (“Boston

has two worlds, peopled by two separate castes, unaware of each other’s slaving, courting, conniving and

searching. They are ripe for reversal on Saturnalia, the ancient Roman holiday on which masters and slaves

exchange places” [source?])

Forbes, Esther. Paradise (Harcourt, Brace, 1937) (1639-King Philip’s War; title settlement 20 miles inland; Harvard

College; branding on Boston Common; “scenes in the parlours of Boston, in its churches, on its waterfront”

[Dust Jacket]) (Massachusetts — History — 1620-1691)

Galvin, Aaron. Salem’s Legacy (Aames & Abernathy Publishing, 2015) (1728 Boston; survivors’ revenge; villain

Cotton Mather) (Witchcraft — Massachusetts — Salem — History — 17th century)

Gaspar de Alba, Alicia. Calligraphy of the Witch (St. Martin’s, 2007) (captive Mexican woman accused of witchcraft

in Boston; 1683+; opens with daughter, Roxbury 1704) (Mothers and daughters; Witches; Slaves; Massachusetts

— History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)

Gay, Maude Clark. The Knitting of the Souls: A Tale of 17th Century Boston (Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1904) (Gov.

Bellingham’s foster-son; King Phillip’s War) (Brief SummaryThe Bookman 20.3 (1904): 268 [Google Books])

Gibson, William. Goodly Creatures: A Play in Two Acts (Dramatists Play Service, 1986) (Puritans) (play about John

Winthrop and Anne Hutchinson) (Winthrop, John; Puritans — Massachusetts; Massachusetts — History —

Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)

Graydon, William Murray. With Musketeer and Redskin: A Tale of New Plymouth (John F. Shaw, 1905) (Juvenile?)

(1636; Governor Vane; Anne Hutchinson; John Winthrop)

Hall, Ruth. illus.Frank T Merrill. The Golden Arrow: A Story of Roger Williams’s Day (Houghton, Mifflin, 1901 [Google

Books]) (Ch. 1 Winthrop’s Warning; starts in Boston with Hutchinson family)

Hammand, Esther Barstow. Road to Endor: A Novel (Book League of America, 1940) (Book Three Harvard, 1665 to

1671, Book Five Boston Town 1680 to 1689) (Witchcraft–Massachusetts–Salem; Witches; Salem (Mass.)

Harris, Robert. Act of Oblivion: A Novel (Harper, 2022) (opens “If you had set out in the summer of 1660 to travel the four

miles from Boston to Cambridge, Massachusetts, the first house you would have come to after crossing the Charles

River would have been the Gookins’”) (Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649; Fugitives from justice; Thrillers;

Treason Great Britain)

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “The Gray Champion” (Twice-Told Tales, Boston: American Stationers Co., 1837, pp. 11-22

Google Books) (Gov. John Andros, Simon Bradstreet)

—. “The May-Pole of Merry Mount.” (Twice-Told Tales (Boston: American Stationers Co., 1837; Boston, Ticknor, Reed,

and Fields, 1851. Edition: A new ed. [Google Books 1865 ed.]) (Thomas Morton; Quincy; John Endicott; Wollaston)

—. The Scarlet Letter (Boston: Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1850 [Google Books, 1851 ed.]) (1642-49) Boston (Mass.) —

History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Illegitimate children; Women

immigrants; Married women; Puritans; Adultery; Revenge; Clergy)

Heidish, Marcy. Witnesses: A Novel (Houghton Mifflin, 1980) (Anne Hutchinson) (Hutchinson, Anne Marbury;

Massachusetts — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Puritans — Massachusetts; Women —


Herbert, Henry William. The Fair Puritan: An Historical Romance of the Days of Witchcraft (J.B. Lippincott, 1875

[Google Books]) (much Boston; the politics of 1688; revolt against Royal Governor Andros) (Witchcraft)

(Google Books)

Parts of this novel were published earlier as Ruth Whalley; or, The Fair Puritan. A Romance of the Bay province

(Boston: H.L. Williams, 1845) (72 pages) (Puritans; Massachusetts); The Innocent Witch a Continuation of Ruth

Whalley, or, The Fair Puritan, A Romance of the Bay Province (Boston: Henry L. Williams, 1845), and The Revolt

of Boston: A Continuation of Ruth Whalley, Or, The Fair Puritan , A Romance of the Bay Province (Boston: Henry L.

Williams, 1845).

Howard, Jane. Zelda: A Tale of the Massachusetts Colony (Boston: Elliott, Thomes & Talbot, 1866) (Series: Ten cent

novelettes, no. 31) (Women; Puritans; Quakers; Trials (Witchcraft); Hutchinson, Anne; United States — History

— Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)

Howe, Katherine. The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane: A Novel (Hyperion, 2009) (Harvard grad student Cambridge/

Marblehead 1991; Salem 1692) (Witchcraft — Massachusetts; Marblehead (Mass.); Salem (Mass.) — History —

Colonial period, ca. 1600 -1775; Trials (Witchcraft) — Massachusetts — Salem — History — 17th century)

Hunt, Angella Elwell. Charles Towne (Tyndale House Publishers, 1998) (romance; Puritans and Indians; Christian


Ipsen, Anne. Abigail’s Legacy: A Novel of Early New England (Newton, Mass.: Ibus P, 2014) (witchcraft; independence

of Puritanism; healing; reconciliation of Indian and Anglo heritage) (Cambridge; Concord)

Jacobs, Paul. James Printer: A Novel of Rebellion (Scholastic Press, 1997) (Grades 5-8; 1674; Nipmuck Indian printer

must chose sides) (King Philip’s War, 1675-1676; Printer, James; Indians of North America — Massachusetts;

Massachusetts — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Printers)

Julavits, Heidi. The Uses of Enchantment: A Novel (Doubleday, 2006) (1985; 1999; 17th century witchcraft) (Boston

(Mass.); Teenage girls — Massachusetts;  Kidnapping; Amnesia; Psychologists; Family — New England)

(Amazon and Google Books)

Kelley, Nancy. The Whispering Rod: A Tale of Old Massachusetts: A Novel (Elementary and junior high school) (White

Mane Kids, 2001) (1659) (Puritans; Quakers; Christian life)

Kemp, M. E. Death of a Dancing Master (L & L Dreamspell, 2010) (murder in Boston 1693; Increase Cotton, co-detective)

(Mather, Cotton, — 1663-1728; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)

Kenny, Clifton. Reflections (Burlington, VT: 2015) (Present=1974, but also Salem 1692 and Boston Tea Party) (Families; Friendship; Psychic

ability; Memory; Secrecy; Priests; Witches; United States — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)

Kenyon, Theda. Scarlet Anne (Doubleday, Doran, 1939) (poetry) (Hutchinson, Anne Marbury)

Kienholz, Michelle Louise. A Legacy Bestow’d, or, The Death and Life of Mrs. Katherine Nailer as Deposed by the Humble Jonathan Cary upon 

Receipt of an Inheritance from Her. (Thesis (B.A.)–Williams College, Dept. of American Studies, 1985) (divorce)

Kraeger, Linda, and Joe Barnhart. Trust and Treachery: A Historical Novel of Roger Williams in America (Mellen U P, 1996) (Williams, Roger;

New England — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Great Britain — History — Early Stuarts, 1603-1649; Theologians; Puritans;


Larson, Charles R. Arthur Dimmesdale (A & W Publishers, 1983) (Dimmesdale’s story) (Puritan; Adultery; Clergy)

Lee, Buckminster. Naomi; or, Boston Two Hundred Years Ago (Boston: W. Crosby and H.P. Nichols, 1848 [Google Books]) (Society of Friends;


Leslie, Emma. Saxby: A Tale of Old and New England (New York: Phillips & Hunt; Cincinnati: Walden & Stowe, 1880 [Internet Archive])

(Massachusetts Bay Colony; religious intolerance; Henry Vane; Ann Hutchinson; “Chapter XIX New Boston”) (Google Books)

Londergan, Ed. The Devil’s Elbow (Lakshmi Books, 2012) (starts with main character’s “orphan childhood days as an apprentice to a greedy and

brutal Boston merchant” back cover) (Brookfield (Mass.: Town); Massachusetts Bay (Mass.) — 17th century)

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. “The Rhyme of Sir Christopher” (1873) Tales of a Wayside Inn (The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth 

Longfellow, IV Houghton Mifflin, 1901: 253-58 [Google Books]) (Sir Christopher Gardiner; Thomas Morton; See Adams above.)

Lough, Loree. Dream Seekers (Chelsea House, 1999) (Series: American adventure series) (family “move[s] . . . from Plymouth to Boston in 1634″

WorldCat) (Christian life; Indians of North America; Moving, Household)

—. Fire by Night (Barbour, 1998) (: The Great Fire Devastates Boston added to title for Chelsea House, 1998 edition) (1635-36) (Family life;

Christian life) (Elementary and junior high school)

Mackay, Constance D’Arcy . “May-Day.” In Plays of the Pioneers: A Book of Historical Pageant-Plays (Harper & Brothers, 1915: 53-69 [Google

Books]) (one act; Boston, 1658) (MAY DAY; PURITANS)

Marble, Annie Russell. From Boston to Boston: A Story of Hannah and Richard Garrett in Old England and New England in 1630 (Juvenile)

(Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1930)

Merrill, George E. Master Hathorne’s Family: A Story of the Early Boston Baptists (American Baptist Publication Society, 1870) (“really a story of

the life and times of Roger Williams” The Mothers’ Journal 36 (1871): 345) (Baptists — Massachusetts — Boston)

Mitchner, James A. “Voyage of Four 1661.” Faith: Short Fiction on the Varieties and Vagaries of Faith, ed. C. Michael Curtis (Houghton Mifflin,

2003: 90-98[?]) (Quaker persecution)

Morrill, Olga. Ed. and map maker Marina Dutzmann Kirsch. Vagabond Quakers. Southern Colonies (Madison, NH: Morrill Fiction, 2021) (in

part Quaker women “returning north to Boston to confront Governor John Endicott. . . who executed their spiritual mother, Mary Dyer

in 1660″) (Endecott, John, — 1588?-1665; Quakers — New England — History — 17th century; Quakers — Rhode Island — History —

17th century; Quakers — Persecutions — New England — History — 17th century; Quaker women missionaries — New England —

History — 17th century; Temporal power of religious rulers — History — 17th century)

Motley, John Lothrop. Merry-Mount; A Romance of the Massachusetts Colony (Boston: J. Munroe, 1849 [Google Books]) (Massachusetts —

History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Morton, Thomas) (Google Books)

—“The Solitary of Shawmut” (The Boston Book: Being Specimens of Metropolitan Literature, edited by James Thomas Fields, Ticknor, Reed,

and Fields, 1850, pp. 72-81) (short story; William Blackstone)

Mukherjee, Bharati . The Holder of the World (Knopf, 1993) (in part, version of The Scarlet Letter; 17th and 20th centuries; Boston; India)

(Women — New England; Americans — India; Women — India; New England; Puritans; India)

Noyes, Deborah. Angel and Apostle (Unbridled Books, 2005) (Juvenile–Secondary (senior high) school) (1649; Pearl from The Scarlet Letter

heroine) (Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864. The scarlet letter — Sequels; Mother and daughter; Prynne, Hester; Teenage girls;

Brothers; Blind boys; Puritans — Massachusetts; Self-perception; Social marginality; Triangles (Interpersonal relations); Seventeenth

century; Boston, Massachusetts — Social life and customs — Colonial period, 1600-1775; Coming-of-age stories)

Otis, James. Ruth of Boston A Story of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (American Book Co., 1910 [Google Books]) (Juvenile) (Google Books)

Perrin, Pat. Retold Classic Novel: The Scarlet Letter (Perfection Learning, 1992) (Juvenile) (Comics and graphic novels) (Adultery; Puritans–

Massachusetts; Women)

Plumb, Albert Hale. When Mayflowers Blossom: A Romance of Plymouth’s First Years (Fleming H. Revell, 1914 [Google Books])

(Google Books)

Plympton, A. G. A Flower of the Wilderness (Little, Brown, 1899) (Juvenile) (“opens with a ride through the forest from Boston to Dorchester when

the latter was the larger settlement” The Book Buyer 19.5 (Dec. 1899): 430 [Google Books]; botanist; return to England) (Christian life;

Puritans; Clergy; Domestics; Grandfathers; Indians of North America; Orphans;Prejudices; Revenge; Herbalists; Boston (Mass.))

—. illus. William Mather Crocker. In the Shadow of the Black Pine: A Romance of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (Small, Maynard, 1901) (time

of John Winthrop, some Boston)

Powning, Bath. A Measure of Light (Vintage Canada, 2016) (Anne Hutchinson; 1635-60) (Dyer, Mary, — -1660)

Rimmer, Robert H. The Resurrection of Anne Hutchinson (Prometheus Books, 1987) (Hutchinson reappears in more liberated 1985)

(Hutchinson, Anne Marbury; Massachusetts — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Puritans — Massachusetts)

Robinson, Edith. A Little Puritan Bound Girl (Page, 1904 Google Books) (Juvenile)

—. A Little Puritan Pioneer (Page, 1901) (Juvenile; Charlestown)

—. A Little Puritan Rebel (Page, 1898 [Google Books]) (Juvenile; Sir Henry Vane; Frances Wray; 1636) (Youth — Conduct of life; Puritans —

United States — History; Girls; Courage; Perseverance (Ethics); Friendship; Loyalty; Courtship)

—. A Little Puritan’s First Christmas (Page, 1900; Google Books) (Samuel Sewall’s children) (Puritans)

Rushing, Jane Gilmore. Covenant of Grace (Doubleday, 1982) (Anne Hutchinson) (Hutchinson, Anne Marbury; Massachusetts — History —

Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Puritans — Massachusetts; Women — Massachusetts)

Schermer, Bonnie L. Rebecca of Providence, Rhode Island 1605-1683 (IUniverse, Inc., 2003) (Roger Williams; Anne Hutchinson; John

Winthrop; John Cotton) (Providence (R.I.) — Fiction. Family; Interpersonal relations; Providence, Rhode Island, 1605)

Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. Hope Leslie Or, Early Times in Massachusetts. 2 vols (New York: White, Gallaher and White, 1827 [1842 Harper

ed. Google Books]) (role of women in rebuilding after Pequod war) (not focused on Boston, but many references) (Pequod war) (Indians

of North America; Women) (Amazon on Penguin ed. and Google Books)

Seger, Maura. The Taming of Amelia (Harlequin Books, 1993) (Connecticut–Land settlement; Young women; Ship captains) (Amazon)

Seton, Anya. The Winthrop Woman (Houghton Mifflin, 1958) (about Elizabeth W., “perhaps the most unwilling Puritan who ever came to New

England”) (Anne Hutchinson) (Winthrop, Elizabeth (Fones))

Settle. Mary Lee. I, Roger Williams: A Fragment of Autobiography (Norton, 2001) (mainly England and Providence, but some Boston) (Williams,

Roger; Colonists; Puritans; Rhode Island — History — Colonial period)

Shapiro, Barbara. See No Evil (Avon, 1996) (“A modern day Boston doctoral student finds herself caught up in the terror of the Salem witch

trials”) (Murder; Reincarnation; Witches; Cambridge)

Shaw, Addle Marie. The Coast of Freedom: A Romance of the Adventurous Time of the First Self-Made American (Doubleday Page, 1902

[Internet Archive]) (1686, “Sir William Phips (1651-94), Governor of Massachusetts. Boston, time of Cotton Mather and the persecutions

for witchcraft” [Ernest Baker, A Guide to the Best Historical Romance, Sagas, Novels, and Tales, Dutton, ? (Internet Archive)]

Smith, James Edgar.  The Scarlet Stigma: A Drama in Four Acts  (Washington, D.C.: James J. Chapman , 1899 [Google Books]) (“Founded

upon . . . ‘The Scarlet Letter’” title page)

Starkey, Marion Lena. The Tall Man from Boston (Crown Publishers, 1975) (Juvenile) (Salem; Witchcraft; Trials (Witchcraft))

Stimson, Frederic Jesup. King Noanett: A Story of Old Virginia and the Massachusetts Bay (Boston: Lamson, Wolffe and Co., 1896 [Google

Books]) (Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676; King Philip’s War, 1675-1676; Virginia — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Massachusetts —

History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Devon (England) — Emigration and immigration; Indians of North America) (Google Books) (

play version King Noanett: A Play by W.E. Anderson and Stimson, 1902)

Stokes, Richard L., and Howard Hanson. Merry Mount; A Dramatic Poem for Music in Three Acts of Six Scenes (Farrar & Rinehart, 1932)

(Thomas Morton)

Sullivan, Raymond E. Contentment: A Novel of New England’s Birth (iUniverse, 2006) (Massachusetts Bay Colony) (New England — History

— Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775)

Titley, Alan. An Bhean Feasa (Indreabhán, Conamara: Cló Iar-Chonnacht, 2014) (“Ann ‘Goody’ Glover, the last person hanged as a witch in

Boston” Worldcat)

Tompson, Benjamin. “On a Fortification at Boston Begun By Women” (Poems of American History. Ed. Burton Egbert Stevenson. Houghton

Mifflin, 1908. 85 [Google Books]) (Poem; Mar. 1676; response to fears of attack during King Philip’s War)

Vorpahl, Beverly Smith. Goody Wing, An American Foremother (Authors Choice Press, 2001) (historical ancestor; first half England/voyage;

Saugus with moments of interference from Boston; independent thinkers) (Wing, Deborah Bachiler; Women — Massachusetts —

History — 17th century; Freedom of religion — England — History — 17th century; Freedom of religion — Massachusetts — History

— 17th century; Massachusetts — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; England — Emigration and immigration)

Whiting, M. H. Faith White’s Letter Book, 1620-1623, Plymouth, New England (Boston, Bradley [1820?]; Boston: Henry Hoyt, 1866 [Wright

American Fiction 1851-1875, Indiana U]) (Massachusetts — History — New Plymouth, 1620-1691)

Whittier, John Greenleaf. Leaves from Margaret Smith’s Journal in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1678-9 (Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1849)

(Cape Ann and Boston [Google Books]) (Google Books)

—–. “In the Old South Church: Boston, 1677.” In Poems of the “Old South” (Boston: W. F. Gill , 1877: 16-20 [Google Books]) (Old South Church

(Boston, Mass.) — Poetry) (Edwin D Mead, ContextThe Old South Leaflets (Boston: Old South Meeting House, 1903: 16) [Google



17th-18th Centuries


Austin, Jane G. David Alden’s Daughter, and Other Stories of Colonial Times (Houghton Mifflin, 1892 [Internet Archive]) (many Boston and

Roxbury settings) (Google Books)

Butterworth, Hezekiah. In Old New England: The Romance of a Colonial Fireside (Appleton, 1895 [Google Books]) (some stories set partly in

Boston/Cambridge, e.g., “Captain Tut-Tut-Tuttle and the Miracle Clock” 79-110, “The Inn of the Good Woman” 111-46, and “Husking

Stories, Songs, and Fiddlers” 199-250) (Google Books)

Dawes, Rufus. Nix’s Mate: An Historical Romance of America (New York: Samuel Colman, 1839) Volume I and Volume II [U of Virginia Library]

(New England, esp. Boston, throughout colonial times; Chapter XV Cambridge/Harvard) (Vol. I AmazonVol. II Amazon and Vol. II Google


Limbaugh, Rush H. Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims and Rush Revere and the First Patriots: Two Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional

Americans (Threshold Editions, 2020) (Elementary and junior high school) (Mayflower (Ship); Boston; United States — History — 1775-1783,


Scudder, Horace Elisha. Boston Town (Houghton, Mifflin; Riverside P, 1881 [Internet Archive]) (Juvenile) (Boston Latin School) (Students;

Grandfathers; City and town life; Brothers; Storytelling; Boston (Mass.) — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Boston (Mass.) —

History — Revolution, 1775-1783)