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Thermoelectric Generator Experiment with a Peltier Device

This experiment uses the thermoelectric effect and the peltier effect to demonstrate the power a thermoelectric generator can create. The experiment was set up with two cups, one full of boiling water, the other full of cold water. The difference of temperature between these two cups was converted into electric voltage, which was measured with the peltier device. When we put the two sided device into the cups of water, we waited for the voltage to reach its highest value, which was .5. We then recorded the temperature of the waters and the voltage for every assigned interval. We recorded it into an excel spreadsheet, which calculated the current and power in watts(P=I*V). Below is the excel document:

Time Hot Temperature (c°) Cold Temperature (c°) Difference Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (watts)
Start 27 27 0 0 0 0
0 min 105 0 105 0.5 0.333333333 0.166666667
1 min 91 1 90 0.47 0.313333333 0.147266667
2 min 89 1 88 0.43 0.286666667 0.123266667
3 min 86 1 85 0.4 0.266666667 0.106666667
5 min 82 1 81 0.37 0.246666667 0.091266667
7 min 78 1 77 0.35 0.233333333 0.081666667
9 min 75 1 74 0.34 0.226666667 0.077066667
12 min 70 1 69 0.33 0.22 0.0726
15 min 66 2 64 0.29 0.193333333 0.056066667
20 min 3 -3 0 0
25 min 4 -4 0 0
30 min 5 -5 0 0

The experiment was done on a small scale, but it educated us on the peltier and thermoelectric effects. It was clear that when the hot temperature decreased and the cold temperature increased, less voltage and power was created. Therefore, the necessity for a drastic difference in temperature was addressed within the experiment. Whether or not increasing or decreasing temperatures in the water to begin with will directly affect it remains to be unseen. The experiment was well thought out and organized clearly. It also provided me with further knowledge of the different ways we can provide electricity using less harmful methods for the environment.


The Greenhouse Effect Lab

One of the experiments my group participated in last Friday demonstrated the greenhouse effect. To better understand the experiment and the results, we first have to know about the greenhouse effect. The earth has a natural greenhouse effect when the sun releases energy to the Earth in the form of light. That is then absorbed and reflected in the form of heat. Although carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring greenhouse gas, we are producing an excess amount of it by our activities like industrial production and transportation. We are making more radiation be caught in our atmosphere, which in turn is raising the earth’s temperature.

Set up for us were three mason jars with plastic covering to exemplify the earth’s atmosphere that is trapping greenhouse gases and raising the earth’s natural temperature. The jars were placed under a heat lamp, demonstrating the sun. One jar had air, one had water(or water vapor), and the third had carbon dioxide made from combining baking soda and vinegar. In the covered jar were thermometers. Every 5 minute interval, for 15 minutes, we read and recorded the temperatures of the jars. Below is our records, all temperatures are in Celsius:


Time in Minutes Air Temp


Water Vapor Temp Carbon Dioxide Temp

























We expected the temperatures all to rise because of the heat lamp, however our results with the carbon dioxide didn’t result in what we thought. Perhaps there was a human error in getting the correct balance or quantity of CO2. All other gases behaved how we anticipated them to.




The Fukushima Daiichi Disaster and Japan’s New Energy Strategies

One of the largest earthquakes ever recorded on earth occurred on Friday March 11, 2011 in Japan. It was a 9 on the richter, and lasted about three minutes. Subsequently, a tsunami was created afterward. The two disasters combined caused nearly 20,000 deaths, and the country even moved a few meters east. Now that’s a sizable tsunami. As a result, electricity, gas, and train services were all either severely damaged or shut off all together.

As a consequence of these disturbances, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant shut down and released radioactive materials. Essentially, the tsunami flooded the part of the plant where the emergency generators were located. The generators failed, which in turn cut the power to the pumps that perpetually circulate coolant through the reactor to keep it from melting after it has shut down. The pumps stopped, the reactors overheated and melted down, and it produced an explosive hydrogen gas. Many chemical reactions occurred, and the Japanese government estimated that the total amount of radioactive material that was released was about one-tenth of the amount that was released during Chernobyl.

A magnitude of radioactive material was released into ground water, therefore the growth of food was banned in the area. But officials were unable to control the radioactive materials escaping into the nation’s food supply, and the material has been found in food up to 200 miles from the nuclear plant. Since the disaster, Japan has been racing to come up with a new energy plan that doesn’t involve nuclear power.

Japan’s new energy policy requires the elimination of nuclear power by the 2030s.The strategy is being launched upon three ideas: 1) No reactor(in a nuclear power plant) should be in use over 40 years. 2) Reactors shouldn’t be restarted without proper safety clearance. 3) No new reactors should be constructed from here on. Japan is still in a state of unrest, however; the abolishment will be costly and tedious. The nation is also worried about national security because nuclear power is a definite advantage. As of now, spent nuclear fuel is being stored in Aomori Prefecture(in the Tōhoku region of Japan). Officials worry that if the energy new policy doesn’t include the need to continue nuclear recycling that Aomori Prefecture will be the final storage space for nuclear waste.

The US has even expressed their concerns with the new policy, saying that in turn it will have negative impacts on fossil fuel prices. However, Japan is not planning on having fossil fuels as an everlasting replacement for nuclear power. Japan is a leader in producing solar cells and other technologies for alternate fuel. The making of this technology and their skills help the efforts to become more dependent on alternative energies, and therefore less reliant on fossil fuel. In certainty,  Japan was the world leader in solar power in the early 2000s, but they shifted focus to nuclear power. If Japan did it ten years ago, the island can become more solar dependent again. And this time, they’ll have even better technology!

Solar Energy and Clean Energy Subsidies

The sun’s rays are capable of supplying us with plentiful energy. We can collect those rays with specially designed buildings and make it into electricity and heat. Essentially, solar panels absorb the maximum amount of sunlight (usually the panels are south-facing and darker in color). On the industrial front, solar power plants can use the sun’s rays for various services. For example, the heat can be used to boil water, and that can drive steam turbines which create massive amounts of electricity. Solar energy is free, non-polluting, and inexhaustible. Governor Patrick increased Massachusetts’s goal for solar power installations to 250 MW by 2017

Solar voltaic cells convert direct solar radiation into electricity. This electricity can be directly fed into the grid as well. However, when the sun isn’t out, no electricity can be produced. Therefore, there does need to be a backup source in order to feed the grid when this method is unreliable. Voltaic systems are clean, but comparatively more expensive than other forms of alternate energy when connected to the power grid. Solar thermal systems take in solar radiation to heat air or water. Solar hot water collectors consist of a box topped with glass and a dark absorber beneath it to circulate water. Water is sent through the collector, warmed, and then put through to an insulated tank, which it can then be used to heat buildings, etc. Solar water heaters can offer a cheaper way to produce hot water.

Some solar energy drawbacks are that solar energy can’t work during nighttime without a a storage unit like a battery. Also weather disturbances like a cloudy day or storms can make solar energy unreliable. Solar technologies are quite expensive, and they need expansive land to properly collect the sun’s energy in order to provide adequate electricity and heat.

The individuals and businesses that utilize solar energy and other alternate energy sources sometimes receive subsidies for doing so. Installation of renewable energy resources come at a high cost, so both federal and state subsidies can help customers decided whether to invest in it. There are subsidies at the federal, state, and even local level. “The combination of federal tax incentives with state and local subsidies can cover as much as 50% of the cost of a renewable energy project”, says John Gimigliano, principal-in-charge of KPMG LLP’s energy sustainability tax practice in the U.S.

Production tax credit is available to customers who use wind, geothermal, and biomass energy. The credit is claimed over a 10 year period, and it references the number of kilowatt-hours of electricity used during each tax year. Credits for geothermal and biomass energy are expiring Dec. 31, 2013. Producers of solar power are offered Investment tax credit, which is a one year tax reduction, but it is capped at the amount of 30% of the cost of the installation fees.


Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydrofracking is an extremely controversial issue. It is a process used to extract natural gas from shale formations, and it has been around for some time but only has suddenly gotten attention in the past decade. The process consists mostly of water and sand which are injected into the formations and they are cracked in order for natural gas resources to be captured on the surface. Natural gas burns cleaner than coal, and it has provided the US with plentiful and cheap fuel. Many key shale formations are in the Appalachian region of the US. However, chemicals can be released into the environment and often times drinking water is contaminated.

The NRDC opposes the increase in fracking until better precautions are in effect. Fracking utilizes a significant amount of water, and in many cases it could take millions of gallons of water to frack just one well. Much of this water eventually is contaminated with sand and harmful chemicals. Disposal of this water is when it can make a negative environmental impact. This waste water has been disposed improperly like dumping it into sewer systems or into local streams. The methane gas and other chemicals are said to have in some cases moved into water tables.

The environmental threat from hydrofracking is quite present, but the EPA has done extensive research and has only come across one case of fracking water migration at a site in Wyoming. So is it possible that hydrofracking has the potential to be done safely? That can only occur when the fracking industry has a widespread understanding of the safety measures necessary.


The Auto Industry and the Race to Increase Gas Mileage

The Obama Administration has a targeted mileage standard for passenger cars and trucks. Automakers have until 2025 to raise the fuel economy on their cars and trucks to 54.5 miles per gallon. It is estimated that this new standard will reduce oil consumption by 12 billion oil barrels. That equals out to saving $1.7 trillion in fuel costs for Americans. And with the decrease of fuel use, comes the decrease of greenhouse has emissions.


Because there is the pressure to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse emissions, automakers are largely creating alternatively fueled cars and trucks. There are electric and plug in hybrids cars, and in order for this technology to be top notch, better engines and more innovative materials are being explored. 

This new rule can create almost 484,000 new jobs. The automobile sector will collectively boost employment and the economy. Automakers are hiring new design teams and will design and build the future of fuel efficiency in cars. This new employment opportunity creates jobs, and once automobiles start becoming successful and efficient, that will boost the economy sales-wise. Consumers will begin spending the excess money they would spend on fuel to a variety of goods and services across the country, which will boost sales in a variety of sectors.

The US Energy Grid and Smart Grids

The US electricity industry is becoming modernized with new technology called smart grids. Essentially, instead of companies sending out employees to round up information manually, the grid is computerized with two-way digital communication. All controls are centralized from one location, which has the benefit of cutting down costs without there being multiple locations. What makes the grids “smart” is that there is communication between customers and utilities.

We have seen multiple benefits since the Smart Grid has been in place. Electricity is transferred more efficiently, and when there are storms or other disturbances, there is quicker restoration. There are new ways in place to see how much electricity you or your family use. Instead of receiving a statement every month, a “Smart Meter” displays your electric intake. Seeing this clear cut picture provides the opportunity for customers to save money by planning when to cut down on electricity when it’s not necessary.

The Smart Grid has a significant amount of new technology to perfect. Not everything is fully online and it needs to be exact for the customer’s benefit. It will happen however, just maybe not all at once. The Smart Grid is developing bit by bit, but it will all be beneficial.


Lego Car!


75 Power:

Trial 1: 27cm

Trial 2: 25 cm

Trial 3: 27 cm

Computer Results: 25.5cm (.255m)

Average Distance: 26cm

%Error:  98.07%


50 Power:

Trial 1: 18cm

Trial 2: 18cm

Trial 3: 18cm

Computer Results: 16.2cm (.162m)

Average Distance: 18cm

%Error: 90%


25 Power:

Trial 1: 8cm

Trial 2: 9cm

Trial 3: 9cm

Computer Results: 6.5cm (.065m)

Average Distance: 8.6cm

%Error: 75.6%

I though this was an interesting exercise especially because I’ve never used LabView before. I haven’t used this kind of math for a while too, so I was glad this could also be a refresher on that. It was a straightforward and effective exercise and I look forward to the next step.