Distance Robot Lab

The Robot was made to measure the distance it travelled in one second.

The Robot’s wheel had a diameter of 5.5cm. The circumference was .1728 meters.

For all three tests, the time was one second.

For the first trial, the robot was set on 75% power. We measured a distance of 27cm using a ruler. The computer measured the distance to be 26.2cm. The percent error was 3.01%. The robots average velocity was .262 meters/s. The wheel turned 1.51 times (546 degrees).

For the second trial, the robot was set on 50% power. We measured a distance of 16.2cm using a ruler. The computer measured the distance to be 16.7cm. The percent error was 3.04%. The robots average velocity was .167 meters/s. The wheel turned .966 times (348 degrees).

For the third trial, the robot was set on 25% power. We measured a distance of 6.4cm using a ruler. The computer measured the distance to be 6.53cm. The percent error was 2.01%. The robots average velocity was .0653meters/s. The wheel turned .377 times (136 degrees).

Overall, the robot was pretty accurate.

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One Response to Distance Robot Lab

  1. colinloiselle says:

    Good description of what we did!

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