Germany’s Green Energy Project

Basic Stuff:

The Renewable Energy Sources Act (Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz – EEG) is an act that was created to give priority to renewable energy sources. It changes energy tarifs so that renewable energy sources have the priority on the power grid.

Link to the act: Renewable Energy Sources Act

The main purposes of this law are:

1. To develop a sustainable supply of energy from renewable sources.

2. To protect the climate and environment.

3. To reduce the long term costs of an energy supply for the country.

4. To conserve fossil fuels.

5. To further develop renewable energy technology.


According to the law, Germany will rely on at least:

35% renewable power by 2020

50% by 2030

65% by 2040

and 80% by 2050.


Feed-in tariffs are paid for energy generated from the following sources:


-Landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas, and mine gas


-Geothermal energy

-Wind power

-Solar radiation, soloar photovoltaic, solar thermal

The tarrifs vary based on what type of energy it is and the amount an instalation produces.

The German Energy Industry Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz – EnWG), legally obligates grid operators to provide access to the grid for any interested renewable energy generators. The cost from feed in tarrifs for these sources can be passed on to the customers.

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One Response to Germany’s Green Energy Project

  1. jtl192 says:

    simple and easy to read

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