Trip to MOS :)

On one of our classes on Friday, we were assigned to visit Boston’s Museum of Science (MOS) and to write a blog on some specific topics. It was not my first time visiting there; I have taking my little cousins to the museum more than three times, but I always learn something new every visit. You can always feel mesmerized every time you enter the place and can see how much knowledge you can absorb. The museum of science is a great way for kids to learn and have fun at the some time.

One of the topics that the professor assigned for us to write about was Innovative Engineers. I have chosen this topic because I know I will be benefiting from it and will increase my knowledge in the filed of engineering. When I have entered the section there were several brilliant engineers that have achieved a lot and have changed our world. I got inspired by a woman engineer her name is Helen Greiner. Helen Greiner not only has created a company, but she has created a community of academic and industry leaders.  People who are creating a technology that is saving lives and improving life experiences. Helen has taught me that dreams can become a reality. She believes that technology leaves a positive impact on society. She has inspired me to achieve my goals in life and become the excellent engineer I could.



Helen is the co founder of iRobot (Helen with one of the iRobot robot)

While walking to the MOS I have noticed that they have their own wind turbine to generate their power, which inspired me a lot. Knowing that they devote the museum for teaching the kids and at the same time using their knowledge to benefit themselves. Also I have seen the solar panel that the exhibit has and I was filed with joy; I know that was not my first time seeing it, but each time I see it I still feel joyful because it’s the only big real solar panel I have seen in my life. Furthermore, when I entered engineering I immediately devoted my interest to power. In addition, this section of the museum was very helpful to me. In the museum they have show us why wind and solar power are very important and where each source is located in the United State. Having to absorb this section in the museum I have learned for myself and I have fulfilled the assignment sheet. We have a saying in Arabic (I hit two birds with one stone) meaning that I have benefited my self and did my task at the same time.


It was a great trip to the museum of science with my friends. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. The MOS visit was very informative and interesting overall and truly spectacular and impressive. By the time it was almost one a clock my stomach started making sounds and I have to shut it down by eating good food (silly) and because of that I left with my friends to get some food after finishing all the assignment that was required.

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