Pandora’s Promise



First, I would say that the film was inserting to watch. It can actually makes you think deeply about how our future will be. Watching the film I think it is completely one sided. I was really disappointed to see almost no coverage of any interviews with experts about energy efficiency or renewable energy. For example, solar panels and wind turbine, when these are the cleanest, fastest and cheapest solutions to climate change. Furthermore, in the United State the utilities have tripled their investment in energy efficiency in the last two years. That’s making all of our homes, shops, and businesses get more energy services out of the power that we generate. Although, the film clearly says that alternative solutions like solar panels and wind turbine is not a real energy solution. The film also says that those alternative solutions will never going to be enough and that’s why oil companies invest in it and support it because they know it will never be a real solution.  From reading a lot of articles about Pandora’s Promise, that’s is not what people who are expert in the areas of renewable energy would say. The Natural Resources Defense believe that renewable’s wind turbine and solar panels energy efficiency alone could be 80% of the population needs by 2050 in the United State.

Some people will not agree with Natural Resources Defense because by doing the math, the reality is that renewable energies, non-hydro renewables, are less than 2% of global energy and the growth in global energy use is 2 to 3% a year. Meaning that 20 to 30 years of subsidies to renewable energies are supplying one year’s growth. From this information the population have to move forward. The people need abundant, affordable, and clean energy without cutting off any of those sources. One of those sources is also Nuclear power energy. Nuclear should be one of the options. The people, who favor nuclear don’t object solar panels or wind turbines. I have heard some people who favor Nuclear energy, but also cover their houses with solar panels. They can generate twice as much energy of their usage, but the problem is renewable energy advocates will first have to try to cut down nuclear energy so that the people have no choice. However, I do agree on both of the discussion I talked about on those two paragraphs. Acknowledging that I may not believe the Natural Resources Defense’s math on the renewable energy efficiency.

Being interested in the environment before and during this science class; I have found that leadership of the environmental movement does not support nuclear energy. Knowing that the dictator of the film was before opposed to nuclear energy. His first documentary was an anti-nuclear documentary. His last documentary was loving the history of the environment movement, but he had an over whelming support for the proposition to take his new film further. From this information we know that he got a lot of support to open to the world the benefits of nuclear power.



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