Project Brainstorming

My partners Jessica, Bryan and I had several ideas during our class discussion on Friday for our final experiment project. It was difficult for us to begin the brainstorm because we are not science majors, but we did brainstorm biased on the experiments we performed in our class and topics we learned during lectures. We decided that I will be the team leader of the group, but I know that we will all contribute to the project equally. We get along well, which led us to a few ideas.

During brainstorming we had to make sure that our ideas were simple enough so that other students could follow the instructions, but not too simple enough that the objective is obvious or at a high school level. Also we had to make sure that the materials required for our experiment were accessible and easy to bring to the classroom.

After brainstorming for awhile we came to a mutual decision of a favored experiment – heat/temperature change. We came up with the idea of testing insulting materials on heated water (and other substances) to see how temperature is effected and sustained based on the type of insulation. The tools we would need for this experiment are easy to get at the store, and borrow from the lab. The objectives of this experiment besides learning insulation of heat are, comparing different heat capacities of various liquids, and to analyze the results of this experiment for research of house hold items that require sustainability of a liquid’s temperature.

Incase we are unable to perform this experiment idea, we came up with various other experiments for back up plans. We explored topics regarding climate change and energy generation as well. We looked up ideas to come up with an experiment related to the greenhouse effect and energy levels from food and the effects on humans. I have experience from previous class experiments with food energy. I brought up an idea to test our reaction time through online tools/games before and after consuming an energy drink. It might also be interesting to do the test before eating breakfast and then a few hours after eating; but I’m not sure we would be able to have an experiment like this during the class time presentation.

I think that this final project will be very successful because my group members and I have good chemistry and we are looking forward to testing out our ideas!

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