In the United States and Suffolk, I identify the best as an International student.

Being from Bulgaria makes my experience in Suffolk different from the majority of the students that I meet and befriend. A country so different, small and poor sometimes makes me face difficulties in communicating with other people.

Even if the people I meet have diverse backgrounds, a minimal number of them can sincerely relate to me based on their personal experiences. I do not know a lot of other people with whom I can talk in my native language about my country’s culture, food, etc. and fully connect to. Speaking Bulgarian is important to me because it helps in providing a definite shape to my emotions and thoughts. It also strengthens the ties between me and my family and other Bulgarians. I miss my culture and I am sure other International student miss theirs too.

This is basic research, as it is driven from curiosity and it does not target solving a vital issue, affecting a large part of the society.

Other International students from small countries are also probably feeling different in the same way while facing the nostalgia from not being home. What are some ways to make these students feel more at home and connect them with other peers from their country? What is the best way to deal with culture shock?