In the generator lab, we had to measure the voltage output of the generator. The generator was connected to the NXT which was connected to the computer. This aloud the NXT to read our calculations and put them on an excel sheet on the computer for us. The point of the lab was to shake the generator 4 different times and find the average voltage for each shake attempt, each in a 30 second period.
We first started off by not shaking the generator at all which gave us an average voltage of .38. This gave us an average voltage for the experiment without making any changes to the generator. After we calculated the voltage for the generator with no shakes, we went on to do 4 more runs but each time shaking the generator a different amount of times. We ended up shaking the generator a number of 44, 64, 78, and 122 times. The average voltage for each was 32.07, 75.85, 76.19, and 221.09 corresponding in order to the numbers the previous sentence.
We noticed that there was a pattern which makes me believe we did the lab correct. The more times we shook the generator, the higher the average velocity was. Even after our calculations, we ran the generator a few more times and noticed the same pattern. Lastly, the lab showed me a thing about velocity. I had an idea that we would notice a pattern like we did, but not as significantly as our results showed. Another lesson learned from an entertaining exercise.