Student Research Conference Submission Form

SRC Submission Form
Are you enrolled in the CAS Honors Program? *
If you are NOT enrolled in the CAS Honors program, do you hope to achieve honors within your major? *
Are you required to present THIS year as part of your honors requirements? (i.e. you are graduating in May and MUST present) *
Are you submitting a paper or a poster? (Must be a paper to receive Honors)
If you are submitting a poster, you do not need to upload your poster at this time. We will ask you to have your posters completed by 2 weeks prior to the conference.
N.B. We will accept posters completed after Fall 2023!
Abstracts should include the following information: What is the question addressed by this research? Why is it important? How did you seek to answer your question? What are the key results/findings?
Please upload a copy of your PAPER here: *

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

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