Student Research Conference Submission Form SRC Submission Form First Name * Last Name * Additional Authors? List first, last name Email * Additional email addresses if needed. Separate with comma. Class Year * First yearSophomoreJuniorSeniorGraduate Student Expected Date of Graduation (We know this is only "expected") * What is your major or program? * International RelationsLawPolitical ScienceGovernmentMA Applied PoliticsMA Global Public Policy Are you enrolled in the CAS Honors Program? * Yes No Don't know If you are NOT enrolled in the CAS Honors program, do you hope to achieve honors within your major? * Yes No Don't know Are you required to present THIS year as part of your honors requirements? (i.e. you are graduating in May and MUST present) * Yes No Are you submitting a paper or a poster? (Must be a paper to receive Honors) * Paper Poster If you are submitting a poster, you do not need to upload your poster at this time. We will ask you to have your posters completed by 2 weeks prior to the conference. Course/Professor: For what course was the paper/poster written (if any)? What professor supervised this paper/poster (if any)? * Eligible PAPERS: we will only accept PAPERS that were written in any semester prior to (and including) Fall 2024. In what semester did you write your paper? * Fall 2024Spring 2024Fall 2023Spring 2023Fall 2022Spring 2021Fall 2020Spring 2020Other Eligible PAPERS: we will only accept PAPERS that were written in any semester prior to (and including) Fall 2024. In what semester did you write your paper? N.B. We will accept posters completed after Fall 2023! Title of Paper or Poster * Please copy the text of your abstract (or write a brief one) and upload it here. 150 word limit. Abstracts should include the following information: What is the question addressed by this research? Why is it important? How did you seek to answer your question? What are the key results/findings? Please upload a copy of your PAPER here: * Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 52.43MB Are you interested in volunteering to help out with the SRC (preparing materials ahead of time, social media, etc.)? Yes! If you have any questions, please let us know! Submit This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Δ