Job Shadowing Program

Offered during Spring Break, job shadowing is a valuable way to learn about careers and industries you may be considering, and also provides an opportunity to expand your professional network.

Participants spend one half-day or one full-day at a Boston area company hosted by a Suffolk University alum or employer partner. Depending on availability of hosts, you may have the chance to visit more than one company. The program is open to students from all class years and majors. Domestic and international students are eligible to participate. This is an unpaid experience, and there is no cost to apply or participate.


Job Shadowing at Suffolk

What will you gain from participating in the Job Shadowing Program?

  • Learn what kinds of jobs are available in your field of interest and how to prepare for them
  • Discover what expectations employers have
  • See how organizations are run and what the pace of work is like
  • Begin to develop networking skills
  • Make smart choices about electives, internships, minors and other academic decisions


Information Sessions are held during both fall and spring semester, find them listed on our Events page and sign up for them in Handshake. Participants will receive more information about the application process at the information session.

Applications close in late January and students will be assigned hosts in February after completing a brief Orientation. Following the shadowing experience, students will participate in a reflection session to share their impressions with their peers.

Questions? Contact The Career Center by email.