Cover Letter Checklist

Formatting & Mechanics

☐ Cover Letter is one page and no more than 3-4 paragraphs.

☐ It doesn’t just repeat everything listed on your resume but focuses on what is most relevant.

☐ The letter is personalized to the employer and the specific job with concrete examples of how you can fulfill the most important needs for the role in formal letter format.

☐ The letter includes why you are sincerely interested in the job or employer and how you heard about the position.

☐ The letter is addressed to the correct person with their correct title. If there is no person listed, you may use a general term such as “Dear Hiring Manager.”

☐ There are no spelling or grammatical errors or typos.

☐ Electronic versions are saved and delivered as PDFs or doc/docx depending on the application requirements and online application system compatibility.