Resume Starter-Kit

Not sure where to start? It’s normal to be unsure of where to start when creating a resume, or to think you do not have anything to put in a resume, especially early on in your college career. Most of the time, you have important experiences or skills that you might have forgotten about, didn’t think were important, or didn’t know how to include on your resume.


Think of everything you have ever done and jot it down onto a piece of paper. If you are not sure if something is important, jot it down anyway. This could include:

  • Jobs or volunteer work
  • Clubs, athletic teams, or leadership roles
  • Software or computer skills, independent projects, languages, honors or awards
  • Academic courses or projects that are relevant to your field


Learn more about the jobs you are seeking. Read through job descriptions of positions that interest you. What are the skills and qualifications your prospective employers are looking for?


Review the list of experiences and skills that you brainstormed. What from that list best matches the information you found in your research? Categorize and display your information accordingly. Your goal is to highlight those skills and experiences that make you a qualified candidate for the position.


Need Help Brainstorming New Verbs? Try these!
 achieved  drafted  originated
 acquired  edited  oversaw
 adapted  eliminated  performed
 addressed  enforced  planned
 administered  established  prevented
 analyzed  evaluated  produced
 anticipated  expanded  programmed
 assembled  explained  promoted
 assisted  forecasted  provided
 audited  formed  publicized
 budgeted  founded  published
 calculated  generated  recruited
 centralized  guided  reorganized
 changed  hired  reported
 collaborated  implemented  researched
 composed  improved  resolved
 condensed  informed  reviewed
 conducted  insured  selected
 constructed  interpreted  separated
 contracted  interviewed  set up
 converted  launched  simplified
 coordinated  maintained  solved
 created  managed  surveyed
 cultivated  marketed  staffed
 demonstrated  minimized  supervise
 designed  motivated  taught
 developed  negotiated  tested
 devised  obtained  trained
 discovered  operated  used
 doubled  organized