
Hydrofracking, what could this possibly mean?  That’s exactly what I was thinking when I first started to research this topic.  Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing makes it possible to produce oil and natural gas in places where other technology is ineffective. (api.org)  There is actually a lot of controversy that is involved with this process.  Hydrofracking releases a mix of water and chemicals into the ground so it can collect gas.  Many companies that use hydrofracking don’t disclose the types of chemicals that they put into the ground.  This type of gas collection can be hazardous because toxic spills can occur, the pollution of air and water is high, and there may be problems with radioactivity.  Hydrofracking actually operates 24 hours a day and seven days a weeks, this process of dumping gallons of water and chemicals into our ground obviously sounds very dangerous.  People in Pennsylvania actually live with drinking water contaminated with methane and heavy metals. (citizenscampaign.org)

Gas and drilling companies are very adamant about starting hydrofracking everywhere.  This is a huge and profitable process for them; the only problem is that hydrofracking isn’t too safe for our drinking water. People have recently started to become more and more aware about how this process can positively and negatively affect them.  Personally I think that hydrofracking is risking a lot, water is something that humans need in order to survive.  I think that people need to become more aware of this situation before some major harm is truly caused to ourselves and the world.






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