COVID-19 Leading The Push For Bail Reform and America Should Adopt It – By Joseph Tonjes

COVID is a danger to many people in America and it is often overlooked how dangerous the pandemic is in prisons. The danger of the pandemic in prisons demonstrates the need to get more people out of prison and makes the dangers of cash bail apparent. Cash bail traps many poor Americans in prisons and jails due to the fact they cannot pay to get out and the injustice in this situation is made even more apparent by the dangers of COVID-19. Continue Reading


The United States’s Healhcare System Is On Its Last Legs – By Joseph Tonjes

COVID-19 has exacerbated the problems with the American healthcare system. Nations who have socialized healthcare systems have done a much better job dealing with the pandemic compared to the United States. These factors combined will lead to the end of the American system of healthcare as these events will lead to the United States adopting a more socialized healthcare system. Continue Reading
