The Unheard Struggle: Being Deaf During a Pandemic

Navigating a pandemic during perfect conditions is incredibly difficult, it puts an immense strain on physical and emotional health, completely turns around what we know to be “normal life”, and is a source of a lot of anxiety and fear, especially for those at risk. However, this anxiety is heightened when you are unable to communicate to the general population in the only way you know how, as is the case for the deaf community. Continue Reading


Schooling during pandemic

Most of the schools in United States were closed till the end of an academic year since the pandemic took place. A total lock down like this has never happened in our lifetime and there was no plan for how to continue an educational process. And yet, the way they responded to the situation is something worth your attention. Continue Reading


What Happens When the Crisis of the American Prison System Meets The Coronavirus Pandemic?

While the country was in a state of crisis with growing coronavirus cases many were quick to forget those in this country that do not have the option of staying home.There are people who are not allowed to go home because they are locked up in prison. These people were at the mercy of the prisons to protect them from coronavirus. The US prison population includes 2,193,798 people currently and there have been 78,526 cases of coronavirus in US prisons since the start of the virus until July 28th.  Continue Reading


A Cure For Climate Change

COVID-19 caused countries to shut down. During these national lockdowns, the environment changed drastically. Air quality improved and so too did the habitats in which animals resided. If these positive strides are not encouraged or acted upon, then a worse rebound effect may be in store for the future. Continue Reading


We rely heavily on workers classified as “independent contractors”. These people are suffering disproportionately during the pandemic.

Independent contractors don’t receive work benefits that regular employees do. Some companies even purposely misclassify their workers as independent contractors to avoid having to pay them a minimum wage or provide them with health insurance and paid leave. During COVID-19, this has caused serious problems for independent contractors. Continue Reading


In The Air: COVID Now, CO2 Later

There is a misconception that the COVID-19 outbreak has greatly benefited the environment worldwide due to a drop in travel, both on roads and air travel, and a slow in production levels in workplaces. The reality is, however, that the clean air we see right now is only temporary. People and the economy are already looking to start back up where they left off back in March, where we will continue to see increases in carbon emissions. Continue Reading
