Power Outages Weaken Connecticut Further

Power Outages Weaken Connecticut Further 


In 2020 many have found themselves worrying about their health, their loved ones’ well being, our country’s economy, and what the future looks like. However, some residents in Connecticut now find themselves with another problem on top of the pandemic, fight against racial inequality, and murder wasps- no power. 

On August 4th Hurricane Isaias touched down in Connecticut, and truly left its mark on the state. Hundreds of thousands of residents found themselves without power suddenly as 70 MPH winds blew over trees and telephone poles as well as causing damage to roads and infrastructure. As far as outages go this is Connecticut’s third worst in history, but according to many, the attempts of power companies across the state to restore power, may be the worst. It is Connecticut’s duty to reassess their relationships with the power companies that have total control over the state and to ensure its residents safety. 

This storm comes at a time where many are finding themselves incredibly dependent on having connection to the internet and the virtual world. Coronavirus has forced many to move to online interfaces to attend work each day, operate businesses, and attend school all through online programs. As of August 9th, over 100,000 people still remain without power (NBC Connecticut) and it’s likely that many of them are struggling to find ways to carry on with their routines due to the outages. 

Westport, Connecticut has made history by being the first town in Connecticut to experience a tornado with winds up to 115 MPH. Now residents are finding themselves trapped and without power days after. Many have had to resort to spending the day at the public library just to get a solid connection to wifi. Residents are seen sitting outside in the heat taking biology classes, on business calls, and even playing Mario Kart (The Hour). However, this raises questions about proper social distancing methods during the time of the pandemic as hundreds of residents are crammed into the library’s green space trying to remain connected. Not a great look for a town who was hit especially hard by the virus due to its closeness to New York. Many residents were struggling to adjust to life during quarantine and now find themselves having to realign in order to keep up with life before Isaias. 

Moreover, the state declared a state of emergency due to the outages with many organizations, such as the national guard being deployed into the state, to help with the ongoing efforts to restore things back to normal. Governor Lamont has expressed his disappointment with Eversource Power Companies and United Illuminating calling their response to the storms, “Wholly inadequate” (CT Post). Investigations are being launched into both companies and why outages have not been resolved in many areas. Customers of both companies were left in the dark literally with no given timeline on how long it would take to restore power fully. 

Governor Lamont has said, “I am calling on #PURA to conduct a thorough investigation of the state’s utility companies on their response to Tropical Storm Isaias…we were told that the utilities were improving their resources so that they can be prepared for the next time Mother Nature inevitably hits again…now here we are, with a wholly inadequate response to another storm” (Governor Lamont On Twitter). Public Utilities Regulatory Authority is being called in which could mean major changes for Connecticut, but many are saying it might be for the best. With two power companies having virtual monopolies over the state prices have reached all-time highs that are large factors in businesses and long term residents relocating to where bills will be cheaper. 

It is evident that this world is no longer one that can count on libraries and free access wifi to provide for the people who so badly need it. The world is changing and Connecticut must change with it by ensuring its residents power that is safe and secure during times of natural disasters. 




Jason Samenow, A. (2020, August 05). Isaias leaves millions in the dark in Mid-Atlantic and Northeast after roaring up East Coast. Retrieved August 09, 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/08/04/isaias-storm-track-east-coast/

Jason Samenow, A. (2020, August 05). Isaias leaves millions in the dark in Mid-Atlantic and Northeast after roaring up East Coast. Retrieved August 09, 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/08/04/isaias-storm-track-east-coast/

NBC Connecticut. (2020, August 09). More Than 140,000 People in Conn. Still Without Power Days After Tropical Storm Isaias. Retrieved August 09, 2020, from https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/more-than-175000-people-in-conn-still-without-power-days-after-tropical-storm-isaias/2316069/

Simmons, D. (2020, August 06). Over 100 gather at a powered-up Westport Library as town enters second day without power. Retrieved August 09, 2020, from https://www.ctinsider.com/news/thehour/article/Over-100-gather-at-a-powered-up-Westport-Library-15464848.php

Staff, N. (2020, August 05). State of Emergency: Isaias Knocks Out Power to Over 700,000 in Conn.; Restoration Could Take Days. Retrieved August 09, 2020, from https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/weather-news/cleanup-begins-after-isaias-kills-1-knocks-out-power-to-nearly-700000-people-in-conn/2313844/

Tomlinson, P., & O’Neill, T. (2020, August 06). Lamont: Utility companies’ response ‘wholly inadequate’ in CT. Retrieved August 09, 2020, from https://www.ctpost.com/local/article/Nearly-half-of-Eversource-customers-CT-still-15459996.php

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