Covid-19 has had a number of positive + negative impacts on the environment & the world should learn to create better environmental policies in the future, post-pandemic

Covid-19 has had a number of positive + negative impacts on the environment & the world should learn to create better environmental policies in the future,    post-pandemic


By Kiara Wilson August 8th 2020


The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in worldwide lockdowns, and many people have been worried about the economic activity. Nobody has seemed concerned about the planet we live on. 


This pandemic has impacted the environment in many ways whether it’s positive or negative. And many individuals have overlooked the effects on Earth.  With these unexpected impacts, the world should assets and create better approaches for the environment resulting from this virus, post-pandemic.


Climate change remains a political issue


As climate change becomes more serious and obvious, Americans remain resistant to pivotal and comprehensive action. As scientific evidence about the causes of climate change has mounted and been clear cut the public has remained divided. 


If natural disasters don’t affect attitudes toward climate change, partisanship does. How can people acknowledge climate change when our president doesn’t even believe in it?


He has said to talk host Hugh Hewitt, “Unless somebody can prove something to me, I believe there’s weather.”


There is no surprise here because his second guessing on scientists is something we are too familiar with. We have seen this during the pandemic also, President Trump turned to scientists and asked if disinfectant injections to the lungs or ultraviolet light through the skin could destroy the virus in living people, science was being abused at that moment.


Science is the one domain in life where bias and prejudice should be systematically eliminated. Not only should scientists actively fight against this trend of politicians v.s. evidence. But Everyone who is concerned about our freedom, health, welfare, and security as a country should as well. 


Carbon Emissions and Oil Demands Has Reduced 


During this period of lockdowns, the sight of clear skies has created a sense of optimism among the people towards a better and clean environment. 


A positive effect of lockdown has been a decrease in carbon dioxide emission by 17 % by April 7th 2020. As countries went into lockdowns the world’s industrial activities have shut down globally. According to CNN, air travel has dropped by 96% due to this global pandemic, and it has been the lowest in 75 years. 


Not only has the world’s carbon footprint declined tremendously, but oil demand has decreased dramatically and prices have been dropped. These changes exert a significant impact on environmental quality but they could be temporary. Individuals should learn from their Covid-19 lockdowns on how to reduce pollution on a long term basis.


Water Pollution and Marine Life 


The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth and pollution is an ongoing problem in the world and yes it can affect certain individuals who live by the oceans but what about the aquatic animals. 


Coronavirus wastes has become a new form of pollution. There has been an increase of the use of plastic around the world. Millions of masks and gloves are thrown away every day and are being found in the ocean.  “There risks being more masks than jellyfish,” Laurent Lombard from the organization said in one Facebook post.


If every person used a disposable mask a day it would create an additional 66,000 tons of contaminated waste and 57,000 tons of plastic packaging a year in the U.K.alone according to one study.


Also there has been a decrease in sonar monitors which has created quieter waters for sea life. Researchers say the lessened ocean noise will allow aquatic animals to interact with one another and potentially reduce their stress levels. “It’s been getting quieter at a faster rate in the last month. We are seeing a decrease in about four dB (decibels), which is about half, 50 per cent reduction,” Barclay told CTV News. 


Short-term Impacts


City lockdowns substantially improve air quality, and are an essential component in assessing the benefits of such lockdowns. 


According to the World Health Organization, seven million deaths around the world are connected to air pollution each year. The majority of them live in countries such as China and India, where air pollution levels are soaring. Multiple studies have shown that air pollution has many health outcomes such as mortality, life expectancy, and morbidity. 


Consequently it is very crucial that air pollution has forced a substantial burden and the potential health benefits obtained from the improvement in environmental quality following the Covid-19 pandemic could be sizable. Once lockdowns are lifted we will tend to see the country fall back into its old habits. 


Long-term Impacts 


It is hard to exactly predict what the planet may look like after Covid-19 but there are several ways that this pandemic has impacted the environment positively. 


In Thailand, empty beaches have given endangered sea turtles the space to nest at the highest rate that these beaches have seen in twenty years. These effects may seem short term due to lockdowns being over but there have been some short-term effects that may gain long-term potential. 


Other marine species such as dolphins and dugong that live in the region have also increased in numbers, not only turtles according to government surveys. Such as hermit crabs and other food sources for marine animals.


There could also be more of a push for green jobs as the economy rebuilds. In the U.K, experts believe that when U.K.  rebuilds their economy here should be a focus on switching to green jobs. Which would simultaneously help reverse unemployment rates, restore the economy, and fight the climate crisis in the long run.


A future with a better environment 


While it is important not to overplay its longer-run impacts, this Covid-19 pandemic has provided new valuable research. It is important to design policies aimed at mitigating climate change for future generations. 


There is a high chance that when the lockdown period is over with and done, pollution can come back so human effort towards saving the environment and can have an everlasting effect. Governments need to act now to ensure a green recovery that incentivizes sustainability to continue to benefit the environment. 


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