“Unemployment and Pandemic Assistance: A Ticking Time Bomb”

The CARES act was signed into law March 27th, and granted millions of Americans $1,200 to combat the economic strain caused by the pandemic, as well as $600 weekly for those who qualified for unemployment assistance.


However, as of July 31st the CARES act expired and will no longer provide these benefits, leaving the future of pandemic relief up in the air.


Currently in Congress, both democrats and republicans have attempted to create new legislation to continue pandemic relief. However, it comes as no surprise to see that partisanship has delayed necessary progress on the issue.


Each side of the aisle has proposed a vastly different plan, and mostly disagree on the amount of money people should get. Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s HEALS Act proposes that we reduce the $600/week to just $200/week on top of another $1,200.


House Democrats also proposed their own version, called the HEROES Act. In Comparison, the HEROES Act can be seen as a new and improved CARES Act as it continues the $600/week while also expanding hazard pay for essential workers.


On the floor and in negotiations, it is evident that little progress is being made to bring any sort of compromise. Since the start of the virus, only 12 bills have been enacted, leaving little progress to solving the issues facing our country.


While nothing is getting done, the effects of the crisis still burden the people who are forced to rely on government unemployment assistance. The $600 unemployment benefits that were given to Americans each week was distributed with the purpose of helping to pay for bills and expenses that needed to be paid, a major one being rent.


Until a compromise is reached, the 25 million Americans left unemployed by the virus will be looking at an uncertain future. 


The delay in passing such important legislation is just more evidence in how partisanship has disrupted our political processes. The issue has been further exacerbated by the difference in responses to the coronavirus from either side of the aisle.


A study from Pew Research Center on the subject of political polarization asked democrats and republicans their perspective on issues the US is facing. When asked if the pandemic is a “very big problem” 37% of Republican respondents and 76% of Democrat respondents agreed with the statement. These statistics reflect both sides’ proposed solutions to government aid, with Democrats seeing the situation as more severe, and requiring more attention and resources.


The future of unemployment is, like many other aspects of the pandemic, uncertain. For the over  25 million Americans currently receiving $600 now in limbo, inaction now will have catastrophic repercussions.

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  1. Good points, I think it is important to highlight that the pandemic is being politicalized. Rather than focusing on the enormous spikes in hot states such as Florida, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, our Congressmen and women refuse to cross that aisle and negotiate. Republicans are fighting to extend benefits, yet some, like Rand Paul, refuse to wear masks and contract the virus. Rather than showing their shinning their donkey and elephant election day pins, they need to focus on the bigger picture. As you mention in the post, unemployment is rising at a terrifying level. A global pandemic is not a bullet point on a televised debate; it’s a real-life crisis. Rather than pointing fingers across the aisle, Congress needs to put the red and blue flags down and meet in the middle. wWith the pandemic is continuing to grow; more people are losing their jobs. If Congress does not want to extend the benefits legislation, okay, the alternative is putting more pressure on the public to follow safety protocols, including you, Rand Paul. Even with that, the question comes up ‘ How do we enforce this?’. If anything, this pandemic has highlighted how vicious a deeply divided and bipartisan our government is.

    • There are a decently high chance of workforce moving much more towards non-physical jobs(I’ve noticed a lot of Amazon optimization to reduce workforce in case of another pandemic for example)- probably going to open a lot more spots in other branches(noticed a lot more emphasis on listing optimization and advertising from companies like Weby Corp http://webycorp.com/ )

  2. The first stimulus check had brought a lot of financial relief to citizens. Do you think if there were to be a second check, it would better or worsen the economy? Why or Why not? The government still wants to provide money to the people even if it is in a smaller amount. It would go from $600/week to $200/week. On top of both unemployment and the stimulus check, there was also hazard pay temporarily. Without all three of these things would people be suffering resulting in a worsen pandemic or do you think things would remain the same?

  3. The unemployment rate during the coronavirus has risen from about four percent to fifteen percent. To qualify for unemployment, you have to pay into the system from your previous job (which we will assume you were laid off from due to the pandemic). Since there are much higher unemployment rates now, there are more people that the government has to assist. With less people paying into the unemployment pool and more collecting from it, the economic bridge has to be provided by the state and federal government. This was happening as part of the CARES Act. However, the expiration of the $600 weekly additional funds provided by the US government should change the mindset of those receiving it. Some arguments say that it was a disincentive to look for work (why look for work when I get about $1,200 in total unemployment). However, in such dire times as this pandemic, the federal government does need to make sure people can keep their families fed, sheltered, and children get educated and still provide incentive to look for permanent work. Otherwise, the ripple effects of unemployment may go far beyond the typical temporary lay-off and finding work cycle.

  4. The issue of partisanship seems to be affecting the American people more than ever. DO you think that the two parties will be able to come together and agree on a new bill? If they are able to agree, do you think that it will be a sufficient enough package to sustain for longer than the previous one? The unemployment benefits have stopped for most in July so many are not getting what they need to survive. Do you feel as though the government should give some people, the ones who lost their unemployment, more than others if the new package is to go through?

  5. I actually was let go from my job originally when the pandemic first hit, luckily, they called me back pretty soon after when everything started to reopen again. What I really wish the government did was contact people and learn about how they could have really helped. I feel as though surveys or something like that. I feel as though they could have helped people much more through speaking with some people who were affected and discording what they needed. It’s odd and kind of upsetting that they are making this so political instead of focusing on helping all of those who were negatively affected.

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