Is it possible to reform the U.S healthcare system? by Alfredo Serrano

Alfredo Serrano

Ms. Kulich


10 August 2020

Blog Post: #2


Is it possible to reform the U.S healthcare system?


At the beginning of March, the U.S was shaken amid the ongoing global pandemic that we are still experiencing nowadays known as COVID-19. Unexpectedly, the U.S healthcare system found itself on the first line of defense, with the state of New York becoming the national epicenter of the disease. COVID-19 has swept across the U.S and has ravaged the country’s healthcare, even having a budget of $175 billion, many hospitals have experienced shortages on resources to the point of facing the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans due to this shortage.


The question now is not if the U.S could have or can manage the situation differently; the question is if there’s a possibility of reform the U.S healthcare system for good?

I believe we can all certainly agree with the fact that healthcare on the U.S is a good service, but an expensive one. It’s no joke that not every citizen has the resources or wealth to pay for an insurance or to pay the deductible for a tore ACL. Healthcare in America supposes a big problem when it comes to the standard citizen in terms of monthly or annual costs… Thinking of the fact that the average income for an American worker is about $47,000 while the average hospital bill rounds about $10,000 tell you everything to know, can Americans afford a 1st need expense that can blow away a third of a person’s annual income? The answer is NO.


Amid the COVID-19 outbreak we might have to rethink about how healthcare might look like in the future and if a reform could be possible, some of the lessons that this pandemic has brought are interesting like how the U.S should expand the concept of a healthcare, the pandemic has obviously created an spike on this necessity, and every available personnel has been dedicated to the solely mission of stopping the outbreak on the patients, even fourth-year medical students were offered an early graduation in order to join the front lines and therefore, expand the capacity. Even though it’s logical that this need will reduce as soon as the pandemic ends, the numerous future issues that will remain after the pandemic will raise again the question of how the U.S healthcare system can capitalize on its ability to expand the clinical workforce in this crisis to create a future workforce needed to address the future medic and social needs of COVID patients.

For that, it is obvious that a reform on healthcare is needed. Why can’t the U.S propose a healthcare system following Europe’s guidelines? Let’s put Spain for example (Which is my native country), which has one of the best social security and healthcare systems of Europe. In Spain, healthcare is free and is part of the social security. The only con is that it’s paid with the inhabitant’s taxes; instead of devoting a part of taxes to maintain other social topics we have free healthcare in exchange, which obviously is provided to everyone freely. This gives access to every single inhabitant to a free healthcare… Isn’t this utopic?


Obviously, the U.S will need first a change of mentality in order to assess this idea, certainly not every citizen will be in favor of paying other’s people healthcare through their taxes; but if there’s a country that needs free healthcare… It’s the U.S.




Huckman, R. (2020, June 19). What Will U.S. Health Care Look Like After the Pandemic? Retrieved August 10, 2020, from https://hbr.org/2020/04/what-will-u-s-health-care-look-like-after-the-pandemic


Scott, D. (2020, April 15). How the Covid-19 pandemic will leave its mark on US health care. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2020/4/15/21211905/coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic-medical-health-care-hospitals


Laret, M., & Skorton, D. (2020, June 09). Coronavirus exposed cracks in U.S. health care. Here are 5 ideas to fix the system. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from https://eu.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/06/09/5-ideas-to-fix-u-s-health-care-in-response-to-coronavirus-column/5317755002/

Hook, L. (2020, April 30). How coronavirus broke America’s healthcare system. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from https://www.ft.com/content/3bbb4f7c-890e-11ea-a01c-a28a3e3fbd33








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  1. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the healthcare system in America has proven to lack the necessary supplies to help the people of America. This is exacerbated by the skyrocketing unemployment which has left thousands of families in America without healthcare. This reform on healthcare would need to dispense with the tie of insurance to employment to allow for everyone in the country to have access to healthcare. Employment was only linked to health insurance because in World War II there was a labor shortage and the government froze wages. This meant employers needed to find a new way to attract workers and they did so through generous healthcare insurance. This system needs to be eliminated because what this country needed in 1942 is not the same as what we need almost 80 years later. In this post, it mentions that the average salary is around fifty thousand dollars a year and the average medical bill is about ten thousand dollars. This paywall blocks people from getting the care they need because many Americans do not have money to spare. Why can’t one of the world’s superpowers find a healthcare system that provides care to everyone?

  2. An article such as this written by a native European is eye-opening, as I can truly tell that you are astounded by the lack of access to quality health care in one of the most prosperous nations in the world.

    However, I think that healthcare is this way because of the way in which we prospered. America has consistently been a haven for large multinational corporations with powerful economic and political interests. Companies like AstraZenica, Pfizer, and Gilead have used their amassed wealth to bolster the elections of fiscally conservative Democrats and Republicans to protect the private healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.

    Several candidates from the United States have tried to combat the private healthcare industry, such as Senator Bernie Sanders, and Senator Elizabeth Warren, but opponents paint them as radical and far-left. To me, this is amusing, since the idea of a public, government-sponsored, healthcare system is ordinary in countries throughout Europe, and popular progressive parties exist far beyond the American left.

  3. The American Healthcare system has been in the center of major debate, but the truth is it is undeniable that it is a flawed system. The Coronavirus pandemic has only exacerbated the issues that plague our system. The lack of PPE to keep our frontline nurses and doctors shows that the system has even failed the workers that we claim to value so deeply. However, our healthcare system has failed in a way so massive that it is impossible to deny that it needs to see reform be made. Between the lack of resources, hospitals inability to keep up with an influx of patients, and the price of treatment, nothing in the U.S healthcare system seems to work.

  4. Yes, the United States healthcare needs to be reformed and re-strategize to make it affordable to all citizens. I know that the system we have in the U.S. isn’t fair and equal to all its citizens. Many people have low paying jobs, making it much harder for deductibles to be paid, which is outrageous. It only allows the rich to afford large payments without putting holes in their pockets. Affordable healthcare is an issue that needs to be constructed by lawmakers nationally. The money that the government spends on military aid and equipment should shift its focus to health care. I’m not saying military assistance isn’t essential, but we as a country don’t want to dismiss the importance of health for its citizens.

  5. healthcare is this way because of the way in which we prospered. America has consistently been a haven for large multinational corporations with powerful economic and political interests.
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