A look behind the curtain: How will COVID-19 change the way the public views Immigration? by Alida Benoit

For years America has been wrongfully detaining immigrants, in harsh inhumane conditions, and there has been very little improvement on the matter. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has given the general public a look behind the curtain at how poor these conditions are and the negative effects they have on outside communities and the people inside them.


By the end of June 2020, the ICE detention centers had over 25,000 people being held. They live in “dorm-like pods,” according to ACLU Watchdog notes, and there can be as many as 50-75 people per pod. This presented the first problem once COVID-19 struck. There was no room to social distance, and there were no extra rooms to provide quarantine space for the infected. The problem worsened when the staff realized that they, like a large number of other companies, didn’t have enough PPE in case of an outbreak, and when the COVID testing came, ICE had only 2000 tests for the 25,000 people they had inside their walls.


As the numbers of positive cases quickly rose throughout the detention facilities, a federal judge ordered the release of all children who had been in detention for more than 20 days (about 120 children). The judge did not have the authority to include parents in this order. Soon after, another judge decided that releasing all children and families wasn’t necessary. This has forced what immigration lawyers are calling “family separation 2.0.” The parents must decide if they will release their children from the centers to outside family members or sponsors, or if they will keep their families together inside detention. At this time ICE has over 3700 positive cases of COVID-19, and with guards coming and going each day this number is likely to grow.


The treatment of these detainees is a situation that has been declining for years. COVID-19 has been the look behind the curtain that shows the effects of the poor conditions. It is opening the public’s eye to how important it is to stop the unwarranted detentions and improve the facilities. The pandemic will hopefully be the turning point when officials realize that they cannot keep doing what they are doing, and make Americans stand behind immigrants.





Aguilera, J. (2020, July 27). Parents With Kids in ICE Detention Face ‘Family Separation 2.0’. Retrieved August 03, 2020, from https://time.com/5866659/ice-parents-children-detention-coronavirus-release/

Alvarez, P. (2020, July 23). Nearly 75% of detainees at US immigration facility in Virginia have coronavirus. Retrieved August 03, 2020, from https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/23/politics/immigration-ice-detention-coronavirus-farmville/index.html

Cho, E. (june 29, 2020). DHS Watchdog Confirms: ICE if Failing to Protect Detained People from COVID. ACLU. Retrieved August 3, 2020, from https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/dhs-watchdog-confirms-ice-is-failing-to-protect-detained-people-from-covid/

Heath, D., & Rachko, T. J., Jr. (2020, August 03). US Covid-19 Relief Should Protect Immigrants. Retrieved August 03, 2020, from https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/07/24/us-covid-19-relief-should-protect-immigrants

Romo, V. (2020, June 27). Judge Orders ICE To Free Detained Immigrant Children Because Of COVID-19. Retrieved August 03, 2020, from https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/06/26/884186168/judge-orders-ice-to-free-detained-immigrant-children-because-of-covid-19


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  1. Uh huh… Well I would argue about immigration reform being needed for my whole life of 40 years, but it’s more about politics than caring about people at the end of the day. I have a feeling it will come to bite the democrats soon though, they’ve been taking the hispanic community(s) at face value liberals than understanding they’re actually conservative for the most part.. and they’re waking up to how dirty politics are in the US and how the liberals just want their vote but don’t really care about them after elections. Better to get a 47a2 non immigrant visa perhaps.

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