Increasing Rates of Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

Could you imagine how many cases have increased from domestic violence and child abuse due to stay at home orders from the pandemic, COVID-19? To be sure, no one was prepared for this pandemic, especially the government for not putting into consideration that there are victims of domestic violence and child abuse living with their abusers. For victims and survivors of these abuses, being home may not be a safe option because there is an increased risk of an injury or death likely to occur.

The government should have been clearer in communicating on how to go about these issues. Victims who have been abused for years and are still being abused are now more vulnerable than ever. Imagine how traumatized they are and how scared they would be if they were to speak up. Violence in the homes of these victims could lead to poor physical health and substance use, as well as adverse mental health outcomes like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress symptoms. A majority of these issues occur at home and no one is able to tell. Teachers and experts worry that the number of these cases could increase drastically during the government’s stay at home orders causing families to have to quarantine.

It’s important to know that child abuse and domestic violence has been an issue even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Children being forced to stay at home with their abusers due to the closing of schools are questioning their health and safety and to add to that due to the lockdown they are experiencing their own stress and uncertainty which can lead to parents not understanding them, so parents are stressed and respond in abusive ways. Additionally, many women and girls experience physical and sexual abuse which traumatizes them more than ever. Many of these victims find themselves isolated in violent homes, without access to resources or friends and family networks. Unfortunately, their abusers could be experiencing financial pressures and stress, increase their consumption of alcohol or drugs, and purchase or hoard weapons as an emergency measure.

Due to the increasing rates of both child abuse and domestic violence, there should be more organizations to help these victims and find them a place away from their abusers and get them the help they need. The government as well as health care providers should already be prepared for the demand of caring for these vulnerable victims during this crisis.


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Elaine Truong


  1. It is no surprise that rates of child abuse and domestic abuse are increasing under the Covid-19 containment measures, such as mandated quarantining which leaves victims trapped with their abusers, but what can be done to help them? Especially the children who were once provided an escape and assistance through the schools they attended. You proposed the creation of organizations that would provide assistance, but what specifically would these organizations do to help these victims escape their situations and where would they get their funding to provide these services? Additionally what can victims do without access to organizations that can provide them with some relief?

    • Hi Lexi, I think that the spreading awareness if these organizations were created would most definitely help these victims. To help these victims escape their situations they would help them by any means necessary. Putting in an anonymous tip that they know someone is being abused and putting them in homes where they feel safe. Funding to provide these services could be from holding fundarasers and asking for funding from local organizations and even the government. If we’re talking about the victims it would be 100% free. No one should have to pay to speak up and escape their abusers. Victims without access to organizations can contact the police or even their doctors. Telling someone that they trust can also help and will spread awareness about ones situation.

  2. This is a very unique topic that I would never have thought of. Child abuse and domestic abuse was bad even before the pandemic and now that children are home more with their abusers, it becomes clear that child abuse and domestic abuse has increased just due to children being home more. Imagine being in that type of situation when being home every day in the house with your abuser. The way I see it, you have two options. Take your chances by escaping the house and having the risk of catching the virus. Or, dealing with the abuse and being corona virus free. The abusers try to break you down to make you feel like nothing so your best chance would be for you to find help. Although, how can you find help if the government is putting more money into corona virus assistance than into help for abuse victims?

    • Wow, your statement “Take your chances by escaping the house and having the risk of catching the virus. Or, dealing with the abuse and being corona virus free” really touched me. I never really thought of it that way but now that you have mentioned it I can see where you’re coming from. When you say the government is putting more money into pandemic assistance than into help for abuse victim, I agree and I think that they should have more empathy towards these victims which is why I think we as a community should spread awareness and even create a club if possible at Suffolk to speak on matters like this.

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