
Should Schools Reopen in Fall?

The Trump Administration is pushing the nation to open our schools this fall, but there has been hesitation on the part of individual schools and communities who feel as though they are not ready to have students and teachers return to the building.  What is the ideal plan of action to keep communities safe from COVID-19, while also ensuring students are getting the education they require? Continue Reading


Federalism and its effects in crisis management.

It seems as if federalism has reared its ugly head during the recent SARS-Cov-2 pandemic.

Federalism’s core ideas allow our country to thrive as a melting pot of ideas, where each state’s self-governance allows them to tackle societal issues with their own unique angle. Don’t like sports gambling? You can vote for representatives in your district who also don’t. Want to legalize marijuana? Same ideas apply.

The system is a great check on the power of larger states, and prevents their views on national policy from entirely dominating those of smaller states. Continue Reading


The Problems with Not Enforcing a Mask Mandate

After Kootenai County passed a mask mandate on July 23rd, a small portion of the population breathed a sigh of relief, finally feeling like there might be some hope in stopping the wildfire that is the spread of COVID-19 in North Idaho. The mandate stated that failure to wear a mask in public settings would be classified as a misdemeanor offense, complete with a fine or possibly time in jail (“Kootenai Co. Sheriff,” 2020). Those in favor of mask-wearing celebrated, imagining the possibility of walking downtown without the fear of getting called names.

Unfortunately, over the course of the nearly three weeks that the mandate has been passed, not a single citation for failing to wear a mask has been issued. Continue Reading


The Mask War

When the COVID-19 pandemic started in the United States in March, masks were an optional rule for people to wear in public places. But when the cases started to spike after memorial day and 4th of July, the CDC finally… Continue Reading


With the new COVID-19 Pandemic during the continuous fast food epidemic, why should fast food restaurants stay open when they put minorities at a greater risk?

By. Victoria Lee-Brewer African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to be obese as Public health problems and poverty becomes more prevalent in minority communities than their counterparts. Fast food causes underlying conditions such as, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.… Continue Reading
