Worldwide solar energy use

A list of where solar energy is used most

Ranking Country Installed PV [MW]
1 Germany 32,411
2 Italy 16,361
3 China 8,300
4 USA 7,777
5 Japan 6,914
6 Spain 5,166
7 France 4,003
8 Belgium 2,650
9 Australia 2,650
10 Czech Republic 2,072



Germany is the number one user of solar energy in the world in 2010, “Germany installed 3.8 GW of PV(Photo Voltaic) solar energy capacity, and the country has added at least 3.3 GW of new solar capacity per year, and more like 6 GW per year between 2010 and 2012.” 50% of the energy used in the country was from solar energy, 78% of their total energy was from renewable sources. They also have the first building that captures more energy than it uses.


China has grown its solar energy usage by a whopping 6000% since 2009, from less than one-third of a gigawatt to 18.3. They are also a major solar panel manufacturer. The government has also increased their renewable energy plan from 20-30 Gigawatts by 2020 to 70 gigawatts by 2017.

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