10. Obama’s Climate Action Plan

In 2009, President Obama announced that that by 2020 US greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by 17%.  The s Climate Action outlined three major goals to complete the

1. Cut Carbon National Carbon Output by Increasing Fuel Economy Standards:

The amount of carbon released into the air would be regulated by the government to help protect the health of the American people. In 2012 carbon emission levels. If we decide to focus on reneweable energy as a country, we would be able to reduce emissions even more and create jobs to boost the economy since importing energy is difficult.

Fuel standards have been set for heavy duty vehicles for the first time in the country’s history. They are the second largest source of greenhouse gases because of transportation. An estimated 270 million metric tons and 530 million barrels of oil will be saved.


2. Create a National Infastructure that can Withstand Climate Change: 

While trying to prevent climate change (which is already occurring) steps are being t taken to prepare the country for its effects. The creation of stronger roads,  shorelines, and bridges has been promised to better shield the populace from the effects of climate change.

Prepration for the consequences of greenhouse gases and climate change have begun. Hospitals will need to be able better serve patients during heatwaves and keep the temperature reasonable. Agencies and taskforces have been developed to pinpoint the proper investments, which can be done privately or through federal agencies, for different facilities in the country . The goal of the agencies and taskforces is to create an infastructre that can last against the tide of climate change.


3. Spearhead the Fight Against Global Climate Change and Prepare for its impact on an international level through Long Term Investments In clean Energy 

No lone country can counter a global issue of this scale, the goal of the USA will be to lead the world in combatting any effects of climate change and pollution that have already occurred while

One of the first goals of the initiative is to increase the use of clean energy. The plan wants the Gov to research, develop, and deploy clean energy. This will be done with a 30% increase of budget across all agencies.

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