Keystone xl blog

The Keystone Pipeline is a oil pipeline system that runs from Alberta, Canada to Cushing Oklahoma. The Keystone XL Pipeline proposal to expand the keystone pipeline in two parts:

1. The first part would be to connect the end in Oklahoma to the Gulf of Texas, and

2. The second part would consist of a new portion of the pipeline that runs from Alberta to Kansas.

The portion that connects Oklahoma and Texas has been completed. The Canadian company that runs, and expands the pipeline is focused on gaining the necessary permits from federal and local governments. The expansion of the pipeline has been marred in controversy. Finding information on what the pipeline is was a challenge. Most sources only spoke about pros and cons of the pipeline without providing tangible information. The pipeline’s official website says that the keystone pipeline will support the crude oil production in the USA.
Homeowners and environmentalists are vehemently opposed to the expansion. They have blocked TransCanada from acquiring the many permits they need to expand the pipeline.



1. The project is estimated to create 20,000 jobs in the USA, other reports have estimated 500,000 jobs being created around it.

2. Since Canada and the USA have always been on friendly terms, it would boost oil production in the gulf coast of texas and give its energy sector security.

3. Another potential benefit would be the tax revenue, which is estimated to be a total of 100 million dollars for the regions surrounding the project. This would only apply if general tax evasion was not practiced.

4. It is one of the safest methods to transport oil.



1. Leaks and past leaks have wreaked havoc on the environment and the people surrounding the pipeline. Oil leaks create ridiculous amounts damage to ecosystems, they poison water supplies and destroy human and animal populations alike.

2. The pipeline would cause environmental damage equal to adding more than 5.6 million new cars to our roads. Instead of investing into an environmentally unfriendly fossil fuel, we should be investing in clean renewable energy that would pay off in the long term.

3. The jobs created would be short term and would cause economic distress in the surrounding areas. A major employer no longer bringing in money after a project is destructive to economic environments

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