Solar Cell Lab


The objective of this experiment was to analyze how light intensity and light color act as variables in a solar cell’s efficiency of generating a voltage. We are looking to derive a distinct relationship between each variable and the voltage produced.


To perform this experiment we needed a flashlight, a small solar panel, colored filters, a ruler, and a computer programmed data recorder. Our first step was to ensure that our solar panel was properly connected to the data recorder. Once we knew data was being recorded properly, we gathered data for the single variable of light intensity. To do this, we used the ruler to measure 5 different distances above the solar panel: 0cm, 4cm, 8cm, 12cm, and 16cm. At each of these distances, we turned the flashlight on pointing directly at the solar panel, and let the computer record the voltage produced in a 30 second span. The computer gave us 10 numbers for each trial, and we found the average for each set of 10 in Excel. After averaging all 5 sets of data, we were left with 5 measures of voltage: One to correspond with each intensity level. The data is shown below.

Distance (cm):      0            4              8              12        16

Voltage (V):     0.4690    0.4394     0.3972    0.4061   0.3882  

After gathering this data, we then singled out the variable of light color. To do this, we kept the intensity of light at a controlled distance of 0cm for all trials. However, every time we turned on the flashlight and recorded the voltage output, we had a different color light filter in between the flashlight and solar panel. The first trial let only purple light through to the solar cell. The second let only yellow light, the third only pink light, and the fourth only red light. We averaged out each of the four data sets that were recorded just like the first stage of the experiment. Our results were us 4 measures of voltage: one to correspond with each color of light.

Color:            Purple     Yellow      Pink        Red

Voltage (V):   0.3689     0.4639      0.4382     0.4215


In order to draw conclusions for the data sets of each variable, we used Microsoft Excel to graph our data. We will first analyze the graph representing the relationship between light intensity and voltage.


As we can see by our graph above, none of our voltage measurements are too far from the linear trend line. This indicates that there is a relatively strong correlation between the distance of the flashlight from the solar panel, and the voltage that the solar panel produces. We also can see that the slope of the trend line is negative. This tells us that as the distance between the flashlight and the solar panel increases, the voltage that is produced decreases. What we also have to take into account though, is that we are analyzing the relation of light intensity and voltage output. We know that as distance increases, light intensity decreases. So in this case, despite the negative slope of the graph, we can conclude that there is a positive relationship between light intensity and voltage output– meaning that as light intensity increases, so does the voltage output.

To draw conclusions for the variable of light color, we will consider the  bar graph form our results below.


If we look closely, we can see that each color yields a different voltage output. What I notice, is that the more light transparent colors, such as yellow and pink, yield a higher voltage than less transparent colors, like red and purple. I would explain this by reasoning that the more light a solar panel is allowed to absorb by a colors transparency, the more voltage the solar panel can produce. This would indicate a positive relationship between transparency and voltage output.

Another significant thing that this graph shows is the stark difference of voltage produced by cooler hues like purple, and warmer hues like red. While their transparencies are closely related, they lie on opposite ends of the light frequency spectrum, as shown below.


According to this figure, the wavelength of purple light waves are much shorter than red light (roughly 300 nanometers shorter.) When comparing their difference in voltage output, we can conclude that solar cells absorb longer light wavelengths more efficiently than shorter wavelengths. This would explain why purple light yields less voltage than rel light.

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