Category Archives: Scientific Research

The President’s Climate Action Plan


“The President’s Climate Action Plan” is a 21 pages document which was released by Executive Office of the President in June 2013. It has three main sections which cover all the climate action plans that can prevent the climate change internationally. The first section is titled “Cuts Carbon Pollution in America” that describe the plans for reducing carbon emissions in the United States. The second section is “Prepares the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change” which describe how to build a safer community and prepare for the impacts of climate change. Finally, the third section is “Lead International Efforts to Address Global Climate Change” that describes international efforts the US is involved in.


Cuts Carbon Pollution in America

In 2012, the U.S. carbon pollution fell to lowest level in two decade even though the national economy is still growing. To build this plan, Obama Administration is putting in place tough new rules to cut carbon pollution so we can protect health for our children in the future. Cleaning energy sources might create jobs and lower home energy bill. There are some examples about how this plan can do to reduce the carbon pollution.

  • Directs Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to work closely with states, industry and other stakeholder to establish carbon pollution standards for both new and existing power plants.
  • Directs digital object identifier (DOI) to permit enough renewable project such as power more than 6 millions homes by 2020; sets a new goal to install 100 megawatts of renewing on federally assisted housing by 2020; or deploy renewing on military installations.
  • Sets a goal to reduce carbon pollution at least 3 billion metric tons cumulatively by 2030.
  • Develop fuel economy standards for heavy-duty vehicles to save families money.




Prepares the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change

Even though we are taking a new step in cutting carbon pollution, we still have to prepare for the impacts that are too late to avoid. To build this process, there are some specific actions:

  • Directs agencies to support local climate-resilient investment: remove the barriers or counterproductive policies and modernizing programs. Also, we should establish a short-term task force of state or local to advise on key actions the Federal government which can help strengthen communities on the ground.
  • Creates sustainable and resilient hospitals in the face of climate change through a public-private partnership with the healthcare industry.
  • Provides climate preparedness tools and information that are needed by state, local, and private-sector.
  • Rebuilding and Learning from Hurricane Sandy: creates innovative strategies from the effects  of Hurricane Sandy to against the future extreme weather and other climate impacts.




Lead International Efforts to Address Global Climate Change

There is no country that can escape from the climate change, and no country can duel with it alone.  That is why it is imperative for the United States to couple action at home with leadership internationally. America should help to solve this global problem galvanizing international action to reduce carbon emissions or prepare for climate impacts. For example:

  • Working with Other Countries to Take Action to Address Climate Chang: commits to expand major new and existing international initiatives which include the bilateral initiatives with China, India, and other major emitting countries.
  • Combat Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: expressed support for using the expertise and institutions of the Montreal Protocol to phase down HFCs.
  • Negotiating Global Free Trade in Environmental Goods and Services:  launched negotiations on the Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA) to achieve global free trade in clean technologies.





The President’s Climate Action Plan in 2013 put forth an action for the US on the impacts of climate change. After reading this document, I think that we can make a chance in make this planet greener. We should work together to reduce the carbon pollution which can affects our children health in the future. There are few of these initiatives that met success already. If we work together, we can change everything.

Nuclear Disasters


Nuclear disaster, as known as nuclear and radiation accident, is defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency as an event that has led to the significant consequences to human, environment or the facility. The impact of nuclear disasters has been a topic of debate since the first nuclear reactors which were constructed in 1954. Also, it became a key factor in public concern about nuclear facilities. There have been 99 accidents at nuclear power plants around the world. There were fifty-seven accidents have occurred since the Chernobyl disaster, and 57% of all nuclear related accidents have occurred in the United States. In this blog, I will discuss about two nuclear disasters: Chernobyl disaster (1986) and Fukushima disaster (2011)

Chernobyl Disaster (1986)




Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant locates in a town of Pripyat in  Ukraine, which was uder the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities of the Soviet Union. The picture above shows the power plant after the nuclear disaster in 1986.


What Happened and Why?

On April 26, 1986, a major accident occurred at Unite 4 of the nuclear power plant at Chernobyl, Ukraine, in the former USSR. The accident and the fire followed released massive amount of the radioactive material into the environment. While conduct the test, the reactor had to be powered down to 25% of its capacity. However, the procedure did not go according plan and the reactor power level fell to less than 1%. After 30 second, there was an unexpected power surge, and the reactor’s emergency shutdown failed. Because of the failure, there was a violent explosion which made the 1000-tonne sealing cap on the reactor building blowing off. Also, the fuel rods melted at the temperature over 2000°C. The graphite burned for nine days, churning a big quantities of radiation into the environment.

After the accident, officials closed off the area within 18 miles from the plant. There were 28 out of 600 workers were killed by the radiation effects in the first four months after the event. Also, there were 2 workers died within hours of the explosion from non-radiological cause.  The Soviet government evacuated about 115,000 people from the most heavily areas in 1986, and the other 220,000 people in subsequent years.


Fukushima Daiichi Disaster (2011)




Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is located in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. This station was operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company. The picture above shows the explosion in 2011


What Happened and Why?

On March 11, 2011, there was a larger earthquake and a 15-metre tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima reactors which causes a nuclear accident. The accident was rated 7 on the International Nuclear Event (INES) Scale. Also, there were four reactors that were written off due the damage in the accident. After two weeks, the three reactors (units 1-3) were stable with water addition and they were being cooled by the recycled water for the new treatment plant. Nobody are killed or get sick from the nuclear accident, but over 100,000 people had to be evacuated from their homes to ensure this. Unfortunately, the official figures show that there have been well over 1000 deaths from the maintaining the evacuation.


Safety of Nuclear Power Reactors

In my opinion, we should have a stronger system to reduce the percentage of accident in the lowest rate. Also, we should build a strong power plant with an thick iron wall. Moreover, we should know how to face with the nuclear waste. It is hard to tell in a specific way because it is really hard to control a nuclear accident. It affects dangerously into human health. Otherwise, we can develop the clothes of workers in power plants station to help them reduce the danger from nuclear effects.



The two disasters in Chernobyl and Fukushima left a dangerous effect on human health and environment. The nuclear go to food, vegetable, and water. It impacts on human life hardly. Hopefully, we will have some strong power plants that can never be destroyed.




Geothermal Energy in Iceland


Iceland is a Nordic island country between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. This country has a special geological location with the high concentration of volcanoes. Also, the high concentration of volcanoes can be an advantage in the generation of geothermal energy, the heating and production of electricity. Iceland is a pioneer in the use of geothermal energy for space heating.


Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is the thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. It is the energy that determines the temperature of matter. There are current 6 geothermal power plants in Iceland, and they are Hellisheiði Power Station, Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Station, Reykjanes Power Station, Svartsengi Power Station, Krafla Power Station, Bjarnarflag Power Station. Six geothermal major power plants exist Iceland and produced approximately 26.2% of the nation electricity in 2010. Hellisheiði Power Station is the third largest geothermal power station in the world. This station has a capacity of 303 MW of electricity and 400 MW of hot water. Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Station is the second largest geothermal station in Iceland which produced approximately 120 MW of electrical power 1,100 litres of hot water. As same as, the Reykjanes Power Station can produced 100 MW; Svartsengi Power Station produced 76.5 MW; Krafla Power Station produce 60 MW; and Bjarnarflag Power Station produced 3 MW.


Karta 3


How is geothermal energy used in Iceland?

Fish Farming

Fish Farming in Iceland was mainly practised in shore-based plants. Usually, geothermal water is about at 20-50°C which is used to heat the fresh water in heat exchangers from 5 to 12°C. It requires a large consumption of both freshwater and seawater and it is expensive. However, this process is still commonly used.  The electrical consumption is reduced by injecting pure oxygen into the water. Overall, he total geothermal energy used in Iceland’s fish-farming sector is estimated to be 1,600 TJ per year and this project is expected to increase in the future.




Bathing and Recreation

In Iceland, there are 169 recreational swimming centers and 138 of them are using geothermal heat. Based on the surface area, 90% of the pools are heated by geothermal sources, 8% by electricity, and 2% by burning oil and waste. For he geothermal heated swimming pools, there are 108 are public and 30 are located in schools. Swimming is very popular in Iceland so the number of pools is increasing by year. There are 17 public pools in Reykjavik area. Also, the largest pools is Laugardalslaug with a surface area of 2,750 m2 plus eight hot tubs. Usually, we need 220 m3 of water or 40,000 MJ of energy to heat up one m2 pool surface. It means if we want to heat up a pool, we have to use as much as hot water is need to heat about 80-100 single-family dwellings. The total annual water consumption of geothermally heated swimming pools in Iceland is estimated to be 6,9  million m3, which means we have to use 1,300 TJ per year.





Icelanders are smart in using natural resources to produce energy and power. This country has many volcanoes but it does not mean that we cannot do anything with them. We can use the advantage of geography to earn benefit by building some wonderful project as what Iceland had done. Hopefully, these projects can be more successful in the future and we can apply them worldwide.





Thermoelectric Devices


Thermoelectric device is made from thermoelectric modules. It creates voltage by the temperature of each side of the devices. One of the common device of thermoelectric is thermoelectric generator. Thermoelectric generation, as known as TEG, is a solid state device that can convert heat into electrical energy through a a form of thermoelectric effect called  the Seebeck effect. A thermoelectric generator is made of many pairs of p-type and n-type elements. The p-type elements are made of semiconductor materials which are positive (holes) and Seebeck coefficient is positive. The n-type elements are made of semiconductor material doped which are negative (electrons) and the Seebeck coefficient is negative. Also, it works without any need for moving parts like turbines.


How do thermoelectric generators work?

  • Connect the p-type and n-type elements to create a voltage potential.
  • When the p-type and n-type elements are connected electrically, mobile holes in the p-type element will see the mobile electrons in the n-type element and migrate to the other side of the junction.
  • For every hole that p-type element migrate into n-type element, an electron from the n-type element will migrate into the p-type element
  • The mobile holes in the p-type and n-type elements are excited by the heat and move further into the element with the extra kinetic energy. Also, many of the holes pile up at the cold end of the p-type element and many of the electrons pile up at the cold end of the n-type element, thereby creating a voltage potential across the p-n junction.



  • If you add a voltage potential from the cold end of the p-type element to the n-type element, the electrons from the n-type element will see all of the holes piled up at the end of the p-type element and hitch a ride along the wire into the p-type material.



  • Then, a hole from the p-type element will see a vacancy in the n-type element and migrate in that direction
  • The end effect is current flow across a voltage potential from p-n junction, and electrical power is created.


Uses of thermoelectric devices

Thermoelectric devices are used for a large mechanical generation as a cooling unit. The BMW Group decided to develop a prototype vehicle with a thermoelectric generator  to investigate the interactions of this technology with the power train. BMW X6 is the newest model using thermoelectric device as cooling unit inside the vehicle. It allows a smaller alternator to reduce the roll friction, leading to an increase in fuel efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions.




The second cool application for thermoelectric device is BioLite Kettlecharge. As how thermoelectric generator work, BioLite Kettlecharge use heat and cool water to provide the power for the charger. It can recharges smartphones, camp lights, GPS and the other USB devices by using 10  watt through USB. In the video below, the advertisement shows how handy this product is when our home has no electrical power or we are in the forest. We can use this product easily by using heat and water only.




Thermoelectric generators do a great job in providing power in this electrical generation. In the future, there will be more inventions using thermoelectric generators to convert temperature to energy. Hopefully, these products can also help to reduce the carbon dioxide and pollution in the future.






Solar Energy Projects around the World

What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is energy provided by the sun. This energy is in the form of solar radiation can makes the production of solar electricity. Electricity can be produced from light, PV, and cells. Solar energy produces most electricity during the hot days. One megawatt hour of solar electricity offsets about 0.75 to 1 tonne of CO2. Australia is one of the sunniest countries in the world so it has a huge potential for solar PV  to make a  contribution for electricity generation. That is why so many countries today want to build a innovation solar energy project that develop electricity generation by using natural resources such as sunlight.


Solar Powered Projects around the World

1) Sanyo’s Solar Ark

Solar Ark is an ark-shaped solar photovoltaic power generation facility. It is solar-collecting building that boasts over 5,000 solar panels which kick off over 500,000 kWh of energy per year. Solar Ark is about 315-meter-wide and 37-meter-tall which is located in  Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Also, there are over 5,000 colored LEDs that can light up to create images and messages. Inside the Solar Ark is solar museum and laboratory where Sanyo employees are working for the next solar technology generation. Sanyo’s Solar Ark is one of the largest solar building in the world.



2) China’s Solar Powered Office Complex

China is an heavy user of fossil fuels and climate killer. This country met 70% of its need by exploiting coals. The pollution in China is at a dangerous level where people have to limit their outdoor activities. That is why China wants to make a change in its environment by building a largest solar-powered office building in the world. This building is located Dezhou, China. the 75,000 square meter structure building is used for scientific research, meeting, training facilities, and a hotel. All of these activities will be run on solar power. China is trying to use solar power to develop energy generation and reduce pollution. Also, this project can save 30% more energy than national standard. Chinese want to make their country as green as possible from now.

Chinas-Solar-Powered-Office 2


Sahara Forest Project

Sahara Forest Project is as a solution to provide fresh water, food, and energy in the world’s most arid regions. This project was created by Michael Pawlyn, Seawater Greenhouse designer Charlie Paton, and structural engineer Bill Watts. Norway and Jordan recently signed an agreement to allow Sahara Forest Project to build on a plot of land in Jordan. Also, there will be a group conduct the number of studies in Jordan. The test size will be 200,000 square meter plot in Aqaba which is close to the Red Sea. Sahara Forest Project combines Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and Seawater Greenhouses which can provide a huge amount of energy and sustainable agricultural solutions. Also, Seawater Greenhouses uses solar power to convert salt water into fresh water which can use to grow fresh vegetables. This project is scheduled in 2015 and if it is successful, we will not be worried about the food supplies and water because they can be grew and produced even though in the desert.




I strongly believe that we will be safe in this technological environment because we are trying to make this planet as green as possible. People are trying to reduce pollution by their best. Following three examples about innovated solar energy powered projects, I believe that we can use solar to develop energy generation in every situation. I hope that those projects can do their best in saving energy and reduce pollution around the world. I hope to see Sahara Forest Project be successful in the future. It will be amazing when we can grow food in a hottest desert in the world. Someday, we might be able to live there instead of finding the living space on Mars.






Tesla Coil


Nikola Telsa was an Serbian American inventor and electrical engineer who used a coil to produce wireless energy in his innovative experiments such as electrical lighting, phosphorescence, or X-ray generation. Inventor Nikola Tesla was born in July of 1856 in in the village of Smiljan, Austrian Empire. He came to the United States in 1884 to work with Thomas Edison for the Continental Edison Company in France, designing and making improvements to electrical equipment. In 1886, Telsa opened his own company with the other two partners, Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, and named for his company in Telsa’s name,  Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. In 1891, he invented “Telsa coil” which is an electrical resonant transformer circuit that still be used in radio technology today. He died on January 7, 1943 in New York. 


What is a “Telsa Coil”?

“Telsa coil” which is an electrical resonant transformer circuit. It was invented in 1891 which was before the conventional iron-core transformers. Telsa coil is set up with two part: primary coil and secondary coil. Those two coils and capacitors are connected by a gap of air. The spark gaps connect the coils to six pack capacitor and NST protection filter. From the filter, everything will connect to a Neon sign transformer. 



How does it work?

  1. The transformer boosts the voltage 
  2. The power source is hooked up to the primary coil. The primary coil’s capacitor will soak up to charge to develop the wireless energy.
  3. The electric current will build up until the energy hit the the tipping point. 
  4. A hug voltage current will flow from the gap to the secondary coil. 
  5. The energy go back and forth between two point. On the secondary coil, there is a top-load which will shoot out the lightning when all the current is concentrated.


“Fix the World”

Fix the World S.A.R.L is an international business and humanitarian association which was established in 2012. Fix the World has released an energy generator which is inspired by by Tesla’s “Energy Generator” in 1894. They focus on any project dealing with energy access, economic hardship, and basic humanitarian aid. One of their project is Quantum Electric Generator (QEG) which uses the law of Tesla Coil to develop energy to make the light bulbs light. It is one example that people using Tesla Coil to produce energy today. The video below showing hos QED works and it surprising result. 




Even though Tesla was called “mad scientist”, we cannot reject that his idea about free energy is interesting and valuable. I hope that we can use this idea to solve the energy problems today. Fix the World is like a pioneer in this field by using a wonderful idea to solve electrical problems. Their effort will be accepted on someday .




“Open Source Plans for Modern Tesla Free Energy Generator Released to Public.” Open Source Plans for Modern Tesla Free Energy Generator Released to Public. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

“QEG Resonance in Morocco – OPC: Aouchtam 04/28/14.” YouTube. YouTube. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

Dickerson, By Kelly. “Wireless Electricity? How the Tesla Coil Works.”LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 10 July 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.



What is SpaceX?

Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, as known as SpaceX, is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transport service company in California. SpaceX was found by Elon Musk, an American business magnate, engineer and inventor. His main goals are reducing global warming through sustainable energy production, and reducing human extinction by search for a colony on Mars. That is why SpaceX was built.



The main goal of SpaceX is inventing a kind of rocket that can bring human into the space and come back with the intact rocket. Also, the “ultimate goal is enabling people to live in another planets.” (SpaceX).


What is the difference between NASA and SpaceX?

NASA: sending rocket into the space then breaking out itself. Only the satellite will stay in the universe after the rocket break out and explode in the space.


SpaceX: the rocket is designed with 2 stages. When it comes into the universe, the 2nd stage will break out and falling while the 1st stage still flying up. After that, the 1st stage will break out and the top of it is the satellite. However, when the 2nd stage is falling, it still have energy and power to launch. After finishing the process, the 2nd stage will returning to a landing zone (R) at the Cape Canaveral Air Force. The company said that exploding the rocket in the space is very expensive so they tried to invent a product that can launch into the space and return back to the Earth.

These two picture is showing how the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket works.


maxresdefault                      Preview SLS


Also, there is a video that show from the beginning to the and of the flight. The SpaceX rocket launched into the universe, then broke out and return to the land zone. The video had been recorded by SpaceX even though the rocket was in the universe. All the members of company were happy for what they achieved.




SpaceX had done a wonderful project that help we having more hope about finding the living in universe. We still believe that there is someplace in the universe where the human can live on it, and SpaceX is doing what we want to do in some day.






A “Smarter” Grid

What is Smart Grid?

Smart grid is an electrical grid which is used to develop network communication. It is a combination between Information Technology, Communication Technology, and Electrical Power System. In contrast with the traditional grid, smart grid uses two-way dialogue to develop communication between utilities and consumers. Also, the information can be exchanged to each other. We can say that Smart Grid is as an new upgrade for the original one.



How does it work? 

In the past, the traditional grid uses one-way power flow to deliver the energy power from the power plant to household. First, the transmission lines will carry electricity in a long distance from power plant to the distribution line. Then, those line will carry the electricity to households.

However, everything has changed now. We have a “smarter” grid which can make everything works easily.  Using solar pin and wind to create energy power. Then it will deliver in two-way power flow from power plant to home than come back. It can help consumers manage the electricity usage easily and quickly.





High quality: the state can manage how much electricity usage of each household by the information they get in two-way communication.

Consumer satisfy: they don’t worry much about how much they have been charge because they can manage them from now.



Expensive to rebuild: “cost much more than the $4.5 billion in federal funds” to rebuild the grid

Risk of privacy: hackers can control thousand of meters and demand of power. Also, they can get you information that your house and power station exchange to each other such as what is your address? How much power usage did your house use?



It is a great idea to improve and develop. Also, we need to work more to figure out what we can do to protect customers’ privacy. I hope that we will have more project like this to keep our planet greener.

