Pugedon Smart Recycling Box


Pugedo Smart Recycling Box is a wonderful vending machine which take the bottles and give food for the stray dogs. In Istanbul, a city of Turkey, there are over 150,000 stray dogs on the streets. They do not have food to eat and place to live. That is why Pugedo, a company that created a great vending machine for stray dogs and cats. It is a brilliant idea when we do not need to spend money for stay animals. We can use whatever we have to create something for the them.

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How does it work?

There are two trays in the machine where stray dogs and cats can come to eat. One of them is for the food, and another is for drink. Also, there are two holes for the people to put their bottles or pour water in. Whenever you put a bottle into this machine, the food and water will fall into the trays. Then the strays can come and it. Here is an video that show how this vending machine works.



The goal of this project is taking money from bottle recycling to giving food for the strays. It can help those strays to have a better life and reduce their hardship on the streets. Engin Girgin, an inventor of the machine, emphasized that, “My primary goal was to make people see that they don’t have to spend any money to help stray dogs. And I also wanted to show that people can do good deeds with things they would normally throw away.” (Finnis, DailyMail). We can help many of them from those thing that we used to throw away every day.





I hope that we can use our power to protect those animal. I believe that the success of this project can change the whole world economy. If this vending machine works successfully in Turkey, I hope that the US can imports or invent a similar machines that can help the strays get away from the hunger. I want to thanks Pugedon for creating a wonderful system that can take care all the dogs living on the streets easily.


                           ~ Thanks ~







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