We worked on this lab for the past couple of weeks. We first assembled the robot and learned how to connect the robot to the computer and use the lab view software.
This lab was created to help us understand the VI measures the distance that the wheels travel and the speed at which the care travels. Recorded was the distance travelled (a ruler was used) and then you must calculate the percent error.
(distance of ruler) − (distance of computer)
% Error = ―――――――――――――――――― ×100
Average (distance comp. and distance ruler)
With your ruler you need to measure the diameter of the wheel and then compute the circumference.
Circumference = p*diameter
The degrees that the wheel rotated are related to the number of turn the wheel makes because each wheel rotation is 360 degrees.
Seconds are related to milliseconds because 1 second is equivalent to .0001 milliseconds.
From the equation Distance = circumference* # of turns the wheel turns we are able to relate the distance to the number of turns.
We were told to run 3 tests with the same time but different power levels of 75%, 50%, and 25%. The inconsistency with our data may have been because of the fact that our measurements were not particularly precise due to the circumference being recorded with a ruler.
We then used Excel to transfer and record all of our information.