Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lemons vs. Voltage

On Thursday, December 6, 2012, Michel, Fatumata and I want to O’Bryant High School in Roxbury to present an experiment we had been working on. In this experiment, we used lemons to generate electricity. The main goal of the experiment was to show … Continue reading

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Demand Response

In the hot days of summer, everybody turn on their air conditioner consuming massive amount of energy at the same time. This kind of usage puts the entire grid under the possibility of power outage. The reason behind black outs is … Continue reading

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Solar Energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. One of the renewable energy sources we can convert to electrical energy is the solar energy. We convert the solar energy using a solar cell. When the sunlight … Continue reading

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Shakes vs. Energy

On Thursday, October 18, 2012, we were given a simple electrical generator that converts motion into electricity, a voltmeter, and a device that connects the voltmeter to the computer. The electrical generator is consisted of a non-movable ring of coil … Continue reading

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Fukushima Daiichi

Fukushima Daiichi is a Japanese term referring to a nuclear power plant. Fukushima is the name of the prefecture where the plant is located, and Daiichi means number one. Fukushima’s prefector is located on the northeaster cost of Japan. (See … Continue reading

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Ways Auto Industry Use to Increase Gas Mileage

Gas mileage is one of the most important features customers ask about when buying a car. It tells them how much gasoline does a car consume per mile. The unite of measure is Miles per gallon (MPG). According to Wikipedia, … Continue reading

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Robotic Cars

On Thursday, September 20, 2012, we were given an unassembled robotic car to do an experiment with it. The objectives of the experiment were to assemble the car, program it to run for a short period of time, and study the results … Continue reading

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Green Germany

In 2000, Germany has forced a law that encourages and promotes the use of renewable energy sources. “This act enables any company or individual who meets the technical and legal requirements to sell renewable electricity into the power grid for a guaranteed, … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it under Manage>Posts or make a new one under Write>Posts then start blogging! Be sure to visit the Design tab to choose a new look for your blog as … Continue reading

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