Peter Malmö is a new adaptation of the Mexican novel "Pedro Páramo" by Juan Rulfo. The story is set on a remote small island where death, memory, snow, and ash all call home. Johnny arrives there looking for his father only to discover his family's and the town’s past. Through the echoes of memories from the island's residents, Johnny embarks on a doomed path through the ruins of town and the man who laid waste to it: Peter Malmö.
Armando Rivera (he/him) is a Boston based director, actor, historian, and serves as Artistic Director of Teatro Chelsea, a bilingual Latine theater company in Chelsea, MA. His current focus lies in uplifting new Latine narratives that highlight the bilingual experience and resonate with diverse communities. Select directing credits include:
Fade(Kitchen Theatre Company),
El Camino de Cuentos Oscuros,
Sonia se Fue (Teatro Chelsea).
Latin American Folktales,
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Apollinaire Play Lab).