Generator Lab

Prior to starting the generator lab we were told that the more you shake the higher the voltage. My partner Rosanna and I were excited to try it out. We set up our “Wall-up” and got started.


Rosanna was in charge of the shaking and I was computing everything into the system. everything went pretty smoothly until we got to out 3 trial. The excel format did not gather out information and then from there it went downhill. As we tried to redo everything my computer went to a blue screen. We had chosen my computer to begin with because my partner’s did not work. It was now the end of class and we were still figuring it out.

We managed to finished the last two trails

Here is our data: (all trials lasted a total of 30 seconds)

Trial 1 –

Number of shakes: 64

Sum of the squared voltages: 2.24

Trial 2 –

Number of shakes: 104

Sum of the squared voltages: 1.58

Trial 3 –

Number of shakes: 106

Sum of the squared voltages: 3.82

Trail 4 – 

Number of shakes: 67

Sum of the squared voltages: 1.78

Trial 5 – 

Number of shakes: 61

Sum of the squared voltages: 1.08

And come up with out graph which we showed professor Sonek because to us it looked kind of funny.

shakes chart

He then explain to us that it was not wrong. Even though our marks did not really follow the line. Despite the computer, whom I blame every experiment, I did enjoy this lab!

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