Group Brainstorming Session

During this week’s class we paired up with our group for the final project. I was very excited to be able to pick our group because I have worked in this class with both of my group members before and we all work very well together and are used to each other’s working style and schedules.

After we had picked our team the brain storming began. We decided that we wanted to do something along the lines of something that we had touched based on in class. We searched up different things on websites and YouTube to get some ideas.

As a group we decided it was best to select a bunch of ideas while we were in class and send it in an  email and look over them again and decide what we would do.

We worked very well and productively during this week’s class. We were all pretty much on the same page on what we wanted to do but were all also very open minded, which is also appreciated. Like mentioned before we narrowed it down to a couple that we were really interested in and within this week we will narrow it down to one.


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