Presidents Climate Action Plan

“All of us will need to do our part. If we embrace this challenge, we will not just create new jobs and new industries and keep America on the cutting edge; we will save lives, protect and preserve our treasured natural resources, cities, and coastlines for future generations.”

This by far was one of the most striking lines in the reading from President Obama’s climate action plan. A plan he put forth in 2009 to reduce carbon pollution to better our planet in various ways for our future generations. In this plan he talked about three specific pillars.

1. Cut Carbon Pollution in America: 

President Obama set a goal in 2009, that by 2020 he would reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emission at around 17% below the 2005 levels. So far the Obama Administration have been doing a good job at trying to complete this goal. They have doubles the generation of electricity from wind, solar, and geothermal and also by setting forth historic new fuel economy standard. In this pillar is set up with steps that the Administration plans to take, such as deploying energy, which include cutting carbon pollution from power plants. If the Administration follows these steps, along with us and local governments we can start to create a better environment for the future generation.

2. Prepare the U.S. for the Impacts of Climate Change:

Over the past several years we, across the United States, have experience some of the most traumatic climate changes ever seen. With continues days of 100 degree weather, severe winters, and droughts. This part of the plan focuses on acknowledging these weather changes but also being prepared for them. Meaning that the Obama Administration will work with state and local governments to improve our roads, bridges, and shoreline for the protection on our people and businesses in due of these severe weather changes. Moving forward the Administration will spread efforts in three parts to prepare America. These include; building stronger and safer communities and infrastructure, protecting our economy and natural resources, and using sound science to manage climate impacts.

3. Lead International Efforts to Combat Global Climate Change and Prepare for its Impacts:

Tying in with the second pillar, the third pillar talks about how we, as a country, can’t face this challenge of climate change alone. With this part of the plan the Administration focuses on the “United States to couple action at home with leadership internationally” and that “America must help forge a truly global solution to this global challenge”.

I have briefly heard about the President’s plan, but never really got into depth with this plan. Reading this definitely made me more aware of what will happen and what I can do to help. I, too believe that not only should we be prepared for these climate changes we have been experiencing (especially after last winter in New England) but also aim to make this planet safe and healthy for our future generation. Coming from a family who has a history of asthma, I do feel this is very important.

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