Nuclear Energy Self Study

While doing my self study of nuclear energy there was plenty of information that I’ve learned that I did not have knowledge beforehand.

Things I learned:

  • The “economic advantages” slide alone was mostly filled with information was not aware of. For example that 17% of the world’s electricity is from nuclear power.
  • I had learned before about the splitting of atoms, and also of fusion but this self study reminded me of the correct term: Fission
  • Before this self study, I did not know that there were types of radioactivity, and all of the sources of natural radiation, especially soil and air.
  • On the topic of radiation, I also learned that from 1940-1970 most radioactive waste was dumped into the ocean. After discovering this I couldn’t help but wonder how much damage that costed.
  • A funny thing that I learned from this study was the yucca mountain. Being born and raised in Brazil, for me yucca is a food and many Americans have never eaten yucca before and reading about yucca mountain I wonder if it has anything to do with the food.

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