Trip to the MOS

This trip to the Museum of Science was the first time I’ve been there in a very long time, but everything was still exactly as I remembered. I was very surprised, that with my knowledge of the class now, there were so many exhibits what had to deal with what we have been talking about in our class. We visited four exhibits; Catching Wind, Investigate!, Conserve @ home, and Energized!


IMG_4481Energized was the first exhibit we did, there was a lot there that we had already spoken about in class and that was really cool to see example and pictures right in front of me instead of hearing it and being taught. In this exhibit there was a lot about solar powers and a very cool little example that we used light reflected off of a mirror to make a wheel turn, the more light we shined the faster the wheel turned. Being a student that learns with more hands on, it was really nice to see that and understand it.

heres more from energized

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Catching Wind:

Next was catching wind and when we started looking at the exhibit I immediately heard professor Sonek speaking. This was exactly everything we had talked about in class previous weeks. It had things Energy sources and mentioned things we spoke about in class and words that when I read light bulbs started glowing like natural gases and solar power etc.






This exhibit is tied for my favorite with conserve @ home. This exhibit was just so interesting to me because it had everything to do with my everyday life but at the same time it didn’t and it was just so intrigued. It explained what happens when flush your toilet and what happens when your drain clogs and it was so interesting because I never thought of “what happens” and it was cool to learn. I actally caught myself staring at one specific part that showed what happened when you put certain objects (light bulb, CD, DVD, bar of soap, and a peep candy) in a microwave. I was so surprise at 1: what happened to the soap, my prediction was that it would melt but instead it grow as it if was being peeled. and 2) the lightbulb, I for sure thought it would explode in there and instead it kept lighting up!




Conserve @ Home: 

Again this one tied for first for me.



This was a very small exhibit but filled with information that again I had no idea about. Things that I can do from my very house that will help the enviroment, like planting a tree in my backyard and recycling.. the proper way. In this exhibit i learned that steel cans can be recycled and became a bicycle and that plastic water bottles can be recycled and become fleece! I learned so much.




Overall I had a really great experience at the MOS, it refreshed my brain to things that we had already touched base on in class and I also learned so many new things.

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