Pulley Lab Blog

My Personal Experience:

Personally, I really enjoyed this lab. I believe it was because the instructions was more straight forward.

My partner and I encountered three minor setbacks while doing this lab. At first the batteries for our “Wall-E’s” were not working which set us back on a time a little. The second set back happened when we started the first five trials and we measured the mass as grams instead of kilograms. We converted all our masses and re did all the trials just to double check all the numbers were still the correct. And finally when making the chart, I had issues making the first set of data’s lab. I believe the second set of data graph is correct but the first one doesn’t seem like the one Professor Sonek displayed in class.


The lab was quite fascinating really, It was really interesting to see how everything changed because of the power or mass. One simple change of a number could change how fast the weights were lifted. Below is the data my partner and i gathered for both sets of data

Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 8.37.52 PM part one pulley lab

With this first part we noticed that as we altered the mass it affected with the speed, time and acceleration.

Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 8.43.20 PM

chart 2 pulley lab pic

This chart looks similar to the one that was displayed in class. With this we kept the mass constant at 0.15 Kg. We noticed that again changes in speed, time, and acceleration based on changing the power.


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