For our generator experiment, we used a hand shaken generator. This generator was simply a tube lined with coils in which a mobile magnet was shaken inside to produce a current with the coils. For five separate trials, we took the generator and shook it for 30 seconds, however each trial we increased or decreased the number of shakes we had in that 30 second span and had Labview track the voltage created, per second, by the shaking. Once we had our data, we summed the voltage created per second and then plotted that data onto a scatterplot. Here are our results:
Shakes — Voltage
22 — 16.00569
41 — 133.4468
71 — 61.2941
90 — 96.83239
154 — 239.8341
Other than the odd outlier at 41 shakes, we had a fairly linear trend to our voltage in relation to the number of shakes we exerted.